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(PART   II.) 
From    1719    to    1871. 


BY    THE 










CSJaltyam  College, 



IN  the  year  1884  I  undertook  to  prepare  for  publication 
the  records  of  men  who  had  belonged  to  Wadham  College ; 
and  in  1889  I  was  able  to  produce  the  first  Part  of  this  work, 
containing  the  names  of  all  men  who  had  been  attached  to 
the  College  from  its  foundation  in  1613  to  1719.  To  this  I 
am  now  able  to  add  in  Part  II.  the  records  of  Wadham  men 
from  1719  to  1871.  I  would  gladly  have  carried  the  work  on 
to  the  Second  University  Commission  (1881),  or  even  to  the 
present  day,  but  it  would  have  proved  too  large ;  yet,  perhaps, 
at  some  future  time,  I  may  be  able  to  continue  the  publica- 
tion of  the  College  Eegisters  together  with  those  appendices 
on  the  Buildings,  the  Endowments  and  Estates,  Benefactors, 
Servants,  Library,  Plate,  and  Pictures,  which,  though  contem- 
plated from  the  beginning  of  the  work,  I  have  been  unable 
to  include  in  the  present  volume. 

I  have  appended  to  this  Part  such  additional  information 
about  the  Members  of  the  College  from  1613  to  1719  as  I 
have  been  able  to  discover  in  the  last  five  years.  The 
publication  of  Foster's  Alumni,  Oxonienses  (1500  to  1714) 
has  supplied  the  matriculations  of  numerous  men  who 
migrated  to  Wadham  from  elsewhere :  and  many  facts  have 
been  gathered  from  the  works  of  Jackson  (Wadham),  Boase 
(Exeter),  Shadwell  (Oriel),  Fowler  (Corpus),  and  the  publi- 
cations of  the  Oxford  Historical  Society,  especially  Wood's 
Life  and  Times. 

I  have  tried  to  acknowledge  carefully  the  sources  of  my 


information :  and  especially  in  the  case  of  Mr  Foster,  wherever 
I  have  used  such  items,  as  he  alone  could  supply,  I  have 
placed  them  in  inverted  commas,  followed  by  the  letter  F. 

Besides  the  gratitude  which  is  due  to  the  Authorities  of 
the  College  for  placing  all  records  at  my  disposal,  I  would 
express  my  thanks  to  the  officers  of  the  College  of  Arms,  and 
to  the  Clergy  who  had  so  kindly  searched  their  Eegisters  for 
me ;  and  further,  to  the  many  living  Members  of  the  College 
who  have  supplied  information  about  themselves  and  their 


November  1,  1894. 



Introduction           ..........  ix 

Fasti  for  Wadham  College xiii 

Abbreviations  and  Notes xix 

The  Wardenship  of — 

William  Baker ...  1 

Robert  Thistlethwayte 16 

Samuel  Lisle 58 

George  Wyndham 72 

James  Gerard ...  151 

John  Wills     ....                          ....  170 

William  Tournay 238 

Benjamin  Parsons  Symons      .                                                     •  346 

Additions  to  Part  1 571 

Additions  and  Corrections,  Part  II 598 

Index  of  Names •  603 

List  of  Subscribers,  Part  1.,  1889 623 

List  of  Subscribers,  Part  II.,  1894 625 


IN  continuation  of  the  Introduction  to  Part  I.  it  is  neces- 
sary to  add  that  as  to 


they  remained  during  this  period  (as  they  still  remain)  almost 
unaltered  from  the  clay  of  the  Foundation.  The  Buildings 
now  known  as  10  and  11  in  the  Back  Quadrangle  were 
adapted  for  the  use  of  Students  in  1828.  The  arrangements 
of  the  College  Garden  underwent  several  changes,  and  finally 
the  extent  of  the  College  Ground  was  largely  increased  by 
the  generosity  of  Warden  Wills,  and  the  subsequent  purchase 
of  the  Warden's  Garden. 


continued  in  force  from  the  time  of  the  Foundation  till  the 
University  Commission  of  1856-7,  though  they  were  on  some 
points  interpreted  by  the  Visitor  in  accordance  with  modern 
wants.     No  members  of  the  Foundation  except  the  Warden 
and  the  Chaplains  were  required  to  be  in  orders ;  a  Fellowship 
was  tenable  for  18  years  from  Regency;  Scholars  were  elected 
from   among   the   members   of   the  College,  a  theory  which 
prevailed  to  such  an  extent  that  if  an  election  was  made  from 
outside,  the   successful   candidate  was   admitted   Commoner, 
before  he  was  admitted  Scholar.     The  condition  of  celibacy 
attached  to  the  Wardenship  was  abrogated  by  Act  of  Parlia- 
ment in  1806.     Among  the  changes  introduced  by  the  Com- 
missioners was  one  enabling  men  to  hold  Fellowships  for  their 
life,  and  under  certain  conditions  after  marriage :  the  emolu- 
ments of  one  Fellowship  were  attached  to  the  Professorship 
of    Experimental   Philosophy,   but    the    Professor   was   not 
necessarily  a  Fellow, 



The  College  officers  continued  to  be  elected  annually  on 
St  Nicholas  Day  (6th  of  December) :  but  it  was  a  matter  of 
form,  the  resident  Fellows  dividing  the  work  among  them- 
selves, either  as  holding  the  offices  or  as  deputies  for  non- 
resident Fellows. 


During  this  period,  in  addition  to  John  Goodridge's  four 
Exhibitions  for  Commoners,  and  three  for  Scholars,  many 
Exhibitions  were  founded.  Dr  Hody's  six  Exhibitions 
for  the  study  of  Greek  were  generally  held  by  Scholars : 
besides  these  there  were  four  Hody  Exhibitions  for  the  study 
of  Hebrew.  There  were  also  Pigott,  Maddox,  Gerard,  Somer- 
scales,  and  Warner  (for  Botany)  Exhibitions.  The  Pigott 
Exhibition  was  generally  divided  between  the  two  clerks,  who 
also  held  two  of  Goodridge's  Exhibitions  for  Commoners. 
Warden  Wills,  in  addition  to  many  other  benefactions, 
endowed  a  Divinity  Lectureship  and  a  Beading  Pri/e,  and  left 
Exhibitions  both  for  Scholars  and  Fellows  in  Law  and 
Medicine.  He  also  left  two  bequests  for  Superannuated 


In  the  introduction  to  Part  I.  I  divided  the  History  of  the 
College,  as  far  as  its  records  were  considered,  into  Six  Periods  : 
of  these  the  first  three  and  part  of  the  fourth  were  there  dis- 
posed of,  bringing  the  history  down  to  1719. 

The  present  volume  includes  the  remainder  of  the 
Fourth  Period,  1719  to  1739  (Wardens  Baker,  and  Thistle- 
thwaite);  the  Fifth  Period,  1739  to  1806  (Wardens  Lisle, 
Wyndham,  Gerard,  and  Wills);  and  so  much  of  the  Sixth 
Period,  1806  to  1871,  as  is  covered  by  the  Wardenships  of 
Tournay  and  Symons. 

I  have  already  (in  the  Introduction  to  Part  I)  mentioned 
that  in  the  scarcity  of  College  Ptecords  for  the  Fourth  Period 
I  am  thrown  back  upon  the  University  Matriculation  Piegister, 
supplemented  by  the  College  Caution  Books. 

The  Register  of  Foundationers  (A)  is  blank,  except  that  in 


1739  Warden  Lisle,  on  resuming  the  entries,  prefixed  a  list  of 
Scholars  elected  since  1720. 

The  Register  of  Fellow  Commoners,  Commoners,  and  Servi- 
tors (£)  is  fairly  complete  from  1719  to  17^7. 

The  Caution  Books  are  complete. 

The  Convention  Book  (M)  begins  to  be  kept  again,  6th 
December  1719,  after  a  gap  of  thirty  years. 

For  the  Fifth  Period,  while  the  Register  of  Foundationers 
(A)  is  complete,  the  Register  of  Commoners  (B)  ceases  alto- 
gether, and  I  am  obliged  to  take  the  University  Matriculations 
as  my  text,  supplemented  by  the  Caution  Books.  For  this 
period  the  Convention  Book  is  complete. 

For  the  Sixth  Period,  while  the  above  mentioned  sources 
of  information  remain  available,  there  is  also  a  most  admirable 
record  of  all  persons  who  entered  the  College,  commenced  by 
Warden  Tournay  and  continued  by  his  successor;  indeed, 
when  Wardan  Tournay  began  his  record  (apparently  in  1810), 
he  not  only  recorded  all  admissions,  but  also  as  far  as  he 
could  discover  it,  the  history  of  every  man  whose  name  was 
at  that  time  on  the  College  Books. 

This  liegister,  then,  of  Wardens  Tournay  and  Symons 
forms  the  backbone  of  the  work  from  1806.  It  is  supple- 
mented, firstly,  with  additional  information  on  University 
matters  which  they  had  not  registered,  and  secondly,  with  a 
note  as  to  men's  subsequent  career,  where  such  information 
could  be  obtained,  about  which  the  Wardens  rarely  made  an 

In  conclusion,  let  me  point  out  that  our  Founders  anticipated 
what  is  now  considered  the  wisest  arrangement  for  a  College : 
no  Fellow  was  obliged  to  take  orders — and  Fellowships  were 
terminable.  This  worked  in  two  ways:  the  succession  to 
Fellowships  was  rapid,  and  the  management  of  the  College 
was  generally  in  the  hands  of  men  under  40  years  of  age, 
with  the  exception  of  the  Warden.  On  the  other  hand,  non- 
residence  became  common,  because  the  Fellows  were  anxious 
to  secure  a  position  before  their  Fellowships  expired.  During 
the  last  century  most  of  the  Fellows  did  take  orders— but  the 
College  had  only  five  livings  in  its  gift,  which  did  not  supply 
a  sufficiently  rapid  succession.  The  College  supplied  but  few 
University  Officers  and  Professors;  for  its  members  were 
generally  launched  in  the  world  before  the  age  at  which 
University  dignities  used  to  be  attained — but  if  its  influence 


on  the  University  is  not  so  distinct  as  that  of  some  other 
Colleges,  it  can  claim  that  it  has  twice,  in  its  corporate  capacity, 
imprinted  its  mark  upon  English  thought,  first  through  the 
remarkable  group  of  men  who,  by  no  fortuitous  concourse, 
gathered  in  its  chambers  as  the  nucleus  of  the  Koyal  Society, 
and  secondly,  by  another  group  of  teachers  and  scholars  who 
went  forth  from  its  walls  to  be  the  first  and  most  earnest 
exponents  in  England  of  the  Philosophy  of  Comte :  a  system 
which,  whether  accepted  or  rejected,  has  profoundly,  and  in 
many  cases  unsuspectedly,  modified  the  direction  of  English 
Philosophy.  In  thus  closing  the  work  of  ten  years  I  will  only 
add  that  it  has  been  to  me  a  labour  of  love,  and  I  am  very 
thankful  if  by  my  toil  I  can  show  piety  towards  our  Founders, 
to  whose  wisdom  and  liberality  all  Wadham  men,  and  especially 
members  of  the  Foundation,  are  infinitely  indebted. 


170f.     14  March.  George  Hooper,  Bishop   of   Bath   and 


1714.       1  Aug.  Accession  of  King  George  I. 
1719.     23  May.  Admission  of  fatten  tSafeet. 

6  Dec.  Entries  in  the  Convention  Book  resumed. 
1723.          Dec.  Resignation  of   S2Uar&en  iSafeet  (Bishop  of 


22  Dec.  Election  of  barton 
1727.     11  June.  Accession  of  King  George  II. 

19  Sept.  John  Wynne,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 
1732.       9  Dec.   It  was  ordered  "that  all  the  trees  in  'The 

Grove '  be  cut  down." 

1736.  28  Nov.  Death  of  Edith,  widow  of  Dr  Hody  (Bene- 
factor), whereby  his  benefaction  accrued  to 
the  College. 

1738.  June.  Exhibitioners    first    appointed     under     Dr 

Body's  Will. 
173-f.     20  March.  Resignation  of  ftSJattott  Cfjistletttoagt?. 

(Letter  dated  17  Eeb.  173f.) 
22  March.  Election  of  ftHatfcen  EtSle. 

1739.  28  March.  Entries  in  the  Register  of   Foundationers 



1739.       3  April.  First   Election   to    Sir   Benjamin   Maddox' 

1741.     15  July.  First  Election  to  the  Pigott  Exhibition. 

1743.  September.    Edward  Willes,  Bishop  of  Bath  and 


1744.  9  May.  Eesignation  of   TOattten  EtSlC  (Bishop   of 

St  Asaph). 

11  May.  Election  of  2Mattrnt  S&tgnWjam. 

1745  6  Dec.  Prince  Charles  Edward  Stewart  retreated 
from  Derby. 

1746.  1 6  April.  Battle  of  Culloden. 

7  May.  Lord  Wyndham's  bequest  to  the  College. 

1747.  30  June.  Foundation   Deed   of   the    Somerscales  Ex- 


1754.  April.  A  severely  contested  election  for  Oxford- 
shire, which  leads  to  the  removal  of  a 
Scholar  (Pester)  from  the  Foundation. 

1760.     25  Oct.  Accession  of  King  George  III. 

6  Dec.  The   Estate   of   Wambrook    (bequeathed    by 

Robert  Smyth,  D.M.,  in  1 746)  comes  into  the 
possession  of  the  College. 

1773.  8  July.  The  twelve  garrets  in  the  great  Quadrangle, 

which  had  never  been  repaired  since  the 
foundation  of  the  College,  are  ordered  to 
be  made  habitable. 

1774.  23  April.  Charles  Moss,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 

1775.  20  April.  Mr  Warner's  bequest  of  4400  Books ;  and 

foundation  of  the  Warner  Exhibition  for 

1777.       3  May.  Death  of 

5  May.  Election  of  <£2iiattJm 

1779.  From  this  time  there  were  two  Pigott  Ex- 

1781.  Christmas.  Battlements    blown    down    by    a   high 


1782.  19  Nov.  OTatfcm  ©etartl  resigns. 

21  Nov.  Re-election  of  <*l&tartiCtt  (Sfrat'tJ. 

1783.  11  Feb.  Will   of   Samuel   Bush,  Vicar  of   Wadhurst, 

leaving  his  Books,  Plate,  and  other  property 
to  the  College. 
5  July.  Eesignation  of 

7  July.  Election  of 


1783.     29  Oct.  Admission  of 

1789.  From  this  time  till  1836  there  were  generally  two 

Somerscales  Exhibitioners. 

1790.  G  March.  Foundation  of  the  Gerard  Exhibition. 
1795.       9  April.  Warden  Wills,  by  Deed  of  Gift,  bestows  on 

the   College    the   lease  of   Harness'   Garden 
adjoining  the  Warden  and  the  Fellows'  Gar- 
dens on    the  north,  in  trust  for  the  use  of 
the  Warden  for  ever. 
First    mention   of    an    Election    to    the    Warner 


1802.  8  May.  Richard  Beadon,  Bishop  of  Bath  and 

1805.  1  Nov.  The  wall  in  front  of  the  College  was  taken 

down  and  a  palisade  put  up. 

1806.  16  June.  Death  of  TOartlftt  MttllS. 

19  June.  Election  of  SSJartoftt  Coumaj). 
6  Dec.  The  Office  of  Divinity  Lecturer  and  Preacher, 

endowed  by  Warden  Wills,  was   first  filled 

up;  and  his  other  Exhibitions,  Benefactions, 

and  Prizes,  distributed. 
1807      14  May.  Arrangements  for  the  employment  of  Warden 

Wills'  bequest  for  the  purchase  of  livings. 
1820.     20  Jan.  Accession  of  King  George  IV. 
1824.     27  May.  George  Henry  Law,  Bishop  of  Bath  and 

1828.          The  University  Stereotype  Foundry  and  the  College 

Brew-house  were   converted   into   chambers 

(10  and  11). 
1  July.  The    Fee   Farm    Rent   of    six   shillings   per 

annum,    which    had    been    payable    to    the 

Crown  since  the  foundation  of  the  College, 

was  purchased. 

1830.  26  June.  Accession  of  King  William  IV. 

1831.  14  June.  Resignation  of  ft&artm  STournaj). 
16  June.  Election  of  ftSJacfccn  £i>mons. 

1832.  26  Jan.  Repair  of  the  Chapel  under  the  direction  of 

Mr  Blore. 

1835.  20  Nov.  The  fee-simple  of  the  garden  on  the  north  of 
the  College,  of  which  the  lease  had  been 
given  by  Warden  Wills  (see  1795),  was 
purchased  by  the  College. 

xvi  FASTI     FOR    WADHAM     COLLEGE. 

1836.  6  April.  Two  painted  windows  placed  in  the  Chapel. 

(The  Nativity  and  Pentecost.) 

1837.  20  June.  Accession  of  Queen  Victoria. 

1845.     6  Nov.  Richard  Bagot,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 

1850.  6  Dec.  Trinity  College  purchases  the  rails,  wall,  and 

plantation  opposite  to  the  College. 

1851.  23  April.  The    questions    of    the    University    Com- 

missioners were  "  acknowledged." 

1854.  Robert  John  Eden,  Lord  Auckland,  Bishop 

of  Bath  and  Wells. 

1855.  30  June.  The  Convention  Book  records  the  failure  of 

Messrs  Paul,    Strahan,   &    Bates   (Bankers), 
whereby  the  College  loses  over  £2000. 
1857.     29  April.  The  College  acquiesces  in  the  scheme  of  the 

University  Commissioners. 

The  Maddox  and  Gerard  Exhibitions  and  Good- 
ridge's  three  Exhibitions  for  Scholars  were 
consolidated  by  the  University  Commis- 
sioners, and  added  to  the  Scholarships. 

1867.  17  June.  First  Election  to  an  open  Fellowship. 

1868.  A  new  bell  hung  in  the  Chapel. 

1869.  21  Dec.  Lord  Arthur  Charles  Hervey,  Bishop  of 

Bath  and  Wells. 

1871.     18  Oct.  Eesignation  of  2Martim  SjgtmmB, 
4  Nov.  Election  of  raatfcen  ©rtffrtfjs. 








IN  a  work  of  this  kind  it  is  unnecessary  to  explain  the 
ordinary  contractions  of  University  records,  but  the  following 
observations  must  be  noted. 

The  letters  Wi.,  Jf.,  and  £>.  must  be  read  Warden  or 
Wardenship,  Fellow  or  Fellowship,  Scholar  or  Scholarship. 

$.  Jp.  Probationer  Fellow. 

jf.  (ft.  or  ©.  (ft.  Fellow  or  Gentleman  Commoner. 

C.  Commoner. 

Jtt.  Matriculated. 

s.p.  sine  prole ;  s.p.m.  sine  prole  mascula. 

v.p.  vita  patris. 

Caution  Money  (&.JE.),  which  varied  in  amount  according 
to  status,  was  either  "  restored  "  to  its  owner  or  "  taken  up 
for  battels."  Many  men  after  graduating  allowed  it  to  be 
exhausted  in  College  and  University  dues,  when  their  names 
were  removed  from  the  College  Books,  either  by  their  own 
action  or  by  the  stoppage  of  further  payments.  Some  after- 
wards "  replaced "  their  names  and  Caution  Money.  In  the 
year  1855,  it  was  arranged  that  on  payment  of  a  sum  down, 
any  M.A.  might  "  compound  for  both  College  and  University 
dues,  whereby  his  name  would  remain  on  the  Books  for  life." 

The  Old  Style  continued  in  use  in  England  till  1751  ;  after 
that  the  year  was  reckoned  to  begin  on  1st  January  instead  of 
25th  of  March. 

As  to  authorities,  Wood  and  Hearne  are  quoted  passim ; 
County  or  College  histories  are  referred  to  by  the  name  of 
the  author ;  notes  borrowed  from  Foster's  Alumni  are  printed 
in  inverted  commas  with  the  addition  (F.) ;  and  O.H.S.  refers 
to  the  publications  of  the  Oxford  Historical  Society. 

Wabbam    College. 

Marten  Bafcer, 


Samuel  Danvers.  jf.ilL  12  March,  17-if.  JE.  (D'Anvers) 
2-4  March,  I7i^  (fil.  Johannis  D.  deCulworth,  Northampton  : 
Baronetti,  aet.  19).  CJE.  received  12  March,  17^-g,  re- 
stored Michaelmas  1721. 

He  was  eldest  son.  His  mother  (Meriel  Leicester)  died  at  his 
birth.  He  died  unmarried  5  Feb.  175f  (Baker  I.  603).  His 
father  died  in  1744,  and  the  dignity  became  extinct  in  his  half- 
brother,  Sir  Michael,  who  died  in  1776. 

John  Hunt.     JfM.  21  March,  17-H'   (Somerset).     JE.   24 

March,  17-^  (fil.  Johannis  H.  de  Compton  Pauncefort, 
Somerset:  arm.  a?t.  17).  (H.JE.  received  21  March,  17fg, 
restored  Christmas  1720. 

Subsequently  of  Sanford  Orcas,  died  1740  (Phelp.)  Father  of 
Dodinyton  H.  1753. 

Robert  Choppin.  <£.  29  Aug.  1719.  |E.  (Chopping)  23 
Oct.  1719  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Nevis  Ins.,  gen.  set.  18). 
&.JE.  received  1  Sept.  1719,  restored  Christmas  1720. 

James  Vernon.  <£.  15  Sept.  1719.  JE.  23  Oct.  1719  (fil. 
Johannis  V.  de  St.  ^Egidii,  Londin :  arm.  ;et.  17).  dT.|tt. 
received  21  Sept.  1719,  restored  l;5  July,  1720. 

Possibly  John  V.     B.A.  (Worcester),  7  May,  1723.     M.A.,  21 
March,  1725.     .f .  Bursar  1728-1731.     .f.  void  Dec.  173G. 


2  WARDEN     BAKER.  [1719. 

Walter  Dovey.  <£.  12  Jan.  17if.  |E.  8  March,  1719  (fil. 
Johannis  D.  de  Sancti  Clem.  Danes,  Londin:  gen.  aet.  15). 
<£.JE.  received  12  Jan.  17-H,  restored  2  April,  1724. 

"Barrister  at   Law,  Inner   Temple,   1727"   (F).      Brother  of 
Richard  D  :  1723. 

Giles  Thisthlethwayte.  <£.  29  Jan.  17-1-g-  (Oxon).  JE. 
(fil.  ^Egidii  T.  de  St.  Magd.  Oxon :  gen.  set.  21)  the  College 
is  not  entered,  but  he  was  evidently  of  Wadham.  (H.JE. 
received  23  March,  17-51,  restored  ?  24  May,  1726. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1720,  1721,  1722. 

He  was  evidently  son  of  Giles  T.   of  New  College,  and  first 
cousin  once  removed  of  Alexander  T.,  1735,  and  his  brothers. 

Uvedale  Jones.  4L  15  Feb.  17-^f.  £61.  19  Feb.  17*£  (fil. 
Thonue  J.  de  Sancti  ^Egidii,  Londin :  equitis.  a:t.  17). 
CLJE.  received  23  March,  17^,  increased  to 
16  Nov.  1720,  restored  Christmas  1720. 

?  "  Lincoln's  Inn,  3  March  17^  "  (F). 

Francis  Smith.     <£.  9  March,  17£#.     JE.  21  March, 

(fil.  Johannis  S.  de  Fast  Harptry,  Somerset :  gen.  aet.  20). 
C.JE.  received  (Samuel  S.),  18  March,  17-i$-,  restored 
25  Oct.  1724.  11  A.  19  March,  1723. 

Samuel  Watson.  (£.  15  March,  17£#.  |E.  16  March, 
17-J1  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Chesham,  Buck :  gen.  yet.  15). 
€.|tt.  received  23  March,  17^,  restored  25  March,  1729. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1721.  Elected  £.  1722;  and 
took  the  Oaths,  23  Oct.  1722.  B.A  11  Dec.  1723. 
M.A.  26  June,  1728. 

One  of  this  name  was  Vicar  of  Great  Missenden,  Bucks,  from 
7  Feb.  1746  to  1  Aug.  1747. 

Thomas  Leir.  OL  17  March,  17  H  (Somerset).  JE.  18 
March,  17^-g  (fil.  Thomas  L.  de  Ditchet,  Somerset:  cler. 
a>t.  17).  C.JTft.  received  2:5  March,  17*1,  restored  13 
July,  1726.  r,.A.  31  Oct.  1723.  M.A.  4  July  1726. 

1719.]  WARDEN     BAKER.  3 

Rector  of  Ditclieat,  Somerset,  27  Oct.  1730.  Eector  of  Charltou 
Musgrove,  1730,  till  his  death  in  1781.  Buried  at  Ditclieat 
with  this  epitaph — 


Revdi  Thomoe  Leir,  M.A., 

Hujus  Ecclesia3  necnon  parochise  de  Charlton  Musgrove, 

per  quinquaginta  annos  Recto3. 

Placida  morte  senex  requievit 

xxiii  die  Augu  1781. 

^Etats  siue  79. 

Father  of  Thomas  L.,  1756;  William  L.,  1757;  and  Paul 
Methuen  L.,  1772. 

Richard  Watkins.  <£.  24  March,  17i#.  JE.  4  April,  1720 
(fil.  Carol!  W.  de  Ano,  i.c,.,  Aynhoe,  Northampton :  gen. 
set.  18).  OT.JE.  received  8  April,  1720,  restored  21  Dec. 
1727.  Elected  £.  1719.  B.A.  11  Dec.  1723.  M.A. 
5  July,  1726.  Jf.  1727  to  1739.  Elected  Humanity 
Lecturer  1731,  1732,  1733,  1734,  and  Dean  1735,  1738, 
1737  ;  Catechist  1738. 

Father  of  Charles,  1761  ;  Richard,  1763  ;  John,  1769  ;  and 
Grandfather  of  Charles  S.  W.,  1800.  Rector  of  Clifton 
Campvill,  Stafford,  1739,  till  his  death  18  Nov.  1776  (Shaw). 

John  Ansell.  Serviens,  10  Oct.  1719.  |tt.  (Ancell)  same 
day  (fil.  Ludovici  A.  de  Hanslopp,  i.e.,  Hanslape,  Buck : 
pleb.  net.  18).  (  received  as  Servitor  Sept.  1719, 
restored  Feb.  18,  1723.  B.A.  13  June  1723. 

John  Swinton.  Serviens,  12  Oct.  1719.  JE.  10  Oct.  1719 
(fil.  Johannis  S.  de  Bexton,  Cestr:  gen.  net.  16).  (£.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  Sept.  1719,  taken  up  for  Battels  by 
Bursar  Nash.  Apparently  Clerk,  1722.  Elected  £. 
1723.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1723.  M.A.  1  Dec,  1726.  B.I). 
(Ch.  Ch.)  9  Nov.  1759.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1726, 
1727,  and  probably  till  1729  (the  lists  are  missing). 
$MF.  30  June  1729.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1727,  1728; 
Dean  1729;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1730;  Catechist 
1731:  Sub- Warden  1734;  Humanity  Lecturer  1735, 

4  WARDEN     BAKER.  [1719-20. 

1736,  1737.  In  July  1745  he  migrated  to  Ch.  Ch.  as 
M.A.  In  1767,  he  was  elected  Keeper  of  the  Archives, 
which  office  he  held  till  1777.  On  the  floor  of  the 
ante-chapel  of  Wadhain  is  a  lozenge  with  this  inscription 
— J.  Swinton,  B.D.,  oliin  hujus  Coll :  Soc :  obiit  April 
4,  1777.  M.S.  1784. 

Brother  of  Thomas  S.  1735. 

John  Owen.  Servians,  11  Nov.  1719.  JE,  same  day  (fil. 
Johannis  0.  de  Sancti  Michaelis,  Coventrize:  gen.  set.  18). 
(H.JE.  received  as  Servitor  Sept.  1719,  restored  Christinas 

Samuel  Dally.  Serviens,  26  Feb.  17f  •>.  JE.  29  Feb.  17fg- 
(fil.  Edvardi  D.  de  Swillets,  Dorcestr:  pleb.  ret.  19). 
C.JE.  received  as  Servitor  16  March,  17^{y,  increased  6 
July  1726,  restored  13  July,  1727.  B.A."  21  Feb.  1723. 
M.A.  10  July  1727. 


Richard  Chandler.  jfF.Ctf.  27  April,  1720.  JE.  same  day 
(fil.  Edvardi  C.  de  Lichfield,  Stafford :  Episcopi.  ret.  16). 

Gl.JE.  received  same  day,  restored  3  July, . 

"  Barrister-at-law,  Lincoln's  Inn,  1726."     (F.) 

Edward  Hill.  ,-ff.OT.  20  Oct.  1720  (Devon).  JE.  22  Oct. 
1720  (fil.  Richard!  H.  de  Broad  Hembury,  #ic  Devon  : 
arm.  ret.  19).  (  received  20  July,  1720,  restored 
December  1721. 

Thomas  Bedford.  4T.  31  March,  1720.  JE.  2  April, 
1720  (fil.  Thomae  B.  de  Uffington,  Bercher:  gen.  ret.  16). 
(H.JE.  received  6  April,  1720,  restored  Christmas,  1723. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1721  and  1722,  and  possibly  in 
1723  (the  list  is  missing).  B.A.  18  Nov.  1723. 

Edward  Tart.  4T.  31  March,  1720.  JE.  2  April,  1720 
(fil.  Edvardi  T.  de  Birmingham,  Warwic:  gen.  ret.  16). 
(JT.JE.  received  20  April,  1720,  restored  2  May  1732. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1724;  B.A.  18  Nov.  1723. 

Out;  of   this  name  was  D.D.  Vicar  of  St  Mary's,  and  Master 
of  Leicester's  Hospital,  Warwick,  died  15  June,  1750. 


Theophilus  Lessey.  <£.  6  April,  1720.  |E.  9  April,  1720 
(fil.  Gulielmi  L.  de  Stocklinch,  Somerset:  pleb.  set.  18). 
CJK.  received  8  April,  1720,  restored  15  May,  1727. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1721,  1722;  B.A.  11  Nov.  1723. 

Stephen  Blizard.  <£.  1  June,  1720.  Jfc.  2  June,  1720 
(fil.  Jeremite  B.  de  Antegoa,  St  John  :  gen.  at.  16).  (£.|tt. 
received  7  June,  1720,  restored  Christmas,  1720. 

Edward  Stone.  <£.  28  June,  1720.  JE.  29  June,  1720 
(fil.  Edvardi  S.  de  Risborough  Principis,  Buck :  gen.  at. 
18).  (JT.jE.  received  1  July,  1720,  restored  1  July,  by 
Bursar  Thomas.  Elected  *.  1724,  of  Buckingham- 
shire; B.A.  4  Nov.  1724;  M.A.  3  June,  1727;  elected 
,-fF.  1730 ;  elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1730 ;  Librarian 
1731,  1735,  1737;  Bursar  1732,  1733,  1738,  1740  (in 
which  year,  he  was  appointed  Senior  Bursar  at 
Wyndham's  request;  Convention  Book}\  Dean  1734: 
Sub-Warden  1739.  On  the  30th  June,  1741,  he  was 
presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Southrop,  but  he  resigned 
it  on  6th  Deer.  1741. 

Rector  of  Horsenden  10  March  1737,  and  of  Drayton,  Oxon, 
died  1768,  aged  66.  (LipscomL).  Father  of  Edward  S.  1758, 
and  first-cousin  once  removed  of  Richard  Meade  1801. 

John  Huxley.  <£.  14  July,  1720.  JE.  7  Nov.  1720  (fil. 
Johannis  H.  de  Astley  Abbotts,  Salop :  gen.  at.  18). 
(JLJE.  received  20  July,  1720,  restored  28  Dec.  by 
Bursar  Hunt. 

Francis  Huxley.  <£.  14  July,  1720.  (C.JE.  received  20 
July,  1720,  restored  by  Bursar  Nash. 

William  Hart.  OT.  11  Oct.  1720  (Stafford).  JE.  12  Oct. 
1720  (fil.  Guliehni  H.  de  Overly,  ?  Wolverly,  Vigorn  : 
gen.  at,  19).  £.!&.  received  28  "July,  1720,  restored  7 
June,  1725 ;  B.A.  26  Feb.  1724. 

John  Chute.  (£.  13  Oct.  1720  (Hants).  |tt.  22  Oct. 
1720  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Sherburn,  St  John,  Hampton : 
arm.  at.  17).  €.|tt.  received  1  Nov.  1720. 

6  WARDEN     BAKER.  [1720. 

John  Coxeter.  C.JE.  received  as  (0*.  9  May,  1720,  restored 
24  July,  1723.  JE.  (Coxter),  Christ  Church,  as  (£. 
11  April,  1717,  son  of  Thomas  of  Philip's  Norton, 
Somerset,  Cler.  ;et.  17. 

Thomas  Rogers.  dT.JE.  received  as  OL  28  July  1720, 
restored  2  July,  1721. 

Possibly  identical  with  T.  II.  1713  (see  Part  1,  page  452). 

Charles  Taylor.  (JLjE.  received  as  (IT.  10  Nov.  1720, 
restored  Midsummer  1721. 

Probably  Charles  T.  who  matriculated  1715  (see  Part  1,  page 

Thomas  Knatchbull.  JE.  23  Nov.  1720  (til.  Edvardi  X. 
de  Mersham,  Cant :  Baronetti  yet.  17).  (Jl.JE.  received 
15  Nov.  1720,  restored  6  Feb.  17-g|-.  Elected  £.  1722 ; 
he  took  the  Oaths  oil  23  Oct.  B.A.  25  June,  1 724  M.A. 
13  May,  1727.  Elected  ^.jf.  1726.  Elected  Sub-lJean 
1725  ;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1727  ;  hut  he  died  hefore 
3  May,  1728,  when  Watkins  was  elected  in  his  place. 

He  made  a  claim  as  Founder's  Kin,  being  son  of  Sir  Edward  K., 
by  Alice,  daughter  of  John  Wyndham  of  N  orrington,  son  of  Sir 
Wadham  Wyndham,  son  of  Sir  John  Wyndham,  son  of  the 
Sister  of  the  Founder  (see  Part  L,  p.  79). 

John  Lane.  JE.  15  Feb.  17 H°  (til.  Johannis  L.  de  Banbury, 
Oxon:  pleb.  ;vt.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
first  half  of  1720.  Clerk,  Christmas  1721  (he  was  still 
Clerk  in  1723).  B.A.  9  Oct.  1724 

Thomas  Lockey  Scley.  JE.  17  Eel).  17r;?  (til.  .Johannis 
S.  de  Kidderminster,  Yigorn  :  arm.  K't.  17).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (tf.  in  the  first  half  of  1720,  restored  3  April,  1730. 
B.C.L  20  Feb.  1728. 

Evidently  son  of  John  S.  of  Samborn,  by  Elixabeth,  daughter 

and  sole  heir  of  John  Lockey  of  London,  Merchant  (Nash.  II. 


Hector  of  Xorthfield,  with  Col'ton.  Worcester,  21  Aug.  17-12,  to 

his  death  in  1779. 

1720.]  WARDEN     BAKER.  7 

His  Monument  is  attached  to  the  North  Wall  of  the  Chancel 
of  the  Church  of  S.  Laurence,  Northfield,  where  there  is  the 
following  inscription,  beneath  a  shield  with  Arms  (Vert,  a 
chevron  per  pale  or  &  gules  between  three  soles  naiant 
argent) : — 

In  a  Vault  under  these  seats,  belonging  to 
His  much  beloved  friend  Thomas  Lloyd,  Esq., 

is  deposited  the  Body  of 
Rector  of  this  Parish  36  years  and  7  months. 
He  was  the  youngest  son  of  John  Soley 

of  Sambourn,  in  this  County,  Esq. 
He  departed  this  life  the  27th  of  February  1779, 

Aged  75  years  and  6  months. 

Andrew  Baldwin.  |E.  17  Feb.  17f  °  (fil.  Gulielmi  B.  de 
Ditton  Salop:  gen.  aet.  17).  (£.|H.  received  as  (#.  in  the 
first  half  of  1720,  restored  Lady  Day  1722,  replaced  2 
March,  17||,  and  taken  up  for  Battels  1725  (Baldwyn). 
B.A.  4  Nov.  1724. 

Richard  Brodrick  (?  Goodrick).  JE.  23  Feb.  17f  °  (fil. 
Richard!  B.  de  St.  Bride's,  Londin :  arm.  a?t.  17).  (JT.Jtt. 
received  as  (£.  (Goodrick)  in  the  first  half  of  1720,  re- 
stored in  March,  1722,  and  2  Dec.  172:3. 

Richard  Budden.  |tt.  17  March,  17*-?-  (fil.  Georgii  B.  de 
Dameriiam,  Wilton :  gen.  a?t.  17).  (JT.|E.  received  as  (JT. 
in  the  first  half  of  1720,  restored  25  Oct.  1727.  B.C.L. 
24  Oct.  1727. 

Richard  Browning.  |&.  21  March,  17|-?-  (fil.  Johannis  B. 
de  Cowley,  i.e.,  Coaley,  Gloucestr:  arm.  tet.  18).  (£.Jtt. 
received  as  ^.(JT.,  -sic.,  in  the  first  half  of  1720. 

He  probably  died  v.p.,  as  Elizabeth  B.,  who  married  John 
Baker  Dowell  of  Almondsbury,  is  described  as  sole  daughter 
and  heir  of  John  B  ;  his  tomb  is  not  among  those  of  the 
Brownings  buried  at  Coalev. 

WARDEN     BAKER.  [1721. 


From  this  point  the  College  Register  of  Admissions 
is  blank  till  1723. 

Francis  Partridge.  JE.  1  April,  1721  (fil.  Christopher!  P. 
de  Hazelbury,  Somerset :  pleb.  set.  19).  (!LJE.  received  as 
(ft.,  restored  20  May,  1727,  when,  though  his  name 
appears  as  William,  he  signs  Francis.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1724.  B.A.  13  Oct.  1724 

Brother  of  Christopher  P.,  1734. 

Alexander  Crooke.  JE.  17  May,  1721  (fil.  Alexandri  C. 
de  Hartwell,  Buck :  cler.  set.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as 
OL  in  the  first  half  of  1720,  restored  25  Feb.  1726. 
B.A.  (Croke)  19  Feb.  1724. 

He  was  son  of  Alexander  C.  (1675),  born  24  Feb.  1704  ; 
married,  12  July,  1726,  to  Elizabeth,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
Richard  Barker  of  Great  Horwood,  Bucks  ;  J.P.  for  Bucks  ; 
died  15  June,  1757,  and  was  buried  at  Chilton. 

Edward  Nevill.  JE.  5  Sept.  1721  (fil.  Georgii  K  de 
Sheffield  in  par.  Fletching  in  Com :  Sussex :  Baronis,  set. 
15).  OT.JE.  received  as  df.OT.,  restored  16  Oct.  1722. 

He  succeeded  his  elder  brother  in  the  title  of  Lord  Aber- 
gavenny  15  Nov.  1723,  and  died  without  issue  9  Oct.  1724,  in 
the  19th  year  of  his  age. 

John  Seddon.  JE.  13  Dec.  1721  (fil.  Georgii  S.  de  Bolton, 
Lancastr :  pleb.  ;ct.  20).  (JLJE.  received  as  Servitor. 

William  Saunders.  JE.  24  Jan.  17f^  (fil.  Thonue  S.  de 
St.  .^Egidii  in  Campis  Londin :  gen.  tet.  17).  (JLJE.  re- 
ceived as  (ft.,  restored  25  July,  1731.  Elected  *.  (Mid- 
dlesex) 1722.  He  took  the  Oaths  on  23  Oct.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1724,  1725,  1726,  1727.  B.A.  26  Jan. 
1726.  M.A.  9  June,  1730.  B.M.  5  Feb.  1733.  D.M. 
12  Dec.  1735.  Elected  ,-ff.  1732.  Elected  Moderator 
Tertice  Classic  (but  ?  Philosophic),  1732  Dean  1733; 

1721.]  WARDEN     BAKER.  9 

Bursar  1734,  1739,  1744  (vice  Wyndham),  1749; 
Librarian  1740  and  1742 ;  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1738;  Sub- Warden  1748.  His  jf.  expired  30  June, 
1750.  Dr  Saunders  left  a  legacy  of  £20  to  the  Scholars' 

Robert  Warner.  JE.  13  Feb.  175*  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de 
Sti.  dementis,  Middlesex :  gen.  set.  16).  (!LJE.  received 
as  JfM.,  restored  13  Dec.  1726. 

Lincoln's  Inn,  1729. 

Henry  Limbrey.  |tt.  13  Feb.  17.H  (fil.  Johannis  L.  de 
Yeatly,  Hampton :  arm.  tet.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  JfM., 
restored  9  July,  1723. 

H.  L.  apparently  died  v.p. 

John  Iiimbrey.  |E.  13  Feb.  17|i  (as  above,  set.  17). 
(!I.JE.  received  as  (ft.,  restored  2  Dec.  1723. 

J.  L.  of  Tangier  Park,  Hants,  is  called  (in  Berry)  eldest  son, 
died  s.p.  9  Dec.  1801,  aged  98. 

Osmond  Johnson.  JE.  13  Feb.  17  U  (fil.  Gulielmi  J.  de 
Ours.  ?  Over  Dorcestr:  gen.  tet.  16).  C.JE.  received  as 
(#.,  restored  Christmas  1723.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

George  Wyndham.  |E.  15  Feb.  17H  (fil.  Georgii  W.  de 
Sarisburia,  Wilton :  arm.  yet.  17).  (£.|ft.  received  as  (ft., 
restored  5  March,  1727.  Elected  $•>.  1722 ;  he  took  the 
Oaths  23  Oct.  13. A.  18  Nov.  1725.  M.A.  5  July,  1728. 
B.D.  1  Dec.  1744.  D.D.  22  Feb.  1745.  Elected 
1727,  JF.  1728.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1728, 
1729;  Librarian  1730,  1732,  1734;  Dean  1731;  Bursar 
1733,  1735,  and  every  year  till  1743.  Elected  2i2tafcm 
11  May,  1744;  he  took  the  Oaths  on  23  June.  He 
continued  Warden  till  his  death,  2  May,  1777. 

He  seems  to  be  son  of  George,  a  younger  son  of  Sir  "VVadham 
W.  (1626)  ;  and  therefore  was  nephew  of  John  (1663),  Hugh 
(1674),  and  Thomas  (1680). 

10  WARDEN     BAKER.  [1722. 


John  Fifield.  JE.  23  April,  1722  (fil.  Johannis  F.  de  North- 
leech,  Gloucestr :  pleb.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor, 
restored  Christmas  1727. 

John  Floyer.  JE.  5  May,  1722  (fil.  Johannis  F.  de  White- 
house  Landilo,  Monmouth:  arm.  ret.  17).  (!LJE.  received 
as  (jr.,  restored  19  Dec.  1727.  Elected  a.  1723.  B.A. 
15  Feb.  1725. 

He  died  24  Nov.  1727,  aged  23.     Uncle  of  John  F.  1753. 

Thomas  Brown.  JE.  9  May,  1722  (fil.  Thorn*  B.  de 
Hellingley,  Sussex :  gen.  jet.  24).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (!T., 
restored  9  March,  17-ff.  B.A.  15  Feb.  1725. 

William  Walter.  JE.  9  May,  1722  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 
Monunietli  in  Com.  Monm:  pleb.  set.  20).  (!LJE. 
received  as  Servitor,  restored  28  Feb.  1722. 

James  Benson.  JE.  2  July,  1722  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de  Sti 
Swythin,  Londin :  gen.  jet.  16).  (JT.JE.  received  as  <£., 
restored  ?  Christmas  1727.  B.A.  22  April,  1726.  M.A. 
(?  John  B.  of  Magd.  Hall),  13  Feb.  (?  14  Jan.)  1729. 

Samuel  Bush.  JE.  15  Oct.  1722  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de  Lang- 
port,  Somerset:  gen.  jet.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft.  in  the 
latter  half  of  1722,  restored  by  Bursar  Speke.  Elected 
£,.  1724.  B.A.  23  June,  1726.  M.A.  16  May,  1729. 
Elected  $.,#.  30  June,  1731.  Jf.  30  June,  1732. 
Elected  Sub  -  Dean  1729,  1731;  Dean  1732,  1739; 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1733;  Bursar  1734  and  1738 
(vice  Thomas)  1741,  1742 ;  Catechist  1735 ;  Librarian 
1736;  Sub  -  Warden  1738,  1740.  Presented  to  the 
Vicarage  of  Southrop  6  Dec.  1741,  to  which  his  successor 
was  appointed  1745,  and  to  the  Vicarage  of  Wadhurst 
30  June,  1 743. 

He  died  fit  Wadhurst  22,  and  was  Imried   2!)  Jan.   1783.     By 
liis  Will  he  made  the  Warden  and  Fellows  of  Wudham  College 

1722.]  WARDEN     BAKER.  11 

his  Executors,  and  suggests  that  the  troubles  which  pursued 
him  when  Vicar,  were  due  to  his  attachment  to  the  Hanoverian 
Succession.  He  bequeathed  to  the  College  his  books  and  book- 
case with  a  request  that  his  coat  of  arms  and  name  be  put  into 
the  said  books.  He  also  left  plate  to  the  College,  and  bestowed 
upon  the  Vicarage  of  Wadhurst,  its  house  and  garden,  from  the 
want  of  which  he  had  himself  suffered. 

He  is  buried  in  Wadhurst  Church,  where  there  is  a  Monu- 
ment with  this  inscription  beneath  his  arms — 

(On  a  fess  gules  between  3  boars  heads  couped,  a  rose  between 

2  eagles  displayed  with  the  motto  "  esse  quam  videri "). 

Quicquid  mortale  fuit  Reverendi 

viri  SAMUELIS  BUSH,  A.M., 

hujuscae  (sic)  ecclesipe  annos  xxxix 

Vicarii  hie  jacet  in  conditorio 

laetam  expectans  Resurrectionem 

extremum  diem  obiit  vicesimo 

secundo  Januarii  die,  anno  Salutis 

Heu  !  Quantulo  Temporis  Spatio 
Terminatur  vita  humana 
Ad  extremam  Senectutem  producta. 
Exigua  pars  est  vita  quam  nos  vivimus 
Omnia  qua;  ventura  sunt 
In  incerto  Tacent  ;  protinus  Vive, 
Vive  Lector,  Eternitatis  memor. 
Hoc  monet  Mortuus. 

8.  BUSH. 

A  long  MS.  containing  an  account  of  his  quarrels  with  his 
parishioners  is  preserved  at  Wadhurst,  and  a  copy  is  in  the 
possession  of  the  Editor.  He  states  that  the  first  part  of  his 
complaint  had  been  published  in  some  newspaper,  but  no  trace 
of  it  has  yet  been  foimd.  The  second  part  (the  MS.  referred  to), 
was  declined  by  the  publisher  of  the  newspaper. 

Thomas  Morse.  |tt.  26  Oct.  1722  (fil.  Leonard!  M.  de 
North  Leech,  Gkmcestr:  pleb.  jet.  18).  (JI.JE.  received 
as  Servitor  in  the  latter  half  of  1722,  restored  28  Nov. 
1 728. 

Thomas  Morse  of   Xorthleech  died    17   March,   178"),   aged   83 


1-2  WARDEN     BAKER.  [1722-23. 

Edward  Walmesley.  JE.  30  Oct.  1722  (fil.  Roger!  W.  de 
Bolton,  Lancastr:  gen.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (£.  in 
the  latter  half  of  1722,  restored  4  May,  1728.  Elected 
£.  1724  B.A.  11  June,  1726. 

Probably  E.  W.,  Eector  of  Falmouth,  who  died  21  Dec.  1794, 
aged  94,  having  been  Kector  for  sixty  years. 

Francis  Shuttleworth.  JE.  6  March,  17-f-f  (fil.  Johannis 
S.  de  Lillington,  Uorcestr :  cler.  ret.  17).  C.JE.  received 
as  (£L  same  day,  restored  11  Aug.  1727.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1724 


John  Pigott.  ,-fF.OT.  16  March,  17ff  JE.  24  March,  17f £ 
(fil.  Eoberti  P.  de  Chetwin,  i.e.,  Chetwynd,  Salop :  arm. 
ait.  19).  (H.JE.  received  17  March,  17|f,  restored  15 
Nov.  1728 ;  received  again  as  <&M.  in  the  first  half  of 
1729,  restored  1731.  Created  M.A.  (Pigot)  15  April, 

Richard  Penny.  Serviens,  3  March,  17-f-f .  JE.  4  March, 
17|.3_  (fil.  Richard!  P.  de  Cleoljury,  Salop :  pleb.  a_jt.  17). 
C.|E.  received  as  Servitor  27  March,  1724,  restored  5 
April,  1731.  B.A.  27  Feb.  1727.  M.A.  28  June,  1733. 

William  Weston.     Serviens,  3  March,  17*|.     IE.  10  July, 

~  ±  *J  ' 

1724  (fil.  FrancisciW.  de  Sti  Trin.,  Guildford,  Surr:  gen. 
mt.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as  Servitor  15  July,  1724,  re- 
stored 24  July,  1731.  B.A.  3  June,  1728.  M.A.  9  July, 

Vicar  of  Campden,  Gloc.     Rector  of  Mep*hall,  Beds.     Preb.  of 
Lincoln  25  May,  1771.     Died  22  April,  1791,  aged  84. 

In  the  Register  at  Meppershall  is  the  following  Memorandum, 
"William  Weston,  B.D.,  Rector  of  this  parish,  died  at  Camb- 
den,  in  Glocestershire,  on  Good  Friday,  being  22  April  1791, 
and  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  James  Webster,  B.D." 

Robert  Stillingfleet.     JE.  3  April,  1723  (fil.  Jucobi  S.  de 

1723.]  WARDEN     BAKER.  13 

Hartlebury,  Vigorn :  cler.  set.  17).  <£.JE.  received  as  (fl". 
20  Feb.  171 1,  restored  19  Jan.  I7f  f.  Elected  £>•  172:3. 
B.A.  13  Oct.  1726.  M.A.  1  July,  1729.  B.D.  and  D.D. 
6  May,  1748.  His  £.  was  vacant  30  June,  1733. 

Chaplain  to  Bisliops  Talbot  and  Chandler  of  Durham.  Rector 
of  Gateshead  1731  ;  of  Ryton  1732.  Master  of  Sherborne 
Hospital  1738.  Preb.  of  the  5th  Stall  at  Durham  1745.  He 
died  unmarried  at  Clifton  3  Aug.  1759,  and  was  buried  at 
Long  Aston,  Somerset,  with  this  inscription — "  Under  this 
stone  lieth  the  body  of  the  Reverend  Robert  Stillingfleet,  D.D., 
Prebendary  of  Durham,  and  Master  of  Sherborne  Hospital, 
near  Durham,  who  departed  this  life  3  Aug.  1759,  aged  53, 
with  a  full  hope  of  immortality  through  the  revelation  of  Jesus 
Christ.  He  was  the  3rd  son  of  the  Rev.  James  Stillingfleet, 
D.D.,  and  grandson  of  the  Rev.  Edward  Stillingfleet,  D.D., 
Bishop  of  Worcester.  In  his  lifetime  he  was  beloved  and  re- 
spected, and  on  his  death,  sincerely  lamented  by  all  his  rela- 
tions, friends,  and  neighbours." 

John  Dyke.  JE.  4  April,  1723  (fil.  Thomas  D.  de  Bishop's 
Lydiard,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (#. 
5  March,  17ff,  restored  12  March,  17f  f. 

Emanuel  Dewdney.  JE.  4  April,  1723  (fil.  Emanuelis  D. 
de  Somerton,  Somerset :  pleb.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  5  March,  17-S-J,  restored  20  Nov.  1728.  B.A. 
14  Feb.  1726. 

Thomas  Freke.  JE.  6  April,  1723  (fil.  Francisci  F.  de 
Lodswell,  Devon  :  cler.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
4  April,  1723,  restored  4  May,  1728.  B.A.  13  Oct. 

Probably  brother  of  John  F.  1717. 

John  Mills.  JE.  20  May,  1723  (fil.  Johannis  M.  de  Crew- 
kern,  Somerset:  pleb.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
11  May,  1723,  restored  Midsummer  1726. 

William  Sainsbury.  JE.  29  June,  1723  (fil.  Samuelis  S. 
de  Lavington  Forum,  i.e.,  Market  Lavington,  Wilton  :  gen. 
ret.  17).  received  as  <£.  15  July,  1723,  restored  16 

14  WARDEN     BAKER.  [1723. 

March,  1727.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1724, 1725.  B.A. 
3  June,  1727.  Migrated  to  Oriel  as  (H.  March,  17f|. 
B.C.L.  6  July,  1730. 

John  Woodford.  JE.  12  July,  1723  (fil.  Heighes  W.  de 
Epsome,  Surr :  cler.  a?t.  17).  dLJE.  received  as  (£.  15 
July,  1723,  restored  Christmas  1724. 

Rector  of  North  Curry,  Somerset. 

Son  of  Heighes  W.  1683  ;  and  brother  of  Samuel  W.  1714. 

Barnabas   Everleigh   Leigh.     JE.  ?  31  Aug.    1723   (fil. 

Johannis  L.  de  .  .  .  .  Hampton  :  arm.  net.  — ).      C.JE. 

received  as  JF.(!L  (Leighes)  7  Sept.,  restored  Dec. 

George  Edwards.  JE.  23  Oct.  1723  (fil.  Nevill  E.  de 
Browsley,  i.e.,  Broseley,  Salop:  pleb.  set.  17).  (JI.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  same  day,  restored  March,  1729. 
B.A.  30  June,  1727. 

Richard  Page.  |E.  26  Oct.  1723,  (fil.  Henrici  P.  de 
Woolten,  Hampton :  pleb.  xt.  19).  6T.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  26  Oct.  1723,  restored  2  Dec.  1726  (when  the 
receipt  is  signed  William  P.). 

Samuel  Harrison.  |E.  4  Xov.  1723  (fil.  Gulielmi  H.  de 
Lime,  i.e.,  Lymme,  Cestr :  pleb.  u-t.  19).  (JI.JE.  received 
as  Servitor  2  Nov.  1723,  restored  18  July,  1727.  B.A. 
3  July,  1727. 

Richard  Dovey.  |E.  9  Dec.  1723  (fil.  Johannis  D.  de  Sti 
Clement.  Danes,  Londin :  gen.  jet.  15).  (JT.|E.  received  as 
<£.  5  Dec.  1723,  restored  by  Bursar  Speke.  Elected 
&.  1725.  B.A.  3  June,  1727.  M.A.  20  April,  1730. 
His  Jj.  was  vacant  30  June,  1733. 

In  1773,  the  College  received  from  him  a  benefaction  of  £300, 
out  of  wliicli  fund  arrangements  were  made  for  separating  the 
Garrets  from  the  Upper  Chambers,  that  they  might,  if  thought 
fit,  be  assigned  free  to  Scholars.  Brother  of  Walter  D.  17ig. 

1723.]  WARDEN     BAKER.  15 

William  Cattle.  (&.JE.  received  as  Servitor  23  March, 
17ff,  restored  3  April,  1723.  JE.  (Ch.  Ch.)  as  Servitor, 
son  of  William  C.  of  "  Warm,"  Somerset,  4  April,  1723, 
aged  19. 

Samuel  Peploe.  C.JE.  received  as  OL  27  March,  1723, 
restored  11  May,  1727.  JE.  (Jesus)  19  Feb.  17|#  (fil. 
Samuelis  P.  de  Penrich,  Stafford :  cler.  set.  18).  B.C.L. 
29  Oct.  1726.  D.C.L.  2  July,  1763. 

Eldest  son  of  Rev.  Samuel  P.,  Warden  of  Manchester  (after- 
wards Bishop  of  Chester).  Warden  of  Manchester.  Prebendary 
of  Chester  4  July,  1727.  Chancellor  of  Chester.  Archdeacon 
of  Richmond  4  June,  1728.  Died  22  Oct.  1781,  aged  82. 
There  is  a  Monument  to  him  in  Chester  Cathedral. 


To  the  Memory  of  Samuel  Peploe,  LL.D., 
Chancellor  of  the  Diocese  of  Chester,  and 
Warden  of  the  Collegiate  Church  in 
Manchester.     He  died  Oct.  22,  1781, 
aged  82  years. 

Ormerod  I.  291. 

William  Wight.  (JT.JE.  received  as  OL  11  May,  1723,  re- 
stored 12  March,  17-s-g-,  replaced  4  July,  1726,  and  again 
restored  14  July,  1726.  JE.  (Pembroke)  11  May,  1716 
(fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de  Arley,  Warwic:  cler.  ret.  16).  B.A. 
(Pembroke)  31  Oct.  1722.  M.A.  (Wadham)  5  July, 

Warfcen  Gbistbletbwa^t. 


Hugh  Walford.  OL  25  March,  1724.  JU.  28  March,  1724 
(fil.  Samuelis  W.  de  Birmingham,  Warwic:  gen.  a?t.  16). 
(H.JE.  received  25  March,  17.3f,  restored  13  July,  1730. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1725,"  1726.  B.A.  17  Oct.  1727. 
M.A.  9  June,  1730. 

John  Audley.  OL  25  March,  1724.  JE.  28  March,  1724 
(fil.  Johannis  A.  de  Birmingham,  Warwic:  gen.  at.  17). 
C.JE.  received  25  March,  17£f,  restored  11  Oct.  1726. 
Elected  Demy  of  Magdalen  1726.  B.A.  15  Dec.  1727. 
M.A.  4  June,  1730.  B.D.  22  May,  1739.  D.D.  18 
Jan.  1742.  ,-fF.  1736  to  1782.  Prelector  of  Natural 
Philosophy  1738  ;  Dean  of  Divinity  1745  ;  Vice-President 
1747 ;  Prelector  of  Theology  1747  ;  Bursar  1749,  1758, 
1767,  1774,  1781. 

Presented  to  the  Rectory  of  Brandeston,  Norfolk,  24  Dec.  1744  ; 
to  the  Rectory  Boy  ton,  with  Roydon,  Wilts  1763.  Died  2 
April  1782 ;  he  left  £100  to  Magd  :  College.  His  arms  (Gules,  a 
fret  or),  were  placed  over  the  fire  place  in  the  Hall. 

Bloxam  vi.  209. 

Bond  Spindler.  4T.  27  March,  1724.  |E.  28  March,  1724 
(til.  Koberti  S.  de  Sti  Martini,  Civ:  Oxon  :  gen.  ;et.  17). 
OLJE.  received  27  March,  1714,  restored  28  March,  1738. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1726,  1727.  B.A.  15  Dec.  1727. 
M.A.  7  July,  1731.  He  took  part  in  the  Election  of 
Proctor  on  6  March,  17-ff. 

Rector  of  St  Martin's,  Oxford,  1773  till  1783,  when  he  died  on 

27  Oct. 

Richard  Brooke,     (ft.  3  July,  1724.     pi.  same    day  (til. 


Leigh   B.  de  Bobington,  Stafford:  gen.    at.   19).     (£.£&. 
received    same    day,   taken    up   for   Battels   Midsummer 
»    1728. 

Vicar  of  Sliifnal,  Salop  1729  to  1752,  where  he  is  buried  with 
this  inscription — • 

Juxta  coiiduntur  reliquia; 

Ricardi  Brooke  hujus  ecclesiiu 

nuper  vicarii  necnon  Maria; 

Uxoris  ejus  amantissimse 
ilia  obiit  16  Martii,  A.D.,  1733, 

a-t,  28. 

ille  18  Maii,  A.D.,  1752, 
sat.  49. 

Father  of  James  B.  17|§. 

James  Kettleby.  (tf.  3  Oct.  1724.  Jtt.  (Kettilby)  21  Oct. 
1724  (til.  Jacob!  K.  de  Sti  dementis,  Vigorn  :  pleb. 
ret.  18).  CT.JE.  received  22  Oct.  1724,  restored  21  Dec. 

Richard  Naish.  <£.  20  Oct.  1724.  JE.  21  Oct.  1724  (til. 
Jacob!  X.  de  Newark-upon-Trent,  Nottingham :  cler.  set. 
17).  (tt.|E.  received  20  Oct.  1724,  taken  up  for  Battels 
1728:  elected  *.  1726  (Notts.);  B.A.  1  July,  1728: 
M.A.  9  July,  17:51 ;  elected  $.jf.  80  June,  1738. 

Rector  of  Batcombe-cum-Upton  Xoble,  Somerset,  16  Sept.  1742  : 
his  signatures  cease  Oct.  1754. 

James  Meredith.  OT.  27  Nov.  1724.  |fc.  14  Dec.  1724 
(til.  Jacob!  M.  de  Colston,  Wilton :  cler.  tut.  16).  CJUl. 
received  27  Xov.  1724,  restored  5  July,  1735;  elected 
5),  1725;  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1733;  B.A.  5  July, 
1728;  M.A.  25  June,  1731;  elected  Jf.  1734;  elected 
Sub-Dean  1734;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1735;  Dean 
1738 ;  Catechist  1739  annually  to  1743 ;  for  the  first 
four  years,  Mr  Costard  acted  as  his  Deputy,  in  the  last, 
Mr  Gresley.  He  became  Hector  of  St  Martin's  (Carfax), 
16  Oct.  1735,  and  on  12  July,  1736,  it  is  entered  in  the 
Convention  Book  "That  this  Rectory  being  discharged 


18  WARDEN     THISTHLETHWAYT.       [1724-25. 

before  the  foundation  of  the  College,  though  it  still  stands 
upon  record  as  £8,  Is.  5d.  is,  notwithstanding,  consistent 
with  a  Fellowship."  The  Visitor  was  consulted  on  the  sub- 
ject, and  on  1st  Sept.  1736,  "the  letter  of  the  Bishop  of 
Bath  and  Wells  "  was  ordered  to  be  enrolled ;  apparently, 
he  confirmed  the  above  decision.  On  Dec.  6,  1743,  he  was 
presented  by  the  College  to  the  Vicarage  of  Southrop, 
vice  Bush:  but  011  17  Apr.  1745,  it  is  recorded  that  he 
gave  up  the  living  without  institution. 

Apparently  he  remained  Rector  of  Carfax  till  1773,  when  lie 
was  succeeded  by  his  fellow-collegian,  Bond  Spindler  (see  back). 
Rev.  James  Meredith  of  St  John  Street  died  2  May,  1777  ((*. 

James  Minifie.  (ft.  13  March,  17-2-i.  JE.  15  March,  17^4 
(fil.  Jacobi  M.  de  Staplegrove,  Somerset :  gen.  at.  18). 
CJE.  received  13  March,  17^,  restored  24  July,  1731. 
B.A.  12  Oct.  1728;  M.A.  12  July,  1731. 

Father  of  James  M.  1754,  and  Burnet  M.  1755.  Incumbent 
and  patron  of  Staplegrove. 


Pierce  A'Court.  ,-jF.OT.  17  July,  1725.  JE.  same  day 
(fil.  Pierce  A'C.  de  Hatchbury,  Wilton :  arm.  get.  18). 
€.|E.  received  in  the  latter  half  of  1720 ;  taken  up  for 
Battels  9  Dec.  1728. 

Elected  M.P.  for  Heytesbury  1754  and  1761,  assumed  the 
name  of  A'Court  Ashe  from  his  mother,  died  s.p.  1763  (Hoare 
Wilts  :  I.  2.  120),  but  apparently  this  is  a  misprint  for  1768. 

William  Fowler.  ,-ff.O?.  5  Feb.  mf  JE.  15  Feb.  17.^ 
(fil.  Eichardi  F.  de  Sti  ^Egidii,  Shrewsbury,  Salop  :  Baron- 
etti,  get.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  <05.(!T.  in  the  last  half  of 
1725,  taken  up  for  Battels  20  Xov.  1728. 

He  succeeded  to  the  Baronetcy  (of  Harnage  Grange,  Salop) 
about  1737,  as  third  Baronet.  The  dignity  became  extinct  in 
his  brother,  Sir  Hans  F.,  who  died  in  1771.  Brother  of 
Richard  Sloane  F.  1727. 

1725.]  WARDEN     THISTH  LETHWAYT.  19 

Rowland  Hughes,  (ft.  27  March,  1725.  JE.  22  April, 
1725  (til.  Lanibrock  H.  de  Brecknock,  Brecon:  gen.  set. 
16.)  &.JE.  received  27  March,  1725,  taken  up  for 
Battels  21  Dec.  1727.  Elected  £.  1725.  His  g>.  was 
vacant  30  June,  1729. 

Timothy  Allen.  <£.  3  June,  1725.  JE.  28  May,  1725  (til. 
Thoime  A.  de  .  .  .  .  ,  Northampton :  cler.  tet.  14). 
(JLJE.  received  3  June,  1725,  restored  5  June,  1730,  when 
it  is  received  by  Thomas  Allen  as  executor.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1728 ;  B.A.  6  March,  1729. 

James  Volant  Vashon.  01*.  17  June,  1725.  JE.  18  June, 
1725  (til.  Jacobi  V.  de  Ludlow,  Salop  :  gen.  set.  17).  CjE. 
received  3  June,  1725,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Michaelmas 
1730.  B.A.  6  Feb.  1729. 

John  Davis  Molineaux.  (£.  27  Sept.  1725.  JE.  (Molineux) 
11  Oct.  1725  (til.  Johannis  M.  de  Norward,  Montserrat, 
gen.  set.  18).  (2T.JE.  received  in  the  last  half  of  1725, 
restored  20  Nov.  1728. 

Henry  Lushington.  (tf.  16  Dec.  1725.  JE.  same  day 
(til.  Stephani  L.  de  Sittingbourn,  Cant:  arm.  yet.  16). 
C.JE.  received  in  the  last  half  of  1725,  taken  up  for 
Battels  10  Oct.  1741.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1726, 
1727;  elected  £.  1728;  B.A.  6  June,  1729;  M.A.  20 
April,  1732;  B.D.  and  D.D.  9  Nov.  1765.  In  1741,  he 
was  paid  arrears  of  jj.  from  Christmas  1732  to  Mid- 
summer 1734. 

Vicar  of  Eastbourne,  Sussex,  1735  to  1779.  He  was  the  father 
of  Sir  Stephen  L.  first  Baronet  of  South  Hill  Park,  Berks, 
and  was  buried  in  the  Parish  Church  (St  Mary's),  Eastbourne, 
with  this  inscription  : 

Underneath  lie  the  bodies  of 

HENRY    L  U  S  H  I  X  G  T  0  N,   I).  1). 

(Vicar  of  this  Parish,  &c.  &c.), 


of  MARY  his  Wife  ; 
Bv  whom  he  was  father  of 


Henry  L\ishington  of  Bengal, 

and  of 

seven  other  deservedly  beloved  children. 
He  died  the  13th  day  of  January  1779  ;  of  his  age 

the  69th. 

(Having  been  Vicar  44  years). 

She,  the  24th  day  of  July  1775 ;  of  her  age 

the  66th. 

Thomas  Court.  <£.  28  Feb.  I7|f.  JE.  9  March,  17$! 
(fil.  Thomre  C.  de  North  Petherton,  Somerset:  gen.  ret. 
17).  <£.JE.  received  2  March,  17££,  taken  up  for 
Battels  9  Dec.  1728. 

George  Costard.     OL    9    March,  17*%.     |&.    17    March, 

17ff  (til.  Edvardi  C.  de  Sti  Mar.  Salop,  Salop:  pleb.  ret. 
16).  C.JE.  received  11  March,  17fg-,  restored  4  Dec.  1739. 
Elected  £.  1726 ;  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1734,  1735 ; 
B.A.  25  June,  1731 ;  M.A.  28  June,  1733  ;  elected  ^.JF. 
1735;  JF.  1736;  Sub-Dean  1732,  1735 ;  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  1736,  1737  ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1739  ;  Dean 
1740;  Sub-Warden  annually  from  1741  to  1747  ;  Libra- 
rian 1750 :  and  (in  succession  to  Mr  Gapper)  15  Aug. 
1752.  He  was  also  deputy  Catechist  from  1739  to 
1742;  Junior  Proctor  1742.  In  1745,  he  was  presented 
to  the  Vicarage  of  Southrop,  where  his  successor  was 
appointed  in  1748;  and  on  19  March,  I7|f,  to  the 
Vicarage  of  Hockleigli,  but  he  resigned  it  on  7  July 
following.  He  resigned  his  ,-ff.  29  June,  1753. 

Vicar  of  Twickenham,  died  10  Jan.  1782.  "His  great  Oriental 
learning  and  many  valuable  publications,  entitle  him  to  an 
honourable  Eulogy."  (G.  Mag.) 

George  Paske.  <£.  23  March,  I7|f.  |E.  28  March,  1726 
(fil.  Georgii  P.  de  Allderley,  Gloucestr:  arm.  ret.  18). 
<£.|E.  received  26  March,  1726,  restored  Michaelmas, 
1732.  Elected  £.  1727;  B.A.  25  Nov.  1729;  M.A. 
7  June,  1732;  his  *.  was  vacant  30  June,  1733. 

George  Holywell.     Serviens,  14  Oct.  ]725.     Jtt.  (Holiwell) 
14  Oct.  1725  (fil.  Roberti  H.  de  Magno  Limber,  Lincoln: 

1725-26.]       WARDEN     THISTHLETHWAYT.  21 

cler.   set.   17).     (£.|E.  received   as    Servitor   in   the   last 
half  of  1725,  restored  18  Feb.  I7f §.     B.A.  6  June,  1729. 

Thomas  Fellows.  Serviens,  22  Oct.  1725.  JE.  23  Oct. 
1725  (fil.  Gulielmi  F.  de  Tibshelf,  Derb :  set.  18).  C.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  in  the  last  half  of  1725,  and  taken 
up  for  Battels  17  May,  1732.  B.A.  1  July,  1729 ;  M.A. 
2  March,  1735. 


Francis  Meysey.  ,-fF.OT.  19  May,  1726.  JE.  21  May,  1726 
(fil.  Johannis  M.  de  Baton  i.e.  Bayton,  Vigorn :  arm.  ait. 
18).  C.JE.  received  as  <&.<&.  in  the  last  half  of  1725, 
restored  31  July,  1730. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1734  ;  eldest  son  of  John  M. 
of  Shakenhurst,  born  1707,  died  unmarried  1756.  (Nash.  I. 
54) ;  brother  of  John  M.  1727,  and  Thomas  M.  1729. 

John  Willis.  $M.  17  June,  1726.  JE.  same  day  (fil. 
Richardi  W.  de  Sti  .^Egidii  in  campis,  Londin :  Episcopi, 
aet.  17). 

Son  of  Richard,  Bishop  of  Winchester. 

James  Harris.  ,-fF.OL  16  July,  1726.  JE.  14  July,  1726 
(fil.  Jacobi  H.  de  Close  de  Sarum,  Wilton :  arm.  set.  16). 
<£.JE.  received  in  the  last  half  of  1725,  restored  9  Aug. 
1729.  He  subscribed  three  guineas  to  the  repairs  of  the 
east  window  of  the  College  Chapel  in  1742. 

M.P.  for  Christ  Church,  Hants.  1761  ;  Lord  of  the  Admiralty 
1762,  Lord  of  the  Treasury  1763  to  1765,  Secretary  and  Comp- 
troller to  Queen  Charlotte  1774,  till  his  death  ;  author  of  three 
treatises  on  Art,  Music,  Painting,  and  Poetry  :  and  on  Happiness 
1744 — Hermes,  an  .Inquiry  into  Universal  Grammar  1751 — 
Philosophical  Arrangements  1775,  and  Philological  Inquiries 
(posthumously  published)  1781.  He  died  22  Dec.  1780,  and 
lias  the  following  monument  in  Salisbury  Cathedral. 


Jacobi  Harris  Sarisburiensis, 
Viri  boni  et  docti 

22  WARDEN     TH1STHLETHWAYT.  [1726. 

Grsecarum  Litterarum  pra>cipue  periti 

Cujus  opera  accuratissinia 

De  Artibus  elegantioribus. 

De  Grammatica  de  Logica  cle  Etliice 

Stylo  brevi,  limato,  simplici 

Sui  more  Aristotelis 


Poster!  laudabunt  ultiiui. 

Studiis  severioribus  addictus 

Communis  tameii  vita}  officia 

et  oinnia  patris,  mariti 

Civis,  Senatoris  munia 

Et  implevit  et  ornavit 

Obiit  XXII.  die  Decembris  MDCCLXXX. 

Anno  setatis  LXXII. 
brother  of  Thomas  H.  1728,  and  George  William  H.  ITjj". 

Francis  Raynton.  JF.OT.  23  March,  17f  f.  <£.j&.  same  day 
(til.  Nicholai  li.  de  Burr  St  sul)  Londin :  arm.  at.  18). 
(II.JE.  received  same  day,  restored  30  Dec.  1730. 

Robert  Lewis.  (£.  25  March,  1726.  |tt.  31  March,  1726 
(til.  Ambrosii  L.  ex.  Insula  Angl :  cler.  at.  18).  C.JE. 
received  same  day,  restored  20  Jan.  17§-|;  B.A.  17  Dec. 
1729;  M.A.  31  Oct.  1732. 

Rector  of  Trefdraeth  Anglesey,  and  Chancellor  of  Bangor. 
He  was  Rector  when  the  Registers  begin  in  1756,  and  under 
the  east  window  of  the  church  is  a  stone  slab  with  the  follow- 
ing inscription  : 

Subter  jacet 

Robert  us  Lewis,  Cler.  M.A.,  Filius  natu  minimus 

Ambrosii  Lewis,  Cler.  de  Cemlyn  in  comitatu  Mon;e, 

IIujus  Para'ciic  Rector,  nee  non  Dioceseos  Bangor 

Cancelhuius  Dignissimus  : 

Propinquis  beneficus,  amicis  gratus,  et  maritus  ainans  : 

mem  :  Parentis  optimi 

Hoc  pie  posuit  Sidney  Parry  de  Penart  in  Comit  : 
Arvon,  ob.  Feb.  14,  1700,  /Klat  58. 


John  Upton.  OL  15  April,  1726.  JE.  (Merton)  15  March, 
17-f-i  (fil.  Jacob!  U.  de  Ilrninster,  Somerset:  cler.  a±t.  17). 
(H.fft.  received  15  April,  1726,  restored  12  March,  I73f. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1726, 1727  ;  B.A.  (Exeter)  7  July, 
1730 ;  M.A.  10  May,  1732  ;  JF.  of  Exeter  1728-1737.  " 

Rector  of  the  Sinecure  of  Llanclrillo,  Denbigh,  of  Great  Rissing- 
ton  Glouc.  and  Sevington,  Somerset  ;  Prebendary  of  Rochester 
19  Jan.  17§f,  died  2  Dec.  1760.  Editor  of  Arrian's  Epictetus 
and  Spenser's  Faerie  Queen.  (Boase,  97)  ;  also  of  Ascham's 
Schoolmaster,  and  Critical  Observations  on  Shakespeare  1746  ; 
brother  of  James  U.  1717  (page  461). 

Thomas  Williams.  OT.  25  May,  1726.  Jtt.  (Oriel.) 
20  May,  1724  (fil.  Thomiu  W.  de  Sti  Mcholai,  Hereford: 
gen.  jet.  17).  &.JE.  received  25  May,  1726,  taken  up  by 
Bursar  Speke.  Elected  JJ.  1726  (Herefordshire);  B.A. 
27  Feb.  17|i;  M.A.  12  Dec.  1730. 

Probably  father  of  T.  W.  17f£  :  if  so,  cleric  of  Hereford. 

Robert  Rogers.  <£.  21  June,  1726.  |E.  (Queen's)  22  Oct. 
1723  (fil.  Johannis  R.  de  Cornwood,  Devon:  Baronetti. 
jet.  18).  C.JE.  received  2  June,  1726,  restored  17  May, 
1732.  B.C.L.  22  June,  1730. 

James  Miller.  <£.  7  July,  1726.  p.  11  July,  1726  (fil. 
Johannis  M.  de  Compton  Valence,  Dorcestr :  cler.  set. 
20).  OT.JE.  received  last  half  of  1726,  taken  up  for 
Battels,  Midsummer,  1729. 

Author  of  "The  Humours  of  Oxford,"  1730,  a  satirical  play 
composed  while  at  the  University :  "  Harlequin  Horace  or 
the  Art  of  Modern  Poetry,  1731"  :  "  The  Art  of  Life,  1739": 
he  translated  Voltaire's  Mahomet,  and  wrote  the  Man  of  Taste, 
the  Coffee  House,  and  other  plays.  Lecturer  of  Trinity  Chapel, 
Conduit  Street,  and  Preacher  at  Roehampton  Chapel ;  died 
•27  April  (G.  Mag.  says  23rd),  1744. 

William  Brown.  <£.  7  July,  1726.  |E.  11  July,  1726  (fil. 
Gulielmi  B.  de  Middlesex:  gen.  net.  17).  (£.|E.  received 
in  last  half  of  1726,  restored  by  Bursar  Speke.  B.A. 
10  April,  1730. 


Newman  Hughes.  OT.  20  Oct.  1726.  JE.  24  Oct.  1726 
(fil.  Holland  H.  de  Hemingforth  Gay  i.e.  Grey,  Hunting- 
don:  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.Jft.  received  1  June,  1727,  taken 
up  for  Battels  20  Nov.  1728. 

Thomas  Price.  Serviens,  25  March,  1726.  JE.  31  March, 
1726  (fil.  Gulielini  P.  de  Llanrhyader,  Denbigh :  cler.  let. 
18).  C|tt.  received  31  March,  1726,  increased  to  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1728,  restored  26  Dec.  1742. 

John  Eaton.  Serviens,  31  March,  1726.  Jtt.  same  day 
(fil.  Henrici  E.  de  Allostock,  Cestr :  pleb.  a-t.  18).  (JT.JE. 
received  same  day,  restored  Lady  Day  1731 ;  B.A.  17 
Dec.  1729. 

Thomas  Fudge.  Serviens,  7  Nov.  1726.  JH.  9  Nov.  1726 
(fil.  Thoime  F.  de  Sumnierton,  Somerset:  pleh.  jet.  17). 
C|E.  received  last  half  of  1726,  restored  19  March,  17|f 
B.A.  7  June,  1730. 

Hamblet  Yates.  Serviens,  7  Nov.  1726.  Jtt.  9  Nov.  1726 
(fil.  Gulielini  Y.  de  Aston,  Cestr:  pleh.  ti-t.  10). 
received  in  the  last  half  of  1726,  and  gradually  taken 
up  for  Battels  till  Midsummer  1731. 

Aaron  Peirce.  Serviens,  19  Nov.  1726.  |E.  2:5  Nov. 
1726  (fil.  Aaron  is  P.  tie  Higli  Wycomh.  Buck:  pleh.  ret. 
19).  (C.Jtt.  received  in  the  last  half  of  1726,  apparently 
increased  to  <£.  in  the.  first  half  of  1728,  (Pearce)  and 
restored  in  part  at  Christmas  1730,  part  Michaelmas, 
1732;  B.A.  (Pierce)  26  March,  1735. 

Clement  Elswood.  Serviens,  16  Dec.  1726.  |E.  17  Dec. 
1726  (fil.  Kichardi  E.  de  Wayford,  Somerset:  pleb.  a-t. 
19).  Cr.|E.  received  26  May,  1727,  taken  up  for  Battels 
17  MMV,  1732:  I',. A.  4  June,  1730. 



William  Wall.  <£.  24  March,  1727.  JE.  same  day  (til. 
Capel  W.  de  Londin.  Barking:  gen.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  re- 
ceived 1  June,  1727,  restored  18  April,  1729.  Migrated 
to  Ch.  Ch.  as  <£.  19  April,  1729.  Student  11  July, 
1729.  B.A.  23  Oct.  1730.  M.A.  28  June,  1733.  B.CL. 
17  Dec.  1739.  D.C.L.  21  June,  1740. 

"  Died  at  Putney  1  Nov.  1791,  a^ed  86  (but  ?)"  (F.) 

Richard  Sloane  Fowler.  (£.  10  May,  1727.  |E.  13 
May,  1727  (Xicolas,  til.  Kichardi  E.  de  Grange,  Salop: 
Baronetti  iet.  17).  dLJU.  received  (Richard)  1  June, 
1727,  taken  up  for  Battels  4  July,  1734. 

The  dignity  became  extinct  in  1771  on  the  death  of  Sir  Hans 
F.,  his  brother,  so  that  he  must  have  died  s.p.  Brother  of 
William  F.  1725. 

Richard  Hinckesman.  <£.  12  May,  1727.  Jtt.  13  May, 
1727  (til.  Itichardi  H.  de  Bewdley,  Vigorn :  plel>.  iet.  18). 
(!LJE.  not  received,  Imt  charged  on  Mr  Hunt;  sub- 
sequently increased  to  jfM.  26  Feb.  17-gi,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Christmas  1742. 

The  father  was  Bailiff  of  Bewdley  in  1728,  and  the  son  in  1746 
(Nash.  II.  280).  Brother  of  Charles  H.  1737. 

Floyer  Sydenham.  OL  26  May,  1727.  |tt.  27  May, 
L727  (til.  Humpbredi  S.  de  Delverton,  Somerset:  arm.  ajt. 
18).  C.|E.  received  26  May,  1727,  and  taken  up  for 
Battels  4  July,  1734.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1727. 
Elected  £.  1728.  B.A.  25  June,  1731.  M.A.  30  April, 
1734.  Elected  ty.Jf.  30  June,  1733 ;  J|F.  (probably)  in 
1734.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1733  ;  Moderator  of  the  Third 
Class.  1734:  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1741  and  174:!, 
when  Mr  Speke  acted  as  his  Deputy.  His  ,-(F.  was 
vacant  30  June,  1746,  when  he  had  obtained  preferment. 
He  was  presented  to  the  liectory  of  Esher  in  1744  by 
Henry  Pye,  Esq.,  Imt  it  was  vacant  again  in  1747. 

lie  was  li-ivat-.^Tandson  of    Humphrey  •%  original   Fellow   of 


"Wadliam.  Some  MS.  notes  of  his  are  preserved  in  a  Plato 
(1578)  in  the  Library  of  St  Paul's  School.  The  G.  Mag.  re- 
cords his  death  under  1  April,  1787,  and  mentions  his  annota- 
tions on  Plato. 

William  Jones.  OT.  1  June,  1727.  JE.  3  June,  1727  (fil. 
Samuelis  J.  de  Erodsham,  Cestr:  pleb.  set.  18).  (H.Jtt. 
received  1  June,  1727,  and  taken  up  by  Bursar  Speke, 

Sept Elected  £.  1728.     B.A.  19  July,  1729. 

M.A.  20  April,  1732.  Elected  $.JF.  1735;  JF.  1736. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1736 ;  Humanity  Lecturer,  173S ; 
Bursar  (vice  Bush)  30  June,  1743,  and  again  on  6th 
Dec,  1743  and  1744;  and  1747  to  1751;  Dean  1746. 
His  Jf.  expired  at  Midsummer  1752,  when  he  was 
succeeded  as  Bursar  by  Mr  Doughty.  He  was  presented 
to  the  Vicarage  of  Southrop  16  July,  1747,  which  he 
held,  apparently,  till  1775. 

John  Meysey.  4T.  27  June,  1727.  Jft.  30  June,  1727 
(fil.  Johannis  M.  de  Bayton,  Yigorn  :  arm.  set.  1 8).  CLJE. 
received  27  June,  1727,  restored  2  July,  1735.  B.A. 
11  May,  1731. 

2nd  son,  born  1708.  Beet  or  of  Rock,  Worcester,  9th  March,  1732. 
Succeeded  Francis  M.  (1726)  in  the  estate  of  Shakenhurst. 
Died  s.p.  1764.  Brother  of  Thomas  M.  1729. 

John  Frobyn.  OT.  10  Oct.  1727.  |E.  same  day  (fil. 
Gulielmi  P.  de  Newland,  Gloucestr:  gen.  a-t.  17).  ( 
same  day,  restored  2  April,  1737.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1728  and  1730.  £.  1731.  B.A.  2  Dec.  1731. 
M.A.  17  Dec.  1735. 

At  Xewland  is  a  Monumental  inscription — 

Here  lyeth  the  body  of 
John  Probyn,  A.M.,  son  of  William 

Probyn  of  Newland,  Gent,, 
died  10th  March  1736,  aged  27. 


Willoughby  Wilkinson.  «T.  19  Oct.  1727.  JE.  same 
day  (fil.  Blackwell,  Derb :  gen.  set.  17). 
(£.,01.  same  day;  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1728. 

1727.]  WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.  27 

John  Rigby.  (ft.  11  Jan.  17ff.  JE.  15  Jan.  17||  (fil. 
Christopheri  R.  de  Cosgrave,  Northampton :  gen.  set.  18). 
CJll.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1728.  Elected  &. 
1728.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1733.  B.A.  13  Oct. 
1731.  M.A.  25  June,  1734. 

Rector  of  Ickford,  Bucks,  15  March,  1747  ;  died  24  May,  1775. 
Father  of  Henry  R,  1759. 

John  Barker.  OL  9  March,  17||.  Jtt.  12  March,  17f£ 
(fil.  Johaimis  B.  de  Kowsley,  L)erb :  gen.  get.  19).  C.JE. 
received  in  the  first  half  of  1728,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1735,  replaced  in  the  first  half  of  1736. 
B.A.  16  Oct.  1731.  M.A.  24  May,  1737.  B.M.  25  Nov. 
1737.  D.M.  3  Nov.  1743. 

F.R.C.P.  24  March,  1746.  Physician  of  Westminster  Hospital 
1746  to  1748.  Physician  to  the  Army  1748.  He  was  buried 
at  St  Stephen's,  Ipswich,  where  there  is  a  tablet  with  the 
following  inscription — "  Here  lyeth  the  body  of  John  Barker, 
M.D.,  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of  Physicians,  and  Physician 
to  His  Majesty's  Forces  in  the  Low  Countries.  Born  April  18, 
1708  ;  died  January  31,  17||."  Author  of  "An  Inquiry  into 
the  Nature,  Cause,  and  Cure  of  the  Epidemic  Fever  of  1740, 
1741,  1742";  and  "An  Essay  on  the  Agreement  between 
Ancient  and  Modem  Physicians  1748." 

William  Baron.  <£.  21  March,  17ff  JE.  22  March, 
!7-s-:;-  (fil-  Gulielmi  B.  de  Tintagel  Cornub :  pleb.  set.  19). 
(£.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1728,  restored  by 
Bursar  Speke.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1728.  B.A. 
13  Oct.  1731. 

William  Baron  was  Mayor  of  Tintagel  1737  ;    tenant  of  the 
Manor  of  Trebarwith  1787.     (Maclean). 

John  Fisher.  Serviens,  27  Oct.  1727.  Jtt.  same  day  (fil. 
Gulielmi  F.  de  Court,  Hereford:  pleb.  set.  18). 
received  same  day,  restored  29  Jan.  173$.  B.A.  (Trinity) 
18  June,  17:51. 

28  WARDEN     THISTHLETHWA  YT.        [1727-28. 

James  Thomason.  Serviens,  8  March,  I7f|-.  JE.  same 
day  (fil.  Jacob!  T.  de  Eunckhorne,  Cestr :  pleb.  aet.  28). 
<£.j$L.  received  first  half  of  1728,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1730.  B.A.  5  July,  1733. 

Edward  Williams.     (JT.JE.  received  as  <&.  26  April,  1727, 
restored  at  Midsummer  1727. 

John  Freke.      (JT.JE.  received   as  Servitor   3   May,  1727, 
restored  20  Nov.  1728. 

Apparently  identical  with  John  Freke  1717  (I.  p.  463),  who 
seems  to  have  replaced  his  €.|tt.  to  take  his  M.A. 


John  Jones.  <£.  10  April,  1728.  |tt.  12  April,  1728  (fil. 
Thoime  J.  de  Milson,  Salop:  cler.  set.  18).  <£.JE.  re- 
ceived in  the  first  half  of  1728 ;  restored  by  Bursar 

John  Thorpe.  <£.  21  May,  1728.  JE.  22  May,  1728  (fil. 
Johannis  T.  de  Pewsey,  Wilton :  cler.  ztt.  17).  (H.JE.  re- 
ceived in  the  first  half  of  1728,  restored  Midsummer 

In  the  Church  at  West  Wellow,  Wilts,  is  a  Tablet  inscribed, 
— "  John  Thorpe,  Esq.  of  Embley,  in  this  parish,  died  6  April, 
1776,  aged  63."  (Hoare). 

Thomas  Harris.  <C.  31  May,  1728.  |tt.  1  June,  1728 
(lil.  Jacobi  H.  in  Claustro,  Sarum :  arm.  set.  10).  (£.|E. 
received  in  the  first  half  of  1728,  restored  by  Bursar 
Stone.  £.  1720,  (Wiltshire).  B.A.  2  Dec.  1731. 
M.A.  (Merton)  8  May,  1736.  He  was  apparently  elected 
^.•ff.  in  1734;  but  his  -ff.  was  filled  up  on  30  June, 

He  was  Master  in  Chancery  from  1754  to  1778  ;  died  11  Feb. 
1785,  aged  73.     ,See  Harris  Monument  in  Salisbury  Cathedral. 
Brother  of  James  11.  17S'-;,  and  (n'or 


William  Lany.  4L  5  June,  1728.  |ft.  6  June,  1728  (fil. 
Guliehni  L.  de  Sti  Clem.,  Dane,  civit :  Westmonast :  gen. 
set.  18).  CJE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1728,  re- 
stored 10  April,  1729. 

John  Peareth.  OT.  26  June,  1728.  JE.  same  day  (fil. 
Johannis  P.  de  Aldworth,  Bercher:  cler.  set.  16).  (£.J&. 
received  in  the  latter  half  of  1728.  B.A.  8  May,  1732. 
M.A.  24  March,  1734. 

Called  to  the  Bar,  Inner  Temple,  1739. 

Thomas  Cooper,  (ft.  8  August,  1728.  |E.  same  day  (fil. 
Richard!  C.  de  Long  Acre,  civit:  Londin:  gen.  set.  18). 
(Jl.Jtt.  received  in  the  latter  half  of  1728. 

Edward  Jones.  (£.10  March,  17-||.  J&.  same  day  (fil. 
Jacobi  J.  de  Burton,  Cestr:  gen.  set.  20).  (JT.Jtt.  re- 
ceived in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored  17  Nov.  1732. 
B.A.  17  Nov.  1732. 

Oliver  Cooper.  Servians,  19  Oct.  1728.  JE.  23  Oct.  1728 
(fil.  Sanmelis  J.  de  Chepstead,  Cant :  pleb.  set.  18).  (JT.Jtt. 
received  in  the  latter  half  of  1728,  taken  up  for  Battels 
by  Bursar  Stone.  B.A.  18  Nov.  1733. 

John  Jones.  Servians,  28  Feb.  17|f.  JE.  3  March,  17-f  | 
(fil.  Johannis  J.  de  North wich,  Cestr:  pleb.  set.  16). 
(£.J&.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored  Mid- 
summer 1731.  B.A.  25  Mav,  1736. 

Hieronymus  Brugats.  ftt.  10  July,  1728  (Hispanus, 
Barcenoiue,  Uoct.).  There  is  no  note  of  the  receiving 
his  (C.|H,.  as  (ft  ;  but  it  was  taken  up  for  Battels  at 
Christmas  1730.  M.A.  (by  Diploma)  1.7  Dec.  1728. 



Richard  Sutton.  ,-(F.<£.  31  Jan.  17f  £.  JE.  same  clay  (fil. 
Richard!  S.  de  Com.  Nottingham :  arm.  aet.  18).  C.JE. 
received  as  ©.(£.  8  May,  1730,  taken  up  for  Battels 
1739.  B.A.  10  Oct.  1733.  M.A.  10  July,  1736. 

Rector  of  Whitwell,  Derby,  1752  to  1786,  and  Rector  of 
Averham,  Notts,  where  he  is  buried  with  this  inscription — 

Near  this  place 

lie  the  remains  of 

the  Rev.  Richard  Sutton,  D.D., 

A  Prebendary 

of  the  Metropolitan  Church  of  Canterbury.  Rector  of  Whit- 
well  in  County  Derby,  and  fifty-one  years  Rector  of  this  parish, 
during  which  time  his  uniform  humanity  and  benevolence, 
gained  him  the  esteem  and  affection  of  his  neighbours  and 
dependants.  Whilst  his  chearful  (sic)  and  social  disposition 
and  generous  hospitality,  joined  to  elegance  of  manners  and  a 
taste  for  the  polite  arts,  endeared  him  to  numerous  friends. 
He  met  the  lingering  approaches  of  his  dissolution  with  ex- 
emplary fortitude  and  resignation,  and  departed  this  life  the 
14th  day  of  November  1785,  aged  76. 

Dennis   Russell.      OL  25  March,   1729.     Jtt.    26  March, 

1729  (til.  Dionysii  II.  de  Penryn,  Cornub :  gen.  set.  17). 
(JT.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored  by 
Bursar  Speke.  B.A.  10  May,  1733. 

Thomas  Meysey.  (ft.  27  March,  1729.  JE.  28  March, 
1729  (fil.  Johannis  M.  de  Baton,  sic,  Vigorn :  arm.  a>t. 
16).  (JT.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored 
by  Bursar  Wyndhain  14  July  — .  «..  1729  (Wor- 
cestershire). B.A.  30  Oct.  1732.  M.A.  23  June,  1735. 
Elected  ty.Jf.  1739,  and  ,-jF.  1740.  Elected  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1739  and  1740;  Humanity  Lecturer  1744 
(Blake  and  (Uipper  deputies).  His  Stipend  was  not  paid 


after    174G ;    when    his    JF.    was    declared    vacant    on 
30  June,  he  having  obtained  preferment. 

3rd  son,  born  1710.  Rector  of  Croome  d'Abitot  1742  to  1748  ; 
Vicar  of  Mamble  with  Bayton  6  May,  1745  (Nash.  II.  162); 
Vicar  of  Pirton  7  Dec.  1747  ;  died  1762  (Nash.  II.  159). 
Brother  of  Francis  M.  1726,  and  John  M.  1727. 

James  Uttermare.  (ft.  28  March,  1729.  |E.  same  day 
(fil.  Johannis  U.  de  Curry  Mallet,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  20). 
<£.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  taken  up  by 
Bursars  Thomas  and  Speke.  B.A.  19  Feb.  1732. 

Baptized  at  Curry  Mallet  18  March,  1708  ;  buried  at  Curry 
Mallet  14  June,  1788.  He  lived  at  Curry  Mallet  Court  House : 
was  commonly  called  "  The  Justice."  Rev.  James  Uttermare 
was  patron  and  Rector  of  South  Bradon,  Somerset.  (Collinson 
I.  16). 

William  Willim.  <£.  28  March,  1729.  JU.  same  day  (fil. 
Thoime  W.  de  Sti  Xich.  Hereford :  gen.  ret.  16).  (H.JE. 
received  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored  9  July,  1740. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1730  and  1732  (the  names  for 
1731  are  missing).  j&.  1733  (Herefordshire).  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1734  to  1738.  B.A.  11  Dec,  1733. 
M.A.  9  June,  1735.  Elected  ty.JF.  1739,  jf.  1740. 
Elected  Sub  -  Dean  1739  ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1740  ; 
Dean  1741  (deputy,  Birt);  Catechist  1744  (deputy, 
Speke),  1745,  1746  (deputy,  Eloyer),  1748,  1750  (deputy, 
Pead),  1751  (when  he  resigned,  and  on  18  July,  1752 
Online  was  elected) ;  Librarian  1749.  He  resigned  his 
,-ff.  30  June,  1753. 

Thomas  Willim  was  Mayor  of  Hereford  1732.     (Duncumb). 

Henry  Fricker.  <£.  15  May,  1729.  JE.  16  May,  1729 
(fil.  Edvardi  F.  de  Langford,  Wilton  :  gen.  a>t.  17). 
received  11  July,  1729,  restored  30  June,  1739.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1730.  «,.  1731.  B.A.  26  Oct.  1733. 
M.A.  21  June,  1737.  Elected  ^.,-ff.  1737,  JF.  1738; 
but  he  received  no  Fellow's  stipend  after  Christmas 


Davenport  Gamble.  <£.  22  May,  1729.  |E.  same  day 
(fil.  Kichardi  G.  de  Willoughby,  Leicestr:  gen.  at.  16). 
C.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored  4  Aug. 
1736.  B.A.  19  Jan.  1732. 

Rector  of  Foston,  Leic :  2  May,  1738  ;  resigned  1747,  and  became 
Vicar  of  Great  Ashby,  where  there  is  an  altar  tomb  in  the 
Churchyard  with  this  inscription — 

Davenport  Gamble, 
30  years  Vicar  of  this  Parish, 

a  faithful  and  true  pastor, 

a  sincere  and  generous  friend,  and  a 

liberal  benefactor  to  the  poor. 

He  died  14  July,  1777, 
in  the  65th  year  of  his  age. 


John  Goldwright.  <£.  8  July,  1729.  p.  9  July,  1729 
(til.  Gulielmi  G.  de  Boston,  Xov:  Angl :  gen.  set.  22). 
(JT.JE.  received  8  July,  1729,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Lady 
Day  1730. 

Edward  Millward.  OT.  18  Feb.  17-§£.  JE.  (Milward) 
19  Feb.  17-fg-  (til.  Edvardi  M.  de  Knighton,  Vigorn :  gen. 
a?t.  16).  dpi.  received  21  Feb.  17ftr,  restored  12  July, 
1740.  Elected  £.  1721  from  Worcestershire.  B.A. 
26  Oct.  1733.  M.A.  7  July,  1736.  B.M.  3  July,  1741. 
Elected  $).,-ff.  1739,  JF.  1740.  Elected  Humanity 
Lecturer  1741  (deputy,  Gresley),  1749,  1754;  Librarian 
1744,  1746  (deputy,  Floyer,  both  years);  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  1745,  1750  (deputy,  Price),  1751,  1753; 
Bursar  1748,  1752.  His  JF.  expired  30  June,  1757. 

There  is  a  monument  in  Knighton  Chapel,  Lindredge  Parish, 
Wore.  "  Here  lieth  interred  the  body  of  Edward  Milward, 
M.D.,  who  departed  this  life  26th  day  of  August,  1757. 
^Etatis  su;u  45.  Pura  sequi."  (Nash  II.  98). 

Edward  Whitley.  OT.  (Whiteley)  19  March,  17^-§.  &L. 
same  day  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Morriot,  Somerset:  pleb. 


set.   18).     C.JU.    received   same    day,    restored    23    Oct. 
1736.     B.A.  7  March,  1733. 

Kector  of  Sutton  Bonnington,  Notts,  1750  to  1769.  Vicar  of 
Merriott,  Somerset,  1768  to  1775,  where  lie  is  buried  with  this 
inscription — "  Underneath  is  interred  the  body  of  the  Rev. 
Edward  Whitley,  son  of  John  and  Francis  Whitley.  He  died 
Vicar  of  this  Parish  Aug.  30,  1775,  in  the  64th  year  of  his 

Father  of  Edward  W.  1770. 

Emanuel  Collins.  Servians,  1  April,  1729.  |E.  (Hart 
Hall)  24  Jan.  17jj-£  (fil.  Emanuelis  C.  de  Sti  Martini  in 
Campis,  Middlesex:  pleb.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1729,  restored  by  Bursar 

John  Bibb.  Servians,  14  June,  1729.  Jtt.  20  June,  1729 
(til.  Thomas  B.  de  Bewdley,  Vigorn :  pleb.  set.  19).  &.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  21  July,  1729,  restored  Christinas 

Joseph  Ward.  Serviens,  5  Dec.  1729.  JE.  12  Dec,  1729 
(til.  Josephi  W.  e  Prov.  Cestrensi :  pleb.  set.  18).  C.Jft. 
received  as  Servitor  5  Dec.  1729,  restored  13  July,  1736. 
B.A.  24  May,  1733.  M.A.  7  July,  1736. 

In  1738  he  was  presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Prestbury  by  John 
Legh  of  Adlington,  the  patron  and  lay  rector,  and  instituted 
Oct.  5  in  the  same  year.  Mr  Ward  was  twice  married — (1)  At 
Prestbury,  Sept,  10,  1742,  to  Mary,  daughter  and  heir  of  Joseph 
Wilkinson  of  Prestbury,  Gent,,  who  was  buried  at  Prestbury 
July  3,  17") I  ;  and  (2)  iu  1756,  to  Dorothy,  daughter  and  co- 
heir of  Roger  Royden  of  Macclesfield,  Chapman.  He  died  Feb. 
7,  1772. 

There  is  iu  Prestbury  Church  a  small  brass  to  the  memory  of 
his  first  wife,  and  in  the  chancel  a  mural  tablet  with  a  brass 
bearing  the  following  inscription — 

"  Sacred  to  the  Memory  of  the  Reverend  and  Learned  Joseph 
Ward,  M.A.,  formerly  of  Wad  ham  College,  in  Oxford,  and 
Vicar  of  this  Parish  33  years.  He  acted  many  years  with  great 



reputation  as  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  this  County.  In  his 
sacred  character,  he  was  to  his  Hock  a  faithful  monitor  ;  a 
zealous  and  excellent  preacher  of  truth  and  righteousness  ;  a 
worthy  example  for  all  social,  moral,  and  religious  duties,  in 
the  constant  practice  of  which  he  spent  his  life.  Reader,  go 
and  do  thou  likewise.  He  died,  universally  lamented,  Feb- 
ruary 7,  1772,  in  the  61st  year  of  his  age." 
His  burial  is  thus  recorded  in  the  Register  :  "  1772.  Prest- 
bury.  The  Rev.  Jos.  Ward,  A.M.,  Vicar  of  Prestbury,  aged  60, 
buried  Feb.  10." 

Mr  Ward  was  the  Author  of  Sermons  printed  in  1746,  1747, 
1749,  and  1760. 

John  Field.  Servians,  30  Jan.  17f£.  JE.  G  Feb.  17-§fl  (fil. 
Constantii  F.  de  Shepton  Montague,  Somerset :  pleb.  set. 
18).  (ST.JE.  received  as  Servitor  5  March,  17-ij-w,  restored 
by  Bursar  Wyndham  in  the  last  half  of  1733.  B.A. 
11  Dec.  1733. 

Richard  Higgs.  Serviens,  21  Feb.  17-|#.  JE.  same  day 
(fil.  Johaimis  H.  a  Comitatu,  Salop  :  cler.  set.  1 9).  C.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  same  day,  restored  by  Bursar  Speke. 
B.A.  18  March,  1733. 

Thomas  Gill.  Serviens,  17  March,  17f.£.  JE.  18  March, 
17%%  (fil.  Eichardi  G.  de  Hanwell,  Oxon :  cler.  aet.  18). 
(JT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  17  March,  17|o-,  taken  up  for 
Battels  1731.  B.A.  30  May,  1734.  M.A.  12  April,  1709. 
B.D.  and  D.I).  19  April,  1769. 

Rector  of  Holcott,  Northants  1745,  till  his  death  in  1778. 

Thomas  Partridge.  Serviens,  19  March,  17-j;-£.  JE.  same 
day  (fil.  Thonise  P.  de  Northpoint  ?  North  Perrott, 
Somerset :  pleb.  set.  20).  6I.JE.  received  as  Servitor  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Sept.  1734  (?  1737)  by  Speke. 
B.A.  19  Oct.  1733. 

Lingen  Gomond.  Serviens,  20  March,  I7f  ft.  JE.  21  March, 
17fo  (fil-  Kdnmndi  G.  de  Kilpeck,  Hereford :  gen.  set.  16). 
(H.JE.  received  as  Servitor  20  March,  17-§tj-,  taken  up 
for  Battels  by  Speke  Sept.  1734  (?  1737). 

•1729-30.]       WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.  35 

Henry  Norman.  Serviens,  21  March,  17f£.  JE.  same 
day  (til.  Henrici  N.  de  Langford,  Somerset:  pleb.  get.  18). 
(£.J&.  received  30  March,  1730,  restored  Michaelmas 

He  was  inducted  into  the  Rectory  of  Bledon,  Somerset,  5  Nov. 
1745,  and  died  13  Nov.  1780,  when  the  following  entry  occurs 
in  the  Parish  Register  :  "  1780,  Nov.  13,  died  the  Rev.  Henry 
Norman,  who  had  been  Rector  of  this  place  35  years,  during 
which  time  he  always  behaved  like  a  good  and  faithful  Shep- 
herd. God  grant  that  this  parish  may  have  a  successor  equally 
serviceable."  His  name  appears  under  one  light  of  the  East 

Father  of  William  N.  1776. 


Joseph  Edwards,  (ft.  20  April,  1730.  (IT.JE.  received 
(J)omimis  J.  E.)  8  May,  1730,  restored  Midsummer  1730. 
P.  (Magd.  Hall)  23  April,  1724  (fil.  Danielis  E.  de 
Stoke,  Stafford:  gen.  fet.  17).  B.A.  8  March,  1727. 
M.A.  12  July,  1731. 

William  Walker.  <!T.  20  April,  1730.  OT.JE.  received 
8  May,  1730,  restored  1733.  Jft.  (Magd.  Hall)  26  March, 
1729  "(fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Croxton,  Stafford:  gen.  set.  19). 
B.A.  (YVadham)  24  Xov.  1732. 

Thomas  Moore.  <!T.  22  April,  1730.  |tt.  27  April,  1730 
(fil.  Johannis  M.  de  Sti  Petri,  in  Civ.  Hereford:  cler.  set. 
17).  (£.|lt.  received  13  May,  1730,  restored  12  Jan. 
1730.  B.A.  7  March,  1733. 

Joseph  Murray.  (T.  24  April,  1730.  C.|tt.  received 
(John  M.)  8  May,  1730,  restored  by  Bursar  Bush. 

Robert  Forster.  (T.  11  May,  1730.  |E.  14  May,  1730 
(fil.  Tliomse  F.  de  Gnowshall,  i.e.,  Gnosall,  Stafford :  gen. 


set.  18).  OT.JE.  received  13  May,  1730,  restored  by 
Bursar  Speke.  Eobert  Forester  was  B.A.  of  Magd.  Hall 
18  March,  1733. 

Richard  Warner.  <£.  16  July,  1730.  JE.  18  July,  1730 
(fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Sti  dementis  in  Civ.  Londin :  gen. 
set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  17  July,  1730,  restored  by 
Bursar  Wyndharn.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1734. 

"  R.W.  resided  at  Hearts  in  Woodford  Row,  where  lie  planted 
a  Botanical  Garden,  and  successfully  cultivated  rare  Exotics. 
The  Plantte  Woodfordienses,  written  by  him,  and  privately  cir- 
culated, was  the  result  of  the  annual  herborizations  of  himself, 
and  his  acquaintance  in  this  neighbourhood."  (Wright,  II. 

At  his  death,  which  occurred  11  April,  1775,  aged  62,  Richard 
Warner  of  Woodford  Green,  Essex,  bequeathed  to  the  College 
a  library  of  4400  volumes,  particularly  rich  in  works  on 
Natural  History  and  Botany.  He  also  left  an  annual  stipend 
of  £10  for  a  Botanical  Exhibition  ;  and  on  20  April,  the 
Warden  was  directed  to  have  a  catalogue  made,  and  the  books 
packed  and  sent  to  the  College. 

Afcraham  Clavey.  OT.  9  Oct.  1730.  JE.  10  Oct.  1730 
(fil.  Abrahami  C.  de  Frome,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  18). 
(£.Jft.  received  9  Oct.  1730,  restored  by  Bursar  Wynd- 
ham,  9  July,  -  — .  G-oodridge  Exhibitioner  1731,  £N 
1733  from  Somersetshire.  B.A.  12  June,  1734.  M.A. 
24  May,  1737.  Elected  ^.Jf.  1739,  ,-ff.  1740.  Elected 
Librarian  1741,  1743,  1745,  1748,  1749,  1752  ;  Bursar 
1750,  1751,  1753;  Catechist  1754;  Humanity  Lecturer 
1755.  On  16  July,  1747,  he  was  presented  to  the  Vicarage 
of  Hockleigh,  but  resigned  it  on  the  4th  Dec.  1748.  On 
30  June,  1753,  he  was  nominated  to  the  liectory  of 
Fryerning;  but  on  6  Dec.  he  declined  it.  His  JF.  ex- 
pired 30  June,  1757. 

Incumbent   of   Heytesbury  1746  to   1765.      Vicar  of   Norton 
Bavent,  Wilts,  1753,  where  he  was  buried  20th  August,  1765. 


On  a  flat  stone  in  the  nave  of  the  Church  is  the  follow-in" 


inscription — 

RevdMr  ABm  CLAYEY, 

Vicar  of  this  Place, 
Died  ye  14th  of  Aug* 

Aged  53  years. 

Chichester  Tompkins.  <£.  19  Dec.  1730.  CT.JE.  re- 
ceived same  day,  and  restored  by  Bursar  Speke.  JE. 
(Jesus)  3  Nov.  1729  (HI.  Henrici  T.  de  Linton,  Devon : 
pleb.  set.  18).  B.A.  (Wadham)  24  May,  1733. 

Francis  Robinson.  (£.  29  Jan.  ]7j|?.  |tt.  5  Feb.  I7f°- 
(fil.  Francisci  K.  de  Sti  Dunstan,  Londin :  gen.  set.  18). 
C.jE.  received  29  Jan.  ]  7f  a,  taken  up  for  Battels  by 
Bursar  Stone. 

John  Baker.  <£.  26  Feb.  17-jj-?-.  JE.  27  Feb.  l7-g$  (fil. 
Nicolai  B  de  Cheselburough,  Somerset:  cler.  aet.  17). 
(jr.p.  received  26  Feb.  17-j}?,  restored  by  Bursar  Wynd- 
hain.  B.A.  22  Oct.  1734  M.A.  21  June,  1737. 

He  is  said  to  have  died  1792  ;  but  at  Ilton  on  a  brass  is  this 
inscription — "  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  John  Baker, 
A.M.,  12  years  Vicar  of  Ilton  :  he  died  Jan.  20,  1757,  aged  44. 
His  ways  were  ways  of  pleasantness,  and  all  his  paths  were 

George  William  Harris.  <£.  22  March,  17^?,  p.  same 
day  (fil.  Jacobi  H.  e  Claustro,  Sarum  :  arm.  set.  11). 
(  received  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  by  Bursar 
Speke.  Elected  ,-jF.  of  Exeter  30  June,  admitted  5  July, 
1733.  B.A.  4  March,  1736.  M.A.  10  June,  1737. 
Kesigned  ,-ff.  25  April,  1741,  being  presented  to  the 
living  of  -  Cornwall.  (Boase,  98). 

Preb.  of  Yetminster  Prima,  Sarum,  5  March,  IT;^.  Rector  of 
Egglesdill'e,  Durham,  173!)  to  1778. 


On  a  brass-plate  in  the  Church  at  Egglescliffe  is  the  following 
inscription — 

Near  this  place  lieth  interred  the  hody  of  the  Rev.  George 
William  Harris  Clerk,  M.A.,  Prebendary  of  Sarum,  and 
Rector  of  this  Parish  for  37  years.  He  was  third  son  of 
James  Harris. of  the  Close  of  New  Sarum  in  the  County 
of  Wilts,  Esq.,  by  the  Lady  Elizabeth,  third  daughter  of 
Anthony,  Earl  of  Shaftesbury.  He  departed  this  life  the 
23rd  day  of  August,  1777,  aged  33.  (Surtees,  III.  p.  199). 

Brother  of  James  H.  173*,  and  Thomas  H.  1728. 

Robert  Jordan.  Servians,  4  May,  1730.  <£.ftt.  received 
as  Servitor  (Richard  J.)  8  May,  1730,  restored  1739. 
JE.  (Magd.  Hall)  19  Feb.  17§§  (til.  Roberti  J.  de  Eccles- 
hall,  Stafford:  pleb.  set.  19).  B.A.  (Wadham)  25  June, 

Richard  Gwatkin.  Serviens,  8  May,  1730.  JE.  14  May, 
1730  (til.  Thomas  G.  de  Foundhope,  i.e.,  Fownhope, 
Hereford:  gen.  set.  18).  CT.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
8  May,  1730,  taken  up  for  Battels  1737.  B.A.  28  March, 
1733 "(?  1734).  M.A.  21  June,  1737. 

Rev.  Richard  (Iwatkin  left  a  benefaction  of  £20  to  the  Charity 
School  at  Fownhope. 

Robert  Gascoyne.  Serviens,  13  May,  1730.  JE.  14  May, 
1730  (til.  Roberti  U.  de  Banbury,  Oxon:  pleb.  aet.  19"). 
(£.JE.  received  as  Servitor  ]3  May,  1730,  taken  up 
for  Battels  7  April,  1739.  B.A.  12  Oct.  1734. 

Robert  Noyes.  Serviens,  4  March,  17-jft.  <£.JH.  received 
as  Servitor  (Noye)  17  April,  1731,  restored  Midsummer, 
1733,  replaced  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  restored  by 
Bursar  Speke.  JE.  (Magdalen  Hall)  14  May,  1730  (fil. 
Philippi  K  de  Street,  Wilton:  pleb.  tet,  19).  B.A. 
22  Nov.  1734. 

1730-31.]       WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.  39 

John  Williams.  Jtt.  13  March,  17-™-  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de 
Glasbury,  Hadnor:  cler.  ;et.  16).  J.  W.  born  in  the 
parish  of  Margam,  Glamorgan,  was  admitted  &.  of 
Jesus  24  Dec.  1733.  B.A.  30  Oct.  1734.  M.A.  10  June, 


Richard  Peters.  Jp.(ft.  7  April,  1731.  JE.  8  April,  1731 
(fil.  Hadulphi  P.  de  Liverpool,  Lancastr:  gen.  set.  20). 
C.|E.  received  as  (g.(ft.  7  April,  1731,  taken  up  for 
Battels  by  Bursar  Stone.  Created  D.D.  by  diploma 
2  May,  1770,  being  then  Hector  of  Christ  Church  and 
St  Peter,  Philadelphia  (Foster;. 

William  Hoste.  ,-fF.OL  4  June,  1731.  JE.  10  April,  1731 
(fil.  Jacob!  H.  de  Sandringham,  Norfolc :  arm.  set.  18). 
C.JE.  received  as  (ft.  17  April,  1731  (admitted  9  April), 
restored  17  April,  1739.  B.A.  12  Oct.  1734.  M.A. 
17  June,  1737. 

He  contributed  £5  towards  the  repair  of  the  eastern  window  of 
the  chapel  in  1742. 

Walter  Careless,  (ft.  21  Feb.  17^J-.  j&.  22  Feb.  17ft 
(fil.  Richard!  C.  de  Birmingham,  Warwic:  gen.  pet.  17). 
£.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1732,  taken  up  for 
Battels,  Christmas  1738.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1735. 

Henry    Gresley.      (ft.    14   March,    17-g*.      |tt.    ( 

16  March,  17|^-  (fil.  Francisci  G.  de  Strensam,  Vigorn: 
cler.  set.  17).  €.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1732, 
restored  2  July,  1742.  *.  1733  ;  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1735  to  1739:'  he  made  the  Obit  Speech  in  1740;  B.A. 
11  Xov.  1735.  M.A.  7  July,  1738.  B.D.  18  July,  1767. 
Elected  }J.,-ff.  1741  ;  ,-jF.  1742  ;  elected  Sub-Dean  1740 
(Chegwiii  deputy)  :  Deputy  Humanity  Lecturer  (for  Mil- 
ward)  1741,  Humanity  Lecturer  1742:  Dean  1743,  1748, 

40  WARDEN     THISTHLETHWAYT.        [1731-32. 

1749;   Bursar  1744  to  1747.     In  1750,  he  vacated  his 
jf.  being  beneficed. 

He  was  Rector  of  Tarent  Hinton,  Dorset,  from  18  July  1749 
till  his  deatli  ;  buried  at  Tarent  Hinton,  1  Dec.  1773.  His 
father  died  at  Strensham  11  Nov.  1773,  aged  100. 

(Nash  II.  396.) 

David  Hopkins.  Servians,  7  Sept.  1731.  |tt.  11  Oct. 
1731  (til.  David  H.  de  Stanton  Drew,  Somerset:  pleb. 
set.  20).  (£.JU.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  last  half  of 

1731,  taken    up    for    Battels   by   Bursar    Speke ;    B.A. 
10  June  1730. 

The  father  who  was  a  captain  in  the   Somersetshire   militia, 
died  1  Oct.  1730,  and  has  a  monument  at  Stanton  Drew. 

Mayo  Tims.  Serviens,  12  Jan.  17-;j~J.  |E.  14  Jan.  17fJ 
(til.  Thonise  T.  de  Chacombe,  Northampton :  pleb.  set. 
17).  (JT.JH.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1732,  restored 
by  Bursar  Speke;  B.A.  25  Nov.  1735. 

Vincent  Humphrey.  Serviens,  25  Feb.  17|4-.  JE.  29  Feb. 
17--B-  (fil-  Humphredi  H.  de  Towyn,  Merion:  pleb. 
ret.  23).  received  as  Servitor  m  the  first  half  of 

1732,  taken  up  for  Battels,  March,  1732. 


Windham  Goodwin.  (!T.  28  March,  1732.  JH.  29  March, 
1732  (til.  Jobaiinis  (1.  de  Ilton,  Somerset:  pleb.  a>t.  18). 
(C.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1732,  restored  by 
Bursar  Thomas. 

Henry  Watkins.  (T.  28  March,  1732.  p.  29  March, 
1732  (til.  Redwood  W.  de  Launceston,  Conmb:  arm. 
;et.  17  >.  (  received  in  the  first  half  of  1732, 
restored  by  Bursar  AVyndham.  Goodrid»-e  Exhibitioner 
1734:  B.A.  20  Oct.  1738. 

Charles  D'Oyley.  (T.  27  April,  17:52.  f&.  (Doyley) 
8  May,  1732  (til.  .  .  do  Smithmp,  Glouuestr : 

1732.]  WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.  41 

gen.  set.  17).  €.j&.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1732, 
restored  27  Sept.  1740.  B.A.  5  March,  1735.  M.A. 
18  May,  1739. 

He  was  eldest  son  and  heir  of  Charles  D'Oyley,  baptised  at 
Southrop,  June  1714,  died  Julv  1776,  nephew  of  Robert  D. 
161  j,  and  grandson  of  Charles  D.  1634. 

Wright  Hawes.  (!T.  1:3  July,  17:32.  Jtt.  15  July,  1732 
(fil.  Henrici  H.  de  Prince's  Kisborough,  Buckingham : 
gen.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  in  the  last  half  of  1732, 
restored  22  Jan.  1739.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1733; 
B.A.  8  May,  1736.  M.A.  11  April,  1739. 

Rector  of  Stretton-on-the-Foss,  Warwick,  and  Rector  of  Shals- 
ton,  Bucks,  23  Nov.  1742,  till  his  death  ;  succeeded  by  his  son- 
in-law,  George  Huddleston  Jervoise,  see  1757.  (Lipscomb. 
III.  73). 

Christopher  Tatchell.  Serviens,  30  March,  1732.  JE. 
1  April,  1732  (fil.  Johannis  T.  de  Stoke-under-Hamden, 
Somerset :  pleh.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in 
the  first  half  of  1732,  restored  Sept.  1734.  Migrated  to 
Pembroke  Coll;  B.A.  13  Oct.  1735. 

At  Combe-St  Nicholas,  is  the  following  inscription  : 
"In  memory  of  the  Rev.  Chris.  Tatchell,  who  died  Feb.  22, 
1793,  aged  80  years.  He  was  upwards  of  50  years  Vicar  of  this 
parish  :  deservedly  beloved  and  respected  by  all  who  knew 
him,  as  a  pious  worthy  man.  He  was  also  Rector  of  Stock- 
leigh  English,  Devon,  in  1756,  probably  till  his  death. 

Matthew  Lowe.  Serviens,  1  April,  1732.  |tt.  same 
day  (fil.  Uriah  L.  de  Knutchford,  Cestr:  pleb.  set. 
16).  (Jl.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1732, 
and  taken  up  in  part  for  Battels  by  Bursar  Wyndham, 
Michaelmas  1736;  B.A.  5  March,  1735. 

Francis  Robinson.  |E.  25  May,  1732  (fil.  Johannis  II 
de  Halton,  Lancastr :  pleb.  set.  16).  Afterwards  of  Queen's 
Coll:  where  he  is  described  as  entering  as  Batellar, 
8  May,  17.32,  so  that  probably  the  Jtt.  entry  is  an  error. 
B.A.  5  March,  1735.  M.A.  12  Oct.  1738. 



Walter  Acton  Moseley.  tf.<£.  4  July,  173:5.  JE.  5  July, 
1733  (fil.  Acton  M.  de  Envil,  Stafford:  arm.  a3t.  17). 
&.JE.  received  as  0.(£.  in  the  last  half  of  1733,  restored 
13  July,  1739. 

He  contributed  to  the  repair  of  tlie  eastern  window  of  the 
chapel  in  1742  ;  of  the  Mere  and  of  Glashampton,  Wore,  died 
1793  ;  brother  of  James  M.  1737. 

George  Whitmore.  ,-fF.(ft.  21  Jan.  I7ijf.  iH.  same  day 
(fil.  Gulielnii  W.  de  Stockdon,  Salop  :  arm.  set.  17).  OLJE. 
received  in  the  first  half  of  1734,  restored  5  Dec.  1740. 

Of  Apley,  Salop,  died  s.p.  1775. 

Thomas  Wymond.  «L  7  May,  1733.  jtt.  8  May,  1733 
(fil.  Johamiis  W.  de  Lanivet,  Cornub  :  gen.  set.  18).  (JT.JE. 
received  in  the  first  half  of  1733,  restored  by  Bursar 

There  was  formerly  on  the  floor  of  the  chancel  of  the  church 
of  St  Minver,  a  stone  to  the  memory  of  Thomas  Wymond  of 
Wadham  College,  Oxford,  who  died  in  that  city,  May  9,  1735, 
and  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of  his  college.  (Maclean,  Trigg 
Minor  III.  p.  27.)  There  is  also  a  stone  on  the  floor  of  the 
Ante-chapel  at  Wadham  with  T.  W.  1735. 

James  Birt.  OT.  10  May,  1733.  JE.  IS  May,  1733  (fil. 
Jacobi  B.  de  Monmouth :  cler.  set.  16).  C.jE.  received  in 
the  first  half  of  1733,  restored  5  July,  1742.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1733;  Elected  £.  1734;  B.A.  3  Eeb.  1736; 
M.A.  26  Oct.  1739  ;  Elected  |).Jf.  1741 ;  JT.  1742  ;  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1738.  His  Jjf.  was  paid  up  to  6  June,  1744 
It  is  noted  on  30  June,  1744,  that  he  had  resigned. 

Thomas  Barnett.  <!T.  20  May,  1733.  <£.JE.  received  in 
the,  first  half  of  173.'],  restored  by  Bursar  Jones.  JH. 
(Christ  Church),  28  May,  1733  (til.  Thoina-  15.  de  Stac 


Margaret,  Westmonast  :  gen.  get.  17).  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1734  Elected  £.  1735.  B.A.  28  April, 
1737.  M.A.  18  March,  1739.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1741. 
His  5?.  was  vacant  30  June,  1745. 

His  name  does  not  appear  in  any  record  at  Christ  Church,  so 
that  the  Matriculation  entry  is  probably  an  error. 

Thomas  Durnford.  (JT.  19  June,  1733.  |E.  20  June, 
1733  (h'l.  Thoiiife  D.  de  Eockbourn,  Hampton :  cler.  ait. 
16).  <£,£&,.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1733,  restored 
30  June,  1740.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1734.  Elected 
£.  1734.  B.A.  28  April,  1737.  M.A.  5  March,  1739, 
although  it  was  ordered  on  1st  March  that  his  M.A. 
should  be  postponed  "  for  prolonged  absence  from  the 
"  College  without  leave."  B.D.  and  D.D.  2  Dec.  1752. 

Vicar  of  Harling,  Sussex,  1750  to  1792.  His  mother  was 
Susannah  Still ingfleet,  great-niece  of  Edward  S.  Bishop  of 
Worcester.  Father  of  Thomas  D.  1761,  when  he  is  described 
as  "of  Bramdean,  Hants"  ;  and  of  Stillingfieet  D.  1771,  when 
he  is  described  as  "  of  Harling,  Sussex." 

William  Speke.  <£.  28  June,  1733.  JE.  14  July,  1733 
(fil.  Gulielmi  S.  de  Jordans,  Somerset :  cler.  ait.  18).  received  in  the  last  half  of  1733,  restored  19  July, 
1742.  Elected  ft.  1733  from  Somersetshire.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1734  to  1739.  B.A.  13  Nov.  1737.  M.A. 
11  Feb.  1739.  B.D.  9  Nov.  1759.  Elected  $.JF.  1741. 
,-fF.  1742.  He  was  elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1742 :  and  served  as  Deputy  (for  Sydenham)  in  1741 
and  1743:  Humanity  Lecturer  1743;  Dean  1744,  1747; 
Bursar  1745,  1746. 

Prebendary  of  Whitlakington  (AVells),  13  Dec.  1774,  of  the 
Sixth  Stall  (Bristol),  6  Feb.  1776,  died  15th  Nov.  1791. 
"Rector  of  Curry  Malet,  Somerset,  1771  "  (F). 

Thomas  Savage.  OL  12  Dec,  1733.  |E.  13  Dec.  1733 
(til.  Johannis  S.  de  Wolshall,  i.e.,  Wolfhall  near  Burbage 
Savage,  Wilton:  gen.  set.  18).  <£.j&.  received  in  the 
last  half  of  1733,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndhani. 
Migrated  to  Xew  College  as  ft/ 5  Sept.  1734.  B.A. 

44  WARDEN    THISTHLETHWAYT.       [1733-34. 

12  April,  1738.     M.A.  28  April,  1742.     Vacated  his  5. 
by  promotion  and  marriage  1744. 

Admitted    ?.    of   Winchester,    1725,   of   Great    Bedding,    i.e., 
Bed  win,  Wilts.     Rector  of  Darleigh  (Darley),  Derb. 

Bryan  Coppock.  Serviens,  19  April,  1733.  Jtt.  24  April, 
1733  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Timperley,  Cestr:  pleb.  set.  19). 
B.A.  17  Feb.  1736. 


George  Vandeput.  JF.OT.  13  July,  1734.  Jtt.  31  July, 
1734  (fil.  Petri  V.  de  Twittenham,  i.e.,  Twickenham, 
Middlesex:  Baronetti,  set.  17).  (JT.Jft.  received  as 
(&.4T.  in  the  last  half  of  1734,  restored  18  Jan. 

He  succeeded  his  father  as  second  Baronet  in  1748.  Candidate 
for  the  City  of  Westminster,  1750  ;  and  died  17th  June  1784, 
when  the  Baronetcy  became  extinct,  as  he  is  said  to  have  left 
no  legitimate  male  issue. 

William  Ashe.  jf.OL  5  Aug.  1734.  |E.  G  Aug.  1734  (fil. 
Gulielmi  A.  de  Ormond  St.  Loridin :  arm.  set.  20).  C.JUX. 
received  as  <£.(£.  in  the  last  half  of  1734,  restored  by 
Bursar  Thomas. 

Apparently  grandson,  and  eventually  heir  of  Win.  Ashe  of 
Heytesbury  and  London  (died  1713),  married  Catherine, 
2nd  daughter  of  Henry,  Duke  of  Bolton,  and  died,  s.p.,  1750  ; 
if  so,  he  was  first  cousin  of  Pierce  A'Court,  1725,  who  succeeded 
him  in  the  Heytesbury  property. 

Henry  drivers  Vince.  30  Oct.  1734.  JE.  same 
day  (fil.  Gulielmi  V.  de  Market  Lavington,  Wilton :  arm. 
aet.  18).  (JT.ja.  received  as  (5.4T.  in  the  last  half  of 
1734,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1739. 

George  Baker.     (T.  27  March,  1734.     Jtt.  28  March,  1734 
(fil.  Nicolui    I),  dc  Chidboro',   i.r.y  Chislcboro',  .Somerset: 

1734.]  WARDEN    THISTHLETH  WAYT.  4f, 

cler.  aet.  16).  (tf.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1734, 
restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham.  Elected  j£.  1734  from 
Somersetshire.  B.A.  15  Oct.  1737.  He  appears  to  have 
vacated  his  ;£.  in  1741. 

William  Chappie.  OT.  3  April,  1734.  JE.  4  April,  1734 
(fil.  Guliehni  C.  de  Sti  Andrese,  Holborn,  Londin :  Eq.  fil. 
natu  max.,  jjet.  18).  (£.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of 
1734,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham. 

Christopher  Partridge.  (£.  5  April,  1734.  JE.  6  April, 
1734  (fil.  Christopher!  P.  de  Hasellmry,  Somerset :  pleb. 

set.  19).  (JT.Jtt.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1734,  restored 
by  Bursar  Wyndham.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1734. 
B.A.  15  Oct.  1737. 

Brother  of  Francis  P.  1721. 

Prince  Pead.  <£.  5  April,  1734.  JE.  6  April,  1734  (fil. 
Guliehni  P.  de  Stse  Mary  le  Bow,  Londin:  gen.  set.  17). 
(C.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1734,  restored  6  July, 
1745.  Elected  *£.  1734  from  Oxfordshire.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1739,  1740,  1742.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1737. 
M.A.  12  July,  1742.  He  appears  to  have  been  acting  as 
Chaplain  at' Lady  Day  1742.  Elected  ^.Jf.  1744;  ,-ff. 
1745.  Elected  Catechist  1747;  and  (as  Deputy  for 
Willim)  1750;  Humanity  Lecturer  1748;  Sub- Warden 
1749  to  1753;  Bursar  1754  to  1761.  In  1758  Willim 
was  elected  in  his  place,  and  in  1762  Foster  was  elected 
on  16  July  when  Pead's  Jf.  expired.  Proctor  1749. 

Thomas  Colman  Welch.  <£.  16  May,  1734.  |E.  same 
day  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Slatton,  i.e.,  Slapton,  North- 
ampton :  gen.  yet.  20).  (H.jE.  received  in  the  first  half  of 
1734,  restored  Lady  Day  1742.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1734.  B.A.  26  Jan.  1737.  Incorporated  of  King's  College, 
Cambridge,  1745.  M.A.  1745. 

Vicar  of  Pateshull,  Nortliants,  18  Nov.  1742.     Rector  of  Slapton, 
1  Felx  17o4  ;  on  a  inarbk-  Tablet  on  the  north  wall  of  Pateshull 


Church,  is  the  following : — Near  this  place  are  deposited  the 
remains  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Colemaii  Welch,  Rector  of  Slapton, 
and  one  of  the  Vicars  of  this  Parish.  After  a  most  sevtre 
illness,  which  he  bore  with  great  resignation,  his  body  returned 
unto  the  earth,  and  his  spirit  unto  God  who  gave  it,  Feb.  llth, 
1770  :  aged  55  (Baker). 

Thomas  Rocke.  OT.  12  June,  1734.  JE.  14  June,  1734 
(fil.  Francisci  11.  de  Court  of  Hill,  Salop:  gen.  set.  17). 
<£.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1734,  taken  up  for 
Battels,  Lady  Day,  1742.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1735, 
1736.  B.A.  18  May,  1738.  M. A.  9  July,  1744. 

Probably  father  of  Richard  R.  1777  ;  if  so,  cleric,  of  Bitterley, 
Salop.  In  the  church  at  Bitterley  is  the  following  monument — 

Sacred  to  the  Memory 

of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Rocke,  A.M., 

Rector  of  Ludlow,  and  formerly  of  this  Church, 

who  died  respected  and  lamented, 

1 6th  Oct.  1803. 

AN.     JEini.  8(5. 

Richard  Goodwin,  (ft.  10  Oct.  1734.  j&.  same  day  (fil. 
Johannis  G.  de  Gilsboro,'  Northampton:  cler.  set.  17). 
C.JE.  received  in  the  last  half  of  1734,  paid  over  by 
Bursar  Wyndham.  B.A.  8  June,  1738. 

Silas  Bradbury.  <!T.  9  Dee,  1734.  JE.  17  Dec,  1734 
(fil.  Sila>  B.  de  Windsor,  Bercher:  gen.  ret.  18).  €.j&. 
received  in  the  last  half  of  1734,  paid  over  by  Bursar 
Wyndham  to  Mr  Bush.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1735, 

William  Spilsbury.  <£.  26  Feb.  17|4.  JE.  28  Feb.  I7|i 
fil.  Gulielmi  S.  de  Birmingham,  Warwic:  gen.  set.  18). 
(JT.JE.  received  26  Feb.  l7-i}t,  restored  by  Bursar 
Wyndham.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1737.  B.A.  20  Oct. 
1738.  M. A.  4  July,  1745. 

James  Keigwin.  4T.  21  March,  l7-«-i.  JE.  25  March, 
1735  (fil.  Johannis  K.  de  Sti  Ives,  Cornub :  cler.  aet.  20), 


(£.JE.    received   21    March,  I7f-i,  paid  over  l>y  Bursar 
Wyndham  to  Mr  Birt.     B.A.  25  Oct.  1738. 

Vicar  of  Betchworth,  Surrey,  1763  to  1802  ;  died  18  Feb.  1805. 
(G.  Mag.). 

Christopher  Budge.  Serviens,  1  April,  1734.  JE.  6  April, 
1734  (fil.  Christopher!  B.  de  Chillington,  Somerset: 
pleb.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first 
half  of  1734,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham.  B.A. 
15  Oct.  1737. 

John  Blake.  Serviens,  5  April,  1734.  jE.  3  April,  1734 
(fil.  Johannis  B.  de  Curry  Kivel,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  18). 
(£.|E.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1734, 
taken  up  for  Battels,  Christmas  1740,  received  as 
<£.  17  May,  1735,  restored  14  July,  1745.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1 735 ;  elected  £.  from  Somerset- 
shire 1737 ;  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1740.  B.A.  25  Oct. 
1738.  M.A.  19  Nov.  1740:  elected  ^3.,-ff.  1744:  ,-ff. 
1745  ;  elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1746  :  Librarian 
1747 ;  Hector  of  Eryerning  6  Deer.  1753 ;  but  he  was 
non-resident:  died  early  in  1782.  ,-jF.  vacant  30  June, 
1755  (as  Lake),  when  he  is  described  as  beneficed. 

Lawrence  Cooper.  Serviens,  27  April,  1734.  JE.  same 
day  (fil.  Joseph!  C.  de  Guilford,  Surr :  gen.  aet,  18).  (JT.|E. 
received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1734,  taken  up 
for  Battels,  Midsummer  1737. 

Antony  Natt.  C.Jtt.  received  as  (ST.  in  the  last  half  of 
1734,  restored  by  Bursar  Jones  3  July,  -  — .  jE. 
(Queen's)  5  May,  1733  (fil.  Antonii  N.  de  Stepney, 
Middlesex  :  pleb.  set  18).  Elected  3.  1735  ;  B.A.  3  Feb. 
1730  ;  M.A.  31  Oct.  1739  ;  elected  $J.,-ff.  1744;  JF.  1745. 
His  JF.  was  vacant  30  June,  1748,  he  being  beneficed. 

Educated   at   Merchant  Taylors'    School ;    Vicar   of   Standon, 
Herts,  3  April,  1747  to  1782  (Cussaiis  says  1762),  Init  see  monu- 

48  WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.       [1734-35. 

ment  which  seems  to  say  that  he  held  Standon  till  his  death)  ; 
and  Rector  of  Netteswell,  Essex,  where  he  is  buried  with  the 
following  inscription — 

In  a  vault  situated  in  the   east   part  of  this  church  yard   is 

deposited    the    body    of    the    Revd.    Anthony    Natt,   A.M., 

who  departed  this  life,  Nov.  7,  1801,  in  the 

87th  year  of  his  age. 
He    was  formerly,  in  succession,  Commoner  of    Queen's    and 

Fellow  of  Wadham  Colleges  of  Oxford. 
He  was,  latterly,  Rector  of  this  Parish,  upwards 

of  Thirty-five  years,  and 

Vicar  of  Standon  in  the  County  of  Hertford, 
xipwards  of  Fifty-four. 


Jonathan  Cope.  jF.Ctf.  15  April,  1735.  Oxon.  j&.  23  April, 
1735  (fil.  Johannis  C.  tie  Bruern,  Oxon:  Baronetti.  set. 
17).  <£,Jtt.  received  15  April,  1735,  restored  by  Bursar 

Really  eldest  sou  of  Sir  Jonathan  C.  of  Brewerne  :  himself  of 
Orton  Longueville,  Hunts,  died  v.p.  2  Nov.  1763  :  the  dignity 
became  extinct  on  the  death  of  his  second  son,  Sir  Jonathan, 
30  Dec.  1821. 

Alexander  Thistlethwayte.  ,-fF.(£.  25  June,  1735. 
Dorset.  Jlfc.  23  June,  1735  (fil.  Alexandra  T.  de  Compton 
Valance,  Uorcestr:  arm.  a^t.  17).  (H.Jtt.  received  30  June, 
1735,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham.  He  replaced  his 
d.JE.  in  July,  1702,  and  the  account  was  finally  closed 
in  1760.  Created  D.C.L.  1:5  Sept.  1702,  being  then  of 
South  wick,  Hants. 

He  was  born  in  1718  ;  M.P.  for  Hants  1754  to  1761,  died 
15  Oct.  1771  (Hoare). 

Thomas  Whorwood.  Jf.itf.  -'50  Oct.  1735.  Oxon.  p. 
10  Oct.  17:55  (fil.  Thomas  W.  de  Holton,  Oxon:  arm.  aet. 
17).  C|E.  received  9  Oct.  1735,  restored  by  Bursar 

1735.]  WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.  49 

Charles  Trimnell.  <£.  26  March,  17:55.  Jft.  25  March, 
1735  (fil.  Carol!  T.  de  Owby,  Norfolc :  cler.  set  16). 
(tf.JE.  received  26  March,  1735,  restored  by  Bursar 
Thomas.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1735  to  1738;  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1738  (the  first  election) ;  Demy  of 
Magdalen  1738  to  1742.  B.A.  20  Oct.  1739.  M.A.  16 
June,  1742.  Jf.  1742  to  1750. 

Vicar  of  Willoughby,  Warwick,  1744  to  1764  ;  Rector  of  Bicker, 
Line.  1750  ;  Vicar  of  Hainbelton,  Rutland  1750  :  last  signature, 
1  Dec.  1766  (Bloxam  VI.  250)  ;  buried  at  Bicker,  13  Feb.  1776, 
where  there  is  a  Hat  slate  stone  to  his  memory,  scarcely  legible, 
and  now  (1892)  concealed  under  the  organ. 

Richard  Adams.  <#.  14  Jan.  I7gf  Jtt.  same  day  (fil. 
Johannis  A.  de  Burslem,  Stafford :  gen.  set.  15).  GT.JE. 
received  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  restored  July,  1742. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1737.  B.A.  7  Xov.  1739.  M.A. 
10  July,  1742. 

John  Bond.  OT.  30  Jan.  I7f|,  Dorset,  JE.  25  Jan.  17;f| 
(fil.  Johannis  B.  de  Steeple,  Dorcestr:  arm.  ast.  18). 
C.Jtt.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  restored  by 
Bursar  Thomas. 

He  was  eldest  son,  born  11   May,  1717  ;  M.P.  for  Corfu  Castle 

1747  to  1760,  and  1764  to  1780.     He  died  30  May,  1784,  and 

was   buried   at  Steeple :    (Hutchins    I.  610),  where   T.  Bond, 

Esq.,   F.S.A.,   placed   over    the   graves    of    the   Bond    family 

recumbent  slabs  with  floreated  crosses  :  among  them  one  with 

this  inscription — 

"John  Bond    of   Grange,  Esq.     Born   XI  May,   MDCCXV1I, 

died  XXX  May,  MDCCLXXXIV." 

Brother  of  Dennis  B.   1737,  and  Thomas  B.  17}-?-  ;   father  of 

William  and  Thomas  B.  1775. 

Thomas  Swinton.   Serviens,  28  March,  1735.  jft.  29  March, 

1735  (fil.  Johannis  S.  de   Bexton,  Cestr:  gen.  set.  20). 

(H.|E.  received    ?  as  (£.  28  March,  1735,  paid   over  by 
Bursar  Bush  to  Mr  Swinton. 

Brother  of  John  S.  1719. 

50  WARDEN     THISTHLETHWAYT.       [1735-36. 

William  Saunders.  Serviens,  20  Dec.  1735.  JE.  (Jesus) 
18  March,  I7f}i  (fil.  Erasmi  S.  de  Blockley,  Vigorn : 
Doctoris,  net.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
first  half  of  1736,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham,  replaced 
as  (ft.  15  March,  1742,  restored  1  April,  1742.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1738  to  1740  (the  first  election); 
B.A.  20  Oct.  1738.  M.A.  31  March,  1742. 

His  father  has  a  monument  in  Blockley  Church,  erected  1771. 


Thomas  Clissold.  Serviens,  24  Feb.  17-gf  JH.  25  Jan. 
I7ff  (fil.  Thomne  C.  de  Stroud,  Gloucester:  pleb.  set.  17). 
CT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1736, 
restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham.  B.A.  16  Oct.  1739. 
M.A.  1  June,  1744. 

John  Chegwin.  Serviens,  15  March,  I7f  £-.  Cornub.  JE. 
24  Feb.  I7j]f  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Mawnan,  Cornub:  pleb. 
set.  13).  (it.jE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of 
1736,  increased  to  (ft.  in  the  first  half  of  1738.  Admit- 
ted 3J.  9  Sept.  1738;  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1739 
to  1742.  He  is  the  first  (apparently)  to  receive  Sir 
Benjamin  Maddox  Exhibition  3  April,  1739.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1739  to  1741.  B.A.  1  June,  1742.  He  was 
appointed  Deputy  for  Gresley,  as  Sub-Dean  6  Dec.  1740; 
and  elected  Sub-Dean  6  Dec.  1742,  being  at  the  same 
time  appointed  Deputy  to  Speke  as  Moderator  of 
Philosophy,  but  he  died  before  20  January  following. 
Gutch  mentions  a  stone  in  the  chapel  with  J.  C.  1742. 


Francis  Thistlethwayte.  JF.(!T.  25  Feb.  17^5.  Dorset. 
|E.  26  Fel).  I7^f  (fil.  Alexandri  T.  de  Winterslow, 
Wilton  :  arm.  net.  17).  C.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of 
17.")7,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham. 

Born  1719  :  succeeded  his  uncle  Richard  in  the  Soutlnvick 
Estate  ;  assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Whithead,  1733  ;  M.P. 
for  Hants  1741,  died  x.p.  1st  April,  1751.  (Hutchins  II.  299.) 

1736.]  WARDEN     THISTHLETHW  AYT.  51 

Richard  Vincent.  <£.  10  April,  1736.  |tt.  12  April 
1736  (fil.  Johannis  V.  de  Hampsted,  Middlesex:  gen.  get. 
17).  (JLJE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  restored 
by  Bursar  Wyndham. 

"Called  to  the  Bar,  Inner  Temple,  1742."     (F.) 

Theophilus  Goodfellow.  OT.  5  May,  1736.  Jft.  same 
day  (fil.  Francisci  G.  de  Gnilsboro,'  Northampton:  gen. 
set"  17).  (JT.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  taken  up 
for  Battels  by  Bursar  Wyndham,  Midsummer  1741.  B.A. 
19  Feb.  1739. 

Samuel  Kebby.  <£.  8  June,  1736.  JE.  same  day  (fil. 
Benjamini  K.  de  Staplegrove.  Somerset:  cler.  set.  19). 
(H.Jtt.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  taken  up  for 
Battels,  Midsummer  1742.  B.A.  15  Feb.  1739. 

John  Joseph  Gagnier.  (?T.  (?  Joseph)  11  Feb.  I7|f, 
Oxon.  p.  16  Feb.  I7|i  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de  Civ.  Oxon : 
cler.  set.  16).  (£.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1737, 
restored  16  May,  1745.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1739. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1738  to  1745  (the  first 
election).  B.A.  24  Oct.  1740.  M.A.  2  July,  1743. 

William  French.  OT.  3  March,  I7ff  Somerset.  Jft. 
22  Oct.  1736  (fil.  Gulielmi  F.  de  Merriott,  Somerset:  pleb. 
set.  19).  He  was  admitted  Serviens  from  Somerset  8  Oct. 
1736,  and  his  C.Jtt.  was  received  as  Servitor  in  the  last 
half  of  1736,  restored  by  Bursar  Thomas ;  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1738  to  1740  (the  first  election);  B.A. 
7  June,  1740;  but  having  absented  himself  from  three 
successive  examinations,  he  was  deprived  of  his  Hody 
Exhibition  31  July,  1740. 

Lightfoot  Gaverick.  Serviens,  10  April,  1736.  |E. 
15  April,  1736  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de  Ashburton,  Devon: 
pleb.  a-t.  17).  (£.|E.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first 
half  of  1736,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Midsummer  1740. 
B.A.  19  1-V1».  1739. 


Elias  Whiteare.  Serviens,  (Whitheare)  12  April,  1736. 
JE.  15  April,  1736  (fil.  Aaronis  W.  de  Ashlmrton,  Devon  : 
pleb.  set.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first 
half  of  1736,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Christmas  1742. 
B.A.  (Whitheare)  20  Oct.  1739. 

Thomas  Barlow.  Serviens,  12  April,  1736.  |E.  same 
day  (fil.  Robert!  B.  de  Moberly,  Cestr:  pleb.  set.  20). 
(JT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1736, 
restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham,  replaced  in  the  first 
half  of  1741,  and  again  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham. 
B.A.  22  Oct.  1741. 

Robert  Palk.  Serviens,  12  April,  1736.  |tt.  15  April, 
1736  (fil.  Gualteri  P.  de  Ashburton,  Devon  :  pleb.  set.  18). 
(JT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1736, 
restored  by  Bursar  Stone.  B.A.  20  Oct.  1739. 

Governor  of  Madras  1763  ;  created  Baronet  19  June,  1782  ; 
died  1798  ;  ancestor  of  Lord  Haldon.  In  Gent's.  May.  68, 
page  445,  it  is  stated  that  in  early  life  he  took  deacon's  orders, 
which  did  not,  however,  prevent  his  being  M.P.  for  Ash- 
Ijurton.  The  date  1761  is  given  for  the  Governorship.  His 
only  son  Lawrence  succeeded  to  the  fortune  of  General  Law- 
rence of  Indian  fame. 

Francis  Lewis.  Serviens,  8  June,  1736.  JE.  same  day 
(fil.  Breynton  L.  de  Civ.  Hereford:  pleb.  a>t.  17).  (JT.JK. 
received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1736,  taken  up 
for  Battels  Midsummer  1742.  B.A.  15  Feb.  1739. 

Thomas  Fewtrell.  Serviens,  6  Nov.  1736.  Jft.  4  Xov. 
1736  (fil.  Thoime  F.  de  Weston,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  19). 
(JT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  last  half  of  1736,  re- 
stored Midsummer  1740. 

William  Charter.  Serviens,  15  Dec.  1736.  JE.  16  Dec. 
1736  (HI.  (lulielmi  C.  de  Civ.  Londin:  pleb.  ast.  17). 
C.JH.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  last  half  of  1736,  re- 
stored by  Bursar  Wyndham.  Admitted  Clerk  20  Oct. 
aged  18,  from  Middlesex:  Clerkship  vacant  again  Mid- 
summer 1739. 



George  Poyner  Bisse.  JF.<£.  25  May,  1737.  JE.  26  May, 
1737  (til.  Jacob!  B.  de  Codicott  Bury,  Hertford: 
Doctoris,  set.  21 ).  (ST.JE.  received  as  JF.(£.  in  the  first 
half  of  1737,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1742. 
Incorporated  from  Trinity  College,  Cambridge  where, 
under  date  5  June  1733,  is  the  following  entry  "  Admis- 
sus  est  Georgius  Poyner  Bisse,  Pensionarius,  annos 
natus  17,  filius  Jacobi  Bisse  de  Codicote  in  Com:  Hert- 
ford :  e  Schola  Westmonast,  sub  prsesidio  Mri  Nichols : 
Mro  Holme  Tutore.  B.  A.  (Cantab) :  1736.  M.  A.  11  July, 

He  was  son  of  James  B.  (1687),  and  great-grandson  of  Upton 
B.  (1613).  He  died  at  Windsor  17  January,  1772,  and  wan 
buried  at  Codicote. 

Dennis  Bond.  <£.  25  March,  1737.  Dorset.  |E.  (Diony- 
sius)  29  March,  1737  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de  Steeple, 
Dorcestr:  arm.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  in  the  first  half 
of  1737,  restored  20  June,  1743.  Hotly  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1738  (the  first  election),  to  1743.  B.A. 
19  Nov.  1740.  M.A.  9  June,  1743. 

He  was  second  son,  born  17  April,  1718.  Rector  of  Steeple 
witli  Tyneham  3  July,  1742,  died  unmarried  23  Feb.  1795, 
buried  at  Steeple,  where  this  inscription  has  been  placed — 
"  Denis  Bond,  clerk,  Rector  of  Steeple  with  Tyneham.  Born 
XVII.  April,  MDCGXVIII.  Buried  V.  March,  MDCCXCV." 
Brother  of  John  B.  17  3  ft,  and  Thomas  B.  17fy.  Uncle  of 
William  and  Thomas  B.  1775. 

Edmund  Gapper.  &.  26  March,  1737.  Somerset.  |tt. 
29  March,  1737  (fil.  Edmundi  G.  de  Charlton,  Somerset: 
gen.  get.  37).  €.|E.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1737, 
restored  12  July,  1745.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1737, 
1738.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1739  to  1743.  Ad- 
mitted a.  28  Sq>t,  1739  from  Somerset.  B.A.  29  Oct. 


1740.  M.A.  13  June,  1743.  Elected  $.,#.  1744;  JF. 
1745.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1745,  1746  (having  acted  as 
deputy  for  Clavey,  elected  1744);  Librarian  1751,  but 
Costard  was  elected  15  Aug.  1752  vice  Gapper,  resigned. 
His  Jf.  was  filled  up  30  June,  1753. 

James  Moseley.  (!T.  30  March,  1737.  Warwicensis. 
JE.  2  April,  1737  (fil.  Acton  M.  de  Enfield,  Stafford: 
arm.  set.  17).  <£.jE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1737, 
restored  Dec.  1744.  Admitted  £.  28  Sept.  1739  from 
Staffordshire.  B.A.  4  Nov.  1740.  M.A.  9  June,  1743. 

"  James  M.,  younger  and  only  brother  of  Acton  M.,  bought  an 
estate  called  Leighton,  near  the  Mere,  married  Mrs  Ann  Sprott 
of  the  Marsh,  near  Wenlock,  and  by  her  has  several  children." 

(Shaw  II.  276.) 
Brother  of  Walter  Acton  M.  1733. 

Charles  Hinckesman.  <£.  18  May,  1737.  |E.  20  May, 
1737  (fil.  Richardi  H.  de  Bewdley,  Vigorn :  gen.  art.  18). 
(£.Jtt.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1737,  restored  Lady 
Day  1743.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1738.  B.A.  17  March, 

Brother  of  Richard  H.  1727. 

Peter  Maurice.  <£.  27  June,  1737.  |tt.  1  July,  1737 
(fil.  Petri  M.  de  Kuthen,  Denbigh:  cler.  art.  16)."  ( 
received  in  the  last  half  of  1737,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1744.  Elected  £.  1737.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1738  to  1741,  when  his  Exhibition  was 
declared  forfeited  27  Oct.  for  three  successive  absences 
from  Examination.  His  Exhibition  was  not,  however, 
filled  up  till  5  July,  1742,  when  lie  is  stated  to  have  re- 
signed. B.A.  16  April,  1741.  M.A.  20  April,  1740.  His 
Je.  ceased  to  be  paid  at  Midsummer  1741. 

Admitted  to  Westminster  School  1733  ;  elected  to  Cambridge 
1737,  but  did  not  take  his  election. 

Josiah  Speke.  (C.  28  June,  1737.  p.  1  July,  1737  (til. 
Gulielmi  S.  de  Ashill,  Somerset:  cler.  art.  18).  (C.fft. 
received  in  the  List  half  of  1  737:  restored  6  July.  1741. 
Guodridti'e  Exhibitioner  1738. 


Nicholas  Baker.  <&.  26  Jan.  17f|.  JE.  same  day  (fil. 
Nicolai  B.  de  Chiselboro',  Somerset :  cler.  yet.  ]  8). 
(£.jE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1738,  restored  by 

c  t/ 

Bursar  Wyndham. 

Probably  son  of  Nicholas  Baker  16§|. 

William  Cox.  <£.  7  Feb.  17|f  JE.  9  Feb.  17||-  (fil. 
Gulielmi  C.  de  Crewkerne,  Somerset:  gen.  set.  17). 
(JI.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1738,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Christmas  1740. 

John  Latham.  Servians,  28  March,  1737.  JE.  29  March, 
1737  (fil.  Jacob!  L.  de  Frodsham,  Cestr:  pleb.  set.  16). 
(£.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1737, 
restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham.  B.A.  10  Feb. 

Richard  Cordery.  Serviens,  1  April,  1737.  JE.  same 
day  (fil.  Robert!  C.  de  Greenwich,  Cant:  pleb.  set.  17). 
(Jl.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1737,  re- 
stored Midsummer  1744.  B.A.  7  May,  1742. 

Joseph  Thorpe.  Serviens,  2  April,  1737.  Somerset. 
JE.  same  day  (fil.  Stephani  T.  de  Lime  Regis,  Dorcestr  : 
cler.  set.  20).  (JLJE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half 
of  1737,  restored  by  Bursar  Thomas. 

James  Evans.  Serviens,  8  June,  1737.  fE.  same  day  (fil. 
Johamiis  E.  de  Kennarth,  Carmarth  :  pleb.  set.  18). 
C.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1737, 
restored  Lady  Day  1742.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1739  to  1746.  B.A.  16  July,  1741. 

Richard  Willis.  Serviens,  25  Feb.  17{{-£.  JE.  1  March, 
17f|-  (fil.  Richard!  W.  de  Newby  Stones,  Westmoreland  : 
gen.  set.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half 
of  1738,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1740.  B.A. 
26  Feb.  1741.  Admitted  Clerk  29  June,  1739  from 


Westmoreland.  His  Clerkship  became  vacant  at  Lady 
Day  1742.  Incorporated  of  King's  College,  Camb :  in 
1754 :  M.A.  1754. 

Subsequently  Rector  of  Hartley  Maiulit,  Hants,  and  of  West 
Thorney,  Sussex,  10  June,  1760,  which  was  vacant  in  1785. 


From  this  point  the  College  liegister  of  Admission  of 
Members  (otherwise  than  on  the  Foundation),  ceases,  and  is 
not  resumed  till  1806.  It  is  therefore  necessary  to  print  the 
names  as  given  in  the  University  Matriculation  Kegister,  and 
to  discover  each  man's  status  from  the  Caution  Books. 

Samuel  Bethel.  JE.  26  April,  1738  (fil.  Samuelis  B.  de 
Dindor,  Hereford:  cler.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  <£. 
in  the  first  half  of  1738,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1743.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1739,  1740. 
B.A.  19  June,  1742. 

Robert  Talbot.  JE.  29  April,  1738  (fil.  Johuimis  T.  de 
Dray  ton,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  18).  (jt.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1738,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1739. 

Robert  Thistlethwayte.  JE.  17  May,  1738  (fil.  Alex- 
andri  T.  de  Compton,  Dorcestr:  arm.  a^t.  17).  &.JH. 
received  as  (ft.  in  the  first  half  of  1738,  increased  to 
(&.OL  in  the  first  half  of  1740,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1746.  B.A.  26  Feb.  1741.  M.A.  17  Dec. 
1744.  B.D.  and  D.D.  1  July,  1762. 

He  was  the  3rd  son,  born  16  Oct.  1720.     Rector  of  Broughton, 
Hants,  died  28  March,  1767.  (Hutchins  II.  294.) 

Edward  Leigh.  JH.  17  May,  1738  (fil.  Jolmnnis  L.  de 
Brindle,  Lancastr:  pleb.  a:t.  18).  (Jl.Jft.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1738,  increased  to  (ft.  in  the 
first  half  of  1740,  restored  Midsummer  1742.  He  was 
the  first  i'igott  Exhibitioner,  elected  15  July,  1741  ;  his 
successor  was  elected  in  1744.  B.A.  10  Feb.  1741. 

1738.]  WARDEN     THISTHLETH  WAYT.  57 

John  Dummer.  Jft.  23  Nov.  1738  (fil.  Ednnmdi  D.  de 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Londin :  arm.  set.  18).  GT.JH.  received  as 
OT.  and  increased  to  <§.<£.  in  the  first  half  of  1738, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1740. 

Robert  Phillips.  Jtt.  15  Dec.  1738  (til.  Robert!  P.  de  Holy- 
well  in  Civ.  Oxoii :  gen.  set.  16).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
in  the  first  half  of  1738,  restored  19  July,  1748.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1739,  1740.  Admitted  a.  25  Sept: 
1741  from  Oxfordshire.  Hocly  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1740  to  1747.  B.A.  21  Oct.  1742.  M.A.  19  July,  1746. 
Elected  13.,-fF.  1746;  $.  7  July,  1747.  Admitted 
8th  and  took  the  oath  17  July.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1747  ; 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1748,  1752;  Catechist  1749, 
1753,  1755,  1756  (deputy,  Price)  1757  (deputy,  Smith). 
On  13th  July,  1757,  objection  was  taken  to  Mr  Phillips 
sharing  a  fine  "  as  he  had  only  sent  a  servant  and  was 
not  personally  present."  His  ,-/F.  was  filled  up  30  June, 

His  name  is  found  among  the  voters  at  the   Parliamentary 
Election  of  1768,  but  lie  is  not  described  then  as  Jf. 

John  Westcott.  (£.|E.  received  as  <£.  in  the  first  half  of 
1738,  restored  Michaelmas  1739.  JE.  (Corpus  Christi) 
10  Oct.  1734  (fil.  Robert!  W.  de  Hatch-Beauchamp, 
Somerset:  cler.  get.  17).  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1738  (first  election)  to  1739 ;  he  was  deprived,  being 
absent  from  three  successive  Examinations.  B.A. 
22  June,  1738. 

Marben    lisle. 


Thomas  Cooper.  |E.  2  April,  1739  (til.  Edvardi  C.  de 
Walton,  Lancastr:  pleb.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half,  increased  to  (£.  in  the  last 
half  of  1739,  finally  taken  up  for  Battels  in  1743.  B.A. 
17  March,  1742. 

John  Gould  Floyer.  |tt.  9  April,  1739  (til.  Gulielnii  F. 
de  Trusham,  Devon :  cler.  eet.  18).  <£.JE.  received  as 
(JT.  in  the  first  half  of  1739,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1741.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1739 
to  1746.  Admitted  £.  28  Sept.  1739.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1741,  1742.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1742.  M.A. 
18  June,  1745.  Elected  ty.Jf.  (Founder's  Kin)  1743 ;  JF. 
1744.  Elected  Sub-Dean  20  Jan.  17f§  (vice  Chegwin, 
deceased),  and  again  on  6th  Dec. ;  Moderator  of  Phil- 
osophy 1744;  Humanity  Lecturer  1745,  1746,  1747. 
His  ,-^f.  was  filled  up  30  June,  1749,  when  he  was 
beneficed,  being  Hector  of  Esher,  Surrey  1747,  where 
he  died  1777. 

Brother  of  Caleb  F.  1748. 

John  Southan.  |E.  f>  June,  1739  (til.  Georgii  S.  de  Civ. 
Vigorn :  pleb.  ;et.  18).  (C.|tt.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
first  half  of  1739,  restored  26  April,  1742. 

Apparently  father  of  John  S.  1780. 

John   Threlfal.     ftt.   5   June.    1739   (fil.    GuliVhni    T.   <lc 
Thistleton.    Lancastr:   pleb.   ;i't.    21).      (C.fEl.   receix'ed    as 

1739.]  WARDEN     LISLE.  59 

<£.  iii  the  first  half  of  1739,  restored  by  Bursar  Wynd- 
ham.     B.A.  26  April,  1740. 

Baptised  at  Kirkham  5  January,  1718.  Elected  Head  Master 
of  Kirkham  Free  Grammar  School  1744,  "on  condition  that 
he  should  not  be  curate  of  Kirkham  or  of  any  other  church  or 
parish."  There  is  the  following  tablet  to  his  memory  in 
Kirkham  Church — 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of 

The  Eeverand  John  Threlfall,  A.B., 

who  died  December  xm,  MDCCCI, 

Aged  LXXXIV  years. 
He  was  fifty-six  years  Head  Master  of 

Kirkham  School. 

This  silent  marble  is  erected  as  a  small  token 
of  gratitude  and  affection." 

Chetham  Soc.  xcu. 

John  Culme.  pi.  oO  June,  1739  (til.  Benjamin!  C.  de 
Studland,  Dorcestr:  cler.  cet.  17).  C.|E.  received  as  dT. 
in  the  last  half  of  1739,  restored  19  July,  1748.  Ad- 
mitted £>.  28  Sept.  1739  from  Dorset.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1743,  1744,  1745.  B. A.  9  May,  1743. 
M.A.  6  June,  1746.  Elected  $J.,-fF.  1746;  jC  7  July, 
1747.  Admitted  8th  and  took  the  oath  16th  July.  On 
30  June,  1746,  he  was  admonished  for  taking  his  M.A. 
without  the  Warden's  consent.  Elected  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  1747;  Catechist  on  18th  July,  1752  (vice 
AVillim,  resigned),  and  again  on  6th  Dec.  His  Jf.  was 
filled  up  on  his  resignation  30  June,  1754. 

There  is  a  Monument  in  Studland  Church  erected  in  memory 
of  the  Rev.  Benj  :  C.  and  his  wife  and  children,  which  states 
that  his  daughter  Anne  was  the  sole  survivor  of  a  family  of 
ten  in  1772.  The  sons  are  placed  in  the  following  order— 
Charles,  Benjamin  (see  below)  John.  (Hutchins  I.  654.) 

Thomas  Barrow.  Jtt.  9  July,  1739  (HI.  Beruu  B.  de  Mon- 
mouth :  pleb.  a~'t.  17).  (£.|tt.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
last  half  of  1730.  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1744. 
(iondrid.--,.  Exliil'itiouer  1741.  B.A.  9  31av.  1743. 

60  WARDEN     LISLE.  [1739. 

Benjamin  Culme.  JE.  14  July,  1739  (til.  Benjamin!  C.  de 
Civ.  Winton:  cler.  set.  19).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  in  the 
last  half  of  1739,  restored  4  Dec.  1740. 

Brother  of  John  Culme  above. 

William  Price.  JE.  10  Oct.  1739  (til.  Gulielmi  P.  de 
Weobley,  Hereford:  cler.  set.  17).  (JT.JH.  received  as 
(K.  in  the  last  half  of  1739,  restored  3  July,  1750. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1740.  Admitted  £.  25  Sept. 
1741.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1744,  1747.  B.A.  9 
June,  1743.  M.A.  24  May,  1748.  Elected  $.,#.  30 
June,  1749;  Jff.  1750:  he  took  the  oath  on  30  July. 
Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1750,  1751 ;  Bursar  1752, 
1753,  1757,  and  1759  to  1767.  On  14  July,  1768,  it 
was  resolved  that  "  Mr  Price,  whose  Jf .  has  expired,  shall 
still  sit  at  the  High  Table,  even  if  Chaplain."  On  16th 
he  was  elected  Chaplain,  and  on  21st  T.  Price  was 
chosen  Bursar  in  his  place.  The  Chaplaincy  was  filled 
up  (on  his  decease)  10  Nov.  1790. 

The  Gent's.  May.  says,  "On  8th  of  Sept.  1790,  died  at  Wadham 
College,  Kev.  Thomas  (?  William)  Price,  having  been  a  member 
of  the  College  upwards  of  30  (I  50)  years."  But  see  Thomas 
Price  1747. 

Richard  Wright,  |tt.  13  Nov.  1739  (til.  (Hover  W.  de 
Civ  :  Vigorn  :  pleb.  aet.  20).  (JT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in 
the  last  half  of  1739,  taken  up  for  Battels  Michaelmas 

Richard  Dewhurst.  JE.  27  Jan.  17|#  (til.  Laurent!!  I). 
de  Walton,  Lancastr:  pleb.  a;t.  19).  £.JE.  received  as 
<£.  in  the  first  half  of  1740,  restored  Midsummer  1743. 
B.A.  27  April,  1744. 

John  Farnham.  JE.  27  J«m.  J7£#  (til.  Johaunis  F.  de 
Llanteglos,  Coruub:  cler.  a:>t.  17).  B.A.  14  Oct.  1743. 

John  Farnham,  clerk,  of   Treguddle  in   Lanteglos,  married   in 
1733  Mary  Wymoiul,  and  was  buried    10  June,  17  to,  leaving 

1739-40.]  WARDEN     LISLE.  61 

one  son,  William  :  but  perhaps  this  means  only  one  son  l>y 
M.  W.  He  had  had  two  wives  before  her,  by  the  first  of 
whom  he  had  a  son  John,  baptised  1722  ;  the  above  William 
(dying  1802)  bequeathed  Worthevale  to  his  nephew  Rev.  John 
Farnham  of  Mawgan  (died  1 803).  Maclean  adds  that  it  appears 
from  certain  proceedings  in  Chancery  that  it  could  not  be  found 
who  was  heir-at-law  of  W.  F.  ex  paterna. 


Christopher  Twynihoe.  JE.  26  March,  1740  (fil.  Christo- 
pher! T.  de  Turn  wood,  i.e.  Turnworth,  Dorcestr :  cler.  jpt. 
18).  OT.JE.  received  in  the  first  half  of  1740.  Hotly 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1740  to  1744.  Admitted  £. 
22  Oct.  1740,  of  Somerset,  aged  18.  B.A.  29  Oct.  1743. 
His  *>.  was  vacant  30  June,  1745.  Migrated  to  Merton. 
M.A.  27  June,  1746.  Proctor  1753. 

He  died  15  April  and  was  buried  22nd,  1769,  and  is  described 
as  "clerk"  on  the  Twynihoe  Monument  in  Turnworth  Church. 

(Hutchins  III.  472.) 

John  Higson.  JE.  27  March,  1740  (fil.  Kichardi  H.  de 
Moberley,  Cestr:  pleb.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1740,  increased  to  (!T.  in  the 
last  half  of  1742,  restored  15  July,  1747.  Admitted 
Clerk  15  March,  1741,  from  Cheshire,  aged  18.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1741.  B.A.  14  Oct.  1743.  M.A. 
7  July,  1747. 

John  Windsor,  JE.  29  March,  1740  (fil.  Johannis  \V.  de 
Upton,  Devon:' cler.  aet.  17).  (Jl.JE.  received  as  (ft.  in 
the  first  half  of  1740,  restored  by  Bursar  Gresley.  B.A. 
14  Oct.  1743.  M.A.  6  June,  1746. 

Thomas  Crofts.  JE.  (liobert)  29  March,  1740  (fil.  Johannis 
C.  de  Monmouth:  pleb.  a-t.  17).  (£.|E.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1740,  restored  Midsummer, 
1746.  Admitted  Clerk  3  Oct.  1741,  from  Hereford, 

02  WARDEN     LISLE.  [1740. 

aged  18.     Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1740  to  1742.     B.A. 
28  Feb.  1743.     M.A.  9  June,  1740. 

Robert  Story.  JH.  29  March,  1740  (fil.  Robert!  S.  de 
Oxon:  pleb.  set. — ).  (H.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
first  half  of  1740,  restored  Lady  Day,  1744.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1741.  Admitted  Clerk  30  July,  1742,  from 
Oxfordshire,  aged  18.  B.A.  13  March,  1743.  M.A. 
6  June,  1752. 

He  voted  as  CT.  of  Wadham  at  the  Parliamentary  election  in 
1768.  Probably  brother  of  William  S.  1752. 

Henry  Allen.  JE.  22  May,  1740  (fil.  Henrici  A.  de  Almely, 
Hereford :  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  in  the 
first  half  of  1740,  restored  Midsummer  1745.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1742,  1743.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1743.  M.A. 
14  Nov.  1747.  B.I),  and  D.I).  15  March,  1769. 

Thomas  Bond.  |E.  3  Feb.  17|^  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Steeple,  Dorcestr :  arm.  set.  19).  (Jl.JE.  received  in  the 
first  half  of  1741,  restored  by  Bursar  Wyndham. 

Fourth  son  born  4  Sept.  1721  ;  he  was  of  the  Inner  Temple. 
Died  unmarried  13  April,  1773  ;  and  was  buried  in  the  Vaults 
of  the  Temple  Church.  (Hutchins  I.  624.) 

Brother  of  John  B.  I7j|^  and  Dennis  B.  1737,  and  uncle  of 
William  and  Thomas  B.  177"). 

John  Coward.  JE.  17  March,  17.J-?-  (fil.  Thorn*  C.  de  Bat- 
combe,  Somerset:  arm.  <et.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (*T. 
in  the  first  half  of  1741,  restored  Christmas  1740. 
Admitted  &.  25  Sept.  1741,  from  Somerset,  aged  18. 
B.A.  17  Dec.  1744.  He  had  rescued  his  «..  on  30  June 

He  was  third  son  of  Thomas  Coward  of  Spargrove,  who  was  son 
of  Thomas  Coward  of  Winchester  (died  circa  1727)  by  Grace 
Moor  :  she  was  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Moor  of  Spar<jrove,  who 
was  son  of  Thomas  Moor  of  Heytsbury  by  Rachel  Wyndham  : 
she  was  a  daughter  of  Sir  .John  Wyndham,  son  of  .lolm  Wvnd- 
ham  bv  Florence  Wadham,  sisler  of  Ihc  Founder. 

1741-42.]  WARDEN     LISLE. 


Richard  Marshall.  JE.  10  Oct.  1741  (fil.  Gulielmi  M.  de 
Ashprington,  Devon :  cler.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as 
(£.  in  the  last  half  of  1741,  restored  14  March,  1748. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1742.  Admitted  &.  27  Sept. 
1743  of  Devon,  aged  19.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  174,3  to 
1745.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1746,  1747:  and  made 
the  Obit  Speech  in  1748.  B.A.  13  July,  1745.  M.A. 
16  July,  1748.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  July,  1748.  On  the 
6  Dec.  1748  he  was  presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Hock- 
leigh ;  which  he  resigned  in  1776.  He  resigned  his  Jf . 
24  March,  17ft . 

Helyar  Wadham  Wyndham.  JE.  3  Jan.  17-H-  (fil. 
Thomse  W.  de  Yately,  Southampton :  arm.  set.  17). 
(JT.JE.  received  as  JF.QT.  5  Jan.  1742,  restored  23  June, 
1745.  He  contributed  ten  guineas  to  the  repair  of  the 
eastern  window  of  the  Chapel  in  1742. 

John  Pryse.  JE.  3  March,  17|4  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de  Kerry, 
Montgom :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (JT.  2  March, 
1742,  restored  10  Dec.  1750.  B.A.  25  Feb.  1745. 

Whitford.  (£.JE.  received  as  <E.  in  the  first  half  of  1741, 
restored  Christmas  1741.  Probably  Thomas  W. 
JE.  (Exeter)  27  Feb.  17ftf  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Pound- 
stock,  Cornub  :  cler.  set.  19). 


Francis  Lernoult.  JE.  31  March,  1742  (fil.  Philippi  L. 
de  Civ.  Cant.  Cant:  cler.  set.  16).  (£.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  5  April,  1742,  restored  2  July,  1750.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1742  to  1750.  "  Maddox  Exhibitioner 
1742.  Elected  ;£.  30  June,  1742 ;  but  his  admission  is 
omitted  in  the  Register.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  174:5 
to  1748:  ho  made  the  Obit  Speech  in  1740. 

G4  WARDEN      LISLE.  [1742. 

B.A.  31  Oct.  1745.  M.A.  2  June,  1749.  Elected  $.JF. 
1749,  JF.  1750 :  he  took  the  oath  on  30  July.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1748  and  1749,  but  on  30  June,  1750,  he  was 
chosen  Dean,  to  which  he  was  re-elected  1750  till  1756, 
but  on  29  Sept.  1757,  he  was  chosen  Bursar  (vice 
Doughty),  and  on  6  Dec.  Sub-Warden,  which  office  with 
his  ,-fF.  he  resigned  on  marriage  13  Oct.  1758.  Proctor 

Thomas  More  IVIolyneux.  Jft.  8  April,  1742  (fil.  More 
M.  de  Guildford,  Surr:  Eq.  fil.  natu  minor:  set.  17). 
(£.JE.  received  as  (£.  same  day,  restored  10  Dec.  1750. 
Elected  g,.  30  June,  1742  :  but  his  admission  is  omitted 
in  the  Register.  On  21  June,  1750  it  was  decided  that 
"  having  accepted  a  Commission  in  the  Guards,  and  failed 
to  reside  for  more  than  two  years"  his  *,.  should  be 
taken  away. 

Succeeded  his  brothel1  James  :  elected  M.P.  for  Haslemere  1759, 
17(50,  17(57,  1774  :  Major  (with  the  rank  of  Colonel)  in  the  Third 
Regiment  of  Foot  Guards  :  died  unmarried  3  Oct.  1 776,  aged  52. 
(M.  and  B.  p.  98).  He  has  a  monument  with  an  elaborate 
inscription  in  Haslemere  Church.  Author  of  Conjunct 
Expeditions  1759. 
Brother  of  James  M.  M.,  see  below. 

John  Parry.  |E.  1C  June,  1742  (fil.  Thomse  P.  de  Llanhoe 
Hannel,  Pemb :  gen.  ajt.  18).  dT.JE.  received  as  (tf. 
15  June,  1742,  restored  8  July,  1748.  Goodridge  Exhi- 
bitioner 1743.  Admitted  *.  6  Oct.  1744  of  London, 
aged  19.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1745.  B.A.  15  May, 
1746.  His  £.  was  filled  up  30  June,  1748  in  conse- 
quence of  his  death. 

James  More  Molyneux.  jftl.  27  Sept.  1742  (fil.  More  M. 
de  Losely  apud  Guildford,  Surr:  Eq.  fil.  natu  max:  get. 
19).  <£.|E.  received  as  JfM.  in  the  last  half  of  1742, 
restored  15  Nov.  1740. 

M.P.  for  Haslemere  1754  to  1759,  when  he  died  on  24  June  in 
his  3Gth  year.  (M.  and  B.,  I.  98).  He  has  the  following 
monument  in  Hash-mere  Church — 

1742.]  WARDEN     LISLE. 

Sacred  to  the  Memory  of 

James  More  Molyneux  Esq. 

who  represented  in  Parliament 

this  antient  Borough  of 

Haslemere  : 

An  honour  several  of  his  ancestors 

had  before  arrived  at. 

He  was  eldest  son  of 

Sir  More  Molyneux  of  Losely  in  this  county 

And  during  the  time 

He  was  a  Burgess  for  this  Town 

He  fulfilled  the  important  trust 

His  constituents  were  pleased  to  repose  in  him 

With  spirit,  assiduity,  pleasure,  and  fidelity  ; 

And  died  confessedly 
A  promising  ornament  of  his  family 

and  country 
on  24th  June  1759  in  the  36th  year  of  his  age. 

As  a  lasting  memorial  of  the 
Grateful  acknowledgment  due  to  this  Corporation 

who  conferred  upon  him 
So  distinguishing  a  mark  of  their  esteem 

This  stone  is  here  erected. 
Brother  of  Thomas  M.  M.  above. 

Richard  Woodward.  |ft.  21  Oct.  1742  (fil.  Francisci  W. 
de  Grimsbury,  Gloucestr :  gen.  set.  16).  (  received 
as  ({£.  in  the  last  half  of  1742,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1749 ;  B.C.L.  10  Oct.  1749 ;  D.C.L.,  14  Feb. 

Dean  of  Clogher  1763  to  1781.  Chancellor  of  St  Patrick's 
1772  to  1778.  Rector  of  Louth  1778.  Bishop  of  Cloyne  1781 
to  1794.  Died  1794,  aged  67  ;  and  is  buried  at  Cloyne, 
where  in  the  North  Traneept  is  a  monument  to  him  with  this 
inscription — 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Richard  Woodward,  Bishop  of 
Cloyne,  aged  67,  1794  :  whose  superior  talents,  enlightened  by 
extensive  Learning  and  invigorated  by  an  active  Intercourse  witli 
the  World,  were  devoted  to  the  Discharge  of  his  Duty  as  a 
Citi/en,  Parochial  Minister  and  Prelate  with  the  most  earnest 
Zeal,  soundest  Discretion  and  truest  Liberality.  He  planmd  and 


66  WARDEN     LISLE.  [1742. 

was  the  principal  Institutor  of  the  House  of  Industry  in  Dublin 
in  1773.  He  was  an  eloquent  and  distinguished  Advocate  in  the 
House  of  Peers  for  the  Repeal  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Penal 
Statutes  in  1782,  and  the  Author  of  the  Present  State  of  the 
Church  in  Ireland,  published  in  1787  :  and  is  hence  justly  to 
be  denominated  the  Father  of  the  Poor — the  friend  of  Tolera- 
tion, and  the  Support  and  Ornament  of  the  Protestant  Estab- 
lished Religion."  (Cotton  I.  303.) 

Thomas  Edwards.  JE.  27  Oct.  1742  (fil.  Thomae  E.  do 
Ben-lew,  Montgom :  pleb.  ait.  If)).  (£.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  lust  half  of  1742,  restored  hy  Bursar 
Gresley.  B.A.  6  June,  1746. 

John  Vokes.  |E.  4  Dec.  1742  (fil.  Johannis  V.  tie  Grot- 
ford,  Line  cler.  ont.  10).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in 
the  last  half  of  1742,  restored  25  May,  1747.  Admitted 
Clerk  10  Oct.  1743,  from  Lincolnshire,  aged  16.  B.A. 
12  June,  1746. 

William  Lee.  JK.  .10  Jan.  17|f,  (fil.  Gulielmi  L.  de  Civ. 
Londin :  Eq :  a^t.  16).  (H.JE.  received  as  JfT.®.  same 
day,  restored  28  Sept.  174.'!  to  Robert  Langford.  On 
Jan.  16,  17 If  he  was  admitted  Jf.OL  of  Clare  Hall,  Cam- 
bridge, (horn  at  St  Edmund's  Bury),  and  graduated  M.A. 
in  1748. 

Died  1778,  and  was  buried  at  Hart  well,  Bucks  (Lipscombe  II. 
308),  where  there  is  the  following  inscription  over  the  South 
door  of  the  church:  "William  Lee  of  Totteridge  Park  in  the 
county  of  Herts  Es<[r.  only  son  and  heir  of  Lord  Chief  Justice 
Lee  and  Ann  his  wife,  daughter  of — Goodwin,  Esqr.  He  married 
Philadelphia  daughter  of  Sir  John  Dyke  of  Lullington  in  the 
county  of  Kent,  Bart.,  buried  13  Aug.  1778,  aged  52  years. 

Robert  Blizard.  £1.  12  Feb.  17*?,  (fil.  Gulielmi  B.  de 
Lambeth,  SUIT:  gen.  ret.  16).  (it.Jlt.  received  as  <&. 
same  day,  restored  14  July,  1749.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1743.  Admitted  £.22  Sept.  1743  from  Surrey, 
aged  16.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1743  to  1749 
when  on  4th  July,  his  death  is  noted.  B.A.  7  Nov. 
1746.  His  *.  was  filled  up  on  30  June,  1749. 

1742-43]  WARDEN     LISLE.  07 

Edward  Thomas.  JE.  2  March,  17f-f  (fil.  Joliannis  T.  de 
Boxford,  Suffolc :  cler.  aet.  16).  (£.j$L.  received  as  i£T. 

I  March,  1743,  restored  Midsummer  1760.     Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1744, 1745,  1746.    B.A.  3  Nov.  1746.     M.A. 
19  June,  1749. 

Aaron  Baker.  JE.  12  March,  17f|  (fil.  Georgii  B.  de 
Modbury,  Devon:  cler.  set.  ]7).  C.JE.  received  as  <JT. 

II  March,  1743,  restored  by  Bursar  Gresley.     Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1743.     Admitted  £>.  6  Oct.  1744  of  Devon, 
aged  19:  he  took   the  oaths  on   18  Jan.    1744.     Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1743  to  1746.     B.A.  7  Nov.  1746. 
He  was  present  at  the  Hody  Examination  on  12  Feb. 
17-]- 5-,  but  died    before    30th   June,  when   his   £.   was 
filled  up. 

John  Chappell.  JE.  12  March,  17||  (fil.  Robert!  0.  de 
Modbury,  Devon  :  gen.  set.  16).  (ft.JE.  received  as  <£. 
11  March,  1743,  restored  Midsummer  1750.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1744.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1745  to 
1747.  He  took  the  oaths  as  an  Exhibitioner  25  Oct. 
1745.  B.C.L.  31  Mav,  1750. 

Richard  Dickson  Lillington.  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
15  May,  1742,  restored  30  Nov.  1749.  |E.  (Hertford) 
3  March  17-f-^  (fil.  Thoinae  L.  de  Winfrith,  Dorcestr :  gen. 
set.  18).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1742,  1743.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1742  to  1745.  B.C.L.  27  Nov. 
1749.  D.C.L.  4  June,  1752. 

One  Dickson  L.,  was  Rector  of  Lyghe,  Kent  in  1758.  Preben- 
dary of  Netherbury  in  Terra  (Sarum)  2.3  Jan.  1773  :  died  1786. 
Brother  of  George  L.  1743. 


John  Gayman.  JH.  2(5  March,  1743  (fil.  Joliannis  G.  tie 
Mannavood  i.e.  Manavon,  Montgom:  pleb.  u-t.  16). 
C.|tt.  recei^•(ld  a,s  Servitor,  n^stored  !•'>  Maix-h,  1746. 
I '..A.  27  Feb.  1746. 

68  WARDEN     LISLE.  1743. 

Michael  Nethlebius  Szekelyhidi.  JE.  18  April,  1743 
(fil.  Joannis  S.  de  Claudiopoli  in  Transylvania :  cler.  fil. 
set.  37).  He  was  of  Klausenburg  (or  Kolosvar)  in 

Joseph  Deakin.  JE.  9  May,  1743  (fil.  Isa.  D.  de  Buddely, 
Vigorn:  pleb.  set.  19).  (JI.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
16  May,  1743,  restored  9  April,  1747.  Admitted  Clerk 
23  April,  1744  from  Worcestershire  aged  20 :  in  the 
Convention  Book  his  Christian  name  is  Stephen.  B.A. 
2  April,  1747. 

Thomas  Pym  Hales.  Jft.  13  June,  1743  (fil.  Thomas  H. 
de  Mote,  Cant:  arm.  set.  17).  <£.Jtt.  received  as  <£. 
11  June,  1743,  restored  3  June,  1747. 

The  father  was  third  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  Sir  Thomas 
Hales,  second  Baronet  of  Bekesbourne,  Kent,  and  married  Mary 
daughter  of  Sir  Robert  Marsham  of  the  Mote  near  Maidstone  : 
Sir  Thomas  Pym  Hales  was  eldest  son  and  succeeded  his 
father,  6  Oct.  1762  ;  was  M.P.  for  Downton,  Wilts  1762  to 
1768,  and  for  Dover  1770  to  1773  ;  he  died  without  male 
issue  18  March,  1773  :  the  baronetcy  became  extinct  on  the 
death  of  his  brother  Sir  Philip  in  1824. 

Henry  Roberts.  JE.  30  June,  1743  (fil.  Henrici  R  de 
Droitwich,  Vigorn  :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (fl*.  in 
the  last  half  of  1743,  restored  July  1752.  Admitted  *. 
6  Oct.  1744  from  Worcestershire,  aged  18.  He  took  the 
oaths  on  7  Jan.  1744.  B.A.  2  May,  1747.  He  made 
the  Obit  Speech  1750.  Elected  ft. jf.  1751 ;  Jf.  1752, 
admitted  on  8th  and  took  the  oaths  on  22nd  July,  1752. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  30  June,  1750  (vice  Lernoult),  again 
on  6th  Dec.  1750  and  1751.  Humanity  Lecturer,  1752, 
1753.  Dean  (vice  Lernoult)  29  Sept.  1757.  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1757  (with  Baily  and  Willim  as  Deputies). 
He  resigned  his  Jf.  30  June,  1701. 

Francis  D'Aeth.  JH.  21  Aug.  1743  (fil.  Thoinre  D.  de 
Knolton,  Cant :  Baronetti,  set.  18).  (ST.JE.  received  as  5?. 

in  the  last  half  of  1743,  restored  7  Nov.  1751. 

1743.]  WARDEN     LISLE.  69 

He  was  son  of  Sir  Thomas  D.  of  Knolton  by  his  second  wife; 
became  Vicar  of  Knolton  and  of  Whitfield  1753  till  1784. 
Eector  of  Godmersham  July  1767  to  1771.  Rector  of  Eythorne 
20  Dec.  1771  ;  died  unmarried  29  Jan.  1784. 

George  Lillington.  JE.  14  Oct.  1743  (fil.  111011103  L.  de 
Winfrith,  Dorcestr :  gen.  set.  16).  (ST.ftt.  received  as  (ST. 
in  the  last  half  of  1743,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Christmas 
1750.  Admitted  &•  6  Oct.  1744  of  Dorset,  aged  18: 
took  the  oaths  18  Jan.  1744.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1746  to  1748.  B.C.L.  9  June,  1750. 

Vicar  of    Hampton-in-Arden.       Master   of    Lord    Leycester's 
Hospital,  Warwick,  where  he  died  suddenly  2nd  March,  1794, 
in  his  68th   year,  and   is   buried   in   the   Churchyard   of   St 
Mary's  Warwick,  with  this  inscription — 
George  Lillington 

Clerk  LL.B. 
Died  2  March,  1794 

Aged  67  years. 
Brother  of  Richard  Dickson  L.  1742. 

James  Gooke.  Jtt.  29  Oct.  1743  (fil.  Thonue  0.  de  Cleo- 
bury,  Salop :  cler.  set.  17).  (£.J&.  received  as  Servitor 
in  the  last  half  of  1743,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Mid- 
summer .... 

Benjamin  Kennicott.  JH.  6  Feb.  17  if  (fil.  Benjamin!  K. 
de  Totnes,  Devon :  pleb.  set.  25).  <£.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1744,  restored  Christmas 
1747.  Admitted  Clerk  3  May,  1746  of  Devon,  aged  28 ; 
Pigott  Exhibitioner  1744,  1745 :  he  took  the  oaths 
11  Oct.  1745.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1745  to 
1747 :  when  he  vacated  it  being  chosen  Jf .  of  Exeter. 
B.A.  20  June,  1747  by  decree  of  Convocation.  Elected  Jf. 
of  Exeter  30  June,  1747.  M.A.  4  May,  1750.  B.D. 
4  Dec.  1761.  D.D.  10  Dec.  1761,  when  the  King  gave 
him  a  pension  of  £200  a  year.  Kadcliffe  Librarian 
1767.  Appointed  Prebendary  of  Westminster,  July  1770, 
which  he  exchanged  for  a  Canonry  at  Christ  Church  on 
1  Nov.  1770.  Itesigned  his  Jf.  on  marriage  9  Jan. 

70  WARDEN      LISLE.  [1743. 

He  was  son  of  the  Parish  Clerk  of  Totnes  (to  whose  memory 
he  erected  a  monument  in  the  Churchyard  there  with  an 
inscription  from  his  own  pen,)  born  4  April  1718,  educated  in 
the  Grammar  School  at  Totnes,  afterwards  Master  of  the  Charity 
School  :  there  he  practised  bell-ringing  and  composed  Sacred 
Music  and  taught  the  choir  to  sing.  (Lysons,  Devon,  p.  535.) 
He  won  his  B.A.  degree  and  his  Fellowship  by  a  dissertation 
on  the  Tree  of  Life  and  the  Oblations  of  Cain  and  Abel. 
He  was  Vicar  of  Menheniot  18  Nov.  1771,  but  resigned  in  Dec. 
1781  ;  preacher  at  Whitehall.  Vicar  of  Culham.  He  died 
18  Aug.  1783,  (Boasep.  103.) 

He  undertook  the  enormous  work  of  examining  the  Hebrew 
MSS.  of  the  Bible  and  finally  brought  out  the  Hebrew  Bible 
with  Prolegomena  and  various  readings  in  two  vols.  folio  1776 
and  1780.  But  while  the  work  was  in  progress  he  had  brought 
out  specimens  of  his  researches  from  time  to  time,  "  The 
state  of  the  printed  Hebrew  Text  of  the  O.T.  considered,"  Oxon. 
2  vols.  1753-9.  Annual  Accounts  of  a  Collation  of  Hebrew 
MSS.  1761-9,  collected  1770.  Dissertatio  Generalis  in  Vetus 
Testamentum  Hebr.,  Oxon.  1780.  Besides  his  controversy  with 
Home  he  had  a  Correspondence  with  an  Abbe  (Rome)  1771-3 
and  a  Letter  to  J.  D.  Michaelis  on  his  strictures  on  the  Edition 
of  1777,  and  pamphlets  were  interchanged  between  him  and  our 
(i.e.  Cantab.)  T.  Rutherford  (John)  on  the  Samaritan  Penta- 
teuch 1761-2.  (Wordsworth  Schol  Acad.,  p.  169.) 

Samuel  Knight.  |tt.  13  Feb.  17-|-J  (til.  Simonis  K.  de 
Cudworth,  Somerset:  plel>.  set.  18).  (&.JE.  received  us 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1744,  restored  Midsummer 
1747.  B.A.  23  March,  1747. 

James  Price.  JE.  15  Feb.  17 If  (fil.  Thomas  P.  de  Llan- 
vechan,  Brec  :  pi  eh.  ret.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
in  the  first  half  of  1744,  restored  by  Bursar  Jones. 
Migrated  to  Christ  Church  as  Servitor  20  Oct.  1744. 
B.A.  24  Oct.  1747. 

Henry  Willes.  JE.  14  March,  17|f  (fil.  Edvardi  W.  Episc., 
Bathon:  sot.  17).  CJtt.  received  as  <tf.  in  the  first  half 
of  1744,  restored  Michaelmas,  1749.  B.A.  7  Nov.  1740. 
M.A.  8  July,  1749. 




He  was  son  of  the  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  born  at  West- 
minster. Rector  of  North  Okendon,  Essex,  19  Nov.  1750  :  of 
Lee,  Essex,  21  Feb.  1763.  Prebendary  of  Warminster  (Wells), 
25  Oct.  1755  ;  Chancellor  31  Oct.  175o;  Precentor  5  Aug.  1757 
till  1773. 
Brother  of  William  W.  1747. 


Joseph  Smith,  p.  16  May,  1744  (fil.  Joseph!  S.  de 
Caistor,  Lincoln :  pleb.  set.  19).  C.|E.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  last  half  of  1744,  increased  to  (ft.  in  the 
first  half  of  1745,  restored  Midsummer  1750. 

Christopher  Hildyard.  p.  16  May,  1744  (fil.  Christopher! 
H.  de  Grasby,  Lincoln:  cler.  ret.  16).  (H.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  last  half  of  1744,  increased  to  (ft.  in  the 
first  half  of  1745,  restored  14  Feb.  1748.  B.A.  4  May, 

Alexander  Catcott.  p.  24  Oct.  1744  (fil.  Alexandri  C. 
de  Stopford,  Bristol,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  18).  dLJE. 
received  as  (ft*  in  the  last  half  of  1744,  restored 
18  March,  1760.  Admitted  £.  24  Sept.  1745  of  Somerset, 
aged  19 :  he  took  the  oaths  on  12  Oct.  1745.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  1746.  Hody  (Hejbrew)  Exhibitioner  1747 
to  1750.  B.A.  18  June,  1748.  He  resigned  his  5. 
30  June,  1750. 

Vicar  of  Temple  in  Bristol  and  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Buclian. 
Died  12  Jan.  1779. 

John  Cox.  ei.p.  received  as  <£.  in  the  first  half  of  1744, 
restored  1  Nov.  1748.  p.  (Trinity)  7  May,  1742  (fil. 
Johannis  C.  de  Oxon :  pleb.  set.  16).  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1744.  B.A.  20  March,  17|t-  M.A.  (New) 
11  Nov.  1748.  B.C.L.  (St  Mary  Hall)  30  Oct.  1773. 
Assessor  of  the  Vice-Chancellor's  Court  1773.  Vice- 
Principal  of  St  Mary  Hall.  Admitted  Chaplain  of 

1744-45.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  73 

Magdalen  24  March,  1787,  resigned  1788.     Rector  and 
'    Lecturer  at  St  Martin's  (Carfax) :  Chaplain  to  the  liad- 
cliffe  Infirmary. 

Rector  of  West  Buckland,  Devon  :  died  30  Nov.  1792,  (?)  aged  72, 
in  St  Giles,  Oxford.  A  tablet  on  the  South  wall  of  St  Giles 
Church  has  this  inscription  :  "  To  the  memory  of  her  revered 
and  beloved  parents,  the  Rev.  John  and  Jane  Cox  this  monu- 
ment is  raised  by  their  affectionate  daughter  Jane  Lee.  The 
former  died  Nov.  30.  1798,  aged  70  (sic)  years,  the  latter  died 
April  26,  1800,  aged  76  years."  (Bloxam  II.  177.) 

Samuel  Gooding.  (JI.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the  first 
half  of  1744,  restored  by  Bnrsar  Wyndham.  |E.  (Good- 
inge,  Balliol)  27  Feb.  17||  (fil.  Devereux  G.  de  Fawley, 
Buckingham:  cler.  set.  21).  B.A.  (Wadham)  28  Feb. 

1  ^7  A3 

-L  t  4  4. 

(Edward)  Pember.  (C.Jtt.  received  as  <£.  in  the  last  half 
of  1744,  restored  Midsummer  1750.  JE.  (Edward  P. 
Magdalen  Hall),  17  March,  17-ff-  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de  Civ. 
Vigorn :  gen.  ret.  17).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1744, 
1745,  1746.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1746  to  1749. 
B.A.  4  Nov.  1747. 


Thomas  Bassett.  Jtt.  3  April,  1745  (fil.  Christopher!  B. 
de  Lanlay,  Glani:  pleb.  ret.  19).  C.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
in  the  first  half  of  1745,  restored  7  June,  1749. 

John  Griffiths.  |E.  3  April,  1745  (fil.  Caroli  G.  de  Newport, 
Monmouth :  pleb.  ajt.  20).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£.  in  the 
first  half  of  1745,  restored  9  Dec.  1749. 

William  Moore.  |E.  5  April,  1745  (fil.  Francisci  M.  de 
South  Tawton,  Devon:  gen.  ret.  17).  (£.pt.  received  as 
<£.  in  the  first  half  of  1745,  restored  1  July,  1751. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1745  :  he  took  the  oaths  12  Oct. 
1745.  Admitted  *.  26  Sept.  1746  of  Devon,  aged  16 
(?):  he  took  the  oaths  15  July,  1746.  B.A.  17  Nov. 
1748.  M.A.  27  June,  1751.  His  *.  was  vacant  by 
resignation  oO  June,  1750. 

74  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1745. 

George  Downing.  JE.  18  May,  1745  (fil.  Dickson  D.  de 
Denmark  platea,  Londin:  gen.  set.  16).  <!LJE.  received 
as  OL  in  the  first  half  of  1745,  restored  24  April,  1756. 
Admitted  j£.  24  Sept.  1745,  of  London,  aged  16 :  he 
took  the  oaths  on  12  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 

1746  to  1750.     B.A.  11  Feb.  1748.     M.A.  2  Nov.  1751. 
He  was  admitted  to  the  High  Table,  27  May,  1754. 

His  anus  were  placed  in  the  windows  of  the  Ante-Chapel  by 
his  kinsman  Rev.  George  Downing  Bowles — Barry  of  10  argent 
and  vert,  a  griffin  segreant  or. 

James  Scott.  JE.  30  May,  1745  (fil.  Gulielmi  S.  de  Ports- 
mouth, Hampton :  cler.  set.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1745,  restored  Midsummer 
1749.  Admitted  Clerk,  14  July,  1746  of  Winchester, 
aged  19:  he  took  the  oaths  14  July,  1746;  his  clerkship 
was  vacant  19  Feb.  1748.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 

1747  to  1749.     B.A.  11  Feb.  1748.     M.A.  5  July,  1757. 

"  Died  in  Welbeck  St.  Rev.  J.  S.,  of  Itchin  near  Southampton, 
6  April,  1794.  He  came  to  town  upon  his  daughter's  marriage 
with  the  Earl  of  Oxford  at  whose  house  he  died."  (Gent's.  Mag.) 

William  Pagett.  JE.  19  June,  1745  (til.  Johaimis  P.  de 
Chipping  Norton,  (Jxon :  gen.  tet.  16).  C.JE.  received 
as  <£.  in  the  first  half  of  1745,  restored  April,  1754. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1745,  1746,  1747.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1746  to  1753.  B.A.  11  April,  1749. 

"At  Totteridge  Herts,  aged  71,  died  Rev.  William  Pagett, 
Rector  of  North  Wing-field,  co.  Derby."  (Gent's.  Mag.  12  Dec. 

Williams  Allen.  JE.  16  Jan.  17|-f  (fil.  Henrici  A.  de 
Almely,  Hereford:  cler.  ;et.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (£. 
15  Jan.  17-fJ,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1751. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1748  to  1750.  B.A.  10  Nov. 

Samuel  Foster.  JE.  7  Marcb,  17;};}  (fil.  Nathan.  F.  de, 
Crewkhorne,  Somerset:  cler.  a>t.  17).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (F.  5  March,  I7ji,  restored  by  Bursar  W.  Price, 
Admitted  s,.  26  Sept.  1746,  of  Somerset,  aged  18:  but  he 

1745.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM. 

took  the  oath  on  15  July,  1740.  Maddox  Exhibitioner 
1747,  1748.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1749,  1750,  1751, 
1752.  B.A.  10  Nov.  1749.  M.A.  14  July,  1753.  D.C.L. 
3  July,  1765.  Elected  ^.,-ff.  1753  :  admitted  Jf.  9  July, 
1754:  he  took  the  oath  13th  July.  Elected  Sub-Dean 
1752  and  1753.  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1754,  1755. 
Humanity  Eeader  1756.  Bursar  1758, 1762, 1763.  Sub- 
Warden  1761  and  1764,  till  he  resigned  his  ,-fF.  30  June, 
1765,  and  was  succeeded  1  July  by  Price.  Itegistrar  of 
the  University  from  1761  to  1797. 

Buried  at  Holy  well,  Oxford,  15  Nov.,  1797. 
Father  of  Samuel  F.  1784. 

John  Sampson.  JE.  10  March,  17ff  (fil.  Henrici  S.  de 
Bruton,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (£. 
12  March,  17-f|,  transferred  to  his  brother  Henry  in 
first  half  of  1750.  Admitted  &.  26  Sept.  1746,  from 
Somerset,  aged  16  (?) :  took  the  oath  15  July,  1746. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1748,  1749.  B.A.  27  Oct.  1749 ; 
M.A.  (Merton)  30  May,  1753. 

Rector  of  Croscombe,  Som.,  1754,  died  Oct  1,  1779  ;  succeeded 
by  his  brother  Henry  S.,  (1750). 

Edward  Duke.  |E.  19  March,  17^ -g-  (fil.  Georgii  1).  de 
Andover,  Hampton  :  gen  set.  18).  €.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  by  Bursar  Jones.  B.A.  27  Oct.  1749. 

Of  Lake,  Wilts.,  bapt.  1731,  married  1771,  died  1797.    (Hoare.) 

Richard  Brown.  |E.  22  March,  17|-f  (fil.  Thomas  B.  de 
Froom,  Somerset :  pleb.  at.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (f. 
same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1751.  B.A.  10  Nov. 

(Henry)  Strudwick.  GLJE.  received  as  <£.  in  the  first 
half  of  1745,  restored  16  April,  1747.  Jtt.  (Hertford) 
2  March,  17f|  (fil.  Henrici  S.  de  Alford,  SUIT:  cler.  a-t. 
17).  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1745,  1746  :  he  took 
the  oath  25  Oct.  1745.  15. A.  6  April,  1747. 

76  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1745-46. 

Henry  Danvers  Doughty.  (JT.JE.  received  as  (£.  in  the 
first  half  of  1745,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Midsummer  1750. 
JE.  (Merton)  9  Nov.  1744,  (til.  Henrici  1).  de  Broad  well, 
Gloucester  gen.  set.  19).  Admitted  £.  24  Sept.  1745, 
of  Gloucestershire,  aged  20  :  he  took  the  oath,  12  Oct.  1745. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1748,  1749.  B.A.  18  July,  1748. 
M.A.  13  July,  1751.  Elected  ^.JF.  1751 ;  Jf.  1752  :  he 
was  admitted  8  July,  took  the  oath  22  July :  but  on 
the  following  day  being  brought  before  the  Fellows, 
though  he  pleaded  condonation  in  his  election  as  actual 
Fellow,  and  that  five  absolute  Seniors  were  required  to 
be  present,  he  was  for  his  faults  "  to  depart  from  the 
College  and  remain  away  till  Michaelmas  twelve  month, 
and  then  to  bring  a  testimonial."  Elected  Librarian 
1753.  Bursar  1754,  1755,  1756,  but  he  resigned  his  Jf. 
29  Sept.  1757. 

On  a  flat  stone  in  Broachvell  Church  is  the  following — 
Here  lyes  interred  the  Body  of 

Henry  Danvers 

Doughty  Hodges  Esq. 

Who  died  June  15,  1777. 

Aged  51  years. 

(Samuel)  Guise.  (H.JE.  received  as  (£.  in  the  first  half  of 
1745,  restored  after  Midsummer  1749  by  Bursar  Wynd- 
ham.  JE.  (Christ  Church)  17  Jan.  17f4  (fil.  Samuelis  G. 
de  Chipping  Wycombe,  Buckingham:  cler.  set.  16). 
Pigott  Exhibitioner  1746. 


Fhocion  Henley.  JE.  7  April  1746  (fil.  Johannis  H.  de 
Abbots  Walton,  i.e.  Wotton,  Dorcestr:  arm.  ;i't.  18). 
(JT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  May,  1746.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1748.  B.A.  14  Feb.  1749. 

Hector  of  St  Andrews  by  the  Wardrobe,  London,  1759 
(Hutchins  II.  264).  Died  Aug.  29.  1764  "  of  a  contagions  fever, 
caught  by  visiting  one  of  his  poor  parishioners." 

(Malcolm  II.  364.) 

1746.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  77 

Roe  King.  p.  7  April,  1746  (fil.  Johannis  K.  tie  Sher- 
bourne,  Dorcestr:  pleb.  ret.  19).  C.|ftl.  received  as 
Servitor  3  May,  1746,  afterwards  increased  to  <JL,  restored 
29  June,  1748.  B.A.  (All  Souls)  6  March,  1749. 

John  Gough.  JE.  10  April,  1746  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de  Civ. 
Hereford:  pleb.  ret.  18).  <2L|E.  received  as  (£.  6  May, 
1746,  restored  15  July,  1755.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1746.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1747  to  1753.  B.A. 
14  Feb.  1749. 

Charles  Hughes.  |E.  10  April,  1746  (fil.  Caroli  H.  de 
Brecknock:  gen.  ret.  17).  €.j&.  received  as  (£.  6  May, 

He  died  5  May,  1756,  in  his  28th  year  and  is  buried  at  Breck- 
nock. (Jones  II.  57.) 

Richard  Davies.  |tt.  30  Oct.  1746  (fil.  Eichardi  D.  de 
Kerry,  Montgom :  cler.  ret.  16).  (Jl.Jft.  received  as  (£.  in 
the  last  half  of  1746,  restored  13  June, — .  B.A.  13  Nov. 

William  Slade.  JE.  6  March,  17ff-  (fil.  Johannis  S.  de 
Warminster,  Wilton :  arm.  ret.  17).  C.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  restored  Lady  Day  1754.  B.A.  13  Nov. 

One  W.S.  was  Perpetual  Curate  of  Horsingham,  Wilts,  1762  : 
also,  incumbent  of  Corsley,  Wilts,  1774  till  his  death  about 

George  Rattue.  Jtt.  12  March,  17ff-  (fil.  Georgii  E.  de  Civ. 
Sarum :  pleb.  eft.  20).  (£.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
March,  1747,  restored  by  Bursar  AYyndham.  Admitted 
Clerk  25  Sept.  1747  of  Salisbury:  he  took  the  oath  on 
26  Oct.;  his  clerkship  was  vacant  3  April,  1751. 

Samuel  Watson.  |E.  20  March,  17ff  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 
Whitchurch,  Salop:  cler.  ret.  19).  <£.|E'  received  as  (!T. 
same  day,  restored  10  July,  1749.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1747,  1748. 

78  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1747. 


Thomas  Price.  JE.  8  April,  1747  (fil.  Davidis  P.  de 
Bewdley,  Vigorn :  cler.  vet.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
April,  1747,  restored  11  July,  1754.  Admitted  &. 

25  Sept.  1747,  from  Worcestershire,  aged  19:  he  took  the 
oath  26  July,  1747.     Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1750 
to   1752.     Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1752  to  1755. 
B.A.    J3    Nov.     1750.     M.A.    14    July,    1758.     Elected 
13.,-jF.  1753,  jF.  1754;   admitted  9  July,  and  took  the 
oath    13  July.     Deputy    Catechist   (for  Phillips)    1750. 
Deputy-Dean   (for   Baily)    1757.     Librarian     1758,    and 
1767 :  on  21  July,  1768,  he  was  elected  Bursar  vice  W. 
Price.     Catechist  1769  to  1772,  during  which  years  he 
was  also   deputy  Librarian  (for  Baldwin).     He  resigned 
his  jF.  "  on  the  spot "  80  June,  1 774. 

"On  the  8th  of  Sept.  1790,  died  at  Wadham  College,  Rev. 
Thomas  Price,  having  been  a  member  of  the  College  upwards 
of  30  years  "  (Gent's.  Mart.)  ;  but  this  probably  refers  to  William 
Price,  1739. 

Richard  Prosser.  JE.  2  June,  1747  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Momnouth:  gen.  set.  17).  (H.fE.  received  as  (0*.  27  May, 
1747,  restored  Midsummer,  1754.  (ioodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1747,  1748,  1749.  B.A.  1  March,  1750. 

William  Baily.  JE.  2  June,  1747  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
South  Cadbury,  Somerset:  cler.  a?t.  17).  C.JE.  received 
as  OT.  21  May,  1747,  restored  11  July,  1754.  Admitted 
&.  25  Sept.  1747  from  Somerset,  and  took  the  oath 

26  Oct.     Maddox  Exhibitioner   1749.     Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1750  to  1755.     B.A.  24  Jan.  1750.     M.A. 
19   Oct.    1753.      Elected   |).jp.    175:5.      Admitted   ,-ff. 
9  July,   1754:    lie  took  the  oath  on  13  July.     Elected 
Librarian  1754,   1755.     Moderator    of    Philosophy  1756 
arid  (as  deputy  for  Eoberts)  1757,  deputy  (for  Foster)  as 
Humanity  Lecturer  1756.      Dean  1757.     He  resigned  his 
,-/f.  on  marriage  30  June,  1758. 

Rector  of  South  Cadlmry  31  July  1757:  last  signature  as 
Rector  17S(>. 

1747.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  79 

William  Willes.  JE.  2  June,  1747  (fil.  Edvurdi  W.  do 
Sti  Martin,  Londin:  Episc.  «t.  15).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1747.  B.A.  27  Feb.  1749.  M.A. 
20  June,  1753. 

He  was  son  of  the  Bishop  of  Batli  and  Wells.  Rector  of 
Christian  Mai  ford,  Wilts,  for  nearly  60  years,  to  which  parish 
he  bequeathed  £100  for  the  poor.  Prebendary  of  Cunipton 
Dundon  (Wells),  14  Oct.  1757  to  1761,  Chancellor  of  Wells  3  Oct. 
1758  to  1761.  Archdeacon  of  Taunton  31  Dec.  1760  to  1767. 
Archdeacon  of  Wells,  20  Oct.  1767,  died  12  May,  1815  ;  buried 
at  Christian  Malford  with  the  following  Epitaph — 
Near  this  Monument  are  deposited  the  Mortal  remains  of  the 
Rev.  William  Willes  M.A.  Archdeacon  of  Wells  and  Rector  of 
this  extensive  parish,  who  died  May  12th,  1815,  aged  84  years. 
He  performed  the  duties  of  his  Holy  Office  with  unexampled 
zeal,  and  unaffected  devotion  for  the  space  of  nearly  60  years, 
and  until  the  period  of  his  decease.  This  Monument  was 
erected  by  his  sorrowing  widow  and  children,  to  the  memory 
of  an  affectionate  husband,  a  kind  father,  a  zealous  Pastor,  and 
an  honest  man. 

"  An  angel's  arm  can't  snatch  him  from  the  grave  ; 

Legions  of  angels  can't  confine  him  there." 
Brother  of  Henry  W.  17]f. 

Thomas  Bennett.  |E.  4  June,  1747  (fil.  Thonue  B.  do 
Norton  Bavant,  Wflton :  arm.  n-t.  18).  (£.|E.  received  as 
,-fF.(!T.  in  the  first  half  of  1747,  restored  Midsummer 

He  was  apparently  eldest  surviving  son  of  T.  B.  by  Etheldred 
daughter  of  Archbishop  Wake  :  he  was  of  Pythouse,  and  re- 
purchased Norton  Bavent  :  died  1797,  aged  68,  and  is  buried  at 
Norton  with  this  Epitaph — 

"  Also  of  Thos.  Benet  of  Pythouse  and  also  of  this  place 
Esq.  He  was  D.L.  and  a  magistrate  for  this  County,  and 
also  High  Sheriff :  obt.  16  May,  1797.  ^Et.  68." 

Thomas  Evans.  |E.  24  Oct.  1747  (fil.  Thoime  E.  de  Lang- 
ford  Bud  vile,  Somerset:  cler.  a-t.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as 
<£.  in  the  last  half  of  1747,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Mid- 
summer 1751. 

80  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1747. 

Edward  Cox.  JE.  4  Nov.  1747  (fil.  Edvardi  C.  de 
Gillingham  Dorcestr:  pleb.  set.  20).  C.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  in  the  last  half  of  1747,  restored  27  Jan.  1748. 

James  StiUingfleet.  JE.  20  Jan.  17-J£  (fil.  Jacobi  S.  de 
Civ.  Vigorn :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (ft.  in  the 
first  half  of  1748,  restored  16  Dec.  1751.  Admitted  £. 
23  Sept.  1748,  from  Worcestershire,  aged  18  :  he  took  the 
oath  6  March,  17-J-f  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1750, 
but  he  vacated  it  by  being  elected  ,-fF.  of  Merton  4  July, 
1752.  B.A.  10  Oct.  1751.  M.A.  (Merton)  18  June,  1754. 

Prebendary  of  Worcester  3  June,  1772  and  Vicar  of  St  Martins 
1772.  Died  6  July,  1817.  His  arms  were  placed  in  the  win- 
dows of  the  Ante-Chapel  by  his  kinsman  Rev.  G.  D.  Bowles — 
Argent,  on  a  fess  sable  between  3  fleur-de-lys  gules,  3  leopards' 
faces  of  the  field.  There  is  also  a  window  to  his  memory  in 
Malvern  Priory  Church.  He  was  author  of  a  Sermon  on 
The  Christian  Ministry  and  Stewardship,  preached  before  the 
University,  June  8,  1760,  and  The  Means  of  preserving  the  peace 
of  our  Jerusalem,  preached  in  Worcester  Cathedral  on  a 
general  fast,  Feb.  21,  1781. 
Grandson  of  James  S.  1689. 

William  Pratt.  JE.  20  Jan.  17^  <nl-  Daviclis  P.  de 
Blazely  i.e.  Blakesly,  Northampton  :  cler.  set.  16).  (H.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1748,  and  restored 
March,  1752.  Admitted  Clerk  14  Feb.  17^-f  of  Nor- 
thamptonshire aged  17 :  he  took  the  oath  on  6  March. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1750.  B.A.  21  July,  1753. 

Henry  Shove.  JE.  4  March,  17H  (fil.  Henrici  S.  de 
Ecclesia  Christi,  Cant :  cler.  set.  16).  (£.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  in  the  first  half  of  1748,  restored  8  July,  1755. 
Nominated  the  first  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  by  Bishop 
Lisle  for  four  years  from  the  4th  March  17|-J.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1748  to  1755.  Admitted  £. 
23  Sept.  1748  from  Canterbury,  aged  18:  he  took  the 
oath  6  March,  17-*-*  B.A.  2  Nov.  1751.  M.A.  9  July, 
1755.  Elected  ^Mf.  1754;  Jf.  1755,  admitted  2  July: 
took  the  oatli  12  July.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1754. 

.1747-48.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  81 

Librarian  1756  and  1757  (deputies  Willim  and  Lernoult) ; 
he  vacated  his  Jf.  by  marriage  before  30  June,  1759. 

Rector  of  Sutton  by  Dover  1766,  and  of  Little  Mongeham  1770, 
both  which  he  resigned  on  being  presented  to  the  Vicarage  of 
Doddington,  Kent,  31  October.  1772  (where  lie  succeeded  his 
father)  but  he  died  10  June,  1773.  (Hasted.) 

James  Lewis.  JE.  22  March,  17f-|-  (til.  Nathan  L.  do 
Britford,  Wilton:  pleb.  at.  19).  &.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1748.  Became  Clerk  of 
Corpus  Christi  College,  26  May,  1748.  B.A.  17  Oct. 

One  J.  L.  was  Rector  of  West  Grimstead,  Wilts  1763,  resigned 

Edward  Jones.  JE.  22  March,  17f£  (til.  Edvardi  J.  do 
Machen,  Monmouth :  pleb.  set.  liJ).  (Jl.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1748,  restored  20  June,  1752. 
Pigott  Exhibitioner  1747  to  1750. 

John  Harcourt.  dLJE.  received  as  ,-ff.(!r.  in  the  first  half 
of  1747,  restored  by  Bursar  Jones.  JE.  (Merton) 
13  May,  1746  (til.  Henrici  H.  de  Pendley,  Hertford: 
arm.  set.  18). 

Buried  at  Albury  14  Aug.  1748.  Pendley  was  a  manor  which 
came  to  the  Harcourts  from  the  Bards,  and  is  situated  in  the 
parishes  of  Tring  and  Albury.  (Clutterbuck  I.  285.) 


John  Freke.  JE.  31  March,  1748  (fil.  Johannis  F.  do 
Hinton,  Dorcestr :  gen.  get.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (T".  in 
the  first  half  of  1748.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1749 
to  1752.  B.A.  2  Nov.  1751. 

Baptised  at  Hinton  21  Sept,  1730  ;  of  Hannington,  Wilts,  and 
Wyke,  Dorset.  :  buried  at  Ilaimiiigton  1799.  (Hutchins  IV. 

82  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1748. 

Caleb  Floyer.  Jfc.  2  April,  1748  (fil.  Gulielmi  F.  cle 
Trusham,  Devon:  cler.  set.  16).  (£.jE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1748,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1749. 

He  probably  died  young  as   he   is   not  found   in  the  Floyer 
Pedigree.  (Hutchins  II.  513.) 

Brother  of  John  Gould  F.  1739. 

John  Crowch.  J&.  2  April,  1748  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Upton 
Lovell,  Wilton  :  pleb.  set.  18).  (£.Jtt.  received  as  (£.  in 
the  first  half  of  1748,  restored  8  July,  1755.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1748.  Admitted  &  29  Sept.  1749,  of 
Wilts,  aged  19.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1750  to  1755. 
B.A.  2  Nov.  1751.  M.A.  9  July,  1755.  Elected  $).,-|F. 
1754 ;  $.  1755  ;  admitted  2  July :  took  the  oath  12  July. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  6  Dec.  1755 :  but  was  beneficed  by 
23  Nov.  1756,  when  Smith  was  elected  in  his  place. 
His  JF.  was  vacant  30  June,  1757. 

He  succeeded  his  father  as  Rector  of  Upton  Lovell  1755  and 
and  died  16  May,  1799,  aged  69  years  :  on  a  flat  stone— 

Johannes  Crowch,  senior, 
Qui  sic  vixit  ut  tu  moriens  vixisses 

Sic  obiit  ut  tu  virus  optes  mori 

Vitam  fugientem  vidit  nee  timuit 

Mortem  appropinquantem  vidit  nee  doluit 

Oculo  irretorto  coclos  adiit. 


Charles  Smith.  JE.  20  May,  1748  (fil.  Johannis  S.  de 
Chichester,  Sussex :  gen.  set.  19).  (£.pl,  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1748,  restored  3  Nov.  1749.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1749.  B.A.  (Merton),  7  Feb.  1752. 

John  Bernard.  JH.  22  Oct.  1748  (fil.  Thomre  P».  de  Earl's 
Colne,  Essex:  cler.  a>t.  15).  C.|&.  received  as  <JL 
20  Oct.  1748,  restored  17  March,  1756.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1749.  Admitted  *,.  28  Sept.  1750,  from 
Essex,  aged  17:  took  the  oath  6  May,  1751.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  1750  to  1752.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1753  to  1755.  B.A.  19  Oct.  1753.  Elected  $J.Jf.  1755, 
but  died  before  his  admission  as  actual  Fellow. 

1748.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  83 

John  Brooke.  Jtt.  28  Feb.  17£f  (fil.  Richard!  B.  de  Shiff- 
nall,  Salop :  cler.  get.  18).  (£.Jtt.  received  in  the  first 
half  of  1749,  restored  Midsummer  1754.  B.A.  4  Nov. 
1752.  M.A.  14  Nov.  1755. 

Vicar  of  Shiffnal  1754  to  1772  :  resigned,  and  died  unmarried 
at  Haughton,  Salop.  Inscription  on  a  tablet  in  Shiffnal 
Church — • 

Rev.  John  Brooke  of  Haughton,  obt.  14  May,  1786  pet.  55. 
Son  of  Richard  B.  1724. 

Timothy  Colebatch.  Jtt.  28  Feb.  17£f  (fil.  Timothei  C. 
de  Weston,  Salop :  pleb.  set.  18).  (JLjU.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1749.  B.A.  20  Nov.  1752. 

Edward  Stillingfleet.  |tt.  13  March,  17 n  (fil-  Edvardi 
S.  de  Wolverly,  Vigorn :  cler.  set.  17).  (H.fK.  received  as 
,-fF.(£.  in  the  first  half  of  1749,  taken  up  in  part  for 
Battels  Midsummer  1756.  B.A.  20  Nov.  1752.  M.A. 
28  May,  1755. 

Incumbent  of  Lindridge,  Wore.  11  Nov.  1760  to  1777. 
Minister  of  West  Bromwioh  :  afterwards  of  Bellfield  Hall, 
Stillingfleet,  Yorks. 

George  Gibbs.  |tt.  18  March,  17-f-f  (fil.  Johaimis  G.  de 
Broadwinsor,  Dorcestr :  cler.  set.  20).  (  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1749.  Admitted  Clerk 
3  April,  1751,  from  Dorset,  aged  20:  took  the  oath 
on  6th  May.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1751.  B.A 
23  Oct.  1752. 

Brother  of  Robert  G.  1751. 

John  Williams.  J&.  18  March,  17  ff  (fil.  Sydenham  W. 
de  Herringstone,  Dorcestr :  arm.  set.  16).  (H.Jtt.  received 
as  <£.  in  the  first  half  of  1749,  restored  12  Dec.  1750. 

Born  18  April,  1729,  died  15  April,  1817  (Hutchins  II.  525)  ; 
but?  as  to  age.  On  the  other  hand  "died  20  Feb.  1801,  Rev. 
John  Williams  of  Malvern,  Wore  ,  aged  70."  (ft.  M«<I.  71.  1.  277.) 

84  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1749. 


Walter  Roberts.  P.  11  May,  1749  (fil.  Gulielmi  H.  de 
Grosmount,  Monmouth :  gen.  ret.  17).  C.|E.  received  as 
<£.  in  the  first  half  of  1749,  restored  16  Jan.  1755. 
Admitted  &.  29  Sept.  1749,  from  Monmouthshire,  aged 
17  :  took  the  oath  5  Oct.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1751, 
1752.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1752  to  1754.  B.A. 
27  Feb.  1753.  On  30  June,  1755,  his  £.  was  filled  up. 
On  a  lozenge-shaped  stone  in  the  Antechapel. — Hie  jacet 
Gualterus  Roberts  de  Grosmont  in  Comitatu  Monu- 
methensi,  Artium  Baccalaureus,  inter  Wadhami  Scholares 
Senior;  obiit  12  die  Decembris,  Anno  Salutis  1754, 
Aetatis  23. 

Rumney  Fenrose.  JE.  26  May,  1749  (fil.  Rumney  P.  de 
Civ.  Bristol :  cler.  set.  16).  C.JH.  received  as  (£.  in  the 
first  half  of  1749,  restored  2  July,  1751.  Admitted  £. 
29  Sept,  1749  of  Bristol,  aged  16 :  took  the  oath,  5  Oct. 
His  jp.  was  filled  up  on  resignation  30  June,  1751.  Mi- 
grated to  St  John's  as  *.  1  July,  1751.  B.C.L. 
5  May,  1756.  Admitted  jf.  1  July,  1754  "  resignavit 
societatem,  patrimoniuin  adeptus"  13  Dec.  1754. 

Rector  of  St  E wen's,  Bristol,  1762  to  1786.  "Sept.  1786  Lately 
dead,  Rev.  llumiiey  Penrose,  LL.B.,  Rector  of  St  Ewen's, 
Bristol,  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Xorthesk  and  formerly  Fellow 
of  St  John's  College,  Oxford."  (G.  Mag.  1786,  if.  809.) 

William  Knight,  JH.  9  Aug.  1749  (til.  Roberti  K.  de 
Lasieborough  i.e.  Luxborough,  Essex  :  arm.  tet.  18).  (£.|ft. 
received  as  Jf.<£.  same  day :  taken  up  for  Battels  Lady 
Day  1754. 

This  would  seem  to  be  a  son  of  Robert  Knight,  first  Lord 
Luxborough,  and  Earl  of  Catherlow,  but  the  title  of  Lux- 
borough  dates  from  1746  :  if  he  was  of  that  family  he  died  sj). 

George  Smith.  JE.  13  Dec,  1749  (fil.  Georgii  S.  de 
Kilpeck,  Hereford :  gen.  a*t.  16).  GT.JU.  received  as  (fl*. 
same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1757.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1750  to  1757.  Admitted  £.  27  Sept.  1751 

1749-50.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM. 

from  Hereford,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath,  10  Nov.  B.A. 
(Smyth),  19  Oct.  1753.  M.A.  16  July  1757.  Elected 
^3. JT.  1756 ;  admitted  Jf.  2  July,  1757 :  took  the  oath 
12  Oct.  Elected  deputy  Sub-Dean  (for  Crowch)  1755, 
for  Lingen  1756,  deputy  Catechist  (for  Willim)  1757, 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1758.  Librarian  1759  (Bethell 
deputy)  Dean  1764 ;  Sub-Warden  1765.  Proctor  1765. 
His  jK  expired  30  June,  1779. 

John  Pester.  |ft.  27  Jan.  17-i£  (til.  lioberti  P.  de 
Stocklinge,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  17).  C.|E.  received  as 
(#.  in  the  first  half  of  1750,  restored  Midsummer  1755. 
Admitted  §•>.  28  Sept.  1750,  from  Somerset,  aged  17 : 
took  the  oath  11  March,  1752.  On  8  June,  1754,  he 
was  removed  from  the  Foundation  "  for  disaffection  for 
wearing  such  marks  of  distinction  25  June,  1753,  and 
again  at  the  late  county  election."  He  had  his  grace  for 
B.A.  as  (ft.  7  Feb.  17f-|  and  graduated  the  same  day. 

Son  of  Robert  P.  1713. 

John  Davies.  (H.JE.  received  as  ,-fF.<£.  some  time  between 
Midsummer  1750,  and  Midsummer  1751,  and  restored 
by  Bursar  Jones  :  but  there  is  no  entry  among  matricula- 
tions or  graduates  to  fit  this. 


Ralph  Lingen.  |E.  28  March,  1750  (til.  Henrici  L.  de  Civ. 
Yigorn:  gen.  at.  18).  (£.|E.  received  in  the  first  balf  of 
1750.  Admitted  £.  28  Sept.  1750,  of  Worcester,  aged 
18 :  took  the  oath  6  May,  1751.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1751  to  1754.  He  had  half  the  Somerscales  Exhibition 
in  1754.  B.A.  2  Nov.  1753.  M.A.  16  July,  1756. 
Elected  ^3.JF.  1755.  Admitted  Jf.  5  July,  1756 :  took 
the  oath  14  July.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1756,  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  1759.  His  JF.  was  vacant  by  resignation, 
30  June,  1764. 

Rector  of  Rock,  Wore,  from  11  Oct.  17G4  to  1770.    (Xasli  I.  54.) 
Father  of  Henrv  L.  1783  ;  and  urandfather  of  Henrv  L.  181U. 

86  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1750. 

William  Brittain.  JE.  5  April,  1750  (fil.  Gulielmi  B.  de 
Bromsgrove,  Vigorn :  gen.  a^t.  18).  (ST.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1750,  restored  Nov.  1760.  B.C.L. 
18  Nov.  1760. 

Thomas  Fowle.  JE.  23  May,  1750  (til.  Thomas  F.  de 
Pewsey,  Wilton:  cler.  set.  27).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1750,  restored  Midsummer  1757. 
B.C.L.  25  June,  1757. 

One  T.  F.  was  incumbent  uf  Allington,  Wilts.,  1793,  till  his 
death,  about  1797. 

Henry  Sampson,  JE.  12  Dec.  1750  (fil.  Henrici  S.  de 
Sherbourn,  Dorcestr:  cler.  set.  17).  (JLJE.  received  as 
(ST.,  restored  8  July,  1758.  Admitted  g.  27  Sept.  1751, 
of  Somerset,  aged  18:  took  the  oath  11  Nov.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1753  to  1756.  B.A.  21  June,  1754. 
Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1755.  M.A.  8  July,  1758. 
Elected  ^.JF.  1757.  Admitted  JF.  7  July,  1758 :  took 
the  oath  4  Nov.  1758.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1757 ;  Dean 
1758,  1761;  Sub-Warden  1759,  1760,  1762,  1763,  and 
1766  to  1773;  Bursar  1764,  1765;  Librarian  1776. 
He  resigned  his  Jf.  30  June  1778. 

"  Died    in   his    70th    year   the   Rev.    Henry   Sampson,    many 
years  Rector  of  Croscombe  and  Button,  Somerset." 

(G.  May.  1801,  II.  1213.) 

Brother  of  John  S.  17^f,  whom  he  succeeded  at  Croscombe  in 

Thomas  Willim.  JE.  8  March  17|?  (fil.  Thomse  W.  de  Civ. 
Hereford :  cler.  <et.  17).  €.JE.  received  as  <£.,  restored 
8  July,  1758.  Admitted  &.  27  Sept.  1751  from  Here- 
ford, aged  18 :  took  the  oath  12  Nov.  1751.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1753  (Williton),  1754,  1755,  1756.  He 
received  half  the  Somerscales  Exhibition  in  1754. 
B.A.  25  Oct.  1754.  M.A.  8  July,  1758.  Elected 
^3.,-fF.  1757.  Admitted  ,-ff.  7  July,  1758:  took  the 
o;ith  19  July.  Elected  deputy  Catechist  and  deputy 

1750-51.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  87 

Librarian  1757.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1758 ; 
Dean  1759;  Librarian  1760  and  1766.  His  Jf.  was 
vacant  on  30  June,  1768. 

In  the  obituary  for  January.  "  At  Liverpool,  where  the  Regi- 
ment had  just  arrived,  Thomas  Willim,  Esq.,  paymaster  of  the 
Hereford  Militia."  (G.  Mag.  1816,  I.  90.) 

Possibly  son  of  Thomas  W.  1724. 


Henry  Lewis.  |tt.  27  March,  1751  (fil.  Andrea?  L.  de 
Amberley,  Monmouth :  gen.  a±t.  17).  (JT.Jtt.  received  as 
(ft.  restored  Midsummer  1756.  Admitted  J£.  27  Sept. 
1751  from  Monmouth,  aged  17 :  took  the  oath  12  Nov. 
1751.  B.A.  25  Oct.  1754.  He  resigned  his  £.  30  June, 

"  Died  at  Monmouth  in  the  62nd  year  of  his  age,  Rev.  H.L.  of 
Hyga,  near  Trelleck,  Monm,  a  very  singular,  and  well  known 
character.  Possessing  by  inheritance  a  very  handsome  fortune 
which  his  parsimonious  mode  of  life  considerably  increased.  .  . 
he  died  intestate."  (G.  Mag.  1795,  1.63.) 

Charles  Kipling,  JE.  28  March,  1751  (fil.  Jolmnnis  K.  de 
Thame,  Oxon:  cler.  tet.  17).  C.Jtt.  received  as  (ft.,  re- 
stored 13  July,  1757.  Admitted  J$.  27  Sept.  1751  from 
Oxfordshire,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  15  Nov.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1751  to  1757.  B.A.  25  Oct. 
1754.  M.A.  7  July,  1759.  Elected  ^.tf.  1758. 
Admitted  ,-ff.  7  July,  1759 :  took  the  oath  on  8  Dec. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1758  and  1762  (Gerard  deputy) ; 
Humanity  Lecturer  1759 ;  Dean  1760 ;  Librarian  1761 
(Foster  deputy).  He  resigned  his  Jf.  before  30  June, 

Vicar   of   Oakley  and   perpetual   curate    of   Chearsely   Bucks, 
where  he  died  30  April,  1810,  (Lee's  Thame).    He  has  a  square 
white  marble  slab  monument  attached  to  the  Chancel  side  wall 
within  the  Communion  space  with  the  following  inscription- 
Sacred  to  the  Memory 
of  the  Rev.  Cluu'k-s  Kipling  A.M. 

88  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  11751. 

formerly  a  Fellow  of  Wadham  College  Oxford 
and  Perpetual  Curate  of  this  Parish 

Vicar  of  Oakley 

and  Perpetual  Curate  of  Ashenden,  Dorton  and  Chilton 
who  died  April  30th  1810 
in  the  77th  year  of  his  age 

Penelope  Wife  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Kipling 

who  died  July  29th  1820  aged  81  years. 
Father  of  Charles  K.  1786. 

Henry  Cornwall  Legh.  JE.  17  April,  1751  (til.  Georgii 
L.  de  liosthorne,  Cestr:  arm.  ajt.  10).  CLJE.  received  as 
-fF.OT.  restored  11  Oct.  1754.  Created  M.A.  2  July, 

H.C.L.  of  High  Legh,  born  24  May,  1834,  buried  at  RosthoniCj 
15  March,  1791,  Sheriff  1786.  (Ormerod  I.  462.) 

Richard  Bethell.  p.  0  May,  1751  (til.  Pdchardi  B.  de 
Com  :  ?  Civ.  Hereford :  gen.  ;et.  17).  C.|E.  received  as 
<#.  restored  10  July,  1759.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1751,  1752.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1752.  Admitted  jo. 
27  Sept.  1753  of  Hereford,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  5  Dec. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1755  to  1759.  B.A.  7  Feb. 
1755.  M.A.  12  July,  1759.  Elected  $.,#.  1758.  Ad- 
mitted ,-fF.  7  July,  1759  :  took  the  oath  16  Aug.  Elected 
Sub-Dean,  and  deputy  Librarian  (for  Smith)  1759  ;  Mod- 
erator of  Philosophy  1760  ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1761  ; 
Dean  1762,  1763.  He  resigned  his  JP.  30  June,  1771. 

Rector  of  St  Peter's,  Wallingford,  where  he  was  found  dead  in 
his  bed,  12  Jan.  1806.  (G.  Mag.) 

Robert  Gibbs.  pi.  23  May,  1751  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de 
Broadwinsor,  Dorcestr :  cler.  tut.  19).  (H.|E.  received  as 
Servitor,  restored  by  Bursar  Pead.  B.A.  7  Feb.  1755. 

Brother  of  George  G.  IT;1*. 

John  Baldwin.  |E.  9  May,  1751  (til.  Andrea-  B.  de  Coreloy, 
Salop:  cler.  a-t.  16).  (£.|E.  received  as  (£.,  restored 
13  July,  1759.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1751.  Pigott 
Exhibitioner  1751.  Admitted  ^.  29  Sept.  1752  from 
Shropshire,  ;med  IS;  tu<>k  the  <>;ith  2  Nov.  Maddox 

1751.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM. 

Exhibitioner  1753.  B.A.  7  Feb.  1755.  Somerscales 
Exhibitioner  1757.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1755,  1756, 
1757.  Elected  ^.JF.  1758.  M.A.  12  July,  1759. 
Admitted  Jf.  7  July,  1759  :  took  the  oath  13  December, 
1759.  Elected  Catechist  1759,  1762,  and  1763  (Foster 
deputy),  and  1764;  Humanity  Header  1760;  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1761  and  1774  (Smith  deputy);  Librarian 
1769  to  1772  (Price  deputy),  and  1775 ;  but  he  resigned 
his  JF.  30  June,  1776,  and  White  was  elected  Librarian : 
he  was  presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Southrop,  6  Dec. 
1775,  which  he  held  till  1812,  when  he  died  on  1  March. 

Jonathan  Green.  |H.  22  June,  1751  (til.  Jonathan  G.  de 
Leonmestria,  Hereford :  gen.  *et.  20).  £.|&.  received  as 
(ft.  in  the  last  half  of  1751,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1759.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1752,  1753. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1753  to  1754.  B.C.L.  ]  3  June, 
1770.  D.C.L.  29  Nov.  1783. 

Daniel  Widenham.  |tt.  10  Oct.  1751  (fil.  Thoime  W.  de 
Limerick  in  liegn.  Hibern :  cler.  a-t.  19).  C.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  in  the  last  half  of  1751.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1752.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1753. 

D.W.  was  collated  to  the  Treasurersliip  of  Limerick  12  July, 
17f>8,  which  his  father  seems  to  have  resigned  for  him,  and 
which  he  seems  to  have  held  till  1791. 

Robert  Furcell.  JE.  24  Oct.  1751  (fil.  Robert!  P.  de  Civ. 
Bristol:  cler.  a_jt.  19).  (£.pl.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
last  half  of  1751,  restored  Midsummer  1753:  replaced  as 
<£.,  restored  21  May,  1768.  Admitted  Clerk,  14  May, 
1752  from  Somersetshire,  aged  20:  took  the  oath  on 
18  July. 

At  this  period  the  New  Style  was  accepted  in  England  :  and 
thenceforth  the  year  was  reckoned  to  begin  on  1  Jan.  instead 
<>[  2f>  Ma  veil. 

WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1752. 


William  Hayward.  JE.  21  March,  1752  (fil.  Gulielmi  H. 
de  Tewkesbury,  Gloucestr:  gen.  ret.  19).  (ST.JE.  received 
as  (£.  in  the  first  half  of  1752,  restored  by  Bursar  Pead. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1752.  B.A.  14  Nov.  1755. 

John  Uttermare.  JE.  6  May,  1752  (fil.  Robert!  U.  de  Isle 
Abbots,  Somerset :  pleb.  ret.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1752. 

Of  Curry  Mallet  Court  House.  Robert  U.  (brother  of  James, 
1729)  was  baptised  at  Curry  Mallet,  5  Nov.  1705,  and  married 
there,  to  Hannah  Mead,  30  Dec.  1729.  J.U.  was  born,  4  Aug. 
1732  and  died,  aged  72,  19  Nov.  and  was  buried  26  Nov.  1804. 
at  Curry  Mallet. 

St  George  Molesworth.  JE.  19  Aug.  1752  (fil.  Gualteri 
M.  de  Londin :  arm.  ret.  21).  C.JH.  received  (George)  as 
jf.OL  in  the  last  half  of  1752.  B.A.  3  Dec.  1757.  M.A. 
26  April,  1760. 

"  15  April  1796,  died  at  Hamburgh  Rev.  St  G.  M.  Vicar  of 
Northtteet  Kent."  (G.  Mag.) 

Edward  Bayley.  JH.  23  Oct.  1752  (fil.  Isaac  B.  de 
Chesterton,  Huntingdon  :  gen.  ret.  18).  (Jl.JE.  received  as 
<£.  in  the  first  (?)  half  of  1752,  restored  2  March,  1760. 
Admitted  J£.  27  Sept.  1753,  from  Huntingdon,  aged  19 : 
took  the  oath  1  April,  1754.  B.A.  (Baily),  2  Dec.  1756. 
He  resigned  his  j&.  30  June,  1757. 

"Died  at  Courtenhall,  Northants,  Rev.  Edward  Bayley,  D.D., 
Rector  of  that  place,  and  of  Quinton  :  and  for  many  years  a 
most  active  and  respectable  magistrate."  (G.May.  Jan.  1813.) 
Buried  at  Quinton  with  this  inscription  —  Memorise  sacrum 
Reverendi  Edvardi  Bayley  S.T.P.  Hujus  et  viciria;  ecclesia; 
rectoris  qui  in  agro  Nortliamptoniensi  officia  benevoli  in  sacris 
pastoris  et  justissimi  pariter  magistratus  per  annos  triginta 
praestitit  :  obiit  nono  et  septuagesimo  anno  aetatis,  et  anno 
Domini  MDCCCXI11, 

1752-53.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  91 

praestantis  delicta  viri  ignorasse  velimus  : 
nam  nemo  vitiis  sine  nascitur,  optimus  ille 
qui  minimis  urgetur  ;  amicus  dulcis  amansq' 
virtutis  jacet  hie  ;  justi  prope  fautor  et  aequi  ; 
quae  lector  tibi  corde  latent  mala,  corrige,  sodes. 

William  Story.  JE.  4  Nov.  1752  (fil.  Eoberti  S.  de  Holy- 
well,  prope  Oxon :  pleb.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1752,  restored  Midsummer 
1757.  Admitted  Clerk  2  Nov.  1752,  of  Oxon,  aged  18 : 
took  the  oath  8  July,  1754.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1754,  1755.  B.A.  9  Nov.  1756.  Clerkship  vacant 
5  March,  1757. 

Probably  brother  of  Robert  S.  1740. 

Edward  Fawconer.  <£.JE.  received  as  (ft.  in  the  last  half 
of  1752,  restored  16  July  1755.  Jtt.  (Merton),  13  May, 
1748  (fil.  Samuelis  F.  de  Sti  Edmundi,  Saruin :  pleb. 
jet.  17).  B.A.  (Merton),  7  Feb.  1752.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1752  to  1755.  M.A.  (Wadham),  13  Nov. 

1754.  He  seems  to  have  been  brought  in  from  Merton 
where  he  was  postmaster,  vice  James  Stillingneet  17||-, 
elected  Fellow  there. 

Instituted  Rector  of  Upwey,  Dorset  1754,  where  he  died  in 
1802.  Author  of  "  Aristoteles  et  Plato  de  virtutibus."  Oxford 
1752.  (Hutchins  II.  848.) 


John  Gibbs.  JE.  20  March,  1753  (fil.  Eoberti  G.  de  East 
Chinnock,  Somerset :  pleb.  ttt.  18).  (JLJE.  received  as 
Servitor  early  in  1753,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Christmas 

1755.  Admitted  Clerk  23  March,  1754  from  Somerset, 
aged  19  :  took  the  oath  2  Dec.  1754.     Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1755.     B.A    27   Oct.   1756.     His  Clerkship  was 
apparently  vacant  23  Nov.  1756. 

John  Gabb.  |E.  3  April,  1753  (fil.  Thoime  G.  de  Sti  Laur. 
in  Ins.  Thanet,  Cant :  gen.  set.  18).  C.Jtt.  received  as 
(£.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1757.  Goodriduv 

92  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1753. 

Exhibitioner  1753.  Admitted  £>.  25  Sept.  1754,  of 
Monmouth,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  14  Oct.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  25  March,  1755.  B.A.  11  March,  1757. 
His  £).  was  probably  one  of  four  vacant  in  1759. 

John  Floyer.  JE.  3  April,  1753  (fil.  Caroli  F.  de  par:  Sti 
Martini,  in  Civ.  Gloucester :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.jE.  received 
as  <£.  same  day,  restored  4  March,  1754.  Elected  &. 
1753  ;  but  died  before  admission. 

He  was  born    1733,  and  was   buried   at  Llandilio   Pertholly, 

30  Oct.  1753. 

There  is  no  parish  of  St  Martin  in  Gloucester  but  there  is  a 

Hospital  of  St  Margaret  for  lepers. 

Nephew  of  John  F.  1722. 

William  Western  Hugessen.  |&.  G  June,  1753  (fil. 
Gulielmi  H.  de  Provender,  Cant:  arm.  tut.  17).  <£.Jtt. 
received  as  Jf.(&,  6  June,  1753,  restored  Midsummer 

William  H.  of  Provenders  died  18  Jan.  1753,  aged  72  :  his  son 
married  Thomasine  daughter  of  Sir  John  Honeywood,  and 
died  3  June,  1764,  leaving  only  3  daughters.  (Hasted.) 

Henry  Manning.  JH.  7  June,  1753  (fil.  Henrici  M.  de 
Upton  Hellions,  Devon :  cler.  tut.  18).  (£.JK.  received 
as  <£.  in  the  first  half  of  1753,  restored  9  April,  1754. 
Migrated  to  All  Souls.  B.A.  27  Jan.  1757. 

"Died  13  March,  1810,  aged  75,  Rev.  Dr  Henry  Manning 
late  Rector  of  Stoke-in- Teignhead,  and  Drewsteignton,  Devon  : 
the  former  of  which  he  enjoyed  52  years."  (G.  Mag.  80, 1.  390.) 

John  Simpkinson.  |E.  7  June,  1753  (fil.  liogeri  S.  de 
Kingsland,  Hereford :  cler.  a-t.  18).  (£.|E.  received  as 
£.  in  the  first  half  of  1753,  restored  by  Bursar 
W.  Price.  Migrated  to  All  Souls.  13. A.  27  Jan.  1757. 
M.A.  (Xew)  19  Oct.  1759 :  where  one  of  this  name 
vacated  a  chaplaincy  in  1700. 

"Died  17  March,  1815,  Rev.  J.  Simkinson,  in  his  81st  year, 
Rector  of  <  'lill'r,  Kent,  ami  Vicar  of  Coliham  Surrey."  (<!-.  May.) 

1753.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  93 

William  Draper.  JU.  12  Oct.  1753  (til.  Gulielmi  I),  de 
Haselbury,  Somerset :  pleb.  <et.  28).  (JT.Jtt.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  last  half  of  1753,  restored  5  June,  1758. 
B.A.  17  June,  1757.  One  James  Draper,  Student  of 
Civil  Law,  paid  (£.JE.  20  May,  1778 ;  but  he  appears  as 
William  Draper  B.C.L.  2  June,  1779:  his  €.j&.  being 
restored  on  20  June. 

John  Glutton.  JE.  3  Dec,  1753  (fil.  Thoime  C.  de  Pensax, 
Vigorn :  gen.  jet.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (JT.  in  the  last 
half  of  1753,  increased  to  JF.(JL  in  the  last  half  of  1754, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christinas  1755. 

Pensax    is    a   cliapelry    in    the    parish    of    Lindridge  :  many 
Gluttons  are  buried  there. 

William  Forster.  JE.  15  Dec.  1753  (fil.  Nathaniel  F.  de 
Crewkhern,  Somerset,  cler.  set.  15).  (H.JUl.  received  in 
the  last  half  of  1753,  restored  Oct.  1754.  Elected  Demy 
of  Magdalen  1754,  resigned  1758.  B.A.  17  June,  1757. 

John  Feaver.  C.JE.  received  as  (ft.  8  April,  1753,  restored 
Midsummer  1758.  |E.  (Balliol)  8  Dec.  1752  (fil. 
Georgii  F.  de  Evershot,  Devon:  gen.  ast.  19).  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1753.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1753.  Ad- 
mitted Sj.  26  Sept.  1754:  of  Dorset,  aged  18:  took  the 
oath  14  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1755  to 
1756.  B.A.  27  Jan.  1757.  His  £•>.  was  vacant  by  resig- 
nation, 30  June,  1757. 

Dodington  Hunt.  C.JE.  received  as  (£.  23  April,  1753, 
restored  8  Nov.  1759.  |E.  (Oriel)  19  Jan.  1753  (fil. 
Johannis  H.  de  Sandford,  Somerset :  gen.  a't.  17). 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1753,  1754.  Pigott  Exhibi- 
tioner 1754  to  1760.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1755 
to  1756.  B.A.  25  Nov.  1756. 

Phelp  says  "Hector  of  Broad  chalk,  died  1773"  (I.  409),  Imt 
his  name  does  not  occur  among  the  Rectors  in  Hoare:  he  may 
have  been  curate  to  Mr  Chafy,  or  perhaps  he  is  D.H.  called 
to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1708. 

94  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1754. 


Bennett  Allen.  JE.  27  March,  1754  (fil.  Jacob!  A.  de 
Yazor,  Hereford :  cler.  set.  17).  (£.Jtt.  received  as  (ft. 
18  March,  1754,  restored  11  July,  1760.  Admitted  £. 
26  Sept.  1754,  of  Hereford,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
14  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1755  to  1760. 
B.A.  16  Nov.  1757.  M.A.  12  July,  1760.  Admitted  jf. 
10  July,  1760,  took  the  oath  11  July,  1764.  On 
llth  March,  1760,  he  had  leave  of  absence  for  an  inde- 
finite time  on  account  of  his  health.  Elected  Catechist 
1760  (Forster  deputy)  1761;  Humanity  Lecturer  1762 
to  1764;  Dean  1765;  Bursar  1776;  Sub-Warden  1777, 
1778  and  1779 ;  but  he  abdicated  the  Sub-Wardenship 
9  July,  1780  (when  his  JF.  expired)  and  Mr  Wills  was 
elected  in  his  place.  On  6  Dec.  1783,  he  applied  to 
the  College  for  assistance  in  consequence  of  misfortunes 
and  losses  but  was  refused. 

He  was  supposed  to  have  a  considerable  share  in  the  manage- 
ment of  the  Morning  Post,  and  being  challenged  by  Lloyd 
Dulany,  for  an  article  reflecting  on  his  brother,  he  killed  the 
challenger  in  a  duel,  fought  18  June,  1782.  On  5th  of  July, 
he  was  indicted  with  his  second  Mr  Morris  for  wilful  murder 
at  the  Old  Bailey  :  but  as  it  appeared  that  they  had  made 
every  endeavour  to  evade  the  challenge,  the  jury  found  Allen 
only  guilty  of  manslaughter,  and  acquitted  Morris.  Allen  was 
sentenced  to  a  fine  of  one  shilling  and  six  months  imprison- 
ment. "  Of  his  later  life  no  account  is  accessible." 

(Did.  of  National  Biog.) 

Author  of  "  The  Profession  of  Piety"  and  other  works  by  no 
means  consonant  with  the  title  of  this  one  ;  but  it  may  have 
been  a  Satire.  His  portrait  exists  in  Dr  Griffiths'  Collection. 

Wyndham  Knatchbull  Wyndham.  |tt.  28  March,  1754 
(fil.Wyndham  K-W.deMersham,Cant:  Baronettus,set.  17). 
(£.|E.  received  (£20),  as  Baronet  same  day,  and  taken  up 
for  Battels  March,  1756.  Created  M.A.  8  July,  1756. 

He  succeeded  his  father  in  1749  ;  was  M.P.  for  Kent,  from 
July.  1700,  till  he  died  (unmarried)  20  Sept.  1763  aged  20. 

1754.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  95 

(Hasted)  :  he  was  succeeded  by  his  uncle  Sir  Edward.  He 
was  grandson  of  John  W.  16<i3,  and  great  grandson  of  Sir 
Wadliam  W.  1626. 

Christopher  Boyce.  JH.  29  March,  1754  (fil.  Johannis 
B.  de  Barnstaple,  Devon :  cler.  ret.  17).  (H.JE.  received 
as  (ff.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1761 ; 
the  balance  being  paid  to  his  brother  Thomas  B.  (1759), 
22  March,  1763.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1756.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1757  to  1759.  B.A.  (Boyse)  9  Dec. 

Brother  of  Thomas  B.  1759. 

James  Minifie.  JE.  29  March,  1754  (fil.  Jacobi  M.  de 
Staplegrove,  Somerset :  cler.  ret.  18).  <£.£H.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas,  1758. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1754.  Admitted  *.  26  Sept. 
1755  from  Somerset,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  3  Oct. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1757.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1755  to  1758.  B.A.  3  Dec.  1757. 

Rector  of  Norton  Fitzwarren,  Somerset.  "24  July,  1789,  at 
Goathurst  near  Bridgewater,  died  Rev.  James  M  :  Rector  of 
that  place,  Norton  Fitzwarren,  and  Staplegrove." 

(G.  Mag.  59,  II.  763.) 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  James  Minine,  Clerk,  late  Rector  of 
Staplegrove,  Norton  Fitzwarren,  and  Goathurst,  who  died 
July  17th,  1789,  aged  54  years."  (Thus  far  the  inscription 
stands  on  a  monument  with  Crest  and  Arms  at  Staplegrove, 
whether  the  rest  was  ever  set  up  and  if  so,  where,  is  uncer- 
tain.) "  Blessed  with  a  benevolent  heart,  and  chearful  temper, 
he  executed  the  office  of  his  function  with  steadiness  ;  ever 
ready  to  administer  justice  and  relieve  the  distressed.  Possess- 
ing a  sincere  and  firm  attachment  to  his  friends,  he  discharged 
the  duties  of  Society  with  integrity  which  endeared  him  to 
a  numerous  acquaintance  and  caused  his  being  universally 
lamented,  by  none  more  than  an  affectionate  wife  who  places 
this  small  testimony  of  regard  to  his  memory." 
Son  of  James  M.  1724,  and  brother  of  Burnet  M.  1755. 

George  Laughton.  JE.  3  April,  1754  (fil.  Johannis  L.  do 
Bridgewater,  Somerset :  pleb.  <ret.  18).  (£.J&.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1754.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 

96  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1754. 

tioner  1754,  1755.  B.A.  24  Nov.  1757.  M.A.  8  June, 

1771.  B.D.  and  D.D.  12  June,  1771. 

Vicar  of  Wei  ton,  Nortliants,  2  Nov.  1785,  where  he  assisted 
Lord  Spencer  in  forming  the  "Althorpe  Library."  Vicar  of 
Chippenham,  Camb.  1794,  J.P. ;  where,  in  the  South  West  corner 
of  the  Church  is  the  following  mural  tablet  — 
"  Near  this  place  lie  the  remains  of  George  Laughton  D.D. 
Vicar  of  this  parish  who  died  May  9,  1800,  aged  65  years." 
Author  of  the  Ancient  History  of  Egypt ;  and  Sermons. 

Herbert  Phillips.  |E.  3  April,  1754  (til.  Thorn*  P.  de 
Hilston,  Monmouth  :  cler.  set.  18).  (tf.Jtt.  received  as  (JT. 
in  the  first  half  of  1754,  restored  8  Jan.  1762. 

John  Harbin.  JE.  30  May,  1754  (fil.  Henrici  H.  de  Ware- 
ham  Dorcestr:  gen.  ;et.  19).  C.JE.  received  as  CO!. 
29  May,  1754,  taked  up  for  Battels  Midsummer,  1759. 
B.A.  23  June,  1758. 

Instituted  Rector  of  Hampreston,  Dorset,  27  Aug.  1776  :  he 
had  been  Curate  of  St  Leonard's  Shoreditch,  and  married 
Diana,  the  sister  of  Roger  Coker  (1756)  who  resigned  Ham- 
preston in  hi*  favour  ;  the  Rectory  was  vacant  in  1806,  when 
he  died  suddenly  at  Wimborne  10  Oct.  aged  72. 

Tristram  Huddleston  Jervoise.  fft.  18  Oct.  1754  (fil. 
Kichard  J.  de  Britford,  Wilton:  arm.  «et.  18).  &.JE. 
received  as  jF.itf.  in  the  last  half  of  1754,  restored 
23  March,  1757. 

He  was  of  Britford,  Wilts,  and  Herriard,  Hants,  died  unmarried 

31  Dec.  1792. 

Brother  of  George  H.J.  1757. 

George  Ryves  Hawker.  JE.  17  Doc.  1754  (til.  Petri  H. 
de  Upper  Wallop,  Hampton:  arm.  u_-t.  17).  (£.|tt. 
received  as  (Jt.  in  the  last  half  of  1754,  restored  Mid- 
summer, 1760.  Admitted  *.  14  Nov.  1755  of  Hants, 
aged  18  :  took  the  oath  on  1st  Dec.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1757  to  1759.  B.A.  13  Feb."  1759.  He 
resigned  his  £3.  30  June,  1701. 

Rector  of  Wareham  Dorset,  8  Sept.  1773,  died  1789.  On  a 
marble  slab  on  the  North  Wall  of  the  Chapel  of  St  Edward  in 
tin-  Church  of  St  Mary,  Wan-ham,  is  ihe  following  — 

1754-55.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  97 

"Near  this  place  lie  the  remains  of  George  Ryves  Hawker, 
second  son  of  Peter  Hawker,  Esq.  of  Longparish  in  the  county 
of  Hants,  late  Rector  of  the  united  parishes  of  this  borough, 
who  died  September  the  second  MDCCLXXXIX  in  the 
51st  year  of  his  age  ;  also  those  of  Caroline,  his  infant 
daughter.  This  Monument  is  erected  to  perpetuate  the 
memory  of  an  affectionate  husband,  a  kind  father,  and  a 
faithful  friend." 


Henry  Fenruddocke  Wyndham.  JE.  21  Feb.  1755  (fil. 
Henrici  W.  de  Compton-Chamberlain,  Wilton :  arm.  set. 
18).  Or.JE.  received  as  ,-jF.OL  in  the  first  half  of  1755, 
restored  7  July,  1762.  Created  M.A.  22  March,  1759. 

Born  4  June,  1736,  educated  at  Eton  :  of  the  Close,  Salisbury. 
Mayor  of  Salisbury,  1771;  Sheriff  of  Wilts. ,  1772  ;  F.S.A.  1777; 
F.R.S.  1782.  M.P.  for  Wilts.,  1796  to  1812  ;  died  3  May,  1819. 
Author  of  Two  tours  in  Monmouthshire  and  Wales.  Description 
of  the  Isle  of  Wight.  Editor  of  the  Diary  of  George  Eubb  Dod- 
ington  1784,  and  of  Domesday  Book  for  Wilts.,  1788. 

(Hoare,  page  648.) 

John  Mill.  JE.  26  Feb.  1755  (fil.  Johannis  M.  de  Ashburton, 
Devon:  pleb.  set.  19).  CT.JE.  received  as  Servitor  in  the 
first  half  of  1755,  restored  27  May,  1762,  when  the 
receipt  is  signed  "  Elizabeth  Langford "  apparently  the 
widow  of  the  College  Butler.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

James  Wellington,  JE.  17  March,  1755  (fil.  Edvardi  W. 
de  Le  Hay,  Brecon :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.|E.  received  as  {£.  in 
the  first  half  of  1755,  restored  Christmas  1759.  B.A. 
4  April,  1759. 

John  Domett.  JE.  22  March,  1755  (fil.  Gulielmi  D.  de 
Crewkerne,  Somerset:  pleb.  set.  19).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1755,  restored  Midsummer 
1761.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1755  and  1757.  Admitted 
Clerk,  5  March,  1757,  of  Somerset,  aged  21 :  took  the 

98  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  1755.] 

oath  2  May.     His  Clerkship  was  filled  up  7  July,  1758. 
B.A.  5  Feb.  1761. 

Henry  Latton.  Jft.  22  March,  1755  (fil.  Gulielmi  L.  tie 
York  Buildings,  Middlesex  :  arm.  jet.  17).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (£.  in  the  first  half  of  1755,  restored  11  Oct.  1760. 
Admitted  ,§.  19  March,  1756,  of  London,  aged  18 :  took 
the  oath  5  April.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1756 
to  1761.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1758.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1758.  B.A.  13  Oct.  1758.  M.A.  5  Feb. 
1762.  Elected  ^.,-ff.  1759  (being  Founder's  Kin),  but 
he  was  "  seriously  admonished."  Admitted  ,-fF.  10  July, 
1760 :  took  the  oath  both  on  22  July,  1760  and  7  Oct. 

1761.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1760,  1761 ;  Librarian,  1762  to 
1765.     He   resigned   his   ,-ff.    on    marriage   in   a   letter 
dated  7  July,  1766,  and  was  succeeded  as  Librarian  by 

John  Wills.  Jtt.  13  June,  1755  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de 
Bridgewater,  Somerset :  pleb.  ait.  19).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1755.  Migrated  to  All 
Souls.  B.A.  4  May,  1759. 

James  Roberts.  JE.  27  June,  1755  (fil.  liichardi  E.  de 
Kentchurch,  Hereford :  cler.  net.  15).  C.JE.  received  as 
(£.  in  the  last  half  of  1755,  restored  19  July,  1762.  Ad- 
mitted 3>.  14  May,  1755  of  Hereford,  aged  16.  Maddox 
(John  R.)  Exhibitioner  1757.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1759,  1760,  1761.  B.A.  16  April,  1759.  M.A.  9  July, 

1762.  His  *.  was  vacant  30  June,  1763  (where  he  is 
again  called  John). 

Rector  of  Kentcliurch.  Prebendary  of  Pratum  Ma  jus  (Here- 
ford), 22  June,  1797.  Just  outside  the  south  door  of  the 
Church  at  Kentcliurch  is  his  tomb  with  a  lion  rampant,  bear- 
ing a  sword  carved  at  each  end,  and  with  the  following 
inscription — 

"  Underneath  are  deposited 

The  Remains  of  the  Rev.  James  Roberts,  M.A. 

45  years  Rector  of  this  Church  and  Prebendary  of  Hereford. 

He  died  March  11,  1816,  aged  76. 
He  was  thro'  life  much  esteemed  and  revered. 


Also  llie  Remains  of  Mary  his  wife 
Who  died  July  19,  1819,  aged  79." 

"  Died  April,  1816,  aged  76,  Rev.  J.  R.  Rector  of  Kentclmrcli, 
and  Prebendary  of  Hereford."  (G.  Mag.  86,  I.  378.) 

Walter  Burton.  |tt.  25  Oct.  1755  (til.  Gualteri  B.  de 
Button  Montague  alias  Montis,  Somerset:  cler.  »t.  18). 
(£.|lil.  received  as  <£.  in  the  last  half  of  1755,  taken  up 
for  Battels,  Midsummer  1757. 

Burnet   Minifie.     |E.    16    Dec.    1755   (fil.   Jacob!   M.    de 
Staplegrove,  Somerset :  cler.  tet.  18).      C.JB..  received  as 
(£.  in  the  last  half  of  1755,  restored  25  June,  1756. 
Son  of  James  M.  1724,  and  brother  of  James  M.  1754. 

James  Foster.  (£.JE.  received  as  (ff.  in  the  last  half  of 
1755,  restored  14  July,  1762.  JE.  (Balliol)  5  July,  1754 
(fil.  Jacob!  F.  de  Salisbury :  cler.  *et.  16).  Admitted  *. 
26  Sept.  1755  of  Wilts,  aged  17:  took  the  oath  3  Oct. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1756  to  1762.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1757  to  1760.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner 
1758.  B.A.  5  April,  1758.  M.A.  15  July,  1762.  Elected 
^.,-jF.  1761.  Admitted  ,-Jf.  9  July,  1762:  took  the  oath 
14  July.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1762,  1763, 
1764 ;  .Deputy  Catechist  1762, 1763  ;  Humanity  Lecturer 
1765;  Dean  1766,  1767;  Bursar  1768  to  1772;  Junior 
Proctor  1772.  He  vacated  his  ,-Jf.  by  marriage  1774. 
<£.JE.  replaced  1  Nov.  1776,  taken  up  for  Battels,  Mid- 
summer 1783. 


Samuel  Wharton.  |E.  22  Jan.  1756  (fil.  Saniuelis  W.  de 
Piock,  Vigorn :  gen.  ret.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£.  in  the 
first  half  of  1756,  restored  7  July,  17(52.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1756.  Admitted  J&.  22  Sept.  1757  from 
Worcestershire,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  5  Oct.  B  A. 
16  Oct.  1759.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1758  to  1761. 
He  resigned  his  £,  30  June,  1762. 

Henry  Robinson.  |tt.  22  Jan.  1756  (fil.  Jocelyn  R  de 
Civ.  Sarum  :  gen.  a-t.  17).  (JT.|lt.  received  as  (fT.  in  the 

100  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1756. 

first  half  of  1756,  restored  Midsummer  1757.  Admitted 
3?.  24  Sept.  1756  of  Sarum,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
17  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1756,  1757. 

Roger  Coker.  JE.  3  June,  1756  (fil.  Eogeri  C.  de  Stur- 
minster  Newton,  Dorcestr :  cler.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  in  the  first  half  of  1756,  restored  Michaelmas,  1762. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1756.  Admitted  Jgj.  4  Nov. 
1757  of  Dorset,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  15  Nov.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1757  to  1761.  B.A.  15  Feb.  1760. 
He  resigned  his  &.  30  June,  1761. 

Vicar  of  Hampreston,  Dorset,  21  Dec.  1762,  resigned  1776. 
Rector  of  Moreton  and  Buckland  Ripers,  26  July,  1776,  died 

Joseph  Sager.  JE.  11  Oct.  1756  (fil.  Joseph!  S.  de  Civ. 
Sarum :  cler.  set.  17).  <£.JE.  received  as  (C".  same  day, 
increased  to  JfM.  27  Oct.  1758.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhi- 
bitioner as  Joshua  S.  1757  to  1758. 

Henry  Sherive.  JE.  2  Dec.  1756  (fil.  Jonse  S.  de  "VVootton 
Fitzpaine,  Dorcestr:  cler.  set.  18).  (/LJUI.  received  as 
Servitor  30  Nov.  1756,  restored  Midsummer  1762. 
Admitted  Clerk  30  Dec.  1756  from  Dorset,  aged  18 : 
took  the  oath  29  April,  1757.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1757,  1758,  1759.  Vacated  the  Clerkship  8  Dec.  1759. 
B.A.  5  July,  1760.  M.A.  14  July,  1766.  D.C.L.  2  June, 
1768.  Admitted  Chaplain  8  Dec.  1762:  took  the  oath 
16  Oct.  1764. 

Rector  of  Bridport  1766,  of  Silton  22  Sept.  1781  and  of  Woods- 
ford  30  June,  1784  :  he  resigned  Bridport  in  1791  and  died  of 
apoplexy  in  Oct.  1801  "while  signing  an  order"  being  "a 
respectable  magistrate."  (Hutchins  II.  30,  IV.  107.) 

Son  of  Jonas  S.  1718  (page  469)  and  father  of  Christopher 
Hardy  S.  1783. 

Thomas  Leir.  (H.JE.  received  as  <2T.  in  the  first  half  of 
1756,  restored  3  May,  1763.  JE.  (Oriel)  30  April,  1756 
(fil.  Thomse  L.  de  Ditcheat,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  18). 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1756.  B.A.  16  Feb.  1760. 

1756-57.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  101 

Eector  and  Patron  of  Ditcheat  and  of  Charlton  Musgrove, 
Somerset,  1781,  till  his  death,  in  1812.  At  Ditcheat  there  is  a 
mural  monument—"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Thomas  Leir, 
clerk,  thirty  years  Rector  of  this  parish  and  Charlton  Musgrove, 
in  the  County  of  Somerset,  who  died  the  7th  day  of  January 
1812,  in  the  73rd  year  of  his  age."  (Phelp  271.) 

Son  of  Thomas  L.  17^§  and  brother  of  William  L.  1757  and  of 
Paul  Methuen  L.  1772. 


George  Huddles  tone  Jervoise.  JE.  24  Feb.  1757  (fil. 
Eichardi  J.  de  Croydon,  Surr:  arm.  set.  17).  (ST.JE. 
received  as  <£.  23  March,  1757,  increased  to  JfM. 
3  July,  1759 :  his  account  was  closed  in  1782.  B.A. 
13  Oct.  1760.  M.A.  1  June,  1763. 

Eector  of  Shalston,  Bucks,  and  of  Northfield  and  Coston 
(?  Cofton)  Hacket,  Wore  :  20  April,  1779  :  he  was  buried  at 
Shalston  with  the  following  inscription — 

In  the  Vault  below  are  deposited  the  Remains  of 
The  Reverend  George  Huddlestone  Purefoy  Jervoise 

Purefoy,  A.M. 
Of  Shalston  Co.  Bucks  and  Britford  Co.  Wilts. 

Rector  of  Shalston 

and  of  Northfield  and  Cofton  Co.  Worcester. 
Born  June  8  1739,  deceased  Nov.  3rd  1805,  aged  66  years. 

He  was  just,  generous  and  humane 

A  good  Husband,  Father,  Master  and  Friend 

and  whilst  he  practised  every  virtue  himself  he  could 

overlook  human  infirmities  in  others. 

This  Tablet 
is  erected  by  his  surviving  widow 

Mary  Purefoy  Jervoise 

as  a  memorial  of  her  affection  and  grief. 

May  the  remembrance  and  contemplation  of  his 

Virtues  inspire  his  descendants 

with  a  desire  to  imitate  them. 

(Lipscomb  III.  74.) 
Father  of  Jervoise  Purefov  1789. 

102  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1757. 

Gilbert  Lang-don.  JE.  24  Felt.  1757  (fil.  Gilbert!  L.  de 
Woodbury,  Devon :  gen.  set.  17).  <£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
in  the  first  half  of  1757,  restored  9  April,  1758.  B.A. 
(Merton)  3  Feb.  1761.  M.A.  (Magdalen  Coll.  Camb.) 

Chaplain  to  Lord  Dudley  and  Ward.  Rector  of  Winterbourne 
Howton,  Dorset  18  April,  1782.  Rector  of  Farleigh  Hungerford, 
Somerset,  died  1823. 

John  Baker.  J&.  28  Feb.  1757  (fil.  Johamiis  B.  de  Sarum, 
"Wilton :  arm.  ret.  17).  <£.JE.  received  as  OL  28  March, 
1757.  The  balance  of  his  GT.JE.  which  had  been  replaced 
in  1768,  was  paid  over  to  Edward  Baker  17  March,  1790. 
B.A.  3  Nov.  1760.  M.A.  3  June,  1763.  D.C.L.  10  June, 

James  Gerard.  JE.  29  April,  1757  (fil.  Josephi  G.  de 
Monks  Kisborough,  Buck:  cler.  ret.  16).  C.JE.  received 
as  (JT.  25  April,  1757,  restored  12  July,  1765.  Admitted 
£>.  1757,  of  Bucks,  aged  17:  took  the  oath  5  Oct. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1758  to  1765.  B.A.  17  Jan. 
1761.  M.A.  13  July,  1765.  B.D.  17  June,  1777.  D.D. 
20  June,  1777  Elected  $.  jf.  30  June,  1764.  Admitted 
,-fF.  10  July,  1765.  Elected  Catechist  1765,  1767,  1775, 
1776;  Humanity  Lecturer  1766;  Bursar  1768,  1769; 
Sub-Warden  1774.  Elected  &£Jar&ni  5  May,  1777 : 
took  the  oath  16  Jan.  1770  ?  he  vacated  the  Ml.  19  Nov. 
1782  but  was  re-elected  on  21  Nov.  1782,  and,  on 
11  Feb.  1783,  a  decree  was  received  from  the  Visitor 
ordering  the  omission  of  the  clause  "  in  restraint  of  con- 
tracting matrimony "  in  the  case  of  Dr  Gerard  from 
the  <E<Li.  oath.  Dr  Gerard  resigned  the  315H.  again 
5  July,  1783,  and  was  collated  to  the  Rectory  of  Monks 
Kisborough  9  July,  1783  ;  where  lie  died  14  Feb.  1789, 
and  was  buried  21  Feb.  He  bequeathed  to  the  College 
£100  (producing  £4  per  annum)  for  "real  permanent 
benefit,  not  ornament"  whereupon  it  was  resolved  to 
invest  the  money  and  create  an  Exhibition  for  Founda- 
tioners (6  March,  1790);  but  on  30  June,  it  was  decided 
that  the  Exhibition  should  be  open  to  all  the  College 
with  a  preference  for  Founder's  Kin  whereupon  C.  Kigby 
his  nephew,  was  elected. 

1757.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  103 

John  Grimes.  JE.  6  May,  1757  (fil.  Thoime  G.  de  Shor- 
well,  Insula  Vect:  arm.  ret.  18).  CT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
25  April,  1757,  restored  9  Oct.  1758.  Admitted  £. 
24  Sept.  1757,  of  the  Isle  of  Wight,  aged  18:  took  the 
oath  5  Oct.  1757. 

Benjamin  Lydal.  Jtt.  17  May,  1757  (fil.  Kichardi  L.  de 
Kilncote  ?  Kimcote  Leicestr:  pleb.  ret.  21).  (£.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  in  the  first  half  of  1757,  restored 
16  July,  1759.  Possibly  a  stone  in  the  Chapel  marked 
"B.L.  1760  "  refers  to  him. 

John  Dolman.  JE.  4  July,  1757  (fil.  Thomre  D.  de  Civ. 
Bristol :  gen.  aet.  17).  GT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  6  July, 
1757 :  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1761.  B.A. 
22  May,  1761. 

William  Leir.  p.  21  Oct.  1757  (fil.  Thomae  L.  de  Ditcheat 
Somerset:  cler.  get.  17).  &.JK.  received  as  (ft.  2  Oct. 
1757,  restored  3  Dec.  1763.  B.A.  28  May,  1761. 

Brother  of  Thomas  L.  1756,  and  Paul  Methuen  L.  1772,  and 

son  of  Thomas  L.  17J§. 

Ferdinando    Tracy    Travell.      JE.    9    Dec.    1757    (fil. 

Johannis   T.   de   Swerford,   Oxon :  arm.   set.    17).     <£.JE. 

received   t;s    (ft.    same    day:  restored    10    July,    1764. 

Admitted  £.  29  Sept.   1758  of  Oxford :  took  the  oath 

7    Oct.     Hody   (Hebrew)    Exhibitioner    1758    to    1764. 

B.A.  22  May,  1761.     M.A.  9  May,  1764.     His  £.  was 

vacant  30  June,  1763. 

Died  "27th  Sept.  1808,  at  Upper  Slaughter,  Glouc.  Rev. 
Fernando  Tracey  Travell  more  than  44  years  Eector  of  that 
parish  and  author  of  several  literary  works  (including  a  para- 
phrase of  the  Psalms)  the  fruits  of  his  professional  studies/' 

(G.  Ma<j.) 

At  Upper  Slaughter  is  a  monument  with  the  following 
inscription — "  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  .Rev.  Ferdinando 
Tracy  Travell  who  died  on  the  XXVII  day  of  September 
MDCCCYIII  in  the  LXIX  year  of  his  age,  having  been  XLV 
years  Rector  of  this  Parish.  May  it  often  enjoy  the  blessing  of 
such  a  Pastor." 

Uncle  of  T.  E.  Witts  (1802),  who  succeeded  him  at  Upper 

104  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1758. 


William  Wyndham.  JE.  20  Feb.  1758  (fil.  Gulielmi  W. 
de  Dinton,  Wilton:  arm.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as 
JF.OL  18  Feb.  1758 :  given  to  the  College  to  buy  plate 
28  Sept.  1765. 

He  died  12  Sept.  1786,  aged  47  ;  he  was  the  father  of  six  sons 
of  whom  two  Thomas  (1788)  and  John  (1794)  came  to  Wadham  : 
the  eldest  son  William  eventually  succeeded  to  the  estates  of  his 
great-great-grandfather  Sir  Wadham  Wyndham  at  Norrington  ; 
and  in  Somerset  and  AVilts  011  the  death  of  his  father's  third 
cousin  Mrs  Anne  Arundel  (nee  Wyndham)  in  1803. 
He  is  buried  at  Dinton  with  the  following  inscription — 


lie  the  remains  of 

William  Wyndham,  Esq. 

of  this  place. 

He  married  Elizabeth,  eldest  daughter 
of  Sir  Thomas  Heathcote,  Bart. 

of  Hursley  Lodge 

in  the  County  of  Southampton, 

by  whom  he  had  eleven  children, 

and  left  ten, 

Six  sons  and  four  daughters 
He  died  12th  day  of  Septr.  1786, 

aged  47  years  and  3  months. 

Brother  of  Wadham  W.  17GO  and  John  W.  1762,  grandfather  of 
George  D.W.  1723. 

Christopher  Tatchell.  JE.  11  July,  1758  (fil.  Johannis 
T.  de  Stoke,  Somerset :  pleb.  set.  19).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  7  July,  1758 :  account  closed  27  May,  1763. 
Admitted  Clerk  7  July,  1758  of  Somerset,  aged  19 :  took 
the  oath  22  July:  his  Clerkship  was  filled  up  16  June, 
1761.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1758,  1759,  1760.  B.A. 
27  April,  1762.  M.A.  1  July,  1767.  He  voted  at  the 
Parliamentary  Election  in  1768. 

Edward  Stone,     p.  10  Oct.  1758  (fil.  Edvardi  S.  de  Civ. 

1758.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  105 

"Westmonast :  cler.  set.  15).  GT.Jtt.  received  as  (£.  same 
day:  restored  19  March,  1767.  Admitted  &.  28  Sept. 
1759  of  London,  aged  16 :  took  the  oath  15  Dec.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1759  to  1766.  B.A.  26  Oct.  1762. 
M.A.  27  March,  1767.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June,  1765. 
Admitted  ,-jF.  10  July,  1766 ;  he  vacated  his  JF.  by 
marriage  30  June,  1769.  Elected  to  succeed  Latton  as 
Librarian  1766.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1766, 
1767,  1768. 

Perpetual  Curate  of  Prince's  Risborough  27  March,  1767. 
Rector  of  Horsenden  27  Jan.  1769.  Rector  of  Hartwell  and 
Little  Hampden  1783  which  he  resigned  in  1793.  Vicar  of 
Stagsden,  Beds.  He  died  at  Lovell's  Hill  in  Windsor  Forest 
15  Feb.  1811  (7th  Feb.  on  Monumental  Slab)  aged  67  and  was 
buried  at  Winkfield,  Berks.  Son  of  Edward  S.  1720. 

John  Goodwin  Welch.  Jfc.  5  Dec.  1758  (fil.  Thomas  W. 
de  Pattishale,  Northampton:  cler.  set.  17).  (£.J&. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  3  May,  1763.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1759,  1760.  B.A.  15  June,  1762. 

John  Wills.  C.|E.  received  as  (£.  4  April,  1758 :  restored 
12  July,  1765.  |tt.  (Hertford),  18  March,  1758  (fil. 
Johannis  W.  de  Seaborough,  Somerset :  gen.  get.  17). 
Admitted  £.  29  Sept.  1758  of  Somerset:  took  the  oath 
7  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1758  to  1765.  B.A. 
4  Dec.  1761.  M.A.  13  July,  1765.  B.D.  29  Nov.  1783. 
D.D.  8  Dec.  1783.  Elected  ty.Jf.  1764.  Admitted  JF. 
10  July,  1765 :  took  the  oath  13  April,  1768.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1765 ;  Catechist  1766 ;  Humanity  Lecturer 
1767;  Dean  1768,  1769,  1773;  Bursar  1770  to  1772, 
1775  to  1779.  He  became  Sub-Warden  9  July,  1780, 
and  again  on  6  Dec. :  but  his  JF.  expired  21  June,  1781, 
in  consequence  of  preferment,  when  White  was  elected 
to  the  Sub-Wardenship.  In  March,  1777,  it  is  noted  that 
Mr  Wills  has  been  inducted  into  the  living  of  Shalden,  Co. 
Southton.  He  was  elected  SlSHacfoni  on  the  resignation 
of  Dr  Gerard  7  July,  1783,  and  admitted  29  Oct. :  took 
the  oath  25  June,  1784.  He  held  the  ffiartottSfjip  till 
his  death  on  16  June,  1806,  when  he  left  a  bequest 
of  property  to  the  College  (valued  in  1853  at  £27,000) 

106  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1758-59. 

for  the  benefit  of  the  Warden,  for  a  Divinity  Lecturer, 
for  the  endowment  of  one  Fellow  and  one  Exhibitioner 
each  in  Law  and  Medicine,  for  two  superannuated 
Fellows  and  for  the  purchase  of  advowsons.  He  had 
already  in  1795  made  a  Deed  of  Gift  to  the  College  "for 
the  use  of  the  Garden  adjoining  the  Warden  and  Fellows' 
Garden  to  the  Northward,  for  the  use  of  the  Warden  for 
ever."  He  was  Vice-Chancellor  of  Oxford  1792  to 

Rector  of  Tydd  St  Mary,  13  July,  1776,  where  lie  gave  £400, 
the  interest  to  be  spent  by  the  Rector  in  clothing  and  educat- 
ing 4  boys  ;  which  charity  still  exists. 

Rector  of  Seaborough,  Somerset,  1779  to  1806,  where  he  built 
the  Rectory  on  Avhich  there  is  this  inscription — "Johannes 
Wills  S.T.P.  hujus  parochiiK  Rector,  necnon  Collegii  Wadhami 
apud  Oxon  :  Guardianus  hanc  domum  sua  impensa  cedifi- 
candam  curavit  A.D.  1784." 


Wadham  Diggle.  JE.  16  Jan.  1759  (til.  Ilumney  D.  de 
Yately,  Hampton :  arm.  ret.  17).  (ft.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1764.  Admitted  j£.  as 
Founder's  Kin  28  Sept.  1759;  of  Southampton,  aged  17: 
took  the  oath  15  Dec.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1759  to 
1762.  B.A.  15  Oct.  1762.  M.A.  14  Feb.  1766.  Elected 
^.,-ff.  30  June,  1763.  Admitted  jf.  9  July,  1764:  took 
the  oath  11  July.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1763,  1764; 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1765,  1773 ;  Bursar  1766, 
1767;  Humanity  Lecturer  1768;  Deputy  Librarian 
(for  Price)  1769;  Librarian  1774.  His  ,-ff.  was  vacant 
by  marriage  30  June,  1778.  Hector  of  Esher,  Surrey 

Vicar  of   Codicote,  Herts,  20  Oct.    1772   to    1777.     Rector   of 
Fifield  Bavant,  Wilts,  1777.     Died  10  Sept,  1828,  aged  87. 
Father  of  Henry  Wadham  D.  1796. 

Henry  Hawes.  JE.  1  March,  1759  (til.  Henrici  H.  de 
Wiley,  Wilton  :  cler.  set.  15).  (H.JH.  received  as  (ft.  same 
day:  account  closed  16  Dec.  1766.  Admitted  *. 

1759.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  107 

28  Sept.  1759  of  Wilts,  aged  16 :  took  the  oath  14  Dec. 
B.A.  15  Dec.  1762.     He  resigned  his  &.  30  June,  1764. 

Joseph  Pyrke.  |E.  1  March,  1759  (fil.  Joseph!  P.  de 
Grosmond,  Monmouth :  cler.  ait.  18).  C.JH.  received  as 
<£.  7  March,  1759,  restored  9  April,  1762.  Admitted 
5.  (Perk)  28  Sept.  1759  of  Monmouth,  aged  18.  His 
j£.  was  vacant  30  June,  1763. 

Verderer  of  the  Forest  of  Dean,  apd  Deputy-Constable  "of  tne 
Castle  of  St  Briavels.     (F.) 

William  Barnes.  JE.  27  March,  1759  (fil.  Aubry  B.  de 
Monmouth :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
26  March,  1759:  account  closed  9  July,  1765.  B.A. 
15  Oct.  1762.  M.A.  8  July,  1765. 

John  Plowman.  JH.  4  April,  1759  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Tolpuddle,  Dorcestr:  cler.  ret.  17).  C.JE.  received  as 
<£.  4  April,  1759 :  paid  to  John  Hanson  4  April,  1764. 
Admitted  <&.  28  Sept.  1759  of  Dorset,  aged  17 :  took  the 
oath  14  Dec.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1762.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1759  to  1764.  B.A.  29  Jan. 
1763.  M.A.  3  July,  1765.  Kesignecl  his  £.  30  June, 
1765.  Admitted  Chaplain  12  Nov.  1766.  Chaplaincy 
vacant  16  July,  1768. 

Thomas  Boyce.  JE.  25  May,  1759  (til.  Johannis  B.  de 
Barnstaple,  Devon :  cler.  set.  17).  (  received  as  (!T. 
(Boyse)  24  May,  1759 :  account  closed  22  March,  176:!. 
B.A.  29  Jan.  1763. 

Brother  of  Christopher  B.  (1754). 

Henry  Rigby.  JE.  28  May,  1759  (til.  Johannis  II.  de 
Ickford,  Buck  :  cler.  set.  17).  &.JE.  received  as  (JT.  same 
day,  restored  13  July,  1768.  Admitted  £.  28  Sept. 
1759  of  Bucks,  aged  17:  took  the  oath  15  Dec.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1762,  1764  (no  list  1763).  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1759  to  1766.  B.A.  29  Jan. 
1763.  M.A.  16  July,  1768.  Elected  ^.JF.  30  June, 
1767.  Admitted  ,-fF.  il  July,  1768  :  took  the  oath  6  June, 
1769.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1766,  1767  ;  Catechist  1768  ; 
Humanity  Lecturer  1769:  Dean  1770,  1771,  1772,  1774; 
Bursar  1773:  Sub-Warden  1775.  On  22  June,  1776, 

108  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1759. 

he  was  presented  to  Hockleigh,  and  must  have  married 
at  once  for  the  Sub-Wardenship  was  filled  up  by  White 
on  that  ground  on  28  August:  on  24  April,  1777,  he 
was  again  presented  to  Hockleigh,  having  vacated  it  by 
accepting  the  living  of  Wendy,  Cambs. 

He  died  Vicar  of  Hockleigh  15  May,  1819,  at  Salisbury, 
aged  77.  Son  of  John  E.  1727. 

Thomas  Penrose.  JE.  30  May,  1759  (fil.  Thomse  P.  de 
Newbery,  Bercher:  cler.  set.  16).  "Who  was  admitted, 
but  before  laying  down  his  caution  removed  to  Christ 
Church  29  May."  (Caution  Book.)  Commoner  of  Christ 
Church  20  June,  1759.  Student  10  July,  1759.  B.A. 
(Hertford)  8  Feb.  1766. 

Rector  of  Beckington  near  Bath  in  1778,  1779. 

Richard  Moland.  JE.  28  June,  1759  (fil.  Koberti  M.  de 
Dublin:  arm.  set.  16).  (H.JE.  received  as  (£.  26  June, 
1759,  restored  16  July,  1764.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

1759,  1760,  1761.     Pigott  Exhibitioner  1760  to  1764. 

Barrister  (Middle  Temple),  1767,  died  22  May,  1797.  (F.) 

John  Fetvin.  JE.  28  June,  1759  (fil.  Gulielmi  P.  de  Little 
Baddow,  Essex:  cler.  oet.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
27  June,  1759,  restored  7  Dec.  1764.  Admitted  £j. 

8  Feb.  1760  of  Essex,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  1  March, 

1760.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1760  to  1763,  when 
he  "forfeited"  the  Exhibition.     B.A.  9  May,  1763.     His 
5.  was  vacant  30   June,  1763.     M.A.  of  Emanuel  Coll. 
Camb.  1769. 

Vicar  of  Burnham,  Essex,  1767,  and  of  Braintree  1778,  died 
28  Jan.  1796.  Author  of  Letters  concerning  the  Mind,  1750. 

(G.  Mag.) 

William  Jervis.  JE.  3  July,  1759  (fil.  Samuelis  J.  de 
Peetling  Magna,  Leicestr :  gen.  ast.  17).  C.JE.  received 
as  (0".  same  day:  account  closed  5  Dec.  1764.  B.C.L. 

9  June,  1768. 

He  was  an  only  child,  took  orders  ;  J.P.  for  Leicestershire 
resided  at  Kimcote,  and  Luttervvorth,  where  he  died  23  March, 
1792,  aged  54  (?)  buried  at  Great  Peatling,  but  there  is  no 
inscription  for  him.  (Nichols  IV.  334.) 

1759-60.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  109 

Henry  Purcell.  JE.  13  Dec.  1759  (fil.  Georgii  P.  de  Civ. 
Hereford:  gen.  set.  17).  (#.JE.  received  as  Servitor: 
restored  11  Jan.  1760.  Admitted  Clerk  8  Dec.  1759  of 
Hereford,  aged  17 :  took  the  oath  15  Dec :  but  his  Clerk- 
ship was  vacant  before  7  March,  1760.  He  entered 
Christ  Church  as  Servitor  before  21  March,  1760,  and 
was  "Clericus"  (i.e.  Lay  Clerk)  in  1761.  B.A.  3  June, 


Henry  Strangways.  JE.  3  Feb.  1760  (fil.  Thomas  S.  de 
Sti  dementis,  Londin :  arm.  set.  17).  (&.JE.  received  as 
-fF.<JT.  11  Feb.  1760,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 

Apparently  son  of  Thomas  Strangways  of  Shapwick,  Somerset : 
if  so,  lie  died  April,  1805,  and  was  buried  at  Shapwick. 

Wadham  Wyndham.  JE.  3  March,  1760  (fil.  Gulielmi 
W.  de  Dinton,  Wilton:  arm.  a3t.  18).  C.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  increased  to  JF.UT.  30  April,  1762,  restored 
28  Dec.  1762. 

Of  Hinton,  Hants,  died  s.p.  1804,  aged  63. 
Brother  of  William  W.  1758,  and  John  W.  1762. 

Isaac  Bampfield.  JE.  10  March,  1760  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Branscombe,  Devon :  pleb.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  7  March,  1760,  restored  11  April,  1764. 
Admitted  Clerk  7  March,  1760  of  Devon,  aged  17: 
took  the  oath  16  April.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1760 
and  1762.  B.A.  13  March,  1764  His  Clerkship  was 
vacant  4  Nov.  1763. 

Edge  in  Branscombe  was  the  residence  of  the  Foundress  after 
her  husband's  death. 

James  Venning.  JE.  29  March,  1760  (fil.  Jacobi  V.  de 
Alternon,  Cornub:  pleb.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as 
"Clerk"  (really  Servitor)  27  March,  1760:  account 
closed  8  March,  1764.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1761. 
B.A.  2  March,  1764. 

110  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1760-61. 

Thomas  Allen.  JE.  22  April,  1760  (fil.  Simonis  A.  de 
Hinton  St  George,  Somerset :  pleb.  set.  20).  (H.jH. 
received  as  Servitor  22  May,  1760,  restored  12  April, 
1764.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1762,  1763.  B.A. 
2  March,  1764. 

John  Loop.  P.  17  Oct.  1760  (fil.  Johannis  L.  de  Morton, 
Dorcestr:  cler.  set.  19).  d.Jtt.  received  as  Servitor  same 
day.  Admitted  Clerk  15  June,  1761  of  Dorset  aged  19. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1761, 1762,  1763.  B.A.  26  June, 
1764 :  when  he  vacated  his  Clerkship. 

Vicar  of  Grent  Tiulely  with  Capel,   Kent,    1787.     (G.  Mag.) 
Died  apparently  before  1802. 

William  Baker.  |E.  22  Oct.  1760  (fil.  Nicolai  B.  de 
Dorchester,  Dorcestr:  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.J&.  received  as 
(ft.  16  Oct.  1760  :  taken  up  for  Battels  Michaelmas,  1764. 
Admitted  £.  25  Sept.  1761  of  Dorset  aged  19:  took  the 
oath  7  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1761  to  1764. 
B.A.  27  June,  1764.  His  Jj>.  was  filled  up  on  resigna- 
tion 30  June,  1765. 


Thomas  Evans.  JE.  17  Jan.  1761  (fil.  Thomse  E.  de 
Dilwyne,  Hereford:  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received  as  (Jt. 
same  day :  account  closed  6  April,  1765.  Admitted  *. 
25  Sept.  1761  of  Hereford  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  7  Oct. 
1761.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1761,  1762,  1764.  B.A. 
12  Oct.  1764.  He  resigned  his  ^.  30  June,  1765. 

Vicar  of  Ya/.or.     Rector  of  Bishopstone,  Hereford,  1783  to  1806. 

Charles  Cope.  |E.  21  April,  1761  (fil.  Jonathan  C.  de 
Long  Orton,  Huntingdon :  arm.  set.  18.)  (JLJE.  received 
as  JF.<£.  same  day,  restored  14  Feb.  1764. 

He  succeeded  his  grandfather  Sir  Jonathan  (who  died  at  Orton 
Longueville,  Hunts,  28  March,  1765)  as  second  Baronet  of  Bre- 
werne  AM>ev,  Oxon  :  died  14th  June,  1781. 

1761. ]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  Ill 

Charles  Watkins.  JE.  23  April,  1761  (til.  Eichardi  W.  de 
Clifton,  Camp  vile,  Stafford  :  cler.  set.  19).  (£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day :  restored  7  Dec.  1763.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1761.  On  6  Dec.  1768,  it  was  resolved  to 
purchase  2  Sauce  Boats  out  of  the  12  Guineas  given  by 
Charles  Watkins  Meysey,  late  (ft.  to  be  laid  out  in  plate. 

He  was  son  of  Richard  W.  (1720)  ;  and  having  married  his 
cousin  Anna  Maria,  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas  Meysey  (1729) 
he  assumed  the  name  of  Meysey  :  and  succeeded  his  wife's 
Uncle,  Rev.  John  Meysey  (1727)  at  Shakenhurst,  but  died  at 
the  early  age  of  33  leaving  an  only  daughter  and  heiress, 
Anna  Maria.  Brother  of  Richard  1763,  Francis  1766,  and 
John  1769. 

John  Goldesborough.  |E.  9  June,  1761  (til.  Johannis  G. 
de  Brewton,  Somerset:  cler.  a.jt.  16).  GLJU.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day :  restored  26  May,  1767 :  replaced 
25  March,  1796 :  restored  26  June,  1798.  B.A.  2  May, 
1765.  On  3  April,  1799,  at  Corpus  Christ!  College,  Cam- 
bridge, "  It  was  agreed  that  Ds  Goldesborough  from  Oxford, 
have  leave  to  seek  the  degree  of  M.A.  in  this  University." 

Incumbent  of  Weston  Bampfylde,  Somerset,  1769  to  1822. 

(Phelp  I.  429.) 

George  Frome.  Jll.  26  June,  1761  (til.  Georgii  F.  de 
Tollard,  Wilton:  cler.  set.  17).  (E.Jtt.  received  as  (ft. 
25  June  1761 :  restored  15  July,  1770.  B.C.L.  30  July, 

Rector  of  Puncknoll,  Dorset,  14  Sept.  1770  :  resigned  1804. 
Rector  of  Litton  Cheney,  Dorset,  23  April,  1804,  where  he  is 
buried  with  this  inscription — 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  George  Frome,  Rector  of 
this  Parish,  20  years,  who  died  the  10th  January,  1824,  aged  79." 

(Hutching  II.  755.) 

Robert  Frome.  |E.  26  June,  1761  (til.  Georgii  F.  de 
Tollard,  Wilton:  cler.  set.  16).  <£.pt.  received  as  (ft. 
25  June,  1761,  restored  19  June,  1770.  Admitted  £. 
25  Sept.  1761  of  Wilts,  aged  16  :  took  the  oath  7  Oct. 
Maddox  Exhibitioner  1762  to  1764.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1764  to  1765.  RC.L.  26  May,  1770.  , 

112  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1761-62. 

Rector  of  Folke,  Dorset,  June,  9,  1777.     "Rector  of  Minterne 
Magna,  21  March,  1782.     Rector  of  Goathurst,  Somerset.     He 
is  buried  at  Folke,  with  the  following  inscription — 
"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  Robert  Frome  who  died 
9  April,  1833."  (Hutchins  IV.  182.) 

He  was  aged  88. 

George  White.  JR.  13  Oct.  1761  (til.  Robert!  W.  de 
Dorchester,  Dorcestr :  pleb.  set.  15).  (JT.JR.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  16  Dec.  1766 ;  admitted  £.  24  Sept. 
1762  of  Dorset,  aged  16 :  took  the  oath  5  Oct.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1762  to  1767.  B.A.  27  June, 
1765.  M.A.  (Balliol)  20  April,  1768.  He  resigned  his 
£.  30  June,  1767.  Fellow  of  Balliol. 

Rector  of  Huntspill,  Somerset,  1779.     Died  22  Sept.  1804,  aged 
58  (inscription  at  Huntspill). 

Thomas  Durnford.  JR.  23  Nov.  1761  (til.  Thomae  D.  de 
Bramdean,  Hampton :  doctoris,  set.  17).  (JT.JR.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1766.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1762,  1763.  B.A.  7  June,  1765.  M.A. 
21  June,  1769. 

Son  of  Thomas  D.  1733,  and  brother  of  Stillingfleet  D.  1771. 


John  Wyndham.  JR.  4  May,  1762  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 
Dinton,  Wilton :  arm.  get.  18).  (ST. JR.  received  as  (ft. 
30  April,  1762;  increased  to  ,-jF.(ft.  11  Feb.  1763: 
restored  16  March,  1769.  B.O.L.  15  March,  1769. 
D.C.L.  4  April,  1775. 

Rector  of  Gorton  Dinham,  Somerset.     Rector  of  Staple-Fitz- 
paiiie,  Somerset,  died  s.p.  18  Aug.  1816. 

John  Shapleigh.  JR.  16  Aug.  1762  (fil.  Johannis  S.  de. 
Civ.  Oxon :  arm.  set.  18).  GI.JR.  received  as  (ft.  14  Aug. 
1762,  restored  19  June,  1766. 

1763.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  113 


Richard  Watkins.  JE.  11  Jan.  1763  (fil.  Richardi  W.  de 
Clifton,  Stafford:  cler.  set.  18).  <£.|E.  received  as  (£. 
11  Feb.  1763.  Admitted  £.  23  Sept.  1763  of  Stafford, 
aged  18 :  took  the  oath  5  Dec.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1763  to  1767.  B.A.  5  Dec.  1766.  He  resigned 
his  g).  30  June,  1767. 

Rector  of  Rock,  Worcester,  11  Aug.  1770,  died  1  May,  1805, 
brother  of  Charles  1761,  Francis  1766,  and  John  1769,  and  son 
of  Richard  W.  1720. 

George  Swayne.  |tt.  17  March,  1763  (fil.  Georgii  S.  de 
Wilton,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  17).  C.Jtt.  received  as  <JT. 
8  March,  1763,  restored  25  March,  1768,  replaced 
11  June,  1771,  and  again  restored  9  July,  1771. 
Admitted  *>•  23  Sept.  1763  of  Somerset,  aged  18:  took 
the  oath  5  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1763  to 
1768.  B.A.  11  Oct.  1766.  M.A.  2  July,  1771. 
Resigned  his  £•>.  30  June,  1768. 

Vicar  of  Puckleehurch  Glouc.  1772.  Rector  of  Dirham  i.e. 
Dyrhain  or  Dereham  Glouc.  (Bigland),  where  he  died  24  Oct. 
1827.  Father  of  George  S.  1789. 

John  Hanson.  J&.  17  March,  1763  (fil.  Johannis  H.  de 
Piddletown,  Dorcestr :  gen.  set.  16).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day:  restored  30  Oct.  1766.  Admitted  £.  23  Sept. 
1763  of  Dorset,  aged  17:  took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1764  to  1766.  He  died  appa- 
rently in  1766,  and  his  *>.  was  filled  up  30  June,  1767. 

Edward  Warre.  |E.  26  March,  1763  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de 
Wanstrow  i.e.  Wanstraw,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  19).  C.JE. 
received  as  (ft.  24  March,  1763,  taken  up  for  Battels  1766. 

Nicholas  Thomas  Freke.  |E.  17  May,  1763  (fil. 
Richardi  F.  de  Thorbwerton  i.e.  Thorverton,  Devon : 
cler.  set.  18).  (ST.JE.  received  as  (jl.  same  day,  taken  up 
for  Battels  Christmas  1768. 


114  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1763. 

William  Bishop.  Jtt.  17  May,  1763  (fil.  Gulielmi  B.  de 
Kingsdown,  Somerset:  cler.  pet.  17).  (£.pt.  received  as 
Servitor  13  May,  1763,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1767;  replaced  14  Nov.  1794,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Michaelmas  1800.  Admitted  Clerk  4  Nov.  1763  from 
Somerset,  aged  18.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1764,  1765, 

1766.  B.A.  23  May,  1767.     His  Clerkship  was  vacant 
30  March,  1767. 

Probably  W.  B.  Vicar  of  Wedmore,  Somerset,  1779  to  1802  :  he 
died  aged  56.  He  and  his  parishioners  protested  (Aug.  18 
1799)  against  the  establishment  of  Miss  Hannah  More's 

Philip  Wynell.  JE.  16  June,  1763  (fil.  Philippi  W.  de 
Saltash,  Cornub :  arm.  get.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as  (C". 
14  June,  1763  restored  5  May,  1768  to  P.  Wynell 
Mayow.  Admitted  &.  23  Sept.  1763  of  Cornwall 
aged  18 :  took  the  oath  6th  October.  Maddox  Exhibi- 
tioner 1764.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1765  to  1767. 
B.A.  (P.  W.  Mayow)  30  Oct.  1767.  M.A.  23  June,  1770. 
Resigned  his  g>.  30  June,  1767. 

"  Died  in  1800  at  Ridgeway,  Devon,  Rev.  W.  Mayow,  curate  of 
Plympton  St  Mary."  (G.  Mag.  70,  II.  1112.) 

Alexander  Litchfield.  JE.  (Lichfield)  18  June,  1763  (fil. 
Caroli  L.  de  Civ.  Oxon.  pleb.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received  as 
<!L  17  June,  1763,  restored  28  July,  1769.  Admitted 
5.  23  Sept.  1763,  of  Oxford  aged  17 :  took  the  oath 
4  Oct.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1764.  B.A.  30  April, 

1767.  M.A.    15  July,  1773.     Elected   ^.Jf.    30  June, 

1768.  Admitted  ,-ff.  8  July,  1769  :  took  the  oath  8  Sept. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1768;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1769  to 
1772 ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1773 ;  Bursar  1774,  1777,  to 
1783;  Dean  1775;  Sub- Warden  1776;  Junior  Proctor  1780. 
He  resigned  his  office  and  Jf .  28  June,  1784  :  being  pre- 
sented to  the  Vicarage  of  Wadhurst  13  March,  1783. 

This  he  held  together  with  that  of  Noke,  Oxon.  (to  which  lie 
was  presented  by  the  Duke  of  Marlborough  in  March  1773), 
till  his  death  which  occurred  at  Noke  7  March,  1804.  He 
is  said  to  have  resided  half  the  year  at  Wadhurst  :  his  wife 
was  Martha,  daughter  of  Mr  Bridgewater,  an  Innkeeper  at  Islip. 

1763-64.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  115 

William  Trevelyan.  JE.  10  Oct.  1763  (fil.  Gulielmi  T. 
de  Dunster,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  17).  (H.JE.  received 
(W.  T.  Cox)  as  <£.  8  Oct.  1763  ;  account  closed  Christmas 
1770.  B.C.L.  10  June,  1770. 

Vicar  of  Stockland,  Dorset,  1777.  Rector  of  Cheddington, 
Bucks,  31  May  1803  :  died  1812.  (Hutchins.) 

William  Ellicombe.  JE.  24  Oct.  1763  (fil.  Eichardi  E.  de 
Stoke  Canon,  Devon :  cler.  set.  18).  (SLJU.  received  as 
<j£.  same  da}7 :  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1767. 
B.A.  17  June,  1767. 

Rector  of  Alphington,  Devon,  1780,  where  there  is  a  monument 
with  this  inscription — "  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev. 
William  Ellicombe,  Fifty-one  years  Rector  of  this  Parish  who 
died  20th  April,  1831,  aged  86.  A  kind  father  and  a  sincere 
Christian."  Brother  of  Hugh  E.  1766. 

Thomas  Whitchurch.  |E.  3  Nov.  1763  (fil.  Samuelis  W. 
de  Nunney,  Somerset :  cler.  aet.  17).  (JI.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  31  Oct.  1763,  restored  10  July,  1765.  Admitted 
£>.  28  Sept.  1764  of  Somerset,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
15  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1764  to  1765. 
Resigned'  his  £.  and  became  student  of  Ch.  Ch.,  5  July, 
1765.  B.A.  (Ch.  Ch.)  25  June,  1767.  M.A.  11  April, 
1770.  Apparently  he  was  Craven  Scholar  in  1764. 

"  Chaplain  to  the  British  Embassy  at  Vienna."     (F.) 


John  Charming.  |H.  14  Jan.  1764  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de 
Essex  St.  Londin :  gen.  a3t.  17).  (£.|Hl.  received  as  (£. 
same  day,  restored  7  Dec.  1764.  Made  student  of  Christ 
Church  30  June,  1764.  B.A.  13  Nov.  1767.  M.A. 
30  June,  1770. 

Richard  Stubbs.  |ft.  13  Feb.  1763  (fil.  Robert!  S.  de 
Lorton,  Cumbr:  gen.  pet.  17).  (£.|&.  received  as  (£. 
4  Feb.  1764;  restored  14  July,  1770.  Admitted  £. 
28  Sept.  1764  of  Cumberland,  aged  17:  took  the  oath 

116  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1764. 

16  Oct.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1767.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1765  to  1771.  B.A.  Nov.  13,  1767.  M.A. 
14  July,  1770.  B.D.  11  Dec.  1782.  D.D.  18  June, 
1783.  Elected  ^.,-ff.  30  June,  1769.  Admitted  J*. 
13  July,  1770.  Elected  Librarian  1777  (Birt,  Deputy). 
On  6  Dec.  1773,  the  Warden  (Wyndham)  removed  Stubbs' 
name  from  the  Roll  of  JF.  as  being  Usher  of  the  Haber- 
dasher's School  at  Monmouth :  but  on  20  April,  1775  the 
Visitor  pronounced  the  deprivation  invalid :  having  on  the 
previous  30  June,  forbidden  the  filling  up  of  the  vacancy. 
On  21  April,  1775  the  Warden  announced  that  he 
accepted  the  Visitor's  decision :  but  on  21  Oct.  1775  the 
Warden  again  removed  Mr  Stubbs'  name  from  the  list  of 
,-fF.  "under  clause  1  (i.e.  instead  of  clause  2)  of  Ch.  18  of 
the  Statutes  " ;  but  he  was  again  restored  by  the  Visitor 
26  June,  1777.  On  23  Jan.  1783  he  was  recommended 
to  the  Bishop  of  London  for  the  Eectory  of  Eryerning, 
which  had  lapsed  to  the  Bishop.  Resigned  his  ,-ff. 
30  June,  1783.  He  died  Rector  of  Fryerning  and  Vicar 
of  Eastwood,  Essex  26  Dec.  1810. 

James  Dibben.  JH.  25  Feb.  1764  (fil.  Jacobi  D.  de 
Fontmell,  Dorcestr:  cler.  set.  17).  (JLJE.  received  as 
<*L  24  Feb.  1764,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1772.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1764.  Pigott  Exhibitioner 

Hector  of  Great  Fontmell,  Dorset,  14  Nov.  1776,  died  1779: 
succeeded  by  his  brother  Richard  (1766). 

John  Palmer.  |E.  6  April,  1764  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Ilchester,  Somerset :  gen.  a't.  17).  (H.JH.  received  as 
Servitor  13  April,  1764,  restored  Midsummer  1769. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1764,  1765.  His  C.JK.  was 
replaced  26  June,  1791  and  taken  up  Christinas  1793. 

Arthur  Cosens.  |E.  13  April,  1764  (fil.  Arthur!  C.  de 
Yetminster,  Dorcestr:  arm.  a't.  18).  (C.Jft.  received  as 
({T.  14  April,  1764,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1770. 

There  is  the  following  epitaph  on  a  monument  at  Yetminster  : 
Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Arthur  Cosens  Esq.  who  died  June  24, 
1810,  aged  60  years.      ITc  was  High  Shi'rifl'  during-  the  contested 

1764.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  117 

Election  in  1807,  and  discharged  the  duties  thereof  with  honour 
to  himself,  and  satisfaction  to  the  County,  and  in  his  whole 
conduct  through  life,  he  supported  the  character  of  an  upright 
man.  (Hutching  IV.  455.) 

Brother  of  Eobert  C.  1776. 

William  Knott.  JE.  5  June,  1764  (fil.  Gulielmi  K.  de 
Dinnington,  Somerset:  pleb.  set.  18).  (tf.JE.  received  as 
4L  same  day,  restored  7  Feb.  1768.  B.A.  16  Feb.  1768. 

Edward  Moore.  JE.  7  June,  1764  (fil.  Philippi  M.  de 
Kumsey,  Hampton :  pleb.  set.  17).  C.Jtt.  received  as 
Servitor  6  June,  1764,  restored  10  July—  — ;  replaced 
in  second  quarter  of  1785  :  taken  up  at  Christmas  1791. 
Admitted  Clerk  26  June,  1764  of  Southampton,  aged  17 : 
took  the  oath  11  July.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1764, 
1765,  1766.  B.A.  12  Feb.  1768.  M.A.  13  July  1772. 
On  10  Dec.  1766  it  is  noted  that  Bishop,  the  other  Clerk, 
had  been  absent  all  the  long  vacation,  so  that  Moore 
got  no  holiday :  Bishop's  Exhibition  is  therefore  assigned 
to  him.  His  Clerkship  was  vacant  17  Dec.  1767. 

Rev.  E.  M.  Priest  Vicar  of  Salisbury  Cathedral,  and  Vicar  of 
Johnston,  Wilts,  1782  to  1818,  and  chaplain  of  Salisbury 
Infirmary.  He  is  elsewhere  said  to  have  died  about  1812. 

Robinson  Lawford.  |E.  13  July,  1764  (fil.  Gulielmi  L. 
de  Gilsborough,  Northampton :  gen.  set.  29).  (J£.|E. 
received  as  Servitor  same  day,  and  taken  up  for  Battels 

18  July,  1767.     Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1765,  1766. 

Henry  Partridge.  |E.  10  Oct.  1764  (fil.  Henrici  P.  de 
Lynn,  Xorfolc :  arm.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  (IT. 
26  July,  1764,  restored  1767.  Demy  of  Magdalen  1765, 
when  he  is  said  to  have  been  born  in  St  Swithin's 
Parish,  Lincoln.  Jf.  1766  to  1771.  B.A.  (Magd.) 

19  July,  1766.     M.A.  13  April,  1769. 

H.P.  of  Northwold,  and  Lowbrooks,  Norfolk,  born  24  May, 
1746,  died  May,  1771.  (Bloxam  VI.  345.) 

118  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1764-65. 

John  Crocker.  Admitted  &.  28  Sept.  1764  of  Oxford, 
aged  19.  JE.  (Brasenose)  18  Nov.  1763  (fil.  Johannis  C. 
de  Bristol,  Gloucestr:  gen.  set.  18).  <£,JE.  received  as 
OL  17  March,  1764,  restored  10  July  1769.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1765  to  1770.  B.A.  17  June, 
1767.  M.A.  14  July,  1770.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June, 
1768  :  admitted  Jf.  8  July,  1769  :  took  the  oath  11  July. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1769.  Humanity  Lecturer  1770, 
1771,  1772,  1775.  Bursar  1773,  1774.  On  29  June, 
1774  (probably  in  consequence  of  some  informality),  he 
was  nominated  Junior  Bursar  by  the  Visitor. 

He  died  before  30  June,  1777. 


Thomas  Marshall.  JE.  26  March,  1765  (til.  Thorme  M. 
de  Padstow,  Cornub  :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.fE.  received  as  (G*. 
23  March,  1765,  restored  Midsummer  1769.  Admitted 
££.  27  Sept.  1765  of  Cornwall,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
10  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1766  to  1767.  B.A. 
27  January,  1769.  He  resigned  his  *.  30  June,  1767. 

Samuel  Alford.  |tt.  13  April,  1765  (fil.  Thorme  A.  de 
Weston  Zoylancl,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.JK.  received 
as  OL  13  May,  1765,  restored  10  July,  1770.  Admitted 
JO.  27  Sept.  1765  of  Somerset,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
10  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1765  to  1772. 
B.A.  27  Jan.  1769.  M.A.  31  Oct.  1771.  Elected  $.,-fF. 
30  June,  1769.  Admitted  JF.  10  July,  1770  :  took  the 
oath  12  April,  1771.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1770. 

James  Flexman.  JE.  23  April,  1765  (fil.  Jacobi  E.  de 
North  Molton,  Devon :  cler.  33 1.  18).  CLJE.  received  as 
OT.  18  May,  1765,  restored  11  June,  1765.  Migrated  to 
All  Souls.  Bible  Clerk,  Nov.  1766  to  Nov.  1767.  B.A. 
4  Feb.  1769. 

John  Webb.  $&.  23  April,  1765  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de  Civ. 
Oxnn:  pleb.  a*!.  19).  (!T.|E.  m-eivrd  MS  (^.  21  Mav 

1765.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  119 

1765 :  finally  taken  up  for  Battels  Lady  Day  1771. 
Admitted  £>.  27  Sept.  1765  of  Oxon.  aged  19:  took 
the  oath  10  Oct.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1765.  B.A. 
30  June,  1770.  He  resigned  his  £.  30  June,  1770. 

He  was  chorister  of  Magdalen  1755  to  1763.    (Bloxam  I.  166.) 
"  Died  at  his  lodgings  in  St  Aldate's  parish  Oxford,   18  Jan. 
1811,  aged  86  (?  66)  Rev.  John  Webb  formerly  5.  of  Wadhara 
College.  (G.  Mag.  1811,  1.  92.) 

Joseph  White.  JE.  7  June,  1765  (fil.  Thomae  W.  de 
Stroud,  Gloucestr :  pleb.  set.  19).  (ST.JE.  received  as®. 
6  June,  1765,  restored  11  March,  1773 :  replaced  1  May, 
1789,  and  finally  restored  3  July,  1797.  Admitted  £. 
27  Sept.  1765  of  Gloucester,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath. 
11  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1766  to  1773. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1767.  Pigott  Exhibitioner 
1765.  B.A.  5  April,  1769.  M.A.  19  Feb.  1773.  B.D. 
17  May,  1779.  D.D.  17  Dec.  1787.  Elected  ^.Jf. 
30  June,  1771.  Admitted  JF.  10  July,  1772 :  took  the 
oath  21  July.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1771,  1772,  1773; 
Humanity  Lecturer  1774;  Librarian  (vice  Baldwin) 
1  July,  1776  ;  Dean  1776  to  1780  and  1782  to  1785  ;  Sub- 
Warden  (vice  Rigby)  28  Aug.  1776;  Sub-Warden  21  June, 
1781  (vice  Wells),  30  June,  1785  (vice  Mayson)  and  1786. 
In  1773,  he  was  appointed  tutor  to  the  Hody  Exhibi- 
tioners for  two  years.  On  5  March,  1776,  he  brought 
a  charge  against  Mr  James  Willis,  ,-ff.  of  uttering  pro- 
phane  oaths.  His  Jf.  was  vacant  30  June,  1788,  in  con- 
sequence of  his  preferment.  Laudian  Professor  of  Arabic 
1774  to  1814.  On  13  Xov.  1776,  he  was  allowed  the 
use  of  the  Room  over  the  Buttery  to  read  lectures  as 
Arabic  Professor.  Bampton  Lecturer  1784.  Regius 
Professor  of  Hebrew  1802  to  1814.  Prebendary  of 
Gloucester,  21  June,  1788  to  1802.  Prebendary  of  Christ 
Church  (Oxford),  6th  Stall,  1  April,  1802. 

Preacher  at  Whitehall.     Rector  of  Melton,  Suffolk. 
He  was  the  author  of  numerous  works  on  Arabic,  Hebrew,  and 
Syriac  subjects  and  edited  a  Diatessaron  in  1800.    His  Bampton 
Lectures  were  the  subject   of   a   great   controversy  as  to  the 
assistance  which  he  had  received  from  Mr  Badcock  and  Mr 

120  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1765-66. 

Parr  ;   in  which  he  defended  himself   with  success  :   but  see 
Reminiscences  of  Oxford  (O.H.S.),  p.  148.     Died  22  May,  1814. 

(G.Mag.  1814,  I.  626.) 
His  portrait  is  among  the  pictures  in  Dr  Griffiths'  Collection. 

William  Taylor.  JE.  20  June,  1765  (fil.  Gulielmi  T.  de 
Preston,  Lancastr:  gen.  set.  17).  C.J&.  received  as  (ft. 
23  June,  1765,  restored  by  Bursar  Foster. 

Edward  Leslie.     JE.   29    June,   1765   (fil.  Jacob!  L.   de 
Limerick  in  Eegn:   Hibern :  Episcopi,   set.    18).     dLJtt. 
received  as  jF.ifl*.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christ- 
mas 1772.     Created  M.A.  19  April,  1769. 
Brother  of  II.  L.  (infra). 

Richard  Leslie.  Jtt.  29  June,  1765  (fil.  Jacob!  L.  de 
Limerick  in  Eegn:  Hibern:  Episcopi,  get.  16).  GT.Jtt. 
received  as  JF.(JT.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1772. 

Prebendary  of  Killeedy,  Limerick,  3  Oct.  1769.    Archdeacon  of 

Aghadoe,  4  Oct.  1769,  (  ?  if  so,  at  the  age  of  20). 

He  was  deprived  of  both  for  non-residence  in  1790.     (Cotton.) 


Hugh  Ellicombe.  JE.  5  Feb.  1766  (fil.  Richard!  E.  de 
Stoke  Canon,  Devon :  cler.  a-t.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as 
4T.  (H.  Middleton  E.)  29  Jan.  1766,  restored  16  March, 
1770.  B.A.  20  Feb.  1770. 

Brother  of  William  E.  1763. 

John  Prower.  JE.  20  Feb.  1766  (fil.  Robert!  P.  de  Stur- 
minster  Newton,  Dorcestr:  gen.  set.  18).  GT.JE.  received 
as  (JT.  18  Feb.  1766,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1774.  Admitted  £.  26  Sept.  1766  of  Dorset,  aged  18  : 
took  the  oath  8  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1767 
to  1771.  B.A.  17  Oct.  1769.  M.A.  23  June,  1772.  His 
j£.  was  vacant  by  resignation  30  June,  1771.  (JL|tt. 
replaced  as  M.A.  23  April,  1777,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1786. 

Vicar  of  Purton,  Wilts,  1771,  where  under  the  East  window 
(roiilanihiL:  tin1  Asrenskm)  is  1hc  following  inscription — "To 

1766.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  121 

the  Glory  of  God  and  in  memory  of  Rev.  John  Prower  M.A. 
died  November,  1827,  aged  80 ;  also  of  his  son,  Rev.  John 
Mervyn  Prower,  Honorary  Canon  of  Bristol,  died  April,  1869. 
They  were  Vicars  of  this  parish  successively  56  and  41  years." 
Father  of  John  M.  P.  1802,  and  grandfather  of  John  E.  M.  P. 

Richard  Dibben.  JE.  26  Feb.  1766  (fil.  Jacob!  D.  de  Font- 
mell,  Dorcestr :  cler.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (£.  same 

da}7,  restored  by  Bursar  Foster,  13  July, .     Admitted 

£j.  26  Sept.  1766  of  Dorset,  aged  18  :  took  the  oath  8  Oct. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1771.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1767  to  1773.  B.A.  17  Oct.  1769.  M.A.  16  July, 
1773.  Admitted  JF.  7  July,  1773  :  took  the  oath  13  July. 
Elected  Catechist  1773, 1774;  Bursar  1775.  His  Jf.  was 
vacant  30  June,  1780,  in  consequence  of  preferment. 

Rector  of  Fontmell,  Dorset,  20  Jan.  1779,  on  the  death  of  his 
brother  James  (see  1764)  buried  at  Fontmell  with  this  inscrip- 
tion— •"  In  this  chancel  lies  the  body  of  the  Rev.  Richard 
Dibben,  Rector  of  this  parish,  who  died  June,  1812,  aged  65 

The  male  line  of  the  Dibbens  of  Mansion  became  extinct  in 
him.  (Hutchins  III.  558.) 

Aaron  Baker.  |E.  7  March,  1766  (fil.  Aaronis  B.  de 
Alternon,  Cornub :  cler.  set.  15).  (JT.JE.  received  as  <JT. 
same  day  and  paid  to  his  account  10  Dec.  1766.  Became 
chorister  of  All  Souls,  1768,  and  afterwards  "put  on  a 
Civilian  Gown."  B.C.L.  (Aaron  Abraham  B.)  25  May, 
1796.  D.C.L.  27  May,  1796. 

John  Eveleigh.  |E.  15  May,  1766  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Winkley,  Devon :  cler.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
14  May,  1766,  restored  20  July,  1770.  Goodridge  Exhi- 
bitioner 1766.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1766.  Admitted 
Jg>.  25  Sept.  1767,  of  Devon,  aged  19:  took  the  oath 
6  Oct.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1767,  1769.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1767  to  1770.  B.A.  19  Jan.  1770. 
Migrated  to  Oriel  as  ,-ff.  30  March,  1770.  M.A.  25  Nov. 
1772.  B.D.  7  Nov.  1782.  D.D.  7  May,  1783.  Junior 
Treasurer  1772.  Senior  Treasurer  1773.  Dean  1775 
to  1781.  Vicar  of  St  Mary's  1778  to  1781.  Bumpton 

122  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1766. 

Lecturer  1792.  Elected  Provost  of  Oriel  5  Dec.  1781, 
which  carried  with  it  a  Canonry  of  Rochester;  Select 
Preacher  1804;  died  10  Dec.  1814. 

His  portrait  is  in  Dr  Griffiths'  Collection.     Brother  of  Thomas 
E.  1772. 

Samuel  Gatehouse.  JE.  28  May,  1766  (til.  Eoberti  G.  de 
Cheriton,  Somerset :  gen.  ret.  22).  C.JE.  received  as  <JT. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1771.  B.A. 
9  May,  1770. 

Francis  Watkins.  JE.  31  May,  1766  (til.  Richard!  W.  de 
Clifton  Campvill,  Stafford :  cler.  a?t.  18).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (£.  30  May,  1766,  restored  to  the  order  of  Charles 
Watkins  Meysey,  23  Dec.  1766. 

He   seems   to   have   died    young.     Brother   of    Charles   1761, 
Richard  1763,  and  John  1769,  all  sons  of  Richard  W.  1720. 

Robert  Harriett,  A.B.  JE.  3  July,  1766  (fil.  Gulielmi  H. 
de  Tralee  in  Regn.  Hibern :  gen.  ret.  20).  C.JE.  received 
as  (£.  same  day,  restored  1767,  incorporated  from 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  4  July,  1766. 

John  Fewtrell.  JE.  18  Oct.  1766  (fil.  Gulielmi  F.  de 
Broadway,  Somerset:  gen.  ret.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  6  Nov.  1771.  Admitted  g>.  25  Sept. 
1767  of 'Somerset,  aged  19:  took  the  oath  6  Oct.  B.A. 
6  July,  1770. 

At  Broadway  he  was  buried  26  July,  1819,  aged  71  and  there 

is  the  following  monument. 

"  Near  this  monument  in  the  vault  of  his  ancestors  lies  the  body 

of  the  Rev.  John  Fewtrell  A.B.  who  was  many  years  Rector 

of  this  parish,  and  of  Stocklinch  Ottersey  and  Vicar  of  Isle 

Abbotts,  who  departed  this  life  on  15th  day  of  July,  1819,  in 

the  70th  year  of  his  age." 

"  '  Blessed  are  the  dead  which  die  in  the  Lord.     Even  so,  saith 

the  Spirit,  for  they  rest  from  their  labours.'  " 

Robert  William  Blake.  JE.  12  Dec.  1766  (fil.  —  de  Insula 
Cresariensi :  arm.  ret.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  (fT.  same 

1766-67.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  123 

day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1770.  Admitted 
£.  26  Sept.  1767  of  Hants,  aged  19  :  took  the  oath  6  Oct. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1767 :  which  he  forfeited 
1769.  His  JJi.  was  vacant  by  resignation  30  June,  1770. 


Thomas  Gwyllym.  JE.  14  March,  1767  (fil.  Thomae  G. 
de  Stroud,  Gloucestr :  arm.  set.  25).  C.JE.  received  as 
JF.<£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1767. 

Demetrius  James.  fE.  11  April,  1767  (fil.  Gulielmi  J.  de 
Ightham,  Cant :  cler.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
10  April,  1767  :  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1772  : 
replaced  15  July,  1775.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  ?  1770. 
Admitted  £.  26  Sept.  1767  of  Kent,  aged  18 :  took  the 
oath  6  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1767  to  1769. 
His  JJ.  was  vacant  by  resignation  30  June,  1770. 

Rector  of  Ightham,  Kent,  1773,  where  he  was  buried  28  Feb. 
1781,  aged  31  years. 

Kedgwin  Hoskins.  JE.  21  May,  1767  (fil.  Kedgwin  H.  de 
Clowerwall,  Gloucestr :  gen.  set.  21).  (JT.Jtt.  received  as 
,-fF.(!T.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 

The  Kedgwins  are  of  Clearwall  in  Xewland,  but  the  Hoskins 
are  of  St  Briavell's  Glouc.  where  two  of  this  name  were  buried 
in  1743,  and  1764.  Probably  K.  H.  of  Newland,  Glouc. 


George  Fender  Scobell.  JE.  (Schobell)  25  May,  1767 
(fil.  Georgii  S.  de  Helstone,  Cornub  :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE. 
received  as  (ft.  same  clay  :  restored  23  March,  1774.  Ad- 
mitted *.  25  Sept.  1767  of  Cornwall,  aged  18:  took  the 
oath  6  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1768  to  1772. 
B.A.  5  Eeb.  1771. 

Vicar  of  Sancreed,  Corn,  (with  St  Just)  1773  to  1811.  Buried 
at  SancivoMl  18  Nov.  1811. 

124  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1767. 

John  Bradford.  |^.  25  June,  1767  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Civ.  Hereford :  pleb.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  <JL 

24  June,    1767 :    restored    Christmas    1777 :    replaced 
4   June,    1779:   restored   29  Jan.   1782.     Admitted  g>. 

25  Sept.  1767  of  Hereford,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  6  Oct. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1768  and  1770.    Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1769  to  1775.     B.A.  12  April,  1771. 

Born  in  1750  :  educated  at  Hereford  Gr.  School.  After  taking 
orders  in  the  Church  of  England,  he  appears  from  certain 
published  Sermons  to  have  become  a  Baptist  minister.  In 
1786  he  was  condemned  as  an  Antinomian  :  but  continued  to 
minister  in  Orange  St.  Chapel,  Leicester  Fields,  (1791),  and  the 
City  Chapel,  Grubb  St  (1797,  1799,  and  1802).  Died  16  July, 
1805,  and  was  buried  in  Bunhill  Fields.  He  annotated  an 
Edition  of  Bunyan's  Pilgrim's  Progress  1792.  (Diet,  of  Nat.  Biog.) 

Theophilus  Prosser.  |E.  18  July,  1767  (fil.  Thomae  P.  de 
Dorston,  Hereford :  cler.  set.  20).  (JI.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  13  l)ec.  1771.  Admitted 
Clerk  1  March,  1768  of  Hereford,  aged  21 :  took  the 
oath  13  April.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1768,  1769.  His 
Clerkship  was  vacant  28  March,  1769. 

Edward  Aubery.  |E.  28  Oct.  1767  (fil.  Edmundi  A.  de 
Westmonast :  Doctoris,  set.  16).  (H.|E.  received  as  ({£. 
same  day,  increased  11  Oct.  1770  :  it  was  not  exhausted 
at  Mich.  1776,  when  the  account  ends.  B.A.  18  June, 
1771.  In  the  Hody  accounts  it  is  stated  that  they  were 
forwarded  to  the  Visitor  the  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells 
(William  Peirce)  "by  Mr  Aubery  his  grandson,"  on 
1  Aug.  1768. 

"  Died  2  Sept.  1786,  at  West  Camel,  co.  Somerset,  Rev.  Edward 
Aubery,  Rector."  (G.  Mag.  56,  IL  812.) 

Middleton  Howard.  |tt.  1  Dec,  1767  (fil.  Henrici  H.  de 
Civ.  Londin :  arm.  set,  20).  ®.|E.  received  as  (£. 
30  Nov.  1767:  increased  to  JfM.  5  Feb.  1768,  taken 
up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1774.  Obtained  the  Univer- 
sity Pri/e  for  an  English  Poem  (The  Conquest  of  Quebec) 
1 768. 

1767-68.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  125 

Henry  Hughes.  |E.  17  Dec.  1767  (fil.  Richard!  H.  de 
Llanfihangel-y-Pennant,  Carnarvon :  pleb.  aet.  20).  C.J&. 
received  as  Servitor,  same  day,  restored  6  March,  1772. 
Admitted  Clerk  same  day,  of  Carnarvon,  aged  20 :  took 
the  oath  15  April,  1768.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1768, 
1769.  B.A.  18  June,  1771.  His  Clerkship  was  vacant 
3  July,  1770. 

Probably  although  the  age  is  a  little  wrong  he  is  the  same  as 
"  Rev.  Henry  Hughes,  Rector  of  Llangefin,  and  Llanfaethlu  in 
Anglesea  :  died  20  April,  1828,  aged  85  :  having  been  Rector 
50  years."  (G.  Mag.  1828.) 

Richard  Reece.  Admitted  Clerk  31  March,  1767,  of 
Hereford,  aged  20  :  took  the  oath  28  April.  He  entered 
Christ  Church  as  Servitor  14  June,  1766.  |E.  (Christ 
Church)  18  June,  1766  (fil.  Gulielmi  R.  de  Sti  Petri, 
Hereford:  pleb.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor, 
30  March,  1767,  restored  17  Oct.  1767.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1767.  His  Clerkship  was  filled  up  1  March, 

1768.  He  entered  Queen's  from  St  Mary  Hall  29  Oct. 

1769.  B.A.  15  June,  1770. 


Thomas  Birt.  |tt.  4  Feb.  1768  (fil.  Jacob!  B.  de  Newland, 
Gloucestr:  cler.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1774.  Admitted  *>. 
23  Sept.  1768  of  Gloucester,  aged  18:  took  the  oath 
5  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1769  to  1775.  B.A. 
31  Oct.  1771.  M.A.  23  Feb.  1776.  Elected  $.,-fF. 
30  June,  1774.  Admitted  Jp.  7  July,  1775 :  took  the 
oath  27  March,  1776.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1774:  Mode- 
rator of  Philosophy  1775 ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1776 ; 
Catechist  1777 ;  Deputy  Librarian  (for  Stubbs)  1777 ; 
Librarian  (vice  Williams  who  continued  to  act  as  his 
deputy)  3  March,  1779.  His  Jf.  was  vacant  by  marriage 
30  June,  1780. 

Probably   T.  B.   Curate   of   Breame,    in   Xewland,  Gloucester. 


126  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1768. 

Francis  John  Kelly.  JE.  26  March,  1768  (fil.  Arthur! 
Kelly  de  Kelly,  Devon:  arm.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received 
as  <£.  21  March,  1768,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 

Subsequently  Ensign  in  the  Royal  Irish  Regiment,  28  Feb. 
1772.  Lieutenant  9  Oct.  1775.  Captain  14  July,  1780,  retired 
23  June,  1791. 

Henry  Davies.  JE.  26  March,  1768  (fil.  Davis  D.  de 
Llandyryn,  Merioneth :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1772.  Admitted  Clerk  3  July,  1770  of  Merioneth,  aged 
19.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1768,  1769.  His  Clerkship 
was  vacant  21  June,  1771. 

Possibly  of  Llanenddwyn  or  Llanclwywan :  there  is  no 
Llandyryn  in  Merioneth. 

Thomas  Horner  Pearson.  JE.  27  April,  1768  (fil. 
Eoberti  P.  de  Crewkerne,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  16).  dLJE. 
received  as  (it.  21  April,  1768,  restored  17  May,  1776. 

Admitted  *.  7  Oct.  1768  of  Somerset,  aged  17 :  took  the 
oath  4  Oct.  1769.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  (vacant  1770). 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1770  to  1774.  '  B.A.  29  Feb. 
1772.  M.A.  17  May,  1776.  He  resigned  his  £.  30  June, 

Evidently  grandson  of  John  Horner  (of  Mells)  through  his 
daughter  Edith,  who  married  R.  P.  clerk.  Vicar  of  Queen's 
Camel  1785.  Rector  of  Podimore  Milton,  23  March,  1776,  till 
he  died,  13  May,  1832. 

William  Rodbard.  JE.  10  May,  1768  (fil.  Gulielmi  R  de 
Norton,  Somerset:  arm.  set.  27).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  8  July,  1769. 

John  Clothier.  JE.  19  May,  1768  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de 
Ilchester,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  17).  &.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  16  May,  1768,  restored  Midsummer  1769.  Elected  £. 
30  June,  1768:  but  his  vacancy  was  filled  up  30  June, 
1769,  when  it  is  noted  that  he  was  "  never  admitted." 
B.A.  (St  Mary's  Hall)  3  March,  1772.  M.A.  17  Dec. 

1768-69.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  127 

David  Jenkins,  p.  19  May,  1768  (fil.  Griffin  J.  de 
Penbrin,  Cardigan:  gen.  set.  18).  <£.f&.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1772. 
Admitted  Clerk  28  April,  1769,  of  Cardigan,  aged  19 : 
took  the  oath  6  June.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1768, 
1769,  1770.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1772.  His  Clerkship  was 
vacant  27  Sept.  1771. 

"Rector  of  Llaiilwcliairn,    Cardigan   1777,   till  his   death   in 
1836."  (F.) 

Charles  Smyth.  J&.  31  Oct.  1768  (fil.  Johannis  S.  de 
Lawford,  Essex :  cler.  set.  16).  C.|E.  received  as  <£. 
(Smith)  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christinas  1774. 
Admitted  £.  29  Sept.  1769  (Smith)  of  Essex,  aged  17: 
took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1770 
to  1775.  He  was  convened  and  deprived  of  Commons 
for  a  week  30  Aug.  1771.  B.A.  17  June,  1772.  M.A. 
15  July,  1775.  Elected  $.,#.  30  June,  1774.  Admitted 
JF.  7  July,  1775.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1775 ;  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1776.  His  Jf.  wras  vacant  by  marriage, 
30  Jan.  1779. 

Thomas  Broughton.  JE.  11  Nov.  1768  (fil.  Thomse  B.  de 
Eadclifie  in  Civ.  Bristol,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  18).  (£.|E. 
received  as  (JT.  10  Nov.  1768,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1776.  Admitted  ££.  29  Sept.  1769  of  Somer- 
set, aged  18 :  took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Maddox  Exhi- 
bitioner 1770.  B.A.  17  June,  1772.  M.A.  17  May, 
1776.  His  £.  \vas  vacant  by  resignation  30  June,  1774. 

Thomas  Newnam.  (£.|E.  received  as  OT,  15  Oct.  1768, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1773.  |E.  (Christ 
Church)  16  March,  1768  (fil.  Samuelis  K  de  Bristol  : 
gen.  set.  20.)  as  (£. 


John  Watkins.     Jft.   14  Jan.    1769  (fil.  Richard!  W.   de 
Clifton  Campville,  Stafford  :  cler.  a^t.  18).    (£.Jft.  received 

128  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1769. 

as  <E.  same  day:  restored  6  Feb.  1777.     B.C.L.  4  Feb. 

Succeeded  his  father  as  Rector  of  Clifton  Campville,  1776  : 
died  19  May,  1833,  aged  85.  Brother  of  Charles,  1761,  Richard, 
1763,  and  Francis,  1766,  and  son  of  Richard  W.  1720. 

Charles  Mayson  (J).  |tt.  5  April,  1769  (fil.  Petri  M.  de 
Frome,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  16).  GT.Jtt.  received  as  <£. 
same  day,  restored  27  Nov.  1778,  replaced  25  May, 
1786:  the  account  was  finally  closed  Midsummer  1814. 
Admitted  £.  29  Sept.  1769  of  Somerset,  aged  16: 
took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1771. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1771  to  1774.  B.A.  1  Feb. 
1773.  M.A.  17  July,  1777.  B.D.  21  May,  1784.  D.D. 
28  June,  1793.  Elected  $.jf.  30  June,  1776.  Admitted 
,-fF.  9  July,  1777:  took  the  oath  29  March,  1778. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1776;  Humanity  Lecturer  1777, 
1778,  1779;  Bursar  1780;  Sub-Warden  1781,  and 
annually  till  he  resigned  the  office  and  his  jf.  on  mar- 
riage 24  June,  1785. 

His  name  appears  first  in  the  Register  of  Commoners  when  it 
was  resumed  in  1810,  by  Warden  Tournay.  On  11  May,  1778, 
two  pictures  of  the  Founder  and  Foundress,  were  purchased  of 
him  "  to  be  placed  in  the  Warden's  Lodgings  for  the  present." 
Rector  of  Lezant,  Cornwall,  (30  July  1784  to  1815)  where  he 
was  buried  20  Jan.  1815.  There  is  a  monument  with  the 
following  epitaph, — 

In  memory  of 

The  Reverend  Charles  Mayson,  D.D. 

Son  of  the  Reverend  Peter  Mayson,  M.A. 

Whom  he  succeeded  in  the  Rectory  of  Lezant, 

July  31,  1784. 

Born  at  Frome  in  Somersetshire 
he  there,  under  the  instruction  of  his  Father, 

an  able  and  judicious  Master, 
laid  the  foundation  of  those  attainments 

which  he  cultivated  and  exercised 
as  Fellow  and  Tutor  of  Wadham  College  in  Oxford. 

Note —  (T).  Names  thus  marked  occur  in  Warden  Tournay's  Registers, 
in  which  he  appears  to  have  entered  all  the  names  which  were  on 
the  Books  in  1810. 

1769.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  129 

In  after  life, 

lie  was  distinguished  as  a  Magistrate,  by 
an  acute  and  vigorous  understanding, 

a  steadfast  Loyalty, 
an  inflexible  love  of  justice, 

and  an  ardent  desire  of  promoting  the  public  good. 

As  a  Neighbour,  a  Master,  a  Husband,  and  a  Friend, 

he  was  hospitable,  kind,  affectionate,  and  sincere. 

As  Minister  of  this  Parish, 

he  zealously  preached, 

what  he  firmly  believed  and  diligently  practised, 

the  pure  Doctrines  and  Precepts  of  the  Gospel. 

Having  endured  a  long  and  painful  illness, 

with  Christian  Resignation  and  Hope, 
he  died  on  the  14th  day  of  January,  1815, 

in  the  63rd  year  of  his  age. 

Arms. — Or,  a  lion  rampant  guardant :  Crest — A  demi-lion  ram- 
pant holding  a  wreath. 

One  of  the  Chalices  belonging  to  Lezant  has  this  inscrip- 

"Le/ant,  Cornwall,  1793, 

Ex  dono  Caroli  Mayson  S.  T.  P. 

Hujus  Ecclesise  Rectoris." 

Henry  Rawlins.  Jtt.  11  May,  1769  (fil.  Henrici  K.  de 
Wedmoor,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  20).  (!LJE.  received  as 
<2L  8  May  1769,  restored  21  Oct.  1775.  B.A.  1  Feb. 


Baptised  at  Wedmore,  27  Aug.  1747.  Rector  of  Staplegrove  : 
he  lived  at  Martock  and  died  1S10.  He  bestowed  upon  the 
Church  at  Wedmore  a  library  of  125  volumes,  about  the  year 
1792,  but  most  of  the  books  contain  the  name  of  William 
Andrews  who  was  living  in  1748,  and  has  a  monument  (erected 
in  his  lifetime)  in  Wedmore  Church. 

Henry  Lomas.  JE.  17  Oct.  '  1769  (fil.  Thomse  L.  de 
Gluton,  Derb :  pleb.  aet.  21).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
same  day,  finally  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1782. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1770,  1771,  1772.  Admitted 
Clerk  21  June,  1771  of  Derbyshire,  aged  23:  took  the 


130  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1769-70. 

oath    16    Oct.     Hody   (Hebrew)    Exhibitioner    1772    to 
1777.     B.A.  9  June,  1778. 


Joseph  Webbe.  JE.  17  Feb.  1770  (til.  Georgii  W.  in 
Insula  Nevis  in  Inch's :  arm.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as 
-fF.OL  16  Feb.  1770,  restored  27  April,  1774.  Created 
M.A.  8  July,  1773. 

William  Speare.  JE.  3  March,  1770  (fil.  Gulielmi  S.  de 
Sti  Edniundi  in  Civ.  Exon  :  gen.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (£.  2  March,  1770,  finally  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1785.  Admitted  £5.  28  Sept.  1770  of  Exeter, 
aged  1 9 :  took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1771  to  1772.  B.A.  15  Feb.  1774.  M.A.  10  July, 
1784.  B.D.  and  D.D.  18  Feb.  1800. 

Prebendary  of  Exeter,  30  Nov.    1810,  died  25  March,  1812. 
His  name  appears  as  Speares  in  G.  May. 

Charles  D'Oyley.  JE.  3  April,  1770  (til.  Caroli  D'O.  de 
Civ.  Londin:  gen.  set.  19).  (JLJE.  received  as  (£. 
5  April,  1770,  restored  25  July,  1777.  Admitted  «.. 
28  Sept.  1770  of  London,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  4  Oct. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1772  to  177G.  B.A.  30  Oct. 
1773.  He  resigned  his  £.  29  June,  1776. 

John  Roberson.  JE.  8  May,  1770  (fil.  Thomas  E.  de  Civ. 
Oxoii :  pleb.  a>t.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as  <£.  4  May,  1770 
(Robertson),  restored  10  July,  1770,  when  he  signs 
"  lloberson."  Admitted  Servitor  of  Christ  Church  (as 
Robertson),  G  July,  1770.  B.A.  18  June,  1774.  M.A. 
4  Nov.  1779.  Admitted  Chaplain  of  Magdalen  1780, 
resigned  4  January  1787.  (Bloxani  II.  177.) 

John  Templeman.  JE.  31  May,  1770  (fil.  Thoma>  T.  do 
Merriott,  Somerset:  gen.  a-t.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (!T. 
28  May,  1770:  restored  by  Bursar  Litchfield.  15. A. 
12  Feb.  1774:  lie  was  subsequently  incorporated  at 

1770.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  131 

King's    College,    Cambridge,    and    graduated    M.A.    in 

"At  Lopen  near  Crewkerne,  Somerset  died,  20  April,  1835,  Rev. 
J.  T.  Rector  of  Crickett  St  Thomas,  aged  85.  He  was  of  King's 
Coll :  Camb.  M.A.  1792."  (G.  Mag.  105,  II.  554.) 

Edward  Whitley.  JE.  31  May,  1770  (fil.  Edvardi  W.  de 
Merriott,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  17).  &.JE.  received  as  (£. 
28  May,  1770,  restored  8  May,  1778.  Admitted  &. 
27  Sept.  1771  of  Somerset,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
16  Oct.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1772  to  1778. 
B.A.  12  Feb.  1774.  M.A  16  June,  1779.  B.D.  29  April, 
1789:  having  been  Proctor  1788.  Elected  ^.Jf. 
30  June,  1777.  Admitted  Jf.  7  July,  1778.  Elected 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1777;  Bursar  1784,  1786. 
Sub-Warden  1785,  1788  ;  Deputy  Librarian  1788 ;  Lib- 
rarian 1789,  1790,  1791,  1794,  1795,  (in  all  these  years, 
Williams  was  his  deputy)  1797  (Davis  deputy) ;  Bursar 
(vice  Trollope  married)  20  Sept.  1793 ;  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  (vice  Rogers)  in  1797.  His  ,-ff.  expired 
30  June,  1800. 

Vicar  of  Stoke  under  Hamdeii.  Vicar  of  Merriott.  Rector  of 
Stowey,  Somerset,  1799  to  1823.  Son  of  Edward  W.  17|§  on 
whose  monument  in  Merriott  Church  is  added  "  In  the  Chancel 
at  Stowey  are  deposited  the  remains  of  the  Rev.  Edward 
Whitley,  B.D.  23  years  the  exemplary  Rector  of  that  parish  ; 
died  Nov.  6,  1823,  aged  73."  In  the  Chancel  at  Stowey  on  the 
stone  over  the  vault  is  an  inscription  with  the  following  line 
"  He  lived  to  live." 

Hanway  Balack.  |E.  27  July,  1770  (fil.  Thorns  B.  de 
Civ.  Londin :  arm.  aet.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  Jf.(!T. 
same  day,  restored  24  July,  1773. 

Richard  Owen.  pi.  3  Nov.  1770  (fil.  Thorn*  0.  de 
Llanganfalin,  Cardigan :  cler.  set.  20).  C.|E.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  13  June,  1771. 

James  Willis.  JK.  15  Nov.  1770  (fil.  Bichardi  W.  de 
Holebord,  Hampton :  cler.  a*t.  17).  £•!&.  received  as 
(£.  16  Nov.  1770,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1786. 


B.C.L.  10  Feb.  1786.  On  5  March,  1776,  he  was  com- 
plained of  by  Mr  White,  Fellow,  "  for  uttering  prophane 

Holebord,  possibly  Holy  bourne  in  Hants. 

William  Brooks.  Admitted  £.  28  Sept.  1770  of  Warwick 
aged  18 :  took  the  oath  4  Oct.  C.JE.  received  as  <JL 
19  June,  1770,  restored  Midsummer  1771.  JE.  (St 
John's)  23  Nov.  1769  (fil.  Samuelis  B.  de  Coventry, 
Warwic :  cler.  ret.  17).  He  appears  to  have  returned  to 
St  John's  where  he  was  admitted  jo«  from  Coventry 
School  1  July,  1771,  and  -p.  27  June,  1774  B.A. 
28  April,  1775.  M.A.  14  June,  1779.  B.D.  6  May, 
1784.  On  17  May,  1797,  he  was  presented  to  the 
College  Kectory  of  East  Farnden,  Northants,  which  was 
filled  up  on  his  death  12  Nov.  1833. 

Edward  Lambert.     C.JE.    received   as  Jf.tft.    3  August, 

1770;    finally   taken   up   for    Battels  Christinas,    1774. 
Edward  L.  Demy  of  Magdalen  1767  to  1770.    J&.  (Magd.) 

28  July,  1767  son  of  Edward  L.  of  Steeple  Langford, 
Wilts.  Arm,  aged  18. 

Rector  of  Fresliford,  Somerset.  (Bloxam  VI.  349.) 
"Died  17  March,  1818."  (F.) 


Charles  Sweet,     JH.    8   March,  1771    (fil.  Georgii   S.   de 

Bradninch,    Devon :    gen.    set.  17).     (JT.JH.    received    as 

Or.    7   March,    1771,   restored  20    March,    1775.      B.A. 
14  March,  1775. 

Rector  of  Kentesbury,  Devon,  where  on  a  marble  slab  (after  a 
long  account  of  his  wife)  comes  the  following  epitaph, — 
"And  in  like  Hope,  on  this  true  Spiritual  Rock 

Of  Ages,  rests  the  Shepherd  of  his  flock. 

Through  a  long  course  within  this  hallowed  place 

He  preached  the  mercies  of  Redeeming  Grace 

[1771.  WARDEN     WYNDHAM. 

The  Love,  the  Merits  of  Christ  Crucified 
And  in  the  Faith  he  taught  both  lived  and  died. 

That  Life  all  Social  Charities  did  blend 

Of  Son,  of  Brother,  Husband,  Father,  Friend  : 

Of  these  may  God's  approving  sentence  tell. 

We  sigh,  as  all  may  sigh,  Brother — Farewell. 

The  Rev.  Charles  Sweet 

Died  on  the  27th  of  July,  1833, 

Having  been  Fifty-seven  years 

The  Pious  Rector  of  this  Parish 

In  the  82nd  year 

Of  his  age. 

John  Harvey.  Jtt.  12  March,  1771  (til.  Thomse  H.  de 
Cauldon,  Stafford :  arm.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  8  July,  1778.  Admitted  £.27  Sept. 
1771  of  Stafford,  aged  17:  took  the  oath  16  Oct.  Mad- 
dox  Exhibitioner  1772  to  1774.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1775  to  1779.  B.A.  11  Nov.  1774.  M.A.  8  July, 
1780.  Elected  ty.Jf.  30  June,  1777.  Admitted  ,-jf. 
7  July,  1778:  took  the  oatli  6  July,  1780.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1777-  Catechist  1778,  1779.  His  JF.  was 
vacant  by  marriage  28  June,  1784. 

Andrew  Shirley.  |ft.  19  March,  1771  (fil.  Johaimis  S.  de 
Bagbea  i.e.  Bagbere,  Dorcestr:  gen.  set,.  18).  CT.|^l. 
received  as  (JT.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1782.  B.A.  11  Nov.  1774. 

The  Shirley s  were  long  seated  at  Bagbere  in  Sturminster 
Newton,  and  acquired  a  considerable  estate  in  those  parts : 
this  Andrew  was  son  and  heir  of  John  S.  :  the  estate  was 
purchased  by  the  Grosvenors.  (Hutchins  IV.  340.) 

George  Longden.  JE.  29  April,  1771  (fil.  Eoberti  L.  de 
"VVormhill,  Derb:  gen.  set.  17).  (JT.Jtt.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  8  March,  1777.  Admitted  j£.  27  Sept. 
1771  of  Derbyshire,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  16  Oct. 
B.A.  17  Eeb.  1775,  and  on  the  6  April  following  he  was 
deprived  of  his  £.  for  taking  his  B.A.  "  without  the 
Warden's  leave,  and  contrary  to  his  express  order." 

Wormhill  is  a  chapelry  in  the  parish  of  Tideswell. 

134  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1771-72. 

Robert  Still.  JE.  31  May,  1771  (fil.  Nathaniel  S.  de 
Salisbury,  Hampton :  (sic.)  gen.  ret.  17).  <£.Jlfl.  received 
as  (JT.  same  day,  restored  17  July,  1779.  B.C.L.  17  June, 


John  Chichester.  |H.  31  May,  1771  (fil.  Henrici  C.  de 
Northover,  Somerset:  arm.  set.  18).  (H.jE.  received  as 
(£.  (John  Hody  C.)  same  day,  restored  26  March,  1776. 
B.A.  28  April,  1775. 

"  Died  6  May,  1834,  at  Stoke  House,  Shepton  Mallet  J.  H.  C. 
aged  82."  (G.  Mag.  104,  II.  220.) 

Samuel  Causer.  JE.  10  Oct.  1771  (fil.  Thomas  C.  de 
Eyton,  Salop:  pleb.  set.  19).  C.JK.  received  as  Servitor, 
27  Sept.  1771  restored,  30  May,  1772,  replaced  as  (ft. 
1772,  restored  after  his  death,  to  his  father,  29  Nov. 
1775.  Admitted  Clerk  27  Sept.  1771,  of  Salop, 
aged  19.  His  Clerkship  was  vacant  23  May,  1772. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1774. 

StiUingfleet  Durnford.  JE.  11  Dec.  1771  (fil.  Thomse  D. 
de  Harting,  Sussex:  Doctoris,  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (ST.  same  day :  account  closed  Midsummer  1783. 

Apparently  son  of  Tli.  D.  1733,  and  brother  of  Th.  D.  1761. 


Francis  Rufford.     |E.  21  Jan.  1772  (fil.  Philippi  It.  de  Civ. 
Vigorn:  gen.   get.    16).     &.JE.    received    as   <JT.   23   Jan. 

1772  restored  8  July,  1778.  Admitted  £.  25  Sept. 
1772,  of  Worcester,  aged  17 :  took  the  oath  7  Oct. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner,  1773  to  1778.  B.A.  20  Oct. 
1775.  M.A.  26  April,  1781.  Elected  ^.,-fF.  30  June, 
1777.  Admitted  ,-ff.  7  July,  1778.  Elected  Moderator 
of  Philosophy,  1778;  Bursar  1781,  1782,  and  (vice 
Litchfield)  28  June,  1784.  His  jf.  was  vacant  by 
marriage  30  June,  1785. 

IIcHor  of  Kimvarton,  Warwick,  1787,  J.  P.  :  died  22  Jan.  1833, 

1772.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  135 

John  Yeomans  (J).  JE.  21  Jan.  1772  (fil.  Sampson  Y. 
de  Henbmy,  Gloucestr:  gen.  set.  15).  <£.JE.  received  as 
dt.  same  day,  restored  7  July,  1779,  replaced  25  Jan. 
1812 :  account  ends  Christmas,  1821.  Admitted  5j. 
25  Sept.  1772,  of  Gloucester,  aged  16 :  took  the  oath 
20  July,  1773.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1776.  B.A. 
20  Oct.  1775.  M.A.  11  July,  1781.  B.D.  20  March, 
1792.  D.D.  22  March,  1792.  Elected  $.JF.  30  June, 
1778.  Admitted  JF,  8  July,  1779.  Elected  Sub-Dean 
1778 ;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1779 ;  Librarian  1780, 
(Williams  deputy) :  again  1782  (vice  Williams) ;  Human- 
ity Lecturer  1782 ;  Bursar  1783,  1784,  1785,  and  1788  to 
1791;  Catechist  1786;  Deputy  Librarian  1786;  Sub- 
Warden  1787.  The  Bursarship  was  vacated  7  April, 
1792,  by  marriage. 

Chaplain  to  the  2nd  Troop  of  Horse  Grenadier  Guards,  18  Nov. 
1784.  The  Regiment  disappears  from  the  Army  List  in  1788. 
Rector  of  Whtchford,  Warwick,  1792.  Rector  of  Hornton  and 
Horley,  Oxon  :  1811  ;  he  died  27  June,  1823,  at  Whichford, 
aged  67. 

George  Abney.  JE.  23  Jan.  1772  (fil.  Gulielmi  A.  de 
Tamworth,  Warwic:  arm.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as 
JF.(£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1772. 

Died  s.  p.  (Nichols,  Leicester  III.  1032.) 

John  Miller.  |E.  9  March,  1772  (fil.  Henrici  M.  de  Civ. 
Londiii :  gen.  set.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  (JT.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Chamber  Rent,  March,  1775. 

John  Ellis,  pi.  8  April,  1772  (fil.  Edvardi  E.  de  Turgess, 
Hampton  :  gen.  set.  18).  (JT.|E.  received  as  (fl*.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1779.  B.A.  16  Eeb. 

John  Wood.  |E.  16  May,  1772  (fil.  Basilii  W.  de  Civ. 
Bristol,  gen.  set.  18).  CJtt.  received  as  <£.  12  May, 

1771,  restored  27  June,  1779.     B.A.  20  Eeb.  1776. 

Charles  Davenport.     fit.  21  May,  1772  (fil.  Gulielmi  D. 

136  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1772. 

de  Beading,  Bercher:  gen.   set.    18).     (tf.ftt.  received  as 
<JL  same  day,  paid  over  to  his  Executor  3  Dec.  1777. 

William  Melhuish.  Jtt.  30  May,  1772  (fil.  Thomse  M.  de 
Poughill,  Devon:  gen.  set.  19).  C.jE.  received  as  (JO*. 

28  May,   1772,  restored   11  July,   1780.     Admitted  <&. 
25  Sept.  1772  of  Devon,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  6  Oct. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1774  to  1780.     B.A.  9  Feb. 
1776.     M.A.    7   July,    1781.     Elected   ^.jf.    30   June, 
1779.     Admitted  jf.  4  July,  1780.     Elected  Librarian 
1779.     He  resigned  his  ,-fF.   30  June,  1801.     From  an 
entry  under  date  15  April,  1814:  it  would  appear  that 
he  was  deranged — his  case  being  cited  as  a  precedent  for 
refusing  a  share  of  the  Easter  Fines  to  a  Fellow  absent 
through  illness.     From   1807  to   1821,  he  received  Dr 
Wills  benefaction  of   £50  to  a  superannuated  Fellow, 
except  in  the  year  1809,  when  he  received  the  higher 
benefaction  of  £75. 

Thomas  Eveleigh.  JE.  4  June,  1772  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Winkley,  Devon:  cler.  set.  16).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (JL 
1  June/^1772,  paid  over  to  his  brother  John  (1766)  of 
Oriel  7 'June,  1776.  Admitted  g>.  25  Sept.  1772  of 
Devon,  aged  17 :  took  the  oath  6  Oct.  B.A.  1  March, 

Paul  Methuen  Leir.  JE.  25  June,  1772  (fil.  Thomse  L.  de 
Ditcheat,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  — ).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (j£. 
same  day,  restored  26  June,  1777. 

Esquire,  landholder,  of  Cliarlton  Musgrove.  (Plielp  I.  212.) 
Brother  of  Thomas  L.  1756,  and  William  L.  1757,  and  son  of 
Thomas  L.  17J§. 

Thomas  Bisse.  JE.  1  July,  1772  (fil.  Thomse  B.  de  Civ. 
Londin :  gen.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  <&.  (Bysse) 

29  June,   1772,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1783. 
B.A.  19  April,  1776.     M.A.  22  May,  1783. 

Joseph  Morris.  JE.  14  July,  1772  (fil.  Josephi  M.  de 
Claverley,  Stafford  ?  Salop":  gen.  aet.  19).  CT.JE.  re- 
ceived as  (ft.  same  day:  paid  to  the  Bursars  for  Battels 

1772.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  137 

&c.  by  Decree  of  the  Vice  Chancellor's  Court,  10  July, 
1777.     B.A.  7  March,  1777. 

"Died  19  July,  1837,  at  Bridgenorth,  Rev.  J.  M.  for  nearly 
sixty  years  Eector  of  Tasley,  Salop,  aged  84." 

(G.  Mag.  107,  II.  322.) 

He  was  buried  in  the  Churchyard  at  Tasley,  23  July,  1837, 
aged  85  years  (sic)  :  but  there  is  no  trace  of  a  monument. 

John  Golightly.  JE.  19  Aug.  1772  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de 
Eling,  Hanton  (sic)  but  ?  Elingham,  Hampton :  arm.  set. 
26).  (ZLJtt.  received  as  Jf.<£t.  same  day,  restored  4  Oct. 
1775.  B.A.  (Trinity)  23  Oct.  1776.  M.A.  10  July,  1781. 

Henry  Albert  Schultens.  Jtt.  27  Oct.  1772  (fil.  Johannis 
Jacobi  S.  de  Leyden,  Hollandise:  Doctoris,  set.  23). 
<E.|tt.  received  as  JfM.  16  Oct.  1772,  restored  14  May, 
1773.  M.A.  by  Diploma,  4  May,  1773. 

William  Hill.  JE.  18  Nov.  1772  (fil.  Joseph!  H.  de  Sher- 
burne,  Dorcestr  :  cler.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  ©.  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1781.  B.A.  9  July, 
1777.  M.A.  8  July,  1780. 

John  Trist.  JE.  25  Nov.  1772  (fil.  Johannis  T.  de 
Sti  Steven,  Cornub :  cler.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£. 
17  Nov.  1772,  restored  7  Oct.  1773.  £.  of  Worces- 
ter College  1773  to  1776.  B.A.  25  June,  1776.  Subse- 
quently Jf . 

"  Chaplain   of   H.M.S.    Monmouth :  died    at   Cape   de   Verde 
Islands  1781."     (F.) 
Brother  of  Jeremiah  T.  1773. 

George  Marshall.  JE.  5  Dec.  1772  (fil.  Georgii  M.  de 
Bishops  Waltham,  Hampton :  gen.  set.  19).  (JT.JE. 
received  as  (£.  same  day,  restored  5  July,  1777. 

In  Horsham  Church,  Sussex,  is  a  mural  monument  to  the 
memory  of  the  Eev.  G.  M.  "For  thirty-five  years  officiating 
minister  of  this  parish,  ob.  Oct.  7,  1819,  set.  67."  The  Vicars 
of  Horsham  during  this  period  were  Francis  Adkins  and 
William  Jameson. 
Father  of  George  M.  1803. 

138  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1772. 

William  Williams.  Admitted  Clerk  23  May,  1772  of 
Merioneth,  aged  20.  (SLJUl.  received  as  Servitor  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1775.  Jtt.  (Jesus) 
19  March,  1771  (fil.  Thomas  W.  de  Dolgelly,  Merioneth : 
pleb.  set.  19).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1772,  1773,  1774. 
B.A.  9  Dec.  1774.  His  Clerkship  was  vacant  29  Oct. 

He  married  Jennet  Vychaii  daughter  of  Peter  Lewis  of 
Dolgelly  ;  of  which  place  he  was  Curate  ;  died  comparatively 

William  Williams  (J).  Admitted  S>.  25  Sept.  1772  of 
Brecknock,  aged  17  :  took  the  oath  20  July,  1773.  ffl.Jtt. 
received  as  (£.  27  June,  1772,  restored  2  Nov.  1779, 
JE.  (Jesus)  4  June,  1772  (fil.  Philippi  W.  de  Cantitf, 
Brecon :  pleb.  at.  17).  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1773  to  1781.  B.A.  16  Feb.  1776.  M.A.  11  July,  1781. 
Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1778.  Admitted  Jf.  8  July, 
1779:  took  the  oath  6  July,  1780.  Elected  Sub-Dean 
1779;  Catechist  1780;  Dean  1781,  1786,  1787,  1788; 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1782 ;  Humanity  Lecturer 
1783,  1784,  1785;  Sub-Warden  1789  to  1796;  Bursar 
1797.  He  was  also  deputy  Librarian  1789  to  1795.  He 
was  Dean  for  a  short  time  in  1802,  and  vacated  his  jf . 
by  superannuation  14  July,  1802.  He  was  elected  to 
Dr  Wills'  allowance  for  a  superannuated  ,-ff.  in  1806,  and 
in  1809  it  is  noted  that  he  intends  to  assert  his  claim  to 
this  allowance — -but  he  does  not  appear  to  have  received 
it  again  till  1813  from  which  year  he  received  it  till 
1817.  His  name  was  removed  from  the  College  Books 
2  Feb.  1816. 

"Vicar    of    Wappenlmry,    Warwick,    1813    to    1818."       (F.) 
Died  1818.  (G.  Mag.  88,  I.  646.) 

Francis  Woodcock.  <JL|E.  received  as  (ft.  18  May,  1772, 
restored  1  Xov.  1780.  JE.  (Xew)  6  July,  1770  (fil. 
Erancisci  W.  de  Civ.  Hereford:  gen.  a?t.  16).  B.A. 
27  June,  1775.  Migrated  to  St  John's  Coll :  Camb : 
as  Pensioner  29  June.  1782.  M.A.  1782. 

1772-73.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  139 

"Rector  of  Putley,  Hereford  1780,  and  of  Moreton,  Hereford 
1783."     (F.) 

"14  Nov.  1818,  died,  Rev.  F.  W.  for  many  years  one  of  the 
Prebendaries  of  Hereford."  (G.  Mag.  88,  II.  640.) 


William  Austin.  |tt.  20  Feb.  1773  (fil.  Isaac  A.  de  Woot- 
ton  under  hedge  (sic) :  Gloucestr :  arm.  set.  18).  (JT.JE. 
received  as  (£.  same  day,  restored  5  July,  1780.  Ad- 
mitted S>.  23  Sept.  1774  of  Gloucester,  aged  20:  took 
the  oath  4  Oct.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1775 
to  1781.  B.A.  9  Nov.  1776.  M.A.  8  July,  1780. 
B.M.  12  Feb.  1782.  D.M.  4  Feb.  1783.  Elected  ^-JF* 
30  June,  1779.  Admitted  Jf.  4  July,  1782.  Elected 
Bursar  1780  (vice  Wills) ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1780, 
1781.  His  JF.  (vacant  by  marriage)  was  filled  up 
30  June,  1782. 

Physician  to  the  Radcliffe  Infirmary,  9  April,  1783  to  1786. 
Physician  to  St  Bartholomews  10  August,  1786.  F.R.C.P. 
1  Oct.  1787,  Censor  1788.  Gulstonian  Lecturer  1790.  Died 
21  Jan.  1793.  "Ingenio  acutum,  moribus  suavem,  studio  in- 
defessum,  ....  iter  quod  ad  famam  ducit  arduum,  non  ut 
plerosque,  regre  scandentem  sed  quasi  cursu  conficientem." 
R.  Bourne's  Harveian  Oration  1797.  Author  of  A  Treatise 
on  the  Stone  1791. 

Robert  Freke  Gould.  |U.  2  April,  1773  (fil.  Thomre  G. 
de  Beer  liegis,  Dorcestr :  arm.  aet.  18).  received 
as  <#.  same  day,  taken  up  Christmas  1783.  B.C.L. 
17  Dec.  1782. 

He    is    described     by    Hutchins    (II.    842.)    as    the    son    of 

T.  G.  of  Milborne  St  Andrew,  and  Frome  Billet,  born  7  Nov. 


Rector   of   Luckham,  Somerset,   1782.     Vicar   of   Thorverton, 

Devon,  1797.    "Died  4  Nov.  1838,  aged  85,  at  Luckham,  Sum  : 

Rev.  R.  F.  (I.  for  56  year*  Rector  of  that  parish,  and  for  41 

140  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  1773.] 

years  Vicar  of  Thorverton,  Devon  .  .  .  Naturally  endowed 
with  a  benevolent  and  cheerful  serenity  of  disposition,  he 
exhibited  in  the  whole  tenor  of  his  long  life  a  steadfast  and 
scrupulous  regard  to  the  due  observance  of  every  obligation  as  a 
husband,  a  father,  and  a  parish  priest."  (G.  Mag.  108,  II.  666.) 

John  Pearson.  JE.  27  May,  1773  (fil.  Robert!  P.  de 
Crewkerne,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  18).  Bible  Clerk 
(Exeter)  1775  (Boase  146).  B.A.  14  March,  1777. 

John?  Lewis.  JH.  27  May,  1773  (fil.  Johannis  L.  de 
Llanvayre  Clydoge,  Cardigan :  pleb.  set.  22).  (£.JE.  re- 
ceived as  Servitor  26  May,  1773.  Admitted  Clerk  25  June, 
1773  from  Cardigan,  aged  22 :  took  the  oath  13  July. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  (Henry  L.)  1773  (John  L.) 
1774;  his  Clerkship  was  filled  up  21  June,  1777. 
Brother  of  Rice  L  :  1782. 

Jeremiah  Trist.  |E.  27  May,  1773  (fil.  Johannis  T.  de 
Sti  Steven,  Cornub :  cler.  set.  17.)  C.JH.  received  as  (JT. 
25  May,  1773,  restored  28  May,  1786.  B.A.  22  Jan. 
1777.  M.A.  23  May,  1786. 

Vicar  of  Veryan,  Cornwall,  1782  :  J.P.  where  he  has  the 
following  monument, — 

In  Memory  of 


">2  Years  Minister  of  this  Parish 

Died  23rd  Sept.  1829,  Aged  74. 

Dust  to  Dust. 

In  sure  and  certain  hope 

of  the  Resurrection  to  Eternal  Life. 

Through  the  ALONE  merits  and  Mediations 

Of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ. 
Brother  of  John  T.  1772. 

James  Beebee.  |tt.  25  June,  1773  (fil.  Tliomse  B.  de  Leo- 
minster,  Hereford :  gen.  set.  18).  GL|E.  received  as  (fl*. 
same  day:  restored  19  Feb.  1782.  B.A.  19  July,  1777. 

Richard  Legg  Willis.  |E.  8  July,  1773  (fil.  Kichardi  W. 
de  Civ.  Londin :  arm.  set.  15).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£. 
same  day:  increased  to  jF.(ff.  Feb.  1775,  restored  22  Dec, 
1777.  Created  M.A.  17  Dec.  1777. 

[1773.  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  141 

William  Toms.  JE.  13  Oct.  1773  (fil.  Ludovici  T.  de  Bishops 
Nympton,  Damnonise  :  gen.  set.  18).  (JLJE.  received  as  (JT. 
same  day:  restored  1  Nov.  1781.  Admitted  g>.  23  Sept. 
1774  of  Devon,  aged  18:  took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1775  to  1781.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1779.  B.A.  28  May,  1777.  M.A.  19  July,  1783. 
Elected  $.Jp.  30  June,  1780.  Admitted  JF.  4  July, 
1781.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1780;  Catechist  1781,  1782 
(but  on  20  Nov.  1783,  Bond  was  elected  in  his  place, 
as  he  was  usher  of  a  school  at  Richmond)  ;  Librarian  (vice 
Eufford)  1785,  1786,  1792.  He  resigned  his  $.  1794. 

Perpetual  Curate  of  South  Molton  1794,  and  Eector  of  Comb 
Martin,  Devon  1793,  till  he  died  21  Feb.  1833  :  buried  at 
South  Molton,  26  Feb.  1833,  where  there  is  the  following 
epitaph, — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  William  Toms,  Clerk,  M.A.  :  Formerly 
Fellow  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  and  for  39  years  Rector  of 
Comb  Martin,  and  perpetual  Curate  of  this  Parish  who  de- 
parted this  life  Feb.  21  1833,  aged  79. 

Henry  Fletcher.  JE.  16  Dec.  1773  (fil.  Thomas  Y.  de 
Monmouth :  gen.  set.  20).  (£.JE.  received  as  Jf.ift.  same 
day :  finally  taken  up  Michaelmas  1781. 

James  Dowland.  GT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  5  May,  1773 : 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1780.  JE.  (Christ 
Church)  15  Jan.  1770  (fil.  Johannis  D.  de  Shaston  i.e. 
Shaftesbury,  Dorcestr :  aet.  17). 

Rector  of  Winterborne  Clenstone,  Dorset,  16  Xov.  1795  :  died 
1825  in  his  73rd  year.  (Hut chins  I.  185.) 

He  is  called  LL.B.  but  does  not  appear  to  have  graduated  at 
Oxford  or  Cambridge. 

John  Williams.  C.JE.  received  as  <£.  24  Sept.  1773, 
restored  19Dec.  1781,  replaced  as  Serjeant-at-law  8  March, 
1808.  JE.  (Jesus)  19  Feb.  1773  '  (fil.  Thomas  W.  de 
Carmarthen:  pleb."  set.  17).  Admitted  j£.  23  Sept. 
1774  of  Carmarthen,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  4  Oct. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1774  to  1779.  U.A.  17  Oct. 

142  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  1773-74.] 

1776.  M.A.  11  July,  1781  Elected  $.JF.  30  June, 
1780.  Admitted  JF.  4  July,  1781.  Elected  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1780 ;  Librarian  and  Moderator  of  Philo- 
sophy 1781 ;  also  Humanity  Lecturer  (vice  Austen)  1782, 
Librarian  1782 :  resigned  JF.  30  June,  1792. 

Barrister  at  law,  Inner  Temple,  1781.  "  Sergeant  at  Law  1794. 
King's  Sergeant  1804,  died  27  Sept.  1810,  buried  in  the 
Temple  Church."  (F.) 


Edward  Cooper.  JE.  21  Jan.  1774  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de 
Salisbury,  Wilton :  arm.  set.  21).  C.JE.  received  as 
JF.OT.  7  "March,  1774,  restored  12  April,  1777. 

Vicar  of  Yetminster,  Dorset,  April  1777,  resigned  4  Feb.  1807, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Blakley  C.  (1802)  :  died  23  May, 
1810,  and  was  buried  at  Yetminster  on  26th,  where  on  the 
lower  part  of  a  monumental  slab  on  the  South  wall  at  the  East 
End  of  the  Chancel  is  the  following  inscription, — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of 
Edward  Cooper,  Cl :  Rector  of 

Hambledon,  Surry  and  30  years  Vicar  of  this  Parish. 
Obt.  May  the  23,  1810 

Aged  58. 

One  E.G.  was  Prebendary  of  Hill  Deverell,  Heytesbury,  1781. 


William  Cleeves.  pi.  23  Jan.  1774  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de 
Perrott,  Somerset:  arm.  nst.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
22  March,  1774,  restored  21  Dec. .  P».A.  6  March, 


William  Edwards.  JH.  2  March,  1774  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Kepton,  Deri) :  cler.  u-t.  18).  (£.^1.  received  as  (£.  same 
day,  restored  6  April,  1778.  B.A.  6  Nov.  1777. 

Thomas  Whinyates.  |E.  17  May,  1774  (fil.  Thomse  W. 
de  Charleton,  Damn  :  cler.  ;et.  18).  C.|E.  received  as  ({t. 
same  day:  increased  to  jF.dL  26  March,  1776:  taken  up 
for  Ikittels  "and  accounted  for  to  Mr  W.'s  father" 
10  Dec.  177!). 

1774.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  H3 

Samuel  Farewell.  JE.  19  May,  1774  (fil.  Samuelis  F.  de 
Milborne,  Somerset :  arm.  set.  18).  (£.J&.  received  as 
Jf.<&.  same  day:  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1781. 

Thomas  Archard.  JE.  19  May,  1774  (fil.  Thomse  A.  de 
Sti  Petri,  Carmarth  :  gen.  get.  24).  (JLJE.  received  as  (£. 
18  May,  1774,  restored  15  April,  1778.  ' 

Rice  Jones.  Jtt.  19  May,  1774  (fil.  Pace  J.  de  Llanfachretli, 
Merioneth:  gen.  set.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£.  18  May, 
1774 :  paid  over  1  May,  1778.  B.A.  22  Jan.  1778. 

David  Edwards.  |E.  19  May,  1774  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Llanynis,  Denbigh :  gen.  set.  19).  (H.JE.  received  as  <£. 

17  May,  1774,  restored  12  March,  1778.     B.A.  26  Feb. 

Richard  Jones.  |E.  19  May,  1774  (fil.  Gualteri  J.  de 
Llanio,  Cardigan :  gen.  set.  20).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor 

18  May,  1774:  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1778, 
replaced  12  June,  1795,  and  restored  before  the  end  of 
the  year.     Admitted  Clerk,  29  Oct.  1774  from  Cardigan, 
aged  22.     Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1776.     B.A.  22  June, 
1778.     M.A.  19  June,  1795.     He  apparently  vacated  his 
Clerkship  29  Nov.  1777. 

Thomas  Bawn.  |E.  13  June,  1774  (fil.  Thomas  B.  de 
Bristol :  gen.  set.  17).  (JT.p.  received  as  <£.  10  June, 
1774,  restored  10  July,  1782.  Admitted  £.  23  Sept.  1774 
of  Gloucester,  aged  18  :  took  the  oath  4  Oct.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1776  and  1779.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1774 
to  1778.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1779  :  having  been  refused  leave 
to  proceed  on  6  May,  1778  "  for  irregularities."  Elected 
$J.  jF.  30  June,  1781.  Admitted  Jf.  3  July,  1782  :  took 
the  oath  4  Nov.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1781.  Died  Jan. 

Thomas  Tims.  |E.  31  Oct.  1774  (fil.  Alphei  T.  de  Dor- 
chester, Dorcestr :  gen.  at.  21).  dLJft.  received  as  (!T. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1782.  B.A. 
17  June,  1778  (printed  Sims  in  the  Catalogue  of 

144  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  1774.] 

One  of  this  name  died  Rector  of  Walmer,  Kent,  1811 ;  (G.  Mag.) 
where  there  is  a  tablet  recording  that  in  a  grave  near  the 
Desk  are  deposited  the  remains  of  Rev.  T.  T.  "  who  was 
Curate  of  this  Parish  for  23  years  :  he  died  Aug.  3rd,  1811,  aged 
68  years." 

Francis  Henry  Barker.  JE.  11  Nov.  1774  (fil.  Edvardi 
B.  de  Sti  Andrew,  Londin:  gen.  set.  17).  <£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  8  Nov.  1774,  increased  to  JF.<£.  26  March,  1776  : 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1784.  B.A.  20  April, 

Miles  Price.  Jtt.  15  Nov.  1774  (fil.  Thomse  P.  de  Civ. 
Gkmcestr:  gen.  jet.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  <£.  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1778. 

William  Warburton.  JE.  9  Dec.  1774  (fil.  Gulielmi  W. 
de  Civ.  Londin:  gen.  aet.  21).  (H.jE.  received  as  (Jt. 
19  Nov.  1774,  taken  up  for  Battels  Lady  Day  1775. 

John  Halse.  JE.  17  Dec.  1774  (fil.  Nicolai  H.  de  Holy- 
well  in  Civ.  Oxon:  pleb.  get.  15).  C.JE.  received  as  <j£. 
5  Nov.  1774,  restored  10  July,  1782.  Admitted  £. 
29  Sept.  1775  of  Oxford,  aged  16:  took  the  oath  6  Oct. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1776.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1776  to  1782.  B.A.  25  June,  1778.  M.A.  17  July, 
1784.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June,  1781.  Admitted  JF. 
3  July,  1782 :  took  the  oath  8  Nov.  Elected  Sub-Dean 
1782;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1783;  Catechist  1784, 
but  he  succeeded  White  as  Dean  in  1785  ;  Bursar  1785  ; 
Catechist  1787,  1788 ;  Bursar  again  1789  to  1792.  His 
Jf.  was  vacant  on  marriage  30  June,  1794. 

He  was  chorister  of  Magdalen  1768  to  1774.  (Bloxam  I.  177.) 

Richard  Richards.  <*Lpt.  received  as  (JT.  7  May,  1773, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1774.  JE.  (Jesus) 
19  March,  1771  (fil.  Thorn*  K.  de  Dolgelly,  Merioneth : 
pleb.  a-t.  18).  B.A.  10  Oct.  1774.  Migrated  to  Queen's 

1774-75.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  145 

where   he  was   elected   Michel   Fellow  20   June,  1776. 
M.A.  15  July,  1777. 

Barrister-at-law  (Inner  Temple)  1780.  K.C.  and  a  Bencher 
1799.  M.P.  for  Helston  1796  to  1799.  Chief  Justice  of 
Chester,  May,  1813.  Sergeant-at-law  1814.  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer  26  Feb.  1814.  Knighted  11  May,  1814.  Chief 
Baron,  22  April,  1817,  died  11  Nov.  1823;  buried  in  the 
Temple  Church. 


William  Rawlins.  JE.  31  May,  1775  (fil.  Antonii  E.  de 
Fairford,  Gloucestr :  gen.  ast.  21).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  14  April,  1777.  B.A.  (St  Mary 
Hall)  4  Nov.  1779.  M.A.  12  Feb.  1782. 

Rector  of  Teversal,  Notts,  1792,  where  there  is  a  marble  slab 
with  this  inscription — 

"  Beneath  rests  entombed 

The  Rev.  William  Rawlins,  M.A. 

35  years  resident  Rector  of  this 

Parish  who  died  Jan.  1st  1828, 

In  the  74th  year  of  His  Age. 

He  was  the  youngest  Son  of  Antony  Rawlins,  Esq.  of  Fairford, 
in  the  County  of  Gloucester,  and  of  St  Michael's  in  the  City  of 
Oxford.  He  married  Mary,  the  Daughter  of  John  Randall, 
Esq.  and  by  Her  had  5  Sons  and  4  Daughters  ;  She  lies  interred 
with  3  of  their  children  amongst  Her  Ancestors  in  the  Church 
of  St  Cross  near  Winchester,  where  a  marble  tablet  is  erected 
to  their  memory.  He  married  secondly  Sophia,  the  daughter 
of  James  Chartres,  Esq.,  by  whom  He  had  no  issue  and  who  is 
buried  underneath. 

This  memorial  is  placed  by  His  surviving  children  as  a  mourn- 
ful pledge  of  their  bereavement,  and  to  regard  His  worth 
amongst  His  Parishioners  as  a  Pastor  kind,  a  Preacher 
eloquent,  a  Divine  orthodox."  In  the  G.  Mag.  (98.  p.  185)  to 
which  he  was  a  contributor  it  is  said — "As  a  divine  he  was 
orthodox,  as  a  preacher,  feeling,  and  eloquent :  in  society  he 
was  cheerful,  and  his  retentive  memory  greatly  enlivened  his 
circle  by  anecdotes  of  past  times  and  characters." 


146  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1775. 

Henry  Davis.  JE.  3  July,  1775  (fil.  Johannis  D.  de 
Bapton,  Wilton :  gen.  set.  17).  CLJtt.  received  as  (£. 
4  July,  1775,  restored  19  April,  1786,  replaced  6  April, 
1802:  taken  up  in  part  Michaelmas  1803.  Admitted 
S>.  30  Sept.  1777  of  Wilts,  aged  19.  B.D.  8  April,  1796. 
Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1779.  Elected  ^.JF.  28  June, 
1784.  Admitted  JF.  6  July,  1785.  Elected  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  (vice  Bond)  1785;  Bursar  1786,  1787, 
1788,  1793,  1795,  (vice  Lingen)  1795,  1796 ;  Dean  1789 
to  1792,  and  (vice  Tournay)  1795  ;  Catechist  1794 ;  Sub- 
Warden  1797  to  1801.  He  resigned  his  office  and  JF. 
30  June,  1801.  Proctor  1795. 

On  a  marble  Scroll,  south  of  the  Altar  at  Fisherton  Delamere, 
Wilts,  is  the  following — 

In  memory  of 

The  Kev.  Henry  Davis 

late  Fellow  of  Wadham  College 

In  the  University  of  Oxford 

and  Rector  of  All  Cannings 

in  this  County 
who  died  on  the  1 7th  day  of  March 

A.D.  1807 
In  the  fiftieth  year  of  his  age. 

William  Bond.  |ft.  24  Oct.  1775  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Steeple,  Dorcestr:  arm.  a?t.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  14  July,  1783.  Admitted  £.  27  Sept. 
1776  of  Dorset,  aged  19 :  took  the  oath  13  Nov.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1777  to  1783.  B.A.  2  June,  1779. 
M.A.  19  July,  1783.  Elected  $.JF.  30  June,  1782. 
Admitted  Jf.  3  July,  1783.  Elected  Catechist  20  Nov. 
1783  (vice  Toms)  and  6  Dec.  1783,  24  June,  1785  (vice 
Halse)  and  6  Dec.  1785;  Deputy  Librarian  1783  to 
1785;  Humanity  Lecturer  1786,  1787;  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  1788 ;  Catechist  1789.  He  resigned  his  JF. 
30  June,  1791. 

Rector  of  Steeple,  19  Aug.  1795,  of  Corfe  Castle  1800  to  1818. 
Prebendary  of  Bristol,  29  April,  1818.  On  a  monument  in 
Tyneham  church  is  the  following  inscription — 
"  Under  this  aisle  are  deposited  the  mortal  remains  of  the 
Rev.  William  Bond  A.M.  late  Rector  of  Steeple  with  Tyneham, 
and  a  Canon  of  the  Cathedral  Church  of  Bristol.  He  was 

1775.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  147 

fourth  son  of  John  Bond  of  Grange,  Esquire,  was  born  10  Sept. 
1757,  instituted  to  the  Rectory  of  this  parish  19  Aug.  1795, 
and  died  5  March,  1852.  (Hutchins  I.  624.) 

Son  of  John  B.  17j|f  and  brother  of  the  next  ;  nephew  of 
Dennis  B.  1737,  and  Thomas  B.  17£?,  father  of  Wm.  B.  1817, 
and  John  B.  1820. 

Thomas  Bond.  |tt.  16  Nov.  1775  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de  Civ. 
Westmonast:  arm.  a>t.  19).  <£.£&.  received  as  (£. 
same  day:  restored  5  May,  1788.  B.A.  2  June,  1779. 
B.C.L.  2  June,  1785. 

He  is  described  as  of  South  Egleston,  and  Woolridge.     Vicar 

of  Witherston  1795,  resigned  1799.     Vicar  of  Coomb  Kaines, 

Oct.  1794,  resigned  1822. 

He   died   unmarried,   and   was    buried   at   Steeple,   with   the. 

following  inscription— 

"  Here  lyeth  the  body  of  Thomas  Bond,  Clerk,  third  son  of 

John  Bond  of  Grange,  Esq.  and  late  Vicar  of  Coomb  Keynes, 

who  was  born  8  May,  1756,  and  died  3  May,  1833. 

(Hutchins  I.  364.) 

Son  of  John  B.  17§§  and  brother  of  William  (above)  ;  nephew 
of  Dennis  B.  1737,  and  of  Thomas  B. 

Matthew  Armstrong.  JE.  22  Nov.  1775  (fil.  Gulielmi 
A.  de  Hagbourn,  Bercher  :  gen.  set.  17).  (H.JE.  received 
as  OT.  8  Nov.  1775,  restored  1  July,  1783.  Admitted  j£. 
27  Sept.  1776,  of  Berks,  aged  18  :  took  the  oath  13  Nov. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1778  to  1783.  B.A.  25  June, 
1779.  Elected  ^.J^.  30  June,  1783.  Admitted  jf. 
4  July,  3784:  but  resigned  30  June,  1785.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1783. 

John  Richardson.  JE.  24  Nov.  1775  (fil.  Georgii  E.  de 
Edina  in  Kegn  :  Scot  :  arm.  ast.  34).  (£.JE.  received  as 
JF.&.  same  day  :  account  closed  30  Nov.  1781.  M.A.  by 
diploma  28  Feb.  1780.  On  21  Eeb.  1782  it  was  resolved 
"that  the  College  subscribe  to  the  Persian,  and  Arabic 
Dictionary  published  by  John  Richardson,  Gent.  Com- 
moner of  this  house." 

Barrister-at-law  (Middle  Temple)  1781,  F.S.A.  17  Dec.  1767, 
died  about  1811. 

148  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  [1775-76. 

Author  of  a  Dictionary  of  Persian,  Arabic,  and  English, 
Oxford,  1777,  to  which  was  prefixed  a  dissertation  on  the 
languages,  literature,  and  manners  of  Eastern  Nations,  contain- 
ing some  curious  observations  on  the  credibility  of  Herodotus. 
(See  letters  of  Radcliffe  and  James  :  O.  H.  S.  p.  163.) 


William  Barrett.  Jtt.  7  leb.  1776  (fil.  Gulielmi  B.  de  Civ. 
Bristol:  gen.  set.  18).  OT.JE.  received  as  <ffi.  (W.  Tandy 
Barrett)  same  day  :  account  closed  Midsummer  1782. 
B.A.  4  Nov.  1779. 

Nathaniel  Wells.  JE.  '27  March,  1776  (fil.  Nath:  W.  de 
East  Alington,  Damnonise :  gen.  set.  19).  GT.JE.  received 
as  (£.  20  March,  1776  :  account  closed  Midsummer  1784. 
B.A.  1  July,  1783. 

Rector    of    East   Allington,    Devon,    where    is    the   following 
inscription — 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  N.  AV.  (3rd  son  of  the  Rev. 
N.  W.  late  Rector  of  this  Parish,  and  Catherine  his  wife)  who 
departed  this  life  on  23rd  day  of  Feb.  1806,  aged  48  years." 
He  married  Juliana,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Hayes  of  Hallwell, 
in  South  Poole,  and  had  issue  4  sons. 
Brother  of  Samuel  W.  1777. 

James  Hastings.  Jtt.  28  March,  1776  (fil.  Jacobi  H.  de 
Civ.  Westmonast :  gen.  set.  20).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
29  March,  1776  increased  to  JF.&.  2  May:  restored 
11  May,  1781. 

"At  the  Tything,  Worcester,  aged  101,  Rev.  J.  H.  Rector  of 
Martley,  (1796),  died  10  July,  1856."  (G.  Mag.} 

Father  of  John  Paget  H.  1800. 

Robert  Cosens.  JE.  29  March,  1776  (fil.  Arthur!  C.  de 
Yetminster,  Dorcestr:  arm.  set.  18).  (JT.Jtt.  received  as 
(#.  same  day  :  paid  over  to  J.  Williams.  B.A.  8  Dec. 

Instituted   to   the  Vicarage   of   Long   Burton,   Dorset,   14  Jan. 
1784.  died   unmarried    11   June,   182(5,  and   i.«  buried  at   Long 

1776.]  WARDEN     WYNDHAM.  149 

Burton,  where  on  the  floor  of  the  nave  is  the  following  inscrip- 


Resteth  the  Body  of  the 

Rev.  Robert  Cosens,  Vicar  of  Long 

Burton  and  Holnest  47  years. 

He  died  11  June,  1826, 

Aged  69  years. 
Brother  of  Arthur  C.  1764. 

John  Frichard.  JE.  21  May,  1776  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Abernant,  Carmarthen :  cler.  set.  18).  C.Jft.  received  as 
Servitor  20  May,  1776  :  account  closed  Midsummer  1782. 
Admitted  Clerk  21  June,  1776  of  Carmarthen,  aged  18 : 
his  Clerkship  was  vacant  30  June,  1778 ;  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1776, 1777. 

William  Norman.  |tt.  23  May,  1776  (fil.  Henrici  N.  de 
Bledon,  Somerset:  cler.  ret.  19).  (JT.Jtt.  received  as  Servitor 
20  May,  1776  :  account  closed  Christmas  1784.  Admitted 
Clerk  30  June,  1778 ;  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1776  and 
for  a  while  in  1778  :  on  19  Nov.  1778,  he  resigned  both 
Clerkship  and  Exhibition. 

Rector  of  Bleadon,  Somerset,  where  he  died,  27  Sept.  1788, 
having  been  stabbed  by  his  brother  Henry,  Rector  of  Morsted, 
who  "  being  deranged  in  his  intellects  had  been  removed  to  his 
brother's  for  security."  (G.  Mag.  58,  II.  935.) 

Son  of  Henry  N.  17'f,§. 

Thomas  Williams.  JE.  10  Oct.  1776  (fil.  Henrici  W.  de 
Llanegwad,  Carmarthen:  gen.  set.  17).  C.Jtt.  received  as 
<£. :  and  restored  June,  1784.  B.A.  27  Feb.  1781.  M.A. 
27  May,  1784.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1777  and  1779. 

Vicar  of  Llansadwrn  with  Llanwrda,  Vicar  of  Llangadock, 
Rector  of  Merthyr  near  Carmarthen  :  Prebendary  of  Llan- 
drindod  in  Brecon,  Examining  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  St 
David'?,  J. P.,  died  unmarried  7  Sept.  1826,  aged  (57. 

Alexander  Longmore.  JE.  22  Oct.  1776  (fil.  Gulielmi  L. 
de  Civ.  Bathon,  Somerset :  arm.  a3t.  22).  &.J&.  received 
as  dF.CJT.,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1781. 


William  Lloyd  (J).  P.  26  Oct.  1776  (fil.  Gulielmi  L.  de 
Beaconsfield,  Buckingham :  arm.  set.  16).  Admitted  (Jt. 
12  Aug.  1776.  CJtt.  received  Aug.  1776,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Christmas  1789.  BC.L.  15  March,  1784. 
Keeper  of  the  Ashmolean.  Museum  1796  to  1815. 
Name  removed  1815. 

Gayer  Patch.  JE.  14  Dec.  1776  (fil.  Joannis  P.  de  Civ. 
Oxon:  gen.  set.  21).  (ST.JE.  received  as  (£.  same  day,  re- 
stored 6  March,  1781 :  replaced  14  March,  1783,  paid  over 
to  William  Speare,  6  July,  1784.  B.A.  25  May,  1780. 
M.A.  18  June,  1783. 

Rector  of  St  Leonard's,  Devon,  25  Sept.  1780,  died  16  Nov. 
and  was  buried  23  Nov.  1825,  aged  TO. 


Richard  Rocke.  Jtt.  18  Feb.  1777  (fil.  Thomas  R  de 
Bitterley,  Salop  :  cler.  jet.  18).  (JLJE.  received  as  (ft.  same 
day,  restored  15  May,  1777. 

Samuel  WeUs.  Jtt.  20  March,  1777  (fil.  Nathaniel  W.  de 
East  Allington,  Damnonise:  cler.  set.  18).  GT.JE.  received 
as  OT.  19  March,  1777,  restored  6  May,  1782.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1777.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1781. 

"  Died  26  Feb.  1839,  aged  80,  the  Rev.  Samuel  Wells,  for  48 
years  the  Rector  of  Portlemouth  ;  Duncombe  Lecturer  of  Kings- 
bridge  and  a  magistrate  for  the  County  of  Devon."  (G.  Mag.) 
Brother  of  Nathaniel  W.  1776. 

Thomas  Edwards.  JE.  21  March,  1777  (fil.  Jacobi  E.  de 
Machen,  Monni:  gen.  jet.  18).  GT.|E.  received  as  <£. 
24  March,  1777,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christinas  1783. 
Admitted  £•>.  30  Sept.  1777  of  Monmouth,  aged  18 :  took 
the  oath  4  May,  1778.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1778. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1779  till  his  death  Feb. 
1784.  B.A.  4  Dec.  1780. 

Warben  (Berarfc. 


Richard  Blackmore.  |E.  15  May,  1777  (fil.  Kichardi  B. 
de  Shaston  i.e.  Shaftesbury,  Dorcestr:  cler.  pet.  18). 
CJE.  received  as  <£.  12  May,  1777  :  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1784. 

Thomas  Warry.  Jtt.  15  May,  1777  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 
Westcoker,  Somerset:  gen.  aet.  20).  C.Jtt.  received  as 
<£.  13  May,  1777,  restored  31  Oct.  1785.  Admitted  £. 

13  Sept.    1777    of    Somerset,   aged    19    (sic) :  took    the 
oath  4  May,  1778.     Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1779 
to    1782.     B.A.    24    Jan.    1781.     M.A.    11    Nov.    1785. 
B.D.   22   April,   1796.     Elected   $.,#.    28  June,   1784. 
Admitted  JF.   6  July,  1785.     Elected  Sub-Dean   1784. 
Bursar   1794  to   1797.     His   JF.   was  vacant  30  June, 
1799  in  consequence  of  "untenable  preferment." 

He  was  admitted  to  St  Paul's  School,  7  June,  1769,  when  he 
is  described  as  aged  12  :  the  matriculation  entry  of  his  age 
agrees  with  this  :  he  obtained  an  Exhibition  from  the  School 
in  1778. 

Watt  Norton.  JE.  15  May,  1777  (fil.  Gulielmi  N.  de 
Tamworth,  Warwic:  gen.  jet.  19).  (JLJU.  received  as  <#. 

14  May,  1777 :  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1781. 
B.A.  (Walter)  13  June,  1781. 

Thomas  Threlkeld.  JE.  28  May,  1777  (fil.  Thomas  T.  de 
Popham,  Hampton,  arm.  fet.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (£. 
same  day,  restored  1  July,  1780.  On  6  Dec.  1779  he 
struck  his  name  out  of  the  College  Book,  and  was  directed 
to  leave  the  College. 

Thomas  WiUiam  Wright.    #1.  :!  June,  1777  (fil.  Gulielmi 

152  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1777. 

W.  de  Bridgnorth,  Salop :  cler.  aet.  17).     (JT.|E.  received 

as  (ft.  (Wrighte)  17  June,  1777  "sent  to  his  father  agree- 
able to  his  father's  written  order  20  Dec.  1779." 

John  Floyer.  fE.  5  June,  1777  (fil.  Gulielmi  F.  de  Keesby, 
Lincoln:  arm.  ct't.  15).  (JI.JE.  received  as  d.  same  day: 
restored  25  Dec.  1781.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1778. 
Admitted  jji.  (Founder's  Kin),  30  Sept.  1779,  of  Lincoln, 
aged  19:  but  there  is  no  notice  of  his  vacating  his  Jj;. 
which  may  have  happened  either  in  1780  or  1781. 

His  father  who  was  also  of  Athelhampston,  Dorset,  died  at 
Paris,  11  June,  1782.  He  was  nephew  of  John  Gould  F.  1739, 
and  grandson  of  William  F.  1708,  and  was  6th  in  descent  from 
Anne,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Martin  by  Margaret  Wadham, 
sister  of  the  Founder. 

James  Evans.  JE.  13  June,  1777  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Bishops  Walton,  Hampton  :  cler.  ;et.  17).  GT.JH.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  14  March,  1782.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  as  (ET.  1779  (this  is  probably  an  error 
for  James  Parsons).  Admitted  £>.  26  Sept.  1778  of 
Salop,  aged  19.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1778.  He  re- 
placed his  <£.p.  as  (fl*.  27  April,  1799:  taken  up  at 
Christmas  1802.  B.A.  6  March,  1800.  M.A.  19  June, 
1800.  B.D.  18  July,  1800.  D.D.  10  Oct.  1804. 

Father  of  James  Harington  E.  1799. 

John  Parsons.  JE.  30  June,  1777  (til.  Isaac!  P.  de  Civ. 
Oxon :  pleb.  at.  15).  (H.|E.  received  as  Servitor  26 
March,  1777,  increased  to  (ft.  30  June,  1780:  restored 
Christmas  1785.  Admitted  Clerk  29  Nov.  1777  of 
Oxford,  aged  16.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1777,  1778, 
1779.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1779.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1781  to  1785.  Admitted  S>.  28  Sept.  1780 
of  Oxford,  aged  19.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1780  and 
1782:  in  the  other  years  1781  and  1784,  1785  he  cannot 
be  distinguished  from  James  Parsons :  one  of  them  was 
Somerscales  Exhibitioner  in  1785.  B.A.  27  June,  1782. 
He  was  elected  Jf.  of  Balliol,  1785.  M.A.  17  Dec.  1785. 
B.D.  24  April,  1799.  D.I).  30  April,  1799.  Master  of 

1777.]  WARDEN    GERARD.  153 

Balliol  1798.  Select  Preacher  1804.  Vice-Chancellor 
1807  to  1810.  Dean  of  Bristol  1810  to  1813.  Bishop 
of  Peterborough  29  Nov.  1813,  died  12  March,  1819. 

His  portrait  hangs  in  Wadliam  College  Hall. 

Edward  Foster.  JE.  17  July,  1777  (fil.  Aaronis  F.  de  Sti 
Andrea,  Somerset :  cler.  jet.  19).  GLJtt.  received  as  CT. 
same  day :  restored  8  July,  1784.  Admitted  jo.  26  Sept. 
1778.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1779  to  1782. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1778.  B.A.  26  April,  1781. 
B.C.L.  4  July,  1785. 

Vicar  of  Winscombe,  Somerset  1794.  Prebendary  of  Barton 
David  in  Wells  1820,  died  7  January  1826. 

Vernon  Yonge.  |tt.  22  Nov.  1777  (fil.  Gualteri  Y.  de 
Charnes,  Stafford:  gen.  ?et.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
(Young)  17  July,  1777,  restored  4  May,  1780. 

James  Parsons.  £$L.  10  Dec.  1777  (fil.  Jacobi  P.  de 
Cirencester,  Gloucestr:  cler.  ret.  15).  C.JE.  received  as 
<£.  16  Dec.  1777,  restored  24  Jan.  1786.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1778  and  (probably)  1779.  Admitted  £.  30 
Sept.  1779  of  Gloucester,  aged  17.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1782  to  1785.  Sonierscales  Exhibitioner  1785. 
B.A.  21  June,  1781.  M.A.  26  Jan.  1786.  B.I).  (Alban 
Hall)  14  March,  1815.  Elected  ^.,-jF.  28  June,  1784; 
admitted  Jf.  6  July,  1785  :  but  on  6  Nov.  1788  the 
visitor  decreed  that  Parson's  ,-ff.  was  vacated  from 
Christinas  1786,  "he  being  possessed  of  temporal  Estate 
of  more  than  the  clear  annual  value  of  £10."  Elected 
Chaplain  (vice  Price  deceased)  10  Nov.  1790.  Vice 
Principal  of  Alban  Hall. 

"Died  6  April,  1847,  aged  85,  Eev.  J.  P.  incumbent  of  Xe\vn- 
liam,  and  Little  Dean,  Glouc.  (1800)  an  Hon.  Associate  of  the 
lloyal  Society  of  Literature  ....  In  1808,  he  returned  to 
Oxford  at  the  invitation  of  the  Delegates  of  the  Clarendon 
Press  to  undertake  the  continuation  of  the  Edition  of  the 
Septuagint  which  he  completed  in  the  year  1827." 

(G.  Ma;/.  117,  IT.  103) 

154  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1777-78. 

William  Coleridge.  Admitted  &.  30  Sept.  1777  of  Devon, 
aged  19 :  took  the  oath  5  May,  1778.  JE.  (Ch.  Ch.)  as 
Servitor  3  June,  1774  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Ottery  St  Mary, 
Devon,  cler.  aet.  16).  GLJE.  received  as  (ft.  22  April, 
1777,  restored  14  May,  1782  to  his  brother  George  0. 
(Jtt.  at  Pembroke  27  April,  1780).  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1778  to  1779.  B.A.  17  March,  1779. 


John  Eddy.  JE.  31  March,  1778  (fil.  Thomae  E.  de  Lidney, 
Gloucestr:  pleb.  aet.  20).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
28  March,  1777,  restored  June,  1778.  Bible  Clerk  of  All 
Souls,  Lent  Term,  1778.  B.A.  9  Nov.  1781.  M.A. 
6  June,  1787. 

"  Died  9  Nov.  1842,  at  Toddington,  Glouc.  aged  85,  Rev.  J.  E. 
for  54  years  Vicar  of  Toddington  and  Didbrook,  Glouc.  and 
53  years  Eector  of  Whaddon,  Wilts."       (G.Mag.  113,  I.  103.) 
At  Toddington  is  the  following  inscription  on  a  tomb  in  the 


Are  deposited 

The  Remains  of  the 

Rev.  John  Eddy  M.A. 

Who  died  November  IXth 


Aged  LXXXV. 


Those  of  Ann  his  wife 

Who  died  March  XXX 


Aged  LXXIX. 

Thomas  Clarke.  JE.  1  June,  1778  (fil.  Francisci  C.  de 
Ashcot,  Somerset:  gen.  ;et.  18).  (tf.Jtt.  received  as  (&. 
2  June,  1778.  Admitted  g,.  26  Sept.  1778  of  Somerset, 
aged  18.  His  CT.JE.  was  paid  over  "  for  the  use  of  the 
late  Mr  Clarke  "  2  Dec.  1779. 

John  Still.    #1.  1 1  July,  1778  (fil.  Jaeobi  S.  do  East  Xnoylo, 

1778-79.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  155 

Wilton :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.Jtt.  received  as  (ft.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1785.  B.C.L.  27  May, 

Rector  of  Fonthill  Gilford,  (presented  by  Wm.  Beckford)  and 
of  Chicklade,  Wilts,  1797.  Prebendary  of  Stratton  (Sarum) 
25  Sept.  1824,  died  1  April,  1839. 

John  Powell.  JE.  15  July,  1778  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Langattock,  Monm :  cler.  ret.  17).  (H.JU.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  7  March,  1783.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1778,  1779.  Admitted  Clerk  4  Dec.  1778 
(vice  Norman).  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1779.  B.A.  4  March, 
1783  :  subsequently  incorporated  at  King's  College,  Cam- 
bridge, where  he  took  his  M.A.  in  1794. 

"  Rector  of  Llansoy  Monm  :  1796,  till  his  death  in  1836."  (F.) 

George  Jackson.  Jtt.  24  Nov.  1778  (fil.  Georgii  J.  de 
Bishops  Waltham,  Hampton :  gen.  set.  17).  <£.J&. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  Lady  Day  1794. 


John  Thomas  Tatum.  Jtt.  1  March,  1779  (fil.  Johannis 
T.  de  Civ.  Sarisbur:  Doctoris,  set.  17).  C.J&.  received  as 
(ft.  16  March,  1779,  restored  2  May,  1785. 

James  Melliar.  |tt.  25  March,  1779  (fil.  Jacobi  M.  de 
Galhampton,  Somerset :  arm.  set.  24).  (£.JE.  received  as 
<£.(£.  sic.  same  day,  restored  10  Nov.  1779. 

Galhampton  is  a  hamlet  of  North  Cadbury. 

Thomas  Daniel  Trollope.  JE.  24  April,  1779  (fil.  Thornte 
T.  de  Civ.  Londin :  gen.  set.  18).  received  as  (ft. 
23  April,  1779,  restored  6  July,  1786.  Admitted  «. 
30  Sept.  1779  of  London,  aged  18.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1779.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1780  to  1785. 
B.A.  14  Jan.  1783.  M.A.  21  Nov.  1786.  Elected  $).JF. 
30  June,  1785.  Admitted  Jf.  6  July,  1786.  Elected 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  (vice  Davis)  29  Oct.  1785, 

156  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1779. 

again  6  Dec.  1785,  1786,  1787 ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1788 
to  1791 ;  Bursar  (vice  Yeomans)  7  April,  1792  and 
6  Dec.  1792.  JF.  vacant  by  marriage  30  June,  1794. 

He  was  admitted  to  St  Paul's  School,  17  Nov.  1775,  aged  14, 
and  obtained  an  Exhibition  in  1780.  Rector  of  Frome  Vair 
church,  Dorset,  1814,  died  27  August,  1828. 

(Hutchins  II.  652.) 
Father  of  John  T.  1818. 

Reginald  Bean.  p.  19  May,  1779  (til.  Eeginaldi  B.  do 
Stoke  Underham  i.e.  Hamdon,  Somerset :  cler.  ret.  20). 
(JLJft.  received  as  ,-jF.CT.  same  day,  and  restored  (no  date) 
"  for  the  use  of  his  representative  "  by  Mr.  Litchfield  to 
John  Wills. 

Robert  Lake.  Jtt.  19  May,  1779  (til.  Roberti  L.  de  Scobel, 
Damnon  :  arm.  ait.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  JF.<£.  17  May, 
1779,  restored  "  by  order  of  his  Guardian  Mr  Cornish  "  30 
March,  1781. 

Evan  Philbedge.  JE.  25  June,  1779  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Stse  Marioe  in  opp :  et  Com.  Brecon :  gen.  set.  16).  dl.JE. 
received  as  (!T.  same  day,  restored  28  July,  1786. 
Admitted  £.  30  Sept.  1779  (Eilbege)  of  Brecknock,  aged 
16.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner,  1780  and  1782.  Somer- 
scales  Exhibitioner  1784.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1781  to  1784.  B.A.  22  May,  1783.  M.A.  14  July,  1787. 
Elected  $).,# .  30  June,  1785.  Admitted  Jf .  6  July,  1786. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1785  and  1787.  His  jf.  was  vacant 
by  death  30  June,  1799. 

John  Freeman.  Jtt.  8  July,  1779  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Stanford,  Hereford :  gen.  set.  16).  (ST.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
same  day,  restored  30  April,  1785.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1780.  Admitted  *.  29  Sept.  178]  of  Hereford, 
aged  18:  took  the  oath  8  Dec,  1782.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1782  to  1784.  B.A.  9  May,  1783.  Elected 
$MF.  of  Brasenose  27  May,  1784:  Jf.  27  May,  1785. 
M.A.  14  Jan.  1786.  Vice  Principal  Dec.  1794  to  Dec. 
1795  :  resigned  ,-ff.  21  Jan.  1796. 

1779.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  157 

Richard  Stradling.  JE.  8  July,  1779  (fil.  Eichardi  S.  de 
Chedzoy,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  19).  C.Jtt.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1784. 

Three  of  Ins  brothers  are  buried  at.  Chedzoy.      (Collinson.) 

John  Oldesworth.  J&.  13  July,  1779  (til.  Gulielmi  0.  de 
Fairford,  Gloucestr:  gen.  set.  19).  <&.j&..  received  as  <JT. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1786.  B.A. 
22  May,  1783. 

John  Griffith.  JE.  18  Oct.  1779  (fil.  Thomas  G.  de  Chard, 
Somerset:  gen.  set.  16).  C.Jtt.  received  as  (ft.  19  Oct. 
1779,  restored  6  July,  1786,  replaced  Jan.  1810,  taken 
up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1815.  Admitted  &.  28  Sept. 
1780  of  Somerset,  aged  17 :  took  the  oath  8  Dec.  1782. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1781.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1782  to  1786.  B.A.  18  June,  1783.  M.A.  9  Feb. 
1788.  B.D.  and  D.D.  19  Jan.  1810.  Elected  ^.jf.  30 
June,  1785.  Admitted  JF.  6  July,  1786.  Elected  Sub- 
Dean  1786:  Librarian*  1787.  His  Jf.  was  vacant  by 
marriage  30  June,  1789. 

Curate  of  Frooine  Sehvood,  1787  and  1788,  where  he  married 
Sarah  Clavey.     Eector  of  Elm,  and  domestic  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Bath,  died  31  Jan.  1816,  aged  54  and  was  buried  at  Froome. 
Father  of  Charles  Tapp  G.  1806  and  Eobert  Clavey  G.  1808. 

George  Uppill.  p.  21  Oct.  1779  (fil.  Johannis  U.  de 
Ch'arlton  Horethorne,  Somerset:  gen.  set.  17).  (£.|E. 
received  as  (£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1786.  He  had  Testimonials  for  Deacon's  Orders 
9  March,  1784,  being  then  Ll.S. 

Curate  "of  Hornblotton,  1821  and  1822. 

James  Draper.  JE.  11  Nov.  1779  (fil.  Eichardi  D.  de  Mel- 
bury,  Dorcestr:  gen.  set.  16).  (JT.J&.  received  as  (ft.  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1784.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1780.  B.A.  8  July,  1783.  James  D.  LI.  S. 
(Student-of-Laws)  paid  (JT.p.  20  May,  1778  :  restored  20 
June,  1779. 

158  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1779-60. 

One  of  this  name  was  Minister  (not  Rector)  of  South  Perrott, 
2  Oct.  1786.  (Hutchins  II.  169.) 

"Died  25  July,  1836,  Eev.  J.  D.  Curate  of  Seaborough,  and 
Rector  of  Easthams,  Som  :  (1800)  aged  75." 

(G.  Mag.  106,  II.  441.) 

Thomas  Wyndham.  JE.  6  Dec.  1779  (fil.  Caroli  W.  de 
Clearwell,  Gloucestr:  arm.  set.  16).  (£.JE.  received  as 
JF.QT.  same  day,  and  received  for  the  use  of  the  College 
by  Warden  Wills,  7  July,  1786.  Created  M.A.  2  July, 

Charles  Wyndham  assumed  the  name  of  Edwin  being  son  of  Anne 
daughter  and  sole  heiress  of  Samuel  Edwin  of  Llanfihangel,  Gla- 
morgan :  Thomas  the  son  was  afterwards  of  Dunraven  Castle, 
and  father  of  an  only  daughter  Caroline  who  became  the  wife 
of  William  Henry,  2nd  Earl  of  Dunraven.  M.P.  for  Gla- 
morgan, 1789,  till  his  death  8  Nov,  1814. 

(Duncumb's  Hereford  II.  132.) 


Henry  Davis,  p.  15  March,  1780  (fil.  Johannis  D.  de 
Lidney,  Gloucestr:  pleb.  iut.  18).  (ST.|tt.  received  as 
Servitor  16  March,  1780,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1784.  He  was  admitted  Clerk,  30  June,  1780  but  his 
name  is  not  in  the  Register.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

1780  to  1783.     Pigott  Exhibitioner  1781.     On  29  May, 
1783  he  was  admonished,  but  on   1  Dec.   received  his 
Testimonials  for  Deacon's  Orders.     B.A.  24  Oct.  1783. 
M.A.  16  July,  1785.     His  Clerkship  was  filled  up  25  Oct. 

George  Anderson.  JE.  18  March,  1780  (fil.  Gulielmi  A. 
de  Weston  Turville,  Buckingham :  pleb.  tet.  18).  (£.JE. 
received  as  <£.  17  March,  1780,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1785.  Admitted  Clerk  4  July,  1780  of  Bucks, 
aged  19.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1780  to  1783.  Pigott 
Exhibitioner  1780,  1781.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 

1781  to  1785.     B.A.  24  Oct.  1783.     M.A.  8  July,  1786. 

1780.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  159 

He  had  Testimonials  for  Deacon's  Orders  1  Dec.  1783. 
His  Clerkship  was  filled  up  25  Oct.  1783. 

William  Butler.  JE.  9  May,  1780  (fil.  Duke  B.  de  Ockford 
i.e.  Ockford  Fitzpaine,  Dorcestr:  cler.  a.'t.  17).  (£.|E. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer, 1787.  B.C.L.  24  May,  1787.  He  had  Testi- 
monials for  Deacon's  Orders  21  April,  1785. 

Vicar  of  Sturminster  Newton,  21   Nov.   1793,  resigned  1800  : 

Vicar  of  Franipton  1  Feb.  1800,  where  there  is  a  marble  tablet 

erected  in  the  Church  with  this  inscription — 

"  To  the  memory  of  Rev.  W.  B.  LL.B.,  Vicar  of  Franipton, 

who  departed  this  life  13  Aug.  1843  aged  81." 

He  was  more  distinguished  as  a  sportsman  than  as  a  divine. 

He  was  a  friend  of  the  Prince  Regent  who,  when  King,  offered 

him  the  living  of  Broadwinsor,  which  he  declined. 

(Hutchins  II.  305.) 

Thomas  Gregory.  JE.  24  May,  1780  (fil.  Dixie  G.  de  Civ : 
Bedford :  gen.  set.  17).  (SLjtl.  received  as  (ft.  same  day, 
restored  24  Nov.  1789.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1780. 
B.A.  21  April,  1784. 

William  Amor.  JE.  24  May,  1780  (fil.  Eoberti  A.  de 
Lavington,  Wilton:  gen.  set.  17).  <£.JE.  received  as  (ST. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1780. 

Richard  Lockwood.  JE.  15  June,  1780  (fil.  Gulielmi  L.  de 
Fifield,  Essex :  cler.  set.  17).  CST.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1786.  Admitted 
&.  28  Sept.  1780  of  Essex,  aged  18  :  took  the  oath  8  Dec. 
1782.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1784.  Maddox  Exhibi- 
tioner 1781  to  1784.  B.A.  21  April,  1784.  He  resigned 
his  5.  30  June,  1785.  M.A.  (Jesus  College,  Camb :)  28 
June,  1800. 

Rector  of  Potter  Heigham,  Norfolk,  1803.  Vicar  of  Lowestoft 
and  Kessingham,  1804.  Prebendary  of  Peterborough  (2nd 
Stall)  7  Feb.  1824,  died  1  Nov.  1830,  aged  68.  (G.Mag.) 

William  Williams.     |tt.  11  July,  1780  (fil.  Jolmmiis  W.  do 

160  .       WARDEN     GERARD.  [1780. 

Llansadwrn,  Carmarth  :  gen.  set.  30).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
(fC.  same  day,  restored  24  June,  1789.  A  William  W.  paid 
(£.JE.  as  (E.  9  May,  1795,  taken  up  for  Battels  Lady  Day 

John  Dampier.  JE.  12  July,  1780  (fil.  Johannis  D.  de 
Wareham,  Dorcestr :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ST. 
same  day,  finally  restored  Christmas  1790.  Admitted 
S>.  29  Sept.  1781  of  Dorset,  aged  18.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1783  to  1785.  B.A.  21  April,  1784.  M.A. 
27  March,  1787.  His  £.  was  vacant  by  resignation 
30  June,  1785. 

Rector  of  Codford  St  Peter,  Wilts,  1790.  Rector  of  Langton 
Matravers,  Dorset,  1808,  died  14  Oct.  1839,  aged  75. 

William  Harding,  p.  7  Sept.  1780  (fil.  Francisci  H.  de 
Woodstock,  Oxon:  gen.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  <£. 
same  day,  restored  19  Feb.  1785.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1781,  1782.  B.A.  8  Feb.  1785. 

Vicar  of  Freeston  cum  Batterwick,  Lincoln.  Vicar  of  Sulgrave, 
Northants,  12  July,  1805  (Baker)  where  the  following  inscrip- 
tion exists  to  his  memory, — 

In  memory  of 
The  Rev.  William  Harding  B.A. 

Twenty  two  years 

Vicar  of  this  Parish 

Who  died  April  12,  1827 

Aged  64 

Also  of  Mary,  His  Wife 
Who  died  April  11,  1830 

Aged  61. 

Take  ye  heed,  watch  and  pray,  for  ye  know  not  when  the  time 
is.  Mark  xiii,  33. 

Robert  Leach.  j&L.  28  Oct.  1780  (fil.  Eoberti  L.  de 
Compton,  Somerset:  cler.  get.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  (!T. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1785. 

John  Reynolds.  JE.  20  Nov.  1780  (fil.  Johannis  E.  de 
Caerwys,  Flint:  gen.  set.  19).  (JT.J&.  received  as  Servitor 
same  day,  restored  17  April,  1781.  One  J.  E.  is  B.A. 

1780.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  161 

(New)  17  June,  1784,  where  he  was  possibly  Bible  Clerk : 
he  was  not  educated  at  Winchester. 

William  Tournay  (J).  P.  29  Nov.  1780  (fil.  Thomsc  T. 
de  Dover,  Cant:  cler.  set.  18).  (!LJE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  paid  back  Christmas  1790,  received  again  as 
M.A.  1799,  account  closed  13  Dec.  1809.  Admitted 
£•>.  29  Sept.  1781  of  Kent,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 

23  January, .     Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1785,  1786. 

Hocly  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1782  to  1788.  B.A.  9  June, 
1784.  M.A.  10  June,  1790.  B.D.  9  March,  1802.  D.D. 
3  June,  1806.  Elected  $.JF.  30  June,  1789.  Admitted 
,-fF.  4  July,  1790.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1789,  1790,  1791;  Humanity  Lecturer  (vice  Trollope) 
7  April,  1792,  again  6  Dec.  1792  and  deputy  Moderator 
of  Philosophy;  Dean  1793,  1794.  On  20  May,  1795 
there  was  an  appeal  to  the  Visitor  as  to  "  Tournay  who 
has  two  livings  neither  of  the  value  of  £8  in  the  King's 
Books,  but  which  taken  together  exceed  that  sum." 
His  JF.  was  vacant  30  June,  1799  (resigned  Aug.  1798). 
After  two  conventions  (18  June),  in  which  there  was  no 
majority,  he  was  Elected  SSJatfim  19  June,  1806  and 
admitted  on  25  June.  He  resigned  the  <H2H.  14  June 
1831,  died  19  July,  1833. 

Among  many  gifts  to  the  College  were  included  the  glass 
of  the  south  window  in  the  Hall,  and  the  chandeliers 
which  came  from  the  Coronation  Feast  of  George  IV. 

His   portrait  hangs   in   the   College   Hall  and   the  following 
inscription  is  on  a  Monument  in  the  Chapel, — 

Gulielmus  Tournay  S.T.P. 

Collegii  hujusce  prsefecturam 

Sumnia  fide  XXV  annos  gessit 

Magna  animi  constantia  deposuit 

et  biennio  eheu  !  vixdum  interjecto 

piwroptus  est  XIV  Kal  Sext  MDCCCXXXIII 


ingenii  acumine  judicii  subtilitate 
scvmonis  lepore  in  primis  memorando 
Gardianus  sociique  de  se  optime  im-rito. 


Mortuus  est  et  Sepultus  Putrolmrgi 
ami.  ;vt.  LXXI. 

162  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1780-81. 

Vicar  of  Whitfiekl  Kent,  1788  to  1792.  He  succeeded  his 
father  as  Eector  of  St  James,  Dover,  and  Vicar  of  Hougliam, 
in  1796.  Prebendary  of  Brampton,  (Lincoln)  1800  to  1812. 
Prebendary  of  Peterborough,  (3rd  Stall)  20  March,  1817  to 

Robert  Christian  Brown  ell.  <£.  JE.  received  as  <£. 
19  Feb.  1780,  restored  16  Nov.  1781.  JE.  (Robert)  at 
Oriel,  22  Jan.  1777  (fil.  Robert!  B.  de  Stepney,  Middle- 
sex :  arm.  ret.  19). 

John  Southan.  &.JE.  received  as  (ft.  17  April,  1780,  re- 
stored 6  Nov.  1781.  Jlft.  (Worcester)  14  April,  1779  (fil. 
Johannis  S.  de  Sti  Swithin,  Vigorn :  Civ.  gen.  ret.  17). 

Apparently  son  of  J.  S.  1739. 

John  Gardiner.  OT.JE.  received  as  ,-fT.OT.  19  Oct.  1780, 
restored  8  March,  1783,  replaced  6  May,  1794,  taken  up 
for  Battels  Christmas  1794.  Jtt.  (Queen's)  7  Nov.  1778 
(fil.  Gulielmi  G.  de  Beardley,  Somerset:  arm.  ret.  21). 
B.A.  4  July,  1782.  M.A.  8  July,  1796.  B.D.  and  D.D. 
16  July,  1796. 

Educated  at  Tivcrton,  whence  he  proceeded  to  Glasgow  Univer- 
sity ;  entered  the  Middle  Temple.  Vicar  of  Shirley  and  Rector 
of  Brailsford,  Derby,  1781.  Minister  of  the  Octagon  Chapel, 
Bath,  1796,  died  11  Aug.  1838,  aged  81.  Author  of  numerous 
Sermons.  (G.  Mag.  108,  II.  337.) 


Samuel  Gurney.  Jft.  2  April,  1781  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de 
Golan,  Cornub:  cler.  ret.  18).  GLJE.  received  as  <JT. 
1  April,  1781,  restored  15  Feb.  1785.  B.A.  3  Feb.  1785. 

Eev.   S.   G.   was  Vicar   of  St  Earth,  Cornwall,  1800  to  1833. 

(Gilbert  I.  355.) 

Baldwyn  Lloyd.  |tt.  7  April,  1781  (fil.  Henrici  L.  de 
Llangollen,  Denbigh :  cler.  ret.  17).  (JT.^IX.  received  as 

1781.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  103 

Servitor  6  April,  1781,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1788.     B.A.  3  Nov.  1787. 

Wyndham  Harbin.  JE.  23  April,  1781  (fil.  Swayne  H.  de 
Newton  in  par.  Yeovil,  Somerset:  arm.  set.  19).  (JLJtt. 
received  as  jF.d.  same  day,  paid  over  to  his  brother 
Robert  1  July,  1783. 

Succeeded  his  father  at  Newton  1781,  died  unmarried  1837. 
Brother  of  Robert  H.  1782,  and  John  H.  1784,  and  uncle  of 
Edward  H.  1820. 

George  Nicholas.  JE.  17  May,  1781  (fil.  Georgii  N.  de 
Llantillio  Crossenny,  Monmouth :  gen.  ;et.  17).  (!LJE. 
received  as  (£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1796.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1781.  Admitted 
£.  27  Sept.  1782  of  Monmouth,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath 
10  November.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1783,  1784. 
B.A.  3  Feb.  1785.  M.A.  10  Oct.  1791.  B.C.L.  and  D.C.L. 
4  Dec.  1793.  He  had  Testimonials  for  Deacon's  Orders 
19  April,  1785.  £,.  vacant  by  resignation  30  June,  1785. 

Head  Master  of  Ealing  School  :  died  20  Nov.  1829,  aged  G5. 
Author  of  An  Easy  Introduction  to  Latin  Grammar  1793. 
Father  of  Francis  N.  1812  and  Tressilian  G.  N.  1839. 

William  Heydon.  JE.  31  May,  1781  (fil.  Eogers  H.  de 
Llanwordid  i.e.  Llanwrtyd,  Brecon:  pleb.  iet.  21).  (JT.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  25  May,  1781,  restored  10  May,  1783 
(when  he  signs  Haydon). 

Samuel  Shipley.  JE.  29  Nov.  1781  (fil.  Danielis  S.  de 
Ashbourn,  Derb :  pleb.  tet.  19).  (JI.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  31  Oct.  1782.  Migrated  to 
Oriel  as  Bible  Clerk  1783.  B.A.  (Oriel)  28  Feb.  1786. 
M.A.  10  Nov.  1788. 

Vicar  of  A.shbourne,  Derby,  1800.  "  Died  7  Feb.  1850  at  Ash- 
bourne,  Deri) :  in  his  90th  year,  Ilev.  S.  S.  Vicar  of  that 
parish,  and  Rector  of  Mappleton  (180G)."  (G.Miuj.) 

164  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1782. 


William  Forster.  JE.  8  March,  1782  (fil.  Robert!  F.  de 
Plymton,  "Darnnon :  cler.  ret.  17).  (H.jtl.  received  as  (ft. 
5  March,  1782,  restored  Midsummer  1786.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1782.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1783  to 
.1784.  B.A.  29  March,  1786. 

Rice  Lewis,  JE.  22  March,  1782  (fil.  Johannis  L.  de  Llan- 
vair  Clydogan,  Cardig:  pleb.  a>t.  22).  (H.JE.  received 
as  Servitor  (liees)  same  day:  paid  over  Christmas  1783. 
Migrated  to  Oriel,  as  Bible  Clerk,  22  Oct.  1783.  B.A. 
10  Oct.  1785. 

Brother  of  John  L.  1773. 

Thomas  Davis,  JE.  23  March,  1782  (fil.  Johannis  D.  de 
Bapton,  Wilton:  gen.  ret.  21).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1791. 
B.C.L.  9  June,  1793. 

Rector  of   St  Martin's,   Salisbury,   1809.     Vicar  of   Fisherton 

Delamere,    1818.     Prebendary    of    Stratford   (Sarum)    1    Oct. 


The  following  inscription  exists  at  Fisherton  Delamere.— 

are  deposited  the  mortal  remains  of 

The  Rev.  Thomas  Davis,  B.C.L. 
Prebendary  of  the  Cathedral.      Rector  of  St  Martin's  Salisbury 

and  Vicar  of  this  his  native  Parish 

who  died  April  21,  1830.     Aged  69  years. 

And  of  Anna  his  wife,  youngest  daughter  of 

Yate  GifFard,  of  Devizes  in  this  county,  Esq. 

who  died  22nd  November  1826 

aged  66  years. 

Robert  Harbin.  jE.  20  April,  1782  (fil.  Swayne  H.  de 
Newton,  Somerset:  arm.  ret.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day:  paid  over  30  June,  1790.  B.C.L.  28  May, 

Brother  of  Wyndham  K.  1781,  and  uncle  of  Edward  II.  1820. 

1782.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  16f> 

John  Higgins.  JE.  2  May,  1782  (fil.  Johannis  H.  de  Bit- 
cheat,  Somerset:  gen.  set.  19).  (JLJtt.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  17  March,  1789.  B.A.  14  Jan.  1786. 
M.A.  11  March,  1789. 

Ho  was  Captain  of  St  Paul's  School  whence  he  was  sent  as 
Exhibitioner  in  1783.  "Died  13  Feb.  1833,  aged  71,  Rev.  J. 
Higgins,  Curate  of  Wells,  Somerset :"  (G.  Mag.) 

Where  on  a  brass  in  the  Church  is  the  following  inscription, — 

are  deposited  the  mortal  remains  of  the 

Rev.  John  Higgins, 

who  during  a  period  of  thirty-six  years 
conscientiously  discharged  the  duties  of 

Curate  of  this  Parish  ; 
endeavouring  in  all  things  to  follow  the  example  of  his 

Blessed  Master. 
He  departed  this  life  the  13th  of  Feb.  1833. 

Aged  71  years. 
His  whole  life  was  marked  by  Peace, 

Humility,  and  Good  Will  to  Man. 

The  afflicted  Widow  and  children  have 

caused  this  little  Memento,  to  be  inscribed 

to  record  His  worth  and  Their  affection. 

William  Salmon.  JE.  13  May,  1782  (fil.  Gulielmi  S.  de 
Crewkerne,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as  (£. 
same  day,  restored  5  July,  1790.  Admitted  £>.  27  Sept. 
1782  of  Somerset,  aged  18  :  took  the  oath  12  Nov.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1784  to  1786.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1783,  1785,  1788.  On  29  May,  1783  his  B.A.  de- 
gree was  suspended  for  two  Terms.  B.A.  25  June,  1786. 
M.A.  4  May,  1791.  Elected  $.jp.  30  June  1789.  Ad- 
mitted JF.  4  July,  1790.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1789,  1790, 
1793  ;  Humanity  Lecturer  (vice  Tournay)  7  April,  1792 ; 
Catechist  1798,  but  being  non-resident,  2  Nov.  1799,  he 
was  replaced  by  Swayne.  On  20  March,  1804  he  was 
presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Wadhurst. 

On  the  North  Wall  of  the  Chancel  of  Wadhurst  Church  is  a 
monument  with  the  following  inscription, — 
"  Near  this  place  are  deposited  the  remains  of  Betty  Salmon, 
mother  of  the  Rev.  William  Salmon,  Vicar  of  this  Parish,  who 

166  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1782. 

died  3  May,  1813.  Also  in  the  same  vault  are  deposited  the 
remains  of  the  Eev.  William  Salmon,  who  died  on  the 
2nd  June,  1818,  aged  53  years. 

Thomas  Morton  Colson.  Jtt.  20  June,  1782  (fil.  Thomse 
C.  de  Studland,  Dorcestr:  cler.  get.  18).  (£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1789.  B.A.  30  May,  1786. 

In  the  Church  of  St  Peter's,  Dorchester,  is  the  following 
monumental  inscription, — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Rev.  Thomas  Morton  Colson  A.B. 
Rector  of  Linkenholt,  Hants,  and  of  Pilsdon  in  this  county, 
who  died  21  June,  1830,  aged  66  :  also  of  Mary  his  wife  who 
died  1st  December,  1833,  aged  72.  Their  remains  are  deposited 
beneath  the  altar.  (Hutchins  II.  385.) 

Unwin  Clarke.  JE.  22  June,  1782  (fil.  Stockdell  C.  de 
Sudbury,  Suffolc :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JK.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day :  repaid  12  June,  1793.  B.A.  8  March,  1792. 
M.A.  17  Dec.  1792. 

Rector  of  Coddington,  Cheshire  1803  to  1806,  and  1808  to  1827, 
of  Dodleston  1806  to  1827.  Rector  of  Eastham,  Cheshire,  1827. 
Prebendary  of  the  Second  Stall,  and  Archdeacon  of  Chester 
1801,  where  on  the  floor  of  the  North  Aisle  of  the  Choir  of  the 
Cathedral  is  a  stone  with  this  among  other  inscriptions, — - 
"  The  Venerable  Unwin  Clarke  M.A.  Archdeacon  of  Chester, 
and  Canon  of  this  Cathedral,  died  3  Feb.  1847,  aged  83." 

George  Webbe.  |E.  26  June,  1782  (fil.  Georgii  W.  de  Eed 
Lyon  Square,  Middlesex :  arm.  aet.  18).  (£.J&.  received 
as  Jf.ifl".  same  day,  restored  4  Dec.  1784. 

William  Woodley.  |E.  28  June,  1782  (fil.  Edmundi  W.  de 
Cublington,  Buckingham :  cler.  ajt.  16).  (JT.|E.  received 
as  <£.  27  June,  1782,  restored  12  Feb.  1789.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1783,  1785. 

"  W.  Wodley,  (sic)  died  16  March,  1837."      (F.) 

Harry  Garrard  Brown.  |tt.  29  Oct.  1782  (fil.  Henrici  B. 
dc  Civ.  Sarisbur:  Doctoris,  al,  21).  (JLJft.  received  as 
<£T.  Ktime  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1783. 

1732-83.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  167 

William  Draper  Best.  JE.  31  Oct.  1782  (fil.  Thornae  B.  de 
Hasalborough,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  14).  <£.JE.  received  as 
<£.  same  clay,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1784. 
Created  D.C.L.  11  June,  1834. 

Born  13  Dec.  1767.  Serjeant-at-Law  1800.  Puisne  Judge  of 
the  Common  Pleas,  1819.  Knighted  1819.  Chief  Justice,  1829. 
Created  Baron  Wynford,  of  Wynford  Eagle,  Dorset,  1829  : 
died  3  March,  1845. 


Henry  Heathcote  (J).  |&.  14  Jan.  1783  (fil.  Hcnrici  H. 
de  Mapledurham,  Oxon :  cler.  set.  18).  (&.JE.  received  as 
(£.  same  day,  restored  8  July,  1789.  Admitted  £>. 
27  Sept.  1783,  of  Oxon,  aged  18.  He  was  ordered  to 
prove  Founder's  Kin,  30  June,  1783:  took  the  oath  26  May, 
1786.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1787.  Maddox  Exhibi- 
tioner 1784  to  1787.  B.A.  31  Oct.  1786.  M.A.  10  Oct. 
1791.  B.D.  18  June,  1802.  Elected  $.Jp.  30  June, 
1788  (as  Founder's  Kin).  Admitted  Jf.  6  July,  1789. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1788.  Librarian  1798  and  1800 
(Davis,  deputy).  His  Jf.  was  vacant  in  consequence  of 
untenable  preferment  30  June,  1803.  He  replaced  his 
(  10  July,  1810,  and  the  account  closes  Midsummer 
1820.  His  name  was  removed  23  July,  1821. 

Rector  of  Bixbrand,  Oxon.  1803. 

The  present  Rector  of  Bix  (1893)  caused  a  marble  Tablet  to 

be   removed  from  the  old  dismantled   Church   at   Bixbrand, 

and  erected  in  the  vestry  of  the  new  Church  :    it  bears  the 

following  inscription, — 

"  Near  this  place  are  deposited  the  remains  of  the  Rev.  H.  II. 

20   years   Rector  of   this   parish,   obt.    2nd   Sept.    1822.      In 

gratitude  to    his    memory   his    afflicted   Widow   caused    this 

monument  to  be  erected." 

Thomas  Gwynn.  |E.  26  March,  1783  (fil.  Thorns  G.  de 
Tenbury,  Vigorn:  cler.  act.  16).  (£.|E.  received  as  (fl*. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1790.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1783.  B.A.  6  Feb.  1787.  M.A. 
10  July,  1790. 

Ki8  WARDEN     GERARD.  [1783. 

Richard  Pratt.  JE.  10  April,  1783  (fil.  Kicardi  P.  de 
Glastonbury,  Somerset:  cler.  aet.  18).  GT.JE.  received  as 
dt.  (Prat)  5  April,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1790. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1784,  1785.  B.A.  6  July,  1787. 

"Vicar  of  Littleham  with  Exmouth,  Devon,  1813  till  his 
death  6  June,  1840."  (F.) 

Wenman  Langton  (J).  |tt.  10  April,  1783  (fil.  Gulielmi 
L.  de  Civ.  Dublin :  cler.  set.  19).  (JI.JE.  received  as  Ot. 
(Wenman  Henry)  9  April,  1783  :  account  closed  Christ- 
mas 1821.  B.A.  20  Feb.  1787.  M.A.  28  June,  1793. 
B.D.  27  June,  1800.  D.D.  5  Dec.  1810. 

"4  Nov.  1836,  died  at  Warham,  Norfolk,  aged  74,  Rev. 
W.  H.  L.  Rector  of  Warham  St  Mary  with  "Waterden,  and 
Impropriator  of  Longford,  Derbyshire." 

(G.  Mag.  106,  II.  664.) 
Father  of  Wenman  C.  L.  1810. 

Thomas  Bewley.     JE.  10  April,  1783  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 

Dolston,  Cumber :  pleb.  set.  17) ;  according  to  the 
Register,  but  as  there  is  no  entry  of  C.JH.  received  it  may 
be  a  mistake  of  the  Bedel's  for  he  entered  Queen's  as 
Battler  7  April,  1783.  B.A.  (Queen's)  7  March,  1788. 
M.A.  22  June,  1791.  Elected  Jf.  13  Dec.  1798  and 
died  as  Jf. 

William  Jones.  |E.  10  April,  1783  (fil.  Johannis  J.  de 
Aberystwith,  Cardig:  arm.  set.  24).  (H.JE.  received  as 
,-jF.(!L  same  day :  paid  over  to  William  Bond,  7  March, 

Gilbert  Parke.  Jtt.  10  April,  1783  (fil.  Gilbert!  P.  de  Civ. 
Westmonast :  arm.  aet.  23).  (JL|E.  received  as  Jf.(£. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1788. 

"  Died  24  Sept,  1824,  at  the  Parsonage  House,  St  John's  Wood, 
Regents  Park,  aged  65,  Rev.  G.  P.  Chaplain  to  his  Majesty  : ' 
lie  published  "  The  Letters  and  Correspondence  of  Henry  St 
John,  Visct.  Lolingbroke,  1798." 
-'  Vicar  of  Wiggenhall,  and  Rector  of  Downham  Market.''     (F.) 

1783.]  WARDEN     GERARD.  169 

Edward  Edwards.  JE.  11  April,  1783  (fil.  Hugoiiis  E.  de 
Ehayader,  Eadnor:  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.JK.  received  as 
Servitor  9  April,  1783  restored  1786.  Admitted  Clerk 
19  Oct.  1783  of  Eadnor,  aged  18.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1783,  1784, 1785.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1783, 1784, 1785. 
B.A.  20  Feb.  1787.  Another  Clerk  was  admitted  in  his 
place,  27  March,  1786. 

Robert  Owens.  JE.  5  June,  1783  (fil.  Eoberti  0.  de  Llan- 
fair,  Denbigh :  pleb.  set.  22).  GT.JE.  received  as  Servitor 

2  June,  1783  :  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1785. 

John  Parry.  JU.  8  July,  1783  (fil.  Simonis  P.  de  Euthin, 
Denbigh:  pleb.  set.  19).  (&. J$l.  received  as  Servitor 

3  July,  1783 :    taken  up  for  Battels  Lady  Day   1794. 
Admitted    Clerk    19    Oct.    1783   of  Denbigh,  aged    19. 
Goodridge     Exhibitioner     1783,    1784,     1785.      Pigott 
Exhibitioner    1783,    1784,    1785.      His   Clerkship   was 
vacant  by  resignation  21  Dec.  1785.     B.A.  29  Feb.  1792. 

Warben   Wills. 


Henry  Lingen.  JE.  10  Oct.  1783  (fil.  Radolphi  L.  de  Kock, 
Vigorn :  cler.  a?t.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  CO!,  same  day, 
restored  by  Bursar  Halse  (i.e.  1792).  Admitted  j*>. 
21  Oct.  1784  of  Hereford,  aged  19.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1784  to  1790.  B.A.  7  June,  1787.  M.A. 
10  July,  1793.  Elected  LJf.  30  June,  1791.  Admitted 
,-fF.  9  July,  1792.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1791,  but  resigned 
10  July,  1792 ;  he  was  reappointed  20  Nov.  (vice  Holy- 
day)  with  Michell,  as  deputy ;  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1792,  (Tournay  deputy).  Bursar  1793, 1794.  He  resign.- 
ed  the  Bursarship  10  July,  1795  and  his  Jf,  was 
vacant  by  marriage  30  June,  1796. 

Son  of  Ralph  L.  1750,  and  father  of  Henry  L.  1816  :  in  orders  ; 
of  Abberley  Wore,  where  he  died  18  March,  1853,  aged  87. 

Christopher  Hardy  Sherive.  |H.  7  Nov.  1783  (fil. 
Hcnrici  S.  de  Bothenhampton  i.e.  Baunton,  Dorcestr: 
Doctoris,  aet.  16).  (JI.JE.  received  as  (£.  same  day, 
restored  9  July,  1791.  Admitted  £.  21  Oct.  1784  of 
Dorset,  aged  17.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1784  to 
1791.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1787.  M.A.  9  July,  1791.  £. 
vacant  by  resignation  30  June,  1791. 

In  orders  :  died  at  his  father's  house,  Hyde,  in  Bothenhampton 

in  1800. 

Son  of  Henry  S.  1756,  and  grandson  of  Jonas  S.  1718. 


Thomas  Hillersdon  Bulteel.  JE.  26  Feb.  1784  (fil. 
Johaimis  B.  de  Holbelon,  Devon:  arm.  a-t.  17).  (!LJE. 
received  as  <ff.  24  Feb.  1784,  restored  1786. 

1784.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  171 

Harry  Barnes,  JE.  31  March,  1784  (fil.  Harry  B.  de  Civ. 
Vigorn  :  arm.  set.  22).  (£.JE.  received  as  JF.<£.  same  day, 
restored  24  March,  1789 ;  on  14  June,  1785,  he  was 
ordered  by  the  Common  Eoom  to  apologise.  B.A.  10  Oct. 

Roger  Owen.  JE.  31  March,  1784  (fil.  Ellis  0.  de  Bridge- 
north,  Salop:  gen.  set.  17).  CT.JE.  received  as  <£.  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  5  Dec.  1788.  B.A.  5  Feb.  1788. 
M.A.  17  Dec.  1790. 

William  Bellamy.  |E.  8  April,  1784  (fil.  Kicardi  B.  de 
Opp.  Monmouth :  cler.  ret.  15).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  2  Feb. . 

Evan  Holliday.  JE.  21  April,  1784  (fil.  Thomre  H.  de 
Sti  Petri,  in  Opp.  Carmarthen:  in  Wallia:  gen.  a3t.  15). 
CLJE.  received  as  (ft.  26  April,  1784,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Christmas  1793.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1784. 
Admitted  £.  24  Oct.  1785  of  Carmarthen,  aged  17. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1785  to  1786.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1786,  1787,  1790.  Somerscales  Exhibi- 
tioner 1789  to  1792.  B.A.  31  Jan.  1788.  Elected 
$.dF.  30  June,  1792,  but  he  resigned  20  Nov.,  being 
possessed  of  "untenable  property."  He  had  been 
appointed  Sub-Dean  10  July,  1792,  which  office  he 
resigned  with  his  Jf. 

Chaplain  of  Plymouth  Dockyard.  Vicar  of  Carmarthen  1815 
to  1833.  Eector  of  Blethfaugh,  Eadn.  and  Vicar  of  Llan- 
arthney,  Carm.  1833,  died  1836.  (G.  Mag.  106,  I.  328.) 

Richard  Michell  (J)-  P.  5  May,  1784  (fil.  Johannis  M. 
de  Totnes,  Damnon :  gen.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 

3  May,  1784.     Admitted  £>.  21  Oct.  1784  of  Devon,  aged 
18.     Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1785  to  1792.     B.A. 
31  Jan.  1788.    M.A.  10  July,  1793.    B.D.  19  April,  1804. 
D.D.   4   March,   1811.     Elected   ^JJ.JF.   30   June,   1792. 
Admitted  Jf.  9  July,  1793.      Elected  Sub-Dean  1792  ; 
Humanity  Lecturer  1793,  1794,  but  became  Dean  (vice 
Davis)  10  July,  1795 ;  Dean  1795,  1796,  but  was  reap- 
pointed   Humanity  Lecturer  on    the   death  of   Benson, 

4  Feb.  1797 ;  Humanitv  Lecturer    1797,  1798  :    Bursar 

172  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1784. 

1799,  1800,  but  became  Sub- Warden  on  the  resignation  of 
Davis,  June,  1801  and  was  elected  again  1801  to  1804. 
On  30  June,  1801  lie  was  appointed  to  act  as  Librarian  till 
the  next  Election.  Bursar  again  1805  to  1810,  but,  being 
appointed  Eector  of  Eryerning,  6  March,  1811,  resigned 
his  JF.  and  office,  when  his  name  was  replaced  on  the 
list  of  (ft.  <!LJE.  replaced  23  Oct.  1811 :  account 
closed  1821.  He  was  Will's  Divinity  Lecturer  1806, 
1807,  1808. 

Educated  at  St  Paul's  School  ;  foundationer  13  April,  1779. 
The  Eectory  of  Fryerning  was  filled  up  in  consequence  of  his 
death  31  March,  1826. 

Arthur  Powell.  JE.  11  May,  1784  (fil.  Gulielmi  P.  de  Civ. 
Westmonast:  arm.  set.  17).  (H.jtl.  received  as  «dF.(ft. 
10  May,  1784,  taken  up  for  Battels  9  Dec.  1789. 

Samuel  Rainbow  Girdlestone.  JH.  19  May,  1784  (fil. 
Zurishaddai  G.  de  Baconsthorpe,  Norfolc:  cler.  ret.  17). 
CLJE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  paid  over  Christmas  1796. 
Admitted  £>.  21  Oct.  1784,  of  Norfolk,  aged  18.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1784  to  1788.  B.A.  5  Eeb.  1788. 
Resigned  his  £>.  30  June,  1788. 

"  Barrister  at  Law  (Middle  Temple)  1797."     (F.) 
Father  of  Charles  G.  1815. 

David  Brymer.  JE.  25  May,  1784  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Bellie,  Banff:  gen.  set.  17).  (H.J&.  received  as  (ft.  same 
day,  restored  Christmas  1793.  Admitted  £>.  24  Oct. 

1785,  of  Moray,  N.B.  aged  18.     Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

1786,  1787,  1789,  1790,  1792.     Somerscales  Exhibitioner 
1789  to  1793.     B.A.  14  Jan.  1788.     M.A.  10  July,  1793. 
Elected  ty.JF.   30  June,  1793.      Admitted   JF.  9  July, 
1794.      Elected  Moderator  of   Philosophy  1793,   1801; 
Bursar   1797,    1798;    Dean    1799,  1800;    His   Jf.   was 
vacant  by  marriage  30  June,  1803. 

Samuel  Forster.  |E.  27  May,  1784  (fil.  Samuelis  F.  de 
Holywell  in  Civ.  Oxon  :  Doctoris,  ait.  17).  (£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  25  May,  1784,  restored  Christmas  1790.  Admitted 
£.  24  Oct.  1785  of  Oxford,  aged  18 :  took  the  oath  26 

1784.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  173 

May,  1786.     Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1785  till  his 
death  in  1791.     B.A.  2  April,  1788. 

Son  of  Samuel  F.  I7|f. 

John  Harbin.  JE.  27  May,  1784  (fil.  Swayne  H.  de  Yeovil, 
Somerset:  arm.  set.  17).  (£.J&.  received  as  (ft.  25  May, 
1784,  restored  12  May,  1785.  Admitted  5>.  as  Founder's 
Kin  21  Oct.  1784  of  Somerset,  aged  18.  Elected  Dis- 
cipulus  (i.e.  Scholar)  of  Corpus  Christi  8  Jan.  1785. 
B.C.L.  10  Oct.  1792. 

Probably  father  of  Wadham  H.  1812  :  if  so,  cleric  of  Langton 
Matravers ;  brother  of  Wyndham,  1781,  and  Robert,  1782, 
and  uncle  of  Edward  H.  1820. 

Henry  Crump.  JK.  27  May,  1784  (fil.  Henrici  C.  de  Sher- 
borne,  Dorcestr :  gen.  ret.  22).  (JT.jE.  received  as  (ft.  25 
May,  1784,  paid  over  16  July,  1789. 

Thomas  Seymour.  JE.  24  June,  1784  (fil.  Eicardi  S.  de 
Bridport,  Dorcestr :  pleb.  set.  20).  CLJE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  2  Dec.  1796.  Admitted  Clerk 
29  April,  1786  of  Dorset,  aged  21.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1786,  1787.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1786,  1787. 
B.A.  2  April,  1788.  His  Clerkship  was  filled  up  11  April, 

Perpetual  Curate  of  Tincleton  1  Feb.  1802,  and  Rector  of 
Woodsford  1802.  In  the  Church  at  Tincleton,  Dorset,  is  the 
following  inscription, — 

In  memory  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Seymour,  47  years  Rector  of 
Woodsford,  and  perpetual  curate  of  Tincleton,  both  in  the 
diocese  of  Salisbury.  He  departed  this  life  on  28th  day  of 
June  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1849,  aged  86  years. 

(Hutchins  II.  629.) 

Thomas  Harding.  JE.  13  Oct.  1784  (fil.  Judd  H.  de 
Solihull,  Warwic:  gen.  ret.  18).  GT.JK.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1795. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1786,  1787.  B.A.  22  May,  1788. 

Theophilus  Brocas.  |E.  21  Oct.  1784  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Civ.  Dublin,  Decani:  get.  17).  CJft.  received  as  (ft. 

174  WARDEN     WILLS.  1784-85. 

same  day,  increased  to  ,-fF.(£.  24  Dec.  1784,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Midsummer  1787.  On  the  29  April,  1790  it  was 
decided  that  Mr  Brocas  should  be  prosecuted  for  the 
Battels  due  from  him.  He  replaced  his  C.Jtt.  27  Oct. 
1795,  which  was  paid  over  Midsummer  1796.  B.A. 
12  May,  1796. 

John  Brocas  was  Dean  of  Killala. 

Richard  Ward.  JE.  11  Nov.  1784  (fil.  Kichardi  W.  de 
Warltergh,  Derb:  gen.  set.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£. 
21  Oct.  1784,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1794. 
B.A.  22  May,  1788. 

The  following  entries  may  refer  to  him  ;  but  if  so,  the  age  is 
wrongly  stated. 

"  1  Aug.  1845,  died  at  Brandon,  Suffolk,  aged  87,  Eev.  R.  W. 
Rector  of  Brandon  with  Wangford,  and  late  Rector  of  Sutton 
with  Duckmanton,  Perpetual  Curate  of  Dethick,  and  for  up- 
wards of  forty  years  Chaplain  at  Cromford  to  the  late  Richard 
Arkwright,  Esq.  of  Willersley  Castle,  Derb.  He  removed  to 
Brandon  in  1833."  (G.  Mag.  115,  II.  320.) 

In  Brandon  Churchyard  is  a  flat  tomb  with  high  iron  railings 
with  this  inscription, — - 

"  In  memory  of  the  Rev.  Richard  Ward,  Rector  of  this  Parish, 
who  died  1  Aug.  1845,  aged  86  years." 


George  Shakespear.  |&.  11  Jan.  1785  (fil.  Georgii  S.  de 
Civ.  Westmonast :  arm.  oat.  27).  (£.!&.  received  as  JfM. 
4  March,  1785,  restored  28  Dec.  1785. 

Admitted  to  Westminster  School  1772,  age   14.     Died  at  his 
apartments  in  the  New  Road,  London,  29  April  1799. 

(G.  Mag.  G9, 1.  440.) 

Thomas  Abraham  Salmon.  |E.  9  March,  1785  (fil. 
Johannis  S.  de  Chew  Magna,  Somerset:  gen.  ;yt.  18). 
C.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  account  closed  Midsummer 
1803.  Admitted  £.  24  Oct.  1785  of  Somerset,  aged  18: 
took  the  oath  1H  Jan.  1786.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

1785.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  175 

?1788.     Hody   (Hebrew)   Exhibitioner   1786   to   1788. 
B.A.  23  Oct.  1788.     M.A.  27  June,  1792.     B.D.  28  June, 
1800.     He  probably  vacated  his  g>.  in  1788  or  1789. 
Rector  of  Kotlney  Stoke  1794  to  1822.     Prebendary  of  Combe 
Secunda  (Wells,)  7  March,  1798  ;  died  21  January,  1822,  buried 
at  Wookey,  Somerset. 

William  Marsh.  JE.  30  March,  1785  (fil.  Johannis  M.  de 
Lydford,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  17).  &.JE..  received  as  <£. 
same  day;  restored  Michaelmas  1794.  Admitted  g. 
24  Oct.  1785,  of  Somerset,  aged  17.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1792,  1793.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1785 
to  1792.  B.A.  5  Eeb.  1789.  M.A.  17  July,  1794. 
Elected  $.JF.  30  June,  1794.  Admitted  JF.  9  July, 
1795.  Elected  Librarian  1796,  1799  (Davis,  deputy), 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1798,  but  displaced  2  Nov.  1799, 
being  non-resident.  His  Jf.  was  vacant  by  marriage 
30  June,  1801. 

Rector  of  Weston  Bampfylde,  Somerset  1823  :  but  resided  at 
Sutton  Montis.  "Feb.  1825.  Died  lately  at  South  Cadbury, 
Rev.  W.  M.  Rector  of  Weston  Bampfylde,  Som."  (G.  Mag.) 

William  Bryant.  JE.  6  April,  1785  (fil.  Gulielmi  B.  de 
Dorchester,  Dorcestr:  gen.  set.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as  (Q". 
30  March,  1785,  restored  29  April,  1790.  B.A.  21  Feb. 

George  Williams.     JE.  10  May,  1785  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 

Hartlebury,  Vigorn :  gen.  ret.  18).     (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 

same  day,  restored  30  July,  1790.     B.A.  5  Feb.   1789. 

"  Dec.   10.  1852  at  Martin  Hussingtree,  Wore.,  died  aged  80, 

Rev.  G.  W.  Rector  for  62  years."  (G.  Mag.  123,  I.  215.) 

Thomas  Blears.  JE.  10  May,  1785  (fil.  Thonue  M.  de 
Southampton,  Hampton :  gen.  set.  17).  GLJE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1789. 
B.A.  5  Feb.  1789.  M.A.  12  March,  1792. 

Rector  of  All  Saints  and  St  Lawrence  and  Vicar  of  St  Johns, 
Southampton  :  he  died  24  April,  1835  :  "he  had  performed  his 
clerical  duties  in  Southampton  for  upwards  of  40  years,  but  was 
presented  to  the  livings  by  the  Lord  Chancellor  in  1817." 

(G.  Mag.  105,  II.  98.) 

176  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1785. 

James  Hawksley.  JE.  11  May,  1785  (fil.  Jacobi  H.  de 
Ashford,  Kent :  gen.  set.  21).  (£.p.  received  as  Jf.(!L 
9  May,  1785,  restored  9  Nov.  -  — . 

Robert  Hall.  Jtt.  12  May,  1785  (fil.  Robert!  H.  de  Buck- 
land,  Bercber :  gen.  net.  23).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same 
day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1798.  B.C.L. 
29  Oct.  1793. 

Robert  Davis.  JE.  31  May,  1785  (fil.  Roberti  D.  de 
Knighton,  Radnor :  cler.  net.  19).  received  as 
Servitor  (Davies)  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1806.  Admitted  Clerk  27  March,  1786  of  Rad- 
nor, aged  20  Gooclridge  Exhibitioner  1785,  1786,  1787, 
1788.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1786,  1787.  B.A.  (Davies) 
22  April,  1789.  M.A.  17  Feb.  1792.  His  Clerkship  was 
filled  up  17  Nov.  1788. 

Samuel  Locke  ("p.  JE.  22  Oct.  1785  (fil.  Thomse  L.  de 
Taunton,  Somerset :  gen.  ?et.  17).  (H.JUl.  received  as  (!T. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1816. 
Admitted  £.  30  Oct.  1786  of  Somerset,  aged  18.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  1787.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1788  to 
1790.  B.A.  12  June,  1789.  M.A.  17  June,  1796.  B.D. 
and  D.D.  11  Eel).  1808.  He  resigned  his  3j.  30  June, 
1790.  His  name  was  removed  from  the  books,  3 
March,  1820. 

"  Died  20  Dec.  1849,  at  Southampton  at  an  advanced  age, 
Rev.  S.  L.  formerly  Chaplain  to  his  late  R.  H.  the  Duke  of  Kent, 
and  for  many  years  a  magistrate  of  Surrey.  He  was  a  man  of 
considerable  learning  and  an  eloquent  preacher." 

(G.  Mag.  120,  I.  221.) 

Cavendish  Sturt.  Jft.  1  Nov.  1785  (fil.  Humphredi  S.  de 
Sti  Jacobi,  Westmonast :  arm.  xt.  16).  (H.JE.  received 
as  JF.OL  22  Nov.  1785,  restored  29  June,  1788. 

Sixth  Son  of  Humphrey  Sturt,  of  Horton,  Dorset,  born  1768. 
Ensign  in  34th  Regt.  5  June,  1789  :  passed  through  all  ranks 
up  to  Lieut. -Col.  (39th  Regt).  1809  and  Colonel  1819:  retired 
12  August,  1824. 

1785.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  177 

Robert  Michell  Crosse.  p.  22  Nov.  1785  (fil.  Johannis 
C.  de  Southwark,  Surr :  gen.  set.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas,  1795. 
B.A.  12  June,  1789.  M.A.  28  June,  1793. 

Henry  Adams,  JH.  28  Nov.  1785  (fil.  Henrici  A.  de 
Buckler's  Hard,  Hampton :  gen.  ret.  21).  €^.|E.  received 
as  JF.(&.  7  Dec.  1785,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1794.  B.A.  12  June,  1789.  M.A.  17  Dec.  1794. 

Born  31  Oct.  1764.  Curate  of  Beaulieu  (his  native  parish) 
1790,  of  Fawley,  Hants,  1797  to  1803.  Rector  of  Hatch 
Beauchamp,  Somerset,  26  Oct.  1798.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of 
Gloucester's  New  Forest  Volunteers  1803  to  1813.  Chaplain  to 
Lord  Montague,  died  27  April,  1839.  At  Beaulieu  Church 
there  is  a  tablet  with  this  inscription, — 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  H.  A.  who  was  for  forty- 
nine  years  Pastor  of  this  Parish,  the  duties  of  which  he  per- 
formed with  active  benevolence  and  unaffected  piety." 

Alexander  Anstruther.  JE.  29  Nov.  1785  (fil.  Eoberti 
A.  de  Carnbee,  Fif :  Baronetti,  set.  16).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  <£.  15  Dec.  1785,  restored  8  July,  1789. 

Born  10  Sept.  1769.  Advocate  General  of  Madras,  Recorder  of 
Bombay,  Knight,  died,  16  July,  1819. 

William  East  on.  JE.  13  Dec.  1785  (fil.  Jacobi  E.  de  Civ. 
Salisbur:  gen.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  <JL  15  Dec. 
1785,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas,  1790.  B.A.  12 
June,  1789. 

Prebendary  of  Swallowcliffe  (Heytesbury)  1804.  Vicar  of 
Hurstbourne  Priors  1817,  died  20  Nov.  1834.  (G.  Mag.) 

John  Colmer.  C.JE.  received  as  (ft.  24  June,  1785,  restored 
4  July,  1791.  Admitted  £.  24  Oct.  1785  of  Somerset, 
aged  19:  took  the  oath  13  Jan.  1786.  JE.  (Mertoiij 
25  March,  1784  (fil.  Eoberti  C.  de  Chard,  Somerset :  gen. 
n-t.  18).  Hocly  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1786  to  1789. 


178  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1785-86. 

B.A.  30  Oct.  1787.  M.A.  15  Oct.  1802.  He  resigned 
S>.  30  June,  1789. 

Rector  of  Askerswell,  Dorset,  9  Dec.  1789.  Rector  of  Crickett 
Malherbe,  Somerset,  1801.  Rector  of  Littleton  Drew,  Wilts, 
1807.  In  the  Church  at  Askerswell  is  the  following, — 
"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  John  Colmer,  M.A.,  many 
years  Rector  of  this  Parish  who  departed  this  life  10  Jan.  1842, 
aged  77  years."  (Hutchins  II.  1762.) 

John  Sleath.  C.JE.  received  as  (£.  27  June,  1785,  restored 
Christmas  1793.  Admitted  £.  24  Oct.  1785  of  Leicester, 
aged  18.  JE.  (Lincoln)  9  Nov.  1784  (fil.  Gulielmi  S.  de 
Osgarthorp,  Leicestr:  pleb.  set.  17).  Hocly  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1786  to  1787.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1789.  M.A. 
17  Dec.  1793.  B.D.  and  D.D.  2  July,  1814.  He  resigned 
£.  30  June,  1788.  He  replaced  his  dp.  as  OL  26 
June,  1814:  name  removed  14  July,  1820. 

Assistant  Master  in  Rugby  School  1787,  High  Master  of  St 
Paul's  School  16  June,  1814,  resigned  10  Oct.  1837.  F.S.A. 
9  March,  1815.  Sub-dean  of  the  Chapel  Royal,  St  James.' 
Prebendary  of  Mora  in  St  Paul's  Cathedral  5  July,  1822  :  died 
30  April,  1847,  and  is  buried  in  the  Crypt  of  St  Paul's  with 
the  following  inscription, — 

"  In  memory  of 

The  Rev.  John  Sleath 

who  died  April  30,  1847, 

in  the  80th  year  of  his  age." 

Richard  Reed.  €.|E.  received  as  (£.  27  June,  1785, 
restored  1  July,  1785.  |E.  (Queen's)  8  April,  1783  (fil. 
Johannis  II.  de  Buckland,  Devon :  pleb.  <Tt.  19).  Bible 
Clerk  (Exeter)  1784  (Boase,  147).  B.A.  (Exeter)  19  Oct. 
1786:  had  testimonials  for  Deacon's  orders,  June,  1786. 


Charles  Kipling.  £K.  14  Jan.  1786  (fil.  Carol!  K.  de  Thame, 
Oxon:  cler.  ajt.  17).  C.JE.  received  as  (&.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1793.  Good  ridge 
Exhibitioner  1786,  1787.  B.C.L.  8  July,  1809.  On 

1786.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  179 

21  March,  1791,  it  was  resolved  that  Kipling's  B.A.  degree 
should  be  put  off  till  the  next  Lent  Term  for  misconduct, 
but  on  8th  July,  the  punishment  was  remitted. 

Vicar  of  Stony  Stratford,  Bucks,  1809.     Rector  of  Coston,  Leic. 
1822,  died  28  May,  1841.  (<?.  Mag.  Ill,  II.  214.) 

Son  of  Charles  K.  1751. 

Charles  Henry  Burt.  p.  23  Jan.  1786  (fil.  Josephi  B. 
de  Plymouth,  Damnon :  arm.  ret.  16).  (H.JE.  received  as 
dL  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1794. 
B.A.  16  Feb.  1790. 

David  Herbert.  JE.  21  March,  1786  (fil.  Gulielmi  H.  de 
Llanarth,  Cardigan :  pleb.  set.  19).  (  received  as 
Servitor  11  March,  1786,  restored  28  Feb.  1790.  B.A. 
12  Feb.  1790. 

One  D.  H.  was  perpetual  Curate  of  Rhydybryw,  Brecon,  and 
died  in  1836.  (G.  Mag.  106,  II.  104.) 

William  Royse.  JE.  22  March,  1786  (fil.  Nathanielis  11.  de 
Winsham,  Somerset :  cler.  ret.  25).  dLJE.  received  as 
jF.(!L  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  12  June,  1788. 
On  6  Nov.  1788,  having  taken  orders  without  leave,  he 
was  therefore  declared  no  longer  a  member  of  the  College. 

Probably  father  of  William  George  R.  1808. 

Gilbert  Ford.  |E.  12  April,  1786  (fil.  Johannis  F.  de  Civ. 
Bristol:  gen.  ret.  17).  C.J&.  received  as  (ft.  15  April, 
1786,  restored  14  May,  1794.  B.A.  4  Feb.  1790.  M.A. 
20  June,  1798. 

Rector  of  North  Meols,  Lancashire  1798,  died  6  May,  1835,  and 
was  buried  at  Chester.     On  a  white  marble  tablet  on  the  North 
Wall  of  Ormskirk  Church  is  the  following  inscription, — 
To  the  memory  of 


Wife  of  the  Rev.  Gilbert  Ford 
Died  July  22,  1811,  aged  45  : 


of  the  Rev.  Gilbert  Ford,  A.M. 

Forty  years  Rector  of  the  Parish  of 

North  Meols  in  this  county 

ISO  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1786. 

Who  died  May  6,  1835  in  the  66th  year 

of  his  age 
and  is  interred  in  the  Cathedral 

of  Chester 

This  Tablet  was  erected  by  their 
Affectionate  Daughter  Elizabeth  Hilton. 

David  Williams.  |tt.  3  May,  1786  (fil.  Morgan  W.  do 
Llanrhystid,  Cardigan :  pleb.  ai't.  19).  GT.JH.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  16  May,  1787.  Admitted 
Bible  Clerk  at  Exeter  1788.  B.A.  ll  Jan.  1790. 

Curate  of  Merton,  Oxon  ;  Chaplain  of  Christ  Church. 

Henry  Wood.  p.  24  May,  1786  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de 
Abby  Milton  i.e.  Milton  Abbas,  Dorcestr :  cler.  a-t.  18). 
d.Jtt.  received  as  (Jt.  same  day,  restored  15  March,  1791. 
B.A.  11  March,  1791. 

Charles  Dolphin.  JE.  25  May,  1786  (fil.  Jacobi  D.  de 
Birmingham,  Warwic:  gen.  set,.  17).  (H.Jtt.  received  as 
<£.  same  day,  restored  28th  Nov.  1787. 

Walter  Chapman  Yorke.  |E.  31  May,  1786  (fil.  Gulielmi 
Y.  de  Clapham,  Somerset :  gen.  a>t.  21).  (!LJE.  received 
as  JFM,  same  day,  restored  11  Nov.  1788. 

There  is  no  Clapham  in  Somerset,  possibly  it  should  be  Clapton. 

Thomas  Pryce.  Jtt.  31  May,  1786  (fil.  Bicardi  P.  de 
Burrington,  Hereford  :  cler.  ait.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
<JT.  same  day,  restored  15  March,  1791.  B.A.  14  April, 

Charles  Morgan  Clayfield.  JE.  1  June,  1786  (fil. 
Michaelis  C.  de  Civ.  Bristol:  gen.  ret.  15).  (&.JK.  re- 
ceived as  (!T.  same  day,  paid  over  6  Nov.  1795.  B.C.L. 
15  June,  1793. 

He  was  second  son  of  Michael  C.  merchant  of  Bristol  (See  life 
of  Chatterton)  by  Mary  daughter  of  Rev.  Charles  Morgan,  Rector 
of  High  II am.  Somerset,  and  Jane,  his  wife,  daughter  of  Rev. 
Dennis  Rnlle,  Rector  of  Merton,  Devon  :  entered  the  09th  Regt. 

1786.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  181 

as  ensign  30  April,  1794,  and  became  Captain  4  Nov.  1795, 
retired  on  4  June,  1801,  and  died  unmarried  20th  Sept.  1828, 
aged  58  at  Downend  :  but  see  also  G.  Mag.  69,  II.  719,  where 
he  is  said  to  have  died  at  Colombo  :  ?  is  it  a  promotion  which 
has  slipped  into  the  obituary. 

Simon  Fraser.  J&.  4  July,  1786  (fil.  Archibald!  Campbell 
F.  de  Tripoli  in  Kegn.  Tripolitano :  arm.  ait.  20).  &.JE. 
received  as  (ft.  6  July,  1786,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christ- 
mas 1793. 

"  Barrister  at  Law,  Lincolns  Inn,  1789,  of  the  Inner  Temple 
1793.  M.P.  for  Inverness-shire,  1796  to  1802,  died  unmarried 
at  Lisbon,  6  April,  1803,  aged  38."  (F.) 

James  Talman.  JE.  12  Oct.  1786  (fil.  Jacob!  T.  de  Christ 
Church,  Hampton :  cler.  pet.  17).  CT.JE.  received  as  <j£. 
14  Oct.  1786,  paid  over  1  Nov.  1788.  Demy  of  Magda- 
len, 1788 ;  resigned  on  marriage  20  Jan.  1794.  B.A. 
(James  John)  2  June,  1790.  M.A.  10  April,  1793. 

Elected  Chaplain  of  Bromley  College  2  July,  1800.  In  the 
Cemetery  of  Bromley  Church  is  a  Memorial  Stone  with  the 
following  inscription, — • 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  J.  J.  T.,  M.A.  twenty  years 
Chaplain  of  Bromley  College  and  Vicar  of  North  Curry  and 
Stocumber,  Somerset,  who  departed  this  life  14th  April,  1820, 
aged  51  years."  (Bloxain  VII.  114.) 

Thomas  Morgan.  Jtt.  14  Oct.  1786  (fil.  Philippi  M.  de 
Devynnock,  Brecon:  gen.  set.  16).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (#. 
same  day,  repaid  —  1786.  T.  M.  born  in  Brecon,  was 
admitted  £.  of  Jesus,  1  Feb.  1788.  B.A.  16  Nov.  1790. 
M.A.  30  May,  1793.  B.D.  and  D.D.  5  June,  1824. 

Became  Chaplain,  R.N.  (H.M.S.  Alfred  1793) ;  was  present  at 
Lord  Howe's  Victory  and  other  actions ;  Secretary  to  Rear 
Admiral  Sir  Charles  Cotton.  Perpetual  Curate  of  Talley, 
Carmarth  :  1801,  Rector  of  Llanvaches  1810,  Vicar  of  Kings 
Langley,  Herts,  1812,  Chaplain  of  Portsmouth  Dockyard  1817, 
died  22  Nov.  1851,  aged  83.  (G.  Mag.  122,  I.  104.) 

John  Broome.     $1.  24  Oct.  1786  (fil.  liicardi  B.  de  Wool- 

WARDEN     WILLS.  [1786-87. 

felow,   Hereford:    gen.  set.  19).     C.J&.  received  as  (0*. 
same  day,  restored  17  Dec.  1793.     B.C.L.  17  Dec.  1793. 

Richard  Powell.  €.j$L.  received  as  (St.  3  March,  1786, 
restored  4  July,  1786.  |tt.  (Pembroke)  19  Jan.  1785 
(fil.  Josephi  P.  do  Thame,  Oxon :  gen.  set.  17).  B.A. 
(Merton)  23  Oct.  1788.  M.A.  31  Oct.  1791.  B.M. 
12  July,  1792.  D.M.  20  Jan.  1795. 

Educated  at  Winchester.  F.R.C.P.  30  Sept.  1796,  Physician  to 
St  Bartholomew's  Hospital  14  Aug.  1801  to  1824. 
Censor  1798,  1807,  1820,  1823,  Gulstonian  Lecturer  1799, 
Harveiau  Orator  1808,  Lumleian  Lecturer  1811  to  1822, 
Secretary  to  the  Commission  for  regulating  Madhouses,  died 
18  Aug.  1834  :  see  his  record  in  Sir  Henry  Halford's  Harveiau 
Oration.  (Munk  II.  456.) 


Thomas  Tucker.  |E.  30  Jan.  1787  (fil.  Thomaj  T.  de 
Kingsdon,  Somerset:  cler.  ajt.  16).  (!LJE.  received  as  (fl*. 
Jan.  1787,  restored  Midsummer  1793.  B.A.  3  Feb. 
1791.  M.A.  9  July,  1793. 

Rector  of  Kingsdon,  Somerset  1794.     Died  1827,  aged  57. 

John  Gale.  Jtt.  17  Feb.  1787  (fil.  Henrici  Proctor  G.  de 
Haydon,  Somerset :  gen.  ret.  17).  GLJE.  received  as  (ft. 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1793.  On  13  Feb.  1788, 
be  was  punished  for  being  drunk  and  making  a  riot. 

"  Died  11  Aug.  1842,  at  Wilton  near  Taunton  in  his  75th  year 
Rev.  John  Gale,  Rector  of  Angersleigh  1794,  perpetual  curate 
of  Otterford  1810,  of  Corfe,  Somerset  1831." 

(G.  Mag.  112,  II.  438.) 

Aaron  Neck.  pi.  23  March,  1787  (fil.  Grcgorii  Andrews 
1ST.  de  St  Mary  Church,  Danmon :  gen.  a-t.  18).  dLJK. 
received  as  <JL  .  .  .  restored  30  March,  1791.  B.A. 
11  March,  1791. 

1787.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  183 

Perpetual  Curate  of  Kings  Kerswell,  1827  :  died  4  Oct.  1852, 

aged  84.  (G.  Mag.  122,  II.  546.) 

Inscription  on  a  grave  in  the  Churchyard  at  Kings  Kerswell — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  Aaron  Neck — 

Born  May  19,  1768,  died  Oct.  4th  1852. 

Who  for  52  years  zealously  laboured 
the  faithful  and  beloved  minister  of  this  parish 
teaching  the  young,  visiting  the  sick,  and  preaching  the 
Gospel  of  God. 

Francis  Annesley  Hughes.  JE.  24  March,  1787  (fil. 
Joannis  H.  de  Plymouth,  Damnon :  gen.  ait.  17).  C.JE. 
received  as  <JL  same  day,  restored  July,  1794.  B.C.L. 
13  May,  1794. 

Nathan  Seddon  Prickard.  Jtt.  24  March,  1787  (fil. 
Thomse  P.  de  Civ.  "Westmonast:  arm.  eet.  18).  (2T.JE. 
received  as  (fi*.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1794.  B.A.  26  Oct.  1790. 

Robert  Templeman.      |E.  29  March,  1787  (fil.   Osborn 
Thomas  T.  de  Civ.  Wells,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  18).     (JLjE. 
received  as  (ft.  28  March,  1787,  restored  Christinas  1793. 
B.A.  3  Feb.  1791.     M.A.  7  Nov.  1794. 
Died  at  Merriot,  aged  1  24. 

George  Hooton  Hyde.  JE.  13  May,  1787  (fil.  Thomas  H. 
de  Arne,  Dorcestr :  gen.  ret.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (B*. 
12  May,  1787,  restored  July,  1801.  B.A.  1  April,  1800. 
M.A.  19  July,  1800.  Name  replaced  16  Oct.  1816, 
removed  4  Nov.  1818. 

Rector  of  St  Martin's,  St  Mary's,  and  Holy  Trinity,  Poole  :  and 
an  Alderman  of  the  Corporation  :  in  St  Mary's  Church  is  the 
following  inscription, — 

"  In  this  Chapel  lie  the  remains  of  the  Rev.  G.  H.  H..  M.A. 
Rector  of  Hope  Mansel  in  the  County  of  Hereford  and  34  years 
Rector  of  this  Parish,  who  died  March  11,  1828,  aged  58  years." 

Benjamin  Pidcock.  J&.  16  May,  1787  (fil.  Johannis  P. 
de  Ashborne,  Derb :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (T. 
same  day,  restored  9  Nov.  1793.  Admitted  £.11  Oct. 
1788  of  Derby,  aged  18.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 

184  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1787. 

1788  to  1792.  B.A.  3  Feb.  1791.  M.A.  21  Nov.  1793. 
His  jfc.  was  vacant  30  June,  1792. 

Incumbent  of  Elton  1811,  Vicar  of  Youlgrave,  Derb  :  1812,  died 
28  Aug.  1835,  aged  67.  (G.  Mag.) 

On  a  Brass  within  the  Altar  Rails  at  Youlgrave  is  the  following 
inscription, — 

In  Memory  of 

the  Rev.  Benjamin  Pidcock  A.M. 
thirty-four  years  Vicar 

of  this  Parish 

who  departed  this  life 

in  the  66th  year  of  his  age 

on  the  28th  day  of  August 


Samuel  Davies.  JE.  21  May,  1787  (fil.  Arthur!  D.  do 
Llandovery,  Caermarth :  gen.  set.  18).  dT.JE.  received  as 
d»  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1791 : 
replaced  8  July,  1807,  restored  30  June,  1810.  B.A. 
3  Feb.  1791.  M.A.  2  March,  1809. 

Incumbent  of  Northaw,  Herts,  1810.  On  the  South  Wall  of 
the  Chancel  at  Northaw  is  this  tablet — "  In  a  vault  beneath  the 
Communion  Table  are  deposited  the  remains  of  the  Rev.  S.  D. 
who  died  the  IHh  day  of  Feb.  1845  in  the  77th  year  of  his 
age."  (Cussans.) 

Thomas  Benson.  |tt.  13  June,  1787  (fil.  Edvardi  B.  de 
Shenfield,  Essex :  arm.  set.  17).  &.JE.  received  as  (C". 

1787,  restored  Christmas  1793.     Admitted  £.  13  Oct. 

1788,  of  Essex,  aged  19.      Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1788  to  1794.     B.A.  10  May,  1791.     M.A.  9  July,  1795. 
Elected  ^.,#.   30  June,   1794.      Admitted  ,-ff.  9  July, 
1795.     Elected  Sub-Dean  3rd  Nov.  and  again  6th  Dec, 

1794.  Humanity  Lecturer  10  July,  and  again  6  Dec. 

1795,  also  1790 :  but  he  died  before  4  Feb.  1797,  when 
his  place  was  supplied  by  Michell. 

James  Webb  Tobin.  JE.  9  Nov.  1787  (fil.  Jacobi  T.  de 
Stratford  Suit  Castello,  Wilton :  arm.  ;ut.  20).  (tf.jtt. 
received  as  (Jt.  same  day,  restored  14  Dec.  1795.  B.A. 
L>r.  June,  1791. 

1787-83.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  185 

Edward  Edmonds.  JE.  9  Nov.  1787  (fil.  Joamris  E.  tie 
Ashburton,  Damnon :  gen.  set.  17).  (SLJtt.  received  as  <JT. 
same  day,  restored  Christmas  1791.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1788.  Admitted  £.  8  Oct.  1789,  of  Devon,  aged 
18.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1789.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhi- 
bitioner 1790  to  1791.  B.A.  17  Feb.  1792.  He  resigned 
&.  30  June,  1791. 

George  Henvill  Rogers.  JE.  13  Dec.  1787  (fil.  Eicardi 
11.  de  Shroton,  Dorcestr:  cler.  get.  17).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  1  July,  1796.  Goodridge  Exhi- 
bitioner 1788.  Admitted  £.  25  Sept.  1789,  of  Dorset 
aged  19.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1789  to  1792. 
(Hebrew)  1792'  to  1795.  B.A.  25  June,  1791.  M.A. 
16  July,  1796.  Elected  $.Jf.  30  June,  1795.  Admitted 
JF.  9  July,  1796.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1795  ;  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1796;  Catechist  4  Feb.  1797,  and  again 
6  Dec. ;  Bursar  1798, 1799  ;  Humanity  Lecturer  annually 
from  1800  to  1804;  Sub- Warden  annually  from  1805  to 

1812.  Vicar  of  Southrop  20  May,  1812.     On  27  Aug. 

1813,  he  resigned  his  ,-fF.  and  was  appointed  Chaplain 
30  Aug.  1813,  died  at  Oxford,  25  July,  1847,  aged  77. 

John  Thomas.  (tt.JE.  received  as  Servitor  20  June  1787, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1795.  JE.  (Jesus) 
8  April,  1786  (fil.  Johannis  T.  de  Carno,  Montgom :  cler. 
set.  18).  Admitted  Clerk  17  Nov.  1788  of  Montgomery, 
aged  21.  Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1788, 1789. 
B.A.  16  Feb.  1790.  M.A.  24  Jan.  1793.  He  vacated  his 
clerkship  on  17  Feb.  1790. 

Head  Master  of  Ludlow,  and  Lucton  Schools,  Incumbent  of 
Carno,  Montg  :  1793,  Vicar  of  Orleton  1816,  died  5  Feb.  1838, 
in  his  70th  year.  (G.  May.) 

Brother  of  Evan  T.  1788. 


Thomas  Wyndham.  JK.  12  March,  1788  (fil.  Gulielmi 
W.  do  Dinton,  Wilton:  arm.  a>t.  16).  (tf.JE.  received  as 
(£.  same  day,  increased  to  ,iF.t!l.  '2  Feb.  1789:  paid  over 

186  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1788. 

to  his  brother  J.  H.  W.  28  Oct.  1809 :  received  again  on 
re-admission  as  JF.^T.  5  May,  1809 ;  account  closed 
Christmas  1821.  B.C.L.  9  Dec.  1794.  U.C.L.  2  June, 

Vicar   of   Compton   Chamberlain,    resigned   1806.     Rector  of 
Pimperne,  Dorset,  3  July,   1806.     Rector  of  Melcombe  Regis 
1809,  resigned  1849.     "  Died  1862  aged  91."     (F.) 
Brother  of  John  H.  W.  1794  :  son  of  William  W.  1758. 

Edward  Lewton  (J)-  |tt.  15  April,  1788  (fil.  Edvardi 
L.  de  Civ.  Bristol :  pleb.  set.  1 9).  (H.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  8  April,  1788,  restored  Michaelmas  1794. 
Admitted  Clerk  11  April,  1788,  of  Bristol.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1788  to  1791.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1788. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1788  to  1793 :  he  signs  as 
Hebrew  Tutor  in  July,  1792  and  June,  1793.  B.A. 
17  Feb.  1792.  M.A.  10  Oct.  1794.  There  is  no  notice 
of  his  vacating  the  clerkship  but  he  was  elected  Chaplain 
5  Dec.  1793,  and  allowed  the  use  of  the  Library  6  Dec. 
1794.  He  resigned  the  Chaplaincy  26  Aug.  1813. 

"Professor  at   H.E.I.C.  College,  Haileybury,  died  21st  Feb. 
1830."     (F.) 

James  William  Burford  (T)-  I&.  8  May,  1788  (fil.  Petri 
Thomaj  B.  de  Chigwell,  Essex:  cler.  iet.  17).  (JLJE. 
received  as  (0".  7  May,  1788,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christinas  1796,  replaced  12  Dec.  1809  ;  but  his  name 
was  not  removed  from  the  College  Books,  till  12  March, 
1825;  account  closed  Christmas  1821.  Admitted  £. 
11  Oct.  1788  of  Essex,  aged  18.  Maddox  Exhibitioner 
1788  to  1792.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1792,  1793. 
B.A.  17  Feb.  1792.  M.A.  30  June,  1803.  B.D.  and 
D.D.  19  June,  1823.  Elected  $l.Jf.  30  June,  1794: 
but  resigned  before  30  June,  1795. 

Vicar  of  Tottington,  Norfolk  1800.     Head  Master  of  Chigwell 
School  1813  to  1849.     Rector  of  Magdalen  Laver,  Essex,  1832. 

William  Floyer  Cornish.  JE.  17  June,  1788  (fil.  Jacobi 
C.  de  Totness,  Damnon :  gen.  o>t.  18).  (£.|tt.  received  as 
(!T.  14  June,  17H8,  restored  2  July,  1790:  one  of  this 

1788-89.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  187 

name  was  B.A.  of  Exeter,  5  Feb.  1799 :  where  he  entered 
as  (ft.  7  Nov.  1795,  name  removed  6  May,  1801. 

"  Rector  of  Hook,  Dorset,  1827  ;  died  at  Totness  30  Aug.  1858, 
aged  88."  (G.  Mag.) 

John  Chard.  JE.  15  Oct.  1788  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de  Otherey, 
Somerset :  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (JT.  same  day, 
restored  22  Feb.  1793.  B.A.  18  June,  1792. 

James  Bryant.  JE.  30  Oct.  1788  (fil.  Robert!  B.  de 
Ilminster,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (St. 
same  day,  restored  1  Oct.  1789. 

John  Chamberlain.  JE.  8  Dec.  1788  (fil.  Ricardi  C.  de 
Whitston,  Leicestr:  pleb.  set.  24).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  5  July,  1790.  John 
Chamberlayne  was  B.A.  of  Balliol  16  Feb.  1793. 

Evan  Thomas.  JE.  12  Dec.  1788  (fil.  Johannis  T.  de  Carno, 
Montgom :  cler.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
10  Dec.  1788,  restored  25  Nov.  1791 ;  migrated  to  All 
Souls  for  a  Bible  Clerkship,  which  he  vacated  12  April, 
1793.  B.A.  7  Feb.  1793. 

Brother  of  John  T.  1787. 


David  Evans.  JE.  27  Jan.  1789  (fil.  Davidis  E.  de 
Llangunllo,  Radnor:  pleb.  oat.  25).  CT.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  29  Jan.  1789,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1796.  Admitted  Clerk  17  Feb.  1790  of  Radnor,  aged 
24  (?).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1789.  Pigott  Exhibi- 
tioner 1790,  1791.  B.A.  12  Oct.  1792.  M.A.  30  June, 

"  One  of  this  name  was  Vicar  of  Llangaw  1800,  and  of  St  Cleary 
Carmarthen  1828,  till  his  death  in  1831."     (F.) 

James  Vale.  JE.  25  March,  1789  (fil.  Johannis  V.  de 
Birmingham,  Warwic :  gen.  set.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as 

188  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1789. 

<£.  same   day,  taken   up   for   Battels   Christmas    1794. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1789,  1790,  B.A.  6  Nov.  1792. 

"  Died  15  May,  1809,  near  Llandrinio  Montg.,  in  his  41st  year 
Kev.  J.  V.  Curate  of  New  Chapel  in  that  neighbourhood  and 
formerly  Lecturer  at  St  Philip's,  Birmingham.  He  was 
esteemed  an  excellent  scholar,  and  when  young  was  fond  of 
writing  verses,  some  of  which  have  appeared  in  our  former 
volumes."  (G.  May.  79,  II.  783.) 

Robert  Barlow  Gardiner.  JH.  22  April,  1789  (fil. 
Jacobi  G.  de  Yardley  Hastings,  Northampton :  cler.  jet. 
17).  &.J&.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  5  July, 
1797.  Admitted  «..  25  Sept.  1789  of  Northampton,  aged 
18.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1790.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1791  to  1798.  B.A.  7  Feb.  1793.  M.A. 
11  July,  1798.  Elected  $.JF.  30  June,  1797.  Admitted 
JV9  July,  1798.  Elected  Sub-Dean  (vice  Foley)  7  Nov. 
and  again  6  Dec.  1797,  for  which  post  he  was  also  deputy 
1806  to  1812  and  1814  to  1817;  Dean  1798,  1802, 
1803  and  annually  from  1805  to  1812,  also  (as  deputy 
for  Gibson)  in  1813  and  1814,  in  which  years  he  was  also 
deputy  Catechist,  and  deputy  Librarian ;  Humanity 
Lecturer  1799;  Catechist  1800,  1801;  Bursar  1804; 
Deputy  Moderator  of  Philosophy,  1814  to  1817  ;  Sub- 
Warden  (vice  Rogers)  27  Oct.  1813  and  annually  till 
1817.  He  resigned  his  Jf.  9  June,  1819:  having  been 
presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Wadhurst,  to  which  he  was 
instituted  3  July,  1818,  and  his  name  was  replaced  on 
the  list  of  Commoners,  but  removed  21  Dec.  1826. 

Born  28  June,  1771,  at  Yardley  Hasting  Northants,  educated 
at  Rugby,  Curate  of  Marston  St  Lawrence,  Northants,  1796  to 
1809.  Whitehall  Preacher  1812,  1815,  1816. 

(G.  Mag.  116,  I.  216,  326.) 

Died  5  Dec.  1845,  and  is  buried  at  Wadhurst  where  there  is  the 
following  inscription, — 

Rev.  Robert  Barlow  Gardiner  M.A. 

Second  son  of  the 

Rev.  James  Gardiner  M.A. 

Rector  of  Yardley  Hastings  cum  Denton 

North'ton,  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Sussex 

and  sometime  Fellow  of  Magdalen 

Colleue  Oxford. 

1789.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  189 

He  was  formerly  Fellow  of  Watlham 

College  Oxford 
And  for  27  years  Vicar  of  Wadhurst 

He  died  5  Dec.  1845, 

A  bachelor,  in  his  75th  year. 

The  affection  and  gratitude  of 

Six  surviving  nephews  and  nieces 

to  whom  in  life  he  was  all  but  a  father 

have  erected  this  tablet  to  his  memory. 

"  An  Israelite  indeed  in  whom  is  no  guile." 

Great-Uncle  and  Godfather  of  the  Editor  (1861). 

George  Swayne  (J)-  Jtt.  20  May,  1789  (fil.  Georgii  S. 
de  Pucklechurch,  Gloucester :  cler.  ret.  16).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  19  March,  1789,  restored  by  Bursar  Brymer. 
Admitted  j&.  29  Sept.  1790  of  Gloucester,  aged  17.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1791  to  1797.  B.A.  7  Feb.  1793. 
M.A.  11  July,  1798.  B.D.  and  D.D.  7  April,  1827. 
Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June,  1799.  Admitted  $.  8  July, 
1800.  Elected  Bursar  1800  to  1803,  and  1806  to  1817 ; 
Dean  1804;  Librarian  1805  ;  Sub- Warden  1818  ;  Deputy 
Catechist  1808  to  1811.  He  resigned  his  JF,  1819,  and 
was  Elected  Chaplain  11  Dec..  1819:  resigned  28  May, 
1826 ;  when  his  name  was  replaced  on  the  list  of  <£. 
finally  removed  27  May,  183-.  Instituted  Vicar  of 
Hockley,  Essex,  30  June,  1819 :  from  which  he  removed 
6  Dec,  1836  "  in  consequence  of  severe  affection  of  mind 
and  body  "  :  his  death  is  noted  in  the  Convention  Book 
23  Feb.  1837. 

Vicar  of  South  Benfleet,  Essex  1827,  died  13  Feb.  1837,  aged  64 
and  was  buried  in  the  family  vault  at  Pucklechurch.  Son  of 
Geome  S.  1763. 

Edward  Ward.  Jtt.  25  May,  1789  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 
Stannigton  Bridge,  Northumbr :  gen.  set.  17).  CH.JE. 
received  as  <1L  same  day,  restored  Christmas  1797. 
Admitted  &.  25  Sept.  1789  of  Northumberland,  aged  18. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1790  to  1796.  B.A.  7  Pel). 
1793.  M.A.  9  May,  1799.  He  resigned  £.  30  June, 

190  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1789. 

"Died  19  March,  1835,  aged  63,  Ecv.  E.  W.  Perpetual  Curate 
of  Iver,  Bucks,  to  which  he  was  presented  in  1805." 

(G.  Mag.  105,  I.  554.) 

John  Clark.  J&.  15  June,  1789  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de 
Belfast  in  Eegn.  Hibern:  gen.  ret.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  increased  to  ,-fF.ift.  4  Dec.  1789,  restored 
26  March,  1795.  B.A.  16  Nov.  1791. 

James  Cox  (f).  JE.  25  June,  1789  (fil.  Joseph!  C.  de  Ailing- 
ton,  Dorcestr :  pleb.  ret.  20).  (£.ftt.  received  as  Servitor 
same  day,  restored  1  July,  1796 :  replaced  6  July,  1809, 
restored  5  Dec.  1818.  Admitted  Clerk  1  Nov.  1792  of 
Bridport,  Dorset:  but  he  resigned  14  Oct.  1793.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  and  Pigott  Exhibitioner  while  holding 
the  Clerkship.  B.A.  9  Nov.  1793.  M.A.  31  May,  1796. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  8  July,  1809.  According  to  the  Eegister 
his  name  was  removed  5  July,  1809. 

Rector  of  Litton  Cheney,  Dorset,  16  March,  1824,  resigned 
1833  ;  in  the  Churchyard  at  Litton  Cheney  is  the  following 
inscription, — • 

"  James  Cox,  D.D.  of  Wadham  College,  sometime  Rector  of 
this  Parish  and  previously  for  28  years  the  able  master  of 
Gainsborough  Grammar  School  in  the  County  of  Lincoln  : 
departed  this  life  at  the  Rectory  of  Palgrave  in  the  County  of 
Suffolk,  Dec.  16,  1848,  in  the  84th  year  of  his  age.  His  eight 
surviving  children  in  sorrowing  Gratitude  erect  this  frail 
memorial  over  the  remains  of  their  revered  and  deeply 
lamented  parent."  (Hutchins  II.  755.) 

Howel  Davis  (J).  Jtt.  15  July,  1789  (fil.  Davidis  D.  de 
Gwenthur,  Brechin :  gen.  ret.  26).  CT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  Christmas  1790 :  replaced  12  June, 
1805,  account  closed  Christmas  1811.  Name  removed 
29  July,  1812. 

"One  of  this  name  was  Rector  of  Stoke  Edith  1819,  and  died 
in  1834,  said  to  be  then  aged  75."  (F.) 

Charles  Palmer.  JE.  19  Nov.  1789  (fil.  Carol!  P.  de  Civ. 
Westmonast:  arm.  ret.  19).  (H.p.  received  as  Jf.OT. 
same  day,  restored  6  Dec.  1793. 

1789.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  191 

Jervoise  Purefoy.  JR.  7  Dec.  1789  (fil.  Georgii  P.  do 
Shalston,  Buckingham :  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
$M.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1796.  CT.Jtt. 
replaced  as  JF.OT.  11  March,  1806.  On  the  19  Dec. 
1793,  his  degree  was  postponed  for  twelve  months  for 
misconduct.  B.C.L.  (as  Jervise)  25  May,  1796.  D.C.L. 
13  May,  1806. 

"  Jervoise  Purefoy  Jervoise,  entered  under  the  name  of  J.  P. 
and  afterwards  took  the  name  of  Jervoise  as  a  surname.  He 
was  D.C.L.  in  March  1806,  and  died  1808."  "  1812,  March  24, 
Received  of  Mr  Swayne  Bursar  ,£10,  14s.  7d.  to  buy  a  piece  of 
plate  for  the  use  of  the  College  by  order  of  his  brother  G.  P. 
Jervoise  ;  J.  H.  Wyndham."  Notes  in  Caution  Book. 
Son  of  George  H.  Jervoise  1757. 

Edward  Pye  Waters.  (£.|E.  received  as  <£.  22  June, 
1789.  |K.  (Ch.  Ch.)  28  May,  1789  (fil.  Johannis  W.  de 
Sti  Martin,  Warwic:  pleb.  set.  18).  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1789.  B.A.  14  Jan.  1793. 

Curate  of  Overbury,  Staff.  1816  to  1833,  where  he  was  buried 
8th  Oct.  1833.  "  1833  died,  aged  63,  Rev.  E.  P.  W.  curate  of 
Overbury,  Staff."  (G.  Mag.  1(13,  II.  379.) 

He  has  the  following  epitaph  on  a  tomb  on  the  north  side  of 
the  Churchyard, — 

In  memory  of  the 

Edward  Pye  Waters 


formerly  of  Wadham  College 

Oxford  and  many  years  curate 

of  this  parish  who  died 

Oct.  3rd  1833  aged  63. 

He  was  a  man  of  considerable  talent 

of  much  natural  kindness  of  heart 

Christian  benevolence  and  piety  in  the 

discharge  of  his  sacred  calling  while 

free  from  bigotry  and  intolerance 

he  was  ever  a  warm  strenuous  and 

eloquent  assertor  of  the  peculiar 

doctrine  of  the  Gospel. 

WARDEN     WILLS.  [1790. 


Henry  Phipps  Baker.  |tt.  17  Feb.  1790  (fil.  Edvardi  B. 
de  Civ.  Salisbury:  arm.  ret.  18).  C.Jtl.  received  as  (*L 
16  March,  1790,  restored  Midsummer  1791 ;  (when  he 
migrated  to  Queen's  as  (£.  24  Oct.  1791).  B.A.  22  Oct. 

Christopher  Rigby.  JU.  14  April,  1790  (fil.  Christopher! 
R.  de  Monks  liisborough,  Buckingham :  gen.  set.  17). 
(H.JE.  received  as  <£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1797.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1790,  1791. 
Gerard  Exhibitioner  1790  to  1794.  Somerscales  Exhibi- 
tioner 1792  to  1794.  Warner  Exhibitioner  (apparently 
the  first  appointed)  resigned  1795.  B.A.  4  Feb.  1794. 
M.A.  11  May,  1797. 

Rector  of  Ringmore,  Devon  5  May,  1803,  resigned  1812. 

Vicar  of  Ipplepen  24  Feb.  1808  :  vacant  1814. 

Thomas  Horlock  Bastard.  Jtt.  29  April,  1790  (fil. 
Thomse  B.  de  Blandford,  Dorcestr:  gen.  ret.  18).  €.£&. 
received  as  jF.dT.  same  day,  restored  2  Nov.  1791. 

Of  Charlton  Marshall,  Dorset  ;  High  Sheriff  1812,  J.P.,  D.L., 
died  12  March,  1849,  and  is  buried  at  Charlton. 

(Hutchins  III.  523.) 
Father  of  Henry  H.  B.  1830. 

William  Kelps.  |tt.  11  Oct.  1790  (til.  Gulielmi  H.  de  St 
Mary  Ratcliffe,  Somerset :  gen.  ret.  18).  (H.JE.  received 
as  (JT.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1798. 
Admitted  £.  8  Oct.  1791  of  Somerset,  aged  19.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1792  to  1795.  B.A.  11  Nov. 
1794.  Resigned  £.  30  June,  1795. 

"  Died  Jan.  17,  1848,  Rev.  Wm.  Helps  for  fifty  years  Rector  of 
Hawton,  Notts,  aged  75."  (G.  Mag.  118,  I.  44G.) 

Edward  Southwell  Trotter,  pt.  11  Oct.  1790  (fil. 
Edvardi  T.  de  Down  in  Regn.  Hibern :  gen.  ret.  18.)  received  as  9  Oct.  1790,  restored  HI  March, 

1790-91.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  193 

Thomas  Roe.  JE.  2  Dec.  1790  (fil.  Georgii  R  de  Hayfield, 
Derb :  cler.  set.  18).  (£.JU.  received  as  Servitor  same 
day,  restored  Christmas  1799.  Admitted  Clerk  some 
time  in  1791.  B.A.  26  June,  1794.  M.A.  23  Oct.  1799. 
He  resigned  his  Clerkship  27  June,  1794. 

Rector  of  Sotby  Line.  1797,  and  of  Kirkby-upon-Bam  1799. 
"  Died  suddenly  17  July,  1827,  at  Hangworthingham  when 
returning  from  Spilsby  Sessions,  Rev.  T.  R.  aged  55." 

(G.  Mag.) 

John  James  Daniel  Cornabe.     Jtt.  8  Dec.  1790  (fil.  Rene 
.  C.     de    Lausanne,    Switzerland :  gen.     get.     23).     (SLJtt. 
received  as  (Jt.  9  Dec.  1790,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1791. 

John  Davis.  (£.|E.  received  as  <£.  7  Dec.  1790,  restored 
Christinas  1795.  JE.  (Davies,  All  Souls)  25  May,  1789 
(fil.  Price  D.  de  Llanladinan,  Montgom:  gen.  set.  18). 
B.A.  16  Feb.  1793.  M.A.  11  March,  1796. 

"Died  17th  Aug.  1853,  at  Fownfellan,  Montg.  aged  83,  Rev. 
J.  D.  second  son  of  Pryce  D.  of  Maesmawr  Hall,  Montg." 

(G.  Mag.  123,  II.  536.) 


Samuel  Abraham,  pi.  10  March,  1791  (fil.  Eicardi  A. 
de  White  Lackington,  Somerset:  gen.  set.  15).  (JL|E. 
received  as  (ft.  9  March,  1791,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1798.  Admitted  £.  8  Oct.  1791  of  Somerset, 
aged  18.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1795.  B.A.  29  Oct. 
1794.  M.A.  15  July,  1800.  Elected  ^.J^.  30  June, 
1799.  Admitted  Jf.  8  July,  1800.  Elected  Sub-Dean 
(vice  Foley)  2  Nov.  1799  and.  again  6  Dec.  1799  and 
1800 ;  Dean  1801  up  to  17  June,  1802.  His  JF.  was 
vacant  by  marriage  30  June,  1803. 

William  Warrington.  J&.  12  March,  1791  (fil.  Georgii 
W.  de  Acton,  Denbigh :  cler.  at.  18).  dT.JE.  received  as 


104  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1791. 

(ft.  same  day,  restored  4  April,  1800.  Admitted  JJ. 
8  Oct.  1791  of  Denbigh,  aged  18.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhi- 
bitioner 1792  to  1799.  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1795  to 
1797.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1799.  B.A.  11  Nov. 
1794.  M.A.  24  Oct.  1800.  Elected  tf.  of  Balliol  1799 
or  1800. 

"  Died  April  28,  1852,  at  Barrowby  Line.  Rev.  W.  W.  for  37 
years  Vicar  of  Leak,  Derb.  "  (G.  Mag.  122,  I.  632.) 

Brother  of  Thornliill  W.  1796. 

William  Jenkins  Rees.  JE.  12  April,  1791  (fil.  Eeeg  E. 
de  Llandingad,  Carmarth :  gen.  ?et.  19).  (£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  9  April,  1791.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1792. 
B.A.  13  Feb.  1795.  M.A.  11  July,  1797. 

Born  10  Jan.  1772,  educated  at  Carmarthen  School.  Curate  of 
Stoke  Edith  and  West  Hide,  Hereford,  1796  ;  Rector  of  Cascob, 
Radnor,  10  Dec.  1806;  Rector  of  Heyop,  Radnor,  10  July,  1813; 
Prebendary  of  Llandilo  Graban  (Brecknock)  20  July,  1820; 
F.S.A.  24  Dec.  1840;  died  18th  Jan.  1855.  (G.  Mag.  125, 1.  317.) 
His  picture  is  in  Dr  Griffiths '  Collection. 

John  Griffiths.  JE.  15  April,  1791  (fil.  Johannis  G.  de 
liodmell,  Sussex :  cler.  OB t.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
16  April,  1791,  restored  30  June,  1796.  Admitted  £. 
8  Oct.  1791  of  Sussex.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1792 
to  1796.  B.A.  11  Nov.  1794.  M.A.  (Queen's)  7  Dec.  1797. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  19  Jan.  1821.  Eesigned  £.  30  June,  1796. 
Entered  Queen's  College  as  Michel  Scholar  21  April,  1796. 
Elected  Michel  Eellow  1  March,  1798  :  his  Jf.  was  filled 
up  on  resignation  5  March,  1801. 

Master  of  the  King's  School,  Rochester.     Rector  of  Hinxhill, 
Kent    1801.     Vicar   of    St   Margaret's,    Rochester,    1803,   died 
30  Sept.  1832,  aged  CO. 
Father  of  John  G.  1824. 

James  des  Carrieres.  Jtt.  6  May,  1791  (fil.  Davidis  des 
C.  de  Civ.  Londin:  gen.  ast.  17). 

William  Fletcher.  JE.  24  June,  1791  (fil.  Gulielmi  F.  de 
Eomsey,  Hampton :  gen.  wt.  19).  GT.JH.  received  as  (ft. 

1791.]  WARDEN     WILLS.         )  195 

25  June,  1791,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1799. 
B.A.  21  May,  1795. 

Samuel  James  Goodenough.  JE.  27  June,  1791  (fil. 
Samuelis  Jacob!  G.  de  Eling,  Middlesex :  Doctoris,  set. 
17).  (!LJE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  12  Nov. 
1798.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1791.  Admitted  &.  13 
Oct.  1792  of  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhi- 
bitioner 1793  to  1798.  B.A.  21  May,  1795.  M.A. 
17  July,  1802.  He  resigned  $>.  30  June,  1798. 

Prebendary  of  Carlisle  28  Aug.  1810.  Eector  of  Aikton, 
Cumberland  1844,  died  15  March,  1858.  (£.  Mag.  128, 1.  563.) 

George  Alexander  Downing.  JE.  16  Nov.  1791  (fil. 
Dawsoii  1).  de  .  .  .  in.  Com.  Antrim  in  Eegn :  Hibern : 
arm.  set.  16).  €.j&.  received  as  JfM.  1  Nov.  1791, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Lady  Day  1800.  B.A.  (G.  A. 
Fullerton)  9  July,  1795.  M.A.  22  June,  1798.  His 
grace  was  granted  for  B.A.  to  G.  A.  Downing  Fullarton, 
9  July,  1795. 

His  mother  was  Catherine,  only  child  of  George  Fullerton, 
and  niece  and  heiress  of  Alexander  Fullerton  of  Ballintoy 
Castle,  Antrim  :  on  succeeding  to  the  property  of  his  great 
uncle,  he  assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Fullerton  ;  born 
30  Nov.  1775,  died  16  Aug.  1847. 

Joseph  Sturges.  JE.  19  Nov.  1791  (fil.  Josephi  S.  de 
Sibbertoft,  Northampton :  arm.  set.  19).  GT.Jtt.  received 
as  (ft.  18  Nov.  1791,  restored  Midsummer  1796. 

Horace  Salusbury  Cotton.  JH.  17  Dec.  1791  (fil.  Eoberti 
C.  de  Eygate,  Surr:  gen.  ajt.  17).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
16  Dec.  1791,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1799. 
B.A.  5  June,  1795. 

"  Vicar  of  Desborough,  Northants "  (F.),  if  so  he  was  non- 

He  was  elected  Ordinary  of  Newgate  Prison  29  July,  1814,  which 
post  he  resigned  25  June,  1838  :  he  died  7  June,  1846. 

James  Buckoll.  ftt.  17  Dec.  1791  (fil.  Steplmni  B.  de 
Brighthelmstone,  Sussex:  plob.  ;et.  17).  CT.fE.  received 

196  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1791-92. 

as  Servitor  16  Dec.  1791,  restored  after  15  May,  1800. 
Admitted  Clerk  14  Oct.  1793.  Pigott  and  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner,  while  he  was  Clerk,  which  post  he  resigned 
6  June,  1795.  B.C.L.  4  Dec.  1800. 

Arthur  Chichester.  JE.  17  Dec.  1791  (fil.  Gulielmi  C.  de 
Londonderry  in  Eegn  :  Hibern  :  Doctoris,  o_>t.  22).  (£.J&. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  increased  to  jF.(tf.  20  June, 
1792,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1796.  B.A. 
9  July,  1795. 

M.P.    for    Carrickfergus.      Created    Baronet,    of    Greencastle, 
Donegal,  13  Sept.  1821,  died  unmarried  25  May,  1847. 


Edward  Jenkins.  JE.  22  Fel>.  1792  (fil.  Edvardi  J.  de 
Virmonton  in  Burgundia  in  Ilegno  Francise,  gen.  a;t. 
23).  (H.JE.  received  as  (ST.  same  day,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Midsummer  1799. 

John  Foley.  Jtt.  13  March,  1792  (fil.  Koberti  F.  de 
Mordiford,  Hereford:  cler.  set.  17).  (!l.|tt.  received  as 
(!L  same  day,  restored  3  Dec.  1796.  Admitted  &. 
13  Oct.  1792  of  Hereford,  aged  17.  When  elected  on 
30th  June,  he  tried  to  prove  Founder's  Kin,  but  his 
evidence  was  not  sufficient,  he  however  succeeded  011 
6  Oct.,  and  was  placed  senior  £.  of  the  year.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  1792  to  1795.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner 
1795.  B.A.  10  Nov.  1795.  M.A.  21  May,  1801. 
Elected  3MF.  (as  Founder's  Kin)  30  June,  1796.  Ad- 
mitted Jf.  9  July,  1797.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1796  and 
1798 :  but  in  both  cases  he  was  deprived  of  the  office  for 
non-residence  in  the  following  November ;  Moderator  of 
Philosophy  1797  ;  Catechist  1799  ;  Bursar  (vice  Michell), 
30  June,  1801  and  1802;  Librarian  1801.  He  resigned 
his  J?.  on  marriage  30  June,  1805. 

Rector   of    Holt,   Wore.   1812  ;  where   he    is  buried   with   the 
following  inscription, — 

1792.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  197 

Under  this  Tomb 

are  interred 

the  Mortal  Remains  of 

the  Reverend  John  Foley 

formerly  Fellow  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford, 

and  for  35  years  Rector 

of  this  Parish. 
He  died  Aug.  11,  1847, 

aged  72. 

Father  of  John  F.  1821  and  Edward  W.  F.  1826. 
The  Foley  pedigree,  used  to  prove  Founder's  Kin,  exists  in  the 
College  :  it  shows  that  J.  F.  was  great  grandson  of  William 
Floyer  who  was  great  grandson  of  Anthony  Floyer,  who 
married  Anne  Martin,  daughter  of  Margaret  Wadham,  sister  of 
the  Founder. 

Edmund  Watts,  JE.  29  March,  1792  (fil.  Edmundi  W.  de 
Hinton,  Somerset:  gen.  get.  17).  (tf.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1799.  B.A. 
23  Feb.  1797. 

Henry  Hody  Rogers.  JE.  4  May,  1792  (fil.  Pdcardi 
Colmer  li.  de  Child  Okeford,  Dorcestr :  cler.  set.  17). 
GT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  1798.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1792.  B.C.L.  5  Feb.  1799. 

Rector  of  Pylle,  Somerset,  1826,  died  17  April,  1840,  aged  65. 
Father  of  Philip  H.  R.  1821. 

Edward  Brazier.     JE.  27  May,  1792  (fil.  Edvardi  B.  de 
Sto  Christophoro  in  Ind:  Occid:   arm.   set.  18).     C.|tt. 
received  as  (ft.  same   day,  taken   up  for  Battels  Mid 
summer  1797.     B.A.  5  Feb.  1796.     M.A.  20  Oct.  1800. 

John  Plumstead  Reeve  (J).  |&.  12  June,  1792  (fil. 
Andrews  It.  de  Reading,  Bercher:  arm.  oat.  17).  (Jl.Jtt. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1802.  B.A.  23  Nov.  1796.  M.A.  11  July,  1801. 

John  Liptrott.  |tt.  23  June,  1792  (fil.  Jacob!  L.  de 
Fgham,  Surr:  cler.  ret.  18).  (H.|E.  received  as  (ft. 
22  June,  1792,  restored  9  July,  1792 :  when  he  migrated 

198  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1792. 

to  Trinity  as  (ft.  admitted  7th   July.      B.A.  19  April, 
1796.     M.A.  14  Nov.  1805. 

Rector  of  Broughton  Astley,  Leic.  1812,  died  at  Calais  16  Dec. 

Allen  Wheeler  (f).  JE.  10  Oct.  1792  (fil.  Alleni  W.  de 
Whitley  Magna,  Vigorn :  gen.  aet.  16).  (H.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1794.  B.A. 
17  Feb.  1798.  .  M.A.  23  April,  1800.  B.D.  21  June, 
1810  ;  "  name  left  out  16  May,  1800  :  re-admitted  8  June, 
1810,  name  removed  again  16  May,  1828." 

Born  20th  Dec.  1775.  Minor  Canon  of  Worcester  1799,  Precentor 
1820  to  1851.  Head  Master  of  the  College  School,  Worcester. 
Eector  of  Broadwas  and  of  St  Martin's,  Worcester.  Vicar  of  Old 
Sodbury,  Glouc.  1851.  In  Jan.  1832  he  received  a  testimonial 
of  silver  plate  from  his  old  pupils  at  a  dinner  of  which  Sir  C.  S. 
Smith  was  chairman,  died  at  Bath  25  Dec.  1855,  aged  82  (?) 
Father  of  Thomas  L.  W.  1823. 

David  Jones.  JE.  23  Oct.  1792  (fil.  Johannis  J.  de 
Maryskyr  i.e.  Aberyskyr,  Brechinire  :  gen.  o.-t.  18). 
(!LJE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1799.  B.A.  3  Feb.  1797. 

John  Hoskyns.  JE.  9  Nov.  1792  (fil.  Johannis  H.  de 
Compton  Martin,  Somerset :  cler.  ret.  20).  (£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  5  April,  1797.  B.A.  28  May, 

Assumed    the   additional   name   of   Abrahall.     In   orders :    of 

Compton  Martin,  Somerset. 

Father  of  John  C.  J.  H.  Abrahall  1817,  and  Theoph.  B.  H.  A. 


Charles  Medows  Tobin.  JE.  9  Nov.  1792  (fil.  Jacobi  T. 
de  Salisburia,  Wilton :  arm.  get.  17).  €%JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1799.  B.A.  28  Feb. 

John  Downing  Nesbit.     JE.  13  Nov.  1792  (fil.  Alexandri 
.    I),   de   King's   County   in   Eegn.    Hibern  :  arm.   u_-t.    21). 

1792-93.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  199 

(JT.|tt.  received  as  JF.<2L  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1793. 

Charles  Frederick  Brooke.  JE.  14  Dec.  1792  (fil.  JacoM 
B.  de  Dorcestria,  Dorcestr :  gen.  set.  34).  C.Jtt.  received 
as  JF.<£.  same  day,  restored  24  Oct.  1793. 

Samuel  Frosser.  JE.  17  Dec.  1792  (fil.  Thomse  P.  de 
Dorston,  Hereford :  cler.  get.  19).  C.Jtt.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  6  July,  1793. 

"Died  1825  Rev.  S.  P.,  M.A.,  Rector  of   Southwick,  Sussex, 
and  of  St  John's  Coll.,  Oxford."  (G.  Mag.  95,  II.  475.) 

But  this  latter  statement  is  a  mistake,  nor  was  he  a  graduate  of 

Edward  Mott  Allfree.  CT.JE.  received  as  01".  1  Feb.  1792, 
restored  Michaelmas  1799.  |E.  (Alban  Hall)  17  June, 
1790  (fil.  Edvardi  A.  de  Hurstmonceaux,  Sussex:  gen.  set. 
16).  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  -  -  1793.  B.A.  11  Nov. 
1794.  M.A.  11  July,  1799. 


James  Carpenter.  |tt.  8  May,  1793  (fil.  Jacobi  Baden  C. 
de  West  Dean,  Sussex :  cler.  ret.  17).  (ST.JE.  received  as 
(!T.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1802. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1793.  Admitted  £.  9  July, 
1794  of  West  Dean,  Sussex,  aged  18.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1794  to  1797.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1795 
to  1799.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1797.  M.A.  (Hertford)  6  April, 
1805.  Resigned  £.  30  June,  1803. 

David  Evans  (J)-  Jtt.  11  May,  1793  (fil.  Hugonis  E.  de 
Llandilovawr,  Carmarth:  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day :  name  removed  apparently  in  1798, 
replaced  26  April,  1815,  name  removed  again  apparently 
in  1817.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1797.  M.A.  17  May,  1815. 

Chaplain  R.X. 

'200  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1793. 

He  was  the  first  naval  chaplain  presented  by  Greenwich 
Hospital  to  the  Rectory  of  Simonbourn,  Northumb  :  (part  of 
the  forfeited  Derwentwater  Estates)  when  the  parish  was  split 
up  into  six  parts  in  1815  :  he  died  9  April,  1829.  There  is 
a  mural  tablet  in  Simonbourn  Church  with  the  following  in- 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of 
the  Rev.  David  Evans,  M.A. 

Rector  of  this  Parish. 

This  tablet  is  erected  by  his  afflicted  widow, 

In  grateful  remembrance  of  the  virtues  and  affection 

Of  a  most  justly  beloved  and  lamented  husband, 

A  truly  sincere  and  steady  friend 
And  a  zealous,  devoted  and  faithful  minister 

Of  the  Church  of  England. 

He  died  universally  esteemed  and  respected 

In  the  year  of  Our  Lord  1829, 

Aged  54  years. 

His  widow  survived  him  nearly  40  years,  and  founded  chari- 
ties both  at  Simonbourn  and  Humshaugh. 

William  Bishop.  Jft.  12  May,  1793  (fil.  Jacob!  Willson  B. 
de  Sti  Andrea?,  Holborn,  Londin :  arm.  set.  17).  (JT.JE. 
received  as  (!T.  same  day,  restored  1800.  Admitted  £. 
5  Oct.  1793  of  St  Andrew's,  Holborn,  aged  17.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1794  to  1800.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1797.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1797.  JF.  of  Oriel, 
18  April,  1801.  M.A.  25  June,  1801.  Select  Preacher 
1808  and  1813.  Vicar  of  St  Mary's  2  Feb.  1810.  Dean 

Rector  of  Ufton  Nervet,  Berks,  16  Oct.  1819,  on  the  presenta- 
tion of  the  College;  died  1847. 

John  Wickens.  JE.  14  May,  1793  (til.  Jolmnnis  W.  de 
Mapperton,  Dorcestr :  gen.  ajt.  18).  (!LJtt.  received  as 
(£.  same  day,  restored  Michaelmas  1794.  B.A.  (Morton) 
26  Jan.  1797.  M.A.  17  Dec,  1812. 

Rector  of  Swyre,  Dorset,  13  June,  1817  to  1856.  Rector  of 
Mansion,  Dorset,  17  Dec.  1817,  resigned  1820.  Rector  of 
Wooilon  <;l;mvil]e,  Dorset,  !)  Feb.  1835,  where  lie  died  5 
August,  1&5G. 

1793.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  201 

Richard  Elwell.  JE.  15  May,  1793  (fil.  Joannis  E.  do 
Civ.  Westmonast :  gen.  ret.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (!T. 
same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1794.  Goodridge  Exhi- 
bitioner 1793. 

Thomas  Stone.  Jtt.  14  Oct.  1793  (fil.  Koberti  S.  de 
Seaford,  Sussex :  gen.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  1798. 

William  Toogood.  JE.  21  Oct.  1793  (fil.  Gulielmi  T.  de 
Sherborne,  Dorcestr:  gen.  aet.  19).  (Jl.jltl.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  9  Feb.  1799. 

An  active  county  magistrate  and  chairman  of  the  Sessions  at 
Sherborne  (Hutchins)  ;  or  Rev.  W.  T.,  son  of  W.  T.,  chairman 
of  Quarter  Sessions,  died  2  Feb.  1851  at  Sherborne.  (G.  Mag.) 

Charles  Price  (J)-  J&.  30  Oct.  1793  (fil.  Thomas  P.  de 
Merriott,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  16).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  Christmas  1800.  Somerscales  Exhi- 
bitioner 1794.  Admitted  S>.  9  July,  1794  of  Merriott, 
Somerset,  aged  16.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1794  to 
1797.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1795.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1795  to  1801.  B.A.  30  June,  1797. 
M.A.  9  July,  1801.  B.M.  25  June,  1802.  D.M.  14  Jan. 
1804.  Elected  ty.Jf.  30  June,  1800.  Admitted  ,-ff. 
6  July,  1801.  Wills  Medical  Fellow's  Exhibition  1806 
to  1821.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1801;  Catechist  1802; 
Bursar  1803,  1804,  1805  ;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1807 
to  1811  (with  Swayne  and  Stevens  as  deputies) ; 
Librarian  1818,  1819,  1820  (Symons  deputy).  He 
resigned  his  Jf.  30  June,  1821  (being  superannuated 
from  the  date  of  his  B.M.  when  he  ceased  to  be  regent 
M.A.)  when  his  name  was  replaced  on  the  list  of 
Commoners.  C.JE.  replaced  5  March,  1822. 

F.R.C.S.  30  Sept.  1805.  Censor  1807,  delivered  the  Harveian 
Oration  1820.  Physician  to  the  Middlesex  Hospital  1807 
to  1815.  Physician  extraordinary  to  King  William  IV.  1832. 
Practised  at  Brighton,  where  he  died  8  Sept.  1853,  aged  77. 

(Muiik  III.  25.) 

202  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1793-94. 

Peter  Oliver.  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  7  May,  1793,  restored 
Michaelmas  1794.  |tt.  (Queen's)  6  June,  1792  (fil.  Petri 
0.  de  Massachussets  Bay,  New  England,  gen.  set.  17). 


John  Webb  ("[")•  P.  14  May,  1794  (fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de 
Aldgate,  Londin :  gen.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  finally  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1814.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1794.  B.A.  21  March, 

1798.  M.A.   3  Nov.   1802.     Name   removed  21  April, 

Captain  of  St  Paul's  School  1793  to  1795,  and  Exhibitioner. 
Vicar  of  St  Mary's,  Cardiff,  1821.  Rector  of  Tretire  with 
Michaelchurch,  Hereford,  1812,  died  about  1869,  aged  92. 

William  Alexander  Campble  (sic.)  Durham.  JE. 
14  May,  1794  (fil.  Thomae  D.  de  Sti  Martini  in  Civ. 
Londin:  gen.  set.  18).  CJE.  received  as  (ft.  (W.A. 

Campel  D.)  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1794,  but  he 
had  a  balance  still  remaining  in  1801.  He  was 
educated  at  St  Paul's  School  where  he  became  Exhibi- 
tioner in  1795  ;  W.  A.  Campbell  1).  entered  in  1796 
Corpus  Christi  Coll.  Camb.  of  which  College  he  was 
Sizar,  Exhibitioner,  and  Scholar,  and  graduated  B.A. 

1799.  M.A.  1809. 

He  became  successively  Assistant  Master,  Chaplain  (1806),  and 
Sur  Master  (1823)  in  St  Paul's  School,  and  Rector  of  St 
Matthews,  Friday  Street  (1837). 

On  a  Tablet  formerly  in  the  church  of  St  Matthew,  Friday 
Street,  now  in  St  Vedast  Foster,  is  the  following  inscription, — 


to  the  memory  of 
the  Reverend  William  A.  C.  Durham,  M.A. 

twenty  years  Rector 

of  the  United  Parishes  of 

St  Matthew,  Friday  Street 

and  St  Peter,  West  Cheap 

who  died  January  26th  1857 

aged  81  years. 

1794.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  203 

"  Come  unto  Me  all  ye  that  are  weary  and  heavy  laden  and  I 
will  give  you  rest." 

This  Tablet  is  erected  by  the 

Parishioners  in  token  of  their  great  esteem 

and  high  regard  for  his  memory. 

John  Heathcote  Wyndham  (f).  JE.  24  May,  1794 
(fil.  Gulielmi  W.  de  Dinton,  Wilton :  arm.  set.  17). 
(!LJE.  received  as  (JT.  same  day,  restored  1799.  Ad- 
mitted J$.  (Founder's  Kin)  9  July,  1794,  of  Dinton, 
Wilts,  aged  17.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1795  to  1798. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1798.  B.A.  6  Feb.  1798.  M.A. 
24  Nov.  1801.  Elected  $).JF.  30  June,  1799.  Ad- 
mitted JF.  8  July,  1800.  Vacated  JF.  by  marriage 
26  April,  1813,  when  his  name  was  replaced  on  the  list  of 
Commoners.  Elected  Bursar  1801  and  (vice  Michell) 
1811  and  again  on  6  Dec.  1811 ;  Librarian  1803  (Michell, 
deputy);  Catechist  1809  and  1810  (Swayne,  deputy). 
(JLJE/received  9  Feb.  1814:  account  closed  1821. 

Rector  of  Gorton  Denham,  Somerset,  1816  (?  1813  G.  Mag.), 
and  of  Sock  Dennis  1819  ;  married  Jane  Dorothy  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  John  Eveleigh,  D.D.  (see  1766),  Provost  of  Oriel. 
Rev.  John  Heathcote  Wyndham,  was  buried  in  the  church- 
yard of  Gorton  Denham,  Somerset,  in  January  1852  —  a 
Memorial  Tablet  in  the  church  bears  the  following  : — "  In 
memory  of  John  Heathcote  Wyndham,  5th  son  of  William 
Wyndham,  Esq.  of  Dinton.  He  was  Rector  of  Gorton  for  38 
years,  and  departed  this  life  on  January  5th  1852,  aged  74, 
universally  beloved  and  respected. 

"The  sweet  remembrance  of  the  just 
Shall  nourish  when  he  sleeps  in  dust." 

William  Hoblyn  Lake  (T)-  P.  4  June,  1794  (fil. 
Johannis  L.  de  Llanivet,  Cornub :  cler.  set.  14).  (£.|E. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  4  Nov.  1801.  Admitted 
S>.  Sept.  1795  of  Cornwall,  aged  15.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1796  to  1802.  B.A.  6  Feb.  1798.  M.A. 
15  July,  1803.  Elected  $3.JF.  30  June,  1801.  Admitted 
,-jf.  6  July,  1802.  Elected  Sub-Dean  (vice  Price)  1802  ; 

204  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1794. 

Moderator  of  Philosophy  1802,  1803;    Catechist   1804, 
1805 ;  Librarian  (Kogers,  deputy)  1806,  1807. 

Drowned  off  the  coast  of  Jutland  in  the  shipwreck  of  H.M.S. 
St  George,  of  which  he  was  chaplain,  24  Dec.  1811.  In  this 
wreck  the  admiral,  captain,  and  the  officers  with  a  crew  of 
750  were  all  lost  except  eleven  men. 

James  Lynn.  JE.  27  June,  1794  (fil.  Johannis  L.  de 
Ayleslmry,  Buck :  pleb.  aet.  17).  CT.JE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1801.  Admitted  Clerk  same  day,  resigned  30  June, 
1797.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1794,  1795.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1795,  1796.  B.A.  5  Feb.  1799.  M.A. 
12  May,  1803. 

"  Minor  Canon  of  Rochester  1803  to  1814.  Perpetual  Curate  of 
Strood,  Kent,  1804  to  1821  :  of  Sebergham,  Cumb.  1S11  to  1820. 
Rector  of  Caldbeck,  Cumberland  1813,  and  Vicar  of  Crossth- 
waite  1820.  He  married  the  daughter  of  Dean  Goodenough, 
afterwards  Bishop  of  Carlisle,  died  1  Feb.  1855,  aged  78.  " 

(G.  Mac,.) 

Thomas  Davies.  JK.  4  July,  1794  (fil.  Eoberti  D.  de 
Knighton,  liadnor :  cler.  set.  20).  C.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
same  day,  (Davis)  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1800. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1795,  1797. 

William  Knott.  |E.  10  Oct.  1794  (fil.  Nathanielis  K.  de 
Diimington,  Somerset :  arm.  a;t.  16).  (&.JE.  received  as 
(St.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Lady  Day  1802. 
Admitted  g.  (W.  Smith  Knott)  Sept.  1795  of  Diimington, 
Somerset :  aged  18.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1796. 
Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1796  to  1799.  B.A.  5  Feb. 
1799.  He  resigned  his  £.  30  June,  1800. 

William  John  Brook.  JE.  3  Nov.  1794.  (fil.  Gulielmi  B. 
de  Ashburnham,  Somerset :  gen.  tut.  18).  (JT.ftt.  received 
as  Servitor  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1801.  Admitted  Clerk  6  June,  1795,  vacant  23  Oct. 
1797.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1795,  1796.  Pigott 
Exhibitioner  1795.  11  A.  6  June,  1798. 

1794-95.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  205 

Arthur  Saunder.  JE.  9  Dec.  1794  (fil.  Arthur!  S.  de  Sid- 
mouth,  Damnon :  cler.  set.  17).  (£.Jtt.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  28  June,  1796.  Admitted  &. 
(Saunders)  Sept.  1795  of  Devon,  aged  18,  resigned 
30  June,  1796.  Admitted  (ft.  of  Exeter,  of  Sarsden, 
Oxon,  24  June,  1796:  name  removed  11  March,  1799. 
B.A.  (Saunder)  22  Nov.  1798. 


Joseph  Crane.  JE.  31  Jan.  1795  (fil.  Johannis  C.  de 
Bewdley,  Vigorn :  gen.  set.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  6  Dec.  1802.  B.A.  24  Oct.  1798. 
M.A.  9  July,  1801. 

Henry  Masterman  (J)-  JE.  14  March,  1795  (fil. 
Gulielini  M.  de  Athelhampton,  Dorcestr:  gen.  set.  17). 
(ST.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  Michaelmas 
1799.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner"  1795  to  1798.  B.A. 
5  Feb.  1799.  Admitted  Chaplain  26  March,  1800, 
resigned  11  Dec.  1819. 

Vicar  of  Alton  Pancras,  11  Nov.  1811.     Vicar  of  Milton  Abbas, 
Dorset,  10  June  1823. 

He  is  buried  at  Milton  Abbas,  with  the  following  inscription, — 
"Shew  us  Thy  mercy  0  Lord  and  grant  us  Thy  salvation." 
Here  rests  Henry  Masterman 

late  Vicar  of  this  Parish 
who  died  Dec.  vii.  MDCCCXLI 

Aged  LXIV. 
And  Mar}*  Masterman 

his  sister  who  died 


Aged  LX. 

Charles  Moss.  JE.  12  May,  1795  (fil.  Caroli  M.  de  Civ. 
Norvici:  cler.  ajt.  18).  <£.|E.  received  as  (ft.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1800.  B.A.  26  Feb.  1799. 

Robert  Frederick  Michell.  JE.  12  May,  1795  (fil.  Eoberti 
M.  de  Chilton,  Wilton:  arm.  ret.  17)."  (£.JE.  received  as 

206  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1795. 

(ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer   1799. 
He  was  publicly  expelled  on  24  June,  1799. 

Edward  Wright  Band.  JE.  26  Oct.  1795  (fil.  Johannis  B. 
de  Wookey  Hole,  Somerset:  arm.  set.  18).  <£.Jtt. 
received  as  JF.<£-  same  day,  the  receipt  of  it  is 
acknowledged  without  date  by  Richard  Michell. 

Son  and  heir  of  John  B.,  born  23  April,  1779. 

Thomas  Bewes.  Jtt.  29  Oct.  1795  (fil.  Harry  B.  de 
Plymutha,  Dainnon :  arm.  a^t.  17).  (JT.J&.  received  as 
^F.OJ*.  same  day,  restored  1799.  Created  M.A.  10  June, 


Born  18  Dec.  1777  ;  of  Beaumont,  Devon  :  High  Sheriff  of 
Devon  1824,  M.P.  for  Plymouth  1832  to  1841,  died  18  Nov. 

John  Bull.  JE.  4  Nov.  1795  (fil.  Johannis  Thompson  B.  de 
Bursted  Parva,  Essex:  arm.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as 
jF.Or.  same  day,  restored  1799.  B.A.  23  May,  1799. 

John  Mathias.  Jtt.  26  Nov-  1795  (fil-  Ludovici  M.  de 
Llangwarren,  Pembroch :  arm.  ?et.  19).  (JT.JE.  received 
as  JF.<£.  same  day,  restored  13  March,  1799. 

Peter  Hideout.  |E.  10  Dec,  1795  (fil.  Philippi  R  de 
Farnham,  Dorcestr  :  cler.  set.  17).  C.|E.  received  as  (!T. 
same  day,  restored  9  Dec.  1801.  Admitted  £.  '29  Oct. 
1796,  (Peter  Pdchard  R)  of  Dorset,  aged  18.  Somerscales 
Exhibitioner  1796.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1797 
to  1802.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1798.  B.A.  21  Nov. 
1799.  M.A.  30  May,  1805.  Elected  ^.  30  June,  1801. 
Admitted  ,-ff.  6  July,  1802.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1802, 
1803.  His  Jf.  was  vacant  by  marriage  30  June,  1806. 

"  Died  5  Feb.  1850  at  Shaft esbury,  aged  72,  Eev.  P.  R.  R.  42 
years  Curate  of  Motcombe.  He  was  second  son  of  the  Rev. 
P.  R."  (G.  Mac/.  120,  I.  547.) 

1796.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  207 


Henry  Bishop.  JE.  2  March,  1796  (fil.  Koberti  B.  de 
Cantabrigia  Opp:  gen.  ret.  18).  (£.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  1799.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1796. 

Charles  Penruddocke.  JE.  18  March,  1796  (fil.  Caroli  P. 
de  Compton,  Wilton :  arm.  set.  22).  (H.JE.  received  as 
jf.(ft.  same  day,  restored  3  Dec.  1796. 

He  was  second  son  of  C.P.  :  and  great-great-great-grandson  of 
Colonel  John  P.  He  was  of  Burcot,  Somerset,  and  died  at 
Milstone,  Wilts,  (leaving  a  son  Charles,  born  1 798),  where,  on 
the  North  Wall  of  the  Nave  is  the  following, — 
"  In  memory  of  Charles  Penruddocke,  Esq.,  second  son  of 
Charles  Penruddocke,  Esq.,  one  of  the  representatives  of  this 
County,  who  died  Nov.  6th,  1799  in  the  26th  year  of  his  age." 


Richard  Bullen.  JE.  8  April,  1796  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Novo  Castello,  Northumb  :  arm.  ret.  17).  (H.jE.  received 
as  (ft.  18  April,  1796,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1801.  B.A.  (Buller  in  Ox  :  Grad :)  1  April,  1800. 

Charles  Lyne.  JE.  3  May,  1796  (fil.  Philippi  L.  de  Tre- 
leven,  ?  Trelowan,  Cornub :  Doctoris,  ret.  19).  C.JE. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1801.  B.A.  25  Feb.  1800. 

Henry  Wadham  Diggle.  JE.  11  May,  1796  (fil.  Wadhami 
D.  de  Western  Green,  Surr :  cler.  ret.  17).  GT.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  27  March,  1797.  Admitted  £>. 
as  Founder's  Kin  29  Oct.  1796,  resigned  30  June,  1797. 

Apparently  of  West  Green  in  Esher,  Surrey,  where  Wadham 
D.  (1759)  was  Rector. 

George  Gould.  JE.  11  May,  1776  (fil.  Georgii  G.  de 
Upway,  Dorcestr  :  arm.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  JF.®. 
same  day,  restored  Christmas  1803.  B.A.  12  Feb.  1801. 
M.A.  2  Dec.  1802. 

208  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1796. 

Born  1G  Jan.  1778  :  Vicar  of  Fleet,  Dorset,  1802.  The  old 
Church  having  been  destroyed  by  a  storm  23  Nov.  1824,  a  new 
one  was  erected  at  the  sole  expense  of  the  Vicar,  and  consecrated 
25  Aug.  1829.  In  the  Church  at  Upwey  is  the  following, — 
"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  George  Gould,  M.A. 
of  Fleet  House  and  Upwey  in  this  county.  He  departed  this 
life  29  April,  1841,  aged  63.  His  remains  are  interred  in  a 
vault  within  this  church.  This  monument  was  erected  by  a 
near  relative  as  a  tribute  of  her  sincere  affection  and  deep 
regret."  (Hutchins ) 

Andrew  Tucker  (T)-  J&.  25  May,  1796  (fil.  Andreae  T. 
de  Fifehead,  Dorcestr  :  Doctoris,  aet.  18).  GT.JE.  received 
as  (£.  same  day,  restored  10  Dec.  1804,  replaced  31  March, 
1818,  and  restored  Midsummer  1818.  Admitted  g. 
29  Oct.  1796.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1798,  1799,  1800. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1796  to  1801.  Gerard  Exhi- 
bitioner 1798  to  1800.  B.A.  23  April,  1800.  M.A. 
3  April,  1818.  Eesigned  £.  30  June,  1801. 

Rector  of  Wotton  Fitzpain,  Dorset,  11  July,  1817.     Rector  of 
Catherston,  Dorset,  9  May,  1818  ;  died  15  March,  1858. 

Thomas  Buck.  JE.  17  June,  1796  (fil.  Jacobi  B.  de 
Marylebon,  Middlesex:  arm.  a,jt.  19).  (£.Jtt.  received  as 
JfM.  same  day,  restored  27  July,  1798. 

James  Ward.  JE.  17  June,  1796  (fil.  Jacobi  W.  de 
Marylebon,  Middlesex :  arm.  ajt.  17).  (JLJE.  received  as 
,-fF.(!T.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christinas  1802. 

Matthew  Place.  |E.  28  June,  1796  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Canford,  Dorcestr:  gen.  get.  18).  (JLJE.  received  as  (£T. 
same  day,  finally  restored  Christmas  1808.  B.A.  8  May, 

Rector  of  Hampreston,  Dorset,  20  Nov.  1806  ;  died  at  Chichester 
15  March,  1834. 

Samuel  Downes.  JE.  12  July,  1796  (fil.  Caroli  D.  de 
Birmingham,  Warwic :  pleb.  a;t.  16).  (JLJE.  received  as 
Servitor  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1806.  Admitted 
Clerk  .">  Oct.  1797.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1797,  1798, 

1796.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  209 

1799.     Pigott  Exhibitioner  1797.     B.A.  26  April,  1800. 
His  Clerkship  was  vacant  5  April,  1800. 

"  S.  D.  Vicar  of  Kilham,  Yorks,  1823,  formerly  of  Warwick, 
died  at  his  residence  in  London  25  July,  1845." 

(G.  Mag.  115,  II.  432.) 

Robert  Shirley.  JE.  20  Oct.  1796  (fil.  Joannis  S.  de 
Bagber,  Dorcestr :  gen.  set.  25).  C.JE.  received  as  Jf.<&. 
same  da}7,  restored  Christmas  1797. 

Bagbere  is  a  hamlet  of  Sturminster  Newton. 

William  Benett.  |E.  28  Oct.  1796  (fil.  Thomas  B.  de 
Tisbury,  Wilton :  arm.  set.  17).  CJE.  received  as  JF.OT. 
same  day,  restored  Michaelmas  1797.  B.A.  (Merton) 
24  Oct.  1801. 

Son  of  T.  B.  of  York  St.,  Portman  Sq.  :  born  24  Feb.  1779, 
married  1815. 

Robert  Stevens  (J)-  P.  30  Nov.  1796  (fil.  Eoberti  S.  de 
Ansford,  Somerset :  arm.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  (*T. 
(E,  Stephen  Stephens)  same  day,  restored  2  Nov.  1801. 
Admitted  jj.  4  Oct.  1797,  when  he  is  described  as  of 
Unsford,  Somerset,  aged  18  :  but  the  entry  was  subse- 
quently altered  to  St  Mary,  Kotherhithe,  Surrey,  where  he 
was  born.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1798.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1799  to  1802.  B.A.  23  Oct.  1800.  M.A. 
4  June,  1806.  Elected  ft.Jf.  30  June,  1801.  Admitted 
,-fF.  6  July,  1802.  Elected  Librarian  1802;  Catechist 
1803  ;  Humanity  Lecturer  1805  to  1811  and  1817,  1818  ; 
Bursar  1812,  1813  (Swayne,  deputy).  Deputy  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1806  and  1808  to  1813,  1821,  1823 ;  Dean 
1814  to  1816;  Sub-Warden  1819  to  1823;  Deputy  Dean 
1818,  1819,  1820;  Deputy  Catechist  1817  to  1820. 
Wills  Divinity  Lecturer  1809  to  1820.  Proctor  1811. 
He  resigned  his  ,-fF.  27  June,  1824 :  when  his  name  was 
replaced  on  the  list  of  Commoners  and  finally  removed 
13  Nov.  1829. 

Incumbent  of   Denham,  Suffolk    (1813),  and  Yicar   of   South 
Petherwin,  Cornwall  (1824). 

"  Died  at  Portishead  1  Oct.  1856,  Rev.  R.  S.  S.  Perpetual  Curate 
of  Denham,  Suff."  (G.  Mwj.  126,  II.  655.) 


210  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1796-97. 

John  Ellard.  JE.  8  Dec.  1796  (fil.  Joannis  E.  de  Bicton, 
Devon:  gen.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as  (£.  same  day, 
restored  July,  1803.  B.A.  17  Feb.  1801.  M.A.  Uuly, 

William  Augustus  Morgan.  JE.  15  Dec.  1796  (fil. 
Joannis  M.  de  South  Pole,  Devon :  cler.  set.  20). 
(£.JE.  received  as  Servitor  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1804.  Admitted  Clerk  3  July,  1797,  when 
he  is  said  to  be  of  South  Poole,  Devon,  aged  23.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1797,  1798, 1799.  Pigott  Exhibitioner 
1797.  His  Clerkship  was  vacant  31  March,  1800. 

Incumbent  of  Egloskerry  and  Tresmere,  Cornwall  (1821),  "  died 
19  Aiig.  1869."     (F.) 

Thornhill  Warrington.  JE.  15  Dec,  1796  (fil.  Georgii  W. 
de  Acton,  Denbigh :  cler.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  (j£. 
same  day,  restored  Christmas  1798.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1799,  according  to  the  lists,  but  as  he  occurs 
among  the  Scholars  it  is  probably  a  mistake  for 

Brother  of  William  W.  1791. 


Robert  Edward  Jones.  JE.  30  March,  1797  (fil.  Joannis 
J.  de  Llanfais  i.e.  Llanvaes  in  Ins:  Mona.  arm.  net.  17). 
(£.JE.  received  as  (£.  same  day,  taken  up  Midsummer 
1803.  B.A.  4  Feb.  1802. 

George  Speke  Payne.  JE.  6  April,  1797  (fil.  Samuelis  P. 
de  Weymouth,  Dorcestr:  cler  set.  18).  C.JE.  received 
as  (£.  same  day,  restored  14  ISTov.  1803.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1799.  B.A.  10  Oct.  1800. 

"  Died  10  April,  1862  at  Powerstock  (Poorstock)  Dorset,  Rev. 
G.  S.  P.,  aged  85."  (G.  Mag.) 

Thomas  Fox.  JE.  27  April,  1797  (fil.  Thomse  E.  de 
Mapperton,  Dorcestr:  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received  as 
<£.  same  day,  restored  6  July,  1803.  Admitted  £>. 

1797.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  211 

4  Oct.  1797.     Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1798  to  1804. 
Gerard  Exhibitioner  1801.     B.A.   27  Feb.   1801.     M.A. 

5  July,  1805.     Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1803.     Admitted 
JF.    9   July,    1804:   his   Jf.   was    vacant    by   marriage 
30  June,  1806. 

Rector  of  Temple  Combe,  Somerset,  1819  to  1859.  Rector  of 
South  Newton  and  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  "  died 
26  Aug.  1859  at  the  Rectory,  Temple  Combe,  Somerset,  aged 
79,  Rev.  T.  F.  after  an  incumbency  of  forty  years."  (G.  Mag.) 
He  was  buried  at  Temple  Combe  with  the  following  inscrip- 
tion,— • 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  T.  F.,  40  years  Rector  of 
this  parish,  obiit  August  26,  1859,  setat.  79." 
Father  of  Thomas  F.  1836. 

Edward  Meade.  JE.  3  June,  1797  (fil.  Joannis  M.  de 
Civ.  Dublin  in  Eegn.  Hibern :  Comitis,  ret.  16).  (£.JE. 
received  as  JfM.  13  June,  1797,  restored  1799. 

Sixth  son  of  John,  first  Earl  of  Clanwilliam.  Killed  8  March, 
1801,  when  the  British  Troops  under  Sir  Ralph  Abercromby 
forced  a  landing  in  Aboukir  Bay.  He  was  Ensign  of  the  Flank 
Company  of  the  40th  Regiment  which,  with  the  23rd,  stormed 
a  hill  which  commanded  the  place  of  'disembarkation,  and 
"  seemed  almost  inaccessible." 
Brother  of  Peirce  M.  see  below  (1797). 

Frederick  Hamilton  Carrington.  JE.  26  June,  1797 
(til.  Jacobi  C.  de  Civ.  Exon. :  Devon,  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE. 
received  as  <£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1799  :  replaced  14  July,  1802,  taken  up  again  Christmas 
1804.  Admitted  5.  4  Oct.  1797  of  St  Keryene,  i.e., 
St  Kerrian,  Exeter,  aged  17.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner 
1797.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1798  to  1801.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1799.  He  resigned  his  £o.  30  June, 
1801.  B.A.  17  July,  1802. 

George  Willim.  JE.  7  July,  1797  (fil.  Georgii  W.  de  par: 
Sti  Xicoki  in  Civ.  Hereford:  gen.  set.  19).  €.|E. 
received  as  (!L  6  July,  1797,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1804.  B.A.  21  May,  1801. 

212  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1797- 

Samuel  Rogers  (T).  JE.  13  July,  1797  (fil.  Samuelis  R 
de  Civ.  Londin :  gen.  set.  17).  (H.JE.  received  as  (£. 
same  day,  apparently  increased  to  ,-fF.(!L  9  Nov.  1802, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1804.  B.A.  10  Feb. 
1804.  M.A.  6  July,  1804. 

Hector  of  Orton  Longueville,  Hunts  :  died,  aged  75.    (G.  May.) 

Where  on  a   brass  beneath  his  arms  (a  chevron  between  3 

stags),  with  the  motto  "  ad  ardua  per  aspera  "  is  the  following 

inscription, — 

Samuel  Rogers,  M.A.      Rector  of  this  Church,  and  a  Rural 

Dean,  died  May    xviii.   A.D.  MDCCCLII,   aged  LXI  (sic  but 

?  LXXI.)   years.     To  whose  beloved   memory  his  affectionate 

wife  inscribes  this  Tablet. 

Eliza  Ann  Rogers  followed  her  beloved  husband  April  xxix 

MDCCCLV,  aged  LXVIII  years." 

John  Bright  (J).  P.  13  Dec.  1797  (fil.  Pauli  B.  de 
Inkersel,  Derb :  gen.  set.  16).  C.JE,  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1802, 
replaced  14  April,  1811,  taken  up  Midsummer  1821. 
Admitted  £.  15  Oct.  1798  of  Derby,  aged  16.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1799  to  1804.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1801.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1802  to  1805.  B.A. 
15  June,  1801.  M.A.  28  June,  1804.  B.M.  19  March, 
1806.  D.M.  30  June,  1808.  Elected  ^.,-jF.  30  June, 
1803.  Admitted  JF.  9  July,  1804.  Elected  Catechist 
1807  (Stevens,  deputy) ;  Librarian  1808  (Rogers,  deputy). 
Vacated  JF.  by  marriage  30  June,  1810,  when  his  name 
was  removed,  but  subsequently  replaced. 

Physician  to  the  General  Hospital,  Birmingham  ;  F.R.C.S. 
30  Sept.  1809.  Censor  1813,  1822,  1833,  1840.  Delivered  the 
Harveian  Oration  1830.  Consiliarius  1839.  Physician  to  the 
Westminster  Hospital  1822  to  1843.  Metropolitan  Com- 
missioner in  Lunacy  1836.  Died  1  Feb.  1870,  aged  87. 

Honble.  Peirce  IVIeade.  <£.JE.  received  as  Nobleman 
7  July,  1797,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1802. 
|E.  (Si  John's)  27  Jan.  1797  (fil.  Johannis  M.  Comitis 

1797-98.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  213 

de   Clanwilliam,   ret.    20).     B.A.   10    Oct.    1799.     M.A. 
17  July,  1802. 

He  was  5tli  son  of  John,  first  Earl  of  Clanwilliam,  and  brother 
of  Edward  M.  1797.  Archdeacon  of  Dromore  31  May,  1810, 
resigned  from  ill  health  1832,  died  22  Nov.  1834. 


William  Skinner  (T).  P.  3  March,  1798  (fil.  Joannis 
S.  de  Aberdeen,  cler.  set.  19).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  16  Nov.  1805,  "  re-admitted  19  May, 
1819,  name  removed  25  Aug.  1820."  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1798  to  1801.  B.A.  4  Nov.  1801.  M.A. 
21  June,  1819.  B.D.  and  D.D.  8  July,  1819. 

Became  Bishop  of  Aberdeen  (on  the  death  of  his  father)  1816, 
and  Primus  1841,  died  15  April,  1857.  He  is  buried  with  his 
parents  in  the  Spital  (St  Peter's)  Burial  Ground,  Old  Aberdeen, 
with  the  following  inscription, — 

"  With  those  of  his  parents  mingled  also  the  ashes  of  the  Eight 
Reverend  William  Skinner,  D.D.,  Primus  of  the  Scottish 
Episcopal  Church,  and  for  41  years  Bishop  of  the  Diocese  of 
Aberdeen,  who,  born  the  24th  October,  1778,  died  the  15th 
April,  1857." 

John  Reeves.  |tt.  23  March,  1798  (fil.  Joannis  E.  de 
Arbortield,  Bercher:  arm.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
(E.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1800. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1798. 

Thomas  Bringloe  Edwards.  |E.  20  April,  1798  (fil. 
Theophili  E.  de  Civ.  Norvicii :  gen.  «t.  18).  (H.JE. 
received  as  (JT.  same  day,  restored  8  Nov.  1798. 

Francis  Newnham.  JE.  18  June,  1798  (fil.  Thomas  N.  de 
Hatton  Garden,  Middlesex  :  gen.  a.jt.  18).  (£.JE.  received 
as  C£.  same  day,  restored  29  Jan.  1799 :  migrated  to 
Worcester  as  Jf.<£.  1  Feb.  1799.  B.C.L.  30  May,  1805. 

Robert  James  Spencer  (T)-  !*t  20  Nov.  1798  (fil. 
Benjamin!  S.  de  Aston,  Warwic:  Doctoris,  a't.  17). 

214  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1798-99. 

(JT.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same  clay,  restored  7  July,  1804. 
Admitted  &.  26  Oct.  1799.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1799. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1801,  1802.  Gerard  Exhibi- 
tioner 1802.  B.A.  16  June,  1802.  M.A.  30  June,  1808. 
Elected  ty.Jf.  30  June,  1803.  Admitted  $.  9  July,  1804. 
Elected  deputy  Sub-Dean  1803 ;  Moderator  of  Philo- 
sophy 1804,  1805. 

"Perpetual  Curate   of    Smethwick,   Staffordshire,"   (F.)  died 
11  Aug.  1814. 

George  Price  (J).  J&.  12  Dec.  1798  (fil.  Rodolphi  P.  de 
Lyminge,  Cant:  cler.  set.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  <£. 
12  Dec.  1799  (?  1798),  restored  8  July,  1803.  Admitted 
£.  26  Oct.  1799.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1801.  B.A. 
14  June,  1802.  M.A.  16  July,  1808.  Elected  ty.JF. 
30  June,  1803.  Admitted  Jf.  9  July,  1804.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1804,  1805,  1806,  1818;  Librarian  1809  to 
1817  (with  Rogers,  Gardiner,  and  Symons  as  deputies) 
1821  to  1826  (Symons,  deputy).  Humanity  Lecturer 
1819, 1820  (Stevens,  deputy).  "  Presented  to  the  College 
Rectory  of  Fryerning,  Essex :  when  his  name  was 
replaced  on  the  list  of  Commoners  "  1826. 

Died  at  Fryerning  9  May,  1861,  aged  80. 


George  Carter.  Jtt.  22  May,  1799  (fil.  Henrici  C.  de 
Whittenham  Minore,  Bercher:  cler.  set.  18).  C.JH. 
received  as  (&.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1807.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1799.  B.A. 
10  Nov.  1803. 

James  Harington  Evans  (T)-  P-  20  June,  1799  (fil. 
Jacobi  E.  de  Sti  Thomae  in  Civ.  Sarisbur:  cler.  ajt.  14). 
CT.p.  received  as  <£.  18  June,  1799,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1813.  Admitted  £>.  26  Oct.  1799,  aged  14. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1800  to  1806.  B.A.  26  May, 
1803.  M.A.  16  July,  1808.  Elected  $).Jf.  30  June, 

1799-1800.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  215 

1805.  Admitted  Jf.  3  July,  1806.  Elected  Catechist 
1805  (Stevens,  deputy)  1807  (Swayne,  deputy).  Eesigned 
his  Jf.  23  April,  1810  on  marriage. 

Son  of  James  E.  1777. 

Thomas  Symons  (J)-  P.  10  Oct.  1799  (fil.  Georgii  S. 
de  Axbridge,  Somerset :  gen.  set.  17).  (£.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1814. 
B.C.L.  15  Jan.  1810.  "  Died." 

John  Bastard.  JE.  1  Nov.  1799  (fil.  Joannis  B.  de 
Blandford,  Dorcestr :  arm.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  31  Oct.  1799,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1808. 
B.A.  10  Oct.  1803. 

Baptised  at  Blandford  23  June,  1781.  Eector  of  Strathfield, 
save,  Hants,  1816.  Eector  of  Fifehead  Neville,  Dorset  (by 
exchange).  "  Died  15  June,  1867."  (Hutchins.) 

But  "died  Jan.  15,  1862,  in  St  James  Place,  aged  81,  Rev. 
J.  B.  of  Fifehead  Neville."  (G.  Mag.) 

Edward  Cook  Forward.  JE.  16  Dec.  1799  (fil.  Samuelis 
F.  de  Axminster,  Devon :  arm.  yet.  18).  <£.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1807. 
B.A.  10  Feb.  1804.  M.A.  10  Dec.  1807. 

Rector  of  Comb  Pyne,  Devon,  1807.     Rector  of  Sunnington, 
Somerset,  1810.     Died  at  Axminster,  aged  55,  11  Nov.  1836. 
Brother  of  Charles  F.  1812. 

18  OO. 

Simon  Webber  (J)-  P.  14  Jan.  1800  (fil.  Simonis  W.  de 
Sti  Thomse,  Cornub  :  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1811. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1800.  B.A.  9  May,  1805. 
M.A.  24  Nov.  1825.  He  replaced  his  name  in  1825  and 
removed  it  12  Oct.  1826. 

Rector  of  Fonthill  Bishop,  1819.  Vicar  of  Tisbury,  Wilts. 
1825,  which  he  held  in  plurality.  Died  at  Fonthill,  aged  74, 
24  Jan.  1858. 

216  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1800. 

William  Brown.  J1£t.  3  March,  1800  (fil.  Edvardi  B.  de 
Uppingham,  Eutland :  arm.  set.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  restored  to  Mr  Edward  B.  his  brother 
Christinas  1805.  B.A.  3  Nov.  1802. 

Thomas  Lewis.  fE.  29  March,  1800  (fil.  Joannis  L.  de 
Caermarthen:  gen.  iet.  18).  C.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1806. 
Admitted  Clerk  31  March,  1800  of  St  Peter,  Carmarthen, 
aged  21.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1800  to  1802.  Pigott 
Exhibitioner  1800  and  1802.  B.A.  21  Feb.  1804. 
Resigned  Clerkship  29  June,  1803. 

William  Howels.  JE.  3  April,  1800  (fil.  Samuelis  H.  de 
Penline,  i.e.  Penlfyne  Glamorgan:  gen.  ret.  19).  (£.JE. 
received  as  Servitor  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1804.  Admitted  Clerk  5  April,  1800  of  Penling. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1800,  1801.  Pigott  Exhibitioner 
1800.  His  clerkship  was  vacant  30  June,  1802. 

"Died  18  Nov.  1832,  aged  54,  Rev.  William  Howels  minister 
of  the  Episcopal  Chapel  in  Long  Acre."  (G.  Mag.  102,  II.  653.) 

William  Thring  (J).  Pt.  1  May,  1800  (fil.  Brouncker  T.  de 
Sutton,  Wilton:  IJoctoris,  ret.  17).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1807 :  "  re- 
admitted 17  June,  1825."  C.JE.  account  closed  24  Feb. 
1836.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1800,  1801.  B.A.  (W. 
Davison  Thring)  31  Oct.  1804.  M.A.  27  Oct.  1825. 
B.I),  and  D.D.  21  Oct.  1830. 

Incumbent  of  Fenny  Sutton,  Wilts,  1813.  (Hoare.)  "Died 
2  Sept.  1854  at  Sutton  Veney,  Wilts,  in  his  72nd  year,  Rev. 
W.  Davison  Tilling,  Rector  of  Sutton  Veney  with  Fisherton 
Delaniere."  (G.  Mag.) 

He  is  buried  at  Sutton  with  the  following  inscription, — • 
In  Memory  of   Revd.  William    Davidson    Thring,  D.D.,  who 
.succeeded  his  father  Revd.  Brouncker  Thring,  D.D.  as  Rector 
of  this  Parish  Sept.  25,   1812.      Born  Dec.  20th  1782.      Died 
Oct.  2,  1854,  aged  71  Years. 

1800.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  217 

Thomas  Bradley  Faget.  Jtt.  2  May,  1800  (fil.  Thomse 
Bradley  P.  de  Tamworth,  Warwic  :  gen.  set.  18).  (JT.JE. 
received  as  <£.  same  day,  restored  1806.  Admitted  £. 
30  Oct.  1800.  Hocly  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1801  to 

1807.  B.A.  10  Feb.  1804    M.A.  24  May,  1809.     Elected 
W.JF.    30   June,    1806.     Admitted    Jf.    1    July,    1807. 
Vacated  Jf.  by  marriage  7  Sept.  1809. 

"  Died  1846,  March  20,  at  Cheltenham,  aged  64,  Eev.  T.  B.  P., 
Vicar  of  Evington,  Leic.  (Feb.  1842).  He  was  formerly  incum- 
bent of  Long  Acre  Episcopal  Chapel."  (G.  Mag.  116,  I.  662.) 

Thomas  Dyer  (J).  |E.  13  May,  1800  (fil.  Gulielmi  Caroli 
D.  de  Abbess  Eoding,  Essex :  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE. 
received  as  <J£.  same  day:  account  closed  Christmas  1821. 
Admitted  £.  30  Oct.  1800  of  Abbots  Eoding.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1801  to  1807.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1804,  1805.  B.A.  10  Feb.  1804.  M.A.  20  May, 
1809.  Elected  ^.J^.  30  June,  1806.  Admitted  ,-fF. 
1  July,  1807.  Vacated  JF.  by  marriage  8  June,  1815 : 
name  replaced  on  the  list  of  Commoners. 

"  Died  23  Oct.  1852  at  Abbess  Roding,  Essex  (1828)  Rev.  T.  D., 
aged  70."  (G.  Mag.  123,  I.  214.) 

Where  lie  is  buried  with  the  following  inscription, — 
Sacred  to  the  Memory  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Dyer,  24  years  the 
beloved  and  respected  Rector  of  this  Parish — only  son  of  the 
Rcvd.  W.  C.  Dyer  and  grandson  of  the  Revd.  H.  Haddon  both 
Rectors.     He  died  23  Oct.  1852,  aged  70. 
He  was  a  man  who  never  gave  and  never  took  offence. 

Edward  Repton.  |E.  29  May,  1800  (fil.  Htiinphrecli  K.  de 
Sustead,  Xorfolc:  arm.  set.  17).  (£.pt.  received  as  <£.  28 
May,  1800,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1800. 
JJemy  of  Magdalen  1801,  resigned  on  marriage  17  Nov. 

1808.  B.A.  17  Feb.  1804.     M.A.  17  Dec,  1806. 

Educated  at  Winchester  (1798).  Preacher  of  the  Boyle 
Lectures  1808  to  1810.  Preacher  at  the  Magdalen  Hospital. 
Prebendary  of  Westminster  3  Xov.  1838.  Vicar  of  Shore- 
ham,  Kent,  30  March,  1843.  Chaplain  to  the  House  of 
Author  of  The  Work*  rf  Creation,  1808.  (Bloxam  VII.  143.) 

218  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1800. 

Edward  Edgell.  JE.  17  June,  1800  (fil.  Chaffin  E.  de 
Frome,  Somerset:  gen.  ret.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  (&. 
18  June,  1800,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1807. 
Admitted  g>.  30  Oct.  1800,  aged  19.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1801  to  1804.  B.A.  11  April,  1804. 
Eesigned  £.  30  June,  1804. 

Rector  of   Hodden,  Somerset.     Prebendary  of   Wells  21   Oct. 


On  a  brass  in  Hodden  Church  is  the  following  inscription, — 

"In   Memory   of    the    Revd.    Edward   Edgell    of    East-Hill, 

Rodden,  25   years   Incumbent   of    this   Parish,    and   formerly 

Vicar   of   West  Alvington,    Devon.     Died    April    2nd,    1860. 

Aged  78  years." 

"  Blessed  are  the  dead  which  die  in  the  Lord,  even  so  saith  the 

Spirit,  for  they  rest  from  their  labours." 

Henry  Alford  (J)-  J*t  23  June,  1800  (fil.  Samuelis  A.  de 
Curry  liival,  Somerset:  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day :  account  closed  Midsummer  1813. 
Admitted  £.  30  Oct.  1800.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1801  to  1804.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1803.  Somer- 
scales  Exhibitioner  1804.  B.A.  8  April,  1804.  M.A. 
1  June,  1811.  Elected  }|).jf.  30  June,  1805.  Admitted 
JF.  3  July,  1806.  Wills  Law  Exhibitioner  1806. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1807,  1808  (Gardiner,  deputy). 
,-fF.  vacant  by  marriage  30  June,  1810.  Name  removed 
Eeb.  1814. 

Charles  Severne  Watkins.  JE.  15  July,  1800  (fil. 
Itichardi  W.  de  liock,  Yigorn :  cler.  set.  17).  (£.f&. 
received  as  ,-fF.(£t.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Mid- 
summer 1802:  replaced  18  March,  1807,  restored 
22  June,  1810.  He  was  rusticated  17  May,  1802. 
Created  M.A.  27  June,  1808. 

Educated  at  Eton.    Cornet  in  3rd  Dragoon  Guards  3  Feb.  1803. 
Captain  15  Sept.  1808,  retired  17  Oct.  1811. 

Edward  Garrard  Marsh.  JE.  19  July,  1800  (fil.  Joannis 
M.  de  Sti  Thomse  in  Civ.  Sarisbur:  Wilton:  arm.  ,'.et.  17). 
(JI.JE.  received  as  <ff.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1805. 

1300-1.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  219 

Admitted  £.  30  Oct.  1801.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1802  to  1805.  B.A.  11  April,  1804.  M.A.  (Oriel) 
14  Jan.  1807.  Elected  Jf.  of  Oriel,  19  April,  1805. 
English  Essay  Prize  (Posthumous  Fame)  1806.  Select 
Preacher  1811.  Bampton  Lecturer  1848.  Married 
7  July,  1813  and  vacated  his  Jf.  in  following  year. 

Prebendary  of  Southwell  18  Oct.  1821.  Vicar  of  Aylesford, 
Kent  1840,  died  20  Sept.  1862. 

Edward  Carless.  JE.  28  Oct.  1800  (fil.  Gulielmi  C.  de 
Birmingham,  Warwic :  arm.  set.  20).  (£.JE.  received  as 
(£.  same  clay,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1808. 
B.A.  30  May,  1804.  M.A.  12  May,  1808. 

John  Paget  Hastings.  JE.  10  Dec.  1800  (fil.  Jacobi  H. 
de  Sutton  Coldfield,  Warwic:  cler.  set.  16).  OT.JE. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas 
1810.  Eusticated,  7  May,  1802,  but  was  allowed  a  Grace 
for  B.A.  14  May,  1807.  B.A.  12  June,  1807. 

Eldest  son  of  James  H.  1776. 

"Died  22  Aug.  1822  at  Calcutta  Rev.  J.  P.  H.,  one  of  the 
Chaplains  to  the  Hon.  the  East  India  Company's  Service,  on  the 
Bengal  Establishment."  (G.  Mag.  93,  I.  571.) 


Charles  Edwards.  JE.  3  Feb.  1801  (fil.  Caroli  E.  de  Chard, 
Somerset:  arm.  set.  16).  C.JE.  received  as  <£.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Michaelmas  1805. 

William  Francis  Norton  ("]").  JE.  5  March,  1801  (fil. 
Joannis  N.  de  Somerton,  Somerset:  gen.  set.  19). 
(£.JE.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  increased  to  Jp.(ft. 
14  May,  1802,  name  removed  17  March,  1803;  (JT.JE. 
restored  12  April,  1803,  re-admitted  16  Dec.  1807  ;  C.JE. 
replaced  15  Dec.  1807,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1813 :  name  removed  22  Dec.  1813. 

David  Williams  (J).  JE.  15  April,  1801  (fil.  Joannis  W. 
de  Ystradmeiric,  Cardigan:  cler.  a-t.  16).  (ST.JE.  received 

220  WARDEN     WILLS.  .[1801. 

as  01.  16  April,  1801,  restored  6  April,  1811.  Admitted 
&.  30  Oct.  1801.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1802  to 
1806.  B.A.  7  Feb.  1805.  M.A.  21  June,  1810.  Elected 
^.JF.  30  June,  1810.  Admitted  JF.  2  July,  1811. 
Elected  Catechist  1811  (Swayne,  deputy).  Vacated  Jf. 
on  marriage  5  Oct.  1813.  Name  replaced  on  the  list  of  (ft. 
at  which  time  he  probably  replaced  his  (JLJE.  which  was 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1821.  Died  6  July,  1823. 

"  Headmaster  at  Ystradmeiric  School."     (F.) 

"  An  eminent  divine  and  critic  who  distinguished  himself  as 

an   impartial  magistrate,  an   elegant  scholar,  and   a  polished 


Richard  Henry  Baker.  JE.  9  May,  1801  (fil.  Jacob!  B. 
de  North  Chaple,  Sussex :  arm.  set.  17).  (£.J&.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1807. 
B.C.L.  17  Nov.  1808. 

Charles  Strong.  JE.  14  May,  1801  (fil.  Henrici  S.  de 
Tiverton,  Damnon :  gen.  set.  17).  (H.JH.  received  as  (ft. 
13  May,  1801.  Admitted  J&.  30  June,  1801.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  1802.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1805 
to  1810.  B.A.  22  Eeb.  1805.  M.A.  24  May,  1810. 
Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June,  1810.  Admitted  jf.  2  July, 
1811.  Vacated  JF.  by  marriage  (but  Convention  Book 
says  by  preferment)  22  May,  1812.  Name  replaced  on 
list  of  Or.  (S.IE.  replaced  1  July,  1812,  taken  up  in 
part  for  Battels  Christmas  1821. 

Rector  of  Broughton  Gifford,  Wilts,  1811  to  1848. 

"  Died  27  Jan.   1864  at  Dawlish,  after  a  short  illness,  Rev. 

C.  S.  late  Rector  of  Broughton  Gifford,  Wilts." 

(G.  Mag.  134,  I.  398.) 

James  Hartley  Dunsford.  JE.  15  May,  1801  (fil.  Jacobi 
1).  de  Asburton,  Damnon :  arm.  set.  15).  (H.JE.  received 
as  <£.  14  May,  1801.  Admitted  £.  30  Oct.  1801,  of 
Ashburton.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1802,  1803.  Sorner- 
scales  Exhibitioner  1 803.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1804  to  1810.  B.A.  18  Jan.  1805.  M.A.  24  June,  1810. 
Elected  $).JF.  30  June,  1810.  Admitted  jF.  2  July, 

1801.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  221 

1811.  Vacated  JF.  by  marriage  22  Feb.  1813,  name  re- 
placed on  the  list  of  4T.  (H.JE.  replaced  7  July,  1813, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1821. 

"Died  25  July,  1852,  Rev.  J.  H.  D.  of  Peterborough,  Upper 
Canada,  late  Rector  of  Frarnpton  (1813),  and  Vicar  of  Fretherne, 
Glouc."  (G.  Mag.  122,  II.  320.) 

Benedict  Fering  (T).  P.  15  May,  1801  (fil.  Benedict! 
P.  de  Stte  Maria;  in  Civ.  Exon :  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE. 
received  as  (JO*,  same  day,  restored  30  June,  1810.  Ad- 
mitted £>.  30  Oct.  1801.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1802  to  1807.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1804  B.A. 
28  Jan.  1805.  M.A.  28  June,  1810.  Elected  }3.JF. 
30  June,  1810.  Admitted  jf.  2  July,  1811.  Vacated 
Jf.  by  marriage  23  Oct.  1817. 

"  Died  4  Nov.  1851  at  Dawlish,  Rev.  B.  P.  Rector  of  Fersfield, 
Norf.  (1843)."  (G.  May.  121,  II.  665.) 

George  Cockerton.  01.  21  May,  1801  (fil.  Gulielmi  C.  de 
Sutton,  Essex:  arm.  aet.  19).  (JT.JK.  received  as  JfM. 
19  May,  1801,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1803. 

Richard  Meade.  JE.  6  June.,  1801  (fil.  Edvardi  M.  de 
Cripplegate  Londin :  arm.  set.  18).  (ST.Jft.  received  as  (JT. 
same  day,  balance  restored  sometime  after  Midsummer 
1810.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1802,  1803.  B.A.  5  July, 

He  entered  St  Paul's  School  16  Aug.  1788,  aged  7,  and  obtained 
an  Exhibition  in  1802.  Rector  of  Horsenden  27  March,  1811. 
Perpetual  Curate  of  Prince's  Risborough,  Buck.«,  died  2  Aug. 
1844,  aged  61. 

Samuel  Gamlen.  |tt.  3  July,  1801  (fil.  Gulielmi  G.  de 
Carston,  Somerset:  gen.  ast.  18).  C.jft.  received  as  (IT. 
same  day,  restored  1801.  B.A.  (Balliol)  30  May,  1805. 
M.A.  5  June,  1811. 

Vicar  of  Bossall,  Yorks,  1826.  "  Rector  of  Kirby  Mallory 
1854,  died  2  June,  1855."  (F.) 

Jonathan  Stackhouse  Rashleigh  (T)-  |tt.  3  July,  1801 
(til.  Jonathan  It.  de  Wickham,  Hampton :  cler.  let.  18). 

222  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1801. 

C.Jtt.  received  as  (ft.  same  day,  name  removed  23  Dec. 
1809.  B.A.  30  Nov.  1805.  He-admitted  9  Nov.  1811. 
M.A.  21  Nov.  1811.  Name  removed  13  Feb.  1813. 

"Died  15  May,  1863  at  Wickham  Rectory,  Hants,  aged  80, 
Rev.  J.  S.  R.  for  upwards  of  56  years  Rector  of  the  parish." 

(G.  Mag.  133,  I.  802.) 

He  is  buried  at  Wickham  in  the  churchyard,  where  there  is  a 
large  erect  stone  cross  enclosed  by  a  narrow  stone  border  in- 
scribed— "Absent  from  the  body,  present  with  the  Lord."  On 
a  flat  tablet  is  the  following  inscription, — "  In  Memory  of 
Jonathan  Stackhouse  Rashleigh,  for  56  years  Rector  of  this 
parish.  Born  —  October,  1782.  Died  May  15,  1868." 
He  was  descended  from  the  Rashleighs  of  Menabilly,  Cornwall. 

John  Taylor.  JE.  3  July,  1801  (fil.  Thomas  T.  de  Car- 
marthen :  arm.  set.  19).  (H.jH.  received  as  (#.  same  day, 
taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1806.  B.A.  24  April, 

Probably  Rev.  J.  T.  who  died  at  Reading  28  June,  1852,  aged 
71.  Rector  of  Willand,  Devon  (1817),  and  Perpetual  Curate 
of  Llanarthwy,  Carmarth.  (1816).  (G.  Mag.  122,  II.  210.) 

Patteson  Holgate.  JE.  6  July,  1801  (fil.  Edvardi  H.  de 
liisby,  Line  :  gen.  aet.  18).  (JLJU.  (Pattison)  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  restored  19  Jan.  1802. 

John  Wills.  JE.  30  Oct.  1801  (fil.  Samuelis  W.  de  Crew- 
kerne,  Somerset :  arm.  aet.  17).  (ST.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1810.  Ad- 
mitted jj>.  25  Oct.  1803  of  Ibberton,  Dorset,  aged  19. 
Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1803.  Gerard  Exhibitioner 
1803.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1804  Hody  (Greek)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1805  to  1806.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1805. 
B.A.  12  June,  1805.  M.A.  30  May,  1810.  Pie  resigned 
his  5%  on  account  of  untenable  preferment  30  June, 

Rector  of  South  Perrot,  Dorset,  1809,  resigned  1848. 
"  Died  26  Feb.  1854  at  Bromsgrove,  Rev.  J.  W.  Rector  of  South 
Perrot,  Dorset,"  (G.  Mag.  124,  I.  552.) 

Brother  of  William  W.  18]  2,  and  father  of  George  W.  B.  W.  1833. 

18H-2.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  223 

John  Davis.  JE.  2  Nov.  1801  (fil.  Gulielmi  D.  de  Fisherton 
Delamere,  Wilton :  arm.  set.  17).  C.JE.  received  as 
Jf.tit.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1805. 
Created  M.A.  26  March,  1805. 

John  Brettell.  JE.  8  Dec.  1801  (fil.  Josephi  B.  de  Broms- 
grove,  Vigorn:  gen.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  <K.  same 
day,  restored  Midsummer  1808.  B.A.  12  May,  1808. 

William  Dowell  (T).  C.|E.  received  as  OL  27  April,  1801, 
increased  to  ,-fF.(JI.  5  Feb.  1803,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1808.  JE.  (Merton)  18  April,  1801  (fil. 
Gulielmi  D.  de  Sti  Petri,  Bristol :  arm.  set.  18).  B.A. 
1  June,  1806.  M.A.  29  Jan.  1809.  Name  removed 
24  Dec.  1812.  lie-admitted  11  Nov.  1814  when  he  de- 
posited £50  <£.JE.  of  which  £35  was  restored.  Name 
removed  Oct.  1815. 

"Vicar  of   Locking,  Somerset,  1812.  Rector  of  Holme  Lacy, 
Hereford,  1823,  died  1  March,  1826."       (G.  Mag.  96,  I.  379.) 
In    Holme    Lacy   Church    there    is    a    stone    monument    as 
follows, — 

"  Sacred  to  the  Memory  of 
The  Revel.  William  Dowell 

Vicar  of  this  Parish 
Who  died  1st  March,  1826 
in  the  44th  year  of  his  age. 
To  power,  wealth,  or  glory's  name 
•  Let  this  world's  children  bow  the  knee, 
This  Tablet  speaks  of  one,  whose  aim 
Was  Faith,  Hope,  Charity,  these  three." 

18  O2. 

Thomas  Price.  JE.  22  Jan.  1802  (fil.  Joannis  P.  de 
Kewstocke,  Somerset :  cler.  jet.  18).  (Jl.JE.  received  as 
<£.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1804.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1802. 

224  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1802. 

Benjamin  Parsons  Symons.  Jtt.  2  Feb.  1802  (fil. 
Joannis  S.  de  Cheekier,  Somerset :  arm.  set.  17).  (£.J&. 
received  as  (JL  same  day,  restored  3  Dec.  1812.  Ad- 
mitted 5.  25  Oct.  1803  of  Cheddar,  aged  18.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1804  to  1805.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1805  to  1811.  Wills  Beading  Prize  1808, 
1809.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1809, 1810.  B.A.  14  Nov. 
1805.  M.A.  7  July,  1810.  B.D.  22  April,  1819.  D.D. 
23  Jan.  1831.  On  17  May,  1805,  he  was  awarded  as  a 
present,  the  Oxford  Edition  of  Cicero's  Works,  because 
"  se  egregie  commeiidavit  Examinatoribus."  Elected 
?J.dF.  30  June,  1811.  Admitted  $.  2  July,  1812. 
Teacher  of  Hebrew  1811.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer 
1812,  1813;  deputy  Sub-Dean  1812,  1813,  1818  to 
1823;  deputy  Catechist  1812,  1821,  1823;  Bursar  1814 
to  1823,  during  the  last  five  of  which  years  he  was  also 
deputy  for  the  other  Bursar  and  from  1824  to  1830,  he 
was  deputy  for  one  or  both  Bursars ;  deputy  Moderator 
of  Philosophy  1818,  1819,  1820  and  1824  to  1827; 
deputy  Librarian  1814  to  1830 ;  deputy  Dean  1821. 
Divinity  Lecturer  1821  to  1830.  Elected  Sub-Warden 
23  April,  1823,  and  held  the  office  till  elected  flatarfcm. 
16  June,  1831.  Select  Preacher  1812,  1821,  1831. 
Proctor  1818.  Public  Examiner  1819,  1820,  1821,  1824. 
Vice  Chancellor  1844  to  1848.  Delegate  of  Accounts. 
Curator  of  the  Theatre.  He  resigned  the  21&1.  18  Oct. 
1871,  but  continued  to  live  in  Oxford,  where  he  died 
12  April,  1878. 

On  the  East  Wall  of  the  Antechapel  is  tliis  inscription, — 

M.  S. 
Benjamin!  Parsons  Symons,  S.T.P. 

Qui  f  uerat  liujus  Collegii 
Per  lustra  quindecim  alumnus 

Per  Octo  Gardianus 

Vir  constans,  prudens,  pi  us 

Amplissimis  Academiie  muneribus  perfunctua  : 

Natus  duo  de  tricesimo  die  Januarii  MDCCLXXXV 

Vixdum  fracto  vigore  obdormivit  in  Christo 

Duodecimo  die  Aprilis  MDCCCLXXVIII. 

He  bequeathed  to  the  College  £1000  to  found  an  exhibition  for 

a  C.  tenable  for  2  years.     His  portrait  is  in  the  College  Hall. 

1802.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  225 

John  Mervin  Prower.  JE.  5  Feb.  1802  (fil.  Joannis  P. 
de  Purton,  Wilton  :  cler.  set.  17).  (£.Jtt.  received  as  <£. 
2  Feb.  1802,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1810.  Ad- 
mitted S>.  25  Oct.  1803.  Madclox  Exhibitioner  1805. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1806.  B.A.  4  June,  1806.  M.A. 

2  July,  1835.     Eesigned  *.  on  marriage  20  Sept.  1809. 

Succeeded  his  father  (1766)  as  Vicar  of  Purton,  Wilts,  in  1827  ; 
Hon.  Canon  of  Bristol  :  died  2  April,  1869  :  for  a  Window  to 
his  memory  see  under  his  father  (page  120).  His  arms  are  in  the 
Windows  of  the  Antechapel  —Sable,  two  lions  passant  parted 
per  pale  or  and  argent. 
Son  of  John  P.  1766,  and  father  of  John  E.  M.  P.  1829. 

Francis  Edward  Witts  (J).  J&.  H  Feb.  1802  (fil. 
Edvardi  W.  de  Cheltenham,  Gloucester  arm.  set.  18). 
(JT.|E.  received  as  <£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1821.  B.A.  10  Oct.  1805.  M.A.  19  June, 

"Died  18  Aug.  1854  at  Upper  Haughton,  Glouc.,  aged  71, 
Eev.  F.  E.  W.  Rector  of  that  parish  (1808),  and  Vicar  of 
Stanway  (1814)  J.P.  and  D.L."  (G.  Mag.) 

John  Ward.  JE.  4  May,  1802  (fil.  Joannis  W.  de  Civ. 
Bristol,  Gloucestr :  arm.  set.  19).  (JLJE.  received  as  (£. 

3  May,   1802,  taken   up  for  Battels,  Lady  Day   1810. 
B.A.  14  Jan.  1806.     M.A.  10  May,  1809. 

"  Died  22  Sept.  1842  at  Kingsdown,  near  Bristol,  Kev.  J.  W. 
Rector  of  Compton  Greenfield,  Glouc.  (1810)." 

(G.  Mag.  112,  II.  670.) 

James  Gibson.  |E.  29  May,  1802  (fil.  Jacobi  G.  de  Stoe 
Mariiu  le  bone,  Middlesex:  gen.  set.  16).  (JT.JK.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  7  July,  1813,  replaced  2  July, 
1819,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1821.  Admitted 
S>.  25  Oct.  1803  of  Maribone,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1804  to  1806.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1806  to  1809.  Wills  Heading  Prize  1806, 
1807.  B.A.  29  Jan.  1806.  M.A.  20  June,  1811.  Elected 
$MF.  30  June,  1812.  Admitted  ,-ff.  1  July,  1813. 
Elected  Dean  27  Oct.  1813  and  6  Dec.  1813:  Sub-Dean 

226  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1802. 

1814  to  1817  (Gardiner,  deputy  both  as  Dean  and  Sub- 
Dean).  Vacated  JF.  by  marriage  4  June,  1819,  name 
replaced  on  list  of  Commoners. 

"  Died  4  Oct.   1850  at  Wortlington  Rectory,  Suffolk,  aged  65, 
Rev.  J.  G.  Rector  :  presented  1818.     He  was  formerly  Chap- 
lain of  the  Lock  Hospital."  (G.  Mag.  120,  II.  670.) 
Author  of  Tim  Sermons  on  the  Church  1835. 
Father  of  Henry  A.  G.  1851. 

John  Mavor.  JE.  3  June,  1802  (fil.  Gulielmi  M.  de  Wood- 
stock, Oxon :  Doctoris,  at.  16).  (H.JE.  received  as  (JT. 
same  day,  restored  Christmas  1804.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1803,  1804.  Elected  Crewe  Exhibitioner  of 
Lincoln  Coll.  27  Oct.  1804.  B.A.  21  Jan.  1806.  M.A. 
17  Nov.  1808.  B.D.  —  July,  1816.  Nominated  as  JF.  of 
Lincoln,  by  the  Bishop  29  April,  1806,  admitted  10  May, 
1806,  resigned  Jf.  1825. 

Perpetual  Curate  of  Forest  Hill,  Oxon.  2  Nov.  1823.  Rector 
of  Hadleigh,  Essex,  1825.  He  died  in  Oxford,  19  June,  1853, 
on  the  debtors'  side  of  the  Oxford  County  Gaol,  where  he  had 
been  confined  upwards  of  nine  years,  during  the  sequestration 
of  his  living.  (G.  Mag.  123,  II.  208.) 

Thomas  Yarranton.  JE.  3  June,  1802  (fil.  Thomas  Y.  de 
Milson,  Vigorn :  gen.  set.  19).  (JLJE.  received  as  <£. 
restored  5  June,  1805. 

Milson  is  in  Shropshire. 

Edward  Crockley.  JE.  30  June,  1802  (fil.  Matthtei  C.  in 
Com.  Cantab :  pleb.  get.  17).  (&.JE.  received  as  Servitor 
2  July,  1802,  restored  4  May,  1804.  Admitted  Clerk 
30  June,  1802,  of  Linton  Camb.  aged  17.  Pigott  and 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1802.  His  Clerkship  was  vacant 
by  resignation  14  March,  1803. 

Blackley  Cooper.  |E.  3  July,  1802  (fil.  Edvardi  C.  de 
Yetminster,  Dorcestr:  cler.  tvt.  19).  <£.JE.  received  as 
(tf.  same  day,  restored  18  Nov.  1809.  B.A.  16  April, 
1806.  M.A.  22  March,  1809. 

Succeeded  his  father  as  Vicar  of  Yetminster,  Dorset,  4  Feb. 
1807.  Rector  of  Lucomb,  Dorset,  1809,  where  he  has  a  inonu- 

1802.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  227 

mental  tablet,  "  Rev.  Blakley  Cooper,  M.A.  Rector  of  Lew- 
combe,  and  Vicar  of  Yetminster,  deceased  Jan.  27,  1849,  aged 
66  years."  (Hutchins  II.  653.) 

Son  of  Edward  C.  1774. 

John  Godfrey  Thomas.  C.Jtt.  received  as  (£.  2  Nov. 
1802,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christinas  1814.  p.  (St 
Mary  Hall)  8  Nov.  1800  (fil.  Johannis  T.  de  Southampton, 
Hampton :  Baronetti,  let.  16).  B.A.  3  Nov.  1803.  M.A. 
22  May,  1806. 

Vicar  of  Bodiam,  Sussex,   1809.     Vicar  of   Wartling,  Sussex, 

1811.     He  succeeded  his  father  as  sixth  Baronet,  of  Wenvoe 

Castle,  Glamorgan  in  1828. 

At    Bodiam    are    the    following    inscriptions     on    the    West 

Window, — 

In  memory  of  the   Revd.   Sir  John  Godfrey   Thomas,  Bart. 

sometime  Vicar  of  Wartling  and  Bodiam  in  this  County.    Born 

1st  Sept.1784.     Died  7th  May  1841. 

And  on  a  Memorial  Tablet, — 
Near  this  spot  are  interred 

The  remains  of 

The  Revd.  Sir  John  Godfrey  Thomas,  Bart., 
Who  died  on  the  7th  day  of  May  1841 

Aged  56  years. 

This  tablet  is  erected 

By  his  widow  and  family 

To  record  to  future  generations  in  this  parish 

Which  during  32  years  was  the  object  of 

His  affectionate  care, 

The  virtues  of  a  truly  pious  minister 

and  Christian  friend. 

Charles  Worsley.  GI.JE.  received  as  <£.  2  Nov.  1802, 
restored  Christmas  1808.  p.  (St  Mary  Hall)  25  June, 
1800  (fil.  Henrici  W.  de  Gatcombe  in  Ins:  Vect:  cler. 
let.  17).  B.A.  9  May,  1804  M.A.  14  July,  1807. 

Rector  of  Lesnewth,  Corn.  7  Dec.  1813. 

"Died  9  Aug.  1854  at  Ramsgate,  aged  71,  Rev.  C.  W.  of 
Finchley,  Middlesex,  formerly  minister  of  St  Thomas  Church, 
Newport,  Isleof  Wight." 

WARDEN     WILLS.  [1803. 

ISO  3. 

Charles  Watson  Rashleigh.  JE.  2  Feb.  1803  (til. 
Joannis  li.  de  Pen  quite  in  Par.  Sti  Samson,  Cornub : 
arm.  ret.  18).  (JI.JE.  received  as  <£.  (Kashley)  4  Feb. 

1803,  restored  5  Nov.  1803. 

Died  at  sea  unmarried  1805. 

John  Strachan.  JE.  11  Feb.  1803  (til.  Joannis  S.  de 
Montrose  in  Com.  Angus  in  Begn:  Scot:  arm.  get.  18). 
CLJE.  received  as  (ft.  15  Feb.  1803,  increased  to  JfM. 
1  Feb.  1804:  restored  Michaelmas  1804. 

"  Gentleman  usher,  quarterly  waiter  to  the  Queen,  died 
28  Jan.  1854."  (F.) 

Henry  Soames.  Jtt.  21  Feb.  1803  (fil.  Nathanielis  S.  de 
Sti  Georgii,  Lonclin :  arm.  set.  18).  (H.JE.  received  as  <£. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Michaelmas  1811.  He 
was  a  Candidate  for  a  g.  in  1803,  see  under  William 
Burge.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1803.  B.A.  8  Feb.  1807. 
M.A.  5  July,  1809.  Name  removed  27  Sept.  1811.  lie- 
admitted  26  Dec.  1829,  removed  again  2  July,  1830. 
Bampton  Lecturer  1830. 

Educated  at  St  Paul's  School,  which  he  entered  17  Aug.  1799, 
when  he  is  described  as  son  of  a  shoemaker  of  Ludgate  Street, 
aged  14.  Assistant  to  the  High  Master  of  St  Paul's  School 
1809  to  1814.  For  some  years  he  took  pupils  at  Shelley 
Rectory,  Essex.  Vicar  of  Brent  Pelham,  with  Furneaux 
Pelham,  Herts,  Dec.  1831,  resigned  1839.  Vicar  of  Stapleford 
Tawney,  Essex,  1839,  Chancellor  of  St  Paul's  1842,  died  21  Oct. 

In  the  Chancel  of  Stapleford  Tawney  Church  is  the  following 

To  the  Memory  of 

The  llevd.  Henry  Soames,  M.A. 

Chancellor  of  St  Paul's  Cathedral 

Hector  of  Stapleford  Tawney  with  Theydon  Mount 

And  of  Shelley  in  this  Countv. 

1803.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  229 

He  was  born  1 5th  of  January  1785 

And  died  21st  October  1860. 

His  History  of  the  Reformation  of  the  Church  of  England, 
Anglo-Saxon  Church  and  other  works  all  written  in  support  of 
scriptural  education  are  not  more  distinguished  by  piety  and 
learning  than  was  his  character  marked  by  purity  and  love  of 

This  tablet  was  erected  as  a  testimony  of  affection  by  his 
sorrowing  sister  Sarah  Street  Soames. 

Author  of  An  Enquiry  into  the  Doctrines  of  the  Anglo-Saxon 
Church.  (Bampton  Lectures)  1830.  The  Anglo-Saxon  Church 

Edward  Brice.  JE.  14  March,  1803  (fil.  Georgii  Tito  B. 
de  Poole,  Dorcestr :  cler.  set.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1809.  B.A. 

12  Nov.  1806. 

Educated  on  the  foundation  at  Winchester. 
Chaplain  R.X.  :  presented  by  the  Admiralty  to  the  Rectory 
of  Thorneyburn,  Northumb.  30  June,  1829  :  Vicar  of  Hums- 
haugh-on-Tyne  1833,  resigned  1868,  died  1  July,  1873. 

William  Burge  (T).  !&.  29  March,  1803  (fil.  Johannis  B. 
de  Castle  Cary,  Somerset :  arm.  tet.  16).  (£.|E.  received 
as  (£.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1809. 
Admitted  *.  8  Nov.  1803.  At  the  election  (30  June, 
1803)  the  question  of  filling  the  5th  vacancy  which  lay 
between  W.  B.  and  Henry  Soames  was  referred  to  the 
Visitor  who  decided  on  8  Nov.  that  the  Foundress' 
requirement  that  3  of  the  Scholars  must  be  from  Somer- 
set, did  not  exclude  more  than  3,  therefore  Burge  was 
elected.  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1804,  1805.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1805.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1805.  B.A. 
10  Oct.  1806.  Eesigned  £.  30  June,  1806.  lie-admitted 
26  Dec.  1829.  M.A.  14  Jan.  1830.  Created  D.C.L. 

13  June,  1834. 

His  arms  are  in  the  windows  of  the  Antechapel. — Argent,  on  a 
saltire  sable  5  swans  proper. 

John  Radcliffe.  Jtt.  29  March,  1803  (fil.  Johannis  K.  de 
Oldham,  Lancastr  :  gen.  aat.  23).  C.Jtt.  received  as 

230  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1803. 

Servitor  same  da}7,  restored  Christmas  1804.  Admitted 
Clerk  31  March,  1803  of  Oldham,  Lancashire,  aged  20. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1803,  1804.  Pigott  Exhibitioner 

1803.  He  resigned  his  Clerkship  13  April,  1805.     B.A. 
(St  Mary  Hall)  6  Feb.  1807.     M.A.  8  June,  1809. 

"  Died  22  Feb.  1852  at  Oxford  aged  60,  Kev.  J.  R.,  Chaplain 
of  Merton  College,  Vicar  of  Bramham,  Yorks  (1823)  and  Vicar 
of  Eadley,  Berks.  For  some  time  Vice  Principal  St  Mary 
Hall ;  he  had  long  acted  as  Chaplain  of  the  Oxford  Infirmary 
and  took  an  active  part  in  the -Establishment  of  the  Mendicity 
Society,  the  Saving  Banks  and  the  Lunatic  Asylum." 

(G.  Mag.  122,  I.  423.) 

William  Baldwin  Bonaker.  JE.  28  April,  1803  (fil. 
Gulielmi  B.  de  Evesham,  Vigorn :  arm.  jet.  17).  (JI.JE. 
received  as  (0*.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer 
1810.  B.A.  10  Feb.  1807.  M.A.  9  June,  1810. 

Vicar  of  Church  Honeybourn,  Wore.  1817,  "died  9  July, 
1869."  (F.) 

John  Templer  (J).  JE.  25  May,  1803  (fil.  Thomae  T.  de 
Alphington,  Damnon :  arm.  ret.  19).  (£.JE.  received  as 
<£.  24  May,  1803,  taken  up  for  Battels  Midsummer  1820. 
B.A.  9  March,  1807.  M.A.  16  June,  1820.  Name 
removed  14  July,  1820. 

Brother  of  Charles  T.  1809. 

Hugh  Lumsden.  JE.  31  Oct.  1803  (fil.  Hareii  L.  de 
Aberdeen  in  liegn  :  Scot :  arm.  set.  20).  (H.JE.  received  as 
(Jt.  same  day,  restored  to  Mr  Burge,  Michaelmas  1805. 

"  Died  27  Jan.  1859  at  Pitcaple  Castle,  H.  L.,  Esq.  of  Pitcaple, 
Aberdeenshire."  (G.  May.  129,  I.  330.) 

George  Marshall  (T).  JE.  2  Xov.  1803  (fil.  Georgii  M. 
de  Horsham,  Sussex  :  cler.  a't.  1  5).  (H.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  7  July,  1813.  Admitted  £>.  29  Oct. 

1804.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner   1805.     Somerscales  Ex- 
hibitioner   1805.     Maddox    Exhibitioner    1806.     Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1806  to  1807.     B.A.  16  June,  1808. 
M.A.   2  Dec.  1810.     Elected  ^J. -ff.  .",0  June,  1812.     Ad- 

1803-4.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  231 

mitted  JF.  (G.  Clough  M.)  1  July,  1813.  Elected 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1812  to  1829,  but  always  had 
a  deputy.  Held  the  Wills  Law  Exhibition  as  Scholar 
(£20)  1807  to  1811  and  as  Fellow  (£90)  to  1829. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1811  :  died  15  Jan.  1830. 
Son  of  George  M.  1772. 

Thomas  Babb  (J).  J&.  3  Nov.  1803  (fil.  Thomas  B.  de 
Newton  Abbott,  Devon  :  arm.  ret.  18).  (JLJE.  received  as 
OL  5  Nov.  1803,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1812. 
B.A.  8  June,  1807.  M.A.  8  April,  1812.  Name  removed 
24  Dec.  1812. 

Brother  of  James  B.  1812. 

Josiah  Burd  (~|~).  (JL|ft.  received  as  Servitor  25  June, 
1803,  increased  to  (ft.  27  April,  1805  :  account  closed 
1811.  JE.  (Balliol)  14  Nov.  1802  (fil.  Johannis  B.  de 
Bovey  Tracey,  Devon :  pleb.  set.  18).  Admitted  Clerk 
21  Oct.  1803,  resigned  30  Oct.  1804.  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1803,  1804.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1803.  B.A. 
20  Feb.  1807.  M.A.  31  Jan.  1814.  Name  removed 
19  July,  1811. 

ISO  4. 

James  Robert  Bellis.  J&.  1  Feb.  1804  (fil.  Francisci 
Gulielmi  B.  de  Bombay  in  Ind:  Orient:  arm.  set.  18). 
(JT.|E.  received  as  (JT.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1810. 

Brother  of  W.  K.  B.,  1806. 

Joseph  Helm  (J).  |tt.  13  April,  1804  (fil.  Joseph!  H.  de 
Civ.  Vigorn  :  gen.  set.  15).  (£.|E.  received  as  (ft.  same  day, 
restored  Dec.  1812.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1804,  1806. 
B.A.  (J.  Charles  H.)  25  May,  1808.  M.A.  5  Dec.  1811. 
Name  removed  24  Dec.  1812. 

Edmund  Witt.  Jtt.  18  April,  1804  (fil.  Thomce  W.  de  Stoke, 
Dorcestr:  arm.  tot.  17).  (C.|H.  received  as  (!T.  same  day, 

232  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1804. 

taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1812.    B.A.  2  June,  1810. 
M.A.  29  March,  1832.     Name  removed  10  June,  1814. 

Succeed  CM!  Thomas  Bond  (1775)  as  Vicar  of  Combe  Kaines, 
Dorset,  1822,  died  1835.  (Hutchins  I.  364.) 

John  Rice  Price  (J)-  JU.  13  Oct.  1804  (fil.  llice  P.  de 
Llanfihangel-bryn-pab-joan,  Brecon :  cler.  set.  19).  (JT.Jtt. 
received  as  Servitor  (J.  lialph  P.)  1804,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Christmas  1809.  Admitted  Clerk  29  Oct.  1804: 
resigned  16  June,  1808.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1805, 
1806,  1807.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1805,  1806.  B.A. 
23  June,  1808.  Name  removed  8  April,  1813. 

"  He  received  holy  orders,  and  died  in  early  life." 

(G.  Mag.  119,  I.  212.) 

Robert  Patch  (J).  |».  15  Oct.  1804  (fil.  Robert!  P.  de 
Civ.  Exon  :  Damnon :  arm.  set.  16).  C.JE.  received  as  (ft. 
same  day,  restored  Michaelmas  1813.  Admitted  *>. 
(11  Bayer  P.)  2  Nov.  1805.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1806 
to  1809.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1806  to  1809. 
Held  Wills  Medical  Exhibition  as  Scholar  1807  to  1813. 
He  was  admonished  18  May,  1808.  B.A.  30  June, 
1809.  Determined  Lent,  1811.  M.A.  2  Dec.  1813. 
Elected  ty.J?.  30  June,  1813.  Admitted  JF.  4  July, 
1814.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1814,  1815,  1816; 
deputy  Catechist  1814,  1815.  Superannuated  as  ,-fF. 
5  July,  1834.  Held  Wills  allowance  for  Superannuated 
JIF.  1835  to  1839. 

He  lived   in  the  Tower  Chamber  for  many  years,   but  was 
quite  cut  off  from  society  :  in  orders,  died  18  March,  1840. 

(G.  Mag.  110,  I.  551.) 

John  Thornton  (T).  1*1.  6  Dec.  1804  (fil.  Jacob!  T.  de 
Horsham,  Sussex :  gen.  ret.  16).  (  received  as  (K. 
same  day,  restored  7  July,  1813.  Admitted  &.  2  Nov. 
1805.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1806  to  1808. 
Maddox  Exhibitioner  1807.  B.A.  14  June,  1808.  M.A. 
2  July,  1813.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1808.  B.D.  13  May,  1824.  D.I).  14  May,  1824. 
5.  determined  Lent  1809.  Elected  $).Jf.  30  June,  1813. 

1804.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  233 

Admitted  JF.  4  July,  1814.  Elected  Catechist  1814  to 
1819  (Patch  and  Stevens,  deputies).  Vacated  Jf.  by 
marriage  5  Feb.  1820.  Name  replaced  on  the  list  of 
Commoners,  and  (£.JE.  replaced  1820,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Christmas  1821. 

Vicar  of  Wisborough  Green,  1820.     Rector  of  Combe,  Sussex, 
1824  (non-resident).     He  is  buried  at  Wisborougli,  where  on 
a  Tomb  is  the  following  inscription, — 
In  Memory  of 

The  Eevd.  John  Thornton,  D.D. 

Forty-six  years  Vicar  of  this  Parish 

who  died  March  9th,  1866. 

Aged  78  years. 

Henry  Cresswell  (J)-  J&.  6  Dec,  1804  (fil.  Estcourt 
C.  de  Bibury,  Gloucestr :  arm.  a't.  17).  CT.JE.  received  as 
(K.  10  Dec.  1804.  B.A.  11  Feb.  1809.  Name  removed 
25  May,  1811.  Re-admitted  16  Jan.  1819.  Name 
removed  28  Sept.  1821. 

"  Died  2  Aug.  1849  at  Creech  St  Michael,  near  Taunton,  Rev. 

H.   C.  Vicar   of  the  Parish  ;  to  which   he  was  instituted  in 


On  an  alabaster  and   marble   slab   in   Creech  Church  is  the 

following  inscription, — 

Sacred  to  the  Memory  of  the  Rev.  Henry  Cresswell,  B.A.  of 

"Wadham  College,  Oxford,   for   36  years  Vicar  of   Creech  St 

Michael,  whose  remains  are  deposited  on  the  south  side  of  the 

Communion  Table  in  this  Church.     He  was  suddenly  called 

hence  on  the  2nd  day  of  August  1849  in  the  64th  year  of  his 


"  What  I  say  nnto  yon,  I  say  unto  all,  Watch." 

Mark  xiii.  37. 

John  Percival.  |E.  6  Dec,  1804  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Mattersay,  Nottingham:  arm.  set.  16).  (JL|E.  received 
as  01.  13  Dec.  1804,  restored  1  July,  1814.  Admitted 
£,.  2  Nov.  1805.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1806.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1807  to  1810.  Goodridge  Exhi- 
bitioner 1807  to  1810.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1808.  B.A.  2  Dec.  1808.  Deter- 
mined Lent,  1809.  M.A.  16  June,  1814  Elected 

234  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1804-5. 

^.JF.  30  June,  1814  Admitted  JF.  30  June,  1815. 
Elected  Bursar,  annually  from  1818  to  1831,  but  Swayne, 
Symons,  and  Griffiths,  were  his  deputies. 

Died  10  Nov.  1832. 

Thomas  Johnes  (T)-  !&•  17  l^ec-  1804  (fil.  Joannis  J. 
de  Batheaston,  Somerset :  arm.  set.  17).  (H.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1815. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1805.  B.A.  21  June,  1808. 
Name  removed  12  Dec.  1815. 

John  William  Clapcott.  |tt.  17  Dec.  1804  (fil.  Joannis 
C.  de  Kaynston,  Dorcestr:  arm.  oat.  17).  C.JE.  received 
as  Jf.<£.  same  day,  restored  Michaelmas  1805. 

In  the  Church  at  Tarant  Kayneston,  is  a  monument  with  the 
following  inscription, — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  John  William  Clapcott,  son  of 
John  and  Betty  Clapcott  of  Whitchurch,  and  Fellow  Commoner 
of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  who  died  July  4,  1805,  aged  17 
years.  (Hutchins  I.  322.) 

Brother  of  George  B.  C.  18(>7. 

ISO  5. 

Henry  Capel.  JE.  3  April,  1805  (fil.  Thomse  C.  de  Ken- 
nington,  Surr  :  gen.  set.  20).  (Jl.JE.  received  as  <£.  same 
day,  increased  to  JF.(JT.  13  June,  1806,  taken  up  for 
Battels  Midsummer  1810.  Created  M.A.  14  June,  1809. 

Charles  Wayland.  JE.  5  April,  1805  (fil.  Joannis  W.  de 
Erome,  Somerset:  arm.  u>t.  16).  (ST.JE.  received  as  (fl*. 
(Weyland)  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels,  &c.  Mid- 
summer 1812.  B.A.  31  Oct.  1808.  M.A.  13  June,  1811. 
Name  removed  5  June,  1812. 

At  first  Curate  (1826),  afterwards  Eector  (1845)  of  Holcombe, 
Somerset  :  where  he  was  buried  22  July,  1870,  aged  81. 

Thomas  Smith  (J).  |E.  6  April,  1805  (fil.  Thomse  S.  de 
Earnham,  Surr :  gen.  u;t.  20).  (JLJE.  received  as  Servitor 
same  day,  restored  6  Dec.  1811.  Admitted  Clerk 

1805.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  235 

13  April,  1805.  Pigott  Exhibitioner  1805,  1806,  1808. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1805  to  1808.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1808. 
Resigned  Clerkship  16  June,  1808.  Name  removed 

29  Nov.  1811. 

John  Friend  Williams.  JE.  14  June,  1805  (fil.  Johannis 
W.  de  Marston  Magna,  Somerset :  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE. 
received  as  <£.  same  day,  "  taken "  Michaelmas  1805. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1805.  B.A.  (Merton)  20  May, 

"  Died,  1816,  suddenly  of  a  pressure  on  the  brain,  Rev.  J.  F.  W. 
Vicar  of  Norton  St  Philip,  and  of  Buckland  Dinham." 

(G.  Mag.  86,  II.  628.) 

Richard  Newman  ("[")•  J&.  16  Oct.  1805  (fil.  Gulielmi  N. 
de  Dartmouth,  Danmoii:  arm.  ret.  16).  (&.JE.  received 
as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  1  July,  1814.  Admitted  £fa. 

30  Oct.    1806.     Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner    1807  to 
1811.     Gerard  Exhibitioner  1808,  1809.     Second  Class, 
(Div.  ii.)  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1809.     B.A.  25  May, 
1809.     Determined    Lent,    1810.     M.A.    2    July,    1813. 
Elected  ^.Jf.   30  June,  1814.     Admitted  jf.   30  June, 
1815.     Vacated  ,-fF.   by  marriage  7   Oct.   1815.     Name 
replaced  on  the  list  of  Commoners. 

Rector  of  Coryton,  Devon,  1830,  where  on  a  monument  in  the 

Churchyard  is  the  following, — 

"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  R.  X.  Rector  of  this  Parish 

who  died  Aug.   3,  1853,  aged  64." 

Father  of  William  Symons  N.  1835,  and  Charles  D.  ST.  1839. 

Thomas  Prince  (~|~)-  !&•  5  Nov.  1805  (fil.  Johannis  P.  de 
Paroch :  Aldermanborough  in  Civ.  Londin :  cler.  set.  17). 
C.|E.  received  as  (£.  same  day,  restored— .  Admitted  jj. 
30  Oct.  1806  of  Aldermanbury.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1806,  1807.  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1806,  1807.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1807  to  181.1.  Maddox  Exhibi- 
tioner 1808.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1809  to  1812. 
Second  Class,  (Div.  i.)  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1809. 
B.A.  25  May,  1809.  Determined  Lent,  1810.  M.A. 
9  July,  1814."  B.D.  13  May,  1824.  D.D.  14  Mav,  1824. 

236  WARDEN     WILLS.  [1805-6. 

Elected  $.  Jf.  30  June,  1815.  Admitted  jF.  13  Sept.  1816. 
Elected  Catechist  23  April,  1824  and  6  Dec.  1824  and 
1825  (Johnson,  deputy). 

"Chaplain  to    the    Prince   Regent    1813.      Chaplain    at  the 
Hague,  1825,  died  22  Jan.  1830."     (F.) 

18  O  6. 

William  Russell  Bellis.  JE.  14  Jan.  1806  (fil.  Francisci 
Gulielmi  B.  de  Bombay  in  Ind  :  Orient  :  arm.  ret.  20). 
C.JE.  received  as  <£.  1806,  restored  Midsummer  1807. 

Brother  of  James  R.  B.  1804. 

John  Fletcher.  JE.  5  March,  1806  (fil.  Joannis  F.  de 
Manningford  Abbot,  Wilton:  cler.  set.  17).  C.JE. 
received  as  (ft.  same  day,  restored  Midsummer  1807. 
B.A.  19  Jan.  1810.  M.A.  28  May,  1813.  He  entered 
Queen's  Coll.  as  Hungerford  Exhibitioner  20  March, 
1806.  Second  Class,  (Div.  ii.)  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 

In  orders  :  died  29  Aug.  1817.  (G.  Mag.  87,  II.  377.) 

Henry  Lyte  Poole  (f).  JE.  26  March,  1806  (fil. 
dementis  P.  de  Ilchester,  Somerset:  arm.  oet.  18). 
Cltt.  received  as  <£.  27  March,  1806,  increased  to  jF.iJL 
4  Nov.  1807,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1809. 
Name  removed  25  May,  1811. 

Joseph  Algar  ("]").  |E.  26  March,  1806  (fil.  Joseph!  A.  de 
Canterbury,  Cant:  arm.  a^t.  18).  (£.JK.  received  as  <#. 
27  March,  1806,  taken  up  for  Battels  Michaelmas  1813. 
B.A.  23  Nov.  1809.  M.A.  15  June,  1815.  Name 
removed  17  May,  1816. 

Andrew  Mayor  (T).  JE.  26  March,  1806  (fil.  Joannis 
M.  de  Manchester,  Lancastr:  arm.  ret.  23).  <£.$$. 
received  as  (TT.  27  March,  1806,  increased  to  Jf.(Lr. 

1806.]  WARDEN     WILLS.  237 

19  April,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1815.     Name 
removed  12  Dec.  1815. 

William  Colton.  JE.  5  June,  1806  (fil.  Barefoot  C.  de 
Shrivenham,  Bercher:  cler.  set.  18).  C.J&.  received  as 
(JT.  same  day,  taken  up  in  part  for  Battels  Michaelmas 

Joseph  Nodder  (J).  pt.  13  June,  1806  (fil.  Johannis  K 
de  Chesterfield,  Derb :  arm.  ret.  17).  (£.|tt.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels  Christmas  1814. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1806.  B.A.  23  Eeb.  1811. 
M.A.  1  June,  1814.  Name  removed  16  Dec.  1814. 

Rector  of  Asliover,  Derb.  for  42  years,  died  Jan.  15,  1878, 
aged  88. 

John  Roles  Fishlake  (T)-  |&.  23  June,  1806  (fil.  Joannis 
E.  de  Civ.  Sarisbur :  gen.  a-t.  15).  (H.|E.  received  as  (JT. 
same  day,  restored  1  July,  1816.  Admitted  J£.  30  Oct. 
1806.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1806,  1807,  1808,  1810, 

1811,  1812.     Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1808  to  1814. 
Maddox  Exhibitioner  1809.     Wills  Heading  Prize  1810, 

1812.  Warner    Exhibitioner    1813.     First    Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Easter  Term  1810.     B.A.  21  June,  1810.     Deter- 
mined   Lent,    1811.       M.A.    6    Dec.    1813.       Elected 
}3.JF.    30   June,    1815.     Admitted   ,-jf.    1    July,    1816. 
Elected   Dean    1818    to    1820,    (Stevens,,   deputy)    1821 
(Symons,  deputy).     Vacated  Jf.  on  marriage  17  April, 
1823.     Name  replaced  on  list   of  Commoners,  removed 
23  March,  1826. 

Rector  of  Little  Cheverel,  Wilts,  1823,  where  he  is  buried  with 
the  following  inscription  on  the  plinth  of  a  stone  cross  in  the 
Churchyard, — 

In  affectionate  remembrance 


John  Roles  Fishlake 

Formerly    Fellow'  of   Wadham   College,    Oxford,  and   for   45 
years  Rector  of  this  Parish.     He  was  born  Jan.  3,  1790,  and 
died  deeply  respected  Jan.  25,  1868. 
Author  of  a  Translation  of  Buttmann's  Lexilocjus. 

238  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1806. 

ISO  6. 

On  19  June,  1806,  William  Tournay  was  elected  Warden: 
he  set  to  work  to  establish  a  Register  of  all  those  whose 
names  were  on  the  College  Books.  He  appears  to  have  taken 
the  list  as  it  stood  after  the  Long  Vacation  of  1810,  so  that  a 
few  names  of  men  who  matriculated  between  October,  1806  and 
July,  1810,  and  also  left  the  College  before  October,  1810, 
have  to  be  supplied  from  the  College  Caution  Book  and  the 
Matriculation  Register ;  but  Dr  Tournay's  record  is  from  this 
point  so  nearly  complete  that  I  propose  to  use  it  as  the  basis 
of  this  Book  henceforward,  supplying  the  few  additional  names 
required :  and  adding  to  the  Warden's  record  notes  both  of 
the  University  distinctions  obtained  by  men  and  also  of  their 
subsequent  careers.  These  Eegisters,  so  carefully  kept  by 
Wardens  Tournay  and  Symons,  will  carry  the  work  on  to 
October,  1871. 

Warfcen  Gourna\>, 

ISO  6. 

Anthony  IWEervin  Reeve  Storey.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at 
Kinton  Martyn,  Dorsetshire.  Admitted  (ft.  10  Oct. 
1806.  B.A.  6  Dec.  1810.  M.A.  9  Dec.  1818.  Name 
removed  13  Jan.  1820. 

Son  of  William  S.  of  Hinton  Martem  (?Martel)  aged 
15  (M.).  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  First  Class,  Math. 
Mich.  Term  1810. 

Called  to  the  Bar,  Inner  Temple  1816  ;  assumed  the  additional 
name  of  Maskelyne  1845,  in  consequence  of  his  marriage  with 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Rev.  Nevil  M.  Astronomer  Royal, 
and  heiress  of  her  uncle  Edmund  M.  Of  Basset  Down  House, 
Wilts,  died  15  May,  1879.  His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of 
the  Antechapel — Argent,  a  lion  rampant  purpure,  tail  nowed. 
Father  of  Mervin  H.  N.  S.  M.  1840,  when  he  is  described  as 
of  Lydiard  Tregoze,  Wilts,  and  of  Edmund  M.  B.  S.  M.  1848. 

William    Thomas  Price.     Cler.  fil.    Born    at   Merriott, 

Somersetshire.  Admitted     <£.  30    Oct.    1806.      B.A. 

1   June   1811.  M.A.  23   June  1813.      Name  removed 
(?  1814). 

Son  of  Thomas  P.  aged  16  (M.). 

"  Died  at  Weymouth  30  Oct.  1838,  Rev.  W.  T.  P.  of  Hinton 
St  George,  Somerset."  (G.  Mag.  108,  II.  6GG.) 

Charles  Tapp  Griffith.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Frome  Selwood, 
Somersetshire.  Admitted  <£.  30  Oct.  1806.  Elected  a>. 
30  June  1807.  B.A.  13  June  1810.  Determined 
15  March,  1811.  Vacated  gj.  by  marriage  21  Dec.  1812 
and  name  replaced  on  list  of  (£.  M.A.  June  17,  1813. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  Jan.  24,  1828. 

Son  of  John  G.  (1779)  aged  17  (M.).    Hody  (Greek)  Exhilii- 

210  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1806. 

tioner  1807  to  1811.    C.JE.  replaced  Jan.  1818,  taken  up 

for  Battels  Christinas  1821. 
Educated  at  Winchester. 

Master  of  Southampton  Grammar  School  1813  to  1820  ;  Vicar 
of  St  Michael's,  Southampton,  1813.  Master  of  Warminster 
Grammar  School  1820  to  1840.  Rector  of  Elm  1826.  Rural 
Dean  of  Frome  1845  to  1864,  died  at  Elm  5  Jan.  1866, 
aged  77. 

Robert  Marratt  Miller.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Warwick. 
Admitted  <£.  5  Nov.  1806.  B.A.  16  May,  1811.  M.A. 
28  April,  1813.  Name  left  out  19  March,  1819.  lie- 
admitted  24  Jan.  1826. 

Son  of  Robert  M.  aged  20  (M.).  B.D.  3  Feb.  1826. 
D.D.  4  Feb.  1826.  (H.JE.  account  closed  26  Feb.  1840. 

"Resident  Chaplain,  Lisbon  1811."     (F.)     Vicar  of  Dedham, 
Essex,  1819  ;  died  11  June,  1839,  aged  52. 
Father  of  John  H.  M.  1838. 

Samuel  Thomas  Gully.  Arm.  fil.  Born  at  Gorran, 
Cornwall.  Admitted  (£.11  Dec.  1806.  B.A.  2  Dec;. 
1811.  M.A.  16  March,  1814.  Name  removed  14  June, 

Son  of  William  Slade  G.  of  Gorrans,  aged  18  (M.).  Somer- 
scales  Exhibitioner  1807  to  1809.  Second  Class,  (Div.  ii.) 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1811. 

"Died  27  May,  1860,  aged  71,  Rev.  S.  T.  Slade  Gully  of 
Trevennen,  Cornwall,  and  Rector  of  Berry  Xarbor,  Devon." 

Joseph  Hurlock.  Gen.  fil.  Born  in  London.  Admitted  (ft. 
15  Dec.  1806.  B.A.  16  May,  1811.  M.A.  28  April,  1813. 
M.B.  5  May,  1814.  M.D.  23  Jan.  1817.  Name  removed 
18  Feb.  1820. 

Son  of  Joseph  H.  aged  18  (M.).  Second  Class,  (Div.  ii.) 
Litt.  Hum.  Faster  Term  1811. 

Educated  at  St  Paul's  School ;  admitted  10  Jan.  1801.  F.R.C.P. 
30  Sept.  1818. 

Took  orders  in  1823  :  Incumbent  of  Ixworth,  Sussex.     Chap- 
lain to  the  Sussex  County  Hospital  1843  to  1867. 
'•  Died  17  March,  1879,  aged  91."     (F.) 

1807.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  241 

18  O7. 

George  Bunter  Clapcott.*  JE.  12  Feb.  1807  (fiL  Johannis 
C.  de  Whitchurch  Winterborn,  Dorcestr:  arm.  aet.  16). 
(£.JE.  received  as  Jf.iJL  same  day,  taken  up  for  Battels 
Midsummer  1808. 

"  Of  Tarrent  Kayneston,  Dorset,  J.  P."     (F.) 
Brother  of  J.  W.  C.  1804. 

William  Henry  White.  Gen.  fil  Born  at  Bath,  Somerset- 
shire. JE.  as  of  Oriel  College  29  Jan.  1805.  Admitted 
(E.  of  Wadham  31  Jan.  1807.  B.A.  14  Feb.  1811.  M.A. 
12  June,  1812.  Name  removed  18  Sept.  1814. 

Son  of  Henry  W.  aged  15  (M.).  Second  Class,  (Div.  ii.)  Litt 
Hum.  Easter  Term  1809.  C.JE.  replaced  25  June,  1818 
restored  15  May,  1819. 

Henry  Hickman.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Marlow,  Buckingham. 
Admitted  OL  20  Feb.  1807.  Name  removed  28  April, 

Son  of  William  H.  of  Marlow,  Berks,  aged  18  (M.). 

"  Died  9  Oct.  1858,  Rev.  Henry  H.  of  Ongar  Hill  House,  late 
of  Walton-on-Thames,  aged  58  (G.  Mag.  125,  II.  664),  but  if 
this  is  the  man  the  age  should  be  68. 

Frederick  Gauntlett.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Easton,  Hamp- 
shire. Admitted  <£.  19  March,  1807.  B.A.  22  Nov. 
1810.  M.A.  2  July,  1813.  Name  removed  18  Feb. 

Son  of  Frederick  G.  aged  18  (M.).  Second  Class,  (Div.  ii.) 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1810. 

"Died  7  Sept.  1863,  Rev.  F.  G.  Rector  of  Fladbury  (1833), 
aged  74."  Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Note. — Names  with  an  asterisk  are  not  found  in  Dr  Tournay's  Register 
but  are  supplied  in  their  proper  places  from  the  Caution  Books  and 
Matriculation  Register. 

242  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1807. 

Sydenham  Feppin.  Gen.  til.  Born  at  Exeter,  Devonshire. 
Admitted  (ft.  19  March,  1807.  B.A.  (S.  Henry  P.)  5  Dec. 
1810.  Name  removed  13  Feb.  1816. 

Vicar  of  Branscnmbe,  Devon,  1837  ;  died  29  Sept.  1867, 
aged  80. 

John  Anderton.  Gen.  til.  Born  at  King's  Norton,  Gloster- 
shire.  Admitted  OL  20  March,  1807.  B.A.  22  Nov. 
1810.  M.A.  2  July,  1813.  Name  removed  Christmas 

Son  of  William  A.  of  King's  Norton,  Wore :  aged  17.  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1807.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1810. 

Henry  Bradridge.  Arm.  til.  Born  at  Asprington,  Devon- 
shire. Admitted  <£.  9  May,  1807.  B.A.  23  Feb.  1811. 
M.A.  30  June,  1814.  Name  removed  23  Sept.  1814. 

Son  of  Henry  B.  of  Ashprington,  aged  20  (M.).  Second 
Class,  (Div.  ii.)  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math. 
Michaelmas  Term  1810. 

Charles  Dawe.*  JE.  13  May  1807  (fil.  Hill  D.  de  Ditcheat, 
Somerset :  arm.  <et.  17).  C.JE.  received  as  {£.  12  May, 

1807,  restored  3  Nov.  1807. 

Ensign  46th  Regiment,  28  Jan.  1808.  Captain  I  March,  1821, 
went  on  unattached  half-pay  9  Jan.  1829,  "  died  3  March, 
1870."  (F.) 

Evan  Davies.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Haversham,  Bucks.  Ad- 
mitted Servitor  12  May,  1807:  Clerk  10  June,  1808. 
Resigned  Clerkship  24  May,  1811.  Transferred  to  list 
of  Servitors. 

Son  of  Evan  D.  aged  17  (M.).  Goodridge  and  Pigott  Ex- 
hibitioner 1808,  1809,  1810.  B.A.  19  Nov.  1812.  (H.|E. 
taken  up  for  Battels,  Christmas  1812. 

One  of  tli is  name  was  Master  of  Dorchester  Grammar  School 
1815  to  1824,  and  Rector  of  All  Saints,  Dorchester,  1818, 
lmt  he  is  described  l»y  Hutchins  (II.  370)  as  "M.A.  of  Jesus 
College,  Oxford." 

1807.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  243 

Thomas  Gatehouse.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  North  Cheriton, 
Somersetshire.  Admitted  <2L  13  May,  1807.  B.A. 
23  Feb.  1811.  Name  removed  4  July,  1816. 

Son  of  Samuel  G.  aged  18  (M.). 

"  Died  1  July,  1863  at  North  Cheriton,  near  Wincanton,  Rev.T.  G., 
aged  74,  for  forty  years  Eector  of  that  parish."          (G.  Mag.} 

Henry  Proctor  Gale.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Combe-Florey, 
Somersetshire.  Admitted  (ft.  24  June,  1807.  Elected  £>. 
30  June,  1810.  Eesigned  g..  9  Dec.  1812,  and  name  re- 
placed in  list  of  (ft.  Name  removed  24  May,  1815. 

Son  of  John  G.  aged  15  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1807, 
1808,  1809.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1810  to  1812. 
B.A.  17  Dec.  1812. 

"Died  2  April,  1843  at  Pitminster  Lodge,  near  Taunton, 
aged  51,  Rev.  H.  P.  G.  formerly  Perpetual  Curate  of  St  James, 
Taunton,  1824  to  1S36."  (G.  Mag.) 

George  Masters.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Whitchurch,  Somerset. 
Admitted  (£.16  June,  1807.  Name  removed  27  Sept. 

Son  of  George  M.  aged  18  (M.).  B.A.  (Magd.  Hall)  29  Nov. 
1816.  M.A.  12  Nov.  1818.  B.D.  22  Nov.  1827.  D.D. 
29  Nov.  1827. 

"  Died  in  London  7  March,  1861,  aged  73,  Rev.  Dr  M.  Vicar 
of  Swingfield,  Kent."  (G.  Mag.) 

Thomas  Davis.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Salisbury,  Wilts.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  1  July,  1807.  B.A.  5  June,  1811.  M.A. 
16  June,  1814.  Name  removed  15  Nov.  1816. 

Son  of  Thomas  D.  aged  18  (M.). 

Thomas  Granger  (Grainger).  Arm.  fil.  Born  in  the 
parish  of  St  Peter's,  Bristol.  Admitted  (£.  11  Nov.  1807. 
B.A.  5  June,  1811.  M.A.  16  June,  1814. 

Son  of  Thomas  G.  aged  18  (M.).  (&.JH.  account  closed 
Christinas  1821. 

244  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1808. 

18  O8. 

Edward  Henry  Minchinton.  Admitted  <£.  13  Nov. 
1807.  Admitted  JfM.  15  April,  1808.  Kemoved  his 
name  30  Sept.  1808. 

Son   of   Edward    M.    of    Mudford,    Somerset :    arm.    aged 
20  (M.). 

Alfred  Baker.  Gen.  fil.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Anne, 
Limehouse,  Middlesex.  Admitted  <{T.  15  Dec.  1807. 
Put  on  the  gown  of  S.C.L.  25  June,  1811.  B.C.L.  9  July, 
1814.  Name  removed  18  Sept.  1818. 

Son  of  Thomas  B.  aged  18  (M.). 

Isaac  Austin.  Doct.  til.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Clement 
Dane,  London.  Admitted  <T.  4  March,  1808.  B.A. 
10  Oct.  1811.  M.A.  16  June,  1814.  Died  -  -  Jan. 

Son  of  William  A.  aged  20  (M.).     Second  Class  (Div.  ii.), 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1811. 

Strickland  Charles  Edward  Neville.  Arm.  fil.  Born  at 
Eltham,  Kent.  Admitted  <£.  3  May,  1808.  B.A.  29  Jan. 
1812.  M.A.  8  Feb.  1816.  Name  removed  4  July,  1816. 

Son  of  Charles  N.  aged  18  (M.). 

John  Eagles.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Bristol.  Admitted  Jf.<£. 
26  May,  1808.  B.A.  14  Jan.  1812.  M.A.  13  May,  1818. 
Name  removed  lo  Jan.  1820. 

Son  of  Thomas  E.  of  Bristol :  aged  24  (M.). 
Father  of  Charles  L.  E.  1843. 

William  George  Royse.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Launceston, 
Cornwall.  Admitted  (tf.  1  June,  1808.  B.A.  17  Dec. 
1812.  M.A.  2  Dec.  1814.  Name  removed  28  May,  1824. 

Son  of  William  II  (?  1786),  aged  18  (M.). 

1808.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  245 

Robert  Clavey  Griffith.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Erome 
Selwood,  Somersetshire.  Admitted  (ft.  29  June,  1808. 
Elected  £.  30  June,  1810.  B.A.  28  May,  1813.  Elected 
$.dF.  30  June,  1816.  Admitted  Jf.  2  July,  1817. 
Instituted  to  untenable  living  of  Crossley  (i.e.  Corsley, 
Wilts)  in  the  Diocese  of  Salisbury  27  Jan.  1817.  Ceased 
to  be  (£.  27  Jan.  1817.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  <tf. 
1818.  Name  removed  again  10  Dec.  1830. 

Son  of  John  G.  aged  16  (M.).  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1809  to  1813.  Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1813.  Wills  Medical  Exhibitioner,  resigned  1814. 

Rector  of  Fifield  Bavant,  1828,  died  at  Corsley,  aged  52,  4  Nov. 

Thomas  Heathcote.  Arm.  fil.  Born  at  Melksham,  Wilts. 
Admitted  <#.  1  June,  1808.  Name  removed  24  Dec. 

Son  of  Samuel  H.  aged  19  (M.). 

"Died  22   Jan.   1859  at  Northgate    House,  Winchester,  Rev. 
T.  H.  of  Shaw  Hill,  Wilts,  aged  69."  (G.  Mag.) 

William  Greenlaw.  Dock  fil.  Born  at  Isleworth,  Middle- 
sex. Admitted  OL  6  July,  1808.  B.A.  28  May,  1813. 
M.A.  5  Dec.  1816.  Name" removed  4  July,  1821. 

Son  of  Alexander  G.  aged  17  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1810.  Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 

Rector  of  Woolwich  1837  ;  died  22  Dec.  1850. 

Thomas  Ansell.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Wantage,  Berkshire. 
Admitted  OL  13  July,  1808.  B.A.  6  May,  1812.  M.A. 
18  March,  1815.  Name  removed  24  Oct.  1819. 

Son  of  William  A.  aged  16  (M.). 

John  Old  Zillwood.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Dorchester  in 
Dorsetshire.  Admitted  (ft.  15  July,  1808.  Clerk 
13  June,  1809.  Migrated  to  Magdalen  Hall  5  Dec. 

Son  of  William  Z.  aged  23  (M.).  Goodridge  and  Pigott  Exhi- 
bitioner 1809,  1810,  1811.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 

246  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1808-9. 

1809  to  1812.     Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.   Mich.   Term 

1811.  B.A.  (Magd.  Hall)  19  Feb.  1814.     M.A.  28  June, 

Hector  of  Compton,  Hants,  1831.     "  Died  Sept.  1871."       (F.) 

Thomas  Kilgour.*  JE.  24  Oct.  1808  (fil.  Alexandri  K.  de 
Polshead,  Suffolc:  Doctoris,  set.  18).  dT.jlfl.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  restored  Michaelmas  1809.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Mich.  Term  1812.  B.A.  17  Dec. 

1812.  Elected  Demy  of  Magdalen   1809,  resigned  on 
marriage  1814,  during  the  year  of  his  probation  as  Jf. 

(Bloxam  VII.  179.) 


Thomas  James  Moore.  JE.  as  of  Merton  College 
16  Dec.  1808.  Admitted  <£.  of  Wadham  28  Jan.  1809. 
B.A.  2  June,  1814.  Name  removed  10  June,  1814. 

Son  of  Thomas  M.  gen :  aged  16  (M.). 

Henry  Edwards.  Arm.  fil.  Born  at  Chard,  Somersetshire. 
Admitted  (£.  23  March,  1809.  Hemoved  to  Cambridge 
13  Feb.  1813. 

Son  of  Charles  E.  aged  16  (M.).    One  of  this  name  was  LL.B. 
of  Trinity  Hall  in  1816. 

James  Lind.  Doct.  fil.  Born  at  Haslar  near  Portsmouth, 
Hants.  Admitted  (£.  18  April,  1809.  B.A.  18  Feb. 
1813.  M.A.  27  June,  1816.  B.M.  6  July,  1816.  D.M. 
14  June,  1819.  (N.B.  Matriculated  and  admitted  as 
James  only,  but  his  real  name  was  James  Player  Lind.) 
Name  removed  19  Nov.  1819. 

Son  of  John  L.  aged  18  (M.).     Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt. 
Hum.  Easter  Term  1812. 

"Died  10  July,  I860  at  Ryde  J.  P.  L.,  M.D.,  ajjeil  69.     J.P. 
for  Hants,  and  Chairman  of  the  Magistrates  at  Ryde." 

1809.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  247 

George  Page.  Equitis  fil.  Son  of  Sir  Thomas  Hyde  Page, 
Knt.  Born  at  Betshanger  in  Kent.  Admitted  Jf.iR. 
19  May,  1809.  Admitted  to  the  Honorary  Degree  of 
M.A.  26  June,  1811.  Removed  his  name  3  July, 

Jtt,.17  May,  1809,  aged  18. 

John  Morton  Colson.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Dorchester, 
Dorsetshire.  Admitted  (£.  6  July,  1809.  Name  removed 
19  May,  1813. 

Son  of  Thomas  C.  aged  18  (M.).  Maddox  Exhibitioner 
1810.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1811  to  1813. 

In  St  Peter's  Church,  Dorchester,  is  the  following, — 
"  In  memory  of  the  Rev.  J.  M.  C.,  LL.B.  for  41  years  Rector 
of  Dorchester,  St  Peter,  who  died  on  the  14th  of  Sept.  1863, 
and  was  buried  in  a  vault  in  the  churchyard." 

(Hutchins  II.  385.) 

Moses  Banks.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Brentford,  Middlesex. 
Admitted  <£.  5  May,  1809.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1810. 
B.A.  5  May,  1814  M.A.  29  April,  1818.  Elected 
W.JF.  30  June,  1817.  Resigned  Jf.  28  June,  1818. 
Name  replaced  on  list  of  (0". 

Son  of  Moses  B.  aged  17  (M.).  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1811  to  1814  Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1814.  Account  closed  Christmas  1821. 

Charles  Bethell  Otley.  Gen.  fil.  Born  in  the  parish  of 
St  George,  Hanover  Square,  London.  Admitted  (£. 
11  Oct.  1809.  BA.  18  June,  1813.  Name  removed 
22  Sept.  1820.  Re-admitted  6  Feb.  1822.  Name 
removed  again  21  May,  1824. 

Son  of  Richard  0.  aged  17  (M.). 

Rector  of  Welby,  Line.,  1833  ;  died  11  July,  1867,  aged  75. 

William  Streatfield.*  |E.  21  Oct.  1809  (fil.  Henrici  S.  de 
Southampton:  arm.  set.  18).  <£.pt.  received  as  (JL  same 
clay,  restored  Christmas  1809.  Migrated  to  Trinity  as 
(JT."  3  Feb.  1810.  Elected  £.  10  June,  1811.  B.A. 
10  June,  181:5.  M.A.  1:5  June,  1816.  Jf.  7  June,  1819 

248  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1809-10.' 

till  1828,  (being  5th  son  of  H.  S.  of  Chiddingstone,  Kent ; 
born  in  the  parish  of  St  Mary's,  Southampton.) 

"Died  suddenly  while  preaching,  27  May,  1860,  Rev.  W.  S. 
for  thirty-three  years  Vicar  of  East  Ham,  Essex."     (G.  Mag.) 

Charles  Templer.  Arm.  fil.  Born  at  Alphington,  Devon- 
shire. Admitted  (ft.  9  Nov.  1809.  Name  removed 
9  March,  1812. 

Son  of  Thomas  T.  aged  20  (M.). 

Francis  Barrow.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Stroude,  Rochester, 
Kent.  Admitted  (E.  16  Nov.  1809.  B.A.  9  June,  1813. 
M.A.  24  April,  1816. 

Son  of  Francis  B.  aged  18  (M.).     His  dL|E.  account  ceases 
at  Christinas  1821. 

Apparently  father  of  Francis  B.  1838,  at  whose  ffl.  he  is  de- 
scribed as  "  clergyman  of  St  John's  Margate." 


Stephen  Hurt  Langston.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Little 
Horwood,  Winslow,  Bucks.  Admitted  (fl*.  24  June, 
1810.  Elected  $>•  30  June,  1810.  B.A.  20  May,  1814. 
M.A.  8  July,  1820.  Elected  ^J.jF.  30  June,  1819. 
Resigned  JF.  25  June,  1825. 

Son  of  Stephen  L.  aged  17  (M.).  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1810  to  1815.  Wills  Reading  Prize  1811.  Second 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1814.  (£.JE.  restored 
June,  1820. 

He  succeeded  his  father  as  Vicar  of  Little  Horwood,  12  March, 
1817,    but   appears    to    have    resigned    before    the   following 
August.    Hector  of  Aston  Sandford,  12  April,  1828.     Minister 
of  St  George's  Sheffield.      "Died  15  March,  1878."     (F.) 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Charles  Henry  Payne.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Axbridge, 
Somersetshire.  Matriculated  as  of  Pembroke  College, 

1810.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  249 

Oxford.     Admitted  OT.  of  Wadham  10  Feb.  1810.    Name 
removed  12  Nov.  1812. 

Jtt.  13  Dec.  1809.     Son  of  Simon  P.  of  Axbridge,  Somerset, 
aged  18. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple),  1818.  Commissioner  in 
Bankruptcy  1831.  "Died  31  Aug.  1863."  (F.) 

John  Scobell.*  JK.  12  April,  1810  (fil.  Petri  Edvardi  S.  de 
Bodmin,  Cornub :  Doctoris,  ret.  18).  (JT.JE.  received  as 
(ft.  same  day,  restored  22  June,  1810.  B.A.  (Balliol) 
26  Nov.  1813.  M.A.  17  May,  1838. 

Kector  of  South  over  and  of  All  Saints,  Lewes,  1821.  Hon. 
Canon  of  Chichester.  Died  1  Sept.  1867,  aged  76. 

Charles  Henry  Lethbridge.  Cler.  fil.  Born  in  St 
Stephen's  Parish,  Laimceston.  Admitted  <JL  8  June, 
1810.  B.A.  4  Feb.  1815.  Name  removed  24  April, 

Son  of  Charles  L.,  aged  17  (M.).     Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

"Died  18  Jan.  1845  at  St  Stephen's  by  Launceston,  aged  62, 
Rev.  C.  H.  L.  Perpetual  Curate  of  that  parish  to  which  he  was 
elected  in  1818."  (G.  Mag.) 

Henry  Crowe.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Charmouth,  Dorsetshire. 
Admitted  4L  9  June,  1810.  B.A.  12  May,  1814.  M.A. 
1  April,  1818.  Name  removed  29  March,  1819. 

Son  of  William  C.,  aged  18  (M.).     Somerscales  Exhibitioner 

Richard  Prankerd  Jones.*  |E.  21  June,  1810  (fil. 
Itichardi  J.  de  Charfield,  Gloucestr :  cler.  ait.  18).  (SI.JE. 
received  as  <£t.  same  day,  restored  30  Oct.  1810,  when  he 
migrated  to  Worcester  as  (fl*.  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1810. 
B.A.  3  May,  1815.  M.A.  29  March,  1817. 

Rector  of  Charfield  1816.  Vicar  of  Compton,  Berks,  1829. 
Died  4  Oct.  1853,  aged  64.  It  is  recorded  on  the  monuments 
in  Charfield  Church  and  Churchyard,  that  he  was  also  Rector 
of  Didmarton.  "  He  was  a  fine  horseman,  and  widely  known 
as  'Jumping  Jones'  being  thus  distinguished  from  two  clerical 
neighbours  of  the  same  name." 

2f>0  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1810. 

Robert  Faithful.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Warfield,  Berkshire. 
Admitted  4T.  27  June,  1810.  B.A.  12  May,  1814.  M.A. 
17  Dec.  1817.  Name  removed  10  July,  1818. 

Son  of  John  F.,  aged  17  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1811.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class 
(Div.  ii.),  Math.  Easter  Term  1814.  , 

"Died  at  Warfield,  Berks,  7  Dec.   1833,  aged  39,  Rev.  R.  F. 
Vicar  of  the  parish,  to  which  lie  was  presented  in  1824." 

(G.  Mag.) 

Thomas  Shore.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Bishops  Teinton,  Devon- 
shire. Admitted  (£.  8  June,  1810.  Elected  £>.  30  June, 
1810.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1814.  M.A.  22  Jan.  1818.  Elected 
33.,-fF.  30  June,  1818.  Vacated  Jf.  by  marriage  19  Dec. 
1818  and  name  replaced  011  list  of  (*T. 

Son  of  Thomas  William  S.,  aged  17  (M.).  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1810  to  1816.  Wills  Reading  Prize  1814 
and  1815.  Account  for  CJE.  closed  Christmas  1821. 

"Died  4  July  1863,  at  Beckenham,  Kent,  aged  70,  Rev.  T.  S." 

(G.  Mag.) 

George  Boughton.  Gen.  til.  Born  at  Exeter,  Devonshire. 
Admitted  <£.  27  June,  1810.  B.A.  13  June,  1816. 
Name  removed  2  Oct.  1822. 

Son  of  George  B.,  aged  19  (M.). 

Thomas  Traill.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Sanday,  one  of  the 
Orkney  Islands.  Admitted  <£.  31  Oct.  1810.  Name 
removed  —  Nov.  1811. 

Son  of  Walter  T.,  aged  17  (M.). 

William  Wilson.  Gen.  fil.  Born  in  Wood  Street,  Cheap- 
side,  London.  Admitted  (ft.  24  Nov.  1810.  B.A.  1  June, 
1814.  M.A.  23  Jan.  1817.  B.D.  15  Nov.  1827. 

Son  of  William  W.,  aged  19  (M.).  Second  Class,  Math. 
Easter  Term  1814.  D.D.  1851.  (  account  continued 
to  Midsummer  18GG. 

1810.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  usi 

"Died  at  Over  Worton,  Oxon.  14  Oct.  1867,  aged  76:  he  was 
Curate  of  Over  Worton,  1815-22.  Vicar  of  Walthamstow, 
1822-48  :  again  appointed  Curate  of  Over  Worton,  1855." 

(G.  Mag.} 

The  oriel  window  in  the  Hall  was  filled  with  the  arms  of 
famous  Wadham  men  at  his  expense  in  1827.  His  own  arms 
are  in  the  South  Window  of  the  Hall — Sable,  a  wolf  rampant 
beneath  3  estoiles  in  chief  or.  Father  of  William  W.  1840. 

Wenman  Cavendish  Langton.  Cler.  fil.  Son  of  W.  H. 
Langton  of  Wadham  (matr.  1783).  Born  28  March,  1793. 
Born  at  Langham  in  Norfolk.  Admitted  <£.  27  Nov. 
1810.  Elected  «.  30  June,  1811.  B.A.  28  June,  1815. 
Died  28  Feb.  1817. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1811  to  1816.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1813, 1814, 1815.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1815.  (JLJltl.  restored  11  April,  1817. 

Charles  Bohun  Smyth.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Euston  near 
Thetford  in  Suffolk.  Admitted  OT.  G  Dec.  1810.  B.A. 
9  June,  1815.  Name  removed  2  Feb.  1810. 

Son  of  Charles  John  S.,  aged  17  (M.). 

Chorister  of  Magdalen  1802  to  1808,  subsequently  at  Rugby. 
Vicar  of  Alfriston,  Sussex,  1832,  where  he  is  buried  with  this 
inscription, — 

To  the  beloved  memory  of 

Charles  Bohun  Smyth, 
Thirty  eight  years  Vicar  of  this  Parish 

Whose  ransom'd  spirit 

Quitted  its  earthly  tenement,  July  19th  1872. 
Author  of  Luther's  Councils  and  Churches — Lulli^s  Power  of  the 
Keys — Voice  of  the  Early  Church — Christian  Metaphysics,  <fr. 

Francis  Swanton.  Cler.  fil.  Born  at  Worthy  near 
Winchester.  Admitted  (ft.  6  Dec.  1810.  Put  on  gown 
of  S.C.L.  B.C.L.  31  Oct.  1817.  Name  removed  13  Nov. 

Son  of  Francis  S.,  aged  18  (M.).  Somerscales  Exhibitioner 
1811  to  1814. 

Incumbent  of  St  John's,  Winchester,  1827.  Vicar  of  Barton 
Stacey,  Hants,  1845.  "  Dk-d  2  Nov.  1871."  (F.) 

252  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1810-11. 

Charles  Purton  Cooper.  Gen.  fil.  Born  in  the  Parish  of 
St  Dunstan,  London.  Admitted  OT.  13  Dec.  1810.  B.A. 
7  Dec.  1814.  M.A.  5  July,  1817. 

Son  of  Charles  C.,  aged  17  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1811.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  First  Class,  Math. 
Michaelmas  Term  1814.  Account  closed  Christmas 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Tnn)  1816.  King's  Serjeant  for 
the  Duchy  of  Lancaster.  Secretary  to  the  Public  Records 
Commission."  (F.)  His  arms  appear  in  the  Windows  of  the 
Antechapel. — "  Gules,  3  stags'  heads  erased  argent," 


James  Boys.  Gen.  fil.  Born  at  Betshanger  near  Sandwich, 
in  Kent.  Admitted  (ft.  2  Feb.  1811.  B.A.  5  Feb.  1815. 
M.A.  13  May,  1818.  Name  removed  17  Sept.  1818. 

Son  of  John  B.  born  1793  (M.).     Gerard  Exhibitioner  1811. 

Educated  at  Winchester.     Chaplain  at  Madras  and  St  Helena. 
Vicar  of  Cranbrook.     Rector  of  Biddenden,  Kent,  1841,  "died 
13  Feb.  1882."    (F.) 
Uncle  of  M.  J.  T.  B.  1838. 

Henry  Lloyd  Williams.  Arm.  fil.  Born  in  the  Province 
of  Benares,  in  Hindostan.  Admitted  (ft.  1  April,  1811. 
B.A.  27  Oct.  1814.  Name  removed  21  Dec.  1815. 

Son  of  John  L.,  aged  20  (M.). 

"  At  Cawapore,  East  Indies,  died  Rev.  H.  L.  Williams,  second 
son  of  H.  L.  (sic)  W.  of  Alderbrook  Hall,  Cardiganshire  "  in 
G.  Mag.  1825,  Nov.,  p.  475. 

Richard  Cooke.  Arm.  fil.  Born  at  Combe  St  Nicholas 
near  Chard  in  Somersetshire.  Admitted  (ft.  5  April, 
1811.  Name  removed  17  April,  1813. 

Son  of  Richard  C.,  aged  18  (M.).  His  C.JE.  was  repaid  at 
Midsummer.  Entered  Trinity  College  26  Jan.  1814,  aged 

1811.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  253 

Charles  Blencowe.  Ann.  fil.  Born  at  Marston  St 
Lawrence  near  Brackley,  Northamptonshire.  Admitted 
Ot.  29  April,  1811.  4  May,  1814,  went  to  Lincoln 
College,  for  an  Exhibition. 

Son  of  Samuel  B.,  aged  17  (M.).     Goodridge  Exhibitioner 

1812.    (tf.JE.  restored  6  May, .    Crewe  Exhibitioner 

of  Lincoln  6  May,  1814  to  April,  1818.     B.A.  20  April, 
1815.     M.A.  4  March,  1818. 

Born  13th  Oct.  1793.     Vicar  of  Marston  St  Lawrence,  1840  to 
1850  :  assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Shuckburgh  on  becom- 
ing owner  of  Bourton  Hall,  Warwick  :  he  is  buried  at  Bourton- 
on-Dunsmore,  where  there  is  the  following  inscription, — 
"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Blencowe  Shuck- 
burgh,  formerly  of  Marston  St  Lawrence,  in  the  County  of 
Northampton.      For   25    years  residential  proprietor  of    the 
Bourton  -on-Dunsmore  Estate.     He  departed  this  life  28th  day 
of  October  1875,  aged  82." 
Brother  of  Edward  B.  1823. 

Phineas  Williams.  Born  at  Rhayader  in  Radnorshire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  Servitor  24  May,  1811.  Admitted  Clerk 
the  same  day.  Resigned  Clerkship  23  Dec.  1814.  Name 
replaced  on  list  of  Servitors. 

Son  of  William  W.  (M.).  Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibi- 
tioner 1811,  1812,  1813,  1814.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1811  to  1815.  C.JE.  account  closed  circa  1817. 

Samuel  Wootton  (Wootten)  Perkins.  Gen.  fil.  Born 
at  Leek  Wootton  near  Warwick,  aged  16  years.  Ad- 
mitted OL  19  June,  1811.  B.A.  6  Dec.  1815.  Name 
removed  23  May,  1823. 

Son  of  James  P.  (M.).     M.A.  22  Jan.  1818. 
Rector  of  Stockton,  Warwick,  1822  to  1830. 

Thomas  Griffiths.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  Thomas  Griffiths. 
Born  in  the  Parish  of  St  Peter,  Bristol,  aged  17  years. 
Admitted  (ft.  22  June,  1811.  Elected  «..  30  June,  1812. 
B.A.  3  May,  1815.  Elected  $.,#.  30  June,  1819.  Pre- 
sented to  the  Rectory  of  Limington  in  Somersetshire 

254  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1811. 

1837.     His  year  of  grace  expired  1838,  when  his  name 
was  replaced  in  list  of  (ft. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1812  to  181 5.  Wills  Medical 
Scholar  1814  to  1816.  Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1815.  M.A.  5  July,  1821.  Elected  Bursar 
23  April,  1824  and  each  year  till  1827  and  again  in  1829 
and  1830 :  in  1831  he  became  Sub-Warden  and  held  the 
office  till  1836-37.  He  was  Deputy  Bursar  for  1830, 
1831,  1832  and  1834,  and  Deputy  Moderator  of  Phil- 
osophy for  1833. 

Died  31  March,  1849,  the  living  of  Limington  being  filled  up 
on  30  May.     His  arms  are  in  the  windows  both  of  the  Ante- 
chapel  and  the  Hall — or,  a  lion  rampant  gules. 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Thomas  Amory.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  Thomas  Amory.  Born 
at  South  Moulton,  Devon,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  3  July, 
1811.  B.A.  20  April,  1815.  Name  removed  12  Dec. 

Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1815. 

Arthur  Harry  Farwell.  Arm.  til.  Son  of  George 
Farwell.  Born  at  Totnes,  Devon.  Admitted  (ft.  3  July, 
1811.  Name  removed  22  Nov.  1818. 

"Died  28  April,  1837,  at  the  residence  of  Scoble  Willesford 
Esq.,  Tavestock,  of  consumption,  aged  41,  Rev.  A.  H.  F.  of 
Diptford,  Devon."  (G.  Mag.) 

Archibald  Charles  Henry  Morrison.  Son  of  Archibald 
Morrison,  Esq.  Born  at  Marybone,  London.  Admitted 
(ft.  17  Oct.  1811,  aged  18.  B.A.  13  May,  1815.  M.A. 
27  March,  1820. 

Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum.  and  First  Class,  Math. 
Easter  Term  1815.  (I.Jtt.  account  closed  Christmas 

"Died  31  Oct.  1866,  Rev.  A.  C.  H.  M.  for  twenty  years  Rector 
of  Sezincote  and  Vicar  of  Longborough,  Gloucester."  (G.  Mag.} 

Thomas  Ward.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  Isaac  Ward.  Born  at 
Leominster  in  Herefordshire.  Admitted  (ft.  17  Nov. 
1811.  Name  removed  1  April,  1812  and  he  had  a 
certificate  of  his  standing  for  admission  at  Cambridge. 

Son  of  Isaac  W.  of  St  James,  Westminster,  aged  23  (M.). 

1811-12.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  255 

Samuel  Birch.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  Samuel  Birch,  aged  18. 
Born  at  Cheddar  in  Somersetshire.  Admitted  JF.(!T. 
21  Nov.  1811.  Name  removed  23  Sept.  1813. 

Charles  Bulkeley  (Buckley)  Rosenberg.  Aged  19. 
Son  of  Charles  Kosenberg,  gentleman.  Born  at  Bath, 
admitted  <#.  21  Nov.  1811.  S.C.L.  Name  removed. 

(£.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1817. 

William  Gilbee.  Gen.  til.  Son  of  William  Gilbee,  of  the 
Parish  of  Pancras,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  aged  18. 
Admitted  JF.<JL  6  Dec.  1811.  Name  removed  —  April, 


George  Morgan.  Son  of  the  Eev.  William  Morgan.  Born 
at  Newent,  Gloucestershire,  aged  21.  Admitted  Servitor 
27  Jan.  1812.  Admitted  Clerk  28  Jan.  1812.  Eesigned 
his  Clerkship  24  Sept.  1812  and  migrated  to  St  Mary 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1812.  His  (ST.JE.  was 
restored  27  Oct.  1812.  B.A.  17  May,  1815.  M.A. 
11  Feb.  1819. 

Educated  at  the  Crypt  School,  Gloucester.     Vicar  of  Stoke  St 
Milburgh,  Salop,  1819,  died  there  16  Dec.  1867.        (G.  Mag.) 

Henry  Eve.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  Henry  Eve,  aged  17.  Born 
at  Latchworth  in  Herefordshire.  Admitted  <£.  5  Feb. 
1812.  Went  to  Magdalen  College,  Cambridge,  28  April, 

He  graduated  B.A.  1816.     M.A.  1821. 
Rector  of  South  Ockendon,  Essex,  1819. 

Francis  Nicholas.  Son  of  Eev.  George  Nicholas  D.C.L. 
(matr.  1781)  aged  16.  Born  at  Ealing  in  Middlesex. 
Admitted  OT.  Mareb  20,  1812.  B.A.  "17  May,  1815. 
M.A.  17  Dee.  1818. 

256  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1812. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1812,  1813.  D.C.L.  28  Nov.  1839. 
(tt.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1852. 

Son  of  George  N.  1781,  and  brother  of  Tressilian  G.  N.  1839. 

John  Manley.  Son  of  Captain  John  Manley  of  the  Royal 
Navy.  Born  at  Shobrook  near  Crediton,  Devon,  aged  18 
years.  Admitted  <£.  8  April,  1812.  Elected  £.  30  June, 
1812.  B.A.  1  June,  1816.  Elected  $.JF.  30  June, 

1819.  Resigned   his  Jf.    (previously  to   his  marriage) 
22  Dec.  1823.     Name  transferred  to  list  of  Commoners. 

Gerard  Exhibitioner  1812.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1812  to  1816.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1816.  M.A.  5  July,  1821. 

"  Died  13  March,  1865  at  Crediton,  Kev.  J.  M.  Rector  of  Hittis- 
leigh,  Devon,  and  for  upwards  of  33  years  Head  Master  of 
Queen  Elizabeth's  Grammar  School,  Crediton."  (G.  Mag.) 

Charles  Forward.  Son  of  Samuel  Forward,  Esq.  Born  at 
Axminster,  Devon,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  8  April, 
1812.  B.A.  27  April,  1818.  M.A.  7  Nov.  1823. 
Name  removed  9  July,  1824. 

"  Vicar  of  Wappenbury,  Warwick  1823  to  1846."    (F.)    Rector 

of  North  Porton,  Dorset,  2  April,  1846.    Rector  of  Bettiscombe, 

Dorset  1851,  "  died  24  Sept.  1857."     (F.) 

Brother  of  Edward  Cook  F.  1799. 

James  Babb.  Arm.  fil.  Son  of  Thomas  Babb.  Born  at 
Newton  Abbott,  Devon,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  8  April, 
1812.  B.A.  5  June,  1816.  Name  removed  8  Nov.  1816. 
Re-admitted  3  Feb.  1821. 

Second  Class  (Div.  ii),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1815.     M.A. 
1  May,  1823.     €.£&.  account  closed  6  Feb.  1846. 
Brother  of  Thomas  B.  1803. 

Wadham  Harbin.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Harbin  (1784). 
Born  at  Studland  in  the  Isle  of  Purbeck,  Dorset,  aged  15. 
Admitted  (ft.  23  June,  1812.  Elected  *.  as  Founder's 
Kin,  30  June,  1813.  B.A.  19  June,  1817.  Elected 
$.JF.  as  Founder's  Kin,  30  June,  1818.  M.A.  18  Dec. 

1820.  Presented  to  the  Rectory  of  Esher,  1828.     His 
year  of  grace  expired   27  Nov.  1829.      Name    replaced 
on  list  of  Commoners  and  auuin  removed. 

1812.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  '257 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1814  to  1815.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1817.  Elected  Sub-Dean 
annually  from  1819  to  1828,  during  which  period 
Symons,  Johnson  and  J.  P.  Griffith  were  successively 
Deputies.  Elected  Proctor  15  Feb.  1826.  (H.|E.  account 
closed  Christmas  1851. 

Died  9  Jan.  1870.  The  arms  of  Harbin  are  in  the  "Windows 
of  the  Hall — Azure,  a  saltire  voided  between  3  cronels  Or. 

Peter  Gramer  (Graeme)  Blencowe.  Son  of  Samuel 
Blencowe,  Esq.  Born  at  Marston  St  Lawrence  near 
Brackley,  Northamptonshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
30  June,  1812.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1813.  B.A. 
27  June,  1816.  Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1819.  Ptesigned 
his  Jf.  29  June,  1821.  Name  transferred  to  list  of  (It. 
Name  removed  8  June,  1827. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1814  to  1816. 

Born  21  Oct.  1794.  Educated  at  Charterhouse.  Rector  of 
Putley,  Herefordshire  (1839),  where  he  is  buried  with  this 
inscription, — 

"  In  Memory  of 
The  Rev.  Peter  Gramer  Blencowe 

late  Rector  of  this  Parish 
who  died  10th  of  May  1865,  in  the 

71st  year  of  his  age." 

"  I  must  work  the  works  of  Him  that  sent  me  while  it  is  day. 
The  night  cometh  when  no  man  can  work." 

Robert  Bovey.  Son  of  John  Bovey,  Esq.  Born  at  Buck- 
fastleigh,  Devon,  aged  18  years.  Admitted  (ft.  2  July, 
1812.  Name  removed  23  Dec.  1814. 

William  Wills.  Son  of  Samuel  Wills,  Esq.  Born  at  Crew- 
kerne  in  Somersetshire.  Admitted  (C.  2  July,  1812. 
Name  removed  19  Nov.  1819. 

Second  Class  (Div.  ii.),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1816.  B.A. 
13  June,  1816.  M.A.  25  June,  1819. 

Vicar  of    Holcombe   Bogus,   Somerset,    1824,    "died    8   Aug. 

1875."  (F.) 

Brother  of  John  W.  1801. 


258  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1812. 

Julius  William  Brockman.  Cler.  fil.  Son  of  Julius 
Drake  Brockman.  Born  at  Cheriton  near  Hythe  in  Kent 
6  May,  1795.  Admitted  (ft.  2  July,  1812.  Name 
removed  24  Dec.  1812. 

Benjamin  Bowden  Dickinson.  Arm.  fil.  Son  of  John 
Dickinson.  Born  at  Tiverton,  Devon,  aged  18.  Admitted 
JF.OT.  15  Oct.  1812.  Name  removed  2  June,  1813. 

Educated  at  Eton. 

Of  Knightshayes  and  Bradfield  House,  Devon,  J.P.,  D.L. 
High  Sheriff  1824,  assumed  the  name  of  Walrond,  21  April, 
1845  ;  died  15  July,  1851. 

John  Curran  Sampson.  Arm.  fil.  Son  of  William 
Sampson.  Born  at  Belfast  in  Ireland,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  16  Nov.  1812.  Name  removed  8  April,  1813. 

"Not    being    a    native    of    Great    Britain    he    paid    £60 
Caution  Money." 

Samuel  Gurlewis  Lord.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  Walter  Lord. 
Born  at  Tooting,  Surrey,  aged  19.  Admitted  (JL  1  Dec. 
1812.  B.A.  5  Dec.  1816.  M.A.  27  April,  1820.  B.D. 
15  March,  1827.  D.D.  19  May,  1830.  Name  removed 
Christmas  1830. 

Second  Class,  Math.  Mich.  Term  1816. 

Rector  of  Farmborough,  Somerset,  1853.  "  Died  21  March, 
1867."  (F.) 

Daniel  Miller.  Gen.  fil.  Son  of  George  Miller.  Born  at 
Bath,  aged  20.  Admitted  OL  8  Dec.  1812.  B.A. 
28  May,  1819.  Name  removed  18  Feb.  1820. 

William    Piguenit    Wait.      Cler.    fil.     Son    of    William 

Wait.  Born  10  Oct.  1792  in  the  parish  of  St  Augustine, 
Bristol.  Admitted  <£.  15  Dec.  1812.  Name  removed 
30  March,  1814. 

OT.JE.  restored  17  Oct.  1816. 

Rector  of  Norton  Malreward  and  Chewstoke,  Somerset,  1819  ; 
resigned  in  1869  :  died  soon  after  at  Bournemouth,  buried  at 
Chewstoke  with  this  inscription, — 

1812-13.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  '259 

The  Rev.  William  Piguenit  Wait 
50  years  Rector  of  this  Parish 

Born  1792 

Died  Oct.  22,  1870. 

Resting  in  Hope. 

"  I  have  loved  thee  with  an  everlasting  love,  therefore  with 
loving  kindness  have  I  drawn  thee." 


Francis  Harriman  Hutton.  Son  of  the  Eev.  James 
Hutton.  Born  at  Exeter.  Admitted  Servitor  23  Feb. 
1813,  and  Clerk  the  same  day.  Kesigned  his  Clerkship 
and  was  admitted  (ft.  19  June,  1815.  Name  removed 
3  March,  1820.  Keplaced  27  Feb.  1824.  Eemoved  again 
21  Sept.  1824. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1813,  1814.  Gerard 
Exhibitioner  1814.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1817.  B.A.  28  May,  1817.  M.A.  5  March,  1824. 

Joseph  Palmer  Griffith.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Griffith, 
D.D.  Born  at  Warminster,  Wilts,  aged  16.  Admitted 
01.  14  Jan.  1813.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1813.  Admitted 
26  Oct.  1813.  B.A.  31  Jan.  1818.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June, 
1820.  M.A.  28  Jan.  1822.  Eesigned  tf.  previous  to 
marriage  1830.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  (£. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1815.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1813  to  1818.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1817.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1821 ;  Dean  1822  to 
1827  (Johnson,  deputy);  Bursar  1828  (Symons,  deputy) ; 
Dean  1829  and  1830  (T.  Griffiths,  deputy),  till  Vores 
was  elected  in  his  place  21  Oct.  1831.  <£.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1863. 

His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Hall — Gules,  on  a  fess 
dancette  Argent  between  6  lions  rampant  Or  3  martlets  sable. 
"Died  4  Nov.  1863,  aged  66,  Rev.  J.  P.  G.  Vicar  of  Norton 
Bavent,  Wilts."  (G.  Mag.) 

George  Frederick  Parry.  Son  of  George  Parry,  Esq. 
Born  at  Tellicherrv  in  the  East  Indies,  aged  18.  Ad- 

260  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1813. 

mitted  (ft.  8  Feb.  1813.     Name  removed  (on  his  removal 
to  Trinity  College,  Cambridge)  4  May,  1813. 

He  graduated  B.A.  1817.     M.A.  1822. 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1821."    (F.) 

Henry  Crichton  Agnew.  Son  of  John  Agnew,  Esq.  Born 
in  Marylebone  Parish  in  London,  aged  15.  Admitted 
<£.  18  Feb.  1813.  Name  removed  27  Oct.  1814. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1813. 

Richard  Greaves.  Son  of  Charles  Greaves,  gentleman. 
Born  in  Cheapside,  London,  aged  19.  Admitted  (JT. 
4  March,  1813.  B.A.  5  June,  1816.  M.A.  16  June,  1820. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Easter 
Term  1816.  (JT.p.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1832. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  "  died  28  March,  1870."     (F.) 
Father  of  Richard  W.  G.  1849. 

Thomas  Fryer  Jennings.  Son  of  Thomas  Jennings,  Esq. 
Born  at  Chepstow,  Monmouthshire,  aged  22.  Admitted 
<£.  26  March,  1813.  B.A.  5  June,  1816.  M.A.  1  July, 
1819.  Name  removed  8  March,  1822. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Easter 
Term  1816. 

Incumbent  of  Flax-Bourton,  Somerset,  1844. 

Arthur  Johnson.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Henry  Johnson.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Chad,  Shrewsbury,  aged  15.  Ad- 
mitted (!T.  8  April,  1813.  Elected  <&.  30  June,  1813. 
Admitted  26  Oct.  1813.  Elected  $.JF.  30  June,  1821. 
Resigned  his  ,-fF.  —  June,  1829,  when  his  name  was  re- 
placed in  list  of  (?T. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1813  to  1818.  Maddox  Exhi- 
bitioner 1815.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1814,  1816, 
1817,  1818.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1819.  First  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1817.  B.A.  22  Oct.  1817. 
M.A.  3  July,  1822.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1822 
to  1827;  Deputy  Dean  1823  to  1827;  Deputy  Catechist 
and  Deputy  Sub-Dean  1824  to  1827.  Rawlinsonian 

1812.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  261 

Professor  of  Anglo-Saxon  1827  to  1829.     (£.JE.  account 

closed  25  May,  1832. 

At  Rampisham,  Dorset  is  a  stained  glass  window  "  In  memory 
of  A.  Johnson  Danyell,  who  died  12  Dec.  1853,  aged  55."  He 
assumed  the  name  of  Danyell  after  his  marriage  with  the 
daughter  and  heir  of  John  D.  Lord  of  the  Manor  of  Rampis- 
ham. His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Hall — Sable,  on  a 
bend  Or  between  2  manacles  Argent  3  pheons  Gules. 

Henry  Sissmore.  Son  of  Broadfield  Sissmore.  Born  in  the 
parish  of  St  Andrew,  Holborn,  aged  18  years.  Admitted 
Or.  8  April,  1813.  B.A.  12  Dec.  1817.  M.A.  16  June, 
1820.  Name  removed  I  Feb.  1821. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  died  6  Sept.  1847.  (G.  Mag.) 

Richard  Higgs.  Son  of  Kichard  Higgs,  Esq.  Born  at 
Upminster,  near  Rumford,  Essex,  aged  17.  Admitted 
<£.  9  April,  1813.  B.A.  13  May,  1818.  Name  removed 
15  May,  1818. 

Thomas  Whitehead  Cockell.  Son  of  Nicholas  Cockell, 
Esq.  Born  at  Westbury  Leigh,  near  Westbury,  Wilts, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  28  April,  1813.  Name  removed 
5  March,  1824. 

B.A.  24  Oct.  1816.     M.A.  13  March,  1823. 
In  Holy  Orders  :  "died  31  July,  1870."  (F.) 

William  Shaw.  Son  of  John  Shaw,  Esq.  Born  at  Bath 
in  Somersetshire,  aged  15.  Admitted  <£.  11  June,  1813. 
Name  removed  27  June,  1815. 

Gerard  Exhibitioner  1813.     Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1814. 
Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  22  Nov.  1833. 

John  Henry  Hogarth.  Son  of  Henry  Spence  Hogarth, 
Esq.  Born  at  Kickmansworth,  Herts.  Admitted  as 
Jf.tfu  at  Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge  28  April,  1813. 
where  he  graduated  LL.B.  11  June,  1819.  Admitted  (*£. 
of  Wadham  College,  16  Nov.  1.824.  Incorp.  B.C.L. 
24  Nov.  1824,  aged  37.  D.C.L.  25  Nov.  1824.  Name 
removed  17  July,  1829. 

"  Died  13  July,  1863  at  St  Servan,  France,  Rr.v.  J.  II.  IT. 
D.C.L.  late  of  Ford  Place,  Stiftbrd,  Essex,  J.1V  (<"!.  Ma*/.) 

262  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1813. 

James  Hall.  Son  of  James  Hall,  gentleman.  Born  at 
Hungerford,  Berks,  aged  16.  Admitted  (fl*.  21  June, 

1813.  B.A.  12  Nov.  1817.     M.A.  3  Feb.  1820.     Name 
removed  6  April,  1827. 

Goodridge   Exhibitioner    1813.     Somerscales    Exhibitioner 

1814.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term  1817. 

Vicar  of  Great  Bedwyn,  Wilt?,  1822  to  1826  ;  Eector  of  West 
Tanfield,  Yorks,  1826,  "  died  30  March,  1873."     (F.) 

Charles  Griffith.  Son  of  liev.  F.  Thomas  Griffith.  Born 
at  Andover,  Hants :  aged  18  on  26  June,  1813.  Admitted 
OL  18  Oct.  1813.  B.A.  16  May,  1817.  M.A.  27  April, 
1820.  Name  removed  25  Aug.  1820.  Name  replaced 
29  Jan.  1824.  Removed  6  April,  1827. 

Father  of  Charles  M.  G.  1849. 

Robert  Strong.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Robert  Strong.  Born  at 
Barnes,  Surrey,  aged  17.  Admitted  OL  17  Oct.  1813. 
B.A.  5  Dec.  1817.  Name  removed  19  Dec.  1823. 

M.A.  2  May,  1823. 

Vicar  of  Painswick,  Glouc.  1823  ;  died  26  Jan.  1856,  aged  60. 
Father  of  Robert  S.  1841. 

James  Fowle.  Son  of  John  Fowle,  gentleman.  Born  at 
Rainham  in  Kent,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  6  Nov.  1813. 
Name  removed  25  March,  1825. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1814.     B.A.  17  June,  1818.     M.A. 
21  May,  1823. 

Vicar  of   Pebworth  (1825)  and    Quinton  (1826)  Glouc.  :  "  died 
26  Dec.  1875."  (F.) 

Joseph  Dornford.  Son  of  Josiah  Dornford,  Esq.  Born  at 
Deptford  in  Kent,  aged  19.  Admitted  of  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge  -  -  May,  1809.  Admitted  <£.  of  Wadham 
College  4  Dec.  1813.  B.A.  13  June,  1816.  Elected 
Michel  jj).  of  Queen's  College.  Elected  Jf.  of  Oriel 

About  1810  he  joined  the  Army  in  Spain  as  a  volunteer 
and    served    with    it    till    the    close    of    the   Peninsular 

1813-14.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  263 

Campaign;  being  coldly  received  at  Cambridge  on  his 
return  he  migrated  to  Oxford  where  he  was  known  as 
"  Corporal  Joe."  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second 
Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1816.  M.A.  2  June,  1820. 
Proctor  1830.  Presented  to  the  College  Bectory  of 
Plymtree,  Devon  1832. 

Prebendary  of  Exeter  2  Oct.  1847  ;  "died  18  Jan.  18fi7."  (F.) 

William  Morgan  Williams.  Son  of  the  Eev.  John 
Williams.  Born  at  West  Lavington  in  Wilts,  aged  16. 
Admitted  <£.  14  Dec.  1813.  B.A.  9  Dec,  1819.  M.A. 
27  April,  1820.  Name  removed  4  July,  1821. 


John  James  Golden  Dowland.  Son  of  the  Eev.  James 
Dowland.  Born  at  Whitchurch,  Dorset,  20  Nov.  1795. 
Admitted  OL  22  Feb.  1814. 

B.A.  23  March,  1819.    S.C.L.    Name  removed  8  May,  1829. 

Vicar  of  Broad winsor,  Dorset,  16  Dec.  1828 ;  died  15  March, 
1838,  aged  42  (Hutchins). 

William  Henry  George.  Son  of  the  Ptev.  William  George. 
Born  at  Cannington  near  Bridgwater,  Somersetshire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  (tf.  9  March,  1814.  Name  removed 
31  Aug.  1818. 

Admitted    JF.OT.    of    Peterhouse,    Camb :  10    Nov.    1818, 
graduated  LL.B.  1820. 

Rector  of  Spaxton,  Somerset,  1823. 

"Jan.  18,  1846,  died  suddenly  in  the  pulpit,  after  giving  out 

the  text  of  a  funeral  sermon,  Rev.  W.  H.  G."  (G.  Mag.) 

Henry    Bartleet.     Son    of    William  Bartleet.     Born    at 

Kedditch,     Worcestershire,     aged  21.     Admitted      (ft. 

21   March,   1814.     Left  Oxford  to  enter  at  Cambridge 
6  Oct.  1814. 

H.]1,.  graduated  B.A.  of  Queens'  College,  Cambridge,  1818. 

264  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1814. 

William  Henry  Baylis.  Son  of  William  Baylis,  Esq. 
Born  in  Bristol,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  22  March,  1814. 
Died  —  May,  1818.  Name  removed  10  June,  1818. 

Second  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1817-    B.A.  28  May,  1817. 

William  Montague.  Son  of  Charles  Montague,  Esq. 
Born  at  Camberwell,  Surrey,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
22  April,  1814.  Name  removed  23  Jan.  1817. 

Thomas  Coleman  Welch.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Welch. 
Born  at  Pattishall  near  Towcester,  Northamptonshire. 
Admitted  (ft.  26  April,  1814.  Went  to  Lincoln  College 
for  an  Exhibition  16  Dec.  1815. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1814.  Crewe  Exhibitioner  of 
Lincoln  College  31  Jan.  1816.  B.A.  9  June,  1819. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Vicar  of  Pattishall  (second  portion)  and 
Rector  of  Slapton,  Northants,  1820.  These  livings  were  held 
for  him  by  permission  of  the  Bishop  of  Peterborough,  till  he 
was  of  Canonical  age  by  Charles  Rowe,  Fellow  of  Lincoln,  who 
resigned  them  Oct.  1820.  "  Died  8  Nov.  1872."  (F.) 

Donald  Cameron.  Son  of  Charles  Cameron,  M.B.  of 
Worcester.  Born  at  Worcester.  Admitted  (ft.  11  May, 
1814.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1814.  B.A.  19  Nov.  1818. 
Elected  ^.,-ff.  30  June,  1821.  Vacated  his  ,-Jf.  by 
marriage  18  April,  1822.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  (ft. 
Name  removed  15  Nov.  1822.  Re-admitted  27  June, 
1825.  Name  removed  10  Dec,  1830. 

Hody  (Plebrew)  Exhibitioner  1815  to  1820.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1819.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term 
1818.  M.A.  30  June,  1825. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Rector  of  Snitterfield,  Warw  :  1840  ;  died 
14  Jan.  1877,  aged  80. 

Richard  Longfield  Vowell.  Son  of  Richard  Vowell,  Esq. 
Born  at  Bath,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  17  May,  1814. 
Elected  £.  30  June,  1814.  Expelled  11  Dec.  1815. 

William  Page  Richards  Beedle.  Son  of  Thomas  Boodle. 
Born  at  Silverton,  Devon,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 

1814.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  265 

20  May,  1814.  Admitted  Clerk  18  Jan.  1815.  Eesigned 
Clerkship  12  Dec.  1815.  Name  replaced  in  list  of  (ft. 
12  Dec.  1815.  B.A.  22  May,  1819.  Account  of  his  death 
in  Madeira  received  2  March,  1821. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1815. 

William  Henry  Deverell.  Son  of  Samuel  Deverell,  Esq. 
Born  at  Winchester,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  4  July,  1814. 
B.A.  27  Jan.  1820.  Name  removed  13  Feb.  1824. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term  1818. 

Edward  Lloyd  Lewis.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Davis  Lewis. 
Born  at  Oswestry  in  Shropshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 

8  July,  1814.     Name  removed  2  Feb.  1816. 

Charles  Girdlestone.  Son  of  Samuel  Eainbow  Girdlestone, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  Liberty  of  the  Eolls,  London.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  10  Oct.  1814.  B.A.  22  May,  1818.  Elected 
,-fF.  of  Balliol  College  29  Nov.  1818. 

Aged  17  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1815.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1816  to  1818.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1815  to  1819.  He  received  prizes  for  merit 
both  in  Greek  and  Hebrew  July,  1818.  First  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1818.  M.A. 

9  June,  1821.     Examiner  in  Litt.  Hum.  1825  to  1826. 
Select  Preacher  1825  and  1829. 

Vicar  of  Sedgley,  Staff.  1826,  of  Alder-ley  dies.  1837  to  1847. 
Rector  of  Kingswinfcml  1847  to  1877.     Author  of  numerous 
religious  works. 
Father  of  Edward  D.  G.  1847. 

George  Anthony  Moore.  Son  of  the  Eev.  George  Moore. 
Born  at  Grampound,  Cornwall,  aged  19.  Admitted 
jF.(ft.  19  Oct.  1814.  Name  removed  24  Oct.  1819. 

B.A.  28  May,  1819. 

Vicar  of    Talk-of-the-Hill,    Staff.    1843 ;    died   at   Porchester, 
Hants,  aged  64,  13  Sept.  1859. 

Richard  BetheU.  Aged  14.  Born  at  Bradford,  Wilts. 
Son  of  Eichard  Bethell,  D.M.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1814. 

266  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1814. 

Elected  &.  30  June,  1815.  B.A.  22  May,  1818.  Elected 
^.JF.  30  June,  1822.  Married  19  Nov.  1825.  Name 
transferred  to  list  of  (ft. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1815  to  1819.  Goodridge  Ex- 
hibitioner 1816  to  1819.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1817. 
Wills  (Law)  Exhibitioner  1816  probably  till  1821. 
First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Easter 
Term  1818.  M.A.  28  June,  1822.  Created  D.C.L. 
20  June,  1860. 

Born  30  June,  1800.  Educated  at  Corsham  School,  near  Bath. 
Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple)  1823.  Q.C.  1840.  M.P. 
for  Wolverhampton  and  Solicitor  General,  1852.  Attorney 
General,  1856.  Lord  Chancellor,  created  Baron  Westbury, 
1861  ;  resigned  1865  ;  died  20  July,  1873. 

His  Arms — Argent,  on  a  chevron  engrailed  Azure  between  3 
boar's  heads,  couped  sable  an  estoile  Or — are  in  the  Windows  of 
the  Antechapel  and  his  bust  stands  in  the  College  Hall. 
There  is  also  a  monument  to  his  memory  in  the  Antechapel 
with  this  inscription, — 

Honoratissimi  Domini  Ricardi  Baronis  Westbury,  hujusce 
Collegii  olim  Socii,  Qui  patre  medico  Ricardo  Bethell  Bradfor- 
dia>  in  agro  Wiltonensi  natus  quum  disciplinis  Academicis 
faustissime,  Forensibus  diligentissime  studuisset,  Juris  Con- 
sultus  inter  primaries  extitit  primarius  ;  denique  ad  digni- 
tatem Sumnii  Magiue  Britannia^  Cancellarii  evectus  est. 
Fortunarum  vero  suarum  principium  ab  eo  die  memor 
repetebat  quo  annum  a;tatis  XV.  conficiens  Scholaris  Collegii 
Wadhami  renunciatus  est.  Decessit  Londini  Anno  Dom  : 

Henry  Barrow  Evans.     Aged  18.     Son  of  Charles  Evans 
Esq.    Born  at  - —          — ,  Gloucestershire.     Admitted  (ft. 
28  Oct.  1814.     B.A.  19  Nov.  1818.     M.A.  9  June,  1821. 
Name  removed  4  July,  1821. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1816  to  181 9. 

"Died  18  Jan.  1856  at  Ventnor,  Rev.  H.  B.  Evans  of  Hygrove, 
near  Gloucester."  (G.  Mag.) 

Thomas  Finlow.  Aged  17.  Son  of  Thomas  Finlow,  Esq. 
Born  at  Burton-on-Trent,  Staffordshire.  Admitted  (JT. 
3  Nov.  1814.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1815.  B.A.  26  Nov. 

1814-15.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  267 

1818.     Elected  ^.-Jf.  30  June,  1824.     J^.  30  June,  1825. 
Died  3  (?  8)  Sept.  1826. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1816  to  1819.  Hody  (Greek)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1816  to  1819.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1819  to  1824.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second 
Class,  Math.  Mich.  Term.  1818.  M.A.  9  July,  1824. 

Rector's  Curate  of  St  Johns,  Manchester. 

Ralph  Piggott  Ince.  Aged  17.  Son  of  James  Piggott  Ince, 
Esq.  Born  at  Wymondley  in  Hertfordshire.  Admitted 
OL  6  Dec.  1814.  Left  the  University  19  Oct.  1815. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1815. 

William  (Hewlett)  Trim.  Aged  18.  Son  of  George 
Trim,  gentleman.  Born  at  Beer  near  Sherborn,  Dorset. 
Admitted  OT.  14  Dec.  1814.  B.A.  9  Dec.  1819.  M.A. 
21  June,  1821.  Name  removed  4  July,  1821. 

Rector  of  Sandford  Orcas,  Somerset,  1832,  died  25  March,  1870. 

Henry  St  Andrew  St  John.  Aged  18.  Born  at  Parton, 
Worcestershire.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Francis  Hemming 
St  John.  Admitted  OL  15  Dec.  1814.  B.A.  10  Dec. 
1818.  M.A.  3  Oct.  1821.  Name  removed  21  June,  1822. 

Born  30  Nov.  1796.  Educated  at  Westminster.  Incumbent  of 
Putney  1821  to  1834.  Vicar  of  Addingham,  Cumb  :  1834  to 
1838.  Rector  of  Hilton,  Dorset,  1838  ;  died  2  Dec.  1874. 
Brother  of  George  St  J.  1817  and  father  of  Richard  F.  St  A. 
St  J.  1858. 

William  Carpenter  Rishton  Ray.  Aged  18.  Son  of 
the  Rev.  William  Carpenter  Hay.  Born  at  Boreham  near 
Chelmsford  in  Essex.  Admitted  (ft.  16  Dec.  1814.  Name 
removed  19  Dec.  1817. 

Incumbent  of  Canvey  Island,  Essex,  1836.  Rector  of  Eastwood 
Essex,  1857  ;  died  7  Nov.  1866,  aged  70. 


Henry  Thomas  Burne.  Son  of  Henry  Burne,  gentleman. 
Born  in  Corimill,  London,  aged  15.  Admitted  (JT. 
27  Jan.  1815.  Name  removed  24  Jan.  1816. 

268  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1815. 

Charles  Paget.  Son  of  the  Rev.  William  Paget.  Born  at 
Barnet  in  Middlesex.  Admitted  ^.(tf.  3  Feb.  1815. 
Name  removed  23  Jan.  1816. 

Thomas  Coombe.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Dr  Coombe.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  St  George's,  Hanover  Square,  London,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <£.  9  Feb.  1815.  Name  removed  19  June, 
1817.  Went  to  Peterhouse,  Cambridge. 

Admitted  JF.<£.  of  Peterhouse  17  Nov.  1818.  B.A.  1821 
M.A.  1824 

Stokeham  Huthwaite.  Son  of  Stokeham  Huthwaite,  Esq. 
Born  at  Nottingham,  aged  18.  Admitted  (#.  10  April, 
1815.  S.C.L..  Name  removed  8  May,  1829. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1816.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1816  to  1817.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term 

Entered  Rugby  School,  1812. 

James  Buchanan.  Son  of  James  Buchanan,  gentleman. 
Born  at  Gloucester,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  11  May, 
1815.  Name  removed  17  May,  1821,  replaced  9  July, 
1823.  B.A.  11  Feb.  1819.  M.A.  21  Feb.  1823.  Name 
removed  1  June  1821  sic. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1818.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1818  to  1819.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class, 
Math.  Easter  Term  1817. 

Thomas  Fahie  Horsford.  Born  in  the  Island  of  Antigua. 
Son  of  Valentine  Horsford,  Esq.  Admitted  (!T.  12  May, 
1815.  B.A.  11  Feb.  1819.  M.A.  27  June,  1821.  Name 
removed  4  July,  1821. 

Aged  18  (M.). 

«  Died  22  Aug.  1872."  (F.) 

William  Baron.  Son  of  Jasper  Baron,  gentleman.  Born 
at  Laneust  in  Cornwall,  aged  18.  Admitted  <#.  13  May, 
1815.  B.A.  3  Feb.  1820.  Name  removed  29  Feb.  1828. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1819. 

1815.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  2ti9 

William  Willox  Feete.  Son  of  William  Peete,  gentleman. 
Born  at  Dartford,  Kent,  aged  16.  Admitted  (ft,  20  June, 
1815.  B.A.  7  Dec.  1819.  M.A.  19  Nov.  1823.  Name 
removed  9  July,  1824. 

Thomas  Oliver  Rogers.  Son  of  Joseph  Rogers,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  Parish  of  St  Augustin,  Bristol,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  22  June,  1815.  Name  removed  18  Dec.  1817. 

William  Calverley  Curteis.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Samuel 
Curteis,  D.C.L.  Born  at  Mountnessing  in  Essex,  aged 
16.  Admitted  <£.  23  June,  1815.  Name  removed  for 
admission  at  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge,  20  Oct.  1818. 
Admitted  Pensioner,  (Trinity  Hall)  30  Jan.  1815  :  removed 
his  name,  but  was  re-admitted  Pensioner  (from  Wadham) 
23  Oct.  Third  Class,  Civil  Law  1818-19.  LL.B.  1821. 
LL.D.  1826. 

Admitted  to  Doctors'  Commons  3  Nov.  1826. 

Joel  Broadhurst.  Son  of  Isaac  Broadhurst,  Esq.  Born  at 
Nottingham,  aged  16.  Admitted  (ft.  24  June,  1815. 
Admitted  Clerk  the  same  day,  resigned  Clerkship  2  Dec. 
1819.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  (ft.  B.A.  18  Nov.  1819. 
M.A.  10  Oct.  1822.  Died  9  June,  1826. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1815  to  1819.  Gerard 
Exhibitioner  1815  (being  Great-Nephew  of  Dr  Gerard) 
to  1819.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1815  to  1816. 

Henry  Boucher.  Son  of  William  Boucher,  Esq.,  aged  17. 
Born  at  Salisbury.  Admitted  (ft.  24  June,  1815.  B.A. 
6  May,  1819.  M.A.  15  Nov.  1821. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1819.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1835. 

Rector  of   Hilton,    Dorset,    21   Dec.   1821,  resigned   1838  :   of 
Thornhill  House,  near  Stallbridge  ;  "  died  25  Oct.  1880."  (F.) 

Francis  Aublay.  Son  of  Pierre  Aublay,  Esq.  Born  at 
Philadelphia,  aged  20.  Admitted  (ft.  5  July,  1815. 
Died.  Name  removed  22  March, . 

Henry  Thomas  Attkins.  Son  of  Thomas  Attkins,  Esq. 
Born  at  Slough  in  Bucks,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  27  Oct. 
1815.  B.A.  2  June,  1819.  M.A.  14  Jan.  1822.  Name 
removed  25  April,  1823. 

270  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1815. 

George  Rivers  Hunter.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Eobert  Hunter, 
D.D.  Born  at  Burton  Bradstock,  Dorset,  aged  19. 
Admitted  (ft.  15  Nov.  1815.  B.A.  2  June,  1819.  Name 
removed  Lady  Day  1824. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1819. 

Rector  of   Ockford   Fitzpaine,  Dorset,  23  Dec.    1820;  "died 
26  May,  1872."  (F.) 

George  Tucker.  Son  of  the  Rev.  George  Tucker.  Born  at 
Axminster,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  25  Nov.  1815.  S.C.L. 
2  June,  1819.  Name  removed  19  Dec.  1823. 

Henry  Brown  Newman.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Edwin  Sandys 
Newman.  Born  at  Shepton  Beauchamp,  Somerset,  aged 
17.  Admitted  (ft.  6  Dec.  1815.  Elected  g>.  30  June, 
1816.  Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1825.  Presented  to  the 
Rectory  of  Little  Bromley  in  Essex  •  •  Feb.  1838. 
Vacated  his  $f.  by  marriage  27  Sept.  1838,  when  his 
name  was  replaced  upon  list  of  (ft. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1819.  B.A.  2  June, 
1819.  M.A.  9  July,  1825.  Elected  Catechist  1826  to 
1829  and  1833  to  1837,  but  always  had  a  deputy :  as 
also  when  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1831  and  1832.  He 
compounded  13  Feb.  1860. 

Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

He  died  11  Jan.  1878  and  has  a  monument  at  Little  Bromley, 

with  the  following  inscription, — 

In  affectionate  remembrance  of 

Henry  Brown  Newman,  M.A. 

late  Fellow  of  Waclham  College,  Oxford 

for  39  years  Rector  of  this  Parish 

born  29th  April,  1798 

died  llth  Jan.  1878 

also  of  Elizabeth  his  wife 

daughter  of  John  Hooper,  Esq. 

of  Henford  Manor  House,  Yeovil 

born  24th  Feb.  1806 

died  24th  July,  1876. 

This  tablet  is  erected  by  relatives  and  friends. 

Hebrews  xiii.  7,  8. 

1815-16.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  271 

His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Hall  —  Quarterly, 
sable  and  Argent ;  in  the  first  and  fourth  3  mullets  of 
the  second  :  on  an  inescutcheon  Gules  a  portcullis  imperially 
crowned  Or. 

John   Holden   Harrison.     Son   of  John  Harrison,  Esq., 
aged  19.     Born  at  Aston  near  Birmingham.     Admitted 
Or.  7  Dec.  1815.     B.A.  14  June,  1819.     Name  removed 
7  Oct.  1828. 
M.A.  5  May,  1825. 

"Died  29  Sept.  1862,  at  Erdington,  Rev.  J.  H.  Harrison, 
Incumbent  of  Water  Orton,  aged  66."  (G.  Mag.) 

Charles  Howard  Whitehurst.  Son  of  John  Whitehurst, 
Esq.  Born  at  Derby,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  14  Dec. 

1815.  B.A.    2  June,   1819.     Name    removed    14   Nov. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple)  8  Feb.  1822  :  Q.C.  1844. 
Bencher  of  the  Middle  Temple  ;  "  died  13  March,  1879."  (F.) 


Poyntz  Stewart  Ward.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Poyntz  Stewart 
Ward,  aged  17.  Born  at  Henley-in-Arden,  Warwick- 
shire. Admitted  &.  23  Jan.  1816.  B.A.  2  June,  1820. 
Name  removed  27  June,  1823. 

Richard  White.  Son  of  James  White,  gentleman.  Born 
at  Farringdon,  Berks,  aged  16.  Admitted  (£.  25  Jan. 

1816,  and  Clerk  the  same  day.     Resigned  his  Clerkship 
and  left  College  26  Sept.  1816. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1816. 

Charles  John  Hume.  Son  of  Abraham  Hume,  Esq.  Born 
at  Bilton  near  Dunchurch,  Warwickshire,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted OT.  24  April,  1816.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1816. 
Elected  $.JF.  30  June,  1824.  Vacated  Jf.  by  marriage 
9  April,  1830.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  (£. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner   1819   to  1821.     Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.   Easter   Term    1821.     B.A.    23  June,   1821. 

272  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1816. 

M.A.  25  June,  1826.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1828 
and  1829  and  Catechist  1829,  but  had  a  deputy.  (JT.JE. 
account  closed  Christmas  1839. 

Educated   at    Rugby.     Rector  of   Meonstoke   with   Soberton, 

Hants,  1832,  till  his  death,  25  July,  1893,  aged  95. 

His  arms  are  in   the   Windows  of  the   Hall — Vert,  a  lion 

rampant  Argent. 

Father  of  Fredk.  N.  H.  1870. 

Henry  Smith.  Son  of  Henry  Smith  M.I).,  born  at  Salis- 
bury, aged  15.  Admitted  4L  24  April,  1816.  Name 
removed  22  May,  1817. 

James  Walter  Workman.  Son  of  Francis  Workman,  Esq. 
Born  at  Westbury  near  Bristol,  aged  17.  Admitted  (C*. 
24  April,  1816.  Dead.  Name  removed  3  Oct.  1817. 

Philip  Gregson  Harper.  Son  of  Daniel  Harper,  Esq. 
Born  at  Tamworth,  Leicestershire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(jr.  9  May,  1816.  B.A.  24  May,  1820.  Name  removed 

8  Aug.    1821.      Re-admitted    9    July,    1824.      Name 
removed  again  Michaelmas  1824. 

M.A.  5  June,  1824. 

Horace  William  Snow.  Son  of  John  Alexander  Snow, 
Esq.  Born  at  Lambeth,  Surrey,  aged  17.  Admitted  (fl*. 
31  May,  1816.  Name  removed  11  Dec.  1818. 

James  Isaac  Monypenny.  Son  of  Thomas  Monypenny, 
Born  at  —  —  in  Sussex,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  10  June 
1816.  B.A.  5  Dec.  1820.  M.A.  5  May,  1825. 

Of  Idel  ?  Iden  (M.).     C.JH.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1832. 
Vicar  of  Hadlow,  1841  to  1873  ;  "  died  14  Dec.  1881."     (F.) 

Edward  Robert  Taylor.  Son  of  George  Taylor,  Esq. 
Born  at  Madras  in  the  East  Indies,  aged  18.  Admitted 
OL  20  June,  1816.  B.A.  20  May,  1820.  Name  removed 

9  May,  1828. 

M.A.  4  June,  1823. 

William  Cookesley  Thompson.  Son  of  Henry  Thomp- 
son, gentleman,  aged  19.  Born  at  Deal,  Kent.  Admitted 
<!T.  25  June,  1816.  B.A.  12  Dec.  1820.  M.A.  25  June, 
1824.  Name  removed  9  July,  1824. 

1816.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  273 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1817  to  1821.     First  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1820. 

Tutor  to  the  Duke  of  Hamilton.  Rector  of  Blackborough 
Devon,  1839  to  1856.  Eector  of  Wormley,  Herts,  1856  to  1860. 
Rector  of  Washfield,  Devon,  ]860  to  1865.  Rector  of  Silverton, 
Devon,  1865  to  1866. 

Faulin  Barrett.  Son  of  Paulin  Barrett,  Esq.  Born  at 
Appleton  near  Abingdom,  Berks,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
25  June,  1816.  Admitted  Clerk  23  Oct.  1816.  Eesigned 
his  Clerkship  22  Jan.  1820,  when  his  name  was  replaced 
on  list  of  (£.  Name  removed  26  Nov.  1824.  Ke- 
admitted  14  Nov.  1826.  Kemoved  again  3  July,  1829. 
Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1817, 1818, 1819.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1816  to  1820.  B.A.  8  May,  1828. 

Edward  Harper  Wainwright.  Son  of  Thomas  Wain- 
wright,  Esq.  Born  at  Dudley,  Worcestershire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  <£.  26  June,  1816.  "  B.A.  2  June,  1820. 

C.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1833. 

Rector  of  Acton  Burnel,  Salop,  1837  ;  "  died  6  Feb.  1864."  (F.) 

John  Green  Jones.  Son  of  Amos  Jones,  Esq.  Born  at 
Ross,  aged  17.  Admitted  (Q*.  15  Oct.  1816.  Name  re- 
moved 12  March,  1819. 

Joseph  Stroud.  Son  of  William  Stroud,  Esq.  Born  at 
Bath,  aged  21.  Admitted  OT.  17  Oct.  1816.  B.A.  18  Dec. 
1820.  Name  removed  21  Jan.  1825.  lie-admitted 
19  March,  1826.  M.A.  8  July,  1826. 

Chaplain   14  Oct.    1831    to    1840.     (JT.JE.    account   closed 
Christmas  1853. 

Incumbent  of  Williton,  Som.  Rector  of  Bondleigh,  Devon, 
1854  ;  died  21  Aug.  1855,  aged  60.  Uncle  of  Richard  A.  H.  S. 

Francis  Pearson  Walesby.  Son  of  Erancis  Walesby, 
Esq.  Born  at  Louth  in  Lincolnshire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
OL  25  Oct.  1816.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1817.  Admitted 
25  Oct.  1817.  B.A.  18  Dec,  1820.  Elected  Jf.  of 
Lincoln,  and  name  removed  29  May,  1824. 


274  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1816. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1818  to  1824.  Goodridge  Ex- 
hibitioner 1820, 1821.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1821.  Wills 
(Law)  Exhibitioner  1822.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1820.  M.A.  20  May,  1824.  B.C.L. 
10  May,  1827.  liawlinsonian  Professor  of  Anglo-Saxon 
1829  to  1834.  Examiner  in  Law  and  Mod.  Hist.  1857. 

"  Called  to  Bar  (Gray's  Inn)  1826  ;  died  5  Aug.  1858."     (F.) 

Robert  Riland  Mendliam.  Son  of  the  Eev.  (Joseph) 
Mendham.  Born  at  Sutton-Coldfield,  Warwickshire, 
aged  19.  Admitted  OL  12  Nov.  1816.  B.A.  24  May, 
1820.  Name  removed  Christmas  1820. 

M.A.  5  June,  1824. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  "  died  15  June,  1857."     (F.) 

John  Herbert.  Born  at  Blakeney,  Gloucestershire,  aged 
19.  Admitted  OL  20  Nov.  1816.  B.A.  24  May,  1820. 
Name  removed  13  April,  1821.  Re-admitted  17  Nov. 
1823.  M.A.  25  May,  1825. 

(tf.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1837. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  of  Wonastow,  Monin.  Father  of  George  H. 
]  854. 

Samuel  Brett  Shirreff.  Son  of  James  Shirreff,  Esq.  Born 
at  Deptford,  Kent,  aged  19.  Admitted  OL  3  Dec.  1816. 
B.A.  12  April,  1820. 

M.A.  21  April,  1830.    OLJE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1866. 

"Died  31  May,  1865,  at  Exmouth,  Devon,  aged  67,  Eev. 
S.  B.  S.,  Rector  of  Berkswell-cum-Barston,  Wanvic  :  youngest 
son  of  the  late  James  Lmnsden  S.,  Esq.  of  Stradmore, 
Cardigan."  (G.  Mag.) 

George  Nutcombe  Oxnam.  Son  of  the  liev.  William 
Oxnam.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Paul,  near  Penzance, 
Cornwall,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  12  Dec.  1816, 
Elected  jf.  of  Exeter  College  30  June,  1820. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1817,  1818.  Maddox  Exhibitioner 
1819."  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1820. 
I ',. A.  24  May,  1820.  M.A.  13  June,  1823.  Afterwards 
G.  N.  Oxen! mm. 

1816-17.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  275 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  22  Nov.  1825.     Vacated  JF. 
by  marriage  1830  ;  died  15  Dec.  1873.  (Boase.) 

Brother  of  William  0.  1819. 

Henry  Lingen.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Henry  Lingen  (1783). 
Born  in  the  parish  of  Abberley,  Worcestershire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  OL  12  Dec.  1816.  Name  removed  10  Dec. 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1817. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  of  Abberley,  Wore. 

Henry  Chaytor.  Son  of  Henry  Chaytor,  Esq.  Born  at 
Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  14  Dec.  1816.  Name 
removed  18  Dec.  1817. 

B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall)  16  Nov.  1826. 

Incumbent  of  Croxdale,  Durham,  1841,  of  Sunderland  Bridge, 
Durham  ;  born  16  Jan.  1799  ;  died  s.p.  25  Feb.  1873. 


John  Hurt  Barber.  Son  of  John  Barber,  Esq.  Born  at 
Camberwell,  Surrey,  aged  23.  Admitted  (#.  15  March, 

1817.  B.A.  24  May,  1820.     M.A.  28  May,  1823. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1820.    (£.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1832. 

Rector  of  Little  Stukely,  Hunts,  1827  to  1860,  died  January, 
1872.     His  Arms  are  found  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel 
— "  Or,  between  3  neur  de  lys  2  chevronels  Gules." 
Brother  of  Ambrose  B.  1818. 

Charles  Dickinson  Hill.  Son  of  John  Bartlett  Hill,  Esq., 
aged  18.  Bom  at  Clifton,  Gloucestershire.  Admitted 
OT.  25  March,  1817.  Name  removed  26  Nov.  1824. 

John  Gethin.  Son  of  John  Gethin,  Esq.  Born  in  Dublin. 
Admitted  (JT.  25  March,  1817.  Admitted  ,#.<£.  31  Oct. 

1818.  B.A.    24   May,    1820.     Name   removed   30    Oct. 

Aged  18  (M.). 

Born  Dec.  1798.     Hi-h  Sheriff  of  Sligo,  1827. 

27*3  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1817. 

James  Wollen.  Son  of  tlie  Eev.  William  Wollen,  D.I)., 
aged  18.  Born  at  Bridgewater.  Admitted  (fl*.  28  March, 
1817.  Name  removed  7  May,  1818. 

Thomas  Wadham.     Son  of  John  Wadham,  Esq.     Born  in 
the    parish    of     St    Angustin,    Bristol.     Admitted    ©. 
29  April,  1817.     Name  removed  3  Feb.  1819. 
Aged  20  (M.). 

Born  11  Aug,  1796.    High  Sheriff  of  Bristol ;  died  at  Frenchay 
House,  Glouc.  9  Feb.  1849. 
Father  of  John  W.  1840. 

Robert  Anstice.  Son  of  Josiah  Anstice,  Esq.,  aged  17.  Born 
at  Stockland,  Dorsetshire.  Admitted  <£.  17  May,  1817. 
B.A.  24  Nov.  1820.  Name  removed  10  June,  1821. 

Zachary  James  Ed-wards.  Son  of  Charles  Edwards,  Esq. 
Born  at  Chard,  in  Somersetshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  <{£. 
13  June,  1817.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1817.  Admitted 
25  Oct.  1817.  Elected  ^J.J^.  30  June,  1826.  Vacated 
JF.  by  marriage  16  April,  1833.  Name  replaced  on  list 

of  or. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1819  to  1822.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1820,  1821.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner 
1821.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math. 
Easter  Term  1821.  B.A.  4  Dec.  1821.  M.A.  7  July, 
1827.  Elected  Catechist  1830  and  1831;  Sub-Dean 
1832  (but  always  had  a  deputy).  dT.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1841. 

Rector  of  Combe  Pyne.  Devon,  1842  to  1869.    Rector  of  Mister- 
ton,  Somerset  1869.     Author  of  Ferns  of  the  Axe. 
His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Hall — Gules,  a  chevron 
engrailed  between  3  lion's  heads  erased  Argent. 
Father  of  Zachary  E.  1857. 

James  Harwood  Harrison.     Son  of  llev.  Henry  Harrison. 
Born    at   Brockall,   Northants,    aged    17.     Admitted   CT. 
18  June,  1817.     Name  removed  2  Oct.  1818. 
Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term  1822.     B.A.  (Merton) 
8  Feb.  1823.     M.A.  26  Oct.  1826. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  of  Bugbrook,  Northants. 

William  Harding.  Son  of  William  Harding,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Margaret,  Westminster,  aged  17. 

1817.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  277 

Admitted  <£.  20  June,  1817.     Elected  £.  30  June,  1818. 
Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1827. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1817.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1818  to  1822.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term 
1821.  B.A.  28  Jan.  1822.  M.A.  7  July,  1827.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1829;  Humanity  Lecturer  15  April,  1830; 
Bursar  16  June,  1831,  also  1831,  1832,  1833;  Deputy 
Catechist  1831  to  1836;  Deputy  Moderator  of  Philo- 
sophy 1835,  1836.  Master  of  the  Schools  1832-1833. 
Proctor  1834.  Presented  to  Vicarage  of  Hockleigh 
3  May,  1837.  He  died  20  Oct.  1845,  till  which  time 
his  name  remained  on  the  College  Books. 

There  is  an  Altar  Tomb  for  him  and  his  wife  in  the  churchyard 

at  Hockleigh.    His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel 

— Azure  :  3  boar's  heads  couped  Argent.     Donor  of  Plate  to  the 


Father  of  Edward  H.  1858,  John  H.  1860,  William  H.  1861, 

and  George  T.  H.  1862. 

Richard   Davis.     Son   of    liichard   Davis,   Esq.     Born   at 
Melcombe,   Dorset,   aged    19.     Admitted   (ft.    25   June, 
<£.JE.  restored  1818. 

Gilbert  Gilbert.  Son  of  Philip  Gilbert,  Esq.  Born  in  the 
parish  of  St  Martin  in  the  Fields,  London,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  11  Oct.  1817.  B.A.  15  May,  1822.  M.A. 
11  Feb.  1824.  B.D.  2  June,  1831. 

(H.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1842. 

"Died  atByfield  Rectory,  16  Dec.  1862,  Rev.  G.  G." 

(G.  Mag.) 

Richard  Messiter.  Son  of  the  Eev.  John  Messiter.  Born 
at  Wincanton  in  Somerset,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
22  Oct.  1817.  Name  removed  for  appointment  to  an 
Exhibition  at  Corpus  Christ!  College  27  Aug.  1818. 

B.A.  20  June,  1821.     M.A.  6  June,  1827. 

Incumbent  of  Caundle  Stourton,  Dorset  1830  to  1864.  Rector 
of  Caundle  Marsh,  1828,  of  Caundle  Purse,  1829,  also,  Rector  of 
Bratton  Si  Maur,  Dorset  ;  "died  15  May,  1885."  (F.) 

278  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1817. 

Henry  Rogers.  Son  of  Daniel  Eogers,  Esq.  Born  at 
Lincoln,  aged  19.  Admitted  of  Sidney  College,  Cambridge 
hut  did  not  reside  and  was  not  matriculated.  Admitted 
<!L  28  Oct.  1817.  Name  removed  26  March,  1819. 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1825."     (F.) 

John  Warren  Hayes.  Son  of  Sir  John  Hayes,  Baronet. 
Born  at  St  James's  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
17  Nov.  1817.  B.A.  15  Nov.  1821.  M.A.  17  June, 

Compounded  12  Feb.  1866. 

His  father  was  M.D.  Physician  to  the  Duke  of  Clarence.  He 
was  born  in  Burlington  St.  12  August,  1799,  and  educated  at 
Harrow.  He  succeeded  his  brother  as  Baronet,  1851.  Hector 
of  Arborfield,  Berks,  1839  to  1880. 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Argent, 
a  chevron  Azure  between  3  escutcheons  Gules  charged  with  a 
leopard's  face  Or. 

William  Bond.     Son  of  the  Eev.  William  Bond.     Born  at 

Chiltern,  Wilts,  aged  18.     Admitted  <£.  10  Dec.  1817. 

B.A.  20  June,  1821.  M.A.  17  June,  J824.  Name  re- 
moved 9  July,  1824.  (Jl.Jtt.  account  closed  and  balance 
transferred  to  John  B.,  Midsummer  1825. 

"Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1824 ;  died  Oct.  1846."    (F.) 

Recorder  of  Poole  and  Wareham. 

Brother  of  John  B.  1820,  and  son  of  William  B.  1775. 

John  Charles  James  Hoskyns  Abrahall.     Son  of  the 

Eev.  John  Hoskyns  Abrahall.  Born  at  Compton  Marten, 
Somerset,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.10  Dec.  1817.  Elected 
$>.  30  June,  1819.  B.A.  28  Feb.  1824.  Vacated  his  £. 
by  marriage  1  Jan.  1827.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  <!T. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1819  to  1824.  Goodridge  Ex- 
hibitioner 1822,  1823.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich. 
Term  182:5.  M.A.  27  June,  1830.  OT.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1845. 

Master  of  Bruton  School,  where  on  the  north  side  of  the  New 
Building  is  this  inscription, — 

Sehola1  Brutoniensip 

Quam  unice  dilexit 

[1817-18.  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  279 

Fama3  atque  utilitati  inserviens 

Novum  hocce  ^Edificium 

Suis  impensis  extruxit 

J.  C.  J.  Hoskyns  Abraliall,  A.M. 


Hunc  lapideni 
Pro  Officio  Gubernatores. 

L.  M.  P.  (Phelp  I.  245.) 

Rector  of  Butterleigh,  Devon,  1864  ;  "  died  26  April,  1876."  (F.) 
His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Quarterly, 
1st  and  4th,  Azure,  3  hedgehogs  Or  :  2nd  and  3rd,  per  pale, 
Azure  and  Gules,  a  chevron  between  3  lions  rampant  Or. 

George  St  John.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Francis  St  John. 
Born  at  Pur  ton,  near  Worcester,  aged  18.  Admitted  <&. 
11  Dec.  1817.  B.A.  30  May,  1822.  M.A.  7  Dec.  1826. 
Name  removed  21  Sept.  1827. 

Born  25  Dec.  1798.     Educated  at  (?)  Westminster.     Rector  of 
Warndon,  Worcester,  1833  ;  died  9  July,  1877. 
Brother  of  Henry  St  J.  1814. 


Thomas  Helling.  Son  of  Thomas  Hetling,  Esq.  Born  at 
Chipping  Sodbury,  Gloucestershire,  aged  17.  Admitted 
<£.  27  Jan.  1818.  B.A.  5  Dec.  1822.  M.A.  27  Jan. 

CLJE.  account  closed  8  Feb.  1858. 

In  Holy  Orders  (Hettling).     Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Herman  Schroder.  Son  of  Herman  Schroder,  Esq.  Born 
at  St  Michael  Royal.  Admitted  <£.  9  March,  1818. 
Dead.  Name  removed  20  Oct.  1825. 

Aged  17  (M.). 

Henry  Addington  Simcoe.  Son  of  John  Greaves  Simcoe, 
Esq.,  a  General  Officer.  Born  at  Plymouth,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OL  13  April.  1818.  KA.  17  Dec,  1821.  M.A 
3  Nov.  1825. 

280  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1818. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term  1821.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1868. 

Incumbent  of    Egloskerry,    Cornwall,    1846  ;  "  died    15  Nov. 

1868."     (F.) 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Azure,  a 

fess  wavy  Ermine,  between  in  chief  2  estoiles  of  12  points,  and 

in  base  a  cannon,  all  Or. 

Father  of  Henry  W.  S.  1841,  Charles  P.  S.  1849,  Philip  F.  S. 

1853,  and  Paul  C.  G.  S.  1854. 

Charles  Harbin.  Son  of  Eev.  Robert  Harbin.  Bom  at 
Yeovil,  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*.  5  May, 
1818  Easter  Term.  Elected  j£.  (as  Founder's  Kin) 
30  June,  1818.  Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1823.  Vacated 
his  JF.  by  marriage  24  May,  1826,  and  name  replaced  on 
list  of  OL  Name  removed  21  Nov.  1829. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1819  to  1822.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1822.  B.A.  25  May,  1822. 
M.A.  16  Nov.  1826. 

Rector  of  Teston,  Kent,  1854  ;  "  died  7  April,  1875."     (F.) 

Thomas  Aubray  Gapper.  Son  of  Eobert  Gapper,  Esq. 
aged  18.  Admitted  (JT.  8  May,  1818.  Name  removed 
26  March,  1820. 

Of  Wincanton,  Somerset  (M.). 

Christoper  Samuel  Flood.  Son  of  Christoper  Flood,  Esq. 
Born  at  Honiton,  Devon,  aged  19.  Admitted  (£.  1  June, 
1818.  B.A.  23  Nov.  1822. 

M.A.  25  May,  1826.    ai.p.  account  closed  Midsummer  1851. 

John  Trollope.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Daniel  Trollope 
(1779).  Born  at  Abbots  liipton,  Huntingdonshire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  OL  24  June,  1818.  B.A.  17  June, 
1824.  Name  removed  Midsummer  1819.  Re-admitted 
4  Dec.  1823.  M.A.  1  June,  1826.  Name  removed 
8  July,  1826. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1818. 

Rector  of  Crowmarsh  Gilford,  Oxon  :  1844.  There  is  a  cross  at 
the  head  of  his  grave  in  the  churchyard  there,  thus  inscribed. 
"  Sub  Cruce  Salus.  In  memory  of  Rev.  John  Trollope,  M.A., 
34  years  Rector  of  this  parish  ;  died  5  Feb.  1878,  aged  77  years. :; 

1818.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  281 

The  arms  of  Trollope  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Hall — Vert, 
within  a  bordure  Argent  3  stags  trippant  of  the  second, 
attired  Or. 

John  Thomas  Godsalve  Crosse.  Son  of  John  Crosse 
Godsalve  Crosse,  Esq.  Born  at  Newcastle  upon  Tyne, 
aged  20.  Admitted  <£.  10  Oct.  1818.  Name  removed 
13  Aug.  1819. 

Buried  at  Rainham,  Essex,  9  Oct.  1846,  aged  48,  where  he  had 
been  20  years  Vicar  ;  he  was  also  Curate  of  Wennington,  from 
1828  to  1834. 

Thomas  Wotton  Barlow.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas 
Wotton  Barlow.  Born  at  South  Minis,  Middlesex,  aged 
18.  Admitted  OT.  10  Oct.  1818.  B.A.  2  May,  1822. 
Name  removed.  Replaced  -  -  1829.  M.A.  2  Oct.  1829. 
Removed  again  16  July,  1830. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1822.     Re-admitted 
20  April,  1842.     Account  closed  26  Oct.  1842. 

Rector  of  Little  Bowdeu,  Northants,  1843. 

Thomas  Jones.  Son  of  Samuel  Jones,  Esq.  Born  at 
Gloucester,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  21  Oct.  1818.  B.A. 
17  April,  1822.  M.A.  2  June,  1827.  Name  removed 
Lady  Day  1831. 

Rector  of  Hempstead,  Glouc.  1826  ;  died  16  April,  1867. 


Richard  Thomas  Wilson  Taylor.  Son  of  Richard 
Taylor,  Esq.  Born  at  Clifton  near  Bristol,  aged  17. 
Admitted  4T.  23  Oct.  1818. 

B.A.  12  Dec.  1822.     OLJE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1832. 
Rector  of  St  Me  wan,  Corn  :  1843. 

Thomas  Hartshorn  Harding.  Son  of  Samuel  Harding, 
Esq.  Born  at  Ashley  near  Stafford,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(jr.  5  Nov.  1818.  B.A.  30  May,  1822.  Name  removed 
1  July,  1826. 

M.A.  13  April,  1825.    Name  replaced  13  June,  1861.    B.D. 
and  D.D.  13  June,  1861.     Compounded  Christmas  1866. 
Rector  of  Ashley,  Staff.  1836  to  1873.     Chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Shrewsbury  and  Tnlbot  ;  "  died  31  May,  1883."     (F.) 

282  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1818-19. 

Frederick  Septimus  Ernly.  Son  of  Samuel  Emly,  Esq. 
Born  at  Salisbury,  aged  15.  Admitted  (ft.  10  Nov.  1818. 
B.A.  5  Dec.  1822.  Name  removed  16  Oct.  1829. 

M.A.  26  Jan.  1826. 

Rector  of   Kirkby  Underwood,  Line.   1843;  "died  4  March, 
1875."     (F.) 

Ambrose  Barber.  Second  Son  of  John  Barber,  Esq.,  aged 
17.  Born  at  Camberwell,  Surrey.  Admitted  (ft.  13  Nov. 
1818.  B.A.  24  April,  1823.  Died  11  April,  1826. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1819.  Newdigate  Prize  (Palmyra) 
1822.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1823. 
M.A.  21  May,  1825. 

Brother  of  John  H.  B.  1817  ;  died  at  College,  aged  25,  and  was 
buried  at  Margate. 


Henry  John  Ellman.  Son  of  John  Ellman,  Esq.  Born 
at  Glynde  near  Lewes,  Sussex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
15  Jan.  1819.  B.C.L.  29  March,  1828. 

(JT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1834. 

Eector  of  Carlton,  Beds,  1829  ;  died  3  Feb.  1862,  aged  62. 

John  Farr.  Son  of  John  Farr.  Born  at  Coventry,  aged  22. 
Admitted  ,-fF.(ft.  20  Jan.  1819.  B.A.  10  Oct.  1822. 
Name  removed  18  April,  1823.  Replaced  28  May,  1827. 
Removed  again  27  May,  1831. 

Robert  Walker.  Son  of  Robert  Walker,  Esq.  Born  at 
Dover,  Kent,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  20  Jan.  1819. 
Appointed  and  admitted  Chaplain  29  May,  1826. 
Vacated  his  Chaplaincy  by  marriage  21  June,  1831. 
Name  replaced  on  list  of  (ft. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1819,  1820.  Somerscales  Exhibi- 
tioner 1820.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  First  Class, 
Math.  Mich.  Term  1822.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1822.  M.A. 
21  April,  1825.  Was  frequently  Examiner  in  Mathe- 
matics between  1826  and  1856  and  in. Natural  Science 

1819.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  233 

between    1853   and    1858.     Professor    of    Experimental 
Philosophy  1839  to  1865.    Select  Preacher  1840  and  1847. 

Vicar  of  Culham,  Oxford,  1848  ;  died  28  Sept.  1865.     Author 

of  Elements  of  Mechanics. 

His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel. — Azure,  a 

griffin  segreant  Argent  in  chief  a  mullet  Or. 

Father  of  Robert  H.  W.  1853. 

Edmund  Currie.  Son  of  Leonard  Currie,  Esq.  Born  at 
Bromley,  Middlesex,  aged  16.  Admitted  (ft.  21  Jan. 
1819.  B.A.  23  Nov.  1822.  M.A.  21  May,  1825. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term  1822.  CLJE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1833. 

Born  18  Feb.  1802.  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1826,  of 
West  Burton,  Sussex,  J.P.  died  s.p.  4  March,  1879. 

Francis  Raleigh  Smith.  Son  of  John  Smith,  Esq.,  aged 
18.  Born  at  Gibraltar.  Admitted  <£.  30  Jan.  1819. 
Name  removed  9  May,  1821. 

Edward  George  Simcox.  Son  of  George  Simcox,  Esq., 
aged  17.  Born  at  Harborne  near  Birmingham,  Stafford- 
shire. Admitted  «L  24  Feb.  1819.  Elected  £>.  30  June, 
1819.  B.A.  6  June,  1822.  Vacated  his  Jfc.  by  marriage 
20  Nov.  1827.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  <£.  Died  at 
Tenby,  Wednesday,  25  Sept.  1 833. 

Gooclriclge  Exhibitioner  1820,  1822,  1823.  Hocly  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1821  to  1822.  Hocly  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1822  to  1825.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1824.  Second 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term 

1822.  M.A.  21  April,  1825. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  died  within  a  month  of  his  wife's  death, 
leaving  one  son  and  one  daughter.  He  was  of  Harborne  and 
J.P.  for  Staffordshire.  (G.  Mag.  103,  II.  .379.) 

Father  of  George  G.  S.  1847. 

Richard  Morris.  Son  of  William  George  Morris,  Esq. 
Born  at  Stratford-on-Avon,  aged  16.  Admitted  <JT. 
12  March,  1819.  Admitted  Clerk  22  Jan.  1820.  Re- 
signed Clerkship  and  name  replaced  on  list  of  <£.  21  Jan. 

1823.  B.A.  9  May,  1823.     Name  removed  30  Jan.  1824. 
Re-admitted  8  Feb.  1828. 

284  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1819. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1820,  1821,  1822. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1820  to  1823.  M.A. 
16  June,  1831.  GI.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1850. 

Vicar  of  Eatington,  Warw  :  1833  ;  died  at  Leamington,  aged  56, 
16  April,  1859. 

William  Oxnam.  Son  of  the  Eev.  William  Oxnam.  Born 
at  St  Paul's  near  Penzance,  Cornwall,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(K.  1  April,  1819.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1819.  B.A. 
21  May,  1823.  Name  replaced  among  {#.  on  resigna- 
tion of  5.  31  July,  1826. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1821  to  1824.  Eirst  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1823.  M.A.  17  May,  1826. 
C.|tt.  account  closed  Midsummer  1837. 

Educated   at  Harrow  :   afterwards  W.    Oxenham.     Master  at 
Harrow  School,  1826  :  In  Holy  Orders  :  died  at  Reigate,  aged 
62,  on  13th  Oct.  1863. 
Brother  of  George  N.  0.  1816. 

John  Olive.  Son  of  Edward  Olive,  Esq.  P>orn  at  Erome, 
Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  3  April,  1819. 
B.A.  30  May,  1822. 

M.A.  16  June,  1825. 

Vicar  of  Hellingly,  Sussex,  1830,  where  there  are  a  stone  in 
the  churchyard,  and  a  stained  glass  window  in  the  church,  each 
with  the  following  inscription,  "  In  memory  of  J.  0.,  M.A. 
Vicar  of  this  parish,  35  years,  who  died  27  February,  1866, 
aged  65  years." 

Christopher  Gerard  Rigby  Collins.     Son  of  the  Eev. 

Christopher  Rigby  Collins.  Born  at  Cowes  in  the  Isle  of 
Wight,  aged  16.  Admitted  Jf.($.  30  April,  1819. 
Name  removed  21  Dec,  1819. 

John  Colborne.  Son  of  the  Kev.  Joseph  Colborne.  Born 
at  Stroud  in  Gloucestershire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (fl*. 
4  May,  1819. 

B.A.  20  May,  1824.  M.A.  12  Juno,  1828.  (H.^l.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1842. 

1819.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  285 

James  Fripp.  Son  of  James  Fripp,  Esq.  Born  at  Bristol 
in  the  parish  of  St  James  and  County  of  Gloucester, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  7  May,  1819.  Name  removed 
19  Dec.  1823. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1822. 

Edward  Field  (properly  Feild).  Son  of  James  Field, 
Esq.  Born  at  Worcester,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£. 
15  June,  1819.  Elected  an  Exhibitioner  of  Queen's 
College  on  the  Michel  foundation  25  Feb.  1820. 

First  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1823.  B.A.  17  May,  1823. 
M.A.  27  April,  1826.  D.D.  (by  degree  of  Convocation,) 
27  April,  1844  Michel  Fellow  1827  to  1833. 

Rector  of  English  and  Welsh  Bicknor,  Glouc.  1833  till  he  was 
consecrated  Bishop  of  Newfoundland,  28  April,  1844  :  in  1868, 
he  was  offered  the  Bishopric  of  Montreal,  but  declined  it.  He 
died  in  Bermuda  (a  part  of  his  diocese)  when  on  the  point  of 
resigning  his  Bishopric  8  June,  1876. 
Author  of  numerous  sermons  and  charges. 

Arthur  Langton.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Langton.  Born  at 
Leicester,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  17  June,  1819.  B.A. 
21  May,  1823.  Name  removed  18  Dec.  1829. 

Name  replaced  8  Dec.  1837.  M.A.  12  Dec.  1837.  Account 
closed  17  Oct.  1838. 

Rector  of  Matlaske  and  of  Plumstead,  Norfolk,  1837;  died  at 
Bournemouth  in  1890,  aged  90. 

Charles  Tucker.  Son  of  Benjamin  Tucker,  Esq.  Born  at 
Chard  in  Somersetshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  <JT.  22  June, 
1819.  B.A.  17  May,  1823.  Name  removed  21  Sept. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1823.  M.A.  8  March, 

Born  3  March,  1803.  Educated  at  BlundelPs  School,  Tiverton. 
Head  Master  of  Guilsborough  Grammar  School.  Xorthants  : 
1829.  Incumbent  of  Charminster  and  Stratton,  Dorset,  Feb. 
1838  to  1872,  when  he  died. 

286  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1819. 

Henry  Bromfield.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas  Eoss  Bromfield. 
Admitted  OL  22  June,  1819.  B.A.  24  April,  1823. 
Name  removed  13  Nov.  1829. 

Of  Napton,  Warwick,  aged  18  (M.).  C.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1829. 

Vicar  of  Blockley,  Wore.  1855  and  Rural  Dean. 

The  following  is  his  Epitaph  on  a  cross,  in  Blockley  church 

yard, — 

The  Reverend  Henry  Bromfield 

for  23  years  Vicar  of  Blockley 
who  died  at  Fladbury 

on  S.  Bartholomew's  Day  1880 

aged  79. 

"  Right  dear  in  the  Sight  of  the  Lord  is  the  death  of  His 

On  a  coping  round  the  grave  are  the  words, — 
"  The  Lord  bless  thee  and  keep  thee,  the  Lord  make  his  face  to 
shine  upon  thee,  and  be  gracious  unto  thee,  the  Lord  lift  up 
His  countenance  upon  thee,  and  give  thee  peace." 
There  is  also   a  Lych-gate  at  the  Entrance  of   the  Church- 
Cemetery  erected  to  his  memory,  by  the  Vicar  and  Church 
Wardens  with  the  following  inscription, — 
"  To  the  Glory  of  God,  and  in  memory  of  the  Reverend  Henry 
Bromfield,  who  was  Vicar  of  Blockley  from  1855  to  1878." 
There  is  also  a  Memorial  Window  in  North-East  corner  of  the 
Chancel     containing     two     figures — Our     Lord     Welcoming 
Nathanael  with  the  words  "  Behold  an  Israelite  indeed"  —  and 
with  an  inscription, — "  To  the  Glory  of  God,  and  in  memory  of 
Henry  and  Mary  Bromfield,  erected  by  some  of  their  friends." 

Matthew  Hughes  George  Buckle.  Son  of  Matthew 
Hughes  Buckle,  Esq. ;  Captain  in  the  Iloyal  Navy,  aged 
10.  Born  at  Greenwich,  Kent.  Admitted  {#.  24  June, 
1819.  Elected  £,.  30  June,  1819.  Vacated  his  Jf.  by 
marriage  25  July,  1834.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  <£. 

Gerard  Exhibitioner  1820  to  1824.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1822  to  1824.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1824. 
Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1824.  B.A. 
25  June,  1824.  M.A.  15  Oct.  1829.  Elected  $J.,-ff. 
30  June,  1829.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1830, 
1831  :  Bursar  1832,  in  which  year  lie  was  also  Deputy 

1819.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  287 

Moderator  of  Philosophy.     Deputy  Librarian  1830,  1831, 
1832.     <£.|E.  account  closed  Christinas  1854. 

Vicar  of  Ealingham  Durham,  1839  ;  died  26  Feb.  1893. 
His  arms   are   in   the  Windows  of    the   Antechapel — Sable, 
a  chevron  between  3  chaplets  Argent. 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Walter  Burton  Leach.  Son  of  Eobert  Leach,  Esq.  Born 
at  Sutton  Montis  near  Sherborne,  Dorset,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted iff.  30  Oct.  1819.  B.A.  21  May,  1823.  M.A. 
25  Oct.  1827.  Name  removed  4  July,  1828. 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1822. 

Born  10  April,  1800.     Educated  at  Sherborne. 

Eector  of  Sutton  Montis,  1824  to  1860.     Vicar  of  Chilthorne 

Dormer,  1846  to  1860  and  Eural  Dean  ;  died  24  Feb.  1860. 

John  Hewlett  Watson.  Son  of  William  Watson,  Esq., 
aged  17.  Born  at  East  Tuderley,  Hants.  Admitted  (JT. 
17  Nov.  1819.  Admitted  Clerk  26  Oct.  1821.  B.A. 
4  June,  1823.  Resigned  clerkship  and  name  replaced  as 
<£.  11  Oct.  1823.  M.A.  12  June,  1828.  Name  removed 
13  Nov.  1828. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1820,  1821,  1822. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1820  to  1823.  Second 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1823. 

Vicar  of  West  Wratting  and  Rector  of  Tyd  St  Giles,  Isle  of 
Ely.     Died  15  March,  1862,  at  Milton  on  Thames. 

Charles  John  Dimsdale.  Son  of  Robert  Dimsdale,  Esq. 
Born  at  Hertford,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Nov.  1819. 
Name  removed  7  March,  1822. 

Succeeded  his  brother  as  5th  Baron  Dimsdale  (in  the  Empire 
of  Russia)  1865  ;  born  12  Feb.  1801  ;  died  26  Nov.  1872. 

James  Thomas  Campbell.  Son  of  General  Colin 
Campbell.  Bom  in  the  parish  of  Mary  le  bone,  London, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (C".  25  Nov.  1819.  Name  removed 
19  Dec.  1822. 

Admitted  Pensioner  of  Queens'  Coll.  Cambridge  14  Oct. 
1824.  B.A.  1827.  M.A.  1832. 

Rector  of  Tilston,  Cheshire,  April,  1829,  resigned  1850. 
Died  s.p. 

288  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1820. 


James  Peter  Rhoades.  Son  of  Thomas  Ehoades,  Esq. 
Born  at  Chichester,  aged  17.  Admitted  (!T.  27  Jan. 
1820.  Elected  £>•  30  June,  1820.  Elected  $J.JF. 
30  June,  1830.  Vacated  his  jf.  by  marriage  1832,  and 
name  replaced  on  list  of  <JL 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1822,  1823.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1822  to  1826.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1823. 
Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1825.  B.A. 
21  May,  1825.  M.A.  29  April,  1829.  OLJE.  account 
closed  6  May,  1854. 

"  Rector  of  Clonmel,  Ireland  :  died  at  Rugby,  6  Nov.  1852.' 


Edward  Ward  Wakeman.    Son  of  Henry  Wakeman,  Esq. 
Born  at  Claines  near  "Worcester,  aged  18.     Admitted  <!T. 
28   Jan.    1820.     B.A.    14   Nov.    1823.     M.A.    21   June, 
C.|E.  account  closed  Christmas  1834. 

Incumbent  of  Claines,  Wore. :  of  Coton  Hall,  Salop ;  died  8  Sept. 
1855.  His  arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Paly 
of  six,  vert  and  Argent,  a  Saltire  engrailed  Ermine. 

Charles  Theomartyr  Crane.  Matriculated  as  of  Mag- 
dalen Hall,  Michaelmas  Term  1798.  M.A.  10  Dec.  1807. 
Admitted  <£.  of  Wadham  20  March,  1820.  B.D.  and 
D.D.  22  March,  1820.  Died  —  Oct.  1829. 

Son  of  Theomartyr  C.  of  St  George's  Bloomsbury, 
Middlesex,  gen.  aged  37.  Matric.  15  Nov.  1798.  B.A. 
1  March,  1803. 

Charles  Turner.  Son  of  Jacob  Turner,  Esq.  Born  at 
Park  Hall  near  Kidderminster,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*. 

20  March,  1820.     B.A.  11  May,  1824.     Name  removed 

21  Sept.  1827. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1823.  M.A.  21  June, 

Educated  at  Rugby  School. 

1820.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  289 

Theophilus  Bennett  Hoskyns  Abrahall.     Son  of  the 

Rev.  John  Hoskyns  Abrahall.  Born  at  Compton  Martin 
near  Axbridge,  Somerset.  Admitted  <JL  22  March,  1820. 
B.A.  28  Feb.  1824. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1820,  1821.  Second  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1823.  M.A.  17  June,  1830. 
C.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1834. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner   Temple)    1830.      Commissioner   in 

Bankruptcy  at  Newcastle. 

Brother  of  John  C.  J.  H.  A.  1817. 

Thomas  Pitman.  Son  of  Thomas  Pitman,  Esq.  Born  in 
St  Pancras,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <!T.  12  April, 
1820.  B.A.  25  May,  1826.  M.A.  6  June  1827. 

(£.!E.  account  closed  Lady  Day,  1833. 

Born  31  Dec.  1801. 

Vicar  of  Eastbourne  1828.      Prebendary  of  Chichestef  1841 

Died  13  May,   1890,  within  a  month  of  completing  the  62nd 

year  of  his  incumbency. 

Father  of  Thomas  P.  1847. 

Edward  Harbin.  Son  of  William  Harbin,  Esq.  Born  at 
Sherborne,  Dorset,  aged  17.  Admitted  (!T.  12  May, 
1820.  B.A.  12  Feb.  1825.  M.A.  14  June,  1827.  Name 
removed  21  Sept.  1827. 

Rector  of  Kingweston,  Som.  1827  ;  died  5  Oct.  1833. 
Father  of  William  H.  (1845). 

James^Scott.  Son  of  James  Scott,  Born  at  Melcombe 
Eegis,  Dorset,  aged  19.  Admitted  4T.  16  May,  1820. 
B.A.  9  June,  1824.  Name  removed  21  Sept.  1827. 

M.A.  14  June,  1827. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  died  16  Oct.   1827,  at  Kingweston,  Somerset, 
aged  26. 

Richard  Vaughan.  Son  of  -  -  Vaughan,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Augustine,  Bristol,  aged  1 6.  Admitted 
jF.(!i.  6  June,  1820.  Name  left  out  28  Sept.  1821. 

Son  of  James  V.  of  "VVraxall,  Somerset,  cler.  (M.). 


290  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1820. 

George  Henry  Woods.  Son  of  Benjamin  Woods,  Esq. 
Born  at  Penton  Grafton,  Wey  Hill,  near  Andover,  Hants, 
aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  22  June,  1820. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1824.  B.A.  17  June, 
1824.  M.A.  15  Feb.  1827.  Compounded  17  March, 

Vicar  of  West  Dean,  with  Singleton,  Sussex,  1831  to  1849. 
Treasurer  of  Chichester  Cathedral,  1870 ;  "  died  10  April, 
1879."  (F.) 

Samuel  Richard  Capel.  Son  of  William  Capel,  Esq. 
Born  at  Stroud  in  Gloucestershire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
Or.  26  June,  1820. 

B.A.  29  June,  1824.  M.A.  7  April,  1827.  C.p.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1832. 

Rector  of  Holy  Trinity,  Wareham,  1841.  On  a  brass  plate  on 
the  Wall  of  King  Edward  the  Martyr's  Chapel,  in  St  Mary's 
Church,  Wareham,  is  the  following  inscription, — 
"  In  memory  of  the  Rev.  S.  R.  C.,  M.A.,  Rector  of  this  Parish 
for  38  years.  Born  17  Feb.  1802,  died  20  Dec.  1879.  His 
remains  are  interred  at  Wool  in  this  County.  He  being  dead 
yet  speaketh." 

Elisha  William  Hood.  Son  of  the  Eev.  William  Eichard 
Hood.  Born  at  Caversharn,  Oxfordshire,  aged  16.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  27  June,  1820. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas 
Term  1825.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1825.  M.A.  15  March,  1827. 
OLJtt.  account  closed  24  June,  1834. 

Vicar  of  Nazeiug,  Essex.  "Vicar  of  Ilston,  Glani.  1865  ;  died 
6  Nov.  1869."  (F.) 

John  Bond.  Son  of  the  liev.  William  Bond.  Born  at 
Tyneham,  Dorset,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  29  June,  1820. 
B.A.  5  June,  1824.  M.A.  31  Jan.  1828.  Name  removed 
14  July,  1828. 

Vicar  of  Weston,  Somerset,  1826  to  1881.     Prebendary  of  Cud- 
worth,    (Wells)    1844    to    1882.     Rural   Dean   of    Keynsham, 
1854  to  1864,  of  Bath,  1864  to  1873. 
Brother  of  William  B.  1817  and  son  of  William  B.  1775. 

1820.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  291 

James  Garsed.  Admitted  <Jt.  8  July,  1820.  Name  re- 
moved 25  Nov.  1825. 

Son  of  James  G.  of  the  County  of  Glamorgan,  arm.  aged 
18  (M.). 

James  Pardo  Matthews.  Son  of  the  liev.  Pardo 
Matthews.  Admitted  <£.  8  July,  1820.  B.A.  4  Feb. 
1826.  M.A.  30  Oct.  1828.  Name  removed  25  Sept, 

Of  Ambrosden,  Oxon  :  aged  17 

Vicar  of  Kirk  Fenton,  Yorks,  1830  to  1869.     Vicar  of  Slier- 
burn,  Yorks  1831  ;  "died  1885."     (F.) 

Francis  Edward  Baker.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Francis  Baker. 
Born  at  Salisbury,  aged  19.  Admitted  OT.  10  Oct.  1820. 
Name  removed  18  Dec.  1822.  Entered  at  Alban  Hall. 

B.A.  9  July,  1824. 

Thomas  Arthur  Mumford.  Son  of  Thomas  Mumford, 
Esq.  Born  at  Plymouth  Dock  in  the  parish  of  Stoke 
Damarell,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  14  Oct.  1820.  Dead. 

(H.J&.  account  closed  4  Nov.  1824. 

Peter  Cotes.  Son  of  Peter  Cotes,  Esq.  Born  at  Tuckton 
near  Beverley,  Yorkshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (JL  20  Oct. 
1820.  Elected  JJj.  30  June,  1822.  Resigned  and  name 
removed  30  June,  1830. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1824.  B.A.  9  June, 
1824.  M.A.  10  May,  1827. 

Rector  of  LitcMeld,  Hants,  1832. 

Richard  Michell.  Son  of  Edward  Michell,  Esq.  Born  at 
Bruton,  Somerset,  aged  15.  Admitted  Ot.  8  Dec.  1820. 
Admitted  Jf.  of  Lincoln  College  4  June,  1830. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1822.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1824.  B.A.  9  June,  1824.  M.A.  10  May, 
1827.  B.D.  21  May,  1836.  D.I).  1868.  Frequently 
examiner  in  Classics  between  1829  and  1841.  Pro- 
fessor of  Logic  1839  to  1849.  Bampton  Lecturer 

292  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1820-21. 

1848.  Public  Orator  1848  to  1877.  Vice  Principal 
of  Magdalen  Hall  1848  to  1868.  Examiner  in 
Law  and  Mod.  Hist.  1853  to  1854.  Principal  of 
Magdalen  Hall  1868,  (afterwards  Hertford  Coll.  1874). 
Died  29  March,  1877. 

Rector  of  South  Moulton,  Berks,  1856. 

His  Arms   are   in   the   Windows   of   the    Antechapel — Gules, 

a  chevron  between  3  swans  Argent. 

Brother  of  R.  D.  M.  1833. 


Joseph  Webb.  Son  of  John  Webl>,  Esq.  Born  at 
Mavesyn-Eidware,  Staffordshire,  aged  21.  Admitted 
<tf.  20  Feb.  1821.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1824.  Name  removed 
23  Dec.  1830. 

Master   of    Ravenstone   Hospital,    1841    to    1852.      Rector  of 
Culworth,  1852  to  1854  ;  "died  28  Jan.   1879."     (F.) 

Philip  Henvill  Rogers.  Son  of  Henry  Hody  Piogers,  aged 
19.  Born  at  Child  Okeford,  Dorsetshire.  Admitted  (JT. 
2  March,  1821.  Name  removed  17  May,  1821. 

Son  of  Henry  H.  R.  1792. 

Thomas  Penruddocke.  Son  of  Thomas  Penruddocke,  Esq. 
Born  at  Manningford  Abbotts,  Wilts,  aged  17.  Admitted 
OL  10  April,  1821.  Name  removed  28  Sept.  1821.  Ee- 
admitted  17  Jan.  1823.  B.A.  1  Dec,  1826.  M.A. 
30  April,  1828.  Eemoved  again  4  July,  1828. 

Vicar  of  Compton  Chamberlain,  Wilts,  1828  ;  "  died  2  Sept. 
1832,  at  his  father's,  Winckton,  Rev.  T.  P.,  eldest  son  of  T.  P." 


Henry  Shum.  Son  of  George  Shimi,  Esq.  Born  at  -  —  , 
Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  6  June,  1821.  B.A. 
9  June,  1825. 

"Of   (lower  St."  (M.).     C.Jtt.    account    closed  Michaelmas 

1821.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  293 

William  Hodgson.  Born  at  Wanstead,  Essex.  Son  of 
Thomas  Hodgson,  Esq.,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  8  June, 
1821.  B.A.  21  April,  1825.  M.A.  28  Feb.  1828. 

Compounded  25  April,  1860. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  16  May  1828.     "  Of  Gilston 
Park,  Essex,  J.  P."     (F.) 

George  Baker.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Baker,  aged  17. 
Born  at  Wollop,  Hampshire.  Admitted  (ft.  13  June, 
1821.  B.A.  5  May,  1825. 

M.A.  7  Feb.  1833.     <£.|E.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1833. 
In  Holy  Orders,  in  Wiltshire;  "  died  11  July,  1881."     (F.) 

Francis  Forster.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Forster,  aged  17. 
Born  at  Newcastle  upon  Tyne.  Admitted  (ft.  25  June, 
1821.  Elected  «,.  30  June,  1821,  as  Founder's  Kin. 
B.A.  13  May,  1826.  Elected  30  June,  1827. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1824,  1825,  1826.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1824  to  1826.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1826.  Wills  Law  Exhibitioner  (as  Jf.) 
1830  to  1851.  M.A.  18  Nov.  1830.  Elected  Librarian 
1830,  1832  to  1835,  1837  to  1847,  but  always  had  a 
Deputy;  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1848,  1849,  1850. 
,-fF.  vacant  1851. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple)  1831. 

William  Charles  Campbell.  Son  of  John  Campbell,  Esq., 
aged  16.  Admitted  (ft.  25  June,  1821,  Founder's  Kin. 
Name  removed  4  July,  1821. 

In  the  Caution  Book,  he  appears  as  Charles  Campbell 
Wyndham.  He  does  not  appear  to  have  matriculated 
under  either  name. 

John  Lewis  Lamotte.  Son  of  James  Lamotte,  Esq.,  aged 
17.  Born  at  Taunton,  Somerset.  Admitted  (ft.  25  June, 
1821.  B.A.  13  May,  1826. 

M.A.  10  June,  1829.    (JLpt.  account  closed  Christmas  1839. 

In  Holy  Orders. 

Brother  of  James  II.  L.  18:24. 

294  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1821. 

George  Henry  Harper.  Son  of  Rev.  George  Harper,  aged 
16.  Born  at  Stepney,  Middlesex,  Founder's  Kin.  Ad- 
mitted OT.  26  June,  1821.  Name  removed  2  Aug.  1821. 

John  Foley.  Son  of  Rev.  John  Foley,  aged  15.  Born  at 
Bell-Broughton,  Worcestershire.  Admitted  <£.  26  June, 
1821.  Elected  £,.  30  June,  1821,  as  Founder's  Kin.  Ad- 
mitted £>•  19  Dec.  1821.  Elected  3|).jF.  30  June,  1826. 
Resigned  Jf.  previous  to  marriage  18  Aug.  1846. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1822  to  1825.  Goodridge  Exhi- 
bitioner 1824.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1825. 
B.A.  3  Nov.  1825.  M.A.  18  Nov.  1830.  Elected  Lib- 
rarian 1828,  1829,  1831,  1836;  Sub-Dean  (vice  Harding) 
1830,  1835,  1837  to  1839;  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1830,  1833,  1834;  Catechist  1832,  1840  to  1845,  but 
always  had  a  Deputy.  Senior  Proctor  1841.  B.D. 
18  May,  1842.  Vicar  of  Wadhurst,  Sussex,  1846. 
Compounded  14  Oct.  1868. 

Born  19  Nov.  1805  ;  died  11  Oct.  1886. 

His  Anns  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Hall — Argent,  within  a 
bordure  a  chevron  between  3  cinquefoils  Sable,  a  crescent  of 
the  second  for  difference.     Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 
Brother  of  Edward  W.  F.  1826. 

George  Do  well.  7th  Son  of  John  Dowell,  aged  17.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Paul,  Bristol,  Gloucestershire.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  25  June,  1821.  Elected  Blount  £>.  of  Trinity, 
3  June,  1822.  Name  removed. 

Scholar  28  June,  1824.    B.A.  13  May,  1826.    M.A.  30  Nov. 

King's  Scholar  at  Eton. 

Vicar  of  Llanigon,  Brecon,  1852  to  1860.     Rector  of  Gladestry, 

Radnor,   1860.       Buried  in  Lyonshall  Churchyard,  with  the 

following  inscription, — 

"  In  loving  memory  of  the  Rev.  G.  D.,  M.A.,  late  Rector  of 

Gladestry  ;  born  18  March,  1804,  died  29  Dec.  1883."     He  was 

a  benefactor  to  the  Parish  of  Gladestry  and  founded  a  charity 

known  as  "  The  Rector's  Gift." 

Charles  Palairet.  Son  of  John  G waiter  Palairet,  Esq., 
aged  17.  Admitted  (tf.  26  June,  1821.  Elected  Michel  £. 
of  Queen's.  Name  removed  31  May,  1822. 

1821.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  295 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1821.  Elected  Michel  Exhibitioner 
(Queen's)  23  May,  1822;  Michel  &•  1824;  Michel 
Fellow  1827  to  1838.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1825.  B.A.  2  June,  1825.  M.A.  14  May,  1828. 

Incumbent  of  Newton-Wargrave,  Winwick,  Lane.,  died  at 
Norton  St  Philip,  3  Aug.  1890,  aged  87. 

Charles  Gregory.  Son  of  Charles  Marshall  Gregory,  a 
captain  in  the  Royal  Navy.  Born  at  Bideford,  Devon, 
aged  18.  Admitted  OT.  5  July,  1821.  B.A.  5  May, 
1825.  Name  removed  20  June,  1828. 

Re-admitted  10  June,  1853.  M.A.  10  June,  1853.  Account 
closed  8  Feb.  1858. 

Vicar  of  Sandford,  Devon,  1836  to  1883  ;  died  1  March,  1883. 
The  living  had  been  held  by  three  successive  incumbents  of  one 
family  for  110  years  :  though  almost  in  his  80th  year,  he  took 
the  early  service  on  the  morning  of  the  day  on  which  he  died. 

William  Smith  Dear.  Son  of  Richard  Dear.  Admitted 
®.  10  Oct.  1821.  B.A.  25  May,  1825. 

Of  Laverstoke,  Hants,  aged  17  (M.).  Third  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Easter  Term  1825.  M.A.  30  Oct.  1828.  OLJE. 
account  closed  Lady  Day  1834. 

Rector  of  Abbourne,  Sussex,  1850,  where  he  is  buried  with  this 
inscription, — 

Sacred  to  the  Memory  of  the  Rev.  W.  S.  D.,  Rector  of  this 
parish  and  formerly  Rector  of  Abdon  in  Shropshire,  who  died 
25  June,  1878,  aged  74.  "  He  sent  His  Son  to  be  the  propitia- 
tion for  our  sins." 

Thomas  Vores.  Son  of  Thomas  Vores,  Esq.  Born  in 
Marylebone,  London,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  11  Dec. 
1821.  Elected  &.  30  June,  1823.  Elected  ^-JF- 
30  June,  1830. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1822,  and  (as  Scholar)  1824,  1826. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1824  to  1828.  Maddox 
Exhibitioner  1825.  Wills  Reading  Prize  1826,  1827. 
First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Michael- 
mas Term  1825.  B.A.  26  June,  1826.  M.A.  23  Oct. 
1828.  Elected  Dean  (vice  J.  P.  Griffith)  1831,  and  on 
till  1833;  Bursar  1834.  Vacated  his  jf.  by  marriage 

296  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1821-22. 

23  Jan.  1835 :  when  his  name  was  replaced  on  the  list 
of  OL     Compounded  1859. 

Born  8  July,  1804.  Educated  at  Northampton  Grammar 
School.  Vicar  of  St  Mary,  in  the  Castle,  Hastings  1841. 
"Died  22  Oct.  1875,"  (F)  and  is  buried  at  Ore  Cemetery.  His 
Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel.- — Azure,  between  3 
crescents  Argent  an  estoile  Or.  Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 
Father  of  Thomas  S.  P.  V.  1853. 

Charles  Stanger  Jerram.  Son  of  Rev.  Charles  Jerram, 
aged  18.  Born  at  Long  Sutton,  Lincolnshire.  Admitted 
01.  15  Dec.  1821.  Died  Sept.  or  Oct.  1824. 

Brother  of  James  J.  1822,  to  whom  his  was  repaid 
29  Oct.  1824. 

William  Curling.  Son  of  Jesse  Curling,  Esq.,  aged  18. 
Born  at  Bermondsey,  Surrey.  Admitted  (#„  15  Dec. 

B.A.  23  Nov.  1826.     M.A.  13  June,  1832.     OT.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1848. 

Principal  of  the  Lambeth  Asylum  for  Female  Orphans,  1829 
to  1870.     Chaplain  of  St  Saviours,  Southwark,   1833;  "died 
6  Jan.  1879."     (F.) 
Author  of  The  Churches  of  England  and  Rome  Contrasted  1840. 

John  Harvey.  Son  of  Rev.  Richard  Harvey,  aged  17. 
Born  at  Upper  Swell,  near  Stow  in  the  Wold,  Gloucester- 
shire. Admitted  <£.  16  Dec,  1821.  Drowned  in  the 
Isis,  18  March,  1824. 

Of  Leatherhead,  Surrey  (M.). 


Powell  Williams.  Son  of  James  Rice  Williams,  Esq. 
Born  at  Lewisham  in  Kent,  aged  18.  Admitted  jF.Cjr. 
14  Jan.  1822.  Name  removed ^7  March,  1822. 

William  George  Lambert.  Son  of  Edmund  Lambert, 
Esq.  Born  at  "  Sloperton  Cottage  "  near  Devizes,  Wilts, 

1822.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  297 

aged  17.  Admitted  <E.  9  Feb.  1822.  Elected  £.  of 
Corpus  Christ!  College  29  Nov.  1829.  Name  removed 
6  Dec.  1822. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1825.  B.A. 
4  Feb.  1826.  M.A.  27  May,  1829.  Jf.  1831. 

"  Died  1866."     (F.) 

James  Jerram.  Son  of  Rev.  Charles  Jerram.  Born  at 
Long  Sutton,  Lincolnshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (j£. 
28  March,  1822.  Name  removed  25  Sept.  1829. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1826.  B.A.  13  May, 
1826.  M.A.  12  March,  1829. 

Rector  of  Fleet,  Camb.  1853  to  1874;  "died  30  Nov.  1881."  (F.) 
Author  of  Memoirs  of  Rev.  Charles  Jerra.m,  1855. 
Brother  Charles  S.  J.  1821. 

Thomas  Barton  Hill.  Son  of  James  Hill,  Esq.  Born  in 
the  Parish  of  St  Clement  Danes,  Strand,  London,  aged 
17.  Admitted  (£.  17  April,  1822. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1826.  B.A.  13  May, 
1826.  M.A.  9  Dec.  1830.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1833. 

Perpetual  Curate  of  St  Stephens,  Islington  ;  died  9  Jan.  1852, 

aged  47. 

Father  of  Thomas  B.  H.,  1846. 

Thomas  Wood  Davison.  Son  of  Thomas  Wood  Davi- 
son,  Esq.  Born  at  Kippax  near  Ferry  Bridge,  Yorkshire, 
aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  23  April,  1822^  N.R— The 
original  name  was  Wood,  but  Thomas  Wood  the  father 
took  that  of  Davison.  Name  removed  25  Sept.  1829. 

B.A.  2  June,  1827. 

William  Wilshere.  Son  of  Thomas  Wilshere,  Esq.  Born 
at  Hitchin,  Herts,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  24  April, 

B.A.  14  June,  1827.     C.|E.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1835. 

"  Died  at  Paris,  10  Nov.  1867,  W.  W.  of  the  Frythe,  Wehvyn, 
Herts  ;  born    1804.     J.P.  for   Beds  and  St  Albans.     D.L.   for 

298  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1822. 

Herts,   and   High   Sheriff,    1858.     M.P.   for  Great  Yarmouth 
1837  to  1847."  (G.  Mag.  138,  I.  112.) 

Henry  Freeman.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Henry  Freeman.  Born 
at  Alwalton,  Hunts,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  24  April, 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1825  to  1826.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1825.  B.A.  26  Jan.  1826. 
M.A.  28  Jan.  1829.  CJE.  account  closed  Lady  Day 

"Died   23  Dec.  1864,  at  Norman  Cross,  Hunts,  aged  59,  Rev. 
H.  F.  Rector  of  Folksworth,  Hunts,  and  Rural  Dean." 

(G.  Mag.) 

John  Maurice  Da  vies.  Son  of  David  Davies,  Esq.  Born 
at  Crygie  near  Aberystwith,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£. 
5  June,  1822.  Name  removed  25  May,  1827.  Re- 
admitted 21  June,  1827,  (really  16  March,  1827).  Name 
removed  again  (really  21  May,  1827). 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  21  Nov.  1851  :  "of  Antaron, 
Cardigan  ;  died  21  Sept.  1880."     (F.) 

John  Entwistle  Scholes  Hutchinson.  Son  of  Benjamin 
Hutchinson,  Esq.  Born  at  Southwell,  Nottinghamshire, 
aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  21  June,  1822. 

B.A.  13  May,  1826.  M.A.  5  July,  1832.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1832. 

Vicar  of  East  Stoke,  Notts,  1835  ;  died  15  April,  1851,  aged  46. 

John  Hoole.  Son  of  Rev.  Samuel  Hoole.  Born  at  Poplar, 
Middlesex,  aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  3  July,  1822. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1826.  B.A.  13  May, 
1826.  M.A.  19  May,  1830.  OLJE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1834 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  "died  1868."     (F.) 

Lewis  Charles  Davies.  Son  of  Col.  Lewis  Davis.  Born 
at  Connemara  in  the  county  of  Gal  way,  Ireland,  aged  19. 
Admitted  OT.  2  Nov.  1822.  Name  removed  G  Nov.  1829. 

B.A.  14  Juno,  1827. 

1822.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  299 

Having  intermarried  with  the  Leirs,  he  became  Rector  of 
Charlton  Musgrove,  Somerset,  1864,  where  he  is  buried  with 
this  inscription,  on  a  marble  cross,— 

"Sacred  to  the  memory  of  L.  C.  D.,  Rector  of  this  Parish,  who 
died  17  Jan.  1876.  He  was  a  son  of  the  late  General  Davies 
C.B.  of  Tan-y-bwlch,  Aberystwith." 

John  Medley.  Son  of  George  Medley,  Esq.  Born  in 
Grosvenor  Place,  Chelsea,  aged  17.  Admitted  <2L  15  Nov. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1823.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1825  to  1826.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1826.  B.A.  2  Nov.  1826.  M.A.  19  May,  1830. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  13  March,  1845.  Compounded  19  March, 

Born  19  Dec.  1804.  Educated  at  Bewdlev,  Hammersmith,  and 
Chobham.  Incumbent  of  St  John's,  Truro,  1831  to  1838. 
Vicar  of  St  Thomas,  Exeter,  1838  to  1845.  Prebendary  of 
Exeter,  1842  to  1845.  Bishop  of  Fredericton.  New  Brunswick, 
4  May,  1845.  Metropolitan  of  Canada  1879.  Died  9  Sept.  1892. 
Author  of  Sermons,  1845.  Translator  of  Homilies  of  St  John 
Chrysostom  on  Corinthians,  1838,  and  of  a  Commentary  on  the 
Boole  of  Job. 

Morgan  Davies.  Son  of  James  Davies.  Born  at  Aberyst- 
with, aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  2  Dec.  1822.  Admitted 
Clerk  20  Jan.  1823.  Eemoved  from  list  of  Clerks  16  Oct. 
1826.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  <#.  Name  removed 
6  March,  1829. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1823  to  1826.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1823  to  1827.  Third  Class,  Litt, 
Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1826.  B.A.  3  Nov.  1826.  M.A. 
21  May,  1834. 

Peter  Hansell.  Son  of  Eev.  Peter  Hansell.  Born  at 
Norwich,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  4  Dec.  1822.  Elected 
£.  of  University  College  1  March,  1824. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1823.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1826.  B.A.  1  June,  1826.  M.A.  29  April, 
1829.  ,-ff.  of  University  College  1829  to  1835,  when  he 

300  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1822. 

was  presented  by  the  College  to  the  Eectory  of  Kingsdon, 
Somerset.     Master  of  the  Schools  1832,  1833. 

Chaplain  at  Caen  1853  to  1871. 

Edward  Simms.  Son  of  Samuel  Simms,  Bookseller,  Bath. 
Born  at  Bath,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  4  Dec,  1822.  Ad- 
mitted Clerk  18  Oct.  1823.  Resigned  clerkship  and 
replaced  on  list  of  (ft.  12  Jan.  1827. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1823  to  1827.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1823  to  1828.  Second  Class, 
Litt  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1826.  B.A.  18  Dec.  1826. 
M.A.  2  July,  1829.  OT.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day 

Vicar  of  Escot,  Devon,  1870  to  1 877. 

Author  of  Holy  Thoughts  and  Prayers.     Devout  Musings  on  the 

Psalms,  &c. 

John  Thomas  Bridges.  Son  of  John  Bridges,  Esq.  Born 
at  St  Nicholas-at-Wade,  in  the  Isle  of  Thanet,  aged  17. 
Admitted  <£.  6  Dec.  1822.  B.A.  21  Oct.  1827. 

(H.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1834. 

Robert  Henry  Goodenough.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Samuel 
Goodenough.  Born  at  Broughton  Pogis,  Oxfordshire, 
aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  10  Dec.  1822.  Name  removed 
28  Oct.  1824. 

Daniel  Wilson.  Son  of  Eev.  Daniel  Wilson.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  St  Peter  in  the  East,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(>r.  17  Dec.  1822. 

B.A.  14  June,  1827.  M.A.  18  June,  1829.  (  account 
closed  Christmas  1857. 

Rector  of   Upper  Worton,  Oxon,  1829  to  1832.     Vicar  of   St 
Mary's,    Islington,    1832.     Rural    Dean    1860.     Prebendary  of 
Chiswick  (St  Paul's)  1872  ;  died  14  July  1886,  aged  80. 
Author  of  numerous  religious  works. 

Father  of  Daniel  F.  W.  1849,  and  Arthur  W.  186."),  and  brother 
of  John  W.  1825. 



George  Lea.  Son  of  John  Lea,  Esq.  Born  at  Kidder- 
minster, aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  30  Jan.  1823. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1826.  B.A. 
1  Dec.  1826.  M.A.  10  June,  1829.  dT.Jtt.  account  closed 
Lady  Day  1835 :  replaced  his  name  and  compounded 
9  May,  1871. 

Incumbent  of  Christ  Church,  Birmingham,  1840  to  1864,  of  St 
George's  Edgbaston,  1864.  Prebendary  of  Tachbrook  (Lichfield) 
1840  to  1864  ;  "  died  10  May,  1883."  (F.) 

Thomas  Littleton  Wheeler.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Allen 
Wheeler,  aged  16.  Born  at  Worcester.  Admitted  t#. 
1  Feb.  1823.  Elected  ,£.  of  Worcester  College  and  name 
removed  12  June,  1823. 

He  did  not  enter  upon  residence  at  Wadham.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1826.  B.A.  31  Jan.  1828. 
M.A.  28  Jan.  1830. 

Born  22  Feb.  1806.  Educated  at  King  Edward's  School, 
Birmingham,  and  Cathedral  School,  Worcester.  Rector  of 
Sedgebemnv  Minor  Canon  of  Worcester,  1833  to  1877.  Pre- 
centor 1854  to  1877.  Rector  of  St  Martin's,  Wore.  1851  to  1872. 

John    Goulter    Dowling.     Son    of    John    Dowling,   Esq. 
Born  at  Gloucester,  aged  17.     Admitted  <£.  13  Feb.  1823. 
B.A.  23  Nov.  1826.     M.A.  12  Nov.  1829.     (JT.|E.  account 
closed  16  Feb.  1841. 

Rector  of  St  Mai  y-de-Crypt,  Gloucester  ;  died  9  Jan.  1841. 
Author  of  Notitia  Scriptorum  SS.  Patrum,  aliorumque  Vderis 
Ecclesiae  Monumentorutn  quae  in  Collectionibus  Anecdotorum  post 
annum  1700  in  lucem  editis  continentur. 

George  Robert  Kensit.  Son  of  Henry  Kensit,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Andrew,  Holborn,  London,  aged 
17.  Admitted  <£.  8  March,  1823. 

B.A.  21  Dec.  1826.  M.A.  10  Dec.  1829.  Xaniu  removed 
16  .Julv,  1830. 

302  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1823. 

King's  Scholar  at  Eton.     Vicar  of  Betch worth,  Surrey,  1835, 

having  been  previously  Curate  for  3  years. 

There  is  a  Tablet  in  Betchworth  Church  thus  inscribed, — 

"In  Memory  of 
George  Robert  Kensit,  A.M. 
of  Wadham  College  Oxon, 
Who  ministered  Faithfully 
for  45  years  as  Vicar  of  this 
Parish,  and  entered  into  his 

Rest,  Dec.  8th  1879." 
"  I  have  finished  my  course 

I  have  kept  the  Faith." 

And  on  his  Grave-stone, — 

"  In  Affectionate  Remembrance 

of  George  Robert  Kensit,  the 

Faithful  Vicar  of  this  Parish 

for  48  years.     Born  March,  27th 

1805.     Entered  into  Rest 

Dec.  8th  1879,  Aged  74  years. 

The  memory  of  the  Just  is  Blessed. 

Now  the  labourer's  task  is  o'er 

Now  the  battle  day  is  Past." 

Francis    Burford    Leonard.     Son    of   the   Eev.    E.    W. 

Leonard      of     Aynho,     Northampton.       Admitted     <ft. 
21  May,  1823. 

Only  son  of  Eichard  L.  of  Brackley,  Northants,  cler.  aged 
16  (M.).  B.A.  2  June,  1827.  M.A.  30  June,  1831. 
(£.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1835. 

Head  Master  of  Aynhoe  Grammar  School,  1831  to  1847. 
Rector  of  Kemeys  Inferior,  1846  ;  Incumbent  of  Llandevaud, 
Monm.  1853  ;  "  died  13  May,  1886."  (F.) 

Charles  Condell.  Son  of  William  Condell,  Esq.,  aged  16. 
Born  at  Greenfield  near  Southall,  Middlesex.  Admitted 
<E.  3  June,  1823.  Name  removed  23  Sept.  1825. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1824. 

John  Nutcombe  Gould.  Son  of  John  Gould,  Esq.,  aged 
17.  Born  at  Tretheage,  Cornwall.  Admitted  (ft.  5  June, 

B.A.  2  June,  1827.     £.|&.  account  closed  10  Dec.  1835. 

1823.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  303 

Assumed  the  additional  name  of  Nutcombe.      Chaplain  R.N. 

Hector  of  Stokeinteignhead,  1847. 

Author  of  Scraps  and  Reminiscences  1868,  &c. 

William  Parker  Perry.  Son  of  William  Perry,  Esq.,  aged 
18.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Bride,  Fleet  Street,  London. 
Admitted  (ft.  17  June,  1823.  Name  removed  30  May, 

B.A.  7  Feb.   1828.     Name   replaced  8  Feb.   1843.     M.A. 
17  Oct.  1844.     Compounded  14  July,  1870. 

Vicar  of  Chiselhampton  with  Stadhampton,  1840.  He  is  buried 
at  Stadhampton,  with  this  inscription,— 

"  In  loving  memory  of  W.  P.  P.,  Vicar  of  Chiselhampton  and 
Stadhampton,  who  died  10  March,  1881,  aged  75  years.  I  look 
for  the  resurrection  of  the  dead." 

Richard  John  Lockwood  Maydwell.  Son  of  the  Rev. 
William  Lockwood  Maydwell.  Born  at  Geddington  in 
Northamptonshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  17  June, 
1823.  B.A.  10  Oct.  1827.  Name  removed  15  Jan.  1830. 

"  Vicar  of  Southwick,  Northants,  1832."     (F.) 

Robert  Moulton  Atkinson.  Son  of  Thomas  Atkinson, 
Esq.  Born  at  Salisbury,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 

19  June,  1823.     Name  removed  2  Sept.  1825. 

Of  Fisherton  Anger,  Wilts  (M.).    Subsequently  of  St  John's 
Coll.  Camb.     B.A.  1830.     M.A.  1834. 

Rector  of  Great  Cheverell,  Wilts,  1841. 

George  Dominions  Wyndham.  Son  of  George  Wyndham, 
Esq.,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  22  June,  1823.  Name 
removed  July,  1823. 

Of  Salisbury  (M.). 

Nephew  of  Thomas  W.  (1788)  and  John  H.  W.  (1794)  and 
grandson  of  William  W.  (1758.) 

John  King  Eagles.  Son  of  John  Eagles,  Esq.,  aged  16. 
Born  at  Bristol  (St  Augustine's  Parish).  Admitted  (ft. 

20  June,  1823.     Name  removed  15  Aug.  1823. 

Subsequently  of  Trinity  Coll.  Camb.     B.A.  1831. 

3D4  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1823. 

Vicar  of  Hill  Farrance,  1831. 

About  the  year  1866,  he  wrote  under  the  nom  de  plume  of 
XXX  a  series  of  letters  criticising  the  County  Expenditure, 
and  the  effect  wrought,  was  that  considerable  retrenchment 
and  reform  were  carried  out.  In  recognition  of  his  services  he 
was  presented  with  a  silver  Candelabrum  and  Salver  with  Case, 
value  about  £300  the  Salver  being  engraved  with  the  follow- 
ing inscription, — 

"  This  Salver  with  the  accompanying  Candelabrum,  was  pre- 
sented to  the  Rev.  John  King  Eagles,  author  of  the  letters 
bearing  the  signature  XXX,  by  the  Ratepayers  of  Somerset, 
in  the  Castle  Hall,  Taunton,  on  the  llth  February,  1868,  as  a 
token  of  their  gratitude  for  his  spirited,  able,  and  uncom- 
promising endeavours  to  effect  a  reform  of  the  County  Ex- 
penditure, with  a  view  to  its  establishment  on  a  basis  of  Justice 
and  Economy." 

Early  in  1873,  he  changed  his  name  by  Letters  patent  from 
Eagles  to  Warre. 

He  retained  the  vicarage  of  Hill  Farrence,  until  his  death, 
which  took  place  at  Westcombe,  Pitminster,  where  he  is  buried 
with  this  Epitaph, — 

John  Warre 

L  Years  Vicar  of  Hill  Farrence 


Aged  LXXIV  years. 

Edward  Blencowe.  Son  of  Samuel  Blencowe,  Esq.  Born 
at  Marstoii  St  Lawrence,  Northamptonshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  27  Nov.  1823.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1824. 
Elected  Jf.  of  Oriel  College  23  April,  1830.  Name 

Hocly  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1824  to  1830.     Gerard  Exhibi- 
tioner    1825.       Maddox     Exhibitioner     1826.       Wills 
Eeading   Prize    1828.     First    Class,  Litt.    Hum.    Easter 
Term  1828.     Vacated  jf.  by  marriage  29  June,  1836. 
Born  23  Aug.  1805,  educated  at  Charterhouse  ;  died  Curate  of 
Teversall,  Notts,  where  he  was  buried  with  this  inscription, — 
"  Sacred  to  the  Memory  of 
The  Rev.  Edward  Blencowe 

Curate  of  Teversal. 

He  died  May  21st,  1843 

in  his  38th  vear." 

1823-24.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  305 

"  Blessed  are  the  dead  which  die  in  the  Lord,  yea  saith  the 
Spirit,  that  they  may  rest  from  their  labours,  and  their  works 
do  follow  them." 
Brother  of  Charles  B.  1811. 

William  Marriott  Leir.  Son  of  the  Eev.  William  Leir. 
Born  at  Ansford,  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
10  Dec.  1823. 

B.A.  14  Feb.  1828.  M.A.  19  March,  1835.  (JT.Jlfl.  account 
closed  Christmas  1835. 

Eector  of  West  Bagborough,  Somerset,  1855  to  1861.     Rector 
of  Ditcheat,  Somerset,  1861  ;  died  5  May,  1891,  aged  86. 

William  Syms.  Son  of  George  William  Syms,  Esq.  Born 
at  Oxford,  aged  16  (Jan.  1822).  Admitted  (£.15  Dec. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1829.  B.A.  18  June, 
1829.  M.A.  9  June,  1831.  &.p.  account  closed  Christ- 
mas 1836. 

In  Holy  Orders. 


George  Waring.  Son  of  Henry  Waring,  Esq.  Born  at 
Hereford,  aged  17.  Admitted  OL  20  Jan.  1824  Name 
removed  9  July,  1825. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1824  to  1825. 

John  Griffiths.  Son  of  the  Eev.  John  Griffiths  D.D.  (1791). 
Born  at  Rochester,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  3  Feb.  1824. 
Elected  £.  30  June,  1824.  Elected  $J.Jf.  30  June,  1830. 
Admitted  Actual  Jf.  30  July,  1831.  Vacated  Jf.  by 
superannuation  30  June,  1854. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1824  to  1830.  Goodridge  Ex- 
hibitioner 1825  to  1829.  Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1827. 
(£.|E.  replaced  30  June,  1854.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1827.  Elected  Sub-Dean 


306  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1824. 

1831;  Humanity  Lecturer  1832,  1834;  Bursar  1833, 
1835,  1836 ;  Sub- Warden  1837  to  1853,  during  all  which 
time  he  was  also  Deputy  Bursar.  Wills  Divinity  Lecturer 
1848  to  1853.  Honorary  Fellow  1868.  Keeper  of  the 
Archives  1857.  Delegate  of  the  Press ;  Curator  of  the 
University  Chest.  Elected  5151.  of  Wadham  4  Nov. 
1871.  Resigned  515U.  20  Sept.  1881. 

He  died  on  14  August,  1885,  having  on  the  3rd  of  August  pre- 
vious executed  a  Deed  of  Gift  to  the  College,  whereby  he 
bestowed  upon  it,  "  The  Drawings,  Prints,  Medals,  Books  and 
Articles  of  Silver  Plate,  and  Furniture  below  specified, — 
The  Seven  Drawings  of  Raifaele's  Cartoons.  My  set  of 
Dorigriy's  Engravings  of  the  same.  My  Cabinet  of  Drawings, 
Prints,  and  Medals  relating  to  Wadham  College.  My  Collec- 
tion of  Oxford  Almanacks.  My  Collection  of  Early  Editions 
of  the  Homilies.  The  Portrait  of  my  Father.  The  Portrait 
of  myself,  by  Watts.  The  Silver  Candelabrum  presented  to 
me  in  1854.  My  two  smaller  Silver  Candelabra.  The  Chest 
of  Plate  presented  to  my  Father  by  his  pupils.  A  Marble 
Table  and  set  of  Shelves  for  China." 

The  Arms  of  Griffiths  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — 
Argent,  3  cocks  Gules. 

William  Maundy  Harvey.  Son  of  William  Maundy 
Harvey,  Esq.  (Lieut.-Col.  in  the  British,  and  General  in 
the  Portuguese  Service).  Born  at  Little  Clacton,  Essex, 
aged  17.  Admitted  (!T.  4  Feb.  1824.  B.A.  6  Dec.  1827. 
M.A.  5  May,  1831. 

(IT.Jtt.  account  closed  Midsummer  1832. 

Rector    of  Little  Mongeham,    and   Incumbent    of    Siitton-by- 
Dover,  1835  ;  died  4  March,  1868,  aged  61. 

Robert  John  Gould.  B.A.  Son  of  John  Gould,  Esq.  Born 
Tretheage  in  Cornwall,  entered  at  St  Alban  Hall,  1824. 
B.A.  21'  Jan.  1828.  Admitted  OL  of  Wadham  4  Feb. 
1828.  M.A.  15  May,  1833. 

P.  Alban  Hall,  4  May,   1824,  aged    21.     OT.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1835. 

Incumbent  of  Trull,  Somerset,  1857  to  1858.     Rector  of  Strat- 
Ik'ld  Mortimer,  Berks,  1860  ;  "died  28  April,  1880."     (F.) 
Brother  of  John  Xutcombe  G.  1823. 

1824.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  307 

John  Charles  Davenport.  Son  of  Thomas  Eeginald 
Davenport,  Esq.  Born  at  Market  Harborough,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (£.  9  Feb.  1824. 

B.A.    8    May,    1828.    account    closed    Midsummer 

Rector  of  Skeffington,  Leic.  1836. 

James  Henry  Lamotte.  Son  of  James  Lamotte,  Esq., 
aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  27  March,  1824.  Drowned 
about  18  Jan.  1828.  Name  removed  25  Jan.  1828. 

Of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  (M.). 

Brother  of  John  Lewis  L.  1821,  who  received  the  balance  of 
his  £.  JTJU. 

William  Hill.  Son  of  Charles  Eitzmaurice  Hill,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  Isle  of  Wight.  Admitted  <£.  8  April,  1824. 
Elected  g>.  as  Founder's  Kin  30  June,  1824.  Elected 
$}.JF.  30  June,  1830. 

Of  Newport,  aged  16  (M.).  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1825  to  1828.  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1826,  1827.  Second 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Mich.  Term  1827.  B.A.  6  Dec.  1827. 
He  traced  his  Founder's  Kin  through  the  Popham 
family,  going  back  to  the  time  of  Henry  III. 

"  Admitted  to  Lincoln's  Inn,  1830."     (F.) 
He  died  before  30  June,  1831. 

Henry  Vaughan.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Vaughan, 
aged  18.  Admitted  OL  9  April,  1824.  Elected  £•  of 
Worcester  College  16  June,  1826. 

Of  Michelmarsh,  Hants  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1824,  1825.  B.A.  Feb.  1829. 

"  Died   15  Jan.   1837,  at    Crickhowell,  Brecon,  aged  32,  Rev. 

H.  V.,  late  Minister    of  Park  Chapel,  Chelsea,  and  Vicar  of 


Author  of  a  Volume  of  Sermons,  1833. 

Brother  of  Charles  V.  1827. 

'60S  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1824. 

Richard  Spry.  Son  of  Admiral  Thomas  Spry.  Born  at 
St  Anthony's,  Roseland,  Cornwall,  aged  17.  Admitted 
<K.  13  May,  1824.  B.A.  28  Feb.  1828.  M.A.  5  May, 

GLJtt.  account  closed  21  June,  1833. 

"  Of  the  Inner  Temple,  1828."     (F.) 

Son  of  Thomas  Davy,  (who  assumed  the  name  of  Spry,)  born 


George  Hutchings.  Son  of  John  Hutchings,  Esq.  Born 
at  Bristol,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  31  May,  1824.  Name 
removed  16  March,  1826. 

Born  5  Dec.  1806  ;  died  1840,  s.p.m. 

Thomas  Parry.  Son  of  John  Parry,  Esq.  Born  at 
Aberystwith,  Wales,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  31  May, 

B.A.  13  Nov.  1828.  Name  removed  10  April,  1829.  Ee- 
admitted  22  Oct.  1836.  M.A.  25  May,  1838.  Account 
closed  Lady  Day  1839. 

Vicar  of  Walthamstow,  Essex,  1851;  died  29  Jan.  1892. 

William  Gregory.  Son  of  William  Gregory,  Esq.  Born 
at  Penryn,  Cornwall,  aged  17.  Admitted  <#.  21  June, 
1824.  B.A.  14  May  1828.  Nairn;  removed  3  July,  1829. 

Of  St  Gluvias,  Cornwall  (M.). 

Robey  Eldridge.  Son  of  Kobey  Eldridge,  Esq.  Born  at 
Newport  Isle  of  Wight,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  23  June, 
1824.  B.A.  27  Nov.  1828. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1825,  1826.  Somerscales  Exhibi- 
tioner 1826  to  1829.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term  1828.  M.A.  28  June,  1832.  (H.JE.  account  closed 
Michaelmas  1832. 

Vicar  of  Chipping  Norton,  Oxon.  1841. 

William  Anthony  Glynn.  Admitted  OT.  24  June,  1824. 
Mi-Tutcd  to  Mellon  Colk-v  9  Nov.  1825. 

1824.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  309 

Only  Son  of  Anthony  William  G.  of  Arreton  in  the  Isle  of 
Wight  cler.  aged  17.  B.A.  (Magd.  Hall)  17  Oct.  1833. 
M.A.  (Merton)  26  May,  1847- 

Born  22  May,  1807  ;  of  Fairyhill,  Isle  of  Wight,  and  Bennacott, 
Barton,  Boyton,  Corn.     J.P.  ;  died  29  May,  1866. 

William  Dallas  Bernard.  Son  of  Peter  Bernard,  Esq. 
Born  at  All  Saints,  Southampton,  aged  16.  Admitted  (fl". 
13  Oct.  1824.  B.A.  5  June.  1828.  M.A.  5  May,  1831. 

B.M.  15  June,  1832.  D.M.  26  March,  1836.  OT.jE.  account 
closed  14  May,  1841.  Re-admitted  3  Oct.  1842. 

William  Abbott  Slade.  Son  of  the  Rev.  William  Slade. 
Born  at  Warminster,  Wilts,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
15  Oct.  1824.  Name  removed  14  April,  1826. 

James  Campbell  Crowley.  Son  of  Samuel  Crowley,  Esq., 
aged  19.  Born  at  Torpoint,  Cornwall.  Admitted  (£. 
10  Nov.  1824.  B.A.  28  May,  1828. 

C.Jtt.  account  closed  8  Feb.  1833. 

Rector  of  St  John's,  near  Devonport,  Cornwall,  1844. 

Robert  George  Lewis.  Son  of  John  Lewis,  Esq.,  aged 
17.  Born  in  Spital  Square  in  the  liberty  of  Norton 
Folgate,  London.  Admitted  <£.  16  Nov.  1824.  B.A. 
28  May,  1828. 

"  De  fossa  Shore  "  (M.).  Third  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term 
1828.  M.A.  16  June,  1831.  (jr.Jtt.  account  closed 
Michaelmas  1838. 

Incumbent  of  St  John's,  Blackheath,  1853  ;  "died  8  June,  1875." 

John  Henry  Hogarth.  LL.B.  1819.  Emmanuel  Coll. 
Camb.  incorporated  24  Nov.  1824.  D.C.L.  25  Nov. 

Eldest  Son  of  Henry  Spence  H.  of  liickmansworth,  arm.  (M.). 

"  Died  13  July,  1863,  at  St  Servan,  France,  Rev.  J.  H.  H.  late 
<>f  Ford  PI.,  Stilt'ord,  Essex.     J.P."  ((}.  May.) 

310  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1824-25. 

Thomas  Bush  Saunders.  Son  of  Thomas  Hosier  Saunders, 
Esq.  Born  at  Bradford,  Wilts,  aged  16.  Admitted  (JT. 
24  Nov.  1824  B.A.  28  May,  1828. 

M.A.  13  April,  1831.     Compounded  Midsummer  1864. 

Called   to   the   Bar  (Lincoln's   Inn)   22    Nov.    1831.     J.P.    of 
Bradford-on-Avon,  Wilts. 

Charles  Penny.  Son  of  Thomas  Newton  Penny,  Esq.  Born 
at  Kennington,  Surrey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*.  2  Dec, 
1824.  Name  removed  27  Feb.  1826. 


John  Wilson.  Son  of  the  llev.  Daniel  Wilson,  aged  17. 
Born  at  Oxford.  Admitted  <ff.  24  Jan.  1825.  B.A. 
19  Feb.  1829.  Name  removed  23  April,  1830. 

Died  at  Bagneres  de  Bigorre  in  the  Pyrenees,  27  Aug.  1833. 
Brother  of  Daniel  W.  1822. 

James  Armitstead.  Son  of  John  Arniitstead,  Esq.  Born 
at  Giggleswick,  Yorkshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl". 
1  March,  1825.  B.A.  14  May,  1829. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1829.     M.A.  10  June, 
1831.     e.|E.  account  closed  Christmas  1837. 

Charles  Buckner.  Son  of  Lieut.-Col.  Ui chard  Buckner, 
li. A. :  C.B.  Born  at  Canterbury,  aged  17.  Admitted  (JT. 
9  March,  1825.  B.A.  30  Oct.  1828.  M.A.  2  June, 

B.D.  1  July,  1841.     (JT.|E.  account  closed  Christmas  1853. 

Born   3   April,    1807.     Eector   of   West   Stoke,    Sussex,  1849  ; 
"died  28  May,  1871."     (F.) 

William  Wilcox  Clarke.  Son  of  Charles  Clarke,  Esq. 
Born  at  Hampstead,  Middlesex,  aged  17.  Admitted  (It. 
12  March,  1825.  B.A.  21  May,  1829. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1829.     M.A.  25  May, 
1833.     Compounded  3  June,  I860. 

1825.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  311 

Rector  of  North  Wootton,  Norfolk,  1834.  Rural  Dean  of  Lynn, 
1872.  Hon.  Canon  of  Norwich,  1874;  "died  3  Nov.  1881." 

Henry  Dyke.  Son  of  Thomas  Dyke,  Esq.  Born  at  Alders- 
gate,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  25  March,  1825. 
B.A.  19  Feb.  1829. 

(JT.Jtt.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1842. 

Rector  of  Greatwortli,  Northants,  1848;  "died  4  Oct.  1873" 

George  Fort  Cooper.     Son  of  George  Fort  Cooper,  Esq., 
aged  18.     Born  at  Salisbury.     Admitted  <£.  26  March, 
1825.     B.A.  30  Oct.  1828. 
M.A.  3  Nov.  1831.    C.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1832. 

John  Frederick  Falwasser.  Son  of  John  Frederick 
Falwasser,  Esq.  Born  at  Maidenhead,  Berks,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  15  April,  1825.  Name  removed  6  April, 

Edward  Slack.  Son  of  Thomas  Cartwright  Slack.  Born 
in  London,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  15  April,  1825. 
Name  removed  14  April,  1826. 

Of  Bishopsgate,  London,  gen.  (M.). 

Charles  Winser.  Son  of  Charles  Winser,  Esq.  Admitted 
Or.  18  April,  1825.  B.A.  5  Fell.  1825  (sic  but  ?). 

Apparently  from  Caution  Book  B.A.  1829.  M.A.  23  March, 
1836.  (JLJE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1846. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1838. 
Brother  of  Edward  W.  1839. 

William  Walter  Tireman.  Son  of  William  Walter 
Tireman,  Esq.  Born  at  Chichester,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(ft.  1  June,  1825.  Elected  Demy  of  Magdalen  College 
and  name  removed  27  July,  1827. 

Newdigate  Prize  (Trajan's  Pillar)  1826.  B.A.  17  Dec.  1830. 
M.A.  28  June,  1832.  Jf.  of  Magdalen  1832  to  1841. 
Bursar  1838.  Proctor  1841. 

312  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1825. 

Rector  of  Bowers  Gilford,  Essex,  1841.  Rural  Dean  of  Orsett ; 
died  9  Feb.  1872,  aged  65.  (Bloxam.) 

James  Bent.  Son  of  William  Bent,  Esq.  Born  at  New- 
castle-under-Lyne,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  1  June,  1825. 
Name  removed  23  Dec.  1825. 

William  Yorke  Draper.  Son  of  Joseph  Shepherd  Draper, 
Esq.,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  1  June,  1825.  B.A. 
21  May,  1829. 

Of    Haselbury,    Somerset    (M.).       (JLJE.    account    closed 
Michaelmas  1833. 

Rector  of  Brooke,  Kent,  1833,  of  Hope  Mansell,  Hereford, 
1851.  "  Died  8  Nov.  1865,  at  St  Servan,  France,  Rev.  W.  Y.  D. 
Rector  of  Hope  Mansell,  Hereford,  aged  57."  (G.  Mag.) 

Edward  David  Thomas.  Son  of  David  Thomas,  Esq. 
Born  at  Wellfield  House,  near  Builth,  Brecknockshire, 
aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  1  June,  1825.  B.A.  21  May, 

M.A.  21  May,  1834     CJE.  account  closed  17  Oct.  1838. 

Born  1  March,  1808  ;  of  Wellfield,  Radnor,  J.P.  and  D.L.  High 
Sheriff  of  Radnor,  1843. 

Henry  Delves  Broughton.  Son  of  Rev.  Henry  Delves 
Broughton.  Born  at  Cheadle,  Cheshire,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (JT.  1  June,  1825.  Name  removed  21  Sept. 
1826.  lie-admitted  27  April,  1827.  Admitted  Jf.ttf. 
20  Jan.  1829.  Name  removed  27  Feb.  1829. 

Born  22  June,  1808.  Succeeded  to  the  Baronetcy  of  Broughton, 
Staff,  in  1851.  High  Sheriff  of  Stafford,  1859  and  of  Cheshire, 

Herbert  Johnson.  Son  of  Rev.  Henry  Johnson.  Born 
at  St  Bees,  Cumberland,  aged  14.  Admitted  (£T.  25  June, 
1825.  Elected  £j.  30  June,  1825.  B.A.  10  Dec.  1829. 
Elected  $}.,#.  30  June,  1831.  Died  in  College  5  Dec. 
Hodv  ((.{reek)  Exhibitioner  1cS2(:>  to  1831.  Goodridge 

1825.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  313 

Exhibitioner  1827,  1828,  1829,  1830.  Wills  Law 
Exhibitioner  1827.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term  1829. 

John  Edward  Exeter  Spink.  Son  of  John  Spink,  Esq. 
Born  at  Sibton  near  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  aged  19.  Ad- 
mitted JfM.  30  June,  1825. 

B.A.  17  Dec.  1829.     M.A.  29  Nov.  1832.     <  account 
closed  21  June,  1834. 

Edward  Massie.  Son  of  Eev.  Eichard  Massey,  aged  19. 
Born  at  Chester.  Admitted  OT.  13  Oct.  1825.  B.A. 
2  June,  1830.  M.A.  23  Jan.  1834.  Appointed  and  ad- 
mitted Chaplain  7  May,  1840. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1828  to  1830.  Ireland  Scholar 
1828.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1830. 
Chaplain  till  1845.  (JT.jft.  account  closed  30  June,  1881. 

Educated  at  Shrewsbury.  President  of  the  Union  (M«<r/^>if 
of  the  Uniomachia.)  Died  21  Jan.  1893,  aged  87.  He  is 
said  to  have  been  the  only  Commoner  who  obtained  the 
Ireland  Scholarship  for  more  than  30  years  from  its  Found- 

William  John  Blew.  Son  of  William  Blew,  Esq.,  aged  17. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  James,  Westminster.  Admitted 
Or.  17  Oct.  1825.  B.A.  13  May,  1830. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1826.  M.A.  13  June,  1832.  CT.JE. 
account  closed  Lady  Day  1838. 

Educated  at  Nicholas'  School  in.  the  Rectory  at  Baling  where 
there  were  then  300  boys  :  among  them  Cardinal  Newman. 
Incumbent  of  St  John's  by  Gravesend,  1842  to  1850.     Author 
of  Translation  of  Homer  and  other  Classics  &c. 

George  Bowen  Jordan  Price.  Son  of  Col.  George  Price, 
aged  19.  Born  at  Haverford-West.  Admitted  (ft, 
21  Oct.  1825.  Name  removed  12. Nov.  1825. 

314  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1825. 

William  Galley  Giles.  Son  of  George  Giles,  Esq.,  of 
Enfield,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  29  Oct.  1825.  B.A. 

5  May,  1831. 

(£.J&.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1838. 

Incumbent  of  Ashford  in  Bakewell,  Derb.  1840.  "  Died 
27  Dec.  1854  at  Dungarvan,  Co.  Waterford,  aged  48,  Rev. 
W.  G.  G.,  Vicar,  and  formerly  Vicar  of  Chatsworth,  Derb." 

(G.  Mag.  125,  I.  325.) 

John  Bradley  Dyne.  Son  of  Edward  Dyne,  Esq.,  aged 
16.  Born  at  Bruton,  Somersetshire.  Admitted  (ft. 
I  Nov.  1825.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1827,  as  of  the  county 
of  Somerset.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June,  1832.  Ceased  -to 
be  ,-fF.  27  Dec.  1838,  when  his  name  was  replaced  on 
the  list  of  (JT. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1830,  1831.  Second  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Easter  Term  1830.  B.A.  19  May,  1830.  M.A. 
28  May,  1834.  B.D.  and  D.D.  6  May,  1858.  Elected 
Sub-Dean  1834;  Bursar  1835  and  1836;  Dean  and 
Divinity  Lecturer  30  June,  1837  (vice  Harding)  and 

6  Dec/ 1837;    Master   of   the   Schools    1836    to    1838. 
Compounded  13  March,  1861. 

Born  3  Jan.  1809.     Educated  at  Bruton  School. 
Head  Master  of  Sir  Roger  Cholmeley's  School,  Highgate,  1838 
to  1874.     Prebendary  of  Mapesbury  (St  Paul's)  1868.     Retired 
to  Rogate,  Sussex. 

Edward  IVTeade.  Son  of  William  Meade,  Esq.,  aged  18. 
Born  at  North  Cray,  Kent.  Admitted  <&.  I  Nov.  1825. 
B.A.  10  June,  1829. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1829.  M.A.  15  Nov. 
1832.  CT.p.  account  closed  Midsummer  1853. 

Rector  of  Winktield,  Wilts,  1842.  Prebendary  of  Netherbury 
in  Terra  (Sarum)  1873  ;  died  9  April,  1887,  and  is  buried  at 
Winkfield  with  the  following  inscription, — 

In  Christo. 

In  loving  memory  of  Edward  Meade,  44  years  Rector  of  this 
Parish  and  14  years  Prebendary  of  Sarum  who  entered  into 
rest  Easter  Eve  1887,  aged  79. 

"Remember  them  that  have  spoken  to  you  the  word  of  God 
whose  faith  follow."  Heb.  xiii.  7. 

1826.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  315 


Arthur  Thomas  Collett.     Son  of  Thomas  Collett,  Esq., 
Born  at  Widcomb,  Bath,  aged  16.     Admitted  (ft.  14  Jan. 
Name  removed  (apparently)  Michaelmas  1831. 

Henry  Edward  Knatchbull.  Son  of  Sir  Henry  Knatch- 
bull,  Bart.  Born  at  Mersham  Hatch,  near  Ashford, 
Kent,  aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  14  Jan.  1826.  Elected 
J£.  30  June,  1826,  as  Founder's  Kin.  Resigned  *.  on 
preferment  in  the  church,  and  name  replaced  on  list  of 


B.A.  28  Jan.  1830.  (!L|fc.  account  closed  10  May,  1835. 
Educated  at  Winchester.  Vicar  of  North  Elmham,  Norfolk, 
1833  to  1867.  Rector  of  Campsey  Ash.  Suffolk,  1867  ;  died 
31  Aug.  1876  and  is  buried  at  Stradsett,  Norfolk.  He  set  up  a 
Eeredos  at  Campsey. 

He  traced  his  descent  from  Alice  Wyndharn,  grand-daughter  of 
Sir  Wadham  Wyndham  :  she  married  Sir  Edward  Knatchbull, 
whose  son  Thomas  claimed  Founder's  Kin  in  1720  (see  page  6), 
and  was  great-uncle  of  H.E.K. 

Lewis  Tomlinson.  Son  of  Charles  Tomlinson,  aged  20. 
Born  in  London.  Admitted  (ft.  17  Jan.  1826.  Ad- 
mitted Clerk  16  Oct.  1826.  Resigned  Clerkship  and 
name  replaced  on  list  of  OL  16  Oct.  1829.  B.A.  15  Oct. 

Of  St  Sepulchre's  London,  pleb.  (M.).  Pigo,tt  and  Good- 
ridge  Exhibitioner  1827  to  1829.  Gerard  Exhibitioner 
1828,  1829.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1826  to  1830. 
M.A.  28  June,  1832.  (JT.|E.  account  closed  16  July,  1832. 

\7icar  of  Melplash,  Dorset,  1863;  "died  29  Nov.  1880."  (F.) 
Author  of  Recreations  in  Astronomy  1858. 

Henry  Bostock.  Son  of  John  Bostock.  Born  at  New- 
castle in  Staffordshire,  aged  15.  Admitted  (£.  17  Jan. 
1826.  Admitted  Clerk  13  Jan.  1827.  Resigned  Clerk- 
ship and  name  replaced  on  list  of  (0".  1  Jan.  1830.  B.A. 
19  May,  1830. 

316  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1826. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1826  to  1830.  Warner  Ex- 
hibitioner v  1827.  Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1827  to  1829.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1830.  M.A.  5  July,  1832.  OLJft.  account  closed  11  Oct. 

In  Holy  Orders  :  at  one  time  Master  of  Aylesbury  School. 

William  Hunt.  Son  of  Richard  Hunt,  Esq.  Born  at  St 
Stephen's,  Bristol,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  6  Eeb.  1826. 
B.A.  3  Dec.  1829. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1829.  M.A. 
17  Oct.  1832. 

He  distinguished  himself  by  his  wisdom  and  intrepidity  as 
curate  of  Wednesbury,  Staff,  during  an  outbreak  of  cholera 
1831.  Vicar  of  Holy  Trinity,  Weston-super-mare,  1861  to  1888. 
Prebendary  of  Wells,  1879  ;  died  14  Jan.  1889. 

George  Thomas  Comyns.  Son  of  the  Eev.  George 
Corny ns.  Born  at  Bishop's  Teignton,  Devon,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (£.  18  March,  1826.  B.A.  13  May,  1830. 

(/LJK.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1835. 

Vicar  of  Axmouth,  1858.     Vicar  of  Sidbury,  Devon,  1864. 

John  Osborne  Tancock.  Son  of  John  Tancock,  a  captain 
in  the  Royal  Navy.  Born  in  Guernsey,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (tf.  13  April,  1826.  B.A.  2  June,  1830. 

M.A.  17  Dec.  1840.  D.C.L.  10  July,  1841.  Name  removed 
6  Feb.  1872. 

Incumbent  of  St  John,  Kenwyn,  Corn.  1838  to  1857.  Vicar 
of  Tavistock,  1857  to  1872  ;  "  died  20  Feb,  1874."  (F.) 

Richard  Chandler  Alexander.  Son  of  Eichard  Hayward 
Alexander,  Surgeon.  Born  at  Corsham,  Wilts,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (£.  13  April,  1826.  B.A.  6  May,  1830. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1827.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1830.  B.M.  11  April,  1835.  D.M.  13  May, 
1837.  (£.Jtt.  account  closed  Midsummer  1840. 

Assumed  the  additional  name  of  Prior. 

1826.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  317 

Gerald  Carew.  Son  of  George  Henry  Carew,  Esq.,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  9  May,  1826.  Name  removed  6  July,  1828. 

Fourth  Son  of  H.  C.  of  Shrewsbury,  Salop  (M.).  Migrated 
to  Downing  College,  Cambridge.  B.A.  1831.  M.A. 

Curate  of  Treborough,  Somerset,  1831  to  1842. 

Edward  Gockey.  Son  of  Edward  Cockey,  Esq.  Born  at 
Frome  Selwood,  Somerset,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
1  June,  1826.  Admitted  £.  30  June,  1826.  Elected 
$3.dF.  30  June,  1831.  Resigned  Jf.  (previously  to 
marriage)  6  May,  1846. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1827.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1827  to  1831.  Maddox  Exhibitioner  1828.  Somerscales 
Exhibitioner  1830.  First  Class,  Math,  and  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1830.  B.A.  21  Oct.  1830. 
M.A.  28  May,  1834.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1833, 
1835,  1836  ;  Deputy  Librarian  1833  to  1845 ;  Bursar 
1834,  30  June,  and  6  Dec.  1837  to  1845 ;  Deputy  Sub- 
Dean  1838  to  1845  ;  Public  Examiner  1837,  1838  ;  Select 
Preacher  1843.  Vicar  of  Hockleigh,  Essex,  1846  to 
1870.  Compounded  15  Nov.  1869. 

Rural  Dean  of  Rochford,  1849  to  1860.  Rector  of  Fryerning 
1870,  till  his  death  7  Aug.  1880.  His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows 
of  the  Antechapel — Argent,  a  chevron  between  3  eagle's  heads 
erased  Gules,  on  a  canton  Azure  an  anchor  Or. 

William    Smyth.     Son   of   W.   T.   Smyth,  Esq.     Born  at 
Northampton.     Admitted  (ft.  1  June,  1826.    B.A.  2  Dec. 
Son  of  William  Tyler  S.  aged  18  (M.).    M.A.  25  May,  1836. 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1840  ;  of  Little  Houghton, 
Northants.  High  Sheriff,  1862."  (F.) 

If  (as  Foster  states),  he  died  23  March,  1872,  his  Executors  were 
still  in  the  Caution  Book  in  1883. 

Edward  Walwyn  Foley.  Son  of  Piev.  John  Foley.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  26  June,  1826.  Name  removed  1  July,  1826. 
lie-admitted  8  June,  1827.  Elected  %.  30  June,  1827, 
as  Founder's  Kin.  Elected  ^3.,-fF.  30  June1,  1832. 

318  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1826. 

Of  Holt,  Worcester:  aged  16  (M.).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1827,  1828,  1829,  1830.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1827  to  1832.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1831.  B.A.  13  May,  1831.  M.A.  25  May,  1836. 
Elected  Sub-Dean  1836.  Jf.  vacant  30  June,  1838. 

Born  at  Astley  Rectory,  Worcester,  2  Aug.  1809. 

Incumbent  of  Holy  Trinity,  Tewkesbury,  1836  to  1849.     Vicar 

of   All  Saints,    Derby,    1849   to    1872.     Rector  of   Jevington, 

Sussex,  1872.     Author  of  Sermons. 

Brother  of  John  F.  1821,  and  Father  of  Edward  F.  W.  F.  1870, 

and  son  John  F.,  1792,  whom  see  (page  197),  for  the  Pedigree 

by  which  he  claimed  Founder's  Kin. 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Argent,  a 

fess  engrailed  between  3  cinquefoils  Gules. 

James  Buckingham.  Son  of  Rev.  James  Buckingham. 
Born  at  Burrington  near  Clmmleigh,  Devon,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OL  30  June,  1826. 

B.C.L.  21  April,  1836.  (JT.JE.  account  closed  23  April, 

Rector  of  Doddiscombsleigh,  Devon,  1856,  where  he  is  buried 
with  a  monument  with  this  inscription, — 

In  Loving  Memory  of 
Rev.  James  Buckingham  B.C.L.,  J.P. 
for  50  years  Rector  of  this  Parish. 
He  was  a  faithful  preacher  of  the  Gospel  of  Christ, 
A  True  pastor  and  a  Sincere  Friend. 
Born  March  6th  1808. 
Died  Feb.  5th  1883. 
He  being  dead  yet  speaketh. 
Keep  in  memory  what  I  preached  unto  you. 

James  Waller  Bird.  Son  of  Eev.  Godfrey  Bird,  aged  17. 
Born  at  Little  "Waltham  near  Chelmsford,  Essex.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  15  Dec.  1826.  B.A.  17  Feb.  1831. 

(JT.ftt.  account  closed  19  Jan.  1835. 

Educated  at  Winchester.     Rector  of  Foulsham,  Norfolk  1855  ; 
died  20  Fell.  1876,  and  was  buried  at  Kensal  Green. 

1827.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  319 


Edward  Thrupp.  Son  of  Joseph  Thrupp,  Esq.  Born  at 
Paddington,  Middlesex,  aged  17.  Admtted  (tf.  28  Feb. 
1827.  B.A.  27  Oct.  1830. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1827.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1830.  M.A.  29  Jan.  1834.  CT.JE.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1837. 

Vicar  of  Feltliam,  Middlesex,  1848,  where  there  is  a  monument 
with  the  following  inscription  in  St  Dunstan's  Church. 
Come  unto  me  all  ye  that  labour  and  are  heavy  laden  and  I 
will  give  you  rest.  St  Matt.  xi.  28. 

In  Loving  Memory 


Kev.  Edward  Thrupp  M.A. 

who  entered  into  Rest 

July  30th  1877 

Aged  68  years 

He  was  Vicar  of  Feltham 

For  nearly  30  years. 
Where  I  am,  there  shall  also  my  Servant  be. 

St  John  xii.  26. 

Septimus  Cotes.  Son  of.  Peter  Cotes,  Esq.  Born  at 
Ticton,  Yorkshire.  Admitted  <£.  21  March,  1827.  B.A. 
18  Nov.  1830. 

Aged  17  (M.).  M.A.  3  June,  1834.  C.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1838. 

Rector  of  Newington,  Berks,  1845  ;  died  10  Jan.  1893. 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel, — Quarterly 

1st  and  4th  Ermine  :  2nd  and  3rd  paly  of  six,  Or  and  Gules. 

Henry  Hutton.  Son  of  Lieut-General  Henry  Hutton, 
aged  18.  Born  at  Athlone,  county  of  Westmeath, 
Ireland.  Admitted  (£.  24  March,  1827.  B.A.  4  Nov. 

M.A.  7  Nov.  183:;.     (£.#1.  account   closed  Christmas  1841. 

320  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1827. 

Rector  of  Woburn,  Beds  :  1834.  Rector  of  St  Paul's,  Covent 
Garden  1848  ;  died  23  June,  1863,  aged  54.  Author  of  Lectures 
on  the  English  Liturgy  and  Sermons  &c. 

John  Wise.  Son  of  Ilev.  John  Wise.  Born  at  Leamington, 
Warwickshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  OT.  28  March,  1827. 
B.A.  9  Dec.  1830. 

Of  Lillington,  Warwic.  (M.).  OLJE.  account  closed  10  Feb. 
1836.  Eeplaced  27  Nov.  1850.  M.A.  28  Nov.  1850. 
Account  closed  Lady  Day  1866. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Vicar  of  Lillington,  1833  to  1874  ;  died 
29  June,  1877. 

Charles  Vaughan.  Son  of  Eev.  Charles  Vaughan.  Born 
at  Southampton,  aged  18.  Admitted  (JT.  30  March,  1827. 
B.A.  21  March,  1831. 

(JT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1838. 

Vicar  of  Crickadarn  with  Llandevally,  1842. 
Brother  of  Henry  V.,  1824. 

George  Edward  Gepp.  Son  of  George  Asser  Gepp,  Esq., 
aged  17.  Born  at  Chelmsford,  Essex.  Admitted  (ft. 
30  March,  1827.  Elected  a,.  30  June,  1827.  Elected 
ty.Jf.  30  June,  1833.  Eesigned  previously  to  marriage 
24  Dec.  1833.  Name  replaced  on  list  of  (£. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1832.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1830.  B.A.  25  Nov. 
1830.  M.A.  12  Dec.  1833.  (JT.Jtt.  replaced  on  ceasing 
to  be  Jf. ;  account  closed  Christmas  1868. 

Head  Master  of  Ashbourn  School,  Derb.  1836  to  1872.  Pre- 
sented by  the  College  to  the  Rectory  of  Limington,  Somerset, 
1872  ;  died  29  August,  1881. 

Arthur  Charles  Tarbutt.  Son  of  William  Brackstone 
Tarbutt,  Est[.  Born  at  Wanstead,  Essex,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted OL  28  April,  1827.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1827. 
B.A.  2  June,  1831.  Elected  ^.JF.  30  June,  1833. 

Maddux  Exhibitioner  1830.  M.A.  29  March,  1838. 
Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  30  June,  1837,  and 

1827.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  321 

each  year  subsequently  till  1839;  Sub-Dean  1840  to 
1843 :  but  always  had  a  deputy,  having  obtained  leave  of 
non-residence  18  April,  1838,  "having  a  clerical  appoint- 
ment at  Dover."  Gl.Jtt.  replaced  on  ceasing  to  lie  jf. 
30  May,  1844;  account  closed  Christmas  1850. 

Vicar  of  St  Peter's,  Streatham,  1866  ;  died  22  April,  1890,  in 
his  82nd  year.     His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Ante- 
Author  of  numerous  Sermons. 

Henry  James.  Son  of  John  Thomas  James,  Esq.,  aged  17. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George,  Bloomsbury,  London. 
Admitted  (&.  1  May,  1827.  Name  removed  8  June, 

B.A.  (Worcester)  28  April,  1831.     M.A.  4  Dec,  1834. 

William  Henry  Bloxome  (Bloxsome).  Son  of  Edward 
Bloxome,  Esq.  Born  at  Deirsley,  Gloucestershire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  OT.  12  June,  1827. 

B.A.  2  May,  1832.     M.A.  28  May,  1834. 

Rector  of  Staunton  with  Snowshill,  Glouc.    1838  ;  Rector  of 

Evesbach,  Hereford,  1838  ;  died  14  Feb.  1877. 

Father  of  William  H.  B.,  1855,  and  Edward  J.  B.,  1858. 

William  Richardson.  Son  of  the  Eev.  William  Kichard- 
son.  Born  at  Ackworth,  Yorkshire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
Or.  13  June,  1827. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1832.  B.A.  13  June, 
1832.  CJE.  account  closed  18  Oct.  1834.  Admitted 
$.JF.  of  Magdalen  Coll.  25  July,  1834,  and  Actual  tf. 
26  July,  1835.  M.A.  4  Dec,  1834. 

The  Vice-President's  Register  for  1842,  records  his  proceeding 
to  the  degree  of  B.D.  10  Nov.  1842,  and  (on  the  same  page)  his 
death  23  Nov.  1 842.  The  latter  entry  is  as  follows,— 
Novris  23.  Obiit,  morte  acerbissima  prareptus  Gulielmus 
Richardson,  S.T.B.  Socius  Eboracensis,  necnon  Domus  Christi 
Hospitalis  de  Sherburn  in  agro  Dunelmensi  Capellanus,  dies 
paucos  tantum  jegrotans.  Redeuntis  enim  ab  Oxonia  (ubi 
paululum  commoratus  esset  gradum  S.T.B.  obeundi  causa)  et 
corpus  ut  mentem  invasit  febris,  co  furore  irruens  ut  ad  patris 


322  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1827. 

domum  vix  perveniret  salvus.  Ibi  indies  ingravescebat  morbus 
et  noster,  inter  lacrymas  patris  et  propinquorum,  animani  placi- 
dissime  exspiravit.  Vir,  si  quis  alius,  et  moribus  et  pietate 
insignis,  nee  revera  jure  deflendus,  quippe  qui  vitam  mortalern 
cum  immortali  commutaverit.  Beati  scilicet  qui  in  Domino 
moriuntur.  E.I.  P." 

"Died  23  Nov.  1842,  aged  33,  at  Ferrybridge,  Yorks,  Rev. 
W.  R.,  Chaplain  of  Sherborne  Hospital,  Durham,  and  Fellow  of 
Magdalen  ;  Curate  of  Ewelme."  (G.  Mag.  113,  I.  216.) 

He  has  a  memorial  tablet  on  the  South  Wall  of  the  Ante- 
chapel  at  Magdalen  with  an  inscription  corresponding  to  the 
above  entry  in  the  Vice  President's  Register.  His  arms  are  in 
the  windows  of  the  Antechapel  of  Wadham — Sable,  on  a  chief 
Argent,  three  lion's  heads  erased  Ermines. 

Walter  Apsley  Bathurst.  Son  of  Walter  Batlmrst,  Esq., 
Captain  in  the  lioyal  Navy.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St 
Marylebone,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  14  June, 
1827.  B.A.  5  May,  1831. 

M.A.    G    Feb.    1834     Admitted    Chaplain    7    Dec.    1845. 
Name  withdrawn  7  May,  1855. 

Vicar  of  Ludham,  Norfolk,  1833  to  1855;  "died  5  March, 
1884."  (F.) 

His  arms  arc  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Sable,  two 
bars  Ermine,  beneath  three  crosses  patee  in  chief  Or. 

Edward  Harland.  Son  of  Christopher  Harland,  Esq. 
Born  at  Ashbourne,  Derbyshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (JT. 
1C  June,  1827.  B.A.  28  April,  1831. 

M.A.   25   May,    1836.     (£.JE.    account   closed  Michaelmas 

Vicar  of  Colwich,  1851.  Prebendary  of  Eccleshall,  (Lichfield) 
1873  ;  died  8  June,  1890. 

There  is  a  White    Marble   Cross   over  his   grave  in  Colwich 
Churchyard  with  following  inscription, — 
In  loving  memory 


Edward  Harland 
for  39  years  Vicar  of  this  Parish. 

Born  23  May,  1810. 
Entered  into  rest  8  June,  1890. 

1827.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  323 

And  a  Brass  in  the  Chancel  is  inscribed  as  follows, — 

To  the  Glory  of  God 

and  in  grateful  remembrance  of 

Edward  Harland,  M.A., 

Prebendary  of  Lichfield, 

for  39  years  Vicar  of  Colwich, 

at  rest  June  8,  1890. 

Parishioners  have  placed  this  Tablet  in  the  Church  which  by 
his  care  was  restored,  and  in  which  he  loved  to  preach  Jesus 
Christ  and  Him  Crucified. 

William  James  Heale.  Son  of  William  Heale,  Esq., 
(dec.).  Born  at  Newington  Green,  Middlesex,  aged  17. 
Admitted  <£.  21  June,  1827.  B.A.  13  May,  1831. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1831.  M.A.  20  Nov. 
1834  C.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1846. 

Born  3  March,  1810.  Vicar  of  Wombourn,  Staff.  1849.  Rural 
Dean  of  Trysail,  1872. 

Thomas  Green  Simcox.  Son  of  Thomas  Green  Simcox, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Martin,  Birmingham, 
aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  21  June,  1827.  B.A.  13  May, 

First  Class,  Math,  and  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1831.  M.A.  28  April,  1836.  (JT.JE.  account  closed 
Michaelmas  1851. 

Vicar  of  North  Harborne,  1838  to  1871  ;  died  19  Aug.  1876. 
There  is  this  Tablet  in  the  Church  of  Holy  Trinity,  Smethwick 
(or  North  Harborne), — 

"  This  Brass  is  inscribed  to  the  Memory  of  the  Rev.  Thomas 
Green  Simcox,  M.A.,  Incumbent  of  this  Parish,  from  the  year 
1838,  until  his  resignation  owing  to  ill  health  in  1871.  Born 
in  A.D.  1810,  he  was  ordained  to  the  Curacy  of  Harborne,  in 
1833.  It  was  chiefly  through  his  exertions  and  liberality  that 
this  Church  was  built  in  1838,  also  the  Parsonage  in  1839,  and 
the  Schools  in  1840.  The  Benefice  became  a  Vicarage,  being 
endowed  by  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of  Lichfield,  with  the 
Vicarial  Tithes  of  the  district  in  1842.  When  the  district  of 
West  Smethwick  was  severed  from  this  Parish,  and  the  Church 

324  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1827. 

of  St  Paul  erected  in  1859,  a  Parsonage  House  was  built  for 
that  district  at  Mr  Siincox's  cost.  He  died  at  Winchester 
Aug.  19,  1876,  and  left  by  will  a  sum  of  £100  to  provide  a 
Clock  for  the  Tower  of  this  Church.  The  Clock  was  placed 
in  the  Tower  in  1877." 
Brother  of  John  L.  S.,  1831. 

David  Theodore  Williams.     Son  of  Rev.  David  Williams. 
Born    at    Heytesbury,    Wilts,  aged    16.     Admitted   (ft. 
25  June,  1827.     Elected  J&.  of  Queen's  College  15  Nov. 
B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall)  9  May,  1833. 

Henry  Alworth  Merewether.  Son  of  Henry  Alworth 
Merewether,  Esq.,  Sergeant  at  Law.  Born  at  Combhay, 
Somersetshire,  aged  15.  Admitted  (JL  25  June,  1827. 

Cfft.  account  closed  17  April,  1828.  Migrated  to  Trinity 
Coll.  Camb. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  9  June,  1837.  Eecorder  of 
Devizes,  1842.  Q.C.  and  Bencher,  1853  ;  "died  29  Aug.  1877." 

Henry  Constantine  Brooksbank.  Son  of  Thomas  Con- 
stantine  Brooksbank,  Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of 
Chelsea,  Middlesex.  Admitted  <£.  26  Nov.  1827.  B.A. 
2  June,  1831. 

Aged  17  (M.).  M.A.  7  May,  1834.  Denycr  Theological 
Essay  1837.  "  On  Original  or  Birth  Sin  :  or  the  Necessity 
of  New  Birth  unto  Life."  (K.Jtt.  Jiccount  closed  15  Feb. 

"  Died  5  Dec.  1838,  aged  28,  Rev.  II.  B.  late  Curate  of  Leigh, 
Glouc."  (G.  Mag.  109, 1.  103.) 

Edward  Langton  Ward.  Son  of  Eev.  Edward  Ward. 
Born  at  Ivor,  Bucks,  aged  18.  Admitted  (tf.  30  Nov. 

B.A.  9  June,  1831.  M.A.  7  June,  1834.  account 
closed  22  Nov.  1834. 

1827-28.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  325 

Eector  of  Blend  worth,  Hants,  1834,  where  he  is  buried  with 

this  inscription, — 

"  In  loving  memory  of  the  Eev.  Edward  Langton  Ward,  M.A., 

for  nearly   47  years   Eector  of  this   Parish.       Taken  home 

10th  May,  1881,  aged  71  years." 

"  He  that  goeth  forth  and  weepeth  bearing  precious  seed  shall 

doubtless  come  again  with  rejoicing  bringing  his  sheaves  with 


Father  of  Frederick  W.  0.  W.,  1861. 

Charles  Lewis  Parker.  Son  of  Mr  Joseph  Parker, 
Bookseller.  Born  in  Oxford,  aged  17.  Admitted  <#. 
8  Dec.  1827.  B.A.  25  May,  1835. 

M.A.  26  Feb.  1835.     C.Jtt.  account  closed  3  Feb.  1849. 


Francis  Ballaine.  Son  of  Francis  Ballaine,  Esq.  Born  at 
St  Hilliers,  Jersey,  aged  17.  Admitted  4T.  23  Jan.  1828. 
Dead.  Name  removed  24  March,  1831. 

John  Barrow.  Son  of  John  Barrow,  Esq.  Born  at 
Wedmore  near  Cheddar,  Somerset,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(£.  28  Jan.  1828. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1831.     B.A.  28  Feb. 
1833.  account  closed  Midsummer  1835. 

Andrew  Forster  (Foster).  Son  of  Eev.  Edward  Forster. 
Born  at  Wells,  Somerset,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  30  Jan. 

B.A.  30  May,  1833.     MA.  16  Oct.  1834.     OT.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1841. 

Afterwards  Foster  Melliar  (13  Nov.  1840);  "died  10  May, 
1841."  (F.) 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel, — Argent, 
3  martlets  Gules  beneath  a  chief  dancettee  Azure,  charged  with 
an  annulet  Or  between  2  fleur-de-lys  of  the  field. 

326  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1828. 

William  Strode  Fowler.     Son  of  Eev.  John  Fowler,  aged 
17.     Born  at  Warboys,  Huntingdonshire.     Admitted  <£. 
29  Feb.  1828.    Name  removed  to  enter  at  Trinity  College 
Cambridge  7  May,  1829. 
He  graduated  B.A.  1833.     M.A.  1836. 

Charles  John  Crawford.  Son  of  William  Crawford,  Esq., 
aged  18.  Born  at  Bombay.  Admitted  <JT.  7  March, 

B.A.  14  Jan.  1832.  M.A.  21  May,  1834.  B.D.  25  June, 
1847.  D.D.  1  July,  1847.  (JT.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1844.  Be-admitted  8  June,  1847. 

Rector  of  Woodmansterne,  Surrey,  1844  ;  "  died  3  July,  1871." 


His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Gules,  a  fess 

Ermine  ;  in  chief,  a  crescent  Argent. 

George  Henry  Chandler.  Son  of  George  Chandler,  Esq., 
aged  17.  Born  at  Treeton  near  Eotheram,  Yorkshire. 
Admitted  <£.  24  March,  1828. 

B.A.  30  May,  1833.     CT.JE.  account  closed  19  April,  1834. 
Educated  at  Winchester. 

William  Fox.  Son  of  George  Townsend  Fox,  Esq.  Bom 
at  Westoe,  Durham,  aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  28  April, 

B.A.  23  Feb.  1832.  M.A.  6  June,  1839.  OT.JE.  account 
closed  6  June,  1840. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  29  April,   1842.     "Prime 

Minister  of  New  Zealand  1856,  1861  to  1862,  1869  to  1872,  K.C. 

M.G.  1879."     (F.) 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Ermine,  on 

a  chevron  Azure,  3  fox's  heads  erased  Or. 

Brother  of  Henry  W.  F.,  1836. 

Arthur  Stonehouse.  Son  of  Eev.  Timothy  Stonehouse- 
Vigor,  aged  18.  Born  at  Sunningwell,  Berks.  Admitted 
tf.'O  May,  1828. 

1828.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  327 

B.A.  30  May,  1832.     (JT.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1840. 

Born  1  April,  1810.     Incumbent  of  Stratford  Sub  Castle,  Wilts, 
1838.     Vicar  of  Walford-on-Wye,  Hereford,  1842,  where  in  the 
churchyard  is  a  cross  with  this  inscription, — 
Now,  Lord,  what  is  my  hope  : 
Truly  my  hope  is  even  in  Thee. 

Arthur  Stonhouse. 
41  years  vicar  of  this  parish. 
Died  Oct.  17,  1883  ;  aged  73  years. 
Quam  speciosa  sunt  vestigia  Evangelizantium  pacein. 

Isaiah,  cap.  lii,  v.  7. 

Edward    Archer    Tawney.       Fourth    Son    of    Pilchard 

Tawney,  Esq.  Born  at  Dunchurch,  Warwickshire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  OL  10  May,  1828.  Elected  Demy  of 
Magdalen  College  24  July,  1830. 

Exhibitioner  1828.  Died  at  College  6  Dec.  1832,  and  was 
buried  in  the  Antechapel  (Bloxam  VII.  p.  324).  The 
following  epitaph  was  written  for  him  by  Rev.  G.  Booth 
wrho  nominated  him  to  the  Demyship.  "  M.  S.  Edvardi 
Tawney  in  Coll.  B.  M.  Magdalense  Oxon :  aliquandin  Semi- 
conimunarii  turn  sequo  candidoque  animo,  turn  corpore 
decent!  concinnoque  ornatissimi  adolescentis.  Probabilem 
fecerat  in  litteris  profectum ;  in  perspiciendis  autein 
hominum  moribus  quam  pro  aetate  ac  suo  rerum  usu 
subtilior  cum  esset  judex,  laudem  tamen  sibi  nunquam 
arrogabat,  aliis  tribuebat  libens,  negabat  invitissimus, 
munditiarum  elegans  estimator.  Fuit  in  omni  cultu 
nee  minis  ipse  lautus  neque  parum,  indole,  vultu,  con- 
suetudine  jucundus  et  amabilis.  Vixit  annos  XXIII. 
Kepentina  et  pi\Tcipiti  pulmonum  tabe  intra  menses 
fere  tres  confectus  in  spe  Salutis  Christiana  requievit 
VIII.  id  Decembris  an  :  p :  nut :  Servatorem  nostrum 

Educated  at  St  Paul's  School.     Exhibitioner  1828. 

Thomas  Golding.  Son  of  John  Holding,  Esq.  Born  at 
Wookey  in  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (!T. 
20  May,  1828.  Name  removed  17  July,  1829. 

328  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1828. 

John  Strickland.  Son  of  George  Strickland,  Esq.  Born 
at  Bristol,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  22  May,  1828. 

B.A.  15  March,  1832.  M.A.  25  June,  1835.  €.j&.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1838. 

"  Died  14  Feb.  1855,  aged  45,  Rev.  J.  S.,  Rector  of  Christ  Church 
with  St  Ewin,  Bristol," 

William  Trevelyan  Cox.  Son  of  William  Hody  Cox, 
Esq.  Born  at  Stockland,  Dorset,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(JT.  12  June,  1828. 

John  Rayer  Hogarth.  Son  of  Kev.  John  Henry  Hogarth, 
D.D.  aged  16.  Born  in  the  Parish  of  St  George,  Blooms- 
bury,  London.  Admitted  <£.  24  June,  1828.  Name 
removed  19  June,  1829. 

John  Thomas.  Son  of  Thomas  Thomas,  Esq.  Born  at 
Llandyfeisant,  Caermarthenshire,  aged  17.  Admitted 
41.  24  June,  1828.  Elected  £.  of  Trinity  College  7  June, 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1828,  1829.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1828  to  1830.  Sonierscales  Exhibitioner  1829. 
Craven  Scholar  1829.  Chancellor's  Prize  Latin  Verse 
(Attila)  1832.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term, 
1833.  B.A.  30  May,  1833.  B.C.L.  21  Jan.  1837. 
Vinerian  Scholar  1834.  Tutor  of  Univ.  Coll.  Durham, 
1836  to  1841. 

Vicar  of  All  Hallows,  Barking,  1852.     Canon  of  Canterbury, 
1862  ;  "died  18  July,  1883."     (F.) 

James  Philip  Keigwin.  Son  of  Bev.  James  Jenkin 
Keigwin,  aged  17.  Born  at  Illogan,  Cornwall.  Admitted 
OT.  24  June,  1828.  Elected  |>.  30  June,  1830.  Ad- 
mitted 14  Oct.  1830.  Elected  ^.,-fF.  30  June,  1838  as 
Founder's  Kin.  B.A.  29  Nov.  1832. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1831.  M.A.  7  July,  1838.  He 
claimed  Founder's  Kin  as  being  ninth  in  descent  from 
Florence  Windham  through  the  Giffords ;  born  31  Dec. 
1811 :  son  of  J.  J.  K.,  Rector  of  Wilhiul  by  Mary  Anne 

1828.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  329 

Eichards.     C.Jtt.  replaced  on  ceasing  to  be  JF.  17  Dec. 

1847.     Account  closed  14  Feb.  1852. 

Incumbent  of  St  Andrew's,  Cumbrae  ;  Canon  of  the  Cathedral 
Church  of  the  Isles,  to  which  he  bequeathed  his  library,  and 
where  he  has  a  tombstone  of  grey  granite  with  this  inscrip- 


James  Philip  Keigwin 

M.A.  Oxon. 

of  this  Cathedral  Church 

and  sometime 
Incumbent  of  St  Andrew's. 

Born  at 

Illogan  Rectory  Cornwall 
December  31,  1811. 
Died  in  this  College 

July  19,  1883. 

His  Arms  are   in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Vert,  a 
chevron  Argent  between  3  greyhounds  courant  proper. 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

John  Wills.     Son  of  Eev.  John  Wills,  aged  16.     Born  at 

South  Perrott,  Somerset.     Admitted  <£.  24  June,  1828. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1828.    Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1828   to    1831.      B.A.    15    Nov.    18:52.     C.Jtt.   account 
closed  26  Eeb.  1836. 

Rector  of  South  Perrott,  Dorset  27  June,  1848,  where  there  is 
a  window  to  his  memory  ;  he  died  28  July,  1873.  Probably 
son  of  John  W.,  1801. 

John  Grant  Lawford.  Son  of  William  Eobinson  Lawford, 
Esq.  Born  at  Leighton  Buzzard,  Bedfordshire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  <£.  1  July,  1828. 

B.A.  25  May,  1833.  "  M.A.  14  Jan.  1835.     CJE.  account 
closed  8  June,  1841. 

"Died  23  June,  1847  at  Brussels,  aged  34,  Rev.  J.  G.  L. 
late  of  Aylesbury."  (G.  Mag.) 

William  Marsden.  Son  of  Mr  Eichard  Marsden.  Born 
at  Christ  Church,  Surrey.  Admitted  0?.  11  Oct.  1828. 

330  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1828. 

Aged  18  (M.).  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1833. 
B.A.  25  May,  1833.  M.A.  18  June,  1835.  CT.Jl. 
account  closed  28  March,  1843. 

Rector  of  Everingham,  Yorks,  1839  ;  died  23  Dec.  1841. 

George  Napoleon  Woodd.  Son  of  James  Woodd,  Esq. 
(deceased).  Born  in  London,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£. 
10  Nov.  1828. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1834.  B.A.  8  June, 
1837.  (H.Jtt..  account  closed  Lady  Day  1852. 

Incumbent  of  Waverly,  Sidney,  N.S.W. 

Henry  Freeman  Cheshire.  Son  of  James  Cheshire,  Esq. 
Born  at  Aston  near  Birmingham,  aged  17.  Admitted  (U. 
13  Nov.  1828. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1832.  B.A. 
29  Nov.  1832.  M.A.  30  June,  1843.  Name  removed 
Christmas  1868. 

Vicar  of  Wyke,  Surrey,  1850  to  1877  ;  "  died  3  Jan.  1885."    (F.) 

Thomas  William  Allies.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas  Allies. 
Born  in  the  Parish  of  St  James,  Bristol,  Somersetshire. 
Elected  ft.  30  June,  1828.  Admitted  19  Nov.  1828. 
Elected  ty.Jf.  30  June,  1833.  N.B.  not  admitted  CT. 

Aged  15  (M.).  Hocly  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1833. 
Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1832.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1832.  B.A.  29  Nov.  1832.  M.A. 
3  Feb.  1837.  Denyer  Theological  Essay  1838.  Elected 
Humanity  Lecturer  1838,  1839,  but  had  a  Deputy. 
Vacated  JF.  30  June,  1841.  dT.JE.  account  closed  ? 
Michaelmas  1850. 

Secretary  to  the  Roman  Catholic  Poor  Schools  Committee. 
His  anus  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel—  Azure,  a  lion 
rampant  Argent. 

John  Kent.  Son  of  Rev.  George  Davies  Kent.  Born  at 
Lincoln,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ff.  16  Dec.  1828. 

1828-29.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  331 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1832.  B.A, 
13  June,  1832.  M.A.  25  June,  1835.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  26  April,  1845. 

Rector  of  St  Paul's,  Lincoln,  1835  ;  died  at  Swansea,  26  Oct. 
1844,  aged  33. 


Henry  John  Maddock.  Son  of  Eev.  Henry  John 
Maddock  (deceased).  Born  at  Enderby  in  Leicestershire, 
aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  21  Jan.  1829.  Elected  Jg>.  of 
Worcester  College  and  name  removed  25  June,  1830. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Faster  Term  1833.  B.A.  2  May, 
1833.  M.A.  2  June,  1836.  JF.  of  Worcester  1834  to  1852. 

Rector  of  Boncliurcli,  Isle  of  Wight,  1869. 

Humphrey  John  Hare.  Son  of  Eev.  Humphrey  John 
Hare.  Born  at  Docking  near  Eougham,  Norfolk,  aged 

17.  Admitted  <£.  27  Jan.  1829. 

B.A.  25  May,  1833.  M.A.  12  Nov.  1835.  e.Jtt.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1859. 

"Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1835  :    of  Docking  Hall, 
Norfolk,  J.P."     (F.) 

John  Gibbons  Longueville.  Son  of  Thomas  Longueville, 
Esq.,  aged  18.  Born  at  Oswestry,  Salop.  Admitted  (!T. 
25  March,  1829. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1833.  Somerscales 
Exhibitioner  1833.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Faster  Term 
1833.  B.A.  25  May,  1833.  M.A.  23  March,  1836. 
(JLJE.  account  closed  Christmas  1853. 

Rector  of  Eccleston,  Cheshire,  1854  ;  died  14  July,  1882. 

John  Garrett  Bussell.     Son  of  Eev.  John  Bussell,  aged 

18.  Born     at     Portsmouth,     Hants.       Admitted     <£. 
25  March,  1829. 

332  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1829. 

B.A.    15  Nov.    1832.     (£.J&.    account   closed   Midsummer 

Vicar  of  Newark -upon-Trent,  1835.     Prebendary  of  Carlton 
cum  Thursby  (Lincoln)  1859.     Rural  Dean  of  Newark. 

John  Charles  Knight  Coates.  Son  of  Henry  Coates, 
Esq.,  aged  17.  Born  at  Salisbury.  Admitted  («t. 
25  March,  1829.  Name  removed  24  Dec.  1830. 

John  Elton  Mervin  Prower.     Only  son  of  Rev.  John 

Mervin    Prower,    aged    17.        Born    at    ,    near 

Gloucester.      Admitted    <&.    25    March,    1829.     Name 
removed  31  July,  1829. 

Born  11  Oct.   1811.     Educated  at  Charterhouse.      Of  Purton 
House,  Wilts,  J.P.  and  D.L.     High  Sheriff,  1862.     Major  in 
Royal  Wilts  Militia  ;  died  12  May,  1882. 
Son  of  John  M.  P.,  1802,  and  grandson  of  John  P.,  1766. 

William  Morgan.  Son  of  David  Morgan,  Esq.,  aged  18. 
Born  at  Blaensenny  in  the  parish  of  Devennock,  Brecon. 
Admitted  (£.  25  March,  1829. 

B.A.  15  May,  1833.     (&.j&.  account  closed  5  April,  1834. 

John  Leyborne  Fopham.  Son  of  Lieut.-General  Popham. 
Born  at  Littlecote  near  Hungerford,  aged  18.  Admitted 
Or.  26  March,  1829. 

B.A.  15  Nov.  1832.     M.A.  2  June,  1838.     e.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1840. 

Rector  of  Chilton  Folliatt,  Wilts,  1835.  Rural  Dean  of 
Marlborough,  1839.  Prebendary  of  Yetniinster  Prima  (Sarum) 
1849.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  1854. 
On  the  South  side  of  the  Chancel  at  Chilton,  is  a  lancet 
window  with  the  following  legend,- — "  In  revered  memory  of 
John  Leyborne  Popham,  who  for  the  Glory  of  God  restored 
this  His  House.  He  departed  this  life  24  Sept.  1872,  aged  61 

William  Stone.  Son  of  David  Stone,  aged  23.  Born 
at  Kinsale,  Ireland.  Admitted  OT.  13  May,  1829. 
Appointed  and  admitted  Clerk  16  Jan.  1830. 

1829.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  333 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1832.  Warner 
Exhibitioner  1830.  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1832. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1833.  Second 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Third  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term 
1833.  B.A.  20  June,  1833.  M.A.  13  April,  1836.  CT.Jtt. 
account  closed  13  Oct.  1836. 

"  Vicar  of  St  Paul's,  Haggerstone,  1858  to  1874  and  of  Alfriston, 
Sussex,  from  1874  till  his  death  4  March,  1877."     (F.) 
Author  of  A  Manual  of  Confirmation  and  other  works. 

Eames  Harry  Gibbs.  Son  of  Harry  Leeke  Gibbs,  M.D. 
Born  at  Petersburgh,  aged  19.  Admitted  (R.  13  May,1829. 

dT.Jtt.  account  closed  (apparently)  Michaelmas  1832. 

Percy  Macaulay  Ashworth.  Son  of  Kichard  Ash  worth. 
Born  at  Eccles,  Lancashire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
13  May,  1829. 

Newdigate  Prize  (The  Suttees)  1831.  B.A.  7  Nov.  1833. 
(JT.JU.  account  closed  Midsummer  1834. 

"  Called    to    the   Bar  (Inner   Temple)    18    Nov.    1843  ;  died 
11  Nov.  1844."     (F.) 

Edward  Oliver  Benson.  Son  of  Joseph  Benson,  D.D. 
Born  at  Hounslow,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  13  May, 

B.A.  31  Jan.  1833.     (jr.Jtt.  account  closed  26  June,  1840. 

Edward  Rashleigh.  Son  of  Jonathan  Eashleigh,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Andrew,  Holborn,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  13  May,  1829.  Name  removed  Michaelmas 

Thomas  Harding  Newman.  Son  of  Thomas  Newman, 
Esq.  Born  at  Hornchurch,  Essex,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(ft.  13  May,  1829. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1829.  (JT.|E.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1832.  Migrated  to  Magdalen.  Demy  1832. 
B.A.  17  Oct.  1833.  M.A.  13  April,  1836.  JF.  of 
Magdalen  1847  to  1873.  Bursar  1852.  B.D.  3  Dec. 
1846.  D.D.  25  Nov.  1848. 

334  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1829. 

William  Charles  Sole.  Son  of  William  Sole,  Esq.,  aged 
17.  Born  at  Devonport.  Admitted  Ot.  13  May,  1829. 

B.A.  9  May,  1833.  M.A.  17  Nov.  1842.  (2T.JE.  restored 
21  May,  1833.  Eeplaced  6  June,  1840. 


George  Robinson.  Son  of  Thomas  Robinson,  Esq.  Born 
at  Skiberreen,  Cork,  aged  15.  Admitted  (ft.  13  May, 

Paid  £60  GT.JE.  being  resident  out  of  Great  Britain. 
B.A.  17  June,  1834.  Account  closed  Midsummer  1838. 

Edward  Rogers.  Son  of  Edward  Rogers,  Esq.  Born  at 
Ludlow,  aged  17.  Admitted  JfM.  20  May,  1829. 

C.JE.  account  closed  10  Nov.  1832. 

Richard  George  Stephens  (Stevens).  Son  of  Richard 
John  Samuel  Stevens,  Esq.,  aged  17.  Born  at  Charter- 
house, London.  Admitted  <JT.  23  June,  1829. 

B.A.  30  May,  1833.     Account  closed  Midsummer  1843. 
Called  to  the  Bar  (Gray's  Inn)  20  Nov.  1839. 

John  Phillip  Hugo.  Son  of  Thomas  Hugo,  Esq.,  aged  17. 
Bom  at  Creditor!,  Devon.  Admitted  (£.  23  June,  1829. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1832.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
and  First  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1833.  B.A.  15  May, 
1833.  Math.  (University)  Scholar  1834.  (!LJE.  restored 
1  July,  1834.  JF.  of  Exeter  30  June,  1834.  M.A. 
(Exeter)  13  April,  1837.  Vacated  Jf.  by  marriage 
15  Nov.  1842. 

Vicar  of  Exminster,  Devon,  8  Dec.  1841  ;  died  29  Oct.  1862. 

(Boase,  131.) 

Henry  IDampier  Fhelps.  Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  Prancard 
Phelps,  aged  17.  Born  at  Thame,  Oxfordshire.  Ad- 
mitted Or.  23  June,  1829. 

B.A.  25  May,  1833.  M.A.  28  April,  1836.  €.$&,.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1839. 

"Died  28  Oct.   18G4,  at  Biding,  Kent,  (1850),  aged  52,  Rev. 
II.  D.  I'liiljis,  sic.  Vicar."  (G.  May.  134,  ii.  797.) 

1829.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  335 

James  Blatch  Philip  Hoblyn.  Son  of  Rev.  Richard 
Hoblyn,  aged  17.  Born  at  Colchester.  Admitted  (ST. 
2  July,  1829.  Name  removed  16  April,  1830. 

Charles  Browne  Dalton.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Dalton. 
Born  at  Kelvedon,  Essex.  Admitted  (C*.  2  July,  1829. 
Elected  £.  30  June,  1829. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1830  to  1834  (when  he  was  a 
private  tutor  at  Eton).  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1832, 
1833.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Easter  Term 
1833.  B.A.  25  May,  1833.  M.A.  10  Nov.  1836.  Elected 
|).dF.  30  June,  1834.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1835,  1836;  Bursar  30  June,  1837  and  from  1837  to 
1842.  (JT.JE.  replaced  on  ceasing  to  be  ,-ff.  21  Aug.  1845. 
Select  Preacher  1848. 

Chaplain  of  Lincoln's  Inn,  1837  to  1846.  Examining  Chaplain 
to  the  Bishop  of  London,  1843  to  1846.  Rector  of  Lambeth, 
1846  to  1854.  Rural  Dean  of  Southwark,  1847  to  1854.  In- 
cumbent of  Highgate,  1854  to  1878,  and  Rural  Dean,  1875  to 
1878.  Prebendary  of  Ncasden  (St  Paul's),  1845.  There  is  a 
tablet  in  St  Michael's,  Highgate  with  this  inscription, — 
"  To  the  Glory  of  God  and  in  loving  memory  of  Charles 
Browne  Dalton,  Priest,  Prebendary  of  St  Paul's  Cathedral, 
born  May  22nd,  1810,  died  at  Rochester  Febry.  20,  1893.  Some- 
time Fellow  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  and  Chaplain  of 
Lincoln's  Inn,  for  8  years  Rector  of  Lambeth,  and  from  1854 
to  1878  Vicar  of  this  Parish. 

His  body  lies  near  this  Church,  where  beloved  and  honoured, 
he  faithfully  served  God's  Altar  and  preached  the  Saviour 
Whose  Charity  his  life  proclaimed." 

"  Quis  ergo  nos  separabit  a  caritate  Christi  1 " 
His  Arms   are    in  the  Windows   of    the   Antechapel — Azure, 
crusuly  Argent,  a  lion,  rampant  guardant  of  the  second  beneath  a 
chief  imbattled,    Argent   and    Sable.     Donor   of    Plate   to   the 

Charles  Langford  Guyon.  Son  of  George  Henry  Guyon, 
Esq.,  Captain  in  the  Army,  aged  18.  Born  at  Swaffham, 
Norfolk.  Admitted  OT.  3  July,  1829. 

336  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1829: 

B.A.  30  May,  1833.     M.A.  9  June,  1836.      OT.p.  account 

closed  Midsummer  1838. 

Rector  of  Lamyat,  Somerset,  1841  to  1881  and  Rural  Dean  ; 
died  23  Dec.  1892,  aged  82. 
Father  of  Henry  C.  G.,  1864. 

Richard  Baker.  Son  of  Mr  Richard  Baker,  Surgeon. 
Born  at  Midhurst,  Sussex,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£. 
20  Oct.  1829  and  Clerk  the  same  day.  Name  removed 
28  Jan.  1831. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1830. 

John  Bright.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Bright.  Born  at 
Lydbury,  Shropshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  26  Oct. 


B.A.  23  Jan.  1834.     C.JE.  account  closed  11  April,  183 

Vicar  of  Lydbury  with  Norbury,  Salop,  1837.     "  Died  sudden- 
ly 16  Dec.  1863,  aged  51,  Rev.  J.  B.,  of  Totterton  Hall,  Salop." 

(G.  Mag.  134,  I.  260.) 

Arthur  Henry  Price.  Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  Price.  Born 
at  Kingsbury,  Warwickshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
28  Oct.  1829* 

Fourth  Class  (honorary),  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1833. 
B.A.  6  June,  1833.  M.A.  21  June,  1838.  CJE.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1843. 

Vicar  of  Lugwardine,  Hereford  1862  where  a  Memorial  Window 

to  him  bears  this  inscription, — 

"  To  the  glory  of  God,  in  loving  memory  of  the  Rev.  Arthur 

Henry  Price,  Vicar  of  this  parish  for  22  years.     This  window 

was  erected  by  his  parishioners  and  friends  A.D.  1885." 

The  remainder  of  the  money  collected  for  this  purchased  a 

very  handsome  paten  and  chalice  for  the  church.     He  died 

12th  May,  1884. 

John  Burleigh  James.  Son  of  Rev.  John  James,  aged  18. 
Born  at  Oundle,  Northamptonshire.  Admitted  (JL 
26  Nov.  1829. 

GLtt.  account  closed  without  date. 

1829.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  337 

Hugh  John  Reveley.     Son  of  Hugh  Reveley,  Esq.,  aged 
17.     Born   at   Dolgelly.     Admitted   OL    26  Nov.   1829. 
(£.JE.  account  closed  (apparently)  1830. 

Of  Brynygwyn,  Merioneth,  born  15  March,  1812.     Succeeded 
his  father  1857.     J.P.  and  D.L.  High  Sheriff,  1859. 

Joseph  Bush.  Son  of  Joseph  Bush,  Esq.,  aged  17.  Born 
in  St  James'  Parish,  Bristol.  Admitted  <2L  26  Nov. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1830.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1834.  B.A.  27  Nov.  1834.  &.JE.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1857. 

Vicar  of  Ormskirk  with  Scarisbrick,  Lane.  1853  ;  died  21  May, 

Thomas  Miller  Richards.  Son  of  Samuel  Richards,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Michael,  Bristol,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (C!.  30  Nov.  1829. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term 
1833.  B.A.  14  Nov.  1833.  M.A.  17  Nov.  1842.  €.j&. 
account  closed  Michaelmas  1843. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  "  died  25  Sept.  1869."     (F.) 

Joseph  Walker.  Son  of  Robert  Walker,  Esq.,  aged  16. 
Born  at  Dover.  Admitted  (ft.  15  Dec.  1829.  Elected 
£.  30  June,  1831,  admitted  14  Oct.  Elected  ty.Jf. 
30  June,  1835.  Presented  to  the  living  of  Southrop, 
Gloucestershire,  6  Dec.  1847. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1830,  (and  as  Scholar)  1834. 
Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1832.  Maddox  Exhibitioner 
1833.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas 
Term  1833.  B.A.  28  Nov.  1833.  M.A.  6  July,  1839. 
Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  18  Oct.  (vice  Hynian),  and 
6  Dec.  1841  ;  Bursar  1843,  1844,  1845 ;  Dean  14  April, 
and  6  Dec,  1845,  1846  ;  Divinity  Lecturer  1846,  1847. 
Chaplain  1853  to  1867.  Vicar  of  Southrop,  1847  to  1881. 

Born  13  May.   1813.     Educated  at  K.  E.  S.  Birmingham,  and 
Shrewsbury  ;  "died  25  May,  1887."     (F.) 
His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Azure,  a 
(irifiin  segreant  Ardent.     Donor  of  Plate  to  the  Colloge. 


338  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1830. 


Henry  Master-man  Barlow.  Son  of  Eev.  George  Francis 
Barlow.  Born  at  Sotterly,  Suffolk,  aged  18.  Admitted 
<£.  17  March,  1830. 

B.A.  24  April,  1834.  CJE.  account  closed  Christmas 

Rector  of  Burgh,  Suffolk,  1850  ;  died  20  July,  1876. 

Alexander  Robinson  Gale.  Son  of  Captain  Alexander 
Robinson  Gale.  Born  in  the  East  Indies,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  17  March,  1830. 

Name  removed  18  March,  1835. 

William  Jones.  Son  of  John  Jones,  Esq.  Born  at  Llyn- 
berlan,  aged  18.  Admitted  (JT.  17  March,  1830. 

(£.JE.  account  closed  without  date. 

"  Of  Glandenys  and  Cruglas,  Cardigan,  J.R,  D.L.  High  Sheriff 
1830."  (F.) 

Edward  Spencer  Fhelps.  Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  Spencer 
Phelps.  Born  at  Maperton,  Somerset,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted 0!".  17  March,  1830. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1834.  B.A. 
26  March,  1835.  Name  removed  8  March,  1837. 

Chaplain  R.N.  G  June,  1836.  Served  on  the  coast  of  Spain, 
Portugal,  South  America,  and  China  (invalided).  Ordinary  of 
Portsmouth,  1850  ;  Chaplain  of  Portsmouth  Dockyard,  1851  ; 
retired  1871  ;  Chaplain  at  Bonn,  1871  to  1874. 

Edward  Smith.  Son  of  Henry  Bates  Smith,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Gregory,  London,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(jr.  17  March,  1830. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1833.  B.A.  10  Oct. 
1833.  M.A.  27  Oct.  1836.  OT.p.  account  closed  Lady 
Day  1841. 

1830.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  3-39 

Chaplain  of  Partis  College,  Bath,  1850;  "died  4  Dec.  1882." 


Author  of  The  Church  of  England  before  the  Reformation,  1840. 

Introduction  to  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,  1842. 

Peter  Aubertin.  Son  of  Eev.  Peter  Aubertin.  Born  at 
Chipstead,  Surrey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  26  March, 

B.A.  27  Nov.  1834.  Name  removed  (on  exhaustion  of 
(ir.JE.)  after  1855. 

Rector  of  Chipstead,  Surrey,  (in  succession  to  his  father)  1861 
to  1888;  died  6  Feb.  1891. 

"  Of  an  ancient  Huguenot  family,  which  had  migrated  to 
Switzerland  during  the  troubles,  Mr  Aubertin's  grandfather  re- 
moved to  England  towards  the  close  of  last  century,  and  settled 
at  Banstead,  near  Epsom."  "  An  artist,  a  musician,  with  a 
taste  for  literature,  archaeology,  and  natural  history,  and  a 
delight  in  the  country  and  country  pursuits,  the  deceased 
was  a  quiet  influence  for  good,  and  his  purse  was  always  at  the 
service  of  distressed  parishioners." 

Thomas  Butler.  Son  of  the  Kev.  Thomas  Butler  (deceased). 
Born  at  Bramdean,  Hants,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
19  May,  1830. 

(tf.JE.  restored  Michaelmas  1833.  Demy  of  Magdalen  1832. 
B.A.  30  Oct.  1834  M.A.  10  Nov.  1836.  B.D.  4  Dec. 
1845.  Fellow  1842  to  1856.  Bursar  1846  and  1850. 
Vice  President  1849. 

He  succeeded  Dr  Routh  as  Rector  of  Theale,  Berks,  1855;  died 
18  June,  1887,  and  is  buried  at  Theale. 

William  Jeans.  Son  of  Thomas  Jeans,  Esq.  Born  in 
London,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  19  May,  1830. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1834.  B.A. 
27  Nov.  1834.  Name  removed  3  July,  1837. 

"  Chaplain  at  Palermo  ;  died  at  Naples  28  March,  1842."     (F.) 

John  Tracey.  Son  of  John  Smith  Tracey,  Esq.  (deceased). 
Born  at  Antigua,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  10  June, 

340  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1830. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1833.  B.A. 
21  May,  1834.  M.A.  2  June,  1841.  dLJtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1841. 

Vicar  of  Townstall  with  St  Saviour's,  Dartmouth,  1837  to  1871. 
Rector  of  Lesnewtli,  Cornwall,  1871  to  1873,  where  he  died 
in  October,  1873. 

Edward  Symons.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Symons 
(deceased).  Born  at  Axbridge,  Somersetshire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  OL  17  June,  1830. 

B.A.  12  Nov.  1835.     (JT.Jtt.  account  closed  Christmas  1842. 
Vicar  of  Ringmer,  Sussex,  18G3  to  1891. 

John  Whitley.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Edward  Whitley  (deceased). 
Born  at  Stowey,  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
24  June,  1830. 

(H.JE.  account  closed  Christmas . 

Charles  Wadham  Diggle.  Son  of  Major  Charles  Diggle. 
Born  at  Hythe  in  Kent,  aged  16.  Admitted  (£. 
24  June,  1830.  Name  removed  24  March,  1831.  Re- 
admitted (ft.  Elected  &.  30  June,  1832,  as  Founder's 
Kin.  Admitted  £,.  15  Oct.  1832. 

B.A.  G  June,  1835.  M.A.  11  July,  1840.  e.JE.  account 
closed  7  Dec.  1840. 

"  Died  21  Feb.  1852,  at  his  father's  house,  Cheltenham,  aged  38, 
Rev.  C.  W.  D.,  late  Curate  of  Stokenham,  Devon."  (G.  Mag.) 

Thomas  Brancker.  Son  of  Thomas  Brancker,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Peter,  Liverpool,  aged  17.  Elected 
S).  30  June,  1830.  Admitted  (£.  and  £.  14  Oct.  1830. 
Elected  IJJ.jF.  30  June,  1835.  Presented  to  the  Rectory 
of  Limington,  Somerset,  30  May,  1849.  His  year  of 
grace  expired  —  Oct.  1850,  when  his  name  was  replaced 
on  the  list  of  <JT. 

Ireland  Scholar  1831.  ("  A  Shrewsbury  boy  took  the 
Ireland  .  .  .  he  was  matriculated  but  not  in  residence. 
He  beat  Gladstone  and  Scott." — Pyecroft.)  Ilody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  18:11  to  1835.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 

1830.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  341 

and  Third  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1834.  B.A. 
20  Nov.  1834.  M.A.  1  Dec.  1837.  Elected  Humanity 
Lecturer  30  June,  and  6  Dec.  1837 ;  Deputy  Sub-Dean 
19  Jan.  1837 ;  Deputy  Catechist  1837  and  also  Deputy 
Moderator  of  Philosophy  1838  to  1844;  Dean  and 
Divinity  Lecturer  1838  to  1845.  In  1845  he  was  Hum- 
anity Lecturer,  Catechist  and  Moderator  of  Philosophy. 
Bursar  14  April,  1846,  and  1846  to  1849.  Compounded 
30  July,  1870. 

His  father  was  Sir  T.  B.,  Mayor  of  Liverpool.  He  was  Pre- 
bendary of  Wells ;  and  died  8  Nov.  1871.  Editor  of  Hammond 
on  the  Psalms  1850. 

His  Arms  are   in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel, — Argent, 
six  pellets  palewise  3  and  3,  beneath  a  chief  crenellee  Sable 
charged  with  a  lozenge  Argent. 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Charles    Maul.     Son    of    Charles    Maul,    Esq.     Born    at 
Southampton,    aged    18.     Elected    <£.    30    June,    1830. 
Admitted  OL  and  £,.  14  Oct.  1830.     Died  11  Dec.  1833. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1831   to  1833.     C.JH.  repaid 

26  March,  1834. 

Alfred  Lloyd.  Son  of  Alfred  Lloyd,  Esq.  Born  at 
Alderminster  in  Worcestershire,  aged  17.  Elected  j£. 
30  June,  1830.  Admitted  OT.  and  ft.  14  Oct.  1830.  Ee- 
signed  £>.  17  Oct.  1835,  when  his  name  was  replaced  on 
the  list  of  (ft. 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1831.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1832  to  1835.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1835.  B.A.  18  June,  1835.  Name  removed  Lady 
Day  1838. 

Died  27  Dec.  1837,  at  Cheltenham. 

Orlando  Haydon  Bridgeman  Hyman.  Son  of  Simon 
Hymun,  Esq.,  deceased.  Born  at  Stoke  Damerel,  Devon, 
aged  16.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1830.  Admitted  (ft.  and 
ft.  14  Oct.  1830.  Elected  ty.Jf.  30  June,  1835.  B.A. 

27  Nov.  1834.     M.A.  11  July,  1840. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1831  to  1835.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1831,  1832,  1833.  Ireland  Scholar  1834. 
Maddox  Exhibitioner  18:54.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 

342  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1830. 

Michaelmas  Term  1834.  OLJtt.  restored  30  June,  1834. 
Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1838,  1839,  1840  and  1869  ; 
Deputy  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1839 ;  Bursar  1854  to 
1878  (except  1869);  but  he  appears  to  have  never  acted. 
In  Deacon's  Orders.  Died  Senior  Fellow  9  Dec.  1878. 

"  A  man  of  much  ability  whose  eccentricity  prevented  his 
being  known  as  a  great  Scholar  ;  on  questions  of  Classical 
Scholarship  he  knew  almost  everything  :  his  conversation  on 
this,  or  indeed  on  any  subject,  was  most  clever  and  fascinating." 

Nicholas  Brooking1.  Son  of  Nicholas  Brooking,  Esq. 
deceased.  Born  at  Dartmouth,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 
24  Nov.  1830. 

B.A.  21  May,  1834.  OT.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

Vicar  of  Ipplepen,  Devon,  1843  to  1862  ;  died  14  Nov.  1862, 
aged  51. 

Henry  Horlock  Bastard.  Son  of  Thomas  Horlock 
Bastard,  Esq.,  (1790).  Born  at  Blandford,  Dorset,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <£.  24  Nov.  1830. 

B.A.  3  June,  1834.  M.A.  6  June,  1839.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1855. 

Of  Dowlish  Wake,  Somerset.  Chaplain  of  Edmonton  Union, 
1883  ;  died  22  Sept.  1893,  aged  81. 

Benjamin  JEveleigh  Winthrop.  Son  of  liev.  Edward 
Winthrop,  deceased.  Born  at  West  Mailing,  Kent,  aged 
18.  Admitted  (!T.  24  Nov.  1830. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1831.  First  Class,  Math,  and 
Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1834.  B.A. 
21  May,  1834.  M.A.  21  May,  1840.  Cp.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1843. 

"  Called  to  the  Bar,  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1840  ;  died  March,  1870." 

Thomas  Floud.  Son  of  Henry  Floud,  Esq.  Born  in 
Southwurk,  Surrey,  aged  17.  Admitted  (TT.  24  Nov. 

1830-31.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  343 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1834.  B.A.  17  May, 
1834  M.A.  8  June,  1837.  CJtt.  account  closed 
Michaelmas  1838. 

Rector  of  Overton  with  Tadley,  Hants,  1864  to  1878,  when 

Tadley  was  severed  from  Overton.      Rector  of  Overton  only 


Father  of  Thomas  F.,  1860. 

Peter  Charles  Marshall.  Son  of  the  Eev.  William 
Marshall.  Born  at  Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
24  Nov.  1830. 

B.A.  7  June,  1834.  M.A.  8  June,  1837.  Name  removed 
19  Oct.  1837. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  died  at  Overton,  Hants,  26  May,  1864. 


Robert  James  Shurlock.  Son  of  John  Shurlock,  Esq. 
Born  at  Clifton  near  Bristol,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
9  March,  1831. 

Name  removed  5  May,  1836. 

William  'Wellington  Cooper.  Son  of  Edward  Cooper, 
Esq.  Born  at  Bradford,  Wilts,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
9  March,  1831. 

B.A.  24  Nov.  1834.     Name  removed  19  May,  1836. 
"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple) ;  died  1837."     (F.) 

William  Buckton  Holland.  Son  of  Eev.  William 
Woollams  Holland.  Born  at  Chichester,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  9  March,  1831. 

B.A.  30  Nov.  1834.     M.A.  17  May,  1837.     C.JE.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1845. 

Rector  of  Brasted,  Kent ;  died  9  July,  1864,  aged  50. 

344  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  [1831. 

James  Lewis.  Son  of  Mr  Charles  John  Lewis.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  St  James,  Westminster,  aged  14.  Ad- 
mitted Or.  9  March,  1831.  Admitted  Clerk  10  March, 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1831  to  1834.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1831  to  1836.  Gerard  Exhibi- 
tioner 1833, 1834.  Eourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term  1836.  B.A.  24  Nov.  1836.  (H.JE.  account  closed 
Michaelmas  1846. 

Thomas  Blencowe.  Son  of  John  Jackson  Blencowe,  Esq. 
Born  at  Culworth,  Northamptonshire,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted 01.  16  March,  1831. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1831.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1834.  B.A.  20  Nov.  1834.  M.A. 
16  Nov.  1837.  CJE.  account  closed  16  May,  1877. 

Born  1813.  Educated  at  Rugby.  Vicar  of  Marston  St 
Lawerence,  Northants,  1850  ;  died  at  Warwick,  12  April,  1877, 
and  is  buried  at  Marston  with  this  inscription  on  a  cross, — 

"  In  loving 

remembrance  of 

Rev.  Thomas  Blencowe,  M.A. 

Fourth  son  of 

John  Jackson  Blencowe,  Esq., 

and  Louisa  Anne  his  wife, 

Twenty  six  years  Vicar  of  this  Parish 

At  Rest  April  12th,  1877. 

Aged  sixty  three  years." 

Charles  Badham.  Son  of  Charles  Badham,  M.D.  Born 
at  Ludlow,  aged  17.  Elected  «.  30  June,  1830.  Ad- 
mitted (JT.  and  Jp.  12  May,  1831.  Itesigned  £••  and 
name  replaced  on  list  of  (ft.  19  Dec.  1838. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1832  to  1834 ;  (Greek)  1834 
to  1835.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term 
1836.  B.A.  20  April,  1837.  M.A.  23  March,  1839. 
Name  removed  Michaelmas  1839.  Incorporated  at 
Cambridge,  (Peterhousc)  184-7.  D.I).  1852.  Created 
LL.D.  of  Levden  I860. 

1831.]  WARDEN     TOURNAY.  345 

Educated     at     Eton.     Head    Master    of     Edgbaston     School, 
Birmingham.     Professor   of    Classics   and  Logic  in  the  Uni- 
versity of  Sidney  1867  ;  died  26  Feb.  1884. 
Author  of  editions  of  numerous  Greek  Classical  Works. 

William  Cecil  Fowle.  Son  of  Col.  William  Chapman 
Eowle.  Bom  at  Carlow,  Ireland,  aged  18.  Admitted 
<£.  12  May,  1831. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1835.  B.A, 
3  Dec.  1835.  M.A.  22  Feb.  1838. 

Vicar  of  Ewyas  Harold,  Hereford,  1845  to  1866.  Vicar  of 
Brinsop,  Hereford,  Dec.  1866.  Rural  Dean  1868  to  1877  ;  died 
25  Dec.  1881. 

Thomas  Hockley.  Son  of  Joseph  Hockley,  Esq.  Born 
at  Guildford,  Surrey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  12  May, 

B.A.  3  Dec.  1835.     Name  removed  13  June,  1838. 

Vicar  of  Thorley,  Isle  of  Wight,  20  Jan.  1856,  resigned  1864. 

Henry  Templer.  Son  of  Rev.  John  Templer.  Born  at 
Collumpton,  Devonshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  9  June, 
1831.  Elected  Exhibitioner  at  Exeter  College  30  June, 

Henry  Skinner  T.  went  to  New  Inn  Hall,  Michaelmas  1835. 
Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1836.  B.A. 
20  Nov.  1845.  M.A.  25  Eeb.  1847. 

Vicar  of  Thornton  cum  Nash,  Bucks,  1853  to  1861.  Vicar  of 
Great  Coxwell,  Berks,  1861  to  1877  ;  died  26  Oct.  1877. 

(Boase,  151.) 

Warfcen  Simons, 


William  Bewes  Bennett.  Son  of  John  Eowe  Bennett, 
Esq.  Born  at  Chilston,  Devon,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
23  June,  1831. 

B.A.  6  June,  1835.     C.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1843. 

Henry  Woodcock.  Son  of  Thomas  Woodcock,  Esq. 
Born  at  Wigan,  Lancashire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
23  June,  1831. 

Name  removed  ?  1833. 

Born  2  March,  1814 :  of  Bolnore,  Sussex,  and  Wigan,  Lane. 

Joseph  Arnould.  Son  of  Joseph  Arnould,  Esq.  Born  at 
Camberwell,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  4  Oct.  1831. 
Elected  &.  30  June,  1831.  Admitted  £>.  14  Oct.  1831. 
Elected  ^J.jF.  30  June,  1838. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1833,  1834,  1835.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1833  to  1836.  Newdigate  Prize  (The 
Hospice  of  St  Bernard)  1834,  "which  he  recited  at  the 
installation  of  the  Duke  of  Wellington  as  Chancellor, 
when  he  introduced  these  lines — 

"...  Whom  a  world  could  not  subdue, 

Bent  to  thy  prowess,  Chief  of  Waterloo." — (Pyecroft). 

First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1836.  B.A.  13  May, 
1836.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1840.  Ceased 
to  be  Jf.  (on  marriage)  11  Jan.  1841.  Name  removed 
25  June,  1841. 

.His  father  was  M.D.,  of  White  Cross,  Berks,   D.L.  and  J.P. 
Born  12  Nov.  1814.     Educated  at  Charterhouse.     Called  to  the 

1831.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  347 

Bar  (Middle  Temple)  19  Nov.  1841.  Judge  of  the  Supreme 
Court  of  Bombay,  1859  :  retired  with  Knighthood,  18fi9  ;  when 
the  native  community  of  Bombay  founded  the  Arnould  Scholar- 
ship in  the  Bombay  University  to  perpetuate  his  memory  ;  died 
in  Florence,  16  Feb.  1886. 

Author  of  Life  of  Lord  Denman,  and  a  work  on  Marine  In- 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Argent,  a 
chevron  Or  between  two  palm  branches  slipped  chevronwise  in 
chief  and  a  rock  in  base,  all  proper. 

Edward  Whitehead.  Son  of  Rev.  William  Bayley 
Whitehead.  Born  at  Ilchester,  aged  18.  Admitted  (JL 
27  Oct.  1831.  Elected  £>•  30  June,  1832.  Admitted  £. 

15  Oct.   1832.     Vacated  his  g.  by  marriage  24  July, 
1838.    Name  removed  from  books  Michaelmas  following. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1833  to  1836.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Easter  Term  1836.  B.A.  13  May, 
1836.  M.A.  6  June,  1838. 

Domestic  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Madras  1839  to  1849, 
Hector  of  Sallford,  Somerset,  1849  to  1853.  Minister  of  Laura 
Chapel,  Bath,  1853  to  1859.  Incumbent  of  St  John's, 
Chichester,  1859  to  1872.  Eector  of  Winchelsea  1872.  "Died 
19  Aug.  1883."  (F.)  Author  of  A  Sketch  of  the  Church  in 

Richard  Gardner.  Son  of  Robert  Gardner,  Esq.  Born  at 
6  Watling  Street,  St  Eaith's,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(ft.  27  Oct.  1831. 

B.A.  2  June,  1838.    Name  removed  18  Oct.  1834    Replaced 

16  Oct.  1835.     (£.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1845. 

Educated  at  Manchester  Grammar  School  ;  M.P.  for  Leicester  ; 
died  4  June,  1856. 

Charles  Raymond  Barker.  Son  of  Charles  Raymond 
Barker,  Esq.  Born  at  Marylebone,  London,  aged  19. 
Admitted  <£.  27  Oct.  1831. 

B.A.  10  June,  1835.     M.A.  10  May,  1838.     OT.p.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1877  (deceased). 

In  Hulv  Orders. 

348  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1831-32. 

John  Mordaunt.  Son  of  Charles  Mordaunt,  Esq.  Born 
at  Backwell  near  Bristol,  aged  17.  Admitted  (JT.  27  Oct. 
1831.  Name  removed  by  desire  Easter  Term  1832. 

Edward  Andrew  Sanders.  Son  of  Edward  Lloyd 
Sanders,  Esq.  Born  at  St  Sidwell,  Exeter,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  27  Oct.  1831. 

Aged  18  (M.).     Name  removed  ?  Feb.  1834. 

John  Graham.  Son  of  John  Smith  Graham,  Esq.  Born 
at  Bernard  Street,  Bloomsbury,  London,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  27  Oct.  1831. 

Newdigate  Prize  (Granada)  1833.  "Many  preferred  his 
poem  of  Staffa,  the  year  before  when  he  was  beaten  by 
Roundell  Palmer.  Blackwood  published  it  and  it  may 
be  found  in  the  Magazine  for  that  year."  (Pyecroft.) 
(JT.JE.  account  closed  5  May,  1835.  J.  G.  was  B.A.  (New 
Inn  Hall)  13  May,  1837. 

"  Curate  of  St  John's,  Hackney  ;  died  28  Nov.  1845,  aged  33." 

John  Lea  Simcox.  Son  of  Thomas  Green  Simcox,  Esq. 
Born  at  Harborne  Staffordshire  near  Birmingham,  aged 
17.  Admitted  OT.  27  Oct.  1831. 

B.A.    18   June,    1835.     Name   withdrawn    13    Oct.    1836. 
Re-admitted  20  Jan.  1838.     Removed  again  3  Nov.  1840. 

"Died  at  Harborne,  aged  26,  12  July,  1840,  Leing  then  Curate 
of  Richmond,  Yorks." 
Brother  of  Thomas  G.  S.,  1827. 


Louis  Woollcombe.  Son  of  Rev.  Henry  Woollcombe. 
Born  at  Broadhembury  in  Devonshire,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  9  Feb.  1832.  Elected  g>.  of  Pembroke  College 
21  Nov.  1832. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1835.  B.A. 
3  Dec.  1835.  ,-Jf.  of  Exeter  30  June,  1837  to  14  Jan. 
1845.  M.A.  6  June,  1838. 

1832.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  349 

Rector  of  Petrockstowe,  Devon,  1845.  Vicar  of  Menheniot, 
Cornwall,  11  Sept.  1883  ;  resigned,  14  July,  1887. 

Hinton  Castle  Smith.  Son  of  Thomas  Smith,  Esq.  Born 
at  Bideford  in  Devonshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
23  Feb.  1832. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1835.  B.A. 
2  June,  1836.  M.A.  14  June,  1848.  Name  removed 
7  March,  1837.  Ee-admitted  8  Feb.  1845. 

Buncombe's  Lecturer,  Kingsbridge,  Devon ;  Incumbent  of 
Holy  Trinity,  Plymouth  ;  Vicar  of  Marston-Meysey,  Glouc., 
1882  to  1892. 

Charles  Goodfellow  Smith.  Son  of  Lieut.-Col.  Smith. 
Born  at  Bombay,  aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  23  Feb.  1832. 

Second  Class,  Math,  and  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1836.  (JT.JE.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1838,  when  he  was  S.C.L.  (8  Nov.  1836). 

James  Swaine.  Son  of  Thomas  Swaine,  M.D.  Born  at 
Eochford  in  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  23  Feb.  1832. 

B.A.  18  Feb.  1836.     <2LJE.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1842. 
In  Holy  Orders.     "  Died  27  July,  1882."     (F.) 

Henry  John  Carter  Smith.  Son  of  Henry  William  Smith, 
Esq.  Born  in  Burton  Crescent,  -  —  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted Or.  23  Feb.  1832. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1836.  B.A.  13  May, 
1836.  M.A.  6  June,  1840.  Name  removed  23  Oct.  1840. 

Incumbent  of  St  Andrew's,  Haverstock  Hill,  1856,  resigned 
1884  ;  died  30  Dec.  1884. 

William  Fielder  Croome.  Son  of  "William  Croome,  Esq. 
Born  at  Cirencester,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  23  Feb.  1832. 

B.A.  22  Oct.  1835.     M.A.   6  June,  1839.     <2T.JE.  account 
,     closed  Michaelmas  1843. 

Educated  at  Highgate  School.  Of  North  Cerney  House,  Glouc.  : 
J.P.  and  D.L.  ' 

Francis  Pitney  Brouncker  Martin.  Son  of  George 
Martin,  Esq.,  Col.  in  the  H.E.I.C.S.  Born  at  Madras, 
aged  17.  Admitted  $.(£.  14  March,  1832. 

350  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1832. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1835.  B.A.  10  Nov. 
1842.  M.A.  26  April,  1843.  Compounded  11  Jan.  1873. 

Born  10  April,  1814  ;  of  Gascoynes,  Lyndhurst,  Hants,  and 
Kingston,  Dorset.  J.P.  for  Dorset,  1845  ;  High  Sheriff  1852  ; 
died  22  Oct.  1890  and  is  buried  at  Lyndhurst  with  a  simple 
Cross  of  red  granite  bearing  name  and  age,  and  the  words  "  Thy 
Will  be  done." 

Henry  Middleton.  Son  of  Edward  Middleton,  M.D. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  All  Saints,  Southampton,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  29  March,  1832. 

B.A.  28  April,  1836.     (H.JE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1844. 

Francis  Henry  Deane.  Son  of  Ealph  Deane,  Esq.  Born 
at  Kuislip,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  17  May, 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1836.  B.A.  13  May, 
1836.  M.A.  6  Feb.  1840.  (2LJE.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1850. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  6  May,  1846  ;  of  Eastcot 
House,  Watford  :  J.P.  for  Middlesex. 

Henry  Maister.  Son  of  Arthur  Maister,  Esq.  Born  at 
Winestead,  Yorkshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  <!T.  17  May, 

Name   removed    31    Oct.    1834.       B.A.    (New    Inn    Hall) 

24  April,  1839. 

Incumbent  of  Thornaby,  Yorks,  1845  to  1850.  Vicar  of 
Kilnsea  and  Incumbent  of  Easington,  Yorks,  1857. 

Robert  Maynard.  Son  of  Thomas  Maynard,  Esq.  Born 
at  Pentonville,  London,  aged  17.  Admitted  (tt.  17  May, 

B.A.   28  Jan.   1836.     M.A.    25    Oct.    1838.     Compounded 

25  Oct.  1864. 

Vicar  of  Wormleighton,  Warwick,  1841  ;  till  his  death  on 
2  April,  1869.  There  is  a  stone  cross  in  the  Churchyard  with 
the  following  inscription, — 

1832.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  351 

"  To  the  memory  of  Robert  Maynard,  M.A.,  for  27  years  Vicar 
of  this  parish.  The  Lord  grant  that  he  may  find  mercy  of  the 
Lord  in  that  day." 

And  a  window  in  the  church  beneath  which  is  the  following, — 
"  This  window  is  placed  here  by  the  parishioners  of  Wormleigh- 
ton  in  affectionate  remembrance  of 

Rev.  Robt.  Maynard 

who  in  an  earnestly  anxious  and  fatherly  spirit  exercised  his 
ministry  among  them  for  27  years.  May  he  from  his  grave 
still  speak  to  us  and  to  our  children.  2nd  April  1869." 

Abiathar  Hawkes.  Son  of  Major  Hawkes.  Born  at  Cape 
of  Good  Hope,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  17  May,  1832. 

B.A.  5  May,  1836.  M.A.  29  Jan.  1846.  Name  removed 
13  April,  1840.  Ee-admitted  28  Oct.  1845.  Com- 
pounded Christmas  1866. 

Born  8  June,  1813.     Rector  of  Rushton,  Northants,  1856. 

Nathaniel  Stainton.  Son  of  John  Stainton,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Martin  in  the  Fields,  London,  aged 

17.  Admitted  <£.  17  May,  1832. 

B.A.  5  May,  1836.     M.A.  17  June,  1841. 

"Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1843  ;  died  11  June,  1868." 

William  Henry  Stokes.  Son  of  Folliott  Scott  Stokes, 
Esq.  Born  in  Bloomsbury,  London,  aged  16.  Admitted 
€.17  May,  1832. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1837.  B.A.  13  May, 
1837.  M.A.  21  March,  1844.  e.Jtt.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1850. 

Chaplain  of  Sherburn  Hospital  Durham,  1843  to  1851.  Vicar 
of  Goring,  Berks,  1851 ;  "died  17  Sept.  1884."  (F.) 

George  Dempster  Miller.  Son  of  Robert  Miller,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George's,  Hanover  Square,  aged 

18.  Admitted  <£.  17  May,  1832. 

B.A.  28  Jan.  1836.  M.A.  24  Jan.  1839.  e.Jtt.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1858. 

352  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1832. 

Incumbent  of  Morley,  Yorks,  1839  to  1841.  Vicar  of 
Skenfreth,  Monm.  1841  to  1846  :  of  Woodkirk,  Yorks,  1846 
to  1872. 

John  Leche  Rowlands.  Son  of  John  Rowlands,  Esq. 
Born  at  Ellesmere,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  17  May,  1832. 

Name  removed  4  April,  1834  (receipt  signed  W.  Cureton). 

Cuthbert  Jeddere  Fisher.  Son  of  Jacob  Jeddere  Fisher, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George's,  Hanover  Square, 
London,  aged  17.  Admitted  (JT.  21  June,  1832. 

B.A.  (Jeddere  Fisher)  9  June,  1836.  &.JE.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1845. 

Richard  William  Church.  Son  of  John  Church,  Esq. 
Born  at  Lisbon,  aged  17.  Admitted  (j£.  28  June,  1832. 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1834,  1835.  Hody  (Greek)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1836  to  1838.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1836.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1836.  $.  of 
Oriel  1838  to  1853.  M.A.  18  April,  1839.  Proctor 
1844.  Honorary  Fellow  of  Oriel  1873.  Select  Preacher 
1869,  1875,  1881. 

Rector  of  Whatley,  Somerset,  1853  to  1871.     Dean  of  St  Paul's 

1871.     Created  D.C.L.  9  June,  1875  ;  died  9  Dec.  1890. 

His  arms  are   in  the   windows  of   the   Antechapel — Azure,  a 

lion  rampant  Or,  debruised  with  a  Lend  Ermine  charged  with  3 

dexter  gauntlets  clenched  proper. 

Author  of  St  Anselm,  Dante,  Bacon,  Bishop  Andrewes,  Spenser, 

and  Sermons. 

Alexander  Broadley.  Son  of  Piev.  Robert  Broadley. 
Born  at  Cattistock,  Dorset,  aged  17.  Admitted  <ih 
29  June,  1832. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1836.  B.A.  27  Oct. 
1836.  M.A.  30  May,  1839.  Name  removed  15  May, 

Vicar  of  Brad  pole,  Dorset,  1844.     Prebendary  of  Winterborne 
Earls  (Sarmn),  1802  ;  died  3rd  Dec.  1893. 

1832.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  353 

Lewis  Evans.  -Son  of  Thomas  Simpson  Evans,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Botolph,  Aldersgate,  aged  17. 
Admitted  QT.  30  June,  1832.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1833. 
Admitted  —  Oct.  1833.  Elected  ty.JF.  30  June,  1839. 
Resigned  JF.  previous  to  marriage  6  Aug.  1846. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1832  and  (as  Scholar)  1835. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1833  to  1837.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1836.  B.A. 
24  Nov.  1836.  M.A.  9  July,  1842.  Elected  Bursar 
14  April,  1846. 

Headmaster  of  Sandbacli  School,  Cheshire,  1851  till  his  death 
in  1869.  "  Died  28  March,  1869."  (F.)  Editor  of  Marshall's 
Penitential  Discipline,  and  Beveridgrfs  Sermons,  Translation  of 
Juvenal,  &c.  Joint  Editor  with  J.  G.  Sheppard  (page  365)  of 
Notes  on  Tlmcydides. 

Charles  Brodie  Cooper.  Son  of  Edward  Cooper,  Esq. 
Born  at  Staverton  in  Somersetshire,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(£.  9  Nov.  1832. 

B.A.  10  May,  1838.  &.£&..  account  closed  Christmas 

In  Holy  Orders. 

William  Peel.  Son  of  liev.  Giles  Haworth  Peel.  Born 
at  Marcham,  Berkshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  9  Nov. 

Name  removed  7  Feb.  1834. 

Born  4  Feb.  1814  ;  died  10  Sept,  1864  ;  of  Swinton  Park,  Lane. 

Gordon  Frederick  Deedes.  Son  of  Rev.  John  Deedes. 
Born  at  Willingale  in  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
9  Nov.  1832. 

B.A.  24  Nov.  1836.     M.A.  17  June,  1841. 

Rector  of   Willingale  Doe,  Essex,    1845   to    1856.     Rector  of 
Heydour  with  Kelby  and  Culverthorpe,  Lincolnshire,  1856. 
Prebendary    of    Welton    "\Vesthall    with    Goivhall    (Lincoln), 
1870.  and  Rural  Dean. 

354  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1832-33. 

William  Preedy.  Son  of  William  Frederick  Preedy,  Esq. 
Born  at  Offenham,  in  Worcestershire,  aged  19.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  9  Nov.  1832. 

B.A.  25  May,  1836.     Name  removed  15  Feb.  1841. 

"  Died  27  Oct.  1840,  at  Fladbury,  Wore.,  Rev.  W.  P.,  aged  25, 
second  son  of  W.  F.  P."  (G.  Mag.  Ill,  I.  103.) 

James  Callis  Southwell.  Son  of  Charles  Southwell,  Esq. 
Born  at  Peebles,  Peeblesshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 
9  Nov.  1832. 

Name  removed  (apparently)  Christmas  1833. 


William  Dickinson.  Son  of  William  E.  Dickinson,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  James's,  Dover.  Admitted  <£. 
31  Jan.  1833.  Elected  Jjj.  of  Trinity  College,  on  Trinity 
Monday  1833. 

Aged  17  (M.).  Chancellor's  Prize,  Latin  Verse  (Alexander 
ad  Induni)  1836  and  Latin  Essay  1838.  (An  recte 
dicatur  veteres  caruisse  ea  forma  Concilii  Public!  qua 
selecti  quidam  pro  universis  statuuntur  ?)  Second 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1837.  J£.  expired 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple)  1842."     (F.) 

James  Elliott.  Son  of  James  Elliott,  Esq.,  Surgeon  to  His 
Majesty's  forces.  Born  at  Leghorn,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(E.  28  Feb.  1833. 

"  De  Liburni  portu  in  Etruria "  (M.).  Name  removed 
15  Oct.  1834. 

John  Dennis.  Son  of  Ilev.  John  Dennis.  Born  at 
Budleigh  Salterton  in  Devonshire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(!T.  28  Feb.  1833. 

Name  removed  22  May,  1835.  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall), 
17  May,  1837. 

1833.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  355 

John  Nash  Tyndale.  Son  of  John  Tyndale,  Esq.,  Oporto 
Wine  Merchant.  Born  at  Oporto,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(ft.  28  Feb.  1833. 

Warner  Exhibitioner  1835.  B.A.  9  Nov.  1837.  M.A. 
5  Dec.  1839.  His  name  was  on  the  Books  on  1  June, 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple)   1839  ;  died  at  Bruges 
23  Feb.  1868."     (F.) 

Charles  Compton  Domvile.  Son  of  Eev.  Henry  Barry 
Domvile.  Born  at  Leigh,  Worcestershire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted or.  28  Feb.  1833. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1837.  B.A.  5  May, 
1837.  M.A.  26  Jan.  1844  Name  removed  28  May, 

Rector  of  Xettleton,  1850  to  1870.     Rector  of  West  Chickerell, 
Dorset,  1878,  resigned  June,  1892. 

Henry  Heitland.  Son  of  Major  Heitland.  Born  at 
10  Fitzroy  Square,  London,  aged  17.  Admitted  (•£. 
28  Feb.  1833. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1837.  B.A.  13  May, 
1837.  Name  removed  8  Nov.  1845. 

Digby  Charles  Legard.  Son  of  LHgby  Legard,  Esq. 
Born  at  Etton,  near  Beverley,  Yorks,  aged  17.  Admitted 
<£.  28  Feb.  1833. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1833.  Name  removed  10  April, 
1837.  «>.  of  University  College  1837  to  1841.  B.A. 
13  May,  1837.  M.A.  31  Oct.  1839. 

"Died  29  Aug.  1851,  at  Burton  Agnes,  Rev.  T.  Legard.  Vicar 
of  Lea,  Line."  (G.  May.) 

William  Robey  Tucker.  Son  of  William  Tucker,  Esq., 
Commander  li.N.  Born  at  Nealaiid  Signal  Station, 
Cornwall,  aged  18.  Admitted  <!L  28  Feb.  1833. 

B.A.  10  May,  1836.  M.A.  24  Oct.  1839.  Name  removed 
22  Oct.  1840. 

356  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1833. 

James  Bandinel.  Son  of  James  Bandinel,  Esq.  Born  at 
Chelsea,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  30  March,  1833. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt,  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1836.  B.A. 
24  Nov.  1836.  M.A.  24  Oct.  1844.  Compounded 
19  Dec.  1874. 

Rector  of  Elmley,  Yorks,  1862. 

Author   of   Poems,  Novels,  Sermons  :    Translator  of  Bengel   on 

St  Mattliew,  &c. 

Alfred  Radford  Symonds.  Son  of  John  Symonds,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Peter  le  Bailey,  Oxford,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  30  March,  1833. 

B.A.  13  May,  1837.  M.A.  6  June,  1840.  Compounded 
21  Dec.  1872. 

Headmaster  of  Bishop  Corrie's  School,  Madras,  1841  to  1846. 

Minister  of  St  Thomas,  Madras,  1847  to  1856.     Principal  of  the 

Vepery  Missionary  Seminary,  Madras,  1848  to  1872. 

"  Died  10  Jan.  1883."     (F.) 

Author  of  numerous  Works  on  Christianity  in  India,  &c. 

Charles  M.  A.  Drewitt.  Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  Drewitt. 
Born  at  Cheddar  in  Somersetshire,  aged  31.  (Admitted 
Exhibitioner  at  Pembroke  College,  in  Lent  Term  1817. 
B.A.  24  May,  1821.  M.A.  2  July,  1824.  Name  removed 
from  Pembroke  College  in  Act  Term  1824.)  Admitted 
OT.  20  April,  1833. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1821.  Name 
removed  (apparently)  6  Feb.  1836,  when  the  balance  of 
his  (£.|E.  was  paid  to  Mr  Bandinel. 

Thomas  Brooking;  Cornish.  Son  of  Thomas  Cornish, 
Esq.  Born  at  Scoble  near  Kingsbridge,  Devonshire,  aged 
17.  Admitted  <£.  16  May,  1833. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1834.  Name  removed  2G  Oct. 
1835.  £.  of  Trinity  1835.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1837.  B.A.  1  Dec,  1837.  M.A. 
29  April,  1841.  if.  of  Oriel,  1840  to  1847. 

1833.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  357 

Born  19  Dec.  1815.  Educated  at  Blundell's  School,  Tiverton. 
Headmaster  of  King  Edward's  School,  Macclesfield,  19  July, 
1849  to  1872.  Vicar  of  North  Rode,  Cheshire,  1872  to  1878. 
Hon.  Canon  of  Chester,  1873.  Rector  of  Ufton,  Berks,  1878. 

Selby  Hutton.  Son  of  George  William  Selby,  sic.  Esq. 
Born  at  Carlton-on-Trent  near  Newark,  Notts,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (£.  16  May,  1833. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1833.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1837.  B.A.  21  June,  1838.  Name 
removed  6  May,  1844. 

Charles  Mitchell.  Son  of  John  Mitchell,  Esq.  Born  in 
St  George's,  Bloomsbury,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted 
Or.  16  May,  1833. 

B.A.  13  May,  1837.  M.A.  21  Nov.  1839.  Name  removed 
23  Oct.  1840. 

George  William  Burrow  Wills.  Son  of  Samuel  Wills, 
Esq.  Born  at  Crewkerne,  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  16  May,  1833. 

B.A.  13  May,  1837.  M.A.  14  Nov.  1839.  Name  removed 
23  Oct.  1840. 

Rector  of  St  Leonard's,  Exeter,  1840  to  1873,  and  Rural  Dean 
1870  to  1873.  Curate  of  All  Hallows,  Lombard  St.,  1879  ; 
died  7  Jan.  1886. 

Francis   Marmaduke   Rowden.     Son   of   Eev.   Edward 

Eowden.     Born    at    High  worth,   Wilts,   aged    17.     Ad- 
mitted <£.  16  May,  1833. 

B.A.  26  Jan.  1837.  M.A.  25  June,  1840.  C.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1857. 

Born  18  Oct.  1815.     Educated  at  Rugby.     Rector  of  Stanton 
Fit/warren,  Wilts,  1851,  resigned  1  Dec.  1884. 
Cousin  of  Francis  R.  1847,  and  Robert  R.  1851. 

Henry  Duncan  Skrine.  Son  of  Henry  Skrine,  Esq. 
Born  in  Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  16  May,  1833. 

358  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1833. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1837.  B.A.  13  May, 
1837.  M.A.  30  June,  1842. 

Born  22  May,  1815.  Of  the  Middle  Temple.  J.P.  and  D.L. 
for  Somerset.  High  Sheriff,  1876.  Author  of  Translations  in 
Verse  of  Anacreon,  VinjiVs  Eclogues,  and  Schiller's  Song  of  the 


Father  of  Edward  H.  S.,  1867. 

Henry  Whitehorne.  Son  of  Samuel  Eisby  Whitehorne, 
Esq.  Born  at  St  Anne's  in  Jamaica,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  13  June,  1833. 

Name  removed  (apparently)  Christinas  1837. 

Samuel  Comyn.  Son  of  Samuel  Comyn,  Esq.  Born  in 
Serjeant's  Inn,  London,  aged  19.  Admitted  {ft.  25  June, 

(£.fft.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1834. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple),  12  June,  1840. 

Frederick  Poynder.  Son  of  John  Poynder,  Esq.  Born 
at  Clapham,  Surrey,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  25  June, 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1835  to  1839.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1838.  B.A.  2  June,  1838. 
M.A.  10  June,  1840.  Denyer  Theological  Essay  1843. 
Compounded  3  March,  1861. 

Born  11  March,  1816.  Educated  at  Charterhouse.  Chaplain 
of  Bridewell  Hospital,  1849  to  1858.  Second  Master  of 
Charterhouse  School,  1858  to  1872.  Author  of  A  Few  Words 
of  Advice  to  a  Public  School  Boy,  and  a  Dictionary  of  the  English 
Lanyiuujefor  S.P.C.K. 

John  Cooper.  Son  of  Charles  Cooper,  Esq.  Born  at 
Newcastle-under-Lyne,  Staffordshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted OL  25  June,  1833.  Elected  «.  30  June,  1833, 
admitted--  Oct.  1833.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June,  1838. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1833  to  1838.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1834,  1835,  1836.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1837.  B.A.  13  Mav,  1837.  M.A.  9  July, 

1833.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  359 

1842.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1841  to  1843 ; 
Humanity  Lecturer  1843  to  1846;  Bursar  1847  to 
1852;  Dean  1850  to  1853;  Sub-Warden  1853  to 
26  March,  1868.  Proctor  1849.  Eector  of  Beaumont 
cum  Moze,  Essex,  1867.- 

Vicar  of  Dorchester,  Oxon.  1841  to  1849.  Donor  of  Plate  to 
the  College. 

Edward  Wyndham  Tufnell.  Son  of  John  Charles 
Tufnell,  Esq.  Col.  in  the  army.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish, 
Bath,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  1  July,  1833.  Elected  &. 
30  June,  1833.  Admitted  —  Oct.  1833.  Elected  ^3.,-fF. 
30  June,  1839.  Resigned  ,-Jf.  by  marriage  11  Feb.  1867. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1835.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1837.  B.A.  13  May,  1837.  M.A.  9  July, 
1842.  Elected  Moderator  of  Philosophy  1844  to  1846, 
1851  to  1853,  1856  to  1858.  Proctor  1857.  Select 
Preacher  1858.  Created  D.D.  26  May,  1859. 

Educated  at  Eton.  Rector  of  Beechingstoke,  Wilts,  1846  to 
1857.  Prebendary  of  Major  Pars  altaris,  (Sarum)  1850  to  1859. 
Rector  of  St  Peters,  Maryborough,  1857  to  1859.  First  Bishop 
of  Brisbane,  1859  to  1875.  Vicar  of  Croydon  1879  to  1882,  of 
Felpham,  Sussex,  1882.  Canon  of  Chichester,  1882. 

Rowland  Daniel  Michell.  Son  of  Edward  Michell,  Esq. 
Born  at  Bruton  in  Somersetshire,  aged  16.  Admitted 
(!T.  1  July,  1833. 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1834,  to  (?)  1838.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1835.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michael- 
mas Term  1837.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1837.  M.A.  25  June, 
1840.  Name  removed  26  June,  1843. 

Died  at  Bruton,  aged  26,  April,  1843. 
Brother  of  Richard  M.,  1820. 

John  Brimble  Riddle.  Son  of  Joseph  Brimble  Kiddle, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Philip  and  St  Jacob, 
Bristol,  aged  22.  Admitted  t£.  and  Clerk  10  Oct.  1833. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1834  to  1837.  Gerard 
Exhibitioner  1835  to  1837.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibi- 

3GO  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1833. 

tioner  1834  to  1839.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michael- 
mas Term  1837.  B.A.  7  Dec,  1837.  M.A.  6  June, 
1844.  (H.Jft.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1849. 

Vicar  of  St  Thomas,  Bristol,  1852,  and  chaplain  of  the  Bristol 

Cemetery,  1862  to  1877,  when  he  died. 

Translator  of  Griifenhan's  Introduction  to  Writing  Hebrew. 

George  Domvile  Wheeler.  Son  of  Rev.  George  Wheeler. 
Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ST. 
11  Oct.  1833.  Elected  J£.  as  Founder's  Kin  30  June, 
1834.  Admitted  £.  Oct.  1834.  Elected  }3.JF. 

30  June,  1841.  Resigned  Jf.  previous  to  marriage 

JE.  (Oriel)  13  June,  1832,  aged  17.  Fourth  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1836.  B.A.  8  Dec.  1836.  M.A. 
4  March,  1841.  Compounded  1867. 

Born  1  May,  1815.     Vicar  of  Wolford,  Warw.  1843.     Rector  of 

Barcheston,   Wanv.   1846.     Hon.    Canon   of  Worcester,    1875, 

J.P.  ;  died  1890. 

Author  of  A  Sermon  on  the  Revival  of  Convocation  and  some 


His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Or,  beneath 

a  chief  A/Aire  charged  with  a  Catharine  wheel  Argent  between 

two  bezants,  a  camel  sable  between  2  Catharine  wheels  of  the 

third  in  pale. 

Charles  Edward  Strong.  Son  of  Rev.  Charles  Strong. 
Born  at  Locking  in  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(JT.  7  Nov.  1833! 

B.A.  17  May,  1837.  M.A.  2  June,  1841.  Name  removed 
3  Nov.  1842. 

Robert  St  John  Shirreff.  Son  of  James  Hales  Shirreff, 
Esq.  Born  at  Deptford,  Kent,  aged  18.  Admitted  (JT. 
7  Nov.  1833. 

B.A.  17  May,  1837.  M.A.  18  May,  1843.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1853. 

Vicar  of  Thorley,    Isle  of   Wight,   1850  to    1855.     Rector  of 
Woodham  Ferrers,  Essex,  1855  ;  died  10  Feb.  1889,  aged  74. 

WARDEN     SYMONS.  361 

George  Tilladam  Hyatt.  Son  of  George  Hyatt,  Esq. 
Born  at  Shepton  Mallett,  Somersetshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted at.  7  Nov.  1833. 

B.A.    26    March,    1840.     M.A.    19    March,    1842.     Name 
removed  29  Oct.  1842. 

Richard  Brooke-Jones.  Son  of  Fitzherbert  Brooke,  Esq. 
Born  at  Stanshaws  Court,  Sodbury,  Gloucestershire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <tf.  7  Nov.  1833. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  term  1837.    B.A.  17  May, 
1837.     Name  removed  22  Feb.  1841. 

George  William  Chamberlain.  Son  of  George  Cham- 
berlain, Esq.  Born  at  Alphington,  Devonshire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  7  Nov.  1833. 

B.A.  17  May,  1837.     M.A.  14  Jan.  1848.     OT.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1849. 

Born  20  Feb.  1816.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Barbacloes 
1839  to  1840.  Incumbent  of  St  John's,  Tipton,  Devon,  1840  to 
1842.  Hector  of  Port  of  Spain,  and  Rural  Dean  of  Trinidad, 
1843  to  1847.  Incumbent  of  St  Matthews,  Birmingham,  1848 
to  1857.  Incumbent  of  St  James',  Cheltenham,  1857  to  1884. 


Thomas  Booth  Wright.  Son  of  liev.  Godfrey  Wright, 
M.A.  Born  in  Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  27  Feb. 

B.A.  7  Dec,   1837.     M.A.   21  May,  1841.     (JT.p.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1859. 

Rector  of  Broughton,  Line.,  1842  ;  "died  5  July,  1884."     (F.) 
His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel, — Azure  on 
a  fess  Argent,  between   3   mullets  Or,  3  eagle's  heads  erased 
of  the  field. 

John  Wilkinson.  Son  of  Henry  Wilkinson,  Esq.  a  Major 
in  the  H.E.I.C.S.  Born  at  Belary  in  the  East  Indies, 
aged  17.  Admitted  Of.  27  Feb.  1834. 

362  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1834. 

Name  removed  16  Oct.  1835.  Postmaster  of  Merton  1835 
to  1837.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1838. 
B.A.  2  June,  1838. 

Rector  of  Broughton  Gifford,  Wilts,  1848  to  1876,  and  Preben- 
dary of  Sarum  ;  "  died  5  Sept.  1876."     (F.) 
Author  of  a  Systematic  Analysis  of  Butler's  Analogy,  &c. 
Father  of  John  F.  W.,  1869. 

William  Tanner  Richards.  Son  of  Samuel  Richards,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Michael's,  Bristol,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  27  Feb.  1834. 

Name  removed  2  Nov.  1836. 

Cossley  Diggle  Saunders.  Son  of  Eev.  George  Eveleigh 
Saunders.  Born  in  the  parish  of  Tarrant  Kushton, 
Devonshire,  aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  27  Feb.  1834 

B.A.  14  June,  1838.  (£.|E.  account  closed  Midsummer 

Rector  of  Tarrant  Hinton,  1842  to  1888  (?) ;    "  died  23  June, 

1887."     (F.) 

Brother  of  George  E.  S.,  1838. 

Edward  Boys  Ellman.  Son  of  John  Elhnan,  Esq.  Born 
at  West  Firle  in  the  county  of  Sussex,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted OT.  27  Feb.  1834. 

First  Class,  Math,  and  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1837.  B.A.  9  June,  1837.  M.A.  12  Nov.  1840. 
Compounded  Christmas  1867. 

Born  7  Sept.  1815.     Vicar  of  Wartling,  1844  to  1846.     Rector 
of  Berwick,  Sussex,  1846. 

Joseph  Wills.  Son  of  John  Wills,  Esq.  Born  in  the 
parish  of  Newington,  Surrey,  aged  16.  Admitted  (JT. 
27  Feb.  1834.  Name  removed  16  Dec.  1834. 

Henry  Petley.  Son  of  Charles  Carter  Petley,  Esq.  Born 
at  Chepstead,  Kent,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fT.  7  May, 

1834.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  363 

B.A.  2  June,  1838.  M.A.  30  June,  1843.  (2T.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1847. 

In  Holy  Orders.     Missionary  in  Newfoundland. 

Philip  William  Tallents.  Son  of  William  Edward 
Tallents,  Esq.  Born  at  Newark  in  Nottinghamshire, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  7  May,  1834. 

B.A.  2  June,  1838.     Name  removed  7  July,  1843. 

Educated  at  Eton  ;  "  died  16  March,  1843,  aged  27,  at  Ventnor, 
Rev.  P.  W.  T.  second  son  of  late  W.  E.  T.,  Town  Clerk  of 
Newark."  (G.  Mag.} 

Joseph  Alfred  Hardcastle.  Son  of  Alfred  Hardcastle, 
Esq.  Born  at  Clapham,  Surrey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
5  June,  1834. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1834.  Name  removed  27  June, 

"Of  Hatcham  House,  Surrey.  M.P.  for  Colchester,  1847  to 
1852  ;  for  Bury-St-Edmunds,  1857  to  1874,  and  1880  to 
1885."  (F.) 

John  William  Prout.  Son  of  William  Prout,  M.D.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  George,  Bloomsbury,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  5  June,  1834. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1838.  B.A.  18  May, 
1839.  M.A.  14  Jan.  1841.  Name  removed  22  Oct. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn),  25  January,  1841  ;  "died 
2  June,  1881."  (F.) 

Edward   Bowles   (Knottesford)   Fortescue.      Son   of 

Rev.  Francis  Fortescue-Knottesford.     Born  at  Stoke  near 
Nayland,  Suffolk,  aged  18.     Admitted  <£.  5  June,  1834. 

(C.|tt.  account  closed  (apparently)  Christmas  1877. 

Provost  of  St  Niniaivs,  Perth,  1839  ;  "died  1877."     (F.) 

364  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1834. 

John  Rushbridger  (Rusbridger).  Son  of  John  Rush- 
bridger,  Esq.  Born  at  Goodwood  in  the  parish  of  West 
Hampnett,  Sussex,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  5  June,  1834. 

B.A.  10  May,  1839.     M.A.  11  March,  1841.     Compounded. 

Born  13  Oct.  1816.  Educated  at  Guildford  Grammar  School. 
Domestic  Chaplain  to  the  5th  Duke  of  Eichmond. 

Henry  Annesley  Tyndale.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas 
George  Tyndale.  Born  at  Swallowficld  in  Berkshire, 
aged  18.  "Admitted  <£.  5  June,  1834. 

B.A.  10  May,  1838.  M.A.  11  March,  1841.  C!T.|E.  account 
closed  (?)  Christmas  1878. 

Rector  of  Tatsfield,  Surrey,  1848.  Rector  of  Holton,  Oxon, 
1856  ;  died  27  Aug.  1891,  aged  75. 

William  Banister.  Son  of  Rev.  John  Banister.  Born 
at  Southam  in  Warwickshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (#. 
26  June,  1834. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1838.  B.A. 
15  Nov.  1838.  Name  removed  21  Oct.  1840. 

Chaplain  of  St  James'  Cemetery,  Liverpool,  1851  to  1892. 

Charles  Nevinson.  Son  of  Henry  Edward  Nevinson,  Esq. 
Born  at  Hampstead,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
30  June,  1834.  Admitted  «L  of  Exeter  College  23  Jan. 
1834.  Elected  &.  of  Wadham  30  June,  1834.  Admitted 
5.  10  Oct.  1834.  Elected  ^.tf.  30  June,  1841. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1835  to  1839.  Maddox  Ex- 
hibitioner 1837.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1838.  First 
Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1838.  B.A.  2  June,  1838. 
M.A.  3  Dec.  1840.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1839  to  1840.  Elected  Humanity  Lecturer  1842,  1843. 
Resigned  ,-fF.  28  June,  1844.  (H.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1854. 

Warden  of  Browne's  Hospital,  Stamford,  1845  ;  died  12  Aug. 
1880.  Edited  the  Later  Writings  of  Bishop  Hooper  and  a 
Hist  or  \i  of  Stamford. 

1834-35.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  365 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel — Argent,  on 
a   chevron   between    3    eagles    displayed    Azure,   beaked   and 
langued  Gules,  a  mullet  of  the  field. 
Father  of  Charles  N.,  1866. 

Charles  Rumsey  Knight.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Eobert 
Knight.  Born  at  Lechlade  in  Gloucestershire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  10  Oct.  1834.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1834 
as  Founder's  Kin.  Admitted  £>.  10  Oct.  1834.  llesigned 
his  5.  July  (?  June)  1842. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1835  to  1839.  B.A.  18  May, 
1839.  M.A.  9  June,  1842.  He  proved  his  descent  from 
Edward  Bampfield  of  Poltimore,  who  married  Elizabeth 
Wadham,  aunt  of  the  Founder.  He-admitted  as  (ft. 
13  Jan.  1848. 

Born  8  Oct.  1817.  Vicar  of  St  Bride's  Major,  Glam.  1843  to 
1863,  of  Merthy  Mtiwr,  1870.  Rural  Dean  and  Proctor  in 
Convocation  for  the  Diocese  of  Llandaff,  1868.  J.P. 

Edward  Bullock  Webster.  Son  of  Edward  Webster 
Bullock  Webster,  Esq.,  a  Deputy-Lieutenant  for  the 
county  of  Middlesex.  Born  at  the  Hyde,  a  hamlet  of 
Hendon,  Middlesex,  aged  IS.  Admitted  (ft.  30  Oct. 

B.A.  6  June,  1838.     (JT.|E.  account  closed  Christmas  1849. 

Born  1816.     Educated  at  Tunbridge  School.     Perpetual  Curate 
of  the  Hyde,  Herts.     Rector  of  Bassenthwaite,  Cumberland. 
Died  21  Feb.  1855. 

William  Dugdale  Thring.  Son  of  William  Davison 
Thring,  D.i).  ((ft.  1800).  Born  at  Sutton  Veney,  Wilts, 
aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  13  Nov.  1834. 

Name  removed  24  Feb.  1836. 

Educated  at  Rugby  ;  of  H.M.  Customs. 


John  George  Sheppard.  Son  of  John  Shcppard,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  Everton,  Liverpool,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  5  March,  1835.  Elected  «..  30  June, 
1835.  Admitted  £.  16  Oct.  1835.  B.A.  5  Dec,  1839. 
M.A.  9  June,  1841.  Elected  ^3.,-ff.  30  June,  1844. 

366  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1835. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner   1835   to   1841.     Madclox  Ex- 
hibitioner 1837.     Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term    1839.     Elected  Junior   Bursar    1846;  Humanity 
Lecturer    1847.     (£.pt.   replaced   on  ceasing   to   be  ,-ff. 
4  July,  1848.     Prize  for  an  English  Poem  on  a  Sacred 
Subject  (St   Paul  at   Athens)    1851.      Select   Preacher 
1856.     D.C.L.  1860.     Account  closed  Midsummer  1866. 
Head    Master    of    Kidderminster    Grammar    School.      Joint- 
Editor  of  Notes  on  Thucydides  (with  L.  Evans,  see  page  353), 
Theophrasti  Characteres,  &c. 
"Died  1  Jan.  1869."     (F.) 

Foster  Barham  Zincke.  Son  of  Burt  Frederick  Zincke, 
Esq.  Born  in  Westmoreland,  Jamaica,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted dt.  5  March,  1835. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1839.     B.A.  18  May, 
1839.     OT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1846. 

Curate  (1841  to  1847)  and  subsequently  Vicar  (1848)  of 
Wherstead,  Suffolk.  Chaplain  in  Ordinary  to  the  Queen 
1858  ;  died  23  August,  1893. 

Author  of  A  Winter  in  the  United  States  ;  Egypt  of  the  Pharaohs 
and  of  the  Khedive,  and  other  books  of  travel  ;  also  of  Materials 
for  a  History  of  Wherstead. 

Richard  Gwatkin  Clarke.  Son  of  Itichard  Clarke,  Esq. 
Born  at  Madras,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  5  March,  1835. 

Name  removed  19  Oct.  1837. 

Stirling  Frederick  Marshall.  Son  of  liev.  William 
Marshall,  M.A.  Born  at  Widcombe,  Bath,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  5  March,  1835. 

Third  Class,    Litt.    Hum.    Michaelmas   Term    1838.     B.A. 

6  Dec.  1838.     M.A.  9  June,  1841.     (C.Jtt.  account  closed 

Christinas  1862. 

Conduct  of  Eton,  1841  to  1854.  Rector  of  Farnham  Royal, 
Bucks,  1854.  Diocesan  Inspector  of  .Schools.  Died  April 

Henry  IVIilward.  Son  of  Clement  Mil  ward,  Esq.,  Captain 
li.N.  Born  at  Wexford,  baptized  at  Killurin,  Co. 
Wexford,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  14  May,  1835. 

1835.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  367 

B.A.  14  Feb.  1839.     OT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1846. 

Incumbent  of  Paulton,  Bristol,  1842  to  1875.  Rural  Dean  of 
Midsomer  Norton,  1868,  to  1875.  Prebendary  of  East  Harp- 
tree  (Wells).  Diocesan  Inspector  of  Schools.  Rector  of 
Rodney  Stoke,  1875.  Died  5  May,  1876.  Buried  at  Paulton. 

Jacob  Youde  William  Hinde.  Son  of  Jacob  Hincle,  Esq. 
Captain  loth  Hussars.  Born  in  the  chapel ry  of  Egton- 
cum-Newland  near  Pennybridge,  Westmoreland,  aged  18. 
Admitted  4T.  14  May,  1835. 

B.A.    17    Oct.    1839.     (H.£E.    account    closed   Michaelmas 

Subsequently  changed  his  name  to  Lloyd,  and  compounded  : 
was  known   as   "  Chevalier   Lloyd,"   being   a  Knight   of   the 
Saviour  of  Greece.     Died  14  Oct.  1887,  aged  70. 
Egton-cum-Newland  is  a  chapelry  of  Ulverstone,  Lane.  :  but 
no  Pennybridge  appears  in  the  County  map. 

William  Samways  Oke.  Son  of  William  Samways  Oke, 
M.D.  Born  at  Farnham,  Surrey,  aged  19.  Admitted 
&.  14  May,  1835. 

B.A.  28  Nov.  1839.     CT.JH.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1846. 

Vicar  of  Rowde,  Wilts,  1871  to  1874.  Rector  of  Road-with- 
AVolverton,  Som.,  1874.  Died  at  Rowde,  13  July,  1879. 

William  Fountaine  Addison.  Son  of  Rev.  William 
Addison  Fountaine.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged 
17.  Admitted  <&.  14  May,  1835. 

B.A.  6  Jan.  1840.     Name  removed  21  Jan.  1842. 

Vicar  of  Dorchester,  Oxon.,  1850  to  1856.  Vicar  of  Christ 
Church,  Reading,  1863  to  1869.  Chaplain  at  Gibraltar,  and 
Canon,  1869.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Gibraltar,  1874. 
Vicar  of  Ossett,  Yorks,  1877. 

Edward  Nangreave  Mangin.  Son  of  the  Ifev.  Edward 
Mangin.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  14  May,  1835. 

B.A.  18  May,  1839.     M.A.  21  April,  1842.     C.Jtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1850. 

368  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1835. 

Vicar  of  Horsley,  Glouc.,  1849  to  1861.  Rector  of  Howick, 
Northumberland,  1862  to  1865.  Vicar  of  Woodhorn,  Nor- 
thumberland, 1865,  where  he  suddenly  died  23  July  1879  ;  he 
has  a  memorial  window  there.  Brother  of  Samuel  W.  M.,  1838. 

William  Hinton.  Son  Edward  Hinton,  Esq.  Born  at 
Naples,  aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  14  May,  1835. 

Name  removed  14  April,  1837. 

Andrews  Reeve.  Son  of  John  Andrews  Reeve,  Esq. 
Lieutenant  II. N.  Born  at  Locking,  Somersetshire.  Ad- 
mitted (&.  14  May,  1835.  Admitted  Clerk  the  same 

Aged  18  (M.).  Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1835  to 
1838,  also  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  (as  a  Scholar)  1836. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1836  to  1839.  B.A. 
18  May,  1839.  Name  removed  19  Eeb.  1842. 

Vicar  of  Christ  Church,  Nailsea.     Incumbent  of  Kimmeridge, 

Isle  of  Pur-beck,  1853  to  1861. 

"  He  had  an  intuitive  acquaintance  with  all  manner  of  musical 

instruments,  and  composed  music  for  Hymns  for  Children,  and 

for   tiacred  Songs    (selected    from    Hymns   from    the    land    of 


William  Edward  Allfree.  Son  of  William  Allfree,  Esq. 
Born  at  Hurstmonceaux  in  Sussex,  aged  19.  Admitted 
01.  18  June,  1835. 

B.A.  30  May,  1839.  M.A.  2  Nov.  1843.  (JT.JH.  account 
closed  Christmas  1851. 

Rector  of  Southease,  Sussex,  1843  to  1864.  Rector  of  Nar- 
burgli,  Norfolk,  1864  to  1885.  Rector  of  Upton  with  Copping- 
ford,  Hunts,  Dec.  1885  to  Sept.  1890. 

Richard  Dawson.  Son  of  the  late  Richard  Dawson,  Esq. 
a  Lieutenant  in  the  .First  Dragoons.  Born  in  Limerick, 
aged  17.  Admitted  4L  18  June,  1835. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1839. 
B.A.  21  Nov.  1839.  (C.Jtt.  account  closed  Midsummer 

1835.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  369 

Thomas  Pearse.  Son  of  Eev.  William  Pearse.  Born  at 
Han  well  in  Oxfordshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 
18  June,  1835. 

Name  removed  15  Oct.  1836.  Migrated  to  Magd.  Coll. 
Demy  1836  to  1850.  B.A.  28  Nov.  1839.  M.A.  7  Feb. 
1842.  B.D.  7  Nov.  1850.  $.  1850  to  1856.  Vice- 
President  1853. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Rector  of  Fittleton,  "Wilts,  1855.  Rural 
Dean  of  Potterne  and  Domestic  Chaplain  to  Baroness  North  ; 
he  died  25  Nov.  1885,  at  Fittleton,  and  there  is  a  marble  cross 
over  his  grave. 

Robert  Cane  Fattenson.  Son  of  the  late  John  Edward 
Pattenson,  Esq.  in  the  H.E.I.C.S.  Born  at  Dacca  in 
Bengal,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  18  June,  1835.  Kemoved 
to  St  Mary  Hall  16  Oct.  1838. 

B.C.L.  10  Nov.  1842. 

Rector  of  Melmerby,  Cumberland,  1844  to  1881. 

William  Joy.  Son  of  William  Joy,  Esq.  Born  in  St  Giles', 
Oxford,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  27  June,  1835. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1835.  Name  removed  Oct.  1835, 
without  having  come  into  residence.  Migrated  to  Trinity 
Coll.  Camb.  £.  1838.  B.A.  1839.  Senior  Opt.  and 
Second  Class,  Classics.  M.A.  1842.  Chaplain  of  Trinity. 

Vicar  of  Shudy  Camps,  Cambridge,  1 863. 

William  Symons  Newman.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Eichard 
Newman,  M.A.  formerly  Jf.  (1814). 

Of  Dittisham,  Devon,  aged  17.  Matric.  27  June,  1835 
as  <£.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1836.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1840.  B.A.  3  Dec.  1840. 
M.A.  27  Oct.  1842.  (£.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer 

Godson    of    Warden    Symons.      Head    Master    of    Tavistock 

Grammar  School, to    1852.     Rector   of   Cory  ton,   October, 

1853,  till  his  death  on  27  April,  1880. 
Brother  of  Charles  D.  N..  1839. 

•2  A 

370  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1835. 

Henry  King.  Son  of  Francis  King,  Esq.  Born  at  Great 
Stanmore,  Middlesex.  Admitted  (ft.  of  Exeter  College 
7  May,  1834,  aged  17.  Elected  £.  of  Wadham  30  June, 
1835.  Admitted  OT.  and  £.  16  Oct.  1835.  Elected 
$.JF.  30  June,  1844. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1836  to  1838.  Maddox  Ex- 
hibitioner 1837.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1838.  B.A.  2  June,  1838.  M.A.  7  March,  1844. 
Elected  Catechist  1846,  1847,  1861;  Humanity  Lecturer 
1848,  1849;  Bursar  1850  to  1856;  Moderator  of  Philo- 
sophy 1871  to  1881.  Vacated  Jf.  by  marriage  1888. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  22  Nov.  1844.     Librarian  of 
the  Garrick  Club.     Died  6  Nov.  1888,  aged  72. 

Arthur  Baker.  Son  of  Eobert  Baker,  Esq.  Born  at  New- 
bury,  Berks,  aged  18.  Admitted  OT.  16  Oct.  1835. 
Name  withdrawn  Lady  Day  1838. 

B.A.  10  June,  1840.  M.A.  13  May,  1850.  CJE.  replaced 
2  May,  1839 ;  account  closed  Christmas  1854. 

Incumbent  of  St   Pauls,   Wellington,    New  Zealand,    1854   to 
1859  ;  "  died  29  July,  1868/'     (F.) 
Author  of  numerous  Sermons. 

John  Lancelot  Sheppard.  Son  of  Joseph  Sheppard,  Esq. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  Bermondsey,  South wark,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OL  12  Nov.  1835. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1838.  B.A.  22  May,  1839.  M.A. 
10  Oct.  1842.  Name  removed  9  Eeb.  1848. 

Robert  Thomas  Kent.  Son  of  Eobert  Thomas  Kent, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Mary  Abchurch,  London, 
aged  19.  Admitted  OL  12  Nov.  1835. 

B.A.  14  Nov.  1839.     M.A.  18  Nov.  1842.     CT.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1863. 

Called   to   the    Bar    (Lincoln's    Inn)    21    Nov.    1848;    "died 
-20  April,  1880."     (F.) 

1835-36.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  371 

John  Sayres.     Son  of  John  Sayres,  Esq.     Born  at  Stoke 

near  Arundel,  aged  18.     Admitted  01".  12  Nov.  1835. 
Third  Class,  Litt.    Hum.   Michaelmas   Term    1839.     B.A. 
5  Dec.  1839.     Name  removed  8  July,  1843. 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1844  ;  died  11  March,  1852." 

William  George  Duncan.  Son  of  Menzies  Duncan,  Esq. 
late  Captain  in  the  H.E.I.C.'s  Native  Infantry.  Born  at 
Trull  near  Taunton,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  12  Nov. 

B.A.  22  May,  1839.  Name  removed  and  balance  paid  to 
the  Antechapel  Window  Fund  21  Oct.  1842,  for  his 
arms,  when  he  is  described  as  in  Orders,  of  Great 
Houghton,  near  Northampton. 

"  Of  Bradwell  House,  Bucks,  J.P.,  D.L."     (F.) 

Arms — Gules,  on  a  chevron  between  2  cinquefoils  in  chief  and 

a  hunting  horn  in  base  Argent  3  escutcheons  of  the  field. 

William  Drew  Stent.  Son  of  William  Stent,  Esq.  Born 
at  Tillington  in  Sussex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  12  Nov. 

B.A.  21  May,  1840.     Name  removed  13  March,  1843. 


George  Malim  Messiter.  Son  of  George  Messiter,  Esq. 
Born  at  Frome,  Somerset,  aged  18.  Elected  £.  30  June, 
1835.  Admitted  <£.  and  £,.  9  Feb.  1836.  Resigned  g. 
previous  to  marriage  21  June,  1846. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1837,  1838,  1839.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1838  to  1841.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1840.  B.A.  28  Jan.  1841.  M.A. 
7  June,  1843.  Name  removed  21  June,  1846. 

Educated   at  Rugby.      In   Holy    Orders.      Second  Master  of 
Repton  School,  1852  ;  died  19  May,  1874. 

372  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1836. 

Henry  Watson  Fox.  Son  of  George  Townshend  Fox, 
Esq.,  (brother  of  William  Fox,  <£.  1828).  Born  in  the 
parish  of  Westoe  in  the  County  of  Durham,  aged  18. 
Admitted  01.  3  March,  1836. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1837.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1839.  B.A.  5  Dec.  1839.  Name 
removed  27  Jan.  1841.  <£.j&.  replaced  18  May,  1848. 
Name  again  removed  26  March,  1849. 

Missionary  at  Massulipatam  ;  died  in  Durham,  aged  31, 14  Oct. 

George  Arden.  Son  of  Christopher  Arden,  Esq.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  Dorchester,  Dorset,  aged 
17.  Admitted  <£.  3  March,  1836. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1838.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1840.  B.A.  6  June,  1840.  M.A.  26  May, 
1842.  Name  removed  and  balance  paid  to  Chapel 
Window  Fund  8  Feb.  1850. 

Domestic  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Devon.  Vicar  of  Winter- 
bourn  Came,  Dorset,  1847  to  1858.  Eector  of  North  Bovey, 
Devon,  1859  to  1866.  Vicar  of  Dunsford,  Devon,  1866  to 

The  Arms  of  Arden  of  Dorchester,  are,  Argent,  a  fess  cheeky 
Or  and  A/,ure  between  3  crescents,   but  they  are  not  in  the 
Windows  of  the  Antechapel. 
Author  of  The  Cure  of  Souls  and  other  theological  works. 

Charles  Leopold  Royds.  Son  of  John  Eoyds,  Esq.  Born 
at  107  Gloucester  Place,  Marylebone,  London,  aged  19. 
Admitted  OT.  3  March,  1836. 

B.A.  31  Oct.  1839.     Name  removed  11  March,  1844. 

Vicar  of  Aldenham,  Herts,  1850  to  1884  ;  when  he  succeeded 
to  his  brother's  estate,  Brizes  Park,  Essex. 

Thomas  Fox.  Son  of  Eev.  Thomas  Fox,  (1797)  M.A. 
formerly  Jf.  Born  at  Eovant,  Wiltshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted Or.  3  March,  1836. 

B.A.  6  June,  1840.     Name  removed  31  J<m.  1843. 

1836.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  373 

Rector  of  Temple  Combe,  1860.      Buried  on  the  east  side  of 
the  Church,  where  a  cross  has  the  following  inscription, — 
"  In  loving  memory  of  the  Rev.  T.  F.,  for  30  years  Rector  of 
the  Parish  ;  died  6  May,  1891,  aged  73. " 

Thomas  Clark  Whitehead.  Son  of  Thomas  Whitehead, 
Esq.  Born  at  Chatham  House,  Eamsgate,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted 01.  11  May,  1836. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1837  to  1839.  Fourth  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1840.  B.A. 
12  Nov.  1840.  M.A.  20  Oct.  1842.  d.Jtt.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1851. 

Incumbent  of  Gawcott,  Bucks.      Head  Master  of  Christ's  Col- 
lege, Finchley,  1864  ;  died  28  April,  1873. 

Edward  Sherman  Venn.  Son  of  John  Venn,  Esq.  Born 
at  Highbury  Park,  Islington,  aged  17.  Admitted  {£. 
11  May,  1836. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1837.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1839  to  1840.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1840  to 
1842.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1840. 
B.A.  6  June,  1840.  M.A.  17  Dec.  1842.  CJtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1843. 

"  Appointed  to  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope." 

Henry  Brancker.  Son  of  Peter  Whitfield  Brancker,  Esq. 
(cousin  of  Thomas  Brancker,  JF.  1835).  Born  at  West 
Derby  near  Liverpool,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.11  May, 

Second  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1839.  B.A.  6  Feb. 
1840.  M.A.  7  June,  1843.  C.JE.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1867. 

Born  18  Oct.  1817.     Educated  at  the  Royal  Institution  School, 
Liverpool.     Vicar  of  Thursley,  Surrey,  1857  to  1886. 

George  Faterson.  Son  of  George  Paterson,  Esq.,  late  a 
Lieut. -Col.  in  the  Foot  Guards.  Born  in  the  parish 
of  West  Church,  Edinburgh,  u^ed  16.  Admitted  (j£. 
11  Mav,  1836. 

374  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1836. 

B.A.  6  June,  1840.     M.A.  30  June,  1843.     CLJE.  account 
closed  Lady  Day  1871. 

"  A  Member  of  the  Scottish  Faculty  of  Advocates,  1842.  J.P. 
for  Perth  ;  died  25  Feb.  1867."  (F.) 

George  Cockburn  TTrmston.  Son  of  Sir  James  Brabazon 
Urmston,  Knight.  Born  at  Woodford,  Essex,  aged  19. 
Admitted  (£.  11  May,  1836.  Eemoved  to  St  Mary  Hall 

18  Oct.  1838. 

John  Cave  Browne.  Son  of  Edward  Cave  Browne,  Esq.,  a 
Colonel  in  H.E.I.C.S.  44th  Native  Infantry.  Born  at 
Nagpore  in  the  Deccan,  India,  aged  18.  Admitted  <JT. 
11  May,  1836. 

B.A.   6  Feb.    1840.     M.A.    9   Feb.    1843.     CT.JE.   account 
closed  Christmas  1847. 

Born  17  Jan.  1818.  Educated  at  Taunton  College  :  proceeded 
to  Wells  Theological  College.  Bengal  Chaplain  1851  to  1872. 
Vicar  of  Detling,  1875. 

Author  of  The  Punjab  and  Delhi  in  1S57 ;  History  of  the  Chota 
Nagpore  Mission,  &c.  Lambeth  Palace  and  its  Associations ; 
History  of  Detliny,  &c. 

Charles  Barton.  Son  of  the  late  Eev.  Charles  Barton, 
D.D.  Jf.  of  C.  C.  C.  (i.e.  Corpus  Christi  Coll.  Oxford), 
and  Dean  of  Booking.  Born  at  Booking  in  Essex,  aged 
18.  Admitted  (ft.  11  May,  1836. 

B.A.   14  May,    1840.     OT.JE.    account   closed    Midsummer 

Robert  Cooper.  Son  of  Edward  Cooper,  Esq.  (brother  of 
William  Wellington  Cooper  and  Charles  Brodie  Cooper, 
<£.  1831  and  1832  and  cousin  of  George  Fort  Cooper,  (Jtt. 
1825).  Born  in  the  Chapelry  of  Staverton,  in  the  parish 
of  Trowbridge,  Wiltshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 

19  May.     (Matriculated  21  May,  1836.) 

B.A.  12  Nov.  1840.     OT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1849. 
Father  of  Frederick  C.,  1865. 

1836.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  375 

William  George  Henderson.  Eldest  son  of  George 
Henderson,  Esq.,  Captain,  K.N.  Born  at  Harbridge  in 
Hampshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  30  June,  1836. 
Elected  Demy  of  Magdalen  College  July,  1836. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1836.  Name  removed  15  Oct. 
1836.  Chancellor's  Prize,  Latin  Verse  (M.  Atilius 
Eegulus  fidem  hostibus  solvit)  1839.  First  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  and  Second  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1840. 
B.A.  26  Nov.  1840.  M.A.  14  Jan.  1843.  Chancellor's 
Prize  Latin  Essay  (De  re  frumentaria  apud  Athenienses) 
1842.  Ellerton  Prize  (The  Style  and  Composition  of  the 
writings  of  the  New  Testament)  1843.  Jf.  of  Magdalen 
1846  to  1853.  Junior  Proctor  1850.  D.C.L.  2  June, 
1853.  D.D.  1882. 

Educated  at  Bruton  School.  Head  Master  of  Magdalen  School, 
1845  to  1846.  Tutor  in  Durham  University,  1846  to  1851. 
Principal  of  Victoria  College,  Jersey,  1852  to  1862.  Head 
Master  of  Leeds  Grammar  School,  1862.  Dean  of  Carlisle, 
1884.  Editor  of  several  works  for  the  Surtees  Society. 

(Bloxam  vii,  342.) 

Richard  Gee.  Son  of  the  late  William  Gee,  Esq.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  St  Martin  in  the  Fields,  aged  18.  Admitted 
4T.  30  June,  1836. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1840.  B.A.  6  June, 
1840.  M.A.  16  Feb.  1843.  B.D.  and  D.L>.  7  Nov.  1867. 
Compounded  15  March,  1870. 

Vicar  of  Abbots  Langley,  1 844.  Honorary  Canon  of  St  Albans. 
Rural  Dean  of  Watford,  Proctor  in  Convocation,  1874.  Chap- 
lain to  the  Bishop  of  St  Albans.  Vicar  of  New  Windsor,  1878. 
Honorary  Chaplain  to  the  Queen  1884. 

Robert  Cholmeley.  Son  of  the  Piev.  Eobert  Cholmeley, 
M.A.  late  ,-fF.  of  C.  C.  C.  (i.e.  Corpus  Christ!  Coll.  Oxford). 
Born  at  Croft  near  Wainneet,  Lincolnshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  30  June,  1836.  Admitted  Exhibitioner  of 
C.  C.  C.  19  Feb.  1838. 

B.A.    6    June,    1840.     M.A.    (Magdalen)    16    Nov.    1843. 
Fellow  of  Magdalen  1843  to  1858.    Proctor  1854.    Vicar 
of  Fiiidon,  Sussex,  1859. 
"  Died  30  Aug.  1880.:)     (F.) 

376  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1836. 

George  Byng  Hardwicke  Shute.  Son  of  Hardwicke 
Shute,  Esq.,  D.M.,  Edinburgh.  Born  in  St  Michael's 
Parish,  Gloucester,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  27  Oct.  1836. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1840.  B.A. 
16  Eeb.  1843.  M.A.  10  June,  1848.  B.D.  and  D.D. 
1858.  €.j&.  account  closed  (apparently)  1878. 

Of  Yateley,  Farnborough. 

Harcourt  Skrine.  Son  of  John  Harcourt  Skrine,  B.A.  of 
St  John's  College,  Cambridge,  Clerk.  Born  at  Hampton 
in  Middlesex,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  27  Oct.  1836. 

B.A.  10  June,  1840.     M.A.  15  June,  1843. 

Born  3  June,  1817.     Curate  of  Cirencester ;  and  of  Sunbury, 
Middlesex.     Died  14  Nov.  1886,  aged  60. 
Brother  of  Charles  H.  S.,  1840. 

Carteret  Friaulx  Carey.  Son  of  John  Carey,  Esq.  Born 
at  St  Peter's  Port,  Guernsey,  aged  16.  Admitted  <#. 
27  Oct.  1836. 

B.A.  29  April,  1841.  M.A.  21  June,  1844.  (JT.JE.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1848. 

Born  29  Nov.  1819.     Educated  at  Elizabeth  College,  Guernsey. 

Vicar  of  St  John's,  Guernsey,  1846  ;  died  8  Dec.  1858,  where  a 

monument  with  the  following  inscription  is  erected, — 

In  memory  of  the  Rev.  C.  P.  Carey,  M.A. 

Incumbent  of  this  Church 

Taken  to  Heaven 
7  Dec.  (sic)  1858,  aged  39. 

"  Him  that  overcometh  will  I  make  a  pillar  in  the  temple  of 
my  God,  and  he  shall  go  no  more  out." 

"  This  monument  is  affectionately  erected  by  the  flock  over 
which  the  Holy  Ghost  had  made  him  overseer  ;  and  to  whose 
wants,  both  spiritual  and  temporal,  he  faithfully  and  lovingly 
ministered  for  the  space  of  twelve  years." 
Author  of  The  Book  of  Job,  translated  from  the  Hebrew,  1858. 
Brother  of  Osmond  C.,  1844. 

Edward  Boys.  Son  of  Edward  Boys,  Esq.,  Commander, 
RN.  Born  at  Deal  in  Kent,  aged  19.  Admitted  OT. 
27  Oct.  183G. 

1836-37.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  377 

B.A.  12  Nov.  1840.  M.A.  5  Feb.  1846.  Name  removed 
3  Nov.  1846. 

Cousin  of  Markby  J.  T.  B.,  1838. 

Edward  David.  Son  of  the  late  Edward  David,  Esq. 
Born  at  Kadyr  Court  near  Llandaff,  in  Glamorganshire, 
aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  27  Oct.  1836.  Eemoved  to  St 
Mary  Hall,  16  Oct.  1838. 

B.C.L.  24  April,  1845. 

Logan  Dobinson.  Son  of  Joseph  Dobinson,  Esq.  Born 
in  Harley  Street,  Marylebone,  London,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted Or.  10  Nov.  1836. 

B.A.  12  Nov.  1840.     <£.p.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1846. 
Rector  of  Lockington,  Yorks,  1853  ;  resigned  21  Dec.  1889. 


Richard  Gongreve.  Son  of  Mr  Thomas  Congreve.  Born 
at  Leamington  Hastings,  Warwickshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  23  Feb.  1837.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1836. 
Admitted  £,.  23  Feb.  1837.  Elected  ^.Jf.  30  June, 
1844.  Resigned  Jf.  before  marriage  29  June,  1854. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1837,  1838,  1839.  Maddox  Exhi- 
bitioner 1838.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1839  to 
1843.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1840. 
B.A.  3  Dec.  1840.  M.A.  7  June,  1843.  Elected  Sub- 
Dean  1845,  1846,  1847  ;  Dean  1848,  1849 ;  Humanity 
Lecturer  1850  to  1853.  Name  removed  Midsummer 
1857.  Elected  Honorary  Fellow  6  Dec.  1891. 

First  English  disciple  of  Auguste  Comte,  and  Preacher  of 
the  Religion  of  Humanity.  Author  of  The  Roman  Empire 
of  the  West;  Elizabeth  of  England;  Essays,  Political,  Social, 
and  Religious:  (2  vols.).  Editor  of  Aristotle's  Politics;  and 
translator  of  some  of  the  Works  of  Comte.  Donor  of  Plate  to 
the  College. 
Brother  of  Walter  C.,  1843. 

William  Groome  Holmes.  Son  of  William  Holmes,  Esq. 
Born  at  Arundel  in  Sussex,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£. 
23  Feb.  1837. 

373  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1837. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1840.  B.A. 
3  Dec.  1840.  M.A.  7  March,  1845.  (H.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1853. 

Vicar  of  Littlehampton,  Sussex,  1855  ;  resigned  1863. 

Samuel  Wilberforce  Newbald.  Son  of  Charles  Newbald, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  Hull,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <£.  23  Feb.  1837. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1842.  B.A.  14  May, 
1842.  M.A.  5  March,  1846.  &.J&.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1851. 

Born  10  Sept.  1818.  Educated  at  St  Peter's  School,  York.  In- 
cumbent of  Goole,  1844  to  1848,  of  Rowcliffe,  1848  to  1850. 
Head  Master  of  Pontefract  School,  1850  to  1868.  Vicar  of 
Hooton  Pagnell,  Yorks,  5  Nov.  1 868. 

Edward  Reynolds.  Son  of  Mr  Edward  Reynolds.  Born 
in  Wood  St.,  Cheapside,  London,  aged  19.  Admitted  (JT. 
23  Eeb.  1837. 

B.A.  3  Dec.  1840.     d.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1848. 
One  E.  R.  was  Vicar  of  Appledore,  Devon,  1842. 

William  Osborne  Madame.  Son  of  Lieut. -Col.  Hector 
Maclaine.  Born  at  Valenciennes,  France,  baptised  at 
Thornbury  in  Gloucestershire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*. 
23  Feb.  1837. 

B.A.  12  Nov.  1840.  M.A.  7  June,  1843.  Name  removed 
and  balance  paid  to  the  Chapel  Window  Fund,  22  Feb. 

Born  6  March,  1818.  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  7  June 
1844  :  of  Kyneton,  Thornbury,  Glouc.  ;  J.P.  and  D.L. 

James  Fair  Reeve.  Son  of  the  late  James  Reeve,  Esq. 
Born  at  Lowestoft,  aged  19.  Admitted  (£.  23  Feb. 

B.A.  29  Oct.  1840.     (H.p.  account  closed  Christmas  1848. 
Rector  of  Thornham,  Suffolk,  1850  to  1872. 

Thomas  Charles  Griffith.  Son  of  Mr  Thomas  Griffith,  a 
dissenting  minister.  Born  at  Cam,  Gloucestershire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <!T.  23  Feb.  1837. 

1837.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  379 

B.A.  13  May,  1841.  M.A.  10  June,  1847.  CJtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1853. 

Curate  in  charge  of  Whittington,  Glouc.,  1846  to  1866.  Vicar 
of  St  Matthew,  Surbiton,  Surrey,  21st  Sept.  1875. 

George  Weir.  Son  of  John  Charles  Weir,  Esq.  Born  at 
Heathfield,  parish  of  St  Thomas  in  the  Vale,  Jamaica, 
aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  20  April,  1837.  Name  removed 
Michaelmas  1838. 

John  Groom.  Son  of  Mr  George  Groom.  Born  in  New- 
ington  Row,  Liverpool,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  20  April, 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1838  to  1841.  Second  Class, 
Math,  and  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term,  1841. 
B.A.  21  May,  1841.  M.A.  20  Nov.  1845.  (JT.Jtt. 
account  closed  Lady  Day  1850. 

Incumbent  of  Eainford,  1847  to  1852.  Rector  of  Whalley 
Range,  Lane.,  1852,  till  his  death  1  Feb.  1868. 

Edward  Humphrey  Ballard.  Son  of  the  late  Bear 
Admiral  Volant  Vashon  Ballard.  Born  at  Shopwicke 
near  Chichester,  aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  20  April,  1837. 

B.A.  3  May,  1842.  M.A.  29  Oct.  1847.  Name  removed 
2  Feb.  1850. 

Edward  Warner.  Son  of  Edward  Warner,  Esq.  Born  at 
Walthamstow,  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  20  April, 

First  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1840.  B.A.  21  March, 
1841.  M.A.  17  Dec.  1844.  Johnson  Math.  Scholar 
1841.  fniversity  Math.  Scholar  1841.  Compounded 
5  July,  1870. 

Of  Highams,  Essex,  D.L.,  J.P.,  F.R.G.S.  Called  to  the  Bar 
(Lincoln's  Inn)  3  May,  1850.  "  M.P.  for  Norwich,  1852  to  1857, 
and  1860  to  1868  ;  died  7  March,  1875."  (F.) 

George  Danby  Hodson.     Son  of  the  late  Charles  Philip 
Hodson,    Esq.,  a    Lieutenant    in   the    Army.       Born    in 
Trumpington  Street,  Cambridge,  aged  18.     Admitted  (JT. 
20  April,  1837. 
Name  removed  7  June,  1838. 

380  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1837. 

Sylvanus  Charles  Thorp  Hartley.  Son  of  William 
Hanley,  Esq.  Born  in  Holy  well,  Oxford,  aged  19.  Ad- 
mitted OL  20  April,  1837. 

B.A.  4  March,  1841.  dT.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

William  Davis  Wilson.  Son  of  the  late  William  John 
Delap- Wilson,  Esq.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged 
18.  Admitted  (ft.  20  April,  1837. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1840.  Third  Class,  Math. 
Michaelmas  Term  1841.  B.A.  11  Nov.  1841.  M.A. 
26  Oct.  1843.  Name  removed  10  July,  1852. 

Vicar  of  Earingdon,  Berks,  1849  ;  died  22  Aug.  1851,  at  Over 
Worton,  Oxon,  aged  33. 

James  Aspinall  Brancker.  Brother  of  Henry  Brancker 
(OT.  1836),  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  20  April,  1837. 

|tt.  4th  Son  of  Peter  Whitfield  B.  of  Childwall,  near  Liver-  - 
pool,  Gen.     Name  removed  4  March,  1843. 

Robert  Henderson.  Son  of  Lieut.-Col.  George  Henderson, 
E.E.  Born  at  Aberdeen,  aged  16.  Admitted  (ft.  1  June, 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1839.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1842.  B.A.  14  May,  1842.  M.A.  3  Dec. 
1846.  Name  removed  15  April,  1850. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple),  1845  ;  died  at  Southampton, 
15  Jan.  1850,  aged  29. 

Edward  Francis  Gepp.  Brother  of  George  Edward 
Gepp  (Jf.  1833),  aged  17.  Admitted  OT.  1  June,  1837. 

JE.  Son  of  George  Assar  G.  of  Chelmsford,  Arm.  Fourth 
Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1840.  B.A.  28  May,  1841. 
M.A.  30  June,  1848.  (£.JE.  account  closed  Christinas 

Vicar  of  High  Easter,  Essex,  1849. 

Henry  Hill.  Son  of  James  Haydock  Hill,  Esq.  Born  in 
Guildford  St.,  Kussell  Square,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(£.  I  June,  1837. 

1837.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  381 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1840.  B.A. 
28  May,  1841.  M.A.  26  Jan.  1844.  Name  removed 
24  Jan.  1850. 

Vicar  of  Aston  Cantelow,  Warwick,  1846  ;  died  on  his  passage 
from  Madeira,  1  Sept.  1849,  aged  30  ;  but  he  is  called  second 
son  of  P.  H.  Hill,  Bery  Hill,  Notts.  (G.  May.  119,  II.  549.) 

Charles  Kemble.  Son  of  the  late  Charles  Adams  Kemble, 
Esq.  Born  on  Clapham  Common,  in  the  parish  of 
Battersea,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  1  June,  1837. 

B.A.  11  Nov.  1841.  M.A.  26  Jan.  1844.  Compounded 

Incumbent  of  St  Michael's,  Stockwell,  1844  to  1859.     Rector 
of  the  Abbey  Church,  Bath,  1859.     Prebendary  of  Wells,  1866. 
He  is  buried  in  Bath  Abbey  Cemetery,  where  there  is  a  plain 
stone  over  the  Grave,  with  the  following  inscription, — 
Underneath  are  the  everlasting  Arms. 


Memory  of 

Charles  Kemble 

Prebendary  of  Wells 

Rector  of  Bath 
Nov.  1859  to  Aug.  1874. 

Only  Child  of 
Charles  Adams  Kemble 

And  Harriet  his  wife 

of  Clapham  Common,  Surrey. 

Born  21st  April,  1819. 

Died  18  Nov.  1874. 

For  me  to  live  is  Christ,  and  to  die  is  gain. 
They  that  be  wise  shall  shine  as  the  brightness  of  the  firma- 
ment ;  and  they  that  turn  many  to  righteousness  as  the  stars 
for  ever  and  ever. 

Also  on  a  screen  across  the  South  East  Aisle  of  the  Abbey  is  the 
following,  — 

This  Screen  was  erected  A.D.  1885,  in  grateful  commemoration 
of  the  Restoration  of  this  Church,  through  the  well-directed 
energy  and  munificent  gifts  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Kemble,  M.A., 
Rector  of  Bath  and  Prebendary  of  Wells.  He  was  born  1819, 
and  died  1874.  Rector  of  Bath  1859  to  1874. 

382  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1837. 

His  Arms  are  in  the  Windows  of  the  Antechapel— Sable,  on  a 
bend  ermine  3  leopard's  faces  of  the  field. 
Author  of  numerous  Sermons. 

John  Hales  Sweet.     Son  of  the  late  Mr  William  Sweet. 
Born   at   Clifton,   near    Bristol,    aged    18.     Admitted    (£. 
1  June,  1837. 

Name  removed  23  Oct.  1839. 

Thomas  Pilkington  Tufnell.  Son  of  John  Jolliffe 
Tufnell,  Esq.  (cousin  of  Edward  Wynclham  Tufnell,  j£. 
1833).  Born  at  Broomfield  in  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted 
01.  1  June,  1837. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Easter  Term  1841. 
B.A.  13  May,  1841.  M.A.  19  March,  1846.  e.Jtt. 
account  closed  Midsummer  1848. 

Vicar  of  Wormingford,  Essex,  1845  ;  died  26  Feb.  1892,  aged  72. 
Brother  of  George  C.  T.,  1839. 

Francis   Flimley  Voules. 

|H.  Son  of  William  Voules  of  Windsor,  Arm.  aged  25. 
B.A.  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  incorporated  26  Oct. 
1837.  (H.JE.  received  same  day.  Account  closed 
Michaelmas  1845. 

Conduct  of  Eton,  1837  to  1841.     Kector  of  Middle  Chinnock, 
Dorset,  1841  to  16  Oct.  1892. 

Robert  Hawker  Bowden.  Son  of  Richard  Booth  Bowden, 
Esq.,  Commander,  E.N.  Born  in  the  parish  of  Charles, 
Plymouth,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  26  Oct.  1837. 

B.A.  11  Nov.  1841.  C.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

Vicar  of  Stoke  Gabriel,  Devon,  1845,  resigned  1881. 

Lumsden  Shirreff  Dudman.  Son  of  Joseph  Dudman, 
Esq.  Born  at  Stradmore  Hill,  Llandwgwydd  near  New- 

1837.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  383 

castle    Emlyn,  Cardiganshire,   aged    18.     Admitted   (jft. 
26  Oct.  1837. 

B.A.  28  April,  1842.  C|tt.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

Kector  (and  Patron)  of  Pitney,  Somerset,  1851  ;  died  21  Oct. 


Father  of  James  L.  S.  G.  D.,  1886. 

Brymer  Belcher.  Son  of  Alexander  Brymer  Belcher,  Esq. 
Born  at  Denmark  Hill,  near  Roehampton,  Surrey,  aged 
17.  Admitted  <&.  26  Oct.  1837. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1841.  B.A. 
25  Nov.  1841.  M.A.  14  May,  1845.  Compounded 
16  Oct.  1873. 

Born  13  Nov.  1819.  Educated  at  Tunbridge  School.  In- 
cumbent of  St  Gabriel's,  Pimlico,  1853.  Rector  of  Bodiam, 
Sussex,  1885. 

Benjamin  Brancker.  Brother  of  Thomas  Brancker  (JF. 
1835),  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  26  Oct.  1837.  Name 
withdrawn  at  end  of  same  quarter. 

JE.  son  of  Thomas  B.,  of  Liverpool,  Eq.  Aur. 

Richard  Marsh.  Son  of  the  late  Thomas  Edward  Marsh, 
Esq.  Born  at  Llanidloes,  Montgomeryshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OT.  26  Oct.  1837. 

B.A.  17  June,  1841.     Name  removed  11  Nov.  1846. 

"Died  21  Aug.  1845,  at  Llanidloes,  Montgom.,  Rev.  R.  M., 
B.A.,  aged  25."  (G.  Mag.) 

John  Murray  Holland.  Brother  of  William  Buckton 
Holland  (<£.  1831),  aged  19.  Admitted  OL  8  Nov. 
1837.  Admitted  £.  of  New  College  22  Jan.  1838. 

Son  of  William  Woollams  H.  of  Chichester,  cler.  (M.). 
B.A.  17  June,  1841.  M.A.  10  April,  1845.  $.  of  New 
College  till  1861.  Proctor  1855.  Kector  of  Stanton  St 
John,  Oxon,  1860. 

384  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1837-38. 

Scholar  of  Winchester  College,  1829.     Died  26  Aug.  1877,  and 
was  buried  at  Stanton  St  John,  with  this  Epitaph, — 

Here  rests 

in  the  hope  of  Eternal  Life 

which  God  that  cannot  lie 

promised  before  the  world  began, 

The  Reverend 

John  Murray  Holland,  M.A., 

for  seventeen  years 

Rector  of  this  Parish. 

He  departed  this  life  August  26, 1877, 

Aged  58. 

"  A  Father  to  the  poor." 

"  When  the  ear  heard  me,  then  it  blessed  me,  and  when  the  eye 
saw  me,  it  gave  witness  to  me." 

"  By  grace  are  ye  saved  through  faith,  and  that  not  of  yourselves. 
It  is  the  gift  of  God." 

Edward  John  Chapman.  Son  of  William  Chapman,  Esq. 
Born  at  Tynemouth,  N.  Shields,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
9  Nov.  1837. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term   1841.     B.A. 
11  Nov.  1841.     &.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1849. 

Born    22   April,    1819.     In   Holy   Orders.      Died    unmarried 
2  Nov.  1869.  (Foster,  Yorkshire  Fed.) 


Henry  Robbins.  Son  of  Rev.  William  Bobbins  (formerly 
of  St  Edmund  Hall).  Born  at  Hickling  in  Norfolk,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <£.  1  March,  1838.  Admitted  Clerk  the 
same  day. 

Pigott,  Goodridge,  and  Gerard  Exhibitioner  1838  to  1841. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1838  to  1840.  Hody 
(Greek)  Exhibitioner  1840  to  1842.  Third  Class,  Litt. 
Hum.  Easter  Term  1842.  B.A.  17  Nov.  1842.  M.A. 
30  May,  1844.  OI.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1856. 

Died  at  Shropham,  Norfolk,  13  Oct.  1858,  aged  38.     (G.  Mag.) 

1838.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  385 

Francis  Barrow.  Son  of  Eev.  Francis  Barrow  ((ft.  1809). 
Born  in  St  John's  Parish,  Margate,  Kent,  aged  16.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  1  March,  1838. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1839.  Second  Class,  Math.  Easter 
Term  1841.  B.A.  29  Oct.  1841.  M.A.  30  May,  1844. 
(£.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1867.  Compounded. 

Born  15  March,  1821.  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn) 
22  Nov.  1844.  Eecorder  of  Rochester,  1867.  Judge  of  the 
County  Court,  1876. 

Joseph  Cox  Algar.  Son  of  Eev.  Joseph  Cox  Algar, 
formerly  (ft.  (1809  to  1816).  Born  at  Frome,  Somerset- 
shire, aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  1  March,  1838.  Elected 
g.  of  University  College  5  March,  1838. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1842.  B.A. 
24  Nov.  1842.  M.A.  24  Oct.  1844.  jf.  1843.  Eesigned 
9  April,  1848. 

George  Francis  Sydenham  Powell.  Son  of  Alexander 
Powell,  Esq.,  and  maternal  grandson  of  the  Visitor, 
(George  Henry  Law,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells).  Born 
at  Hurdcott  House  in  the  parish  of  Baverstoke,  near 
Salisbury,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  1  March,  1838. 

B.A.  21  Oct.  1841.     Cl.p.  account  closed  Lady  Day,  1849. 

Incumbent  of  Burcombe,  Wilts,  1853  to  1854.  Rector  of 
Sutton  Veny,  1854.  Registrar  to  the  Archdeacon  of  Wells. 

John  Levien.  Son  of  John  Levien,  Esq.  Born  at  Bath. 
Baptized  at  St  Marylebone  Church,  London,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  1  March,  1838. 

B.A.  10  Nov.  1842.  M.A.  11  Feb.  1847.  Compounded 
2  Feb.  1870. 

Educated  at  Shrewsbury  School.  Rector  of  Enmore,  Som. 
1860  to  1875  ;  of  Burnham  Thorpe,  Norfolk,  1875,  where  he  is 
buried  with  this  Epitaph, — 

"John  Levien,  M.A.,  Rector.  Born  10  Jan.  1820;  died 
4  March,  1888.  "  In  Thy  light  shall  we  see  light." 

2  B 

386  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1838. 

Alfred  Peache.  Son  of  Mr  James  Courthope  Peache. 
Born  in  the  parish  of  Lambeth,  Surrey,  aged  19.  Ad- 
mitted OL  1  March,  1838. 

B.A.  29  Oct.  1841.  M.A.  10  Oct.  1844.  OT.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1849. 

Vicar  of  Mangotsfield,  Glouc.  1859  to  1874.     Vicar  of  Downend 
1874  to  1878. 

Adam  Clarke  Rowley.  Son  of  Mr  James  Rowley.  Born 
at  Stourport,  Worcestershire,  aged  18.  Admitted  <!£. 
15  March,  1838. 

B.A.  28  April,  1842.  M.A.  25  June,  184G.  Name 
removed  27  Oct.  1846. 

Vicar  of  St  Matthias,  Weir,  Bristol,  1846  to  1875.     Vicar  of 

Twigwortli,  Glouc.,  1875  ;  of  Sutterton,  Line.,  1876. 

F.R.H.S.,  1877. 

Author  of  a  Translation  of  Joel  and  other  works  in  Hebrew  and 


Thomas  Hassall  Mynors.  Son  of  Robert  Edward  Eden. 
M.  of  King's  Norton,  Worcester,  arm.  Matric.  11  May, 
1838,  aged  19.  B.A.  19  March,  1842. 

Vicar  of  St  Patrick,  Tarn  worth,  1847. 

William  Charles  Williams.  Son  of  Samuel  Williams, 
Esq.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(ft.  11  May,  1838. 

Name  removed  Lady  Day  1839,  when  he  was  in  debt  to 
Domus.  Migrated  to  Trinity  Coll.  Camb.,  where  he 
entered  as  Sizar  18  Oct.  1840.  B.A.  1845.  M.A.  1853. 
B.I).  1862.  D.D.  1868.  M.A.  ad  eundem,  Oxon., 
27  March,  1858. 

Principal  of  North  London,  Collegiate  School,  Camden  Town. 

John  Stainton.  Son  of  John  Stainton,  Esq.,  and  brother 
of  Nathaniel  Stainton  ((#.  1832).  Born  in  the  parish  of 
St  Martin-in-the-Eields,  London,  aged  19.  Admitted  <#. 
11  May,  1838. 

B.A.  5  Feb.  1846.     (JT.Jtt.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1847. 

1838.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  387 

Charles    James    Stillingfleet    Bowles.     Son    of    Rev. 

George  Downing  Bowles.     Born  at  Bathford,  Somerset- 
shire, aged  18.     Admitted  (ft.  II  May,  1838. 

B.A.  28  April,  1842.  (JT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas 

Incumbent  of  St  Barnabas,  Warmley,  Bristol,  1851.  Chaplain 
at  Malaga,  1863,  1864. 

William  James  Newman.  Son  of  William  Newman, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Petrock,  Dartmouth, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  20  June,  18:38. 

B.A.  1  Dec.  1842.  M.A.  30  April,  1846.  Name  removed 
30  Oct.  1874. 

Educated  at  Winchester.  Vicar  of  Hockworthy,  Devon,  1852  ; 
died  5  Jan.  1880,  and  is  buried  at  Hockworthy  with  this 
epitaph, — 

"  Blessed  are  the  dead  which  die  in  the  Lord  from  henceforth  : 
that  they  may  rest  from  their  labours." 

Richard  Atwood  Henry  Stroud.  Son  of  Charles  Harris 
Stroud,  Esq.,  and  nephew  of  Rev.  Joseph  Stroud,  ((ft. 
1816  to  1825).  Born  at  Milford  Haven,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  20  June,  1838. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1841.  B.A. 
14  May,  1842.  M.A.  23  Jan.  1845.  Name  removed 
17  July,  1847. 

In  Holy  Orders. 

Markby  Janeiro  Thornton  Boys.  Son  of  Rev.  Pilchard 
Boys,  nephew  of  Rev.  James  Boys,  ((ft.  1811  to  1818) 
and  cousin  of  Edward  Boys,  ((ft.  1836).  Born  at  Rio 
Janeiro,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  20  June,  1838. 

B.A.  21  April,  1842.  M.A.  24  April,  1845.  Name 
removed  12  Nov.  1845. 

Born  1  Dec.  1819.  Chaplain  in  India.  Archdeacon  of  Bombay 
1847  to  1865.  Vicar  of  All  Saints,  Clapham  Par  1865  to 
1877.  Vicar  of  Hildenborough,  Kent,  1881. 

388  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1838. 

Charles  Frederick  Secretan.  Son  of  Francis  Lewis 
Philip  Secretan,  Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George's, 
Bloomsbury,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  28  June,  1838. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1839  to  1844.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1842.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1842. 
M.A.  7  June,  1847.  Kennicott  Scholar,  1843.  Pusey 
and  Ellerton  Scholar,  1844.  Name  removed  23  Oct. 

1847.    • 

Incumbent  of  Trinity,  Westminster,  1852  to  1864.     Vicar  of 
Longdon,  Wore.  1864  ;  died  25  Feb.  1868,  aged  47. 
Author  of  the  Life  and  Times  of  Robert  Nelson,  and  Sermons. 

George  Eveleigh  Saunders.  Son  of  Piev.  George  Eveleigh 
Saunders  (and  brother  of  Cossley  Diggle  Saunders,  (&. 
1834).  Born  in  the  parish  of  Tarrant  liushton,  Dorset- 
shire, aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  17  Oct.  1838.  Elected 
£•.  as  Founder's  Kin  30  June,  1838.  Admitted  17  Oct. 
1838.  Elected  $.Jp.  30  June,  1847.  Presented  to  the 
Rectory  of  Maperton,  Somerset,  24  April,  1857.  Ceased 
to  be  JF.  24  April,  1858. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1841.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1841  to  1844.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term  1842.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1842.  M.A.  1  June,  1848. 
Compounded  13  Dec.  1869. 

Born  26  Dec.  1821.     Educated  at  Bruton  School. 

John  Harrison  Miller.  Son  of  Eobert  Marratt  Miller, 
D.D.,  (<£.  1806).  Born  at  Dedham,  Essex,  aged  17. 
Admitted  <£.  17  Oct.  1838.  Elected  $>•  30  June,  1838. 
Admitted  17  Oct.  1838.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1842.  M.A. 
30  June,  1848. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1839.     Compounded  14  June,  1860. 
"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1851."     (F.) 

Henry  Adderley  Box.  Son  of  George  Modd  Box,  Esq. 
Born  at  Woodford,  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ff. 
24  Oct.  1838.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1838.  Admitted 
24  Oct.  1838. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1839.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1839  to  1843.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Fourth 

1838.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  389 

Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1842.     B.A.  9  Feb.  1843. 
M.A.    19   June,    1862.     Name    removed    on   his    death 
-  Dec.  18G9. 

Richard    Roope.     Son    of    Cabel    Eoope,    Esq.     Born    at 

Oporto,  aged  18.     Admitted'®.  24  Oct.  1838. 
Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1842.     B.A.  2  June, 
1842.     M.A.    24    April,    1845.     <£.j&.    account    closed 
Christmas  1854. 

"Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1845  ;  died  20  Jan.  1870." 

Thomas  Lionel  Rich.  Son  of  Charles  Lewis  Henry  Pye 
liich,  Esq.  Born  at  Shinfield,  Berkshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted OL  24  Oct.  1838. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1840.  Name  removed  20  May, 

Robert  George  Swayne.  Son  of  late  Robert  Swayne, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Paul's,  Bristol,  aged  17. 
Admitted  4L  24  Oct.  1838. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1840.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
and  Math.  Easter  Term  1842.  B.A.  18  May,  1842. 
M.A.  3  March,  1846.  Compounded  20  Feb.  1862. 

Incumbent  of  Bussage,  Wilts,  1852  to  1859.  Rector  of  St 
Edmund,  Salisbury,  1863  to  1877.  Prebendary  of  Gillingham 
Major  (Sarum)  1870.  Canon  Residentiary,  1874.  Chancellor 

Samuel  Wareing  Mangin.  Son  of  Eev.  Edward  Mangin 
(and  brother  of  Edward  Nangreave  Mangin,  <fl!.  1835.) 
Born  in  the  parish  of  Bath  wick,  Bath,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted OL  24  Oct.  1838. 

B.A.  3  June,  1843.  (H.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

Incumbent  of  St  Matthias,  Stoke  Newington,  1S54  to  1858,  of 
Headington  Quarry,  Oxon,  1858  to  1863.  Vicar  of  St  Columba, 
Kingslancl  Road,  1863  to  1873.  Rector  of  St  Martin's,  Salis- 
bury, 1873.  Vicar  of  Bramsluuv,  Hants,  1881.  Rector  of  West 
Knoyle,  Somerset,  1889. 

390  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1838-39. 

Francis  Henry  Laing.  Son  of  Kev.  Francis  Laing.  Born 
at  Llanniaes,  in  Glamorganshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ST. 
24  Oct.  1838. 

B.A.  7  Dec.   1843.     M.A.   10   Oct.   1845.     OT.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1859. 

Incumbent  of  Forthampton,  Glouc.,  1856  to  1863.  Rector  of 
Quatt-Malvern,  Salop,  1864  to  1885.  Assumed  the  name  of 
Wolryche-Whitmore  in  1864.  Of  Dudmaston  Hall,  Salop, 

George  Woodfield  Paul.  Son  of  Eev.  Samuel  Woodfield 
Paul.  Born  at  Einedon,  Northamptonshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  25  Oct.  1838. 

B.A.  18  May,  1842.     Name  removed  2  Nov.  1842.     M.A. 
2  April,  1845.     Jf.  of  Magdalen,  1842  to  1848. 

Vicar  of  Finedon,  Northants,  1848,  and  Rural  Dean. 


John  Gorton.  Son  of  the  late  Mr  John  Gorton.  Born  at 
Tickhill,  in  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  30  Jan.  1839.  Admitted  Clerk  the  same 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1839  to  1842.  Hody 
(Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1839  to  1842.  B.A.  1  Dec.  1842. 
M.A.  26  June,  1845.  GT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas 

Chaplain  in  Madras,  1846  to  1875.  Archdeacon  of  Madras 
1871  to  1875.  Vicar  of  Kirkby-la-Thorpe,  Line.  1877. 

William  John  Dry.  Son  of  Mr  Pilchard  Dry.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  St  Peter's  in  the  East,  Oxford,  aged  17. 
Admitted  «T.  30  Jan.  1839. 

B.A.  16  Nov.  1843.  M.A.  26  June,  1845.  Name  removed 
12  Dec.  1846. 

Vicar  of  Weston-on-the-Green,  Oxon,  31  Oct.  1854  ;  Surrogate, 
1855.  His  tombstone  lies  on  the  south  side  of  the  churchyard, 
with  this  inscription, — 

1839.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  391 

"  In  memory  of  the  Rev.  Win.  John  Dry  M.A.,  Vicar  of  this 
Parish  for  23  years,  who  departed  this  life  30  April,  1877." 

Edmond  John  Morgan.  Son  of  Charles  Eobert  Morgan, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George's  Bloomsbury, 
London,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  30  Jan.  1839. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1842.  B.A.  1  Dec. 
1842.  M.A.  5  March,  1846.  Compounded  12  Feb. 

Incumbent   of    St    Matthias,   Malvern    Link,    1849   to   1852. 
Rector  of  Great  Fakenhain,  Suffolk,  1856  to  1886. 

George  Cressner  Tufnell.  Son  of  John  Jolliffe  Tufnell, 
Esq.  (and  brother  of  Thomas  Pilkington  Tufnell,  (ft. 
1837).  Born  at  Great  Waltham,  Essex,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  30  Jan.  1839. 

B.A.  14  Nov.  1844.     Name  removed  Michaelmas  1854. 

Vicar  of  Takeley,  Essex,  1855  to  1868.    Rector  of  Little  Easton, 
Essex,  1868  ;  died  21  Feb.  1891. 

Edward  Winser.  Son  of  Charles  Winser,  Esq.  (and 
brother  of  Charles  Winser,  (£.  1825).  Born  at  Kentish 
Town,  parish  of  St  Pancras,  London,  aged  19.  Admitted 
4L  30  Jan.  1839. 

Name  removed  14  Oct.  1846. 

Thomas  Griffies  Dixon.  Son  of  William  Dixon,  Esq. 
Born  at  Liverpool,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  30  Jan.  1839. 

Name  removed  12  Oct.  1839. 

Henry  Edwards  Hale  Mairis.  Son  of  Valentine  Hale 
Mairis,  Esq.,  Captain  in  the  Army.  Born  at  Aston  near 
Birmingham.  Christened  and  registered  at  Bishops 
Lavington,  Wiltshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  30  Jan. 
1839.  Name  removed  23  Feb.  1839. 

Charles  Browne.  Son  of  Charles  Browne,  Esq.  Born  in 
Weymouth  Terrace,  Hackney  Eoad  in  the  parish  of 
Shoreditch,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  25  April,  1839. 

392  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1839. 

Name  removed  9  May,  1840,  when  he  was  elected  to  a 
Clarke  £5.  at  Worcester  College,  which  he  vacated 
9  May,  1849,  being  of  nine  years'  standing.  First  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1843.  B.A.  23  June,  1843. 
M.A.  23  Oct.  1845. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  9  June,  1846. 

Tressilian  George  Nicholas.  Son  of  the  late  Eev.  George 
Nicholas,  D.C.L.  formerly  <£.  1781  (and  brother  of 
Francis  Nicholas,  M.A.  <K.  1812).  Born  in  South 
Moulton  Street,  London,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
25  April,  1839. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1842. 
B.A.  7  June,  1843.  M.A.  3  June,  1846.  Voluntary 
Theological  Exam.  1845.  (H.JE.  account  closed  Michael- 
mas 1855. 

Born    14  April,  1822.     Incumbent  of  West  Molesey,  Surrey, 
1846  to  1859.     Vicar   1863.     Vicar  of  Lower  Halstow,  Kent, 
1859  to  1863. 
Author  of  Poems,  1851,  &c. 

William  Smyth  Thorpe.  Son  of  Eev.  William  Thorpe, 
M.A.  of  Gains  College,  Cambridge.  Born  at  Newmarket. 
Baptized  at  Stetchworth,  Cambridgeshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  25  April,  1839. 

B.A.  7  June,  1843.  C.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

Incumbent  of  Breckles,  Norfolk,  1850  ;  of  Thompson,  Norfolk, 

Richard  Ayscoghe  Martyn  Floyer.  Son  of  John  Gould 
Floyer,  Esq.  Born  at  Ketsby,  Lincolnshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  25  April,  1839. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1843.  B.A.  3  June, 
1843.  Name  removed  21  Oct.  1843. 

Francis  Augustus  Weekes.  Son  of  Hampton  Weekes, 
Esq.,  P.M.  of  Aberdeen.  Born  at  Hurstpierpoint, 
Sussex,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  25  April,  1839. 

1839.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  393 

B.A.  18  May,  1843.  M.A.  26  May,  1847.  OLJE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1856. 

Rector  of  Aston-on-Trent,  Derb. ;  died  at  Brighton,  24  Sept. 
1864,  aged  43.  (G.  Mag.) 

Fiennes  Sanderson  Miller.  Eldest  son  of  Fiennes 
Sanderson  Miller,  Esq.,  Lieut-Col,  in  the  Army.  Born 
at  Radway,  Warwickshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
25  April,  1839. 

Name  removed  30  June,  1841. 

Born  7  Aug.  1820.  Captain  68tli  Bengal  N.  I.;  died  vita patris, 
s.p.,  Feb.  1859,  in  the  East  Indies. 

William  Nicholas  Richards.  Son  of  Goddard  Richards, 
Esq.  Colonel  in  the  Army.  Born  and  baptized  near 
Agra  in  Bengal,  aged  24.  Matriculated  (*L  of  Trinity 
College,  Dublin  -  -  Oct.  1834,  proceeded  B.A.  there 
12  Feb.  1839.  Admitted  4T.  1  May,  1839.  Incorporated 
2  May,  1839. 

Name  removed  15  April,  1841.  Replaced  11  Feb.  1878. 
"M.A.  1878."  (F.) 

Charles  Durnford  Newman.  Son  of  Rev.  Richard 
Newman  (formerly  Jf.  1814).  Brother  of  William 
Synions  Newman  ((£.  1835)  and  cousin  of  William  James 
Newman  and  of  Richard  Roope  (<£.  1838).  Born  at 
Dittisham,  Devonshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*.  27  June, 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1839.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
and  Third  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1843.  B.A.  3  June, 
1843.  M.A.  16  Nov.  1854.  Name  removed  Christmas 

Head  Master  of  St  John's  Academy,  Newfoundland,  1845  to 
1855,  of  Truro  Grammar  School,  1855  to  1866.  Vicar  of  St 
Mary's,  Warwick,  1873  to  Feb.  1881  ;  "died  15  March,  1881." 

Christopher  Fripp  George.  Son  of  Christopher  George, 
Esq.  Born  in  St  Augustine's  Parish,  Bristol,  aged  19. 
Admitted  OT.  27  June,  1839. 

394  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1839. 

Name  removed  3  April,  1841.  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall)  26 
May,  1843. 

Henry  Watson.  Son  of  William  Watson,  Esq.  Born  in 
St  James'  Parish,  Bristol,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
27  June,  1839. 

Fourth  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1842.  B.A. 
18  May,  1843.  M.A.  18  June,  1846.  Name  removed 
29  Oct.  1846. 

Rector  of  Langton,  Line.,  1856  to  1872  ;  "died  14  Dec.  1883." 

John  Henry  Gale.  Son  of  liev.  Thomas  Hinxman  Gale, 
M.A.  of  Exeter  College.  Born  at  Andover,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OL  27  June,  1839. 

B.A.  22  June,  1843.     Name  removed  6  March,  1847. 

Vicar  of  Milton  Lilbourne,  Wilts,  1846,  J.P.  ;  died  30  Jan. 

Frederick  Tufnell.  Son  of  Kev.  George  Tufnell,  B.A.  of 
Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge.  Born  at  Springfield. 
Essex,  aged  17.  Admitted  <!L  10  Oct.  1839.  Elected  £5. 
30  June,  1839.  Admitted  g>.  10  Oct.  1839. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1840  to  1843.  Maddox  Exhibi- 
tioner 1843.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term 
1843.  B.A.  7  Dec.  1843.  Elected  Sub-Dean  1848,  1849, 
1850.  On  29  June,  1848  he  appealed  to  the  Visitor 
against  the  last  election  of  Fellows,  being  passed  over 
though  Senior  Scholar  :  but  the  right  of  appeal  was 
denied  ;  and  even  if  allowed,  the  Visitor  affirmed  the 
right  of  selection.  On  23  April,  1851,  he  resigned  his 
Jj.,  and  removed  his  name. 

Incumbent  of  Baulking,  Berks,  1848  to  1851,  of  St  Paul's, 
Edinburgh,  1851  to  1858,  of  St  Paul's,  Marylebone,  1872  to 
1874.  Rector  of  Merston,  Sussex,  1874,  of  Ogbourne  St 
Andrew,  1875.  Presented  by  tlic  College  to  the  Rectory  of 
Fryerning  1880. 

Henry  Bond  Bowlby.  Son  of  Peter  Bowlby,  Esq.,  late 
Captain  in  the  Army.  Born  at  Sunderland  in  the  Parish 

1839.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  395 

of  Bishop  Wearmouth,  aged  16.  Admitted  (ft.  10  Oct. 
1839.  Elected  £,.  30  June,  1839.  Admitted  £.  10  Oct. 
1839.  Elected  ^J.JF.  30  June,  1848. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1841  to  1845.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1844.  B.A.  25  May,  1844. 
M.A.  7  July,  1849.  (tf.JE.  replaced  on  ceasing  to  be  a 
JF.  26  Oct.  1852.  Account  closed  Michaelmas  1867. 
Compounded.  D.L>.  1891. 

Born  23  August,  1823.  Educated  at  Durham  Grammar  School. 
Vicar  of  Oldbury,  Wore.,  1850  to  1868.  Vicar  of  Dartford, 
Kent,  1868  to  1874.  Rector  of  St  Philip's,  Birmingham,  1874. 
Honorary  Canon  of  Worcester,  1877.  Suffragan  Bishop  of 
Coventry,  1891. 
Author  of  Lectures  on  the  Resurrection  of  the  Flesh. 

Robert  Trimmer.  Son  of  Mr  Edward  Trimmer.  Born  in 
the  parish  of  St  Clement's,  Worcester,  aged  18.  JE.  as  a 
(ft.  of  Pembroke  College,  16  March,  1837.  Elected 
Townsend  Exhibitioner  of  Pembroke  College,  25  March, 
1837.  Withdrew  his  name  from  the  books  of  Pembroke 
College  Michaelmas  1839.  Admitted  (£.  of  Wadham, 
10  Oct.  1839.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1839.  Admitted 
10  Oct.  1839.  Elected  $}.JF.  30  June,  1846.  Married 
6  July,  1847. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1840.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1843. 
Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1842.  B.A. 
9  Eeb.  1843.  M.A.  18  June,  1846.  Denyer  Theological 
Essay,  1846  (on  the  Christian  Duty  of  Humility). 
Deputy  Humanity  Lecturer  and  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
1846.  Name  removed  24  Feb.  1852. 

Rector  of  Hamstall  Redware,  Staff.,  1852  to  1858.  Vicar  of 
Stoneleigh,  Warw.,  1858  to  1862.  Rector  of  Holy  Trinity, 
Guildford,  1863  to  1882.  Rural  Dean  :  Honorary  Canon  of 
Winchester,  1877. 

Leonard  Francis  Burrows.  Son  of  Montague  Burrows, 
Esq.,  a  Lieutenant  General  in  the  Army.  Born  at 
Hadley,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <tf.  10  Oct.  1839. 
Elected  £.  30  June,  1839.  Admitted  £.  10  Oct.  1839. 
Elected  $).JF.  30  June,  1846. 

396  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1839-40. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1840, 1841.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibi- 
tioner 1842  to  1845.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and 
Fourth  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1843.  B.A. 
23  Nov.  1843.  M.A.  7  July,  1849.  Vinerian  Law 
Scholar,  1844.  Compounded  26  Jan.  1869. 

Born  4  July,  1821.  Educated  at  the  Charterhouse.  Called  to 
the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  1849.  Assistant  Master  at  Rugby  (in 
Orders)  1850  to  1872.  Vicar  of  Witley,  Surrey,  1877.  Pre- 
sented by  the  College  to  the  Rectory  of  Limington,  Som.,  1881. 
Resigned  1886. 

Thomas  Garnham  Luard.  Son  of  William  Wright  Luard, 
Esq.  Born  at  Witham,  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£. 
31  Oct.  1839. 

B.A.  15  June,  1843.    (JT.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1855. 
Vicar  of  Stansted  Mountfitchet,  Herts.,  1852.     Rural  Dean  of 
Newport,  and  Hon.  Canon  of  St  Albans  ;  died  9  Jan.  1886. 
Father  of  Thomas  J.  L.,  1868. 

William     Coesvelt     Kortwright.       Son    of     William 
Kortwright,  Esq.,  late  Captain  in  the  Army.     Born  at 
Fryerning,    aged     18.      Admitted    (ft.    31    Oct.    1839. 
Name  removed  3  Feb.  1841. 

George  Stephen  Hookey.     Son  of  George  Hookey,  Esq., 
Captain,  KM.     Born  at  Egg  Buckland,  near  Plymouth, 
aged  19.     Admitted  <j£.  31  Oct.  1839. 
B.A.  7  June,  1843.     M.A.  21  Oct.  1847.     C.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1851. 

Incumbent   of   St  James,  Plymouth,  1847  to  1858.     Vicar  of 

Ogbourne  St  Andrew,  1858  to  1870.  Vicar  of  Burgess  Hill, 

Sussex,  1870.  Resigned  1883  ;  died  28  Feb.,  1887,  and  was 
buried  at  0»bourne. 


Thomas  Gough  Roberts.     Son  of  Kobert  Eoberts,  Esq. 
Born  at  Llanrhaidr,  near  Denbigh,  aged  18.     Admitted 
(K.  20  Feb.  1840. 
<£.itt.  account  closed  Christmas  1841. 

1840.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  397 

Frederick  Bennett.  Son  of  John  Leach  Bennett,  Esq. 
Born  at  Merton,  in  the  parish  of  Wimbledon,  Surrey, 
aged  17.  Admitted  OL  20  Feb.  1840. 

B.A.  16  Oct.  1843.  M.A.  18  June,  1846.  Compounded 
26  Oct.  1875. 

Born  22  March,  1822.  Incumbent  of  Maddington  1851,  and 
Vicar  of  Shrewton,  Wilts,  1854  (united).  Prebendary  of  Wood- 
ford  and  Wilsford  (Sarum)  1868.  Rural  Dean  1870. 

Edward  Tarver  Hicks.  Son  of  Edward  Hicks,  Esq. 
Born  at  Eye,  Sussex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  20  Feb. 

Name  removed  25  Jan.  1842. 

Charles  Henry  Skrine.  Son  of  John  Harcourt  Skrine, 
B.A.,  of  St  John's  College,  Cambridge,  Clerk  (and 
brother  of  Harcourt  Skrine,  (JT.  1836).  Born  at  Tedding- 
ton  in  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  20  Feb.  1840. 

Name  removed  30  Jan.  1844. 

Born  28  Nov.  1821  ;  second  and  youngest  son  ;  he  passed  all 
the  B.A.  Examinations  but  was  too  ill  to  put  on  his  gown,  and 
died  2  Feb.  1844. 

Edward  Henry  Hoare.  Son  of  Edward  Hatch  Hoare, 
Clerk.  Born  in  St  Mary's  Parish,  Leicester,  aged  19. 
Admitted  <&.  20  Feb.  1840. 

Name  removed  21  Jan.  1843.  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall) 
14  Nov.  1844. 

In  Holy  Orders. 

William  Wilson.  Son  of  William  Wilson,  Clerk,  B.D.,  (<ff. 
1814).  Born  at  Worton,  Oxfordshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted OL  20  Feb.  1840. 

Third  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1843.  B.A.  16  Nov. 
1843.  (  account  closed  Midsummer  1860 :  when 
the  balance  was  transferred  to  his  father's  account. 

Vicar  of  Banbury  ;  died  2  Mar.  1 860,  aged  38. 

398  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1840. 

John  Wadham.  Son  of  Thomas  Wadham,  Esq.,  late  (ft. 
(1817  to  1819).  Born  at  Frenchay  near  Bristol,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  20  Feb.  1840. 

B.A.  15  May,  1844.  M.A.  25  June,  1852.  <E.JK.  account 
closed  Christinas  1857. 

Born  20  May,  1822.  Educated  at  Bruton  School.  Rector  of 
Weston-on-Trent,  Derby,  1863. 

John  William  Knott.  Son  of  John  Morgan  Knott,  Esq. 
Born  in  Aston  Parish,  Birmingham,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(ft.  21  May,  1840. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1841 :  resigned  when  elected 
Lusby  £•>.  of  Magdalen  Hall  1842.  Name  removed 
16  April,  1842.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1844.  B.A.  25  May,  1844.  Elected  ty.Jf.  of  Brasenose 
15  Nov.  1844.  $.  15  Nov.  1845.  M.A.  10  Oct.  1846. 
Proctor  1853. 

Vicar  of  St  Saviour's,  Leeds,  1851  to  1859.  Vicar  of  East  Ham, 
26  May,  1866.  Resigned  20  Nov.  1869  on  proceeding  to  India 
as  a  Missionary. 

George  Augustus  Alston.  Son  of  John  Thomas  Alston, 
Esq.  Born  at  Govan  near  Glasgow,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(ft.  21  May,  1840. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1840.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1844.  B.A.  15  May,  1844.  M.A.  22  May, 
1847.  (  account  closed  Christmas  1851. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  23  Nov.  1847. 

Henry  Abud.  Son  of  William  Taylor  Abud,  Esq.  Born 
at  Highgate  in  the  parish  of  Hornsey,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  21  May,  1840. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1843.  B.A. 
26  Jan.  1844.  M.A.  22  May,  1850.  Or.Jtt.  account 
closed  (apparently)  Midsummer  1874. 

Vicar  of  Uttoxeter,  1854. 
Author  of  a  Church  Hymn  Book. 

1840.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  399 

Edward  Henry  Quicke.  Son  of  John  Quicke,  Esq.  Born 
at  Old  Park,  Devizes,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  21  May, 

B.A.  9  May,  1844.     Name  removed  6  June,  1845. 

Vicar  of  Newton-St-Cyres,  Devon,  1847.  Rural  Dean  ;  "  died 
5  June,  1870."  (F.) 

Lewis  Balfour  Clutterbuck.  Son  of  Lewis  Clutterbuck, 
Esq.  Born  at  Newark  Park,  Ozleworth,  Gloucestershire, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  21  May,  1840. 

B.A.  2  May,  1844.     Name  removed  23  Feb.  1850. 

Eector  of  Doynton,  Glouc.,  1847  ;  "  died  23  Jan.  1872."     (F.) 

Frederick  Godfray.  Son  of  John  Godfray,  Esq.  Born  at 
St  Lawrence,  Jersey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  21  May, 

B.A.  14  Nov.  1844.     M.A.  3  June,  1847.     D.C.L.  10  May, 
1855.     C.JE.  account  closed  apparently  Lady  Day  1868. 

"Died  in  Jersey  G  April,  1868,  aged  46,  Rev.  F.  G.  of  Beau- 
Sejour,  for  some  time  Domestic  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Limerick."  (G.  Mag.) 

Charles  George  Merewether.  Son  of  Rev.  Francis 
Merewether,  M.A.,  of  St  John's  College,  Cambridge. 
Born  at  Great  Yeldham,  Essex,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
18  June,  1840. 

B.A.  10  May,  1845.     (tf.jE.  account  closed  Lady  Day  1853. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  28  Jan.  1848.  Re- 
corder of  Leicester,  1868.  Q.C.  Bencher,  1877.  "  M.P.  for 
Northampton,  1874  to  1880  ;  died  24  June,  1884."  (F.) 

Ayscoghe  Floyer.  Son  of  John  Gould  Floyer,  Esq.,  (and 
brother  of  Richard  Ayscoghe  Martin  Floyer,  (ft.  1839). 
Born  at  Louth,  Lincolnshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
18  June,  1840. 

B.A.  9  May,  1844.     M.A.  10  Juno,  1847.     <£.!%.  account 
closed  Christinas  1850. 

400  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1840. 

Vicar  of  Marsh  Chapel,  Line.,  1846,  where  there  is  a  mural 
tablet  on  the  north  wall  of  the  Church  with  the  following 
inscription, — 

"  Ayscoghe  Floyer,  M.A.  of  Waclham  College,  Oxford.  Born 
at  Ketsby,  26  Nov.  1821.  Died  at  Putney,  24  Aug.  1872  ; 
interred  in  this  Church  Yard.  Incumbent  of  this  Parish 
for  twenty-six  years.  Patron  of  this  living  and  Joint-Rector 
with  his  brother,  J.  W.  Floyer  (of  Martin  near  Horncastle, 
who  died  22  Sept.  1870).  '  Neither  will  I  offer  unto  the  Lord 
my  God  of  that  which  doth  cost  me  nothing.' " 

William  Walsham  How.  Son  of  William  Wyburg  How, 
Esq.  Born  at  College  Hill,  St  Chad's  Parish,  Shrews- 
bury, aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  19  Nov.  1840. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1842.  Warner  Exhibitioner  1842, 
1843.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1845.  B.A. 
10  May,  1845.  MA.  26  May,  1847.  Compounded 
13  June,  1865.  D.D.  (Canterbury)  1879.  Created  D.D. 
(Oxford)  15  June,  1886. 

Born  13  Dec.  1823.  Educated  at  Shrewsbury.  Rector  of 
Whittington,  Salop,  1851.  Rural  Dean  1853.  Hon.  Canon  of 
St  Asaph  and  Proctor,  1860.  Rector  of  St  Andrew  Under- 
shaft,  and  Suffragan  Bishop  of  Bedford,  1879.  Prebendary  of 
Brondesbury  (St  Paul's)  1879.  Bishop  of  Wakefield  1888. 
Author  of  Plain  Words,  4  series  ;  Plain  Words  to  Children ; 
Pastor  in  Parochid ;  Daily  Family  Prayer ;  Cambridge  Pastoral 
Lectures  ;  and  other  religious  works  :  also  a  volume  of  Poems  ; 
also  Commentary  on  the  Four  Gospels ;  and  Manual  of  Holy 

Charles  Henry  Davis.     Son  of  Charles  Frederick  Davis, 

Esq.     Born   at   Nailsworth   in    the   parish   of   Horsley, 

Gloucestershire,  aged  17.     Admitted  (ft.  19  Nov.  1840. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.   Michaelmas  Term   1843.     B.A. 

30  May,  1844.     M.A.  22  April,  1847. 

Born  14  Feb.  1823  :  educated  at  the  Cathedral  School,  Gloucester. 
Chaplain  of  Stroud  Union,  Glouc.,  1851  to  1875.  Rector  of 
Littleton  Drew,  Wilts,  1875. 

Author  of  The  Lectionary  as  it  miyht  be,  The  Prayer  Book  of  the 
Future,  and  numerous  other  works. 

1810.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  401 

Mervin  Herbert  Nevil  Storey.  Son  of  Anthony  Mervin 
Reeve  Storey,  Esq.,  M.A.,  (formerly  ©.  1806  to  1820). 
Born  at  Bassett  Down  in  the  parish  of  Liddiard  Tregoose, 
Wiltshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  ©.19  Nov.  1840. 

Second  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1845.  B.A.  24  April, 
1845.  M.A.  (Storey-Maskelyne)  7  June,  1849.  Pro- 
fessor of  Mineralogy  1856.  Honorary  Fellow  of  Wadham 

Assumed  the  additional  name  of  Maskelyne  ;  of  Basset  Down 
House,  Wilts,  J.P.,  D.L.     M.P.  for  Cricklade  1880  to  1885  ; 
for  North  Wilts,  1885  to  1892.     F.R.S.,  F.G.S. 
Brother  of  Edmund  M.  B.  S.  M.,  1848. 

Felix  Palmer.  Son  of  the  late  Philip  Palmer,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Martin  in  the  Fields,  Westminster, 
aged  19.  Admitted  ©.  19  Nov.  1840. 

Name  removed  30  April,  1841,  when  he  migrated  to 
Brasenose  as  ©.  Admitted  27  April,  1841.  B.A. 
14  Nov.  1844.  M.A.  2  Dec.  1847. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  "  died  24  Jan.  1865."     (F.) 

Bernard  Edward  Watkins.  Son  of  Eobert  Watkins, 
Esq.  Born  at  Arundel,  aged  17.  Admitted  ©.19  Nov. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1843.  B.A. 
10  Oct.  1844.  M.A.  5  May,  1870.  Name  removed 
8  Feb.  1850.  Keplaced  5  May,  1870,  when  he  Com- 

Born  30  June,  1822.     Rector  of  Treeton,  Yorks,  1846  to  1877. 
Of  Lawkland  Hall,  Clapham,  Lancashire. 
Father  of  Frederick  E.  W.,  1885. 

John  William  Marsh.  Son  of  the  Rev.  Edward  Garrard 
Marsh,  M.A.,  formerly  &.  of  Wadham,  afterwards  JF. 
of  Oriel  College.  Born  at  Hampstead,  Middlesex,  aged 
19.  Admitted  ©.19  Nov.  1840. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1842  to  1845.  B.A.  24  April, 
1845.  M.A.  11  Dec.  1856.  CLJB.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1857. 

2  c 

402  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1840-41. 

Vicar  of  Bleasby,  Notts.  1848  to  1874.     Rector  of  St  Michael's 
in  the  West  Soke,  Winchester,  Oct.  1874  ;  died  14  Dec.  1882. 
Author  of  The  Story  of  Allen  Gardiner,  E.N.,  and  Narrative  of 
the  Origin  and  Progress  of  the  South  American  Mission. 

James  Lewis  Walker  Venables.  Son  of  the  Eev.  James 
Venables,  M.A.  of  C.  C.  C.  Born  at  Buckland  Newton, 
Dorsetshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.19  Nov.  1840. 

B.A.  14  Nov.  1844.  M.A.  25  Nov.  1847.  €.j&.  account 
closed  and  balance  paid  to  the  Chapel  Window  Fund 
27  July,  1852. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  died  8  Jan.  1852,  aged  30  ;  late  of  Buckland 

Newton,  Dorset. 

The  Anns  are — Azure,  2  bars  Argent,  in  chief  2  mullets  of  the 

last  ;  but  they  do  not  appear  in  the  Antechapel. 

Brother  of  Edmund  B.  V.,  1841. 


Edward  Paroissien  Eddrup.  Son  of  Edward  Charles 
Eddrup,  Esq.  Born  in  Leadenhall  Street  in  the  parish  of 
St  Catherine  Cree,  London,  aged  17.  Admitted  <JT. 
27  Jan.  1841. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1841  to  1846.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1845.  B.A.  10  May,  1845. 
M.A.  26  May,  1847.  €.fH.  account  closed  Christmas 
1866 :  but  he  subsequently  compounded  13  April  1867. 
Select  Preacher  1871  to  1873. 

Principal  of   Salisbury   Theological   College,  and  Examining 

Chaplain  to  the  Bishop.      Prebendary  of  Durnford  (Saruni) 

1861,  and  Chancellor.     Vicar  of  Bremhill,  1868.     Rural  Dean 


Author  of  The  Thuqs  (S.P.C.K.),  Papal  Aggression,  and  other 


John  Goldsmith  Orger.  Son  of  the  Rev.  William  Orger, 
M.A.  of  St  Edmund  Hall.  Born  at  Tooting,  Surrey, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (tf.  27  Jan.  1841. 

floodridge  Exhibitioner  1843.      Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 

1841.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  403 

Michaelmas   Term  1844.      B.A.  28  Nov.   1844.      M.A. 
10  June,  1869.     Compounded  24  Dec.  1869. 

Rector    of    Cranford    St  Andrew,   Northants,    1856  to   1870. 
Chaplain  at  Dinan,  Brittany,  1869. 

Charles  Harris.  Son  of  Kichard  Eeckover  Harris,  Esq. 
Born  at  Walthamstow,  Essex,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 
27  Jan.  1841. 

B.A.  14  Nov.  1844.  M.A.  26  May,  1847.  (fl:.|E.  account 
closed  Christmas  1853. 

Vicar  of  St  Mary's,  Summer's  Town,  Tooting,  1859  to  1872. 
Chaplain  to  St  Clement  Danes  Almshouses,  Streathaln. 

Edmund  Burke  Venables.  Son  of  Eev.  James  Venables, 
M.A.  of  C.  C.  C.  (and  brother  of  James  Lewis  Walker 
Venables,  <£.  1840).  Born  at  Buckland  Newton,  Dorset- 
shire, aged  18.  Admitted  OL  27  Jan.  1841.  B.A. 
24  April,  1845. 

Name  removed  13  Sept.  1852. 

"  Assumed  the  additional  name  of  Whyte  ;  in  Holy  Orders  ;  of 
Eed  Hills  House,  Cavan,  J.P."     (F.) 

Alfred  William  Wilson.  Son  of  Eev.  William  Wilson, 
B.D.  (OT.  1810)  and  brother  of  William  Wilson  (<ft. 
1840).  Born  at  Walthamstow,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
27  Jan.  1841. 

Name  removed  28  Oct.  1842.  Migrated  to  Queens'  Coll. 
Camb :  where  he  was  admitted  jf.tft.  14  Sept.  1842. 
B.A.  1846.  M.A.  1849. 

Hector  of  Sedgebrook,  Line.,  1851  to  1864.      Vicar  of  Holy 
Trinity,  Coventry,  1864  to  1872.     Rector  of  East  Farndon,  1872. 

Frederick  John  Vipan.  Son  of  the  late  Thomas  Vipan, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Cuthbert,  Thett'ord, 
Norfolk,  aged  21.  Admitted  Pensioner  of  Cains  College, 
Cambridge,  24  Feb.  1837.  pi.  there  9  Nov.  1837.  Kept 
Terms  by  residence  in  that  College  from  Michaelmas 
Term  1837  to  Michaelmas  Term  1840.  Admitted  (Jt. 
here  7  Feb.  1841.  |tt.  25  Feb. 

404  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1841. 

B.A.  14  Jan.  1843.  M.A.  24  Oct.  1844.  (ZT.Jtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1853. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Middle  Temple)  24  Nov.  1845. 

Samuel  Thomas  Brandram.  Son  of  Eev.  Andrew 
Brandram,  M.A.  of  Oriel  College.  Born  at  Beckenham, 
Kent,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  5  May,  1841. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1842.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1845.  B.A.  2  May,  1845.  CJE.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1855. 

Charles  Hemsted  Murley.  Son  of  Stephen  Hemsted 
Muiiey,  Esq.  Born  at  18  Regent  Street,  Cheltenham, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  5  May,  1841. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Fourth  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas 
Term  1845.  B.A.  20  Nov.  1845.  M.A.  22  Nov.  1849. 
Chaplain  of  Wadham  1857  to  1867.  &.JE.  account 
closed  Michaelmas  1873. 

Robert  Strong.  Son  of  Eev.  Eobert  Strong,  M.A.  late  (ft. 
(1813).  Born  at  Painswick,  Gloucestershire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  5  May,  1841. 

B.A.  6  May,  1847.     Name  removed  6  May,  1848. 

Vicar  of  the.  Slad,  Glouc.,  1881  ;  Vicar  of  Sliepscombe,  Glouc., 

Henry  Walcot  Simcoe.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Henry 
Addington  Simcoe,  M.A.  ((ft.  1818).  Born  in  Moseley 
Chapelry,  parish  of  Kings  Norton,  Worcestershire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  <£.  5  May,  1841.  B.A.  24  April,  1845. 
Died  at  Madeira,  early  in  1848. 

Name  removed  16  June,  1848. 
Died  31  Jan.  1848,  aged  25. 

Brother  of  Charles  P.  S.,  1849,  Philip  F.  S.,  1853,  and  Paul 
C.  G.  S.,  1854. 

John  Maskery.  Son  of  the  late  Thomas  Maskcry.  Born 
at  Norbury,  Derbyshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  25  June, 

Goodridge   Exhibitioner    1843,   1844,  1845.     Third  Class. 

1841.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  405 

Litt.    Hum.    Easter  Term   1846.     B.A.    30    May,   1846. 
M.A.    30    May,    1855.     Compounded   Lady   Day    1856. 

In  Holy  Orders.  Assistant  Master  in  the  Royal  Medical 
Benevolent  College,  Epsom. 

Joseph  Henry  Bainbrigge.  Son  of  Philip  Bainbrigge, 
Esq.,  Colonel  in  the  Army.  Born  at  Belfast,  aged  17. 
Admitted  OT.  25  June,  1841. 

B.A.  14  May,  1845.     Name  removed  22  March,  1851. 

Vicar  of  St  Godwald's,  Bromsgrove,  1869. 

Samuel  Edmond  Lyon.  Son  of  Rev.  James  Kadcliffe 
Lyon,  M.A.  of  B.N.C.  Born  at  Pulford,  Cheshire,  aged 
19.  Admitted  01.  25  June,  1841. 

B.A.  11  April,  1845.     Name  removed  12  Sept.  1851. 
Incumbent  of  Farncombe,  Surrey,  1849  to  1859. 

William  Joseph  Ripley.  Son  of  the  late  William  Ripley, 
Esq.,  sometime  Lieutenant  in  the  32nd  Kegiment.  Born 
in  Abercrombie  Square,  Liverpool,  aged  17.  Admitted 
Or.  25  June,  1841. 

B.A.  22  May,  1845.  M.A.  3  May,  1848.  Name  removed 
and  balance  paid  to  the  Chapel  Window  Fund  16  March, 

Educated  at  Rugby  School  ;  died  at  Warrington,  aged  24, 
15  July,  1848. 

Henry  Walford.  Son  of  Kev.  William  Walford,  M.A.  of 
Oriel  College.  Born  at  Hatfield  Peveril,  Essex,  aged  17. 
Admitted  01.  29  June,  1841. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1841.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1842  to  1843.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term  1846.  B.A.  3  Dec.  1846.  M.A.  30  June,  1848. 
Vice  Principal,  St  Edmund  Hall  1852  to  1854.  Select 
Preacher  1865,  1866.  Compounded  20  Dec.  1869. 

Assistant  Master,  King's  School,  Durham,  1847  to  1852.  Vice- 
Principal  of  St  Columba's  College,  Dublin,  1855  to  185G. 
Head  Master  at  St  Nicholas  College,  Lancing,  1857  t>  1859. 

406  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1841. 

Assistant  Master  at  Haileybury,  1860  to  1883.  Rector  of 
Ewelme,  Oxon,  1884.  Resigned  1889  ;  died  25  Dec.  1893, 
aged  69. 

Richard  Calthorpe  Whitmore  Ryder.  Son  of  the  late 
Hon.  and  Eight  Eev.  Henry  Dudley,  Bishop  of  Lichfield 
and  Coventry.  Born  at  Wells,  aged  19.  JK.  as  (ft.  of 
Oriel  College,  13  June,  1840.  Withdrew  his  name  from 
the  books  of  Oriel  College  at  Michaelmas  1841.  Ad- 
mitted at.  of  Wadham,  15  Oct.  1841.  Elected  &. 
30  June,  1841.  Elected  |).J^.  30  June,  1849. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1841,  1842,  1843.  Maddox  Exhi- 
bitioner 1843,  1844.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michael- 
mas Term  1844.  B.A.  28  Nov.  1844.  M.A.  G  July, 
1850.  (JT.JE.  restored  30  June,  1849. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  5  May,  1848. 
Uncle  of  H.  Dudley  R.,  1851. 

Samuel  Joseph  Hulme.  Son  of  the  late  Mr  Eobert 
Hulme.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Peter's,  Cornhill, 
London,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  15  Oct.  1841.  Elected 
Sj.  30  June,  1841.  Elected  ^J.Jf.  (Founder's  Kin) 
30  June,  1848. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1843  to  1847.  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1845,  1846.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1845.  B.A.  4  Dec.  1845.  M.A. 
19  Oct.  1848.  Tutor  1850  and  again  1865  to  1867. 
Eesigned  ,-fF.  1852.  Classical  Moderator  1858  to  1859. 
Select  Preacher  1867  to  1869.  Chaplain  of  Wadham  1867 
to  1872.  Eector  of  St  Martin's,  Carfax,  1863  to  1872. 
Oxford  City  Lecturer  1870  to  1872.  Eector  of  Bourton, 
on  the  Water,  Glouc.,  1872  to  1884.  Compounded  13  Dec. 

Born  17  Sept.  1824.     Educated  at  Charterhouse.     Vice-Master 
of  Leamington  College,  1851  to  1855  ;  died  12  Dec.  L88G. 
Author  of  numerous  Sermons. 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Hon.  Gerald  Normanby  Dillon.  Son  of  the  late  Plight 
Hon.  Augustus  Viscount  Dillon.  Born  at  Florence,  aged 
17.  Admitted  <#.  21  Oct.  1841. 

1841-42.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  407 

Name  removed  4  Feb.  1843. 

Born  21  Nov.  1823.  Assumed  the  name  of  Fitzgibbon  8  Nov. 
1873,  having  married  the  daughter  and  co-heiress  of  the  Earl  of 
Clare.  "  Assistant  Secretary,  India  Office."  (F.)  Died  1880. 

David  Thomas  Gladstone.  Son  of  Mr  David  Gladstone. 
Born  at  Liverpool  in  the  parish  of  Walton-on-the-hill, 
aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  21  Oct.  1841. 

Second    Class,    Math.      Michaelmas    Term    1845.      B.A. 

13  Nov.    1845.      M.A.    7    July,    1849.      Compounded 

14  May,  1857. 

Born  15  June,  1823.  Educated  at  the  Royal  Institution,  Liver- 
pool. Rector  of  Loddington,  Northants,  1865  to  1875.  Vicar 
of  Rye,  Sussex,  1875. 

Edward  Shepherd  Croft.  Son  of  the  late  John  Thomas 
Croft,  Esq.  Born  at  Brislington,  Somerset,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  21  Oct.  1841. 

Name    removed    15    Oct.    1845.      B.A.   (New   Inn   Hall) 

15  April,  1848. 

Narbrough  Hughes-D'Aeth.  Son  of  George  William 
Hughes-D'Aeth,  Esq.,  Captain,  RN.  Born  at  Knowlton, 
Kent,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  21  Oct.  1841. 

Fourth  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1845.  B.A.  5  June, 
1845.  M.A.  10  May,  1849.  (JLjft.  account  closed 
Michaelmas  1855. 

Of  Knowlton  Court,  Kent,  J.P.,  D.L. 
Brother  of  Charles  J.  H.  D.,  1845. 


William  Francis  Gray.  Son  of  the  late  Eev.  William 
Gray,  M.A.,  of  Pembroke  College,  Oxford.  Born  at 
Llanarth,  Monmouthshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (*T. 
19  Jan.  18-12. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  184G.     B.A.  :50  May, 

408  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1842. 

1846.     M.A.  30  June,  1848.     €.j&.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1855. 

Vicar  of  Cornwood,  Devon,  1852  to  1862.  Rector  of  Farringdon, 
Devon,  1862  ;  resigned  1886.  He  is  buried  at  East  Budleigli, 
Devon,  where  on  a  cross  is  this  inscription, — 
W.  F.  G.,  priest,  fell  asleep  June  9,  1887,  aged  63.  "  Them 
also  which  sleep  in  Jesus  will  God  bring  with  him  "  :  and  there 
is  a  Lych  gate  at  Furringdon  "  Erected  to  the  honour  of  God  and 
in  memory  of  W.  F.  G.,  Rector  of  this  parish  from  1862  to 
1886.  Mors  Janua  Vitcc." 

James  Alexander  Guthrie.  Son  of  David  Charles 
Guthrie,  Esq.  Born  at  Craigie,  near  Dundee,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OL  19  Jan.  1842. 

Fourth  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term,  1845.  B.A. 
13  Nov.  1845.  M.A.  17  Dec.  1852.  Compounded 
Christmas  1866. 

Born  8  Sept.  1823.  Educated  at  Merchant  Taylor's  School. 
Governor  of  the  Bank  of  England.  Of  Craigie,  near  Dundee, 
D.L.  ;  died  17  Jan.  1872. 

Charles  Hansard  Keene.  Son  of  William  Charles  Lever 
Keene,  Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Giles-in-the-fields, 
London,  baptised  at  Brighton,  aged  17.  Admitted  0*. 
19  Jan.  1842. 

Name  removed  7  Dec.  1842. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  28  June  1848.  Registrar  of 
the  Court  of  Bankruptcy,  London. 

Adolphus  Frederick  Carey.  Son  of  Thomas  Carey,  Esq. 
Born  at  St  Peter's  Port,  Guernsey,  aged  18.  Admitted 
«L  19  Jan.  1842. 

B.A.  20  Nov.  1845.  M.A.  19  Oct.  1848.  (H.Jft.  account 
closed  Christmas  1853. 

Vicar  of  Brixham,  Devon,  1861. 

John  Arthur  Prout.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Prout.  Born 
at  Eainham,  Kent,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  10  March, 
1842.  Admitted  Clerk  the.  same  day. 

1842.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  409 

Gerard  Exhibitioner  1842  to  1845.  Pigott  and  Goodridge 
Exhibitioner  1843  to  1846.  Name  removed  29  July, 

Arthur  Augustus  Lea.  Son  of  the  late  John  Lea,  Esq., 
nephew  of  the  Eev.  George  Lea,  M.A.,  late  <&.  Born  at 
Kidderminster,  aged  16.  Admitted  <£.  13  April,  1842. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1843  to  1847.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  and  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1847.  B.A. 

25  Nov.  1847.     Name  removed  19  Oct.  1848. 

Killed  in  an  accident  on  the  G.W.R.,  "  13  May,  1848."     (F.) 
Brother  of  John  Walter  L.,  1845. 

Thomas  Master-man.  Son  of  John  Masterman,  Esq., 
M.P.  for  the  city  of  London.  Born  at  Walthamstow, 
Essex,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  13  April,  1842. 

Third   Class,  Litt.   Hum.   Michaelmas   Term   1846.     B.A. 

26  Nov.   1846.      M.A.   25    Oct.   1849.      <£.j&.   account 
closed  Michaelmas  1856. 

He  was  brother  of   Lydia,  the  wife  of  Warden  Symons  ;   in 
Holy  Orders  ;  died  at  Torquay,  22  Sept.  1856,  aged  32. 

Robert  Wynne.  Son  of  William  Wynne,  Esq.  Born  at 
Camber-well,  aged  18.  Admitted  OL  13  April,  1842. 

B.A.  29  Jan.  1846.  M.A.  19  Oct.  1848.  CJE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1855. 

Incumbent   of   Corhampton,   Hants,   1856  to   1865.     Vicar  of 

Scalford,  Leic.,  1865,  where  he  is  buried,  with  this  inscription 

on  his  tombstone, — 

"  Here   rest  the    mortal    remains    of    Robert  Wynne,   M.A., 

who  died  27  Dec.  1881,  aged  58  years,  having  been  Vicar  of 

this  parish  sixteen  years." 

Author  of  The  Doom  of  Ahab. 

James  Wright  Tomkin.  Son  of  Thomas  Tomkin,  Esq. 
Born  at  Witham,  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <K.  13  April, 

B.A.  19  Feb.  1846.  M.A.  6  Dec.  1849.  Name  removed 
26  Oct.  1850. 

410  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1842. 

Educated  at  Merchant  Taylor's  School. 

Incumbent  of   Lindsey,   Suffolk,    1851    to    1865.       Rector  of 

Raydon,  Suffolk,  1865  ;  died  28  Oct.  1889. 

Arthur  Dendy.  Son  of  Charles  Cook  Dendy,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  Sub-deanery,  Chichester,  aged  17.  Admitted  (!T. 
13  April,  1842.  B.A.  14  May,  1846.  M.A. 1851. 

B.D.  7  June,  and   D.D.  14  June,  1860.     Name   removed 
13  Oct.  1870. 

Honorary  Canon,  Precentor  and  Sub-Dean  of  St  Peter's  Cathe- 
dral, Adelaide,  1882.  Warden  of  St  Barnabas  Coll.,  Adelaide, 
1882  to  1889.  Incumbent  of  St  Cuthbert,  Prospect,  South 
Australia,  1889  ;  died  1890. 

William  John  Springett.  Son  of  Richard  Springett, 
Esq.  Born  at  Goudhurst,  Kent,  aged  18.  Admitted  (JT. 
13  April,  1842. 

B.A.  19  Feb.  1846.     M.A.  23  Nov.  1848.     Name  removed 
Michaelmas  1854. 

Vicar  of  Dunkirk,  Kent,  1854. 

Benjamin  John  Gibbons.  Son  of  John  Gibbons,  Esq. 
Born  in  St  Thomas  Parish,  Birmingham,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OT.  13  April,  1842. 

B.A.   14  Nov.  1846.     M.A.  14  Nov.  1850.     Compounded 

Educated  at  Eton. 

Vicar  of  Mitton,  Worcestershire,  1861.  He  presented  to  the 
College  Chapel  Greek  Testaments  ("  Deo  Dante  dcdi  ")  and  Bibles 
(1892).  Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Philip  Thomas  Gardner.  Son  of  the  late  Philip  Thomas 
Gardner,  Esq.  Born  at  Hilton,  near  Cambridge,  aged  19. 
Admitted  (ft.  28  April,  1842. 

Name  removed  7  March,  1846. 

Of  Conington  Hall,  Camh.,  and  Brynadda,  Merioneth  ;  died 

1842.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  411 

Arthur  Denne  Hilton.  Son  of  the  Eev.  John  Hilton, 
M.A.  of  University  College.  Born  at  Sarre,  Isle  of 
Thanet,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  26  May,  1842. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1845.  B.A.  22  April,  1846.  M.A. 
1  Feb.  1849.  Compounded  13  March,  1861. 

Born  11  Aug.  1824.  Educated  at  Charterhouse.  Vicar  of 
St  Johns,  Hillingdon,  Uxbridge,  1851.  Author  of  Aid  to 
Parochial  Visiting,  &c. 

Richard  Samuel  Oldham.  Son  of  William  Oldham, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George  the  Martyr, 
Southwark,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  26  May,  1842. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1842  to  1846.  B.A.  25  June 
1846.  M.A.  1  Feb.  1849.  Kennicott  Scholar  1847. 
Name  removed  9  April,  1851. 

Incumbent  of  St  Mary,  Glasgow,  1851.  Dean  of  Glasgow, 
1877  to  1878.  Rector  of  Little  Chart,  Kent,  1881. 

Thomas  Gascoigne  Welch.  Son  of  the  Kev.  Thomas 
Coleman  Welch,  B.A.,  formerly  (ft.  (1814).  Born  at 
Pattishall,  Northamptonshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 
19  Oct.  1842. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1847.  B.A. 
25  Nov.  1847.  Name  removed  3  March,  1851. 

William  Waddington.  Son  of  Charles  Waddington,  Esq. 
a  Major  in  the  H.E.I.C.  Engineers.  Born  at  Colaba,  in 
the  Bombay  Presidency,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  19  Oct. 

Name  removed  7  Nov.  1844. 

William  Milton  Haigh.     Son  of  the  late  William  Haigh, 
Esq.      Born   at    Carnew,    County    Wicklow,   aged    18. 
Admitted  OT.  19  Oct.  1842. 
Name  removed  5  April,  1848. 

Richard  James  Hayne.  Son  of  Eev.  Eichard  Hayne, 
B.A.,  of  Peterhouse,  Cambridge.  Born  in  St  Heliers, 
Jersey,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  19  Oct.  1842. 

412  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1842-43. 

Name  removed  23  April,   1843.     B.A.  (Exeter)  12  Nov. 
1846.     M.A. ,  1851. 

Educated  at  Eton. 

Vicar  of  Buckland  Monachorum,  Devon,  1855.      Chaplain  to 

the  Bishop  of  Exeter,  1888.     Prebendary  of  Exeter,  1889. 

John  Blake  Honnywill.  Son  of  the  late  Richard 
Honnywill,  Esq.  Born  at  Clifton,  near  Bristol,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  19  Oct.  1842. 

Name  removed  22  Jan.  1844. 

Richard  George  Coles.  Son  of  the  Rev.  John  Coles, 
M.A.,  of  University  College.  Born  at  Buriton,  Hants, 
aged  18.  Admitted  OL  19  Oct.  1842. 

Name  removed  22  Jan.  1844. 

He  entered   the  army,  receiving  his  first  commission  3  May, 
1844,  in  the  1st  (Royal  Scots)  ;  served  in  the  Crimea  at  Alma, 
Inkermann,  and  Sebastopol. 
Colonel,  9  Feb.  1872. 

William  Ball  Drewe.  Son  of  Joseph  Drewe,  Esq.  Born 
at  Keynsham,  near  Bristol,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
19  Oct.  1842. 

Name  removed  23  Oct.  1843.     B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall)  3  June, 
1846.     M.A. ,  1852. 

Vicar  of  Longstock,  Hants,  1849. 


Henry  George  Keene.  Son  of  Eev.  Henry  George 
Keene,  M.A.,  of  Sidney  Sussex  College,  Cambridge. 
Born  at  Haileybury  College,  in  the  parish  of  Amwell, 
near  Hertford,  aged  17.  Admitted  OL  26  Jan.  1843. 
Bengal  Civil  Service  1847  to  1882.  Superintendent  of 
Debea  Dow  during  revolt  of  1857.  (See  Williams 
History  of  Indian  Mutiny,  vol.  3.)  District  and  Sessions 
Judge  in  N.-W.  Provinces,  1867  to  1882.  Fellow  of 
Calcutta  University.  Companion  of  the  Indian  Em- 

1843.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  413 

peror,  1882.     Author  of  History  of  Hindostan  (1885). 
He-admitted  OT.  —  March,  1886. 

Founder's  kin.  Name  removed  22  Jan.  1844,  on  receiving 
a  nomination  to  Haileybury  College.  Created  M.A. 
15  June,  1887. 

Born  16  May,  1825.     Educated  at  Rugby. 
Author  of  Madhava  Eao  Sindhia  (1892),  &c. 

Thomas  Stainton.  Son  of  John  Stainton,  Esq.,  and 
brother  of  Nathaniel  and  John  Stainton  (1832  and 
1838).  Born  at  Claremont  Terrace,  Pentonville,  Clerken- 
well,  aged  17.  Admitted  01.  26  Jan.  1843. 

B.A.  29  Oct.  1846.  CJtt.  account  closed  Midsummer 

Maze  William  Gregory.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas 
Gregory,  B.A.,  of  St  John's  College,  Cambridge.  Born 
at  Upper  Clapton,  Hackney,  Middlesex,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted 01.  26  Jan.  1843. 

Fourth  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1846.  B.A.  29  Oct. 
1846.  M.A.  30  May,  1849.  OT.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1856. 

Vicar  of  Roado,  Northants,  1853  to  1866,  of  Wisborough  186G 
to  1868,  of  Great  Doddington  1868  to  1879.  Honorary  Chap- 
lain to  Midland  Counties  Home  for  Incurables  1880. 

John  Smith.     Aged  17.     Admitted  OT.  26  Jan.  1843. 

"  Only    son    of  S.,   gen.    (M.)."      Name    removed 

22  Jan.  1844. 

Thomas  Comyns  Parker.  Son  of  Charles  George 
Parker,  Esq.  Born  at  Springfield,  near  Chelmsford, 
aged  20.  Admitted  <tf.  26  Jan.  1843. 

B.A.  29  April,  1847.  &.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1853  ;  died  31  Aug. 
1860."  (F.) 

Edward  Walter  Fox.  Son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas  Fox 
(1797),  M.A.,  formerly  ,-Jf.  and  brother  of  the  liev. 

414  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1843. 

Thomas   Fox,  B.A.   (OL  1836.)     Born  at  Fovant,  near 
Salisbury,  aged  18.     Admitted  <£.  26  Jan.  1843. 

B.A.  29  April  1847.     Name  removed  4  July  1850. 

Chaplain,  R.N.,   1851  ;    served    during    the    Crimean    War ; 
retired  1867.     Rector  of  Askerswell,  Dorset,  1867. 

Edward  Hill.  Son  of  Henry  Hill,  Esq.  Born  at  St 
Petersburg,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  26  Jan.  1843. 

Third    Class,  Litt.   Hum.    Michaelmas   Term    1846.     B.A. 

3  Dec.  1846.     M.A.  ,  1851.     e.JE.  account  closed 

Lady  Day  1857. 

Rector  of  Great  Woolstone,  Bucks.,    1853,  where  on  a  white 

marble  cross  is  the  following  epitaph, — 

Edward  Hill, 

M.A.,  Oxon, 

28  years  Rector  of  this  Parish. 

Died  Oct.  2,  1878,  aged  54. 
And  now,  Lord,  what  is  my  hope  1 
Truly    my   hope   is   even   in   Thee, 
and  on  the  base  of  the  reverse  side, — 

This  Monument  was  placed  in  respectful  and  affectionate 
memory  of  their  late  Rector  by  the  parishioners  and  a  few 
friends.  Easter  1879. 

James  Jago.  Son  of  John  Jago,  Esq.  Born  at  Budock, 
near  Falmouth,  aged  27.  Admitted  Pensioner  of  St 
John's  College,  Cambridge,  in  Easter  Term  1835.  B.A. 
Jan.  1839,  Lent  Term.  Admitted  (ft.  of  VVadham 
College,  16  Feb.  1843.  Matriculated  and  incorporated 
the  same  day. 

32nd    Wrangler    1839.      B.M.    22     June,    1843.      D.M. 
10  June,  1859.     Name  finally  removed  22  July,  1859. 

F.R.S.     President,  Royal  Inst.,  Cornwall  ;  practising  at  Truro. 
Author  of  many  Medical  Treatises. 

Walter  Congreve.  Fourth  son  of  Thomas  Congreve,  Esq., 
and  brother  of  Eichard  Congreve,  1837.  Born  at 
Leamington,  Hastings,  Warwickshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (£.  10  March,  1843. 

1843.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  415 

B.A.  23  Nov.  1848.  M.A.  24  Jan.  1850.  OLJtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1859. 

Born  27  July,  1824.     Educated  at  Rugby. 
H.B.M.  Vice-Consul  at  San  Remo. 

Alfred  Povah.  Second  son  of  John  Povah,  Egq.  Born  at 
Homerton,  Hackney,  aged  19.  Admitted  (JT.  26  March, 
1843.  Admitted  Clerk  the  same  day. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1843  to  1846.  Gerard 
Exhibitioner  1846.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1843 
to  1847.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1847. 
B.A.  22  Nov.  1847.  M.A.  30  May,  1849.  Compounded 
Michaelmas  Term  1866. 

Born  27  Feb.  1824  Educated  at  Islington  Proprietary  School, 
and  King's  College,  London.  Headmaster  of  St  Saviours 
Grammar  School,  Southwark,  1850  to  1858.  Under-master  of 
Dulwich  College  1858  to  1860.  Rector  of  St  Olave's,  Hart 
St.,  1860.  President  of  Sion  College  1884.  Rural  Dean  of 
East  City  1885. 

Arthur  Frederick  Forde.  Second  son  of  the  late  Arthur 
Nicholas  Ford,  Esq.,  of  the  H.E.I.C.'s  Civil  Service. 
Born  at  Moorahdabad,  Bengal,  aged  18.  Admitted  (*T. 
3  May,  1843. 

B.A.  25  Feb.  1847.     Name  removed  9  June,  1848. 

Vicar  of  Twigworth,  Glouc.,  1857  to  1874,  of  Wellesbourne 
1874  to  1877,  of  St  Peter,  Eltham,  Kent,  1876  to  1886  ;  "died 
at  Sandgate  11  Aug.  1887."  (F.) 

James  John  Hooper.  Eldest  son  of  Rev.  James  Hooper, 
M.A.,  of  Oriel  College,  arid  nephew  of  the  Eev.  Henry 
Brown  Newman,  late  JF.  (1825  to  1838).  Born  at  Hors- 
ington,  near  Wincanton,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  3  May, 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1846.  B.A. 
28  Jan.  1847.  Name  removed  19  June,  1848.  Jf. 
of  Oriel  1848  to  1874.  M.A.  25  Oct.  1849. 

Born  7  Nov.  1823.     Educated  at  Sherborne. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1852.     Recorder  of  South 

416  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1843. 

Molton,  1877  to  1884.     Judge  of  the  Comity  Court  (Leicester- 
shire) 1883. 
Brother  of  William  H.,  1850. 

Augustus  Orlebar.  Sixth  son  of  the  late  Eobert  Charles 
Orlebar,  Esq.  Born  at  Harborne  Crawley,  near  Woburn, 
Bedfordshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  3  May,  1843. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1847.  B.A.  22  Nov. 
1847.  M.A.  13  June,  1850.  Name  removed  9  Dec. 

Born  14  June,  1824.     Educated  at  Rugby. 

Rector  of  Farndish  Beds.  1852  to  1858.     Vicar  of  Willington, 

Beds.,  1858.     Rural  Dean  of  Haynes. 

William  Henry  Harrold.  Only  son  of  the  late  Mr 
William  Harrold.  '  Born  at  Utterby,  Licolnshire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (ft.  15  June,  1843. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1844.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1847.  B.A.  2  Dec.  1847.  dT.JE. 
account  closed  Midsummer  1861. 

Of  Utterby  House,  Line.     "Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple) 
1853  ;  died  10  Aug.  1867."     (F.) 

Edward  Finder.  Second  son  of  William  Maynard  Finder, 
Esq.,  M.A.,  of  Pembroke  College,  Cambridge.  Born  at 
Brighton,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  15  June,  1843. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1847.  B.A.  22  May, 
1847.  M.A.  10  May,  1850.  CT.JE.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1856. 

In  Holy  Orders. 

"  Died  2  Oct.   1859,  aged  84  (misprint  for  34),  at  Brookfield, 

Bath."  (G.  May.) 

William    Fiennes    Wickham.      Eldest   son   of   William 

John   Wickham,  Esq.     Born   at   Winchester,   aged    17. 
Admitted  <£.  15  June,  1843. 

1843.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  417 

Name  removed  22  Oct.  1844.  Elected  Demy  of  Magdalen 

Born  3  Oct.  1825.  Killed  by  a  fall  from  his  horse  near 
Winchester,  14  Jan.  1845.  (Bloxam,  vii.,  376.) 

Thomas  William  Hartshorne.  Eldest  son  of  Mr 
Robert  James  Hartshorne.  Born  at  Ashbourne,  Derby- 
shire, aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  15  June,  1843. 

Eourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.   Michaelmas  Term   1846.     B.A. 

22  June,  1847.     M.A. ,  1851.     <2Lja.  account  closed 

Christmas  1853. 

"Died  4  Aug.  1857  in  London,  Rev.  T.  W.  H.,  of  King's 
Norton  Vicarage,  Leicestershire."  (G.  Mag.) 

William  Henry  Stowe.  Eldest  son  of  William  Stowe, 
Esq.  Born  at  Buckingham,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*. 
15  June,  1843. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1845  to  1850.  First  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1848.  B.A.  10  June,  1848. 
Name  removed  28  April,  1852.  Jf.  of  Oriel,  March 
1852.  M.A.  14  May,  1853. 

Born  1  Jan.  1825.  Educated  at  Rugby,  &c.  Entered  at 
Lincoln's  Inn.  Went  to  the  Crimea  as  almoner  of  The  Times 
Fund,  and  after  taking  part  in  the  war  correspondence  from 
the  Crimea,  died  at  Balaclava  22  June,  1855.  He  has  a 
cenotaph  in  Oriel  Chapel,  with  the  following  inscription, — 

Sacred  to  the  Memory 
of  William  Henry  Stowe,  Fellow  of  this  College, 

who  left  its  walls  in  February  1855, 

that  he  might  distribute  the  bounty  of  his  countrymen 

in  ministering  to  the  wants  of  the  army  in  the  Crimea, 

and  died  at  Balaclava  on  the  20th  of  June  in  the  same  year. 

Aged  30  years. 

A  few  of  his  friends  have  erected  this  monument  to  the  memory 
of  one  whose  brief  life  was  spent  in  useful  and  honourable 
exertion,  and  whose  death  is  associated  with  events   of   deep 
interest  in  the  history  of  his  country. 
Brother  of  Alfred  S.,  1853. 

2  D 

418  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1843. 

Thomas  Collins.  Second  son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas  Collins, 
B.D.,  of  Magdalen  College.  Born  at  Barningham,  York- 
shire, aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  15  June,  1843. 

B.A.  3  June,  1847.  M.A.  12  June,  1856.  Name  removed 
17  March,  1870. 

Educated  at  Charterhouse. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)   1849.     M.P.   for  Knares- 

borough  1851  and  1857,  for  Boston  1868,  for  Knaresborough 


"  Died  26  Nov.  1884."    (F.) 

Walter  William  Walter.  Eldest  son  of  William  Walter, 
Esq.  Born  at  Wilhayne,  in  the  parish  of  Combe  St 
Nicholas,  near  Chard,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  15  June, 

B.A.  22  May,  1847.  •  M.A.  13  June,  1850.  CT.p.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1860. 

Philip  Valpy  Mourant  Filleul.  Eldest  son  of  the  Kev. 
Philip  Filleul,  M.A.,  of  Pembroke  College,  Oxford.  Born 
at  St  Aubyn's,  Jersey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (JT.  15  June, 


Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1845  to  1847.  B.A.  22  April, 
1847.  M.A.  14  May,  1853.  Chaplain  1850  to  1853. 
(JT.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1860. 

Warden  of  Christ's  Coll.,  Tasmania,  1853  to  1858.     Rector  of 
Biddisham,  Somerset,  1858. 
Author  of  works  on  Bee-Keeping. 

Charles  Douglas  Ross.  Second  son  of  Major-General  Sir 
Patrick  Ross,  G.C.M.G.  and  K.C.H.  Born  at  Valetta  in 
Malta,  aged  17.  Admitted  <»L  1  July,  1843.  Elected 
S>.  as  of  the  Founder's  Kin  30  June,  1843.  Elected 
3U.JF.  30  June,  1848. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1844,  1845.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1845,  1846.  First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1847. 

B.A.  22  May,  1847.     M.A. ,  1853.     Elected  Bursar 

1851,  1852  (Cooper,  deputy),  1853  (Shirley,  deputy), 
1868  (Thorley,  deputy);  Deputy  Librarian  1851  to  1853, 
and  1855,  1856;  Librarian  1854;  Dean  1855  to  1867. 

1843.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  418 

Humanity  Lecturer  (ad  hoc)  26  March,  1868.  Died  in 
College  16  Aug.  1882,  when  he  bequeathed  £100  to  the 
College  to  buy  plate.  His  mother  was  Amelia,  daughter 
of  William  Sidenham,  Auditor  General  of  Fort  St  George, 
sixth  in  descent  from  Kichard  S.  of  Chilworthy  and 
Clarendon  Park,  who  married  Elizabeth  Hall.  (Pedigree 
in  the  College  archives.) 

"  A  man  of  extraordinary  ability  ;  liis  knowledge  on  all  sub- 
jects (except  Natural  Science)  was  remarkable.  His  brilliant 
powers  of  conversation  during  the  best  years  of  his  life  showed 
that  there  was  no  point  in  History,  Antiquities,  or  Literature, 
even  the  most  uncommon,  with  which  he  was  not  familiar. 
But  his  special  gift  was  for  Languages,  with  which  his 
acquaintance,  even  to  obscure  dialects,  was  extraordinarily  wide ; 
yet,  through  lack  of  patience  and  concentration,  he  left  no 
written  results  of  his  accumulated  stores  of  learning.  It  was 
well  said  of  him  that  '  he  had  a  narrow  escape  of  being  a  great 
man.' " 

Henry  Weare  Blandford.  Eldest  son  of  Henry  Weare 
Blandford,  Esq.  Born  at  Weston  Bampfylde,  Somerset, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1843.  Elected  £. 
80  June,  1844.  Elected  $.Jf.  1851.  M.A.  3  Eeb.  1854. 
Vacated  JF.  by  marriage  15  Oct.  1861. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1844,  1846,  1847.  Maddox  Ex- 
hibitioner 1845.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1847  to 
1848.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1847. 
B.A.  25  Nov.  1847.  Elected  Librarian  1858,  1859 
(l)alby,  deputy).  Rector  of  Fryerning  4  June,  1861 :  it 
is  noted  as  vacant  27  Oct.  1869.  Compounded  Michael- 
mas Term  1866. 

Born  28  Sept.  1825.  Educated  at  the  King's  School,  Bruton  ; 
"died  22  Aug.  1869."  (F.) 

John  Macnaught.  Only  son  of  John  Macnaught,  Esq., 
M.D.,  of  Edinburgh.  Born  in  the  parish  of  Clarendon, 
Jamaica,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.18  Oct.  1843. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1846.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1847.  B.A.  25  Nov.  1847.  M.A. 
29  Jan.  1852.  Compounded  1  Feb.  1881. 

420  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1843-44. 

Vicar  of  St  Chrysostom,  Liverpool,  1853  to  1861.     Minister  of 
Laura  Chapel,  Bath,  1867  to  1871  ;  of  Holy  Trinity,  Conduit 
St.,  1871  to  1875.     Vicar  of  St  Mary's,  Fulham,  1881  to  1886. 
Rector  of  Covenham  St  Bartholomew,  Line.,  1886  ;  died  — 

Charles  Lionel  Eagles.  Third  son  of  the  Kev.  John 
Eagles,  M.A.,  JfM.  (1808).  Born  at  Halburton,  Devon- 
shire, aged  18.  Admitted  OL  18  Oct.  1843. 

Somerscales  Exhibitioner  1844.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1844  to  1847.  Name  removed  12  Eeb.  1848. 
B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall)  1  Dec.  1848. 

Vicar  of  Crasswall,  Heref.,  1851.     J.P.  ;  died  18  Sept.  1885. 
Father  of  Charles  F.  E.,  1870. 

William  David  Jones  Bridgman.  Seventh  son  of  the 
late  Mr  John  Bridgman.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St 
Marylebone,  London,  aged  32.  Matriculated  Pensioner 
of  C.  C.  C.,  Cambridge,  Oct.  1828.  Migrated  as  Pensioner 
to  St  Peter's  College  in  Easter  Term  1830.  B.A.  in  Lent 
Term  1832.  M.A.  in  Michaelmas  Term  1835.  Admitted 
OL  of  Wadham  26  Oct.  1843.  Matriculated  and  in- 
corporated the  same  day,  having  obtained  leave  to 
commute  the  degree  of  M.A.  for  B.C.L. ;  he  proceeded  to 
D.C.L.  the  same  term  16  Nov.  1843. 

Senior  Optime  1832.     (H.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1866. 


Charles  Wickham.  Third  son  of  James  Wickham,  Esq. 
Born  at  Sutton  Scotney,  in  the  parish  of  Wonston, 
Hampshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (£.  31  Jan.  1844. 

B.A.    21   Nov.    1847.     M.A.  ,  1851.     dT.Jfc.   account 

closed  Midsummer  1856. 

Rector  of  St  Lawrence,  Winchester,  1868  to  1870.     Rector  of 
Compton,  Hants,  1871. 

Peter  William  French.  Second  son  of  the  Eev.  Peter 
French,  M.A.,  of  Queen's  College,  Oxford.  Born  in  the 

1844.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  421 

district   parish   of   the   Holy   Trinity,  Burton-on-Trent, 
aged  17.     Admitted  OT.  31  Jan.  1844. 

Name  removed  26  Oct.  1844. 

Henry  John  James  Cockeram.  Eldest  son  of  Thomas 
Cockeram,  Esq.  Bom  at  Cerne  Abbas,  Dorsetshire, 
aged  19.  Admitted  4L  31  Jan.  1844. 

Robert  Charge  Boyer.  Seventh  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John 
William  Eobert  Boyer,  M.A.,  of  Trinity  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Born  at  Quornden,  Leicestershire,  aged  17. 
Admitted  <£.  31  Jan.  1844. 

Name  removed  15  June,  1847.  Robert  George  B.,  B.A. 
(New  Inn  Hall)  11  Nov.  1847. 

Isaac  Sadler  Gale.  Only  son  of  the  late  Isaac  Sadler 
Gale,  Esq.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (£.26  April,  1844. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1848.  B.A.  10  June, 
1848.  M.A.  ,  1851.  (JT.JE.  account  closed  Mid- 
summer 1858. 

Rector  of  St  Jolm  Baptist,  Bristol,  1855  to  1871.  Vicar  of 
Kingston,  Som.,  1871.  Vicar  of  (Jleeve,  Som.,  1886. 

John  Simeon  Barrow.  Seventh  son  of  Simeon  Barrow, 
Esq.  Born  in  Walcot  Parish,  Bath,  aged  18.  Admitted 
<£.  26  April,  1844. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt,  Hum.  Easter  Term  1848.  B.A.  10  June, 
1848.  M.A.  11  July,  1857.  OT.JE.  account  closed  Lady 
Day  1869. 

Born  19  Dec.  1825.  Educated  at  Bruton  School.  Vicar  of 
Rogate,  Hants,  1867.  Rural  Dean  of  Midliurst.  Prebendary 
of  Gates  (Chicliester),  1888. 

John  Haigh  Scott.  Only  son  of  the  late  John  Scott,  Esq. 
Born  at  Rawmarsh  near  Rotheram,  Yorkshire,  aged  18 
Admitted  <£.  26  April,  1844. 

421  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1844. 

B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall)  10  May,  1849.     M.A.  (Wadham) , 

1851.     (£.JE.  account  finally  closed  Midsummer  1866. 

Vicar  of  Frosterly,  Durham,  1866  to  1873.     Vicar  of  Whiston, 
Lane.,  1873. 

Thomas  John  Davis.  Only  son  of  Thomas  Davis,  Esq., 
M.A.  (late  4L  1807).  Born  at  East  Acton,  Middlesex, 
aged  18.  Admitted  01".  26  April,  1844. 

Name  removed  25  March,  1846. 

William  Rotton.  Third  son  of  John  Botton,  Esq.  Born 
in  Little  Thomas  Street,  Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted  (&. 
27  June,  1844. 

Third   Class,   Litt.   Hum.   Michaelmas  Term   1848.      B.A. 
1  Dec.  1848.     Name  removed  23  Aug.  1850. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1853  ;  "died  9  June,  1865." 

Lewis  Henry  Coyle.  Second  (but  only  surviving)  son  of 
the  Rev.  Myles  Coyle,  M.A.,  of  Worcester  College.  Born 
at  Monnington,  Herefordshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (H". 
27  June,  1844. 

B.A.  10   June,  1848.     M.A.  -    — ,  1853.     Name   removed 
Midsummer  1862. 

Educated  at  Charterhoiise. 

Alexander  Heriot  Mackonochie.  Third  son  of  the  late 
George  Mackonochie,  Esq.,  a  Colonel  in  H.E.I.C.'s  Service. 
Born  at  Fareham,  Hants,  aged  18.  Admitted  (fl*. 
27  June,  1844. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1847.     Second  Class,  Litt.   Hum. 

Easter   Term  1848.     B.A.    10  June,  1848.     M.A.  , 

1851.     Compounded  11  Eeb.  1873. 

Vicar  of  St  Alban's,  Holborn,   1862  to  1882  ;    of  St  Peter's, 
London  Docks,  1882  ;  died  17  Dec.  1887. 

William  Deane  Day.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  Samuel 
Emery  Day,  M.A.,  of  St  Edmund  Hall.  Born  in  St 

1844.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  423 

Philip's  Parish,  Bristol,  aged  17.     Admitted  (ft.  27  June, 

B.A.  10  June,  1848.     Name  removed  1  Dec.  1851. 

Robert  Leach  Bartlett.  Third  son  of  the  late  Rev. 
Thomas  Oldfield  Bartlett.  Born  at  Swanage,  Dorsetshire, 
aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  27  June,  1844. 

B.A.  10  May,  1848.     Name  removed  2  Nov.  1853. 

Born  18  Aug.  1826.  Educated  privately  at  Charminster 
Rectory  by  W.  B.  Leach  (1819),  Rector  of  Thurloxton, 
Somerset,  1859. 

Andrew  Le  Brocq.  Eldest  son  of  Andrew  Le  Brocq,  Esq. 
Born  at  St  Owen's,  Jersey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
27  June,  1844. 

Name   removed   April   1845.     B.A.   (Pembroke)    10  May, 
1849.     M.A.  20  May,  1857. 

Henry  Hodgson.  Eldest  son  of  Henry  Hodgson,  Esq. 
Born  at  Kinfare  near  Stourbridge,  aged  18.  Admitted 
Or.  16  Oct.  1844. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1846  to  1849.     B.A.  14  June, 
1848.     Name  removed  16  Nov.  1850. 

Died  in  California,  circa  1858. 
Brother  of  John  H.,  1847. 

Osmond  Carey.  Third  son  of  John  Carey,  Esq.  (brother  of 
the  Rev.  Carteret  Priaulx  Carey,  M.A.,  (ft.  1836),  and 
cousin  of  Adolphus  Frederick  Carey,  (ft.  1842.  Born 
at  St  Peter  Port,  Guernsey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
16  Oct.  1844. 

B.A.  30  May,  1849.     Name  removed  15  Oct.  1850. 

Born  7  March  1826.     Educated  at  Elizabeth  College,  Guernsey. 

Vicar  of  St  Matthew's,  Guernsey,   1862  to   1875.     Rector  of 

St  Marie  du  Catel,  1875  to  1880. 

In  the  Castel  Church  there  is  a  Font  thus  inscribed, — 

"  To  the  Glory  of  God,  and  in  memory  of  Osmond  Carey,  B.A., 

Rector  of  this  Parish,  who  died  8  July,  1883,  aged  57  years. 

Presented  by  his  wife,  Rosalie  M.  Carey." 

4i>4  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1844. 

Philip  Alfred  Le  Feuvre.  Eldest  son  of  Philip  Le  Feuvre, 
Esq.  Born  at  St  Peter's,  Jersey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
16  Oct.  1844. 

B.A.  10  May,  1849.  M.A.  1851.  Name  removed  August, 

Kector  of  St  Heliers,  and  Vice-Dean  of  Jersey,  1880.  He  died 
suddenly  while  assisting  in  the  celebration  of  the  Holy  Com- 
munion in  the  Church  of  St  Heliers,  31  March,  1889. 

Sparks  Bellett  Sealy.  Second  son  of  Major-General 
Benjamin  William  Dowden  Sealy,  H.E.I.C.S.  Born  at 
Bombay,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  IQ  Oct.  1844. 

Name  removed  Feb.  1847.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse, 
Cambridge.  B.A.  1849.  M.A.  1852. 

Vicar  of  West  Wratting,  Cam!).,  1862  to  1866.  Vicar  of 
St  Michael's,  Islington,  1866  to  1879.  Vicar  of  Gosberton, 
Line.,  1879. 

Thomas  Gale  Curlier.  Eldest  son  of  Thomas  Gale 
Curtler,  Esq.  Born  in  St  Andrew's  Parish,  Droitwich, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  16  Oct.  1844. 

B.A.  14  June,  1848.  M.A.  14  May  1857.  Name  removed 
24  March,  1870. 

Rector  of  Doverdale,  Wore.,  1852  to  1857.  Vicar  of  Aslacton, 
1857  to  1861.  Vicar  of  Barbonrne,  Wore.,  1862.  Rural  Dean, 
1875  ;  deceased. 

John  Langfbrd  Capper.  Eldest  surviving  son  of  Mr 
John  Capper.  Born  at  Wanstead,  Essex,  aged  18.  JE. 
as  Postmaster  of  Merton  College,  17  June,  1843. 
Elected  S>.  of  Wadham  30  June,  1844.  Admitted  (ft. 
18  Oct.  1844.  Resigned  £.  —  July,  1853. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1844,  1845,  1847.  Hody  (Greek) 
Exhibitioner  1844  to  1850.  Junior  Math.  Scholar  1844. 
Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  First  Class,  Math.  Easter 
Term  1848.  B.A.  30  June,  1848.  Name  removed 
4  July,  1853. 

Francis  Morgan  Nichols.  Third  son  of  John  Bowyer 
Nichols,  Esq.  Born  at  Hampstead,  aged  18.  JK.  as  (ft. 

1844-45.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  425 

of  Exeter  College  15  Feb.  1844  Elected  £.  of  Wadham 
30  June,  1844.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1844.  Elected 
$.dF.  30  June,  1849. 

Gooclridge  Exhibitioner  1844,  1847.  Hody  (Greek)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1845  to  1849.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1847.  B.A.  25  Nov.  1847.  M.A. 
— ,  1853.  Elected  Librarian  1852,  1853;  Deputy 
Dean  1853.  Resigned  Jf.  6  June,  1856.  Compounded 
Michaelmas  Term  1862. 

Born    29  April,    1826.       Educated  at   Kensington    Grammar 

School.     Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  30  April,  1852.     Of 

Lawford  Hall,  Essex.     J.P.  and  Chairman  of  Petty  Sessions. 

F.S.A.  1861.     Corresponding  Member  of  the  Imperial  German 

Archaeological     Institute.      Author    of     The    Roman    Forum, 


Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 


William  Henry  Bubb.  Eldest  son  of  John  Bubb,  Esq. 
Born  at  Cheltenham,  aged  18.  Admitted  {£.  22  Jan. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1848.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
and  Second  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1848.  B.A. 
23  Nov.  1848.  M.A.  7  Feb.  1861.  Compounded  1  June, 

"  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  1850."     (F.) 

John  Walter  Lea.  Second  son  of  the  late  John  Lea,  Esq., 
and  brother  of  Arthur  Augustus  Lea  ((ft.  1842).  Born  at 
Blakebrook,  Kidderminster,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft. 
22  Jan.  1845. 

B.A.  19  Oct.  1848.     OT.JE.  account  closed  Christmas  1862. 
Died  29  Feb.  1888. 

David  Ogilvy.  Third  son  of  Donald  Ogilvy,  Esq.  Born 
at  Logie,  Kirriemuir,  Forfarshire,  aged  18.  Admitted 
tf.  22  Jan.  1845. 

426  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1845. 

B.A.  1852.     d.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1857. 

Born  1826  ;  died  20  July,  1857. 

Grandson  of  Walter  Ogilvy,  commonly  called  Earl  of  Airlie. 

George  Ogilvie.  Only  son  of  George  Shadforth  Ogilvie, 
Esq.  Born  at  Calne,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  22  Jan. 

B.A.  30  May  1855.     M.A.  4  Dec.  1862.     Name  removed 
19  March,  1870. 

Principal  of  the  Diocesan  College,  Capetown,  1862  to  1885. 
Canon  of  St  George's  Cathedral,  Capetown,  1862,  and  Eector  of 
Rondebosch,  1885. 

Robert  Elliot  Moires.  Eldest  son  of  Elliot  Morres,  Esq., 
Lieutenant,  K.N.  Born  at  Nether  Broughton,  Leicester- 
shire, aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  22  Jan.  1845. 

B.A.    26    Oct.    1848.      M.A.  -    — ,  1851.      CJE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1857. 

Educated    at  Winchester.      Eector    of    Cheddington,   Dorset, 
1863.       Incumbent    of    Bicknoller,   Somerset,    1864   to    1867. 
Rector  of  Langridge  1878.     "  Died  1885."     (F.) 
Brother  of  Arthur  P.  M.,  1853. 

Frederick  Thomas  Batchelor.  Eldest  son  of  Thomas 
Batchelor,  Esq.  Born  in  St  George's,  Hanover  Square, 
aged  18.  Admitted  OL  22  Jan.  1845. 

B.A.  23  Nov.  1848.     M.A.  17  Dec.  1852.     OLJE.  account- 
closed  Lady  Day  1857. 

Educated  at  Eton.  Rector  of  Calstock,  Corn.,  1854  to  1865. 
Rector  of  Jacobstow,  Corn.,  1865. 

Gascoigne  Frederick  Whitaker.  Only  son  of  Edward 
Frederick  Whitaker,  Esq.  Born  at  Cheltenham,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  22  Jan.  1845. 

B.A.  23  Nov.  1848.     M.A.  28  May,  1852.     C.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1862. 

Rector  of  Flordon,  Norf..  1856.     Died  24  Nov.  1883. 

1845.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  427 

George  Whitehead.     Only  son  of  the  late  George  White- 
head,  Esq.     Born  at  Mary  church,  Devonshire,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  22  Jan.  1845. 
Name  removed  25  Oct.  1847. 

David  Wauchope.  Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev. 
David  Wauchope,  M.A.,  of  Ch.  Ch.  Born  at  Warkton, 
Northamptonshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  19  Feb. 

B.A.  19  Oct.  1848.  M.A.  -  -  July,  1851.  Compounded 
Michaelmas  Term  1866. 

Born  16  April,  1825.  Rector  of  Church  Lawford,  Warwick, 
1863  to  1888. 

George   Harris   Cooke.      Eldest   son   of   the   Rev.    Bell 

Cooke.      Born  in  the  parish   of  St  George,  Tombland, 
Norwich,  aged  17.     Admitted  (ft.  6  March,  1845. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1849.  B.A.  26  May, 
1849.  M.A.  25  June,  1852.  Name  removed  19  Oct. 

Vicar  of  St  Matthew,  Thorpe  Hamlet,  Norwich,  1858  to  1869. 

Vicar  of  Worstead,  Norf.,  1869.     Vicar  of  Cringleford,  Norf., 

1888.     Vicar  of  St  Helen's,  Norwich,  1891. 

Hugh  Culling  Eardley  Childers.  Only  son  of  the  late 
Rev.  Eardley  Childers,  M.A.,  of  Trinity  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Born  in  the  parish  of  St  George,  Hanover 
Square,  baptised  at  Cookham,  Berkshire,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  9  April,  1845. 

Name  removed  3  May,  1847.  Migrated  to  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge.  B.A.  (senior  optime)  1850.  M.A.  1857. 

M.P.  for  Pontefract  1868  to  1885,  for  Edinburgh  1885.  Privy 
Councillor  1868.  First  Lord  of  the  Admiralty  1868  to  1871. 
Chancellor  of  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster  1872  to  1873.  Secretary 
for  War  1880  to  1882.  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer  1882  to 
1885.  Home  Secretary  1886. 

John  Fell.     Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Fell,  Esq.     Born  at 
Ulverstone,  Lancashire,  aged  18.     Admitted  (ft.  9  April, 
Name  removed  24  March,  1848. 

428  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1845. 

Born  1  Nov.  1826.  Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  9  June, 
1854  ;  of  Daneghyll,  Furness  Abbey,  Lane.,  J.P.,  D.L. 

Herbert  Frederick  Disbrowe.  Third  son  of  the  Eev. 

Henry   John   Disbrowe,  B.C.L.,  late   ,-fp.    of   All   Souls 

College.     Born   at   Wellbourne,  Lincolnshire,   aged    18. 
Admitted  <£.  9  April,  1845. 

Name  removed  14  April,  1846. 

George  IVEorley.  Eldest  son  of  James  Morley,  Esq.  Born 
in  the  parish  of  St  Pancras,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(jr.  9  April,  1845. 

B.A.  1  Feb.  1849.  M.A.  -  — ,  1851.  CT.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1858. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Vicar  of  Under  River,  Kent,  1878  to 
1880.  Vicar  of  Astwood,  Bucks,  1891.  Warden  of  Lord 
Leycester's  Hospital,  Warwick,  1893. 

George  Pruen  Griffiths.  Fifth  son  of  the  late  Thomas 
Griffiths,  Esq.  Born  at  Cheltenham,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted <E.  9  April,  1845. 

Fourth  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1849.  B.A.  26  May, 
1849.  M.A. ,  1851.  C.JE.  account  closed  Michael- 
mas 1859. 

Vicar  of  St  Marks,  Cheltenham,  1862. 

Rev.  Thomas  Barton.  Third  son  of  John  Barton,  Esq. 
Born  at  Manchester,  aged  32.  JE.  Pensioner  of  Queens' 
College,  Cambridge,  in  Michaelmas  Term  1832.  B.A.  in 

Lent  Term   1836.     B.M.  ,  1839.     Admitted  <£.  of 

Wadham  22  May,  1845. 

Name  removed  11  Xov.  1846. 

Incumbent  of  Midgham,  Berks,  1858  to  1866. 

John  Semple.  Second  son  of  Robert  Semple,  Esq.  Born 
at  Berbice  in  British  Guiana,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
28  May,  1845. 

P..A.  10  May,  1849.  (£.$&.  account  closed  Michaelmas 

1845.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  429 

William  Harbin.  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Kev.  Edward 
Harbin,  M.A.  ((ft.  1820).  Born  at  Odcombe,  Somerset, 
aged  18.  Admitted  ift.  28  May,  1845. 

B.A.  28  May,  1852.     Name  removed  13  April,  1853. 

Vicar  of  Northover,  Somerset,  1857.     Died  at  Ilchester,  aged 
38,  25  Nov.  1864. 

Henry  Gerard  Hoare.  Seventh  son  of  the  Venerable 
Charles  James  Hoare,  M.A. 

|tt.  28  May,  1845,  aged  17.     Of  Godstone,  Surrey.     Name 
removed  21  April,  1846. 

Born  7  June,  1827.     Of  Stansted  House,  Surrey. 

John  Furlong  Chapman.  Only  son  of  John  Chapman, 
Esq.  Born  at  Louth,  aged  16.  Admitted  (ft.  28  May, 

B.A.  10  May,  1849.     <£.!&.  account  closed  Christmas  1857. 

Theophilus  John  Fenton.  Only  son  of  the  Eev.  Samuel 
Fenton,  M.A.,  of  Ch.  Ch.  Born  at  Fishguard,  Pembroke- 
shire, aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  28  May,  1845. 

Name  removed  5  Nov.  1851.     Entered  Magdalen  Hall  as 
Or.  1856.     B.A.  and  M.A.  1860. 

In  Holy  Orders. 

Samuel  Harries.  Second  son  of  John  Harding  Harries, 
Esq.  Born  at  Llanunwas,  in  the  parish  of  Whitechurch, 
near  St  David's,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  28  May,  1845. 

B.A.  18  April,  1849.     Name  removed  2  Nov.  1850. 
In  Holy  Orders. 

Charles  John  Hughes -D'Aeth.  Fourth  son  of  George 
William  Hughes-D'Aeth,  Esq.,  Captain,  B.N.,  and  brother 
of  Narbrough  Hughes-D'Aeth  (<£.  1841).  Born  at 
Knowlton,  Kent,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  28  May,  1845. 

B.A.  26  May,  1849.     Name  removed  22  March,  1852. 

Rector   of   Knowlton,  Kent,  1851  to  18fi2,  of  TVickhambreux 
1862  to  1873.     Rector  of  Cardynham,  Corn.,  1873. 

430  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1845. 

George  Augustus  Smith.  Eldest  son  of  Bright  Smith, 
Esq.  Born  in  St  James'  parish,  Westminster,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  28  May,  1845. 

B.A.  22  Nov.  1849.     Compounded  8  June,  1871. 

Vicar  of  Buttons  Ambo,  Yorks,  1861  to  1871  ;  "  died  24  Sept. 

1882."     (F.) 

Father  of  Arthur  A.  W.  B.  S.,  1871. 

William  John  Mills  Ellison.  Eldest  son  of  the  late 
Kev.  Eobert  Ellison,  M.A.,  of  King's  College,  Cambridge. 
Born  at  Stangham,  Sussex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <#. 
5  June,  1845. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1846  to  1850.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1849.  B.A.  29  Nov.  1849. 
M.A.  5  June,  1856.  Name  removed  9  Nov.  1853. 

Consular  Chaplain,  Stockholm,  1855  to  1858.  Chaplain  at 
Gottenburg  1858  to  1867.  Vicar  of  St  Michael's,  Derby,  1867 
to  1876.  Principal  of  the  Lichfield  Diocesan  Training  Institute 
for  Schoolmistresses  1872  to  1876.  Vicar  of  St  Johns,  Wands- 
worth,  1876. 
"Died  12  Dec.  1882."  (F.) 

Hugh  Robert  Hughes.  Eldest  and  only  surviving  son 
of  the  late  Hugh  Robert  Hughes,  Esq.  Born  in  the 
parish  of  St  Oswald,  near  Chester,  aged  18.  Admitted 
01.  10  Oct.  1845. 

Name  removed  after  Lady  Day  1849.  B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall) 
9  Nov.  1848. 

Born  11  June,  1827.  Educated  at  Rugby  ;  of  Kinniel  Park, 
Denbigh,  J.P.,  D.L.  High  Sheriff  of  Anglesea,  1854  ;  of  Flint, 
1871.  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Flint  ;  succeeded  to  the  property 
(but  not  to  the  title)  of  his  cousin  Lord  Dinorben  in  1852. 

Edward  Jonathan  Birch.  Third  son  of  the  late  Rev. 
Walter  Birch,  B.I).,  sometime  Jf.  of  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford.  Born  at  Stan  way,  Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted 
(£.  14  Oct.  1845. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1849.  B.A.  30  May, 
1849.  Name  removed  11  Nov.  1853. 

Rector  of  Overetone,  Northants,  1857. 

1845-46.]  WARDEN     SYMONS  431 

Charles  Edward  Ranken.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev. 
Charles  Eanken,  M.A.,  late  student  of  Ch.  Ch.  Born  at 
Brislington,  Somerset,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  14  Oct. 

B.A.  24  Oct.  1850.     M.A.  28  May,  1852.     OLJtt.  account 
closed  8  Feb.  1879. 

Born  5  Jan.  1828.     Educated  at  Bishop's  College,  Bristol,  and 
King  William's  College,  Isle  of  Man.     Vicar  of  Sandford-on- 
Thames,  1867  to  1871. 
Joint- Author  of  Chess  Openings,  Ancient  and  Modern. 

William  Frederick  Holt.  Only  son  of  the  Eev.  William 
Fowler  Holt,  M.A.,  late  Jf.  of  King's  College,  Cambridge. 
Born  at  Claverton,  Somerset,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft. 
14  Oct.  1845. 

Name  removed  21  Feb.  1848. 

John  Lucas  Sutton.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  John  Lucas 
Sutton,  M.A.,  of  Balliol  College.  Born  at  Weekley, 
Northants,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  14  Oct.  1845. 

B.A.  2  May,  1850.     M.A.  16  May,  1855.     <2T.JE.  account 
closed  Midsummer  1856. 

Vicar  of  St  Andrew's,  Coventry,  1875. 


John  Fenn  Russell.  Second  son  of  the  Eev.  William 
Eussell,  B.A.,  of  Clare  Hall,  Cambridge.  Born  at  Shep- 
perton,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  28  Jan.  1846. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1846.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1849.  B.A.  6  Dec.  1849.  Name  re- 
moved 17  Jan.  1854. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  sometime  Curate  of  St  Thomas,  Oxford. 

John  Pennington  Legh.  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Eev. 
Edmund  Dawson  Legh,  M.A.,  of  Balliol  College.  Born 
in  St  Pancras  parish,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£. 
28  Jan.  1846. 

432  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1846. 

B.A.  29  Nov.  1849.  M.A.  16  June,  1870.  Compounded 
17  June,  1870. 

Born  20  Nov.  1827.  Educated  at  Charterhouse.  Of  Norbury 
Booths,  Cheshire,  J.P. 

Robert  Gibbons.  Eldest  son  of  Robert  Kenrick  Gibbons, 
Esq.  Born  at  Binfield,  Berkshire,  aged  17.  Admitted 
(K.  28  Jan.  1846. 

B.A.    25    Oct.    1849.       <£.J&.  account    closed    (deceased) 
21  Dec.  1876. 

Born  24  Aug.  1828.  Vicar  of  Handley,  Dorset,  1867  ;  died 
5  Dec.  1876. 

Henry  Fox  Strangways.  Eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  Henry 
Fox  Strangways,  M.A.,  of  Pembroke  College,  Oxford. 
Born  at  Crediton,  Devonshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (JL 
28  Jan.  1846. 

B.A.   25   Oct.   1849.     M.A.  17  June,   1852.     Compounded 
8  July,  1860. 

Born  3  May,  1828.  Educated  at  Winchester.  Rector  of  Kil- 
mington,  Somerset,  1853  to  1866.  Rector  of  Silverton,  Devon, 

Henry  Thomas  Mair.  Only  son  of  the  Rev.  Henry 
Mair,  M.A.,  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  Born  at 
Clifton,  near  Bristol,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  28  Jan. 

B.A.  25  Oct.  1849.     Name  removed  3  May,  1853. 

In  Holy  Orders. 

Died  at  Ventnor,  aged  27,  22  May,  1855. 

William  Frederick  Bryant.  Only  son  of  William 
Bryant,  Esq.,  Lieutenant,  R.K  Born  in  St  Mary 
Magdalen  parish,  Taunton,  aged  17.  Admitted  <!T. 
28  Jan.  1846. 

B.A.    25    Oct.    1849.      M.A.  -    — ,  1853.      C.JE.    account 
closed  Michaelmas  1859. 

Vicar  of  St  Mary,  Tyndall  Park,  Clifton,  1874. 

1846.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  433 

Frederick  Augustus  Baker.  Only  son  of  the  late 
George  Baker,  Esq.  Born  at  Wid combe,  Bath,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  28  Jan.  1846. 

B.A.  25  Oct.  1849.     M.A.  10  June,  1852.     CT.JE.  account 
closed  Christmas  1859. 

Thomas  Julius  Henderson.     Only  son  of  the  late  John 
Henderson,   Esq.,    Lieutenant,   E.N.      Born   in    Queen's 
Square,  Bath,  aged  18.     Admitted  <£.  28  Jan.  1846. 
B.A.  25  Oct.  1849.     M.A.   17  June,  1852.     (H.Jtt.  account 
closed  Christmas  1858. 

Educated  at  St  Paul's  School.  In  charge  of  Kennington,  Berks, 
1856  to  1859.  Vicar  of  South  Benfleet,  Essex,  1859  to  1872, 
and  Incumbent  of  Canvey  Island  1860  to  1872.  Rector  of 
Heywood,  Manchester,  1872.  Vicar  of  South  Banbury,  Oxon, 
1878  to  1883.  Vicar  of  Farley,  Wilts,  and  Warden  of  Farley 
Hospital,  1883. 

Richard  Palgrave   Manclarke.     Eldest  son  of  Eichard 
Beatniffe  Manclarke,  Esq.      Born  at  Ashbourne,  Derby- 
shire, aged  17.     Admitted  OT.  28  Jan.  1846. 
B.A.  25  Oct.  1849.     M.A.  25  June,  1852. 

Incumbent  of  Kilnwick,  Yorks,  1858  ;  of  Woodland,  Lane., 
1861.  Vicar  of  St  James,  Barrow-in-Furness,  1867.  Rector  of 
Anmer,  Norf.,  1878  to  1891. 

John  Edwardes  Rogers.  Only  son  of  John  Eogers,  D.M. 
of  Edinburgh.  Born  at  Haford  Llancwnlle  (i.e.,  Havod 
Nantcwnlle),  Cardiganshire,  aged  19.  Admitted  (#. 
28  Jan.  1846. 

B.A.  22  Nov.  1849.     Name  removed  25  April,  1860. 

Of  Abermeirig,  Cardigan. 
"  High  Sheriff  1872."     (F. ) 

Frederick  Colborne  Fisher.  Second  son  of  Paul 
Hawkins  Fisher,  Esq.  Born  at  Stroud,  Gloucestershire, 
aged  19.  Admitted  (JT.  28  Jan.  1846. 

Name  removed  28  Oct.  1847.     B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall)  2  May, 
1850.     MA.  1852. 

Rector  of  Walton-on-Trent,  1860,  and  Rural  Dean  of  Repton, 

2  E 

WARDEN     SYMO.NS.  [1846. 

Henry   John    Marlen.      Only   son   of   the   Eev.   Henry 

•Marlen.  Born  in  St  Paul's  parish,  Canterbury,  aged  20. 
Admitted  <£.  26  March,  1846.  Admitted  Clerk  the 
same  day. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1847  to  1849.  Gerard 
Exhibitioner  1847  to  1849.  Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner 
1847  to  1850.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Third 
Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term,  1849.  Pusey  and 
Ellerton  Scholar,  1848.  B.A.  6  Dec.  1849.  M.A.  10  Feb. 
1853.  d.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1856. 

In  Holy  Orders.     "  Died  Nov.  1881."     (F.) 

William  Edward  Downes.  Eldest  son  of  William 
Dowries,  Esq.  Born  at  St  Peter's,  Colchester,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OT.  29  April,  1846. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1848.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1850.  B.A.  18  May,  1850.  M.A.  1853. 
(JT.JE.  account  closed  Michaelmas  1859. 

Rector  of  Baylham,  Suffolk,  1859. 

Francis  John  Bryant.  Eldest  son  of  Francis  Bryant, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Andrew's,  Holborn, 
London,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  29  April,  1846. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1850.  B.A.  24  Oct. 
1850.  M.A.  3  Nov.  1870.  B.D.  and  D.D.  9  Dec.  1886. 
C.Jft.  account  closed  December  1876. 

Vicar  of  Brent  Tor,  Devon,  1858.      Rector  of  St  Peter  Tavy, 
Devon,  1879,  and  Rural  Dean  of  Tavistock,  1870  to  1874. 

Arthur  IVEaitland  Sugden.  Third  son  of  the  late  William 
James  Sugden  (formerly  Long),  Esq.  Born  in  Walcot 
parish,  Bath,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  26  April,  1846. 

B.A.  24  Jan.  1850.  M.A.  14  May,  1857.  €.j&.  account 
closed  Christinas  1857. 

Rector  of  Mollington,  Oxon,  1863  to  1873.     Rector  of  Marks- 
hall,  Essex,  1885. 

William  Henry  Humphery.  Second  son  of  John 
Humphery,  Esq.,  Alderman,  M.P.  for  Southwark.  Born 

1846.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  435 

in  St  Olave's  parish,  Southwark,  aged  19.     Admitted  (£. 
29  April,  1846. 

B.A.  24  Jan.  1850.  M.A.  2  June,  1853.  Compounded 
8  March,  1869. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  17  Nov.  1852.      M.P.  for 
Andover  1863  to  1867.     Created  Baronet  10  Dec.  1868.     High 
Sheriff  of    Southampton,    1873.       Donor    of    the   Volunteers 
Humphery  Prize. 
Brother  of  Edward  John  H.,  1860. 

James  Hewetson  Wilson.  Only  son  of  John  Hewetson 
Wilson,  Esq.  Born  at  Charlton-on-Medlock,  Manchester, 
aged  19.  Admitted  OL  29  April,  1846. 

Second  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1850.  B.A.  2  May,  1850. 
Xame  removed  12  Dec.  1850. 

F.L.S.,  F.R.B.S.      "Died    12   Nov.   1850   suddenly,  aged  24, 
J.  H.  W.     Translator  of  Jussieu's  Elements  of  Botany." 

\G.  Mag.) 

Henry  Williams.  Sixth  son  of  the  late  Robert  Williams, 
Esq.  Born  at  Llangenny,  Breconshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (K.  26  June,  1846." 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1848  to  1850.  Fourth  Class, 
Liitt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1850.  B.A.  5  Dec.  1850. 
Name  removed  10  May,  1851. 

Charles  Dudley  Robert  Ward.  Eldest  son  of  Henry 
George  Ward,  Esq.,  M.P.  for  Sheffield.  Born  at  sea  on 
board  H.M.S.  "  Primrose,"  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft. 
26  June,  1846. 

Name  removed  10  Dec.  1848. 

Educated  at  Rugby. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  26  Jan.  1853. 

John  Fraser  Taylor.     Eldest  son  of  John  Taylor,  Esq., 
Commander,    E.N.      Born   at   Brighton,  aged   18.      Ad- 
.     milted  <£.  26  June,  184G. 

436  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1846. 

Third  Class,  Math,  and  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter 
Term  1850.  B.A.  10  May,  1850.  M.A.  10  June,  1853. 
Name  removed  26  Oct.  1859. 

Born    19   July,    1827.      Incumbent   of    Holy   Trinity,    Hove, 

Brighton,  1864. 

Author  of  many  Sermons  and  Addresses. 

Thomas  Barton  Hill.  Only  son  of  the  Kev.  Thomas 
Barton  Hill,  M.A.,  formerly  (tf.  Born  at  Hampstead, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  26  June,  1846. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1849  to  1851.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1851.  B.A.  1851.  M.A. 
14  Jan.  1860.  (£.JE.  account  closed  1879. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  "  died  26  Aug.  1877."     (F.) 

Vernon  Blake.     Second  son  of  George  Charles  Blake,  Esq., 
Captain,  RN.     Born  at  Gosport,  in  Alverstoke  parish, 
aged  18.     Admitted  <£.  26  June,  1846. 
Fourth  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1850.     B.A.  7  Nov. 
1850.     M.A.  22  April,  1857. 

Vicar  of  Shiplake,  Oxon,  1862  to  1866.  Vicar  of  Stoke  Poges, 
Bucks,  1866,  and  Master  of  Lord  Hastings'  Hospital,  1882. 
Domestic  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Leeds,  1882. 

John  Erskine  Clarke.  Eldest  son  of  William  Fairlie 
Clarke,  Esq.  Born  at  Cossepore,  Bengal  Presidency, 
India,  aged  18.  Admitted  (E.  26  June,  1846. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1850.  B.A. 
28  Nov.  1850.  M.A.  10  June,  1853.  Name  removed 
Michaelmas  1855. 

Vicar  of  St  Michael,  Derby,   1856  to   1866;   of  St  Andrew, 

Derby,   1866  to   1872.      Prebendary  of  Bobenhall  (Lichfield) 

1869   to    1872.      Vicar   of   St  Mary,  Battersea,   1872.      Hon. 

Canon  of  Winchester  1 875.     Rural  Dean  ;  and  Proctor  for  the 

diocese  of  Rochester. 

Author  and  editor  of  Sermons  and  other  works. 

Brother  of  Alured  J.  C.,  1849. 

Octavius  Ogle.  Fourth  son  of  James  Adye  Ogle,  Esq., 
JJ.M.,  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford.  Born  in  St  Mary 

1846.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  437 

Magdalen  parish,  Oxford,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£.  3  July, 
1846.  Elected  &.  30  June,  1846.  Elected  Jf.  of 
Lincoln  College,  1850. 

Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1847  to  1851.  Vinerian 
Scholar  1849.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  and  Math. 
Easter  Term  1850.  B.A.  10  May,  1850.  MA.  1853. 
<2T.p.  repaid  28  April,  1852.  Tutor  of  Lincoln  Coll. 
Classical  Moderator  1854,  1855  and  1877.  Master 
of  the  Schools  1863,  1869,  1874.  Clerk  of  the  Market. 
Died  27  June  1894. 

Son  of  the  Regius  Professor  of  Medicine  and  godson  of  Cardinal 
Newman.     Chaplain  of  Warneford  Asylum,  Oxford,  1864. 
Editor  of  Royal  Letters  addressed  to  Oxford,  1892. 

Robert  Edmond  Waters.  Only  son  of  Thomas  Methold 
Waters,  Esq.  Born  in  Gower  Street,  St  Pancras  parish, 
Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  16  Oct.  1846. 
Previously  p.  as  (ft.  of  Exeter  College,  29  Jan.  1846. 
Elected  £,.  30  June,  1846.  Resigned  £.  16  Oct.  1849. 

Name  removed  11  June,  1852,  when  he  became  (&.(!£. 
(Chester- Waters)  of  St  Mary  Hall.  B.A.  25  Nov.  1852. 

Born  18  July,  1828.  Educated  at  Cholmeley  School,  Highgate. 
Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  30  Jan.  1852.  Author  of 
Genealogical  Memoirs  of  the  Chesters  of  Ghicheley,  and  other 
genealogical  works. 

Benjamin  Bickley  Rogers.  Third  son  of  Francis  Rogers, 
Esq.  Born  at  Shepton  Montague,  Somerset,  aged  17. 
Admitted  OL  16  Oct.  1846.  Elected  £>.  30  June,  1846. 
Elected  ^.Jf.  1852.  M.A.  26  Oct.  1854.  Vacated  his 
,-ff.  by  marriage  10  Sept.  1861. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1847.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1848. 
Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1850  to  1851.  First  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  and  Fourth  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1851. 
B.A.  1851.  M.A.  26  Oct.  1854.  President  of  the 
Oxford  Union  Society.  Compounded. 

Born  11  Dec.  1828.  Educated  at  Bruton  School,  Somerset,  and 
Cholmely  School,  Highgate.  Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's 
Inn)  6  June,  1856.  Governor  of  Bruton  School  and  Highgatt 
School.  Translator  of  Aristophanes. 

438  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1846-47. 

Charles  Rickards  Smith.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev. 
Charles  Edgar  Smith,  M.A.  of  Oriel  College.  Born  at 
Badlesmere,  Kent,  aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  21  Oct.  1846. 

Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1850.     B.A. 
5  Dec.  1850.     Name  removed  3  May,  1851. 

Brother  of  Edgar  Glennie  S.,  18f>0. 

William  Henry  Keightley.  Eldest  son  of  William 
Tristram  Keightley,  Esq.  Born  at  Liverpool,  aged  19. 
Admitted  <£.  21  Oct.  1846. 

Name  removed  21  July,  1852. 


John  Peter  Hardy.  Eldest  surviving  son  of  John  Peter 
Hardy,  Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  St  Michael, 
Barbadoes,  aged  18.  Admitted  <£.  27  Jan.  1847. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1850.  B.A. 
28  Nov.  1850.  M.A.  22  June,  1854.  Compounded 
8  July,  1860. 

Educated  at  Rugby. 
In  Holy  Orders. 

Alfred  John  Church.  Third  son  of  John  Thomas  Church, 
Esq.  Born  in  St  Andrew's  Parish,  Holhorn,  aged  17. 
Admitted  (JT.  27  Jan.  1847. 

Name  removed  23  June,  ?  1847.  Migrated  to  Lincoln 
College  as  £.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term 
1851.  B.A.  1851.  M.A.  1853.  Prize  for  an  English 
poem  on  a  sacred  subject  (the  Sea  of  Galilee),  1884. 

Assistant  Master  in  Merchant  Taylor's  School  1857  to  1870. 
Professor  of  Latin,  University  College,  London,  1860.  Head- 
master of  Henley  School,  1870  to  1873,  of  East  Retford  School, 
1873  to  1880.  Rector  of  Ashley,  Wilts,  1892. 
Editor  of  numerous  classical  Avorks,  and  of  Tales  from  Herodotut, 

1847.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  439 

George  Gisborne  Simcox.  Only  son  of  the  late  Rev. 
Edward  George  Simcox,  M.A.  (S>.  1819),  cousin  of 
Thomas  Green  Simcox  (1827)  and  the  late  John  Lea 
Simcox  (1831)  (JT.  Born  at  Southrop,  Glouc.,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (£.  27  Jan.  1847. 
Name  removed  8  Feb.  1848. 

Edward  Deacon  Girdlestone.  Second  son  of  Eev. 
Charles  Girdlestone,  M.A.,  late  <£.  (1814).  Born  at 
Sedgeley,  Staffordshire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  27  Jan. 

B.A.  1851.     C.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1858. 
In  Holy  Orders. 

Edward  Ralph  Johnson.  Third  son  of  William  Pon- 
sonbv  Johnson,  Esq.  Born  at  Walton,  Cumberland, 
aged"l8.  Admitted  (£.  27  Jan.  1847. 

B.A.  7  Nov.  1850.  Name  removed  28  May,  1851;  re- 
placed 23  May,  1861.  M.A.  13  May,  1863.  e.JE. 
account  closed  Michaelmas  1868.  Created  D.D.  9  Nov. 
1876.  Hon.  D.D.,  Durham,  1888.  Hon.  LL.D.,  Cam- 
bridge, 1888. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Rector  of  Xortlienden,  Cheshire,  1866  to 
1876.  Archdeacon  of  Chester,  1871  to  1876.  Bishop  of 
Calcutta,  1876,  and  Metropolitan. 

John  Bonus.      Eldest  son  of  John  Bonus,  Esq.      Born  at 
Stratford-le-Bow,   Middlesex,   aged    18.      Admitted   <£. 
27  Jan.  1847. 
Name  removed  21  May,  1847. 

Thomas  Pitman.  Eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Pitman, 
M.A.,  late  OT.  (1820).  Born  at  Tooting,  Surrey,  aged  18. 
Admitted  <£.  27  Jan.  1847. 

B.A.  1850.  M.A.  7  July,  1859.  Name  removed  25  Oct. 

Educated  at  Merchant  Taylor's  School.  Vicar  of  St  Jude's, 
Islington,  1855.  Died  9  Dec.  1863,  aged  35. 

440  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1847. 

Decimus  Storry  Govett.  Eighth  son  of  the  Eev.  Eobert 
Govett,  M.A.,  of  Cambridge.  Born  at  Staines,  aged  19. 
Admitted  OL  27  Jan.  1847. 

B.A.  24  Oct.  1850.  M.A.  17  Feb.  1859.  Name  removed 
22  July,  1859. 

Chaplain  at  Marseilles,  1877.     Archdeacon  of  Gibraltar,  1832. 

Giles  Edwin  Daubeny.  Fifth  son  of  the  Eev.  Edward 
Andrew  Daubeny,  M.A.,  of  C.  C.  C.,  Oxford.  Born  at 
Ampney  Crucis,  Gloucestershire,  aged  17.  Admitted  (£. 
21  April,  1847. 

Name  removed  3  Nov.  1847,  when  elected  Demy  of 
Magdalen.  Born  13  Dec.  1829.  Lord  Brabourne  says 
that  he  died  in  College  on  the  5th  March,  in  consequence 
of  an  accident  which  occurred  some  days  before,  i.e., 

25  Feb.  (Oxford  Eeminiscences,  O.H.S.,  p.  396.) 
Buried   at   Eastington,  where  is  a  tombstone  with  this 
inscription, — 

"  Giles  Edwin  Daubeny,  S.M.,  Magdalen  College,  Oxford, 
died  5  March,  1850,  aged  20."  (Bloxam,  vii.  381.) 

Albert  Watson.  Fifth  son  of  the  late  Eichard  Watson, 
Esq.  Born  at  Astley,  Worcestershire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted <£.  21  April,  1847.  Educated  at  Eugby.  First 
Class  Litene  Humaniores  Easter  Term  1851.  Jf.  of 
Brasenose  1852.  Elected  Principal  of  Brasenose  College 

26  Feb.  1886. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1849.  B.A.  1851.  Name  removed 
26  April,  1852.  M.A.  1853.  Master  of  the  Schools 
1859,  1860.  Public  Examiner  1864  and  1866.  Bursar 
1871.  Curator  of  the  Taylor  Institution.  Eesigned  the 
Principalship  1889. 

In  Holy  Orders.     Editor  of  the  Letters  of  Cicero. 

Henry  John  Higginson.  Only  son  of  the  Eev.  Henry 
Higginson,  M.A.,  of  Brasenose  College.  Born  at  Poplar, 
Middlesex,  aged  17.  Admitted  QT.  21  April,  1847. 

Name  removed  7  Dec.  1850. 

.1847.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  441 

Charles  Argentine  Alington.  Second  son  of  George 
Marmaduke  Alington,  Esq.  Born  at  Swinhope,  Lincoln- 
shire, aged  19.  Admitted  OL  21  April,  1847. 

B.A.  1851.     Name  removed  11  Feb.  1852. 

Born  2  March,  1828.  Educated  at  Oakham.  Rector  of  Muck- 
ton,  1853,  and  Rural  Dean.  Central  African  Mission,  1863  to 
1869.  Rector  of  Swinhope,  1884. 

John  Newberry  Harris.  Only  son  of  John  Harris,  Esq. 
Born  at  Clapham  Common,  in  the  parish  of  Battersea, 
aged  18.  Admitted  OT.  21  April,  1847. 

Name  removed  19  Feb.  1848. 

Edward  James  Corbould.  Eldest  son  of  James  Corbould, 
Esq.  Born  at  Newbury,  in  the  parish  of  Speen,  aged  18. 
Admitted  OL  9  June,  1847. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1849.  Fourth  Class,  Litt.  Hum., 
and  Third  Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1851.  B.A. 
1851.  M.A.  14  Jan.  1854.  Name  removed  2  Feb.  1855. 

Born  18  Nov.  1828.  Educated  at  Rugby.  Afternoon  Lecturer 
at  St  Mary's,  Speenhamland,  1861  to  1870.  Vicar  of  Teynham, 
Kent,  1878. 

Charles  Henry  Leigh  Lye.  Only  son  of  Benjamin  Leigh 
Lye,  Esq.,  late  Captain  in  the  army.  Born  in  the  parish 
of  Walcot,  Bath,  aged  17.  Admitted  Ot.  9  June,  1847. 

B.A.  Nov.  1851.  M.A.  3  June,  1854.  (H.JE.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1861. 

Born  17  Sept.  1829.  Educated  at  Bath  Grammar  School. 
Chaplain  (Bombay  Dioc.)  1857  to  1879.  Archdeacon,  1864  to 
1878.  Rector  of  Badger,  Hereford,  1880. 

Edward  Kelson  Yeatman.  Second  son  of  the  late  John 
Charlton  Yeatman,  Esq.  Born  at  Frome,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted OT.  9  June,  1847. 

B.A.  1851.  M.A.  3  June,  1854.  (H.JE.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1861. 

442  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1847. 

Incumbent  of  Avoca,  in  the  Diocese  of  Melbourne,  Victoria, 
1865  ;  of  All  Saints,  Ballarat,  1876  ;  of  Carngham,  1877  ;  of 
St  John's,  Auburn,  South  Australia,  1873. 

Starling  William  Day.  Eldest  son  of  Starling  Day,  Esq. 
Born  in  Heigham  Parish,  Norwich,  aged  16.  Admitted 
(K.  11  June,  1847.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1847.  Elected 
%.JF.  30  June,  1853.  Died  5  Sept.  1855. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1848,  1849.  Hody  (Greek)  Ex- 
hibitioner 1849  to  1853.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1851.  B.A.  1851.  M.A.  1854.  Chan- 
cellor's English  Essay  1853,  "  Popular  Poetry  considered 
as  a  test  of  National  Character."  Elected  Humanity 
Lecturer  1854.  He  has  the  following  monument  in  the 
Antechapel, — 

Beati  mortui  qui  in  Domino  moriuntur. 

Starling  Gulielmus  Day,  A.M. 

Fuit  in  hoc  Collegio,  Socius  et  Preceptor, 

In  Ecclesia  Anglicana  Diaconus, 

Vixit  annos  xxv.  dies  xxii. 

Decessit  Novse  Caltoniae  juxta  Norvicium 

Nonis  Septemb.,  A.H.S.,  MDCCCLV. 

Mierent  amici  Wadhamenses 


Industrial,  Simplicitatis,  Officii,  Fidei,  tarn  cito 
ffimulantibus  sublatum. 

Samuel  Garrard.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  Samuel  Ellis 
Garrard,  B.A.,  of  St  Edmund  Hall.  Born  at  Dmnbleton, 
Gloucestershire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.  11  June,  1847. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1850.  B.A.  1851.  M.A.  14  Jan. 
1859.  &.JE.  account  closed  Midsummer  1860. 

Born  13  Feb.  1329.     Vicar  of  Salford  Priors,  Wore.,  1860. 
Father  of  Samuel  (i.,  1873. 

Francis  Rowden.  Eldest  son  of  the  Kev.  Francis  Ptowden, 
B.D.,  late  Jf.  of  Merton  College ;  and  cousin  of  Francis 
Marmaduke  Rowden  ((ft.  1832).  Born  at  Cuxham, 
Oxfordshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  26  June,  1847. 

(£.E.  account  closed  Christmas  1858. 

1847.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  443 

Born  17  Oct.  1828.     Educated  at  Shrewsbury.     Called  to  the 

Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  17  Nov.   1854 ;    and  joined   the   Oxford 


Brother  of  Robert  R.,  1851. 

Frederick  Sixncox  Lea.  Eldest  son  of  Thomas  Simcox 
Lea,  Esq.  Nephew  of  George  Lea  ((ft.  1823).  Cousin  of 
Arthur  Augustus  Lea  and  John  Walter  Lea  (<£.  1842 
and  1845).  Born  at  Hampsteacl,  aged  23.  Admitted  (ft. 
10  July,  1847. 

First  Class,  Litt.  Hum.,  and  Third  Class,  Math.  Easter 
Term  1851.  B.A.  1851.  Name  removed  13  April, 
1853.  $.  of  Brasenose  1853  to  1856.  M.A.  1854. 

Incumbent  of  Holy  Trinity,  Stepney,  1855  to  1872.  President 
of  Sion  College,  1871.  Vicar  of  Compton  Dandoe,  Som., 
1872  to  1873.  Rector  of  Tedstone  Delamere,  Hereford,  1873. 
Prebendary  of  Pratum  Majus,  Hereford,  1885  ;  died  30  Sept. 
1893,  aged  69. 

Author  of  The  Royal  Hospital  and  Collegiate  Church  of  St 
Katharine-near-the-  Tower,  1878. 

Walter  Waddington  Shirley.  Only  son  of  the  Right 
Eev.  Walter  Augustus  Shirley,  D.I).,  Bishop  of  Sodor 
and  Man  (formerly  Jf.  of  New  College).  Born  at  Shirley, 
in  Derbyshire,  aged  19.  Matriculated  as  (it.  of  University 
College  30  June,  1846.  Admitted  (ft.  of  Wadham 
15  Oct.  1847.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1847.  Afterwards 
proved  of  Founder's  Kin  (27  June,  1851),  and  elected 
IMF-  1852.  M.A.  3  Fel).  1854.  Vacated  Jf.  by 
marriage  30  June,  1855. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1847.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner 
1847  to  1852.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1848.  First 
Class,  Math.  Michaelmas  Term  1851.  B.A.  1851. 
D.D.  1  Dec.  1864.  Elected  Bursar  24  June,  1854. 
Tutor  and  Math.  Lecturer  1855  to  1863.  Deputy 
Chaplain.  Mathematical  Moderator  1857.  Examiner 
in  Law  and  History  1861  to  1863.  Select  Preacher 
1862.  Regius  Professor  of  Ecclesiastical  History  and 
Canon  of  Christ  Church  1863.  Died  20  Nov.  1866,  and 
is  buried  in  the  Latin  Chapel  at  Christ  Church,  where 
there  is  the  following  inscription  on  a  brass, — 

444  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1847. 

In  memoriam,  Walter!  Waddington  Shirley,  S.T.P., 
hujusce  sedis  Canonici  qui  munere  Professoris  Historic 
Ecclesiasticse  in  Academia  Oxoniensi  vix  per  triennium 
functus  morbo  confectus  in  Christo  obdormivit  die 
XX  mo  Novembris  MDCCCLXVI.annos  natus  XXXVIII. 
"  Non  enim  quse  longjeva  est  senectus  honorata  est  neque 
nnmero  multorum  annorum  mensurata:  sed  prudentia 
hominibus  est  canities  et  vita  immaculata  est  senilis 

Educated  at  Rugby. 

Editor    of    Fasciculi    Zizaniorum,   and    other    Works   in   the 

Rolls  Series  ;  and  Author  of  The  Church  in  the  Apostolic  Age 

(posthumously  published). 

Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

The  Editor  cannot  allow  this  name  to  pass  without  recording 

gratefully  the  deep  debt  which  he  owes  to  the  influence  of  Dr 

Shirley  as  a  teacher,  both  in  History  and  Divinity. 

James  Davenport  Kelly.  Only  son  of  Mr  James  Kelly. 
Born  in  St  Ann's  Place,  Manchester,  aged  19.  Admitted 
at.  15  Oct.  1847.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1847. 
Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1847  to  1853.  Second  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1851.  Kennicott  Scholar 
1852.  B.A.  1851.  M.A.  15  March,  1855.  Compounded 
29  Sept.  1874. 

Vice-Principal  of  Elizabeth  College,  Guernsey,  1855  to  1860. 

Rector  of  St  James',  Manchester,  1860  to  1865.     Vicar  of  Christ 

Church,    Ashton-under-Lyne,    1865.     Rector  of  St  Matthew's, 

Manchester,  and  Canon  of  Manchester,  1884. 

Edmund   Hubert   Goldsmith.     Eldest   son  of   the  Eev. 

Edmund  Goldsmith.  Born  at  Stanhope,  Durham,  aged 
18.  Admitted  OT.  15  Oct.  1847.  Admitted  Clerk  the 
same  day. 

£.JE.  restored  18  Oct.  1848.  Elected  «..  of  Corpus  Christi 
College  30  June,  1848.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michael- 
mas Term  1851.  B.A.  1851.  M.A.  1854.  Jf.  of  Corpus 
Christi  College  1858. 

Assistant  Master  in  Durham  School.  Rector  of  Duntsbourne 
Rouse,  Glouc.,  1859,  where  he  has  a  monument  with  the  follow- 
ing inscription, — 

1847.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  445 

To  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  Edmund  Hubert  Goldsmith,  M.A., 
11  years  Rector  of  this  Parish,  this  Tomb  is  dedicated  by  some 
of  his  Pupils  and  Friends.  He  died  25  Nov.  A.D.  1870,  aged  41. 
"  If  we  believe  that  Jesus  died  and  rose  again,  even  so  them 
also  which  sleep  in  Jesus  will  God  bring  with  Him." 
And  there  is  a  window  in  the  Church  to  his  memory,  with  this 
inscription, — 

M.  >|<  S. 

Ac  Desideratissimi  Viri 
Edmundi  Huberti  Goldsmith,  A.M. 

Coll.  Corp.  Christ.  Oxon. 

Quondam  Socii,  Scholae  Regiae 

Dunelm:  olim  e  Magistris  Adjutoribus, 

Huiusce  Ecclesiae  novissime  Rectoris 

Hoc  caritatis  simul  et  observantiae 

Monimentum  ponendum  curavere 

Cum  quibusdam  ejus  amicis  alumni  moerentes 

Anno  Domini  MDCCCLXXIII. 
Ossa  foris  signat  lapis  ab  iisdem  positus. 

Isaac  Brock.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  William  Brock,  M.A., 
of  Queen's  College.  Born  at  Stratton,  Hampshire,  aged 
18.  Admitted  OL  20  Oct.  1847. 

Name  removed  24  Oct.  1849.  Migrated  to  Queen's  College, 
where  he  had  been  nominated  to  a  Tylney  Exhibition, 
22  June,  1849.  First  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1851. 
B.A.  1851.  M.A.  1865. 

In  Holy  Orders.  "  President  and  Professor  of  Divinity,  King's 
College,  Windsor,  Nova  Scotia,  1885  to  1888." 

John  Hodgson.  Second  son  of  Henry  Hodgson,  Esq.,  and 
brother  of  Henry  Hodgson  ((ft.  1844).  Born  at  Kinfare, 
in  Staffordshire/  Admitted  (fl*.  20  Oct.  1847. 

B.A.  1851.  M.A.  12  June,  1856.  (JT.JE.  account  closed 
Midsummer  1857.  Name  replaced  2  June,  1876. 

Born  at  Kinver,  Staff.,  22  April,  1828.  Educated  at  Broms- 
grove.  Vicar  of  Kinver,  1867,  and  Rural  Dean.  F.O.S.  1877, 
F.S.A.  1879. 

446  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1848, 


Edward  Calvert  Beasley.  Third  son  of  Thomas  Calvert 
Beasley,  Esq.  Born  at  Harstone,  in  Leicestershire,  aged 
19.  Admitted  OT.  2  Feb.  1848. 

B.A.  1855.     Name  removed  25  Feb.  1856. 

James  Wilson  Holme.  Eldest  son  of  Samuel  Holme, 
Esq.  Born  at  Liverpool,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  2  Feb. 

B.A.   1851.     M.A.  4  Nov.   1857.     Compounded  13  June, 

Solicitor,  practising  in  London  ;  died  1891. 

John  Boyle.  Only  son  of  John  Boyle,  Esq.  Born  at 
Stonehouse,  Plymouth,  aged  19.  Admitted  (ft.  2  Feb. 

Name  removed  21  June,  1849. 

Edmund  Mervin  Booth  Story-Maskelyne.  Second 
son  of  Anthony  Mervin  Keeve  Story-Maskelyne  (formerly 
Storey),  Esq.,  M.A.,  formerly  (ft.  (1806),  and  brother  of 
Mervin  Herbert  Nevil  Story-Maskelyne  ((ft.  1840). 
Born  at  Lydiard  Tregooze,  Wiltshire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  2  Feb.  1848. 

B.A.  185:'..     Name  removed  12  May,  1854. 

Educated  at  Rugby. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Lincoln's  Inn)  18  Nov.  1861. 

John  Furnis  Magor.  Eldest  son  of  John  Penburthy 
Magor,  Esq.  Born  at  Eedruth,  Cornwall,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  2  Feb.  1848. 

B.A.  1851.     (H.fE.  account  closed  (apparently)  Christmas 
1 854. 

Brother  of  Reuben  F.  M..  1849. 

1848.1  WARDEN     SYMONS.  447 

George  Alfred  Walker.  .  Second  son  of  John  "Walker, 
Esq.  Born  at  Lexden, 'Essex,  aged  18.  Admitted  <JT. 
2  Feb.  1848. 

B.A.  1851.  M.A.  7  Dec.  1854  C.JE.  account  closed 
Christmas  1861. 

Born  10  Aug.  1829.  Educated  at  Winchester.  Vicar  of 
Chidham,  Sussex,  1858. 

Dormer  Fynes-Clinton.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  Charles 
John  Fynes-Clinton,  M.A.,  of  Oriel  College.  Born  at 
Cromwell,  Nottinghamshire,  aged  18.  Admitted  v?T. 
10  May,  1848. 

B.A.  10  May,  1855.  M.A.  4  Nov.  1857.  €.|E.  account 
closed  Christmas  1858.  Eeplaced  name  and  compounded 
16  Jan.  1872. 

Educated  at  Cheltenham.  Chaplain,  E.I.C.S.  (Bengal),  1860 
to  1873.  Vicar  of  Ebernoe,  Sussex,  1874  to  1878.  Died 
8  May,  1880,  and  is  buried  at  Billingshurst,  with  the  following 
inscription, — 

Dormer   Fynes-Clinton,   M.A., 

of  Wadham  College,  Oxford, 
sometime  Curate  of  Christ  Church, 

Lye,  Worcestershire, 
afterwards  Chaplain  in  India. 

Eldest  son  of 

Charles  John  Fynes-Clinton,  M.A., 
Rector  of  Cromwell,  Notts  ; 

died  in  this  parish 
8  May,  1880,  aged  50  years. 

"  And  God  shall  wipe  away  all  tears  from  their  eyes,  and  there 
shall  be  no  more  death,  neither  sorrow  nor  crying,  neither 
shall  there  be  any  more  pain." 

George  Fielding  Blandford.  Only  son  of  the  late 
George  Blandford,  Esq.  Born  at  Hiiidon,  Wiltshire, 
aged  19.  Admitted  <£.  10  May,  1848. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1850.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1852.  B.A.  28  May,  1852.  M.A.  5  Feb. 
1857.  B.M.  18  June,  1857.  D.M.  23  May,  1867. 
Compounded  Michaelmas  Term  1866. 

448  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1848. 

Born   7   March,    1829.      Educated  at   Rugby ;    proceeded  to 
St  George's  Hospital.     F.K.C.S.,  1869. 

Author  of  Insanity  and  its  Treatment,  &c.     Donor  of  Plate  to 
the  College. 

William  Dinwiddie  Hogg.  Second  son  of  the  late  Major- 
General  Adam  Hogg,  H.E.I.C.'s  service.  Born  at 
Wimbledon,  Surrey,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  10  May, 

Name  removed  23  Oct.  1849. 
Educated  at  Winchester. 

Furnell  Thome  George.  Third  son  of  James  George, 
Esq.  Born  at  Westbury,  near  Bristol,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  10  May,  1848.  Died  —  Oct.  1848. 

Name  removed  9  Dec.  1848. 

Richard  Parrott.  Fourth  son  of  John  Parrott,  Esq. 
Born  at  Clapham,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  10  May, 

B.A.  29  Jan.  1852.  M.A.  10  June,  1858.  C.p.  account 
finally  closed  Midsummer  1866. 

Educated  at  Charterhouse.  Incumbent  of  Fitzroy  Chapel, 
1859.  Vicar  of  Great  Amwell,  Herts,  1864.  Died  23  Sept. 

Robert  Henry  Codrington.  Second  son  of  the  late 
Eev.  Thomas  Stretton  Codrington,  M.A.  of  Brasenose 
College.  Born  at  Wroughton,  Wiltshire,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  16  June,  1848. 

Elected  £>•  30  June,  1849.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1850 
to  1853.  Proved  Founder's  Kin,  as  being  descended 
from  the  first  husband  of  Joan  Tregarthin,  the  Founder's 
mother,  6  Dec.  1852.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michael- 
mas Term  1852.  B.A.  1852.  M.A.  30  Oct.  1856. 
Elected  ^3.,-ff.  30  June,  1855.  D.D.,  "  honoris  causa," 
16  June,  1885.  Presented  to  the  Vicarage  of  Wadhurst, 
Sussex,  1887;  resigned  1893. 

1848.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  449 

Born  15  Sept.  1830.     Educated  at  Charterhouse.     Curate   of 
St  Peter's  in  the  East,  Oxford.    Joined  the  Melanesian  Mission, 
1867.     Prebendary  of  Sidlesham  (Chichester),  1888. 
Author  of   The  Melanesian  Languages,  1885,  The  Melanesians, 
1892.     Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 

Eugene  Clutterbuck  Impey.  Fourth  son  of  Edward 
Impey,  Esq.  Born  in  Paris,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£. 
16  June,  1848. 

Name  removed  24  May,  1850. 

Born  16  Aug.  1830.  Ensign,  Bengal  Army,  10  Dec.  1850, 
Lieutenant  1853,  Captain  1862,  Major  1870  ;  appointed  to  the 
Political  Department,  Dec.  1856.  Political  Agent,  Ulwar  1858, 
Manvar  1865,  Gwalior,  Dec.  1872.  Military  Secretary  to  the 
Viceroy  of  India  (Lord  Lawrence)  Jan.  1864  to  March,  1865. 
Officiating  resident  in  Nepaul,  1878.  Retired  with  the  rank  of 
Colonel,  1  Jan.  1878.  C.I.E.  1  Jan.  1879.  Served  through  the 
Indian  Mutiny,  siege  and  capture  of  Kotah ;  medal  and  clasp. 

John  Williams.  Second  son  of  the  late  William  Williams, 
Esq.  Born  at  Tregaron,  Cardiganshire,  aged  42.  Ad- 
mitted Pensioner  of  Magdalen  College,  Cambridge,  in 
Easter  Term  1831.  B.A.  —  Feb.  1835.  M.A.  —  July, 
1838.  Admitted  OL  of  Wadham  30  June,  1848. 
D.C.L.  8  July,  1848. 

Name  removed  17  March,  1854. 

Junior  Optime,  1835.     In  Holy  Orders. 

William  Holies  Fryer.  Eldest  son  of  William  Eolles 
Fryer,  Esq.  Born  at  Wimborne,  Dorsetshire,  aged  19. 
Admitted  4T.  7  July,  1848. 

B.A.    28   May,   1852.       (JLJE.   account   closed    Christmas 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  17  Nov.  1860.     "  Of  Lytchett 
Minster,  Dorset,  J.P."     (F.) 
Brother  of  Henry  C.  F.,  1850. 

William  Byard  Dalby.  Only  son  of  the  Eev.  William 
Dalby,  M.A.,  formerly  Jf .  of  Exeter  College.  Born  at 


450  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1848. 

Warminster,  Wiltshire,  aged  19.  jfH.  as  (ft.  of  Balliol 
College  6  April,  1848.  Admitted  <&.  of  Wadham 
13  Oct.  1848.  Elected  £.  30  June,  1848.  Elected 
^.JF.  30  June,  1856.  M.A.  15  Feb.  1857.  Vacated  JF. 
by  marriage  8  July,  1863. 

Maddox  Exhibitioner  1849.  Goodridge  Exhibitioner 
1849.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1850  to  1853.  First 
Class,  Math,  and  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas 
Term  1852.  B.A.  1852.  M.A.  5  Eeb.  1857.  Elected 
Humanity  Lecturer,  and  deputy  Moderator  of  Philosophy 
and  Librarian,  1857 ;  continued  these  offices  till  26  Oct. 
1863,  and  was  deputy  Sub-Dean  1858  and  1859.  His 
name  was  replaced  as  <JT.  28  Oct.  1863.  CT.JE.  account 
closed  31  Oct.  1865. 

Educated  at  Rugby.  Incumbent  of  Zeals  St  Martin,  Wilts, 
1863.  Died  16  Feb.  1865,  aged  35.  Donor  of  Plate  to  the 

James  Andrew.  Third  son  of  the  late  Eev.  James  Andrew. 
Born  at  Whitby,  aged  19.  J$.  as  (ft.  of  Worcester 
College  9  June,  1848.  Admitted  <£.  of  Wadham  13  Oct. 
1848.  Elected  &.  30  June,  1848.  Elected  $.Jf. 
30  June,  1856.  M.A.  18  Feb.  1858.  B.M.  14  June, 
1860.  M.D.  5  Nov.  1863. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1849  and  1854.  Maddox  Ex- 
hibitioner 1849.  Hody  (Greek)  Exhibitioner  1850  to 
1853.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Easter  Term  1852. 
B.A.  28  May,  1852.  Wills'  Medical  Exhibitioner  30 
June,  1856.  Compounded  13  Nov.  1868.  Honorary  Jf. 
6  Dec.  1887. 

Born  8  Sept.  1829.     Educated  at  Sedbergh  ;  St  Bartholomew's 
Hospital,  London.   F.R.C.P.  1866.  Warden  of  St  Bartholomew's. 
Donor  of  Plate  to  the  College. 
Author  of  Medical  Treatises. 

Edward  Stewart  Jones.  Second  son  of  William  Jones, 
Esq.  Born  in  the  parish  of  Walton-on-the-Hill,  Liver- 
pool, aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1848. 

B.A.  1852.     Name  removed  11  April,  1856. 

1848-49.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  451 

George  Robert  Baker.  Second  son  of  George  Baker,  Esq., 
Colonel  in  the  army.  Born  at  Bayford,  Hertfordshire, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1848. 

B.A.  1852.  JF.  of  Exeter  26  Dec.  1852.  Name  removed 
13  April,  1853. 

In  Holy  Orders  ;  died  8  Feb.  1856.  Boose,  139. 

Arthur  Robert  Oliver.  Only  son  of  the  late  Thomas 
Oliver,  Esq.,  Born  in  St  George's  Parish,  Hanover 
Square,  London,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1848. 

Name  removed  19  July,  1851. 
Went  to  New  Zealand. 

Charles  Holden  Arthur  Ormerod.     Eldest  son  of  the 
late   Charles    Ormerod,   Esq.     Born   in   St   Marylebone 
Parish,  London,  aged  19.     Admitted  (ft.  18  Oct.  1848. 
B.A.  1853.     M.A.  7  April,  1859.     Name  removed  Michael- 
mas 1859. 


Thomas  Charles  Baring.  Eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  Charles 
Baring,  M.A.,  formerly  Student  of  Christ  Church.  Born 
at  Adderbury,  Oxon.,  aged  17.  Admitted  (ft.  31  Jan. 
1849.  JF.  of  Brasenose  College  1852.  M.P.  for  South 
Essex  1885. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1850,  1851,  1852.  Third  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1852.  B.A.  25  Nov.  1852. 
(!T.|E.  restored  22  Dec.  1852.  jf.  of  Brasenose  till  1859. 

Educated  at  Harrow.  M.P.  for  London,  July  1887;  died 
2  April,  1891.  He  bestowed  large  endowments  (said  to  be 
£100,000)  upon  Magdalen  Hall,  and  revived  for  it  tlie  name  of 
Hertford  College  (1874).  He  was  also  an  anonymous  benefactor 
to  Harrow  Scbool,  presenting  it  in  1886  with  twenty  acres  of 
the  Football  Field. 
Translator  of  Pindar,  Lucretius,  and  Horace's  Odes. 

Charles  Marshall  Griffith.  Eldest  son  of  the  Ifev.  Charles 
Griffith,  .M. A.  ((ft.  1813).  Born  at  Lancing,  Sussex,  aged 
18.  Admitted  (ft.  31  Jan.  1849. 

452  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1849. 

Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1852.  B.A. 
1852.  M.A.  15  Nov.  1855.  Name  removed  July,  1869. 

Called  to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple),  17  Nov.  1855.  Q.C.,  1877. 
Bencher,  1878.  "  Of  Llwynduris,  Cardigan,  J.P.,  D.L."  (F.) 

Frederic  Cox.  Second  son  of  Thomas  Cox,  Esq.  Born 
at  Market  Harborough,  Leicestershire,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted or.  31  Jan.  1849. 

Hody  (Hebrew)  Exhibitioner  1850  to  1853.  Fourth  Class, 
Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1852.  B.A.  2  Dec.  1852. 
M.A.  30  May,  1855.  Name  removed  20  Nov.  1856. 

Incumbent  of  St  Andrew's,  Watford,  Herts,  1857  to  1870. 
Hector  of  Upper  Chelsea,  1870  to  1884. 

Thomas  IVIosley  Crowder.  Fourth  son  of  John  Crowder, 
Esq.  Born  at  Cheltenham,  aged  18.  Admitted  (!T. 
31  Jan.  1849. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1852.  Second  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Michaelmas  Term  1852.  B.A.  14  Jan.  1853.  M.A. 
28  May,  1856.  Compounded  30  Nov.  1865.  Bursar  of 
Corpus  Christi  College  7  Nov.  1874. 

Born  16  June,  1830.  Educated  at  Richmond,  Yorks.  Served 
30  years  in  the  Oxfordshire  Militia,  and  rose  to  the  rank  of 
Lieutenant-Colonel  ;  died  22  Oct.  1892. 

"  Oxford,  and  Corpus  in  particular,  have  suffered  a  heavy  loss 
by  the  death  of  T.  M.  C.,  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  Oxford- 
shire Militia  and  Bursar  of  Corpus.  Colonel  Crowder  was  born 
in  1830,  and  was  educated  at  Richmond  and  Wadham.  For 
twenty-two  years  he  was  little  in  Oxford.  During  the  Crimean 
War  he  was  with  his  regiment  in  Corfu  ;  later  he  aided  in 
drilling  the  militia  of  New  Brunswick,  and  he  spent  much  time 
in  foreign  tours  which  took  him  and  his  friends  over  almost  all 
of  Europe  and  outside  it.  In  1874  he  returned  to  Oxford  as 
Bursar  of  Corpus,  and  quickly  took  place  as  one  of  the  ablest 
of  College  bursars.  Of  his  travels,  which  he  still  continued, 
one  has  found  a  record  in  print,  a  pedestrian  tour  along  the 
Limes,  or  frontier  line  of  Roman  Germany,  carried  out  with  Mr 

1849.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  453 

Mowat  in  1884,  and  recorded  by  the  latter  in  a  privately  printed 
monograph,  which  takes  a  high  place  among  the  multifarious 
literature  of  the  Limes"  Guardian. 

Henry  Smith.  Sixth  son  of  Mr  Richard  Smith.  Born  at 
Poplar,  Middlesex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (£.31  Jan.  1849. 

B.A.  1853.     €.j&.  account  closed  Christmas  1865. 

William  Charles  Flenderleath.  Only  son  of  Charles  P., 
Esq.,  Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  army.  Born  at  Clifton 
near  Bristol,  aged  17.  Admitted  <£.  31  Jan.  1849. 

Fourth  Class,  Math.  Easter  Term  1852.  B.A.  27  Oct. 
1852.  M.A.  28  June,  1855.  M.A.  (ad  eundem,  Cantab.) 
12  Oct.  1865. 

Rector  of  Cherhill,  Wilts,  20  Dec.  1860.  J.P.  Rector  of  Mam- 
head,  Devon,  1-891. 

Author  of  the  IVTiite  Horses  of  the  West  of  England,  and  other 
Archaeological  Papers. 

Daniel  Frederick  Wilson.  Eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  Daniel 
Wilson,  M.A.  (<£.  1822).  Born  at  Over  Worton,  Oxford- 
shire, aged  18.  Admitted  OT.  31  Jan.  1849. 

B.A.  1852.  M.A.  10  Oct.  1855.  Name  removed  11  July, 

Vicar  of  Mitcham,  Surrey,  1859. 
Brother  of  Arthur  W.,  1865. 

Reuben  Frederick  Magor.  Second  son  of  John  Pen- 
burthy  Magor,  Esq.,  and  brother  of  John  Francis  Magor 
(OL  1848).  Born  at  Redruth,  Cornwall,  aged  17.  Ad- 
mitted (£.31  Jan.  1849. 

B.A.  1853.     Name  removed  31  Oct.  1857. 

Brenton  Halliburton  Collins.  Only  son  of  Enos  Collins, 
Esq.  Born  at  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia,  aged  20.  Admitted 
<£.  31  Jan.  1849. 

Name  removed  14  Oct.  1850. 

454  WARDEN     SYMONS.  [1849. 

George  Henry  Newman.  Second  son  of  Edwin  Newman, 
Esq.,  and  nephew  of  the  Eev.  Henry  Brown  Newman, 
M.A.  (formerly  JF.  1798  to  1819).  Born  at  Yeovil, 
aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  31  Jan.  1849. 

B.A.  28  April,  1853.  Cl.ffil.  account  closed  (apparently)  Mid- 
summer 1858. 

Kector  of  West  Lydford,  Somerset,  1855;  died  24  Feb.  1858, 
aged  28.  (G.  Mag.) 

Samuel  Palmer  Simcoe.  Second  son  of  the  Eev.  Henry 
Addington  Simcoe,  M.A.  ((ft.  1818),  and  brother  of  the 
late  Henry  Walcot  Simcoe,  B.A.  ((ft.  1841).  Born  at 
Penheale  House,  Egloskerry,  Cornwall,  aged  18.  Ad- 
mitted (ft.  31  Jan.  1849. 

Name  removed  31  July.  1851. 

Born  1830;  of  Penheale,  Cornwall. 

Brother  of  Philip  F.  S.,  1853,  and  Paul  C.  G.  S.,  1854. 

Edward  Lewis  Lucy  Shewell.  Fifth  son  of  Edward 
Warner  Shewell,  Esq.  Born  at  Cheltenham,  aged  18. 
Admitted  (ft.  1  March,  1849. 

Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas  Term  1852.  B.A. 
17  Dec.  1852.  M.A.  21  June,  1861.  Name  removed 
6  Feb.  1862. 

Died  1887. 

Douglas  Belcher  Binney.  Eldest  son  of  the  late  John 
Binney,  Esq.,  Commander,  B.N.  Born  at  Ealmouth, 
aged  20.  Jtt.  as  (ft.  of  Worcester  College  30  June,  1848. 
Admitted  (ft.  of  Wadham  19  April,  1849.  Admitted 
Clerk  26  April,  1849. 

Pigott  and  Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1849.  Hody  (Hebrew) 
Exhibitioner  1850  to  1853.  Third  Class,  Litt.  Hum. 
Easter  Term  1852.  B.A.  28  May,  1852.  M.A.  15  Nov. 
]855.  Eector  of  Limington,  Dorset  (on  presentation  of 
the  College),  1886. 

Chaplain  of  Berks   County  Asylum,  1873  to  1875.     Vicar  of 
Culliam,  Oxford,  1875  to  188G. 

1849.]  WARDEN     SYMONS.  455 

Frederick  Anthony  Stapley.  Only  son  of  John  Stapley, 
Esq.  Born  at  Bognor,  in  the  parish  of  South  Bursted, 
Sussex,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  25  April,  1849. 

Goodridge  Exhibitioner  1851.     B.A.  20  Oct.  1853.     M.A. 
24  Nov.  1864.     <£.j&.  account  closed  Christmas  1867. 

Born  4  Sept.  1830.    Educated  at  King's  College,  London.    Vicar 
of  Midlmrst,  1878.     Resigned  through  ill  health,  1885. 

John  Herdman  Carlisle.  Eldest  son  of  Eichard  Carlisle, 
Esq.  Born  at  Ardwick  Green,  Manchester,  aged  19. 
Admitted  (ft.  25  April,  1849. 

B.A.  14  Jan.  1853.     M.A.  14  Jan.  1857.     Name  removed 
(?)  Lady  Day  1871. 

Incumbent  of  St  Luke,  Formby,  1856  to  1859. 

Joseph  Were.  Eldest  son  of  Joseph  Were,  Esq.  Born  in 
Trinity  Parish,  Exeter,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  25  April, 

B.A.  10  Feb.  1853.     M.A.  28  May,  1856.     ®.|E.  account 

closed  Christmas  1861. 

Educated  at  Winchester. 

Thomas  William,  Carr.  Eldest  son  of  the  Eev.  Thomas 
William  Carr,  B.A.,  of  Brasenose  College.  Born  at 
Clifton  near  Bristol,  aged  18.  Admitted  (ft.  25  April, 

Fourth    Class,  Litt.  Hum.  Michaelmas   Term  1853.     B.A. 
1  Dec.  1853.     M.A.  12  March,